Prosecutors in Oslo will that Norway's greatest miscarriage of justice should be left as it is a right of appeal in Strasbourg, France!
Attorney Monica Krag Pettersen who have signed on this thing here, obviously has not gone into the matter. For what January Aage Torp has written about me surpasses purely verbal me 10 times. Taking with what those who have defended January Aage Torp has written and spoken. Not least the two largest networks roll, Ansgar Braut and Torodd Fuglesteg so surpasses me 1 Million times.
Taking with everything what I have written and spoken about Jan Aage Torp, that 99% is written by his fictional review, as is miscarriage of justice complete when there was this Oslo City Court sentenced me to.
Not what I had written, but the amount of it all!
It's good we have the word of God to relate to as believers, or so we had been discouraged and confused. God's Word says:
2 Cor. 4. 4 In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, that the light of the gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
1 Jn. 5. 19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness;
Here we read plainly that God of this world is Satan, and this world lieth in wickedness. Then you should not expect too much? I still think that this matter will be crowned with victory. How? I have no idea, but with victory It is the word of God and the Christian marriage fight is about, then it is not mine but God's battle!
Here speaks the word of God to us again, and for a few words:
Room. 8 28 And we know that all things work together for good that love God, to them who, according to his advice is called. 29 For whom he foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren 30 Whom he predestined, he also called; and whom he called, them he also justified; and whom he justified, them he also glorified. 31 What shall we then say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not also give us all things with him? 33 Who will accuse God's elect? It is God who justifies; 34 Who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died, yea, whatever more is, which is also risen, who is even at the right hand, who also maketh intercession for us; 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 But in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor things to come, nor any power, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
If God be for us? Jaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!! Therefore, we all who believe in God's son's name expect and believe that he is, and always gives us what we need to. Also such as here where a completely obvious will not see things from my and others' viewpoint. But obviously decided the outcome of the case long before you and I have been given access to the case.
Here's leaflet from prosecutor to Borgating Court of Appeal:
PO Box 8021 Dep
0030 oslo
Phone 229 813 00
Telefax 229 813 3l
13105403 7353n6-TTS / MPE01s
JAN epee CHRISTENSEN, F. 03.08.1964 - convicted APPEALS OF JUDGMENT
Ships with the documents Boreartine laqmannsrett. PO Box 8017 The .. 0030 OSLO, under
Referring to:
Doc. 23 Oslo District Court's judgment of 21 January 2016. The judgment has been served on the convicted January 29, 2016.
Doc. 26 convicted person Jan Kåre Ch¡istensens appeal of 29.januar 2016. The appeal is timely and valid assessment of evidence on the question of guilt and the application of law.
Doc. 10.03 Support Type of 7 February 2016 from the lawyer Brynjar Meling.
Look here:
The convicted person is informed about the Court of Appeal's competence by examination of the appeal.
Prosecutors accept the district court's judgment for the defendant Jan Kåre Christensen.
Prosecutors claim was fine and the District Court's judgment goes out the bot, and the promotion of appeal k¡ever then the consent of the High Court, ref. Criminal $ 321 first paragraph.
One can not see that in this case there are no special reasons which means that such consent should be given. Reference is made to the District Court's judgment and police thorough endorsement, as accession.
Claim: The appeal be disallowed
Oslo 24 May 2016
Monica Pettersen
Copies of this and police endorsement of the 1st May 2016: lawyer Brynjar Meling, PB 806 Sentrum, 4004
This I wrote what vision I have on lawyers and attorneys:
No. 838:
Solicitors, Lawyers and others can never understand spiritual things without being born again!
It comes to having the "right" words, this is essentially rigid and nitpicking!
It's always funny when some dead earnest believe that their own self-constructed premises and conclusions are supreme and thus a general truth. This is a technique frequently used in people who desperately cling to straws to explain away unpleasant facts.
Fact is here that remarriage is sin for Christians. So attacking me for having used some words that should not have been used, it is to cook soup on a nail!
But then comes the cherry on the sausage, or perhaps straw that individual chooses to cling to, and that they believe crushes all the above facts.
Christensen is there anything wrong with this is just another rationalization that is a form of hersketeknikk! It's always fun when pompous people refuse to realize that their ideas and their own conclusions do not measure. I only sharing the word of God, then you get any response even stand guilty, and not attack me.
Have talked with lawyers, lawyers, police investigators and others. My clear opinion is that police affair between me and Torp has done a thorough and good enough job.
