No. 1483:
Actually, narreapostel Jan Aage Torp has lost to me at all points, and I won at all points, hallelujah!
"Pastor" Jan Aage Torp went to frontal attack on me and the Heavenly Blog in the fall of 2014. With evil eye, hatred in sight and to hit me and my family hardest possible. But the full support of the police at Manglerud here in Oslo, the website Searchlight with anyone who wrote and frolic there and someone else who was indirectly included as the newspaper Norway today!
I stood mostly alone when I realized quickly that everyone who spoke to me was attacked in the worst possible way. I wish no one would be mixed in and dragged in to be blackened online and otherwise by the boors who were on Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp's side, and they were a few. Then there were some jokes in words, language use, or to say lack of language and speech online.
The fact is that there are no believers - true believers - who have supported Torp. Why? I believe this for several reasons, not least what the Word of God says that we as believers should not report each other and pull each other to justice. Although we disagree with someone, we should not run a lawsuit against anyone for expressing themselves in such a way that we do not agree or endorse.
Vebjørn Selbekk has eg. to Jan Aage Torp's great resentment every bell in his support for me. Here is from Jan Aage Torp's Facebook page where Torp is harsh and full of hate against the Lord, Vebjørn Selbekk, me and the Heavenly blog.
The goal of Jan Aage Torp when he was wondering the police and later the authorities that were soon too fooled as the Christian hatred that struck out in full bloom.
1.) Jan Aage Torp demanded money from me. 50.000, - kr.
2.) Jan Aage Torp wanted me imprisoned. 2 years was wanted.
3.) Jan Aage Torp wanted everything I have written and spoken removed. Both about themselves and others.
4.) Jan Aage Torp wanted me and the Heavenly Blog closed down and removed for good. These were his innumerable goals.
What has Jan Aage Torp achieved?
1.) That, as a believer, he is seen as a "betrayal" to the Christian faith. Then no true believer reviews and makes matters against each other.
2.) Through this case, Jan Aage Torp is known to be the Pastor who lives in adultery with being married. But that doesn't admit it. No one other than Torp has spread the message that it is against the word of God to be re-married as Pastor and preacher.
3.) Jan Aage Torp has not really achieved a single thing! I write and speak just as before, which nothing has happened!
Scripture words have come true.
Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is forged against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that setteth thee shall be condemned; This is the inheritance of the servants of the LORD, and the judgment which they receive of me, saith the Lord.
Note that this word has come true to the letter. Not a word by Jan Aage Torp's wishes has happened. Everything has gone against him and he has become "celebrity" to break God's word.
Jan Aage Torp demanded this.
1.) Jan Aage Torp demanded money from me. 50.000, - kr.
Achieved: 0 kroner.
2.) Jan Aage Torp wanted me imprisoned. 2 years was wanted.
Achieved: 0 days.
3.) Jan Aage Torp wanted everything I have written and spoken removed. Both about themselves and others.
Achieved: Received his "own" blog:
4.) Jan Aage Torp wanted me and the Heavenly Blog closed down and removed for good. These were his innumerable goals.
Achieved: Got zero support from others, except at Finn Jarle Sæle who is as bad as Torp in many respects.
This is what Jan Aage Torp writes:
"There is statutory authority to impose fines on him. We will probably promote this instrument in the near future. There is good case law here. 12,000 kroner that a one-time fine hardly owes so much. But 1,200 kroner a day for 1000 days may be somewhat worse? ”
This has been the goal and purpose of the evil Jan Aage Torp all the way. Try to crack me, showing that he's been playing and playing with the Evil One all the way with the same mission.
Joh.e. 10. 10 The thief comes only to steal and murder and destroy; I have come to have life and abundance.
Satan and Jan Aage Torp have the same agenda we can read about here.
It's stealing money, family and everything in from me. Here we read the following:
"The thief just comes to steal and murder and destroy!"
I have never wanted Torp something negative, on the contrary we have asked for him. The only one I think is not right with Torp, is that he should be an apostle, shepherd, and teacher for others. But being divorced and re-married, he is disqualified from being an apostle, shepherd, and teacher for others.
This is a theological and biblical point of view. Just like Jon Wessel-Aas pointed out what my concern was. I quote this here:
Media law attorney Jon Wessel-Aas reacts to violations of Clause 390a of the Criminal Code "because of troublesome behavior or other ruthless behavior having violated another's peace" is the basis of the case against Pastor Jan Kåre Christensen.
- I cannot comment on the details of the case, but I think in principle that dOne particular point is that this section is used because it is a matter of speech in a blog. So, Christensen does not seek out Torp by phone, text message or in any other way directly, but writes what he believes about him as a pastor in the blog. It is outside the core area of the relevant provision, says Wessel-Aas, who emphasizes that he only knows the matter through circulation in Vårt Land and by reading the actual decision of the case.
Wessel-Aas points out that the aforementioned provision in the penal code from the old has been called the "telephony law".
- It is clear that bullying and harassment in social media over time can make people not have the energy to be more. But I still think it is important that the court does not extend the penalty clause to too much. It is a point to be as concrete as possible when limiting freedom of expression through legislation, says Wessel-Aas.