This case could and should never have come forward and up. For several reasons. One of the reasons is that this is just twists on words and expressions that make some "allowed" and not allowed. I have never held that I absolutely must use some words, apart from what is directly in the bible.
It is here that the conflict is, therefore this is a spiritual conflict that has nothing with personal harassment etc. to do. I have zero views on Torp person.
Everything I write and preach bring only what he "lacks" to be a Pastor and Apostle. And that's pretty much everything. And he has, it's stale. Therefore the violent hate against me and a "predilection" for themselves! He tries to lie on me things, and while lying on himself something he has not. In his world, everything turned head.
Indeed atheist Levi Fragell realize that lawyers and police are completely out of berry-picking here to accuse me of harassment. I've only done one thing, which is my only agenda. Keeping up God's own words. That hit, yes, it shows that God's word is living, it accomplishes what it speaks about. Nothing can replace the word of God. And I preach and live in loving, but above all, loving the truth. Accordingly, this who think they know so much many times not understand a single thing, they are spiritual blind and unfortunately. Many times they go for the temptation when they are not too dangers they are exposed to. My experience is that the bigger smile individual has, to more dangerous and manipulative they are.
Picture that God's word. For the scripture says about himself:
Heb. 4. 12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword and penetrates until the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and intents.

So it is obvious that Torp has no case. Everything that I am being accused by police I have now corrected, then everything falls away, hallelujah! And it says more again and I was made aware of it, so I fix it up also. Simultaneously, they have a group within its police Manglerud working against hatred etc.
But the police have even forgotten and not experienced it important even it looks like? It is even being filled with God's love as one can experience through faith in Jesus and God's word.
Rom. 5. 5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Has agreed with the police to attend conciliation. But meetings where only "shame" sake, so that no one has anything to fault on me. Coming course not to sign anything, but to hear what Torp has to say so he can get emptied out. At least for a poor while.
But of course comes never to sign anything or enter into an agreement with Torp, he has no case longer, hallelujah!
Torp must really have very little confidence? When one must come with outright lies and calling me "Stalker". That's when he himself perfect in here, he seeks out people and afterwards he ridicules them. A truly "sneaky" method.
It is the last designating me as I have never in my entire life sought a man in an unnatural way.
And my agenda has never been against Torp, but to show that the word of God shuts a man to be a preacher like the first Christians taught and practiced if one is re-married as a believer.
Torp has fallen to a low level, not only with truing and hersketeknikk. But outright and fictional notion me. Low battery is now arisen!
Interpreting the law to their own "advantage" or circumvention of the law, this is what I now do! Just to do the same as Torp, everything is just a play. I have not changed my mind, I just change the words!
Let me mention a few examples!
I have asked about what is "allowed" and not allowed. Eg. one should not use whore buck, it is supportive. But the same word adulterer, one can use, for it is God's word. Power Man is on the edge, but manipulation is allright. Naresssit and psychopath is not allright for it is only one doctor who can provide the diagnosis. Although it is obvious by the competent there. How could I have still. I have therefore gone through and continue to go through our blog, the heavenly blog so that nobody could say that I am not within its Norwegian law. For me all this totally meaningless and stupidity. But to be "within its" Norwegian law, then I do and live as it gets told me. Not difficult, but why have not said this before me? All this I have to ask and dig me until, without this I had been "no past" Norwegian law. This is basically from all quarters an attack on Religious and freedom of speech! And the biggest chicanes is clearly Jan Aage Torp. No one beats him, it's just to look at what he has written on his blog and on Searchlight recent months.
It is completely beyond and witness a man who razors over others and completely lacks insight about their own standpoint!
Psychopath = erratic
Narcissistic = manipulative
Whore Trestle = adulterer
Hussy = adulteress
Leper = living in sin
Here are some of the words as a must and should "change" to being within its or without past Norwegian law. This is when the world individual case! And it is just a form of acting.
Final Comment:
What is lacking in this case here? Dialogue and unfortunately the police have obviously not realized that this is what must be done. Had I had a better dialogue with them, so had this case been out of the world long ago. But will make a case, then get a it. It is then not difficult to replace some words and insert some other really mean the same? This is really being rigid and engage nitpicking. Whore Trestle can I replace with adulterer, hussy with adulteress etc. No one can deny using the biblical order and quote God's own words. There are fortunately Norwegian law clinking ready.
Torp has been placement directly insulting, ugly and what I perceive as malicious. But he breaking Norwegian law? Much more than what I've done it at least, he is directly offensive and manipulative, something I never have been and are. Meanwhile Torp a public person seeking public eye more than any other I know of. Therefore, it becomes rather sought to even disclose everything about everyone, but not even tolerate some things of the world. Can this review bar be false accusations from Torp's side? To cover that he is re-married and living in sin by God's word? Think this is true cap, it is quite obvious in my and many others' opinion and perception.
Be born again to see the kingdom of God!
It is here that the jurists, lawyers and all learned and wise come so short. Now is not Torp rather a Christian longer when he live in sin after God's word. A man who has not experienced and experienced salvation and live in salvation, will never understand the spiritual. On the contrary, for that the world would be a strange world, no matter how kind, law-abiding and formed a is. One must be born again.
1 Cor. 2. 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for it is foolishness to him, and he can not know them, they are spiritually discerned; 15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all, but he himself is judged of no.
Here comes unfortunately these wise and prudent short, and do not realize that they also have been duped and manipulated. But be sure, the Lord knows their and have everything under control!
In many ways perceived this as a dirty game. But it comes from the human itself is dirty on the spiritual, moral and ethical area. Only thing that can create a lasting and perfect change is God Himself. But then one must be born again by the blood of Jesus. And again, I say that it is obvious spiritual powers behind which cooperates always seem against God and his word.
This is just the way it is in this world, then we live in an evil world with people who walk and live in spiritual darkness. But for us who believe in the Lord, we walk and live in the light. And where we thrive so well, therefore it becomes this fight. The battle between light and darkness, between God and Satan. And a battle between evil and good people, between people who serve and belong to God and those who do not!
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Solicitors, Lawyers and others can never understand spiritual things without being born again!
It comes to having the "right" words, this is essentially rigid and nitpicking!
It's always funny when some dead earnest believe that their own self-constructed premises and conclusions are supreme and thus a general truth. This is a technique frequently used in people who desperately cling to straws to explain away unpleasant facts.
Fact is here that remarriage is sin for Christians. So attacking me for having used some words that should not have been used, it is to cook soup on a nail!
But then comes the cherry on the sausage, or perhaps straw that individual chooses to cling to, and that they believe crushes all the above facts.
Christensen is there anything wrong with this is just another rationalization that is a form of hersketeknikk! It's always fun when pompous people refuse to realize that their ideas and their own conclusions do not measure. I only sharing the word of God, then you get any response even stand guilty, and not attack me.
Have talked with lawyers, lawyers, police investigators and others. My clear opinion is that police affair between me and Torp has done a thorough and good enough job.
This case could and should never have come forward and up. For several reasons. One of the reasons is that this is just twists on words and expressions that make some "allowed" and not allowed. I have never held that I absolutely must use some words, apart from what is directly in the bible.
It is here that the conflict is, therefore this is a spiritual conflict that has nothing with personal harassment etc. to do. I have zero views on Torp person.
Everything I write and preach bring only what he "lacks" to be a Pastor and Apostle. And that's pretty much everything. And he has, it's stale. Therefore the violent hate against me and a "predilection" for themselves! He tries to lie on me things, and while lying on himself something he has not. In his world, everything turned head.
Indeed atheist Levi Fragell realize that lawyers and police are completely out of berry-picking here to accuse me of harassment. I've only done one thing, which is my only agenda. Keeping up God's own words. That hit, yes, it shows that God's word is living, it accomplishes what it speaks about. Nothing can replace the word of God. And I preach and live in loving, but above all, loving the truth. Accordingly, this who think they know so much many times not understand a single thing, they are spiritual blind and unfortunately. Many times they go for the temptation when they are not too dangers they are exposed to. My experience is that the bigger smile individual has, to more dangerous and manipulative they are.
Picture that God's word. For the scripture says about himself:
Heb. 4. 12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword and penetrates until the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and intents.

So it is obvious that Torp has no case. Everything that I am being accused by police I have now corrected, then everything falls away, hallelujah! And it says more again and I was made aware of it, so I fix it up also. Simultaneously, they have a group within its police Manglerud working against hatred etc.
But the police have even forgotten and not experienced it important even it looks like? It is even being filled with God's love as one can experience through faith in Jesus and God's word.