Statements such as "living in adultery" make it more obvious to use the lien, the lawyer believes. Libel is decriminalized in the new Penal Code and can thus only form the basis for civil lawsuits. According to him, it seems more relevant in this case.
"I believe there is danger in the journey if the section in the Penal Code is expanded by adding something that is no longer criminal," says Wessel-Aas.
Public person. - What consequences can any judgment have?
- If there is a criminal conviction in line with the charge, I believe much else can be judged in the same way. It will make the boundaries of freedom of expression unclear, which in turn can cause people to avoid expressing themselves, Wessel-Aas replies and points out that there are nevertheless provisions to protect against untrue accusations, violations of privacy, threats and incitement to violence .
Wessel-Aas points out that Torp is a well-known figure in Christian-Norway and far in the same position as many politicians.
- The room must be larger when it comes to public opinion.
Christensen disagrees with how Torp practices the relationship between life and learning, ie his interpretation of biblical texts, emphasizes Wessel-Aas.
- Also, the ceiling height must be large.
(quote end).
Final Comment:
Only takes a little in the end that it is exactly the same as Vebjørn Selbekk pointed out. That this is a spiritual and moral affair, and has nothing to do with harassment, heat and cyberbullying. It's like the East is from the West.
This writes Vebjørn Selbekk.
Bible lesson from the witness box
Jan Kåre Christensen brought his well-used Bible with him when he yesterday took his place in the witness box in room 519 in Oslo District Court. The court's members, the audience and the press in the tiny and crowded courtroom witnessed something as rare as a theological debate on divorce and remarriage.
Christensen and his lawyer Brynjar Meling based their entire defense on the fact that the characteristics that the accused has brought on the web about Pastor Jan-Aage Torp, are only religious opinions. The various words and expressions used were defended with reading from the leather-bound book Christensen brought with him. The Bible references flew back and forth between the defender's space and the witness box.
Words like "adulterer" were explained by the religious language the Bible itself uses, or the "Canaan language" which Christensen himself termed it as from the witness box. He argued that the New Testament denotes people who differ and marry someone other than their original spouse, in this way. Therefore, Christensen believes that he has only criticized a well-known and highly profiled Christian leader for not living in covenant with the Christian faith.
The use of other, more non-religious terms such as "power man", "narcissist" and resembled defender Christensen with theological disagreements about the way Jan-Aage Torp has run his parish activities. Among other things, the court heard about an acquaintance of Christensen who should have given NOK 1.5 million to Torp, but since regretted it. Torp himself admitted, furthermore, in his testimony that also he on his website has called Christensen both for "pleasure lies", "idiotic", "ruminant", "naughty", "evil and stupid" and communicator of "social pornography"
It is these very special religious overtones that make the case against the "harassment pastor" Jan Kåre Christensen so special. That is why it becomes more than a common case of privacy infringement. Or something more than a quarrel between two Oslo pastors who do not exactly practice the warmest brotherhood community.
In isolation, there is no doubt that Jan Kåre Christensen's characteristics of pastor Torp are far beyond any decency. Most people will probably perceive Christensen as a kind of Christian webmaster.
But - and it's a big "but" here. If this is a matter of religious utterances, they will in practice have a stronger protection than harassment statements without such a faithful basis. Ubaydullah Hussein, the well-known and infamous leader of the Prophet's Ummah, was released last summer by the Court of Appeal for wool carried out terrorist acts online. It also applied to a terrorist act that had demanded Norwegian human life, the action against the partly Statoil-owned oil facility in In Amenas in Algeria. The court assumed that in this case it was a religious statement. Hussain's praise of Allah for this bloodshed was based on Hussein's own violent interpretation of Islam.
These cases are not directly comparable. But they both say something about the space of religious opinion, even when what is said or written is perceived as offensive and abominable by the vast majority.
(quote end).
Jan Aage Torp really hung up a hanger to me like the evil Haman.
Today he hangs in himself and all of Norway, Europe and the world knows that he is a coward who reviews Christian people and does everything to get them removed. This is evil both in God and in people's eyes, fortunately! Even his own children have renounced him, at that level Torp lives today.
Had Torp been a man of God, he would have left everything to the Lord. Because it is the Lord who belongs to the judgment, no one else.
I have only wanted one thing, it is to be allowed to freely proclaim the whole of God's counsel for salvation. Wherever one is allowed and allowed to warn against re-married publishers!
Heavenly blog! We need your support: Account number of Post: 0535 06 05 845 How is that coming to the New Jerusalem? We have many questions that we want to answer! Now you can experience the sky in advance, you can submit your spiritual-related questions here: Questions may be sent by mail to me or SMS. Jk.chris @ SMS: 004799598070.See also:
torsdag 28. februar 2019
onsdag 27. februar 2019
No. 1482: Program leader and Pentecostal Line Andersen experience roughly the same as us, only on a much smaller scale!
Program leader and Pentecostal Line Andersen experience roughly the same as us, only on a much smaller scale!
Line Andersen (born September 20, 1973) is a Norwegian presenter from Oslo. She has been the presenter of NRK Sport and the May 17 broadcast on NRK TV. She has led NRK's chess broadcasts since Magnus Carlsen's first World Cup match in 2013 and was awarded the Norwegian Chess Federation's honorary sign in gold in 2018.
She was nominated for the public prize under the Gullruten 2018.
Previously she worked in P4 Radio Hele Norge.
I grew up in Western Norway in the 80s with Morten Abel. The Bodø boy who sang in the real Stavanger dialect. He released a song some years ago, in the real Stavanger dialect. "Miss What!"
Here is a picture of such a lady that we have met here in PBE here in Oslo, Lena Catrine Amdal. How such people work with such matters is incomprehensible to me. They are "dangerous" in their positions. They were standing by a assembly line, never worked with people. Having people to do is something quite different from what these arrogant and wrathful people are putting in the day.
She writes how her meeting with Plan and the building agency was, as we have experienced it. Only she and her mother have experienced it not as bad as us, they should be happy.
Here in from article from VG.
When a municipality decides, one has virtually no opportunity, other than to use tens of thousands at least and hundreds of thousands at most. When they stop responding to emails you send, you have no chance.
This says Line Andersen who handles the case on behalf of his mother.
Here in from Faxsmile about articles from
NRK profile Line Andersen writes in e-mails to the municipality that Sigdal Municipality has stolen, lied, destroyed her and her mother's private property - and they refuse to make up for themselves and train the case.
They are arrogant and difficult, it goes back and forth. Sad, but unfortunately just as we have experienced our meeting with a municipality that does not want to.
Final Comment:
This is like reading about ourselves, nitrite!
Meeting those who abuse their positions is not easy. But then we have to go to God, he has a solution in all situations!
Psalm 62. 2 Only in the hope of God is my soul quiet; from him come my salvation. 3 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress, I shall not be greatly moved. 4 How long shall ye all loose a man, break him down like a wall, and a fence that is overthrown? 5 They counsel only to overthrow him from his excellency; with their mouth they bless, but in their heart they curse. Sela. 6 Only in hope of God be quiet, my soul! for from him comes my hope. 7 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress, I shall not be shaken. 8 With God is my salvation and my glory; my strong rock, my refuge is in God. 9 Put your trust in him at all times, you people! Exhale your heart before him! God is our refuge. Sela.
mandag 25. februar 2019
No. 1481: The newspaper VG is still dividing on Ivar Underberge - but it is not his "fault" that the legislation has not been updated after days of internet use!
No. 1481:
The newspaper VG is still dividing on Ivar Underberge - but it is not his "fault" that the legislation has not been updated after days of internet use!
Picture of the "bully victim" to the newspaper VG, Ivar Underberge.
The newspaper VG delivers and hammers loose on Ivar Underberge as if they own no shame or wit!
It is then not his "fault" that the law is not updated after days of internet use!
We know what it is like in school. Where the bravest boy bully the weakest students, who can never take back. At that level, the newspaper VG, if not a little further down, is. Here there is a person who can never fight back against VG, but who is in article by article hanged out. Even in large reports and the newspaper, no restrictions have what Ivar Underberge can call.
What Ivar Underberge writes I will call partly harmless and utopian, that someone feels overwhelmed by his writings is actually what eg. Me and my family have experienced writings against us by the evil Trinity. It is the man with the fictitious name Ansgar Braut, Jan Aage Torp and Torodd Fuglesteg as little things to count. But these will never be punished by the police when they have immunity as it is an unwritten law that it is allowed to write all the shit one would against me and my family without being punished.
After reading what has been written online over the past half year and in various newspapers and otherwise. Then it was very sad that the case between me and the criminal Jan Aage Torp who went with his fictitious review of me when he hated me and my preaching about and against remarriage. That that case never came to the Norwegian Supreme Court, so that they could realize that the paragraphs and the contents of Norway's laws have not kept up with time, they are on many offsets.
Then hit the Ivar Underberge when it is actually the politicians, the lawyers and everyone who has responsibility that has not done their job, not Ivar Undergege.
They had a certain opportunity to take our case between me and Jan Aage Torp to the Norwegian Supreme Court, where one could ascertain that the regulations do not hold goals. Something that my lawyer Brynjar Meling pointed out already during the court proceedings in Oslo District Court, but was not taken into account either in the judgment or during the court proceedings. This became the major theme in Borgarting Lagmannsrett, but this was not mentioned in the judgment. When Brynjar Meling wrote his petition to the Norwegian Supreme Court, which was actually a "master's".
This was rejected in cash, in many ways the Norwegian judicial system appears to be a pamphlet where nothing really works. This is real discouraging, marvelous and makes Norway a democracy that is in a downward spiral staircase. Here should still have learned lessons, and begun with legal investigation, improvement and possibly let these issues as me either stand on hold. Or so that pr. Today we do not have a law that can judge anyone, therefore you are acquitted, so far.
Picture of my lawyer Brynjar Meling.
Attorney Brynjar Meling's claim to the Norwegian Supreme Court!
Advokatfirma Meling AS
A company in the law firm Sjødin, Meling & amp; Co.
St. Olavsgt. 13, PO Box 860 City Center, 4004 Stavanger - Tel: +45 51 84 20 60 - Fax: +47 51 84 20 61 - Mob 47 89 32 20/93 05 01 58
Stavanger May 11, 2017
Our ref: 22375
Their ref: 16-086576AST-BORG / 02
Responsible lawyer: Brynjar N. Meling
Borgarting court of law
Postbox 8017 Dep
0030 OSLO
Borgarting Court of Appeal on 27.04.2017 delivered judgment in case no. 16-086576AST-BORG / 02 with such unanimous ruling: «The appeal is rejected».
The judgment upheld Oslo District Court's judgment of 25.01.2016 in case no. 15-073540MED-OTIR / 02, where the verdict reads:
1. Jan Kåre Christensen, b. 03.08.1964 is sentenced for violation of the Penal Code of 1902 §390a to a fine of 12,000 - twelve thousand - NOK, or alternatively, imprisonment for 20 - twenty - days.
2. Jan Kåre Christensen is acquitted of the claim for redress.
3. Jan Kåre Christensen is further judged to pay public costs of 3,000 - three thousand - NOK.
The Court of Appeal's verdict has been preached to convicted persons 28.04.2017. The present appeal and supporting letter have been filed in due time. The appeal concerns the Court of Appeal's case processing and law enforcement. The appellant assumes that there are two issues that both matter outside the case in question.
The fact of the matter
The Court of Appeal has made the District Court's description of the fact its own by citing the three most central sections of the District Court's reproduction of fact on pages 3 and 4 of the Court of Appeal's judgment. As far as it goes, this description must therefore be used as a basis. § 306, second paragraph.
Case handling errors, provocation and retorting
As can be seen at the bottom of page 4 and at the top of page 5 of the Court of Appeal's judgment, the convicted person stated to his defense that his statements had to be punished or judged mildly based on the principle of provocation and retort.
The Court of Appeal - despite this statement - has not at all gone into the extent to which the abusive and meaningful offenders' objection to the verbal assault of the accusing party has been, or what kind of characteristics convicted had to endure as retaliation for their verbal attacks against Pastor Torp.
As meaningful assessment of any impunity or reduced punishment due to. provocation and rhetoric in relation to reciprocal verbal attacks presupposes both a quantitative and qualitative comparison of the expressed statements from both sides, it is stated that the Court of Appeal's decision grounds are insufficient.
The Court of Appeal - see the first complete paragraph on page 8 of the judgment - in the present context confined itself to stating that Torp's counter-attack against Christensen has helped to escalate and prolong the conflict between the convicted and the offender. This is not sufficient to dispel the possible significance of the "balance of speech", either for the question of guilt or punishment.
The aforementioned inadequacy of the Court of Appeal's premises is further related to the fact that the size (1902) § 250 is not mentioned at all in the court's premises, which in itself is also a further inadequacy, given the questions relating to the law court's legal understanding, see further below.
Case processing error, justified resentment
The majority of the characteristics by which the convicted person has spoken about the life-style of the offender reveal that Christensen has been moral - or moralizing if one wants - upset by certain aspects of Pastor Torp's way of life and behavior, conditions which appear to be purely objective. contrary to the word of the Bible.
Although literal belief and unified application of moral bids in religious, allegedly sacred texts is no longer a common phenomenon in Norwegian social reality, especially when it is not a matter of punishable acts in secular sense, and even of attacking others in such a way the full public basis is even more unusual than merely holding judgmental attitudes on religious grounds, one has to ask the question of it not - within the narrow circles where fundamentalist attitudes to such issues are still widespread and considered fully legitimate - may be the basis for considering Pastor Torp's way of life as the basis for "justified resentment", cf. strl. (1902) § 56 no. 1 (b)?
Can Christensen et al. Is it considered to have acted in justified resentment, given that the particular theological context both convicted and offended belongs?
The fact that the Court of Appeal in its terms at all does not discuss the issue is stated to imply that the decision grounds in the judgment are inadequate. This even though strl. (1901) Section 56 (1) (b) was not explicitly invoked by the defense forces: The Court of Appeal waits ex officio over the application of law.
Wrong use of law, size. (1902) § 390a
As the court in the second to last paragraph on page 6 of the judgment correctly states, the Norwegian Supreme Court has not dealt with matters relating to size. § 1902 § 390a (repeated in str l. (2005) § 266) in relation to blog posts or other publicly available material on the internet.
It is stated that the law of the Court of Appeal is incorrect, because via the Internet making utterances close is found to be abusive available to a wide and indefinite personal circle or may be regarded as a defamation of honor, not as "by troublesome behavior or other ruthless behavior having violated someone else's peace". Defamation of honor is at the entry into force of the Strl. (2005) - contrary to the continuation of previous section 390a - made a criminal offense. Proper use of law would have led to impunity for appellant parties, size no. (2005) § 3, cf. last paragraph on page 5 of the Court of Appeal's judgment.
Strl. (1902) § 390a and strl. (2005) § 266, according to its wording, protects the "peace" of the offended, not his sense of honor. Strl. (1902) § 246 struck the offender of "someone else's sense of honor" § 247 the one who injured "another's good name and reputation" or who uttered something that was appropriate "to postpone him for hatred, disrespect or loss of it for his position or nutrition required confidence ”. Both their own sense of honor and reputation in the eyes of others are - as the word clearly shows - something other than and essentially different from the "peace" of the offended.
By Grl. §§ 96, paragraph 1 cf. 113 and ECHR art. 7 follows a clarity requirement as regards the legal basis for punishment. The Court of Appeal's law-application bears - on the basis of a sense of punishment - the character of being a strongly expanding interpretation of size. (1902) § 390a. Ie An interpretation that is contrary to the provisions of the Constitution and ECHR for penal provisions, nevertheless applied to be able to hit actions and utterances that were previously affected by size. (1902) Sections 246 and 247, after these have not been continued in the new Penal Code, and according to the provision in size. (2005) Section 3 shall also be punishable by judicial review of older conditions following a legislative amendment.
Furthermore, both Grl. § 100 and ECHR Art. 10 the principle of freedom of expression.
The abolition of the older penalties for defamation of honor must be seen in light of this: Also, utterances that are unpleasant, controversial, even offensive and hurtful should, as the great and general point of departure, be punishable. When the utterances are not addressed directly to the offender - it had been left to Pastor Torp to completely refrain from reading the blog of the accusing party - and not imposed on him in any way whatsoever, it is stated to be dual convention and unconstitutional. the statements in Christensen's blog for punishment without being protected by freedom of speech.
Firstly, it is stated to be contrary to the clarity requirement to interpret size. (1902) § 390a expanding the way the Court of Appeal does, and secondly, that the content of the statements Christensen has come with lies within what freedom of speech includes. In any case, § 390a cannot mean that utterances that might, but can no longer be punished as defamation, are instead punished as violating another's peace. Such a practice becomes, after the appellant's view, an erosion and a circumvention of a clear legislative decision.
HR-2016-1015-A is not relevant to the case against Christensen. In HR-2016-1015-A, this was a completely different type of criminal offense, in which the wording of the relevant provision also clearly aims to include a majority of conceivable modes, cf. blue. that the wording includes the effect of the offender via third person ("his closest"). Rt. 2010 p. 845 applies to actions clearly within size. § 390a, since it was (an exceptionally large amount) emails directly to the victim.
The other judicial references in the Court of Appeal's judgment do not eliminate the need for a clarifying assessment of the correct application of the law through a precedent ruling by the Norwegian Supreme Court.
Controversial statements about named persons, as well as life-style attacks and life-style, abound on the Internet. The fact that utterances addressed to the general public also come to the mentioned knowledge and can fall this heavily for the chest, must not become a detour to nevertheless be able to prosecute statements made by the legislature - wise or unwise - when adopting and implementing a new criminal code with a broad pen chose to decriminalize.
If some such statements can be punished again, according to our legal order, it is a legislature's task to adopt new legal provisions for this, while observing the requirements of the Constitution, the ECHR and possibly other relevant conventions. The fact that the prosecution and the courts lay the ground for others to strike something that - rightly or wrongly - finds punishable is precisely what Rt. 1952 page 989 - the telephony case - means that should not take place.
Termination is also pointed out that both size (1902) § 390a and size one. (2005) § 266 lacks connection to a provocation and retorting authority, such as in size one. (1902) in relation to sections 246 and 247, in the form of size. (1902) § 250. That violent opinions - both only two parties in between and in the public space, eg. internet - frequently occurs precisely in the form of utterance and contradiction, is a real consideration that shows how important it is that Such conditions as the controversy between Jan Kåre Christensen and Jan-Aage Torp are assessed according to balanced legislation that is intended to regulate precisely such conditions, and not to a legal authority that has a completely different history. And not least (at least originally) a completely different purpose.
Claim and processual
If the case is referred for consideration by the Norwegian Supreme Court and the court then the appellant party is right in their view of the law use as far as the scope of the rule is concerned. (1902) § 390a, incomplete grounds of judgment in relation to possible grounds for impunity have no longer relevance. It is therefore dismissed so reverently
P A S T A N D:
Principal: Jan Kåre Christensen is acquitted.
In the alternative: Borgarting Court of Appeal's judgment of 27.04.2017 in case no. 16-086576AST-BORG / 02 is repealed.
The case is considered by referral suitable as trial case, and the appellant party also wishes the undersigned defendant appointed as his defense (for trial) also for the Norwegian Supreme Court.
It is assumed sufficient to set aside a court day for the consideration of the case.
With regards
Brynjar N. Meling
The newspaper VG is still dividing on Ivar Underberge - but it is not his "fault" that the legislation has not been updated after days of internet use!
Picture of the "bully victim" to the newspaper VG, Ivar Underberge.
The newspaper VG delivers and hammers loose on Ivar Underberge as if they own no shame or wit!
It is then not his "fault" that the law is not updated after days of internet use!
We know what it is like in school. Where the bravest boy bully the weakest students, who can never take back. At that level, the newspaper VG, if not a little further down, is. Here there is a person who can never fight back against VG, but who is in article by article hanged out. Even in large reports and the newspaper, no restrictions have what Ivar Underberge can call.
What Ivar Underberge writes I will call partly harmless and utopian, that someone feels overwhelmed by his writings is actually what eg. Me and my family have experienced writings against us by the evil Trinity. It is the man with the fictitious name Ansgar Braut, Jan Aage Torp and Torodd Fuglesteg as little things to count. But these will never be punished by the police when they have immunity as it is an unwritten law that it is allowed to write all the shit one would against me and my family without being punished.
After reading what has been written online over the past half year and in various newspapers and otherwise. Then it was very sad that the case between me and the criminal Jan Aage Torp who went with his fictitious review of me when he hated me and my preaching about and against remarriage. That that case never came to the Norwegian Supreme Court, so that they could realize that the paragraphs and the contents of Norway's laws have not kept up with time, they are on many offsets.
Then hit the Ivar Underberge when it is actually the politicians, the lawyers and everyone who has responsibility that has not done their job, not Ivar Undergege.
They had a certain opportunity to take our case between me and Jan Aage Torp to the Norwegian Supreme Court, where one could ascertain that the regulations do not hold goals. Something that my lawyer Brynjar Meling pointed out already during the court proceedings in Oslo District Court, but was not taken into account either in the judgment or during the court proceedings. This became the major theme in Borgarting Lagmannsrett, but this was not mentioned in the judgment. When Brynjar Meling wrote his petition to the Norwegian Supreme Court, which was actually a "master's".
This was rejected in cash, in many ways the Norwegian judicial system appears to be a pamphlet where nothing really works. This is real discouraging, marvelous and makes Norway a democracy that is in a downward spiral staircase. Here should still have learned lessons, and begun with legal investigation, improvement and possibly let these issues as me either stand on hold. Or so that pr. Today we do not have a law that can judge anyone, therefore you are acquitted, so far.
Picture of my lawyer Brynjar Meling.
Attorney Brynjar Meling's claim to the Norwegian Supreme Court!
Advokatfirma Meling AS
A company in the law firm Sjødin, Meling & amp; Co.
St. Olavsgt. 13, PO Box 860 City Center, 4004 Stavanger - Tel: +45 51 84 20 60 - Fax: +47 51 84 20 61 - Mob 47 89 32 20/93 05 01 58
Stavanger May 11, 2017
Our ref: 22375
Their ref: 16-086576AST-BORG / 02
Responsible lawyer: Brynjar N. Meling
Borgarting court of law
Postbox 8017 Dep
0030 OSLO
Borgarting Court of Appeal on 27.04.2017 delivered judgment in case no. 16-086576AST-BORG / 02 with such unanimous ruling: «The appeal is rejected».
The judgment upheld Oslo District Court's judgment of 25.01.2016 in case no. 15-073540MED-OTIR / 02, where the verdict reads:
1. Jan Kåre Christensen, b. 03.08.1964 is sentenced for violation of the Penal Code of 1902 §390a to a fine of 12,000 - twelve thousand - NOK, or alternatively, imprisonment for 20 - twenty - days.
2. Jan Kåre Christensen is acquitted of the claim for redress.
3. Jan Kåre Christensen is further judged to pay public costs of 3,000 - three thousand - NOK.
The Court of Appeal's verdict has been preached to convicted persons 28.04.2017. The present appeal and supporting letter have been filed in due time. The appeal concerns the Court of Appeal's case processing and law enforcement. The appellant assumes that there are two issues that both matter outside the case in question.
The fact of the matter
The Court of Appeal has made the District Court's description of the fact its own by citing the three most central sections of the District Court's reproduction of fact on pages 3 and 4 of the Court of Appeal's judgment. As far as it goes, this description must therefore be used as a basis. § 306, second paragraph.
Case handling errors, provocation and retorting
As can be seen at the bottom of page 4 and at the top of page 5 of the Court of Appeal's judgment, the convicted person stated to his defense that his statements had to be punished or judged mildly based on the principle of provocation and retort.
The Court of Appeal - despite this statement - has not at all gone into the extent to which the abusive and meaningful offenders' objection to the verbal assault of the accusing party has been, or what kind of characteristics convicted had to endure as retaliation for their verbal attacks against Pastor Torp.
As meaningful assessment of any impunity or reduced punishment due to. provocation and rhetoric in relation to reciprocal verbal attacks presupposes both a quantitative and qualitative comparison of the expressed statements from both sides, it is stated that the Court of Appeal's decision grounds are insufficient.
The Court of Appeal - see the first complete paragraph on page 8 of the judgment - in the present context confined itself to stating that Torp's counter-attack against Christensen has helped to escalate and prolong the conflict between the convicted and the offender. This is not sufficient to dispel the possible significance of the "balance of speech", either for the question of guilt or punishment.
The aforementioned inadequacy of the Court of Appeal's premises is further related to the fact that the size (1902) § 250 is not mentioned at all in the court's premises, which in itself is also a further inadequacy, given the questions relating to the law court's legal understanding, see further below.
Case processing error, justified resentment
The majority of the characteristics by which the convicted person has spoken about the life-style of the offender reveal that Christensen has been moral - or moralizing if one wants - upset by certain aspects of Pastor Torp's way of life and behavior, conditions which appear to be purely objective. contrary to the word of the Bible.
Although literal belief and unified application of moral bids in religious, allegedly sacred texts is no longer a common phenomenon in Norwegian social reality, especially when it is not a matter of punishable acts in secular sense, and even of attacking others in such a way the full public basis is even more unusual than merely holding judgmental attitudes on religious grounds, one has to ask the question of it not - within the narrow circles where fundamentalist attitudes to such issues are still widespread and considered fully legitimate - may be the basis for considering Pastor Torp's way of life as the basis for "justified resentment", cf. strl. (1902) § 56 no. 1 (b)?
Can Christensen et al. Is it considered to have acted in justified resentment, given that the particular theological context both convicted and offended belongs?
The fact that the Court of Appeal in its terms at all does not discuss the issue is stated to imply that the decision grounds in the judgment are inadequate. This even though strl. (1901) Section 56 (1) (b) was not explicitly invoked by the defense forces: The Court of Appeal waits ex officio over the application of law.
Wrong use of law, size. (1902) § 390a
As the court in the second to last paragraph on page 6 of the judgment correctly states, the Norwegian Supreme Court has not dealt with matters relating to size. § 1902 § 390a (repeated in str l. (2005) § 266) in relation to blog posts or other publicly available material on the internet.
It is stated that the law of the Court of Appeal is incorrect, because via the Internet making utterances close is found to be abusive available to a wide and indefinite personal circle or may be regarded as a defamation of honor, not as "by troublesome behavior or other ruthless behavior having violated someone else's peace". Defamation of honor is at the entry into force of the Strl. (2005) - contrary to the continuation of previous section 390a - made a criminal offense. Proper use of law would have led to impunity for appellant parties, size no. (2005) § 3, cf. last paragraph on page 5 of the Court of Appeal's judgment.
Strl. (1902) § 390a and strl. (2005) § 266, according to its wording, protects the "peace" of the offended, not his sense of honor. Strl. (1902) § 246 struck the offender of "someone else's sense of honor" § 247 the one who injured "another's good name and reputation" or who uttered something that was appropriate "to postpone him for hatred, disrespect or loss of it for his position or nutrition required confidence ”. Both their own sense of honor and reputation in the eyes of others are - as the word clearly shows - something other than and essentially different from the "peace" of the offended.
By Grl. §§ 96, paragraph 1 cf. 113 and ECHR art. 7 follows a clarity requirement as regards the legal basis for punishment. The Court of Appeal's law-application bears - on the basis of a sense of punishment - the character of being a strongly expanding interpretation of size. (1902) § 390a. Ie An interpretation that is contrary to the provisions of the Constitution and ECHR for penal provisions, nevertheless applied to be able to hit actions and utterances that were previously affected by size. (1902) Sections 246 and 247, after these have not been continued in the new Penal Code, and according to the provision in size. (2005) Section 3 shall also be punishable by judicial review of older conditions following a legislative amendment.
Furthermore, both Grl. § 100 and ECHR Art. 10 the principle of freedom of expression.
The abolition of the older penalties for defamation of honor must be seen in light of this: Also, utterances that are unpleasant, controversial, even offensive and hurtful should, as the great and general point of departure, be punishable. When the utterances are not addressed directly to the offender - it had been left to Pastor Torp to completely refrain from reading the blog of the accusing party - and not imposed on him in any way whatsoever, it is stated to be dual convention and unconstitutional. the statements in Christensen's blog for punishment without being protected by freedom of speech.
Firstly, it is stated to be contrary to the clarity requirement to interpret size. (1902) § 390a expanding the way the Court of Appeal does, and secondly, that the content of the statements Christensen has come with lies within what freedom of speech includes. In any case, § 390a cannot mean that utterances that might, but can no longer be punished as defamation, are instead punished as violating another's peace. Such a practice becomes, after the appellant's view, an erosion and a circumvention of a clear legislative decision.
HR-2016-1015-A is not relevant to the case against Christensen. In HR-2016-1015-A, this was a completely different type of criminal offense, in which the wording of the relevant provision also clearly aims to include a majority of conceivable modes, cf. blue. that the wording includes the effect of the offender via third person ("his closest"). Rt. 2010 p. 845 applies to actions clearly within size. § 390a, since it was (an exceptionally large amount) emails directly to the victim.
The other judicial references in the Court of Appeal's judgment do not eliminate the need for a clarifying assessment of the correct application of the law through a precedent ruling by the Norwegian Supreme Court.
Controversial statements about named persons, as well as life-style attacks and life-style, abound on the Internet. The fact that utterances addressed to the general public also come to the mentioned knowledge and can fall this heavily for the chest, must not become a detour to nevertheless be able to prosecute statements made by the legislature - wise or unwise - when adopting and implementing a new criminal code with a broad pen chose to decriminalize.
If some such statements can be punished again, according to our legal order, it is a legislature's task to adopt new legal provisions for this, while observing the requirements of the Constitution, the ECHR and possibly other relevant conventions. The fact that the prosecution and the courts lay the ground for others to strike something that - rightly or wrongly - finds punishable is precisely what Rt. 1952 page 989 - the telephony case - means that should not take place.
Termination is also pointed out that both size (1902) § 390a and size one. (2005) § 266 lacks connection to a provocation and retorting authority, such as in size one. (1902) in relation to sections 246 and 247, in the form of size. (1902) § 250. That violent opinions - both only two parties in between and in the public space, eg. internet - frequently occurs precisely in the form of utterance and contradiction, is a real consideration that shows how important it is that Such conditions as the controversy between Jan Kåre Christensen and Jan-Aage Torp are assessed according to balanced legislation that is intended to regulate precisely such conditions, and not to a legal authority that has a completely different history. And not least (at least originally) a completely different purpose.
Claim and processual
If the case is referred for consideration by the Norwegian Supreme Court and the court then the appellant party is right in their view of the law use as far as the scope of the rule is concerned. (1902) § 390a, incomplete grounds of judgment in relation to possible grounds for impunity have no longer relevance. It is therefore dismissed so reverently
P A S T A N D:
Principal: Jan Kåre Christensen is acquitted.
In the alternative: Borgarting Court of Appeal's judgment of 27.04.2017 in case no. 16-086576AST-BORG / 02 is repealed.
The case is considered by referral suitable as trial case, and the appellant party also wishes the undersigned defendant appointed as his defense (for trial) also for the Norwegian Supreme Court.
It is assumed sufficient to set aside a court day for the consideration of the case.
With regards
Brynjar N. Meling
søndag 24. februar 2019
No. 1480: It is quite obvious that my lawyer was right in his argument in court when he argued that it was absolutely wrong law enforcement used to me by the prosecution to get a verdict that is also wrong!
It is quite obvious that my lawyer was right in his argument in court when he argued that it was absolutely wrong law enforcement used to me by the prosecution to get a verdict that is also wrong!
Picture of Jon Wessel-Aas who said, among other things. the following: "This principle law question of interpretation should ideally get its clarification in the Supreme Court, Wessel Aas believes." Unfortunately, the Supreme Court rejected this appeal, today they cannot really judge anyone for anything they write online as the laws are not adapted to the time we live in. day.

This writes the newspaper VG.
Minister of Justice Tor Mikkel Wara is working to stop people like the web server Ivar Underberge. Wara Looks at prison sentences for ecstasy.
Experts critical by the factuality issue: - The legislation is not up to date.
- Can you guarantee that something will be done to stop people like Ivar Underberge?
- I cannot guarantee how individual cases are treated. It is the police and the court that must deal with these. That said, we want to embark on this type of crime. These examples presented by VG are serious. It is not always the laws and the practice of the laws that depend on the technology, and then we have to do something, he says.
(Quote end.)
The judgment against me was a forgery, as it has no effect on anything. That was exactly what my lawyer Brynjar Meling pointed out. That shows today both with me and other issues on the web that he was right.
Jan Aage Torp who says the police did a good job. This is just "sausage weave", it was the judges from the Oslo District Court Malin Strømberg Amble and Øystein Hermansen from Borgarting Court of Appeal who "braided" into what I was convicted for when in court it came out that the charge did not hold water!
Here are lies, lies and once again everything is about in the case against me and the heavenly blog to get me doomed.
The police blindly trust Torp, which I do not do at all as he is a notorious liar and loves to fabricate stories. He believes that I am not sending out false letters in his name. Why didn't they ask me? Trust blindly at Torp I would not recommend anyone. Do not understand why he pulls me into this with false letters. Yes, I understand, he has me brains that all sinners have when they have got a sting in their hearts over what I have preached!
This must be the lie of the century!
1.) The blame is waterproof, when it is Torp and his allies who have written five times more than me in both verbal words and expressions.
As well as in quantity, it is written guaranteed five times more than what I have written.
2.) Proof of evidence in the trial was ala Congo and North Korea. Then Jan Aage Torp's claim is simply a lie.
Joh.e. 8. 44 You have the devil's father, and you will make your father's lusts; he was a murderer from the beginning and is not in the truth; for truth is not in him. When he speaks lies, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
3.) The law enforcement is also so, when everyone else says it is wrong to use law.
Torp writes: "First and foremost, the triple-judgment is a victory for our preacher-colleagues who are dogged daily and bullied by the blogger in question."
It is strange how Torp can both lie and fabricate as I have not called any publishers. Secondly, I do not write about publishers every day, but occasionally I pick up things that upbeat among publishers hate Torp obviously!
Final Comment:
It looks like this, with the law enforcement that has been used against me and the Heavenly Blog, is what this case will be crucial, finally!
It will be exciting if we win with this argument. This writes my lawyer Brynjar Meling to the Norwegian Supreme Court:
Wrong use of law, size. (1902) § 390a
As the court in the second to last paragraph on page 6 of the judgment correctly states, the Norwegian Supreme Court has not dealt with matters relating to size. § 1902 § 390a (repeated in size (2005) § 266) in relation to blog posts or other publicly available material on the internet.
It is stated that the Court of Appeal's application of law is wrong, because via the Internet making statements the offender finds offensive available to a wide and indefinite personal circle may or may not be regarded as a defamation of honor, not as "by troublesome behavior or other ruthless behavior having violated another's peace" . Defamation of honor is at the entry into force of the Strl. (2005) - contrary to the continuation of previous section 390a - made a criminal offense. Proper use of law would have led to impunity for appellant parties, size no. (2005) § 3, cf. last paragraph on page 5 of the Court of Appeal's judgment.
Strl. (1902) § 390a and strl. (2005) § 266, according to its wording, protects the "peace" of the offended, not his sense of honor. Strl. (1902) § 246 struck the offender of "someone else's sense of honor" § 247 the one who injured "another's good name and reputation" or who uttered something that was appropriate "to postpone him for hatred, disrespect or loss of it for his position or nutrition required confidence ”. Both their own sense of honor and reputation in the eyes of others are - as