Rom. 5. 5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Has agreed with the police to attend conciliation. But meetings where only "shame" sake, so that no one has anything to fault on me. Coming course not to sign anything, but to hear what Torp has to say so he can get emptied out. At least for a poor while.
But of course comes never to sign anything or enter into an agreement with Torp, he has no case longer, hallelujah!
Torp must really have very little confidence? When one must come with outright lies and calling me "Stalker". That's when he himself perfect in here, he seeks out people and afterwards he ridicules them. A truly "sneaky" method.
It is the last designating me as I have never in my entire life sought a man in an unnatural way.
And my agenda has never been against Torp, but to show that the word of God shuts a man to be a preacher like the first Christians taught and practiced if one is re-married as a believer.
Torp has fallen to a low level, not only with truing and hersketeknikk. But outright and fictional notion me. Low battery is now arisen!
Interpreting the law to their own "advantage" or circumvention of the law, this is what I now do! Just to do the same as Torp, everything is just a play. I have not changed my mind, I just change the words!
Let me mention a few examples!
I have asked about what is "allowed" and not allowed. Eg. one should not use whore buck, it is supportive. But the same word adulterer, one can use, for it is God's word. Power Man is on the edge, but manipulation is allright. Naresssit and psychopath is not allright for it is only one doctor who can provide the diagnosis. Although it is obvious by the competent there. How could I have still. I have therefore gone through and continue to go through our blog, the heavenly blog so that nobody could say that I am not within its Norwegian law. For me all this totally meaningless and stupidity. But to be "within its" Norwegian law, then I do and live as it gets told me. Not difficult, but why have not said this before me? All this I have to ask and dig me until, without this I had been "no past" Norwegian law. This is basically from all quarters an attack on Religious and freedom of speech! And the biggest chicanes is clearly Jan Aage Torp. No one beats him, it's just to look at what he has written on his blog and on Searchlight recent months.
It is completely beyond and witness a man who razors over others and completely lacks insight about their own standpoint!
Psychopath = erratic
Narcissistic = manipulative
Whore Trestle = adulterer
Hussy = adulteress
Leper = living in sin
Here are some of the words as a must and should "change" to being within its or without past Norwegian law. This is when the world individual case! And it is just a form of acting.
Final Comment:
What is lacking in this case here? Dialogue and unfortunately the police have obviously not realized that this is what must be done. Had I had a better dialogue with them, so had this case been out of the world long ago. But will make a case, then get a it. It is then not difficult to replace some words and insert some other really mean the same? This is really being rigid and engage nitpicking. Whore Trestle can I replace with adulterer, hussy with adulteress etc. No one can deny using the biblical order and quote God's own words. There are fortunately Norwegian law clinking ready.
Torp has been placement directly insulting, ugly and what I perceive as malicious. But he breaking Norwegian law? Much more than what I've done it at least, he is directly offensive and manipulative, something I never have been and are. Meanwhile Torp a public person seeking public eye more than any other I know of. Therefore, it becomes rather sought to even disclose everything about everyone, but not even tolerate some things of the world. Can this review bar be false accusations from Torp's side? To cover that he is re-married and living in sin by God's word? Think this is true cap, it is quite obvious in my and many others' opinion and perception.
Be born again to see the kingdom of God!
It is here that the jurists, lawyers and all learned and wise come so short. Now is not Torp rather a Christian longer when he live in sin after God's word. A man who has not experienced and experienced salvation and live in salvation, will never understand the spiritual. On the contrary, for that the world would be a strange world, no matter how kind, law-abiding and formed a is. One must be born again.
1 Cor. 2. 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for it is foolishness to him, and he can not know them, they are spiritually discerned; 15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all, but he himself is judged of no.
Here comes unfortunately these wise and prudent short, and do not realize that they also have been duped and manipulated. But be sure, the Lord knows their and have everything under control!
In many ways perceived this as a dirty game. But it comes from the human itself is dirty on the spiritual, moral and ethical area. Only thing that can create a lasting and perfect change is God Himself. But then one must be born again by the blood of Jesus. And again, I say that it is obvious spiritual powers behind which cooperates always seem against God and his word.
This is just the way it is in this world, then we live in an evil world with people who walk and live in spiritual darkness. But for us who believe in the Lord, we walk and live in the light. And where we thrive so well, therefore it becomes this fight. The battle between light and darkness, between God and Satan. And a battle between evil and good people, between people who serve and belong to God and those who do not!
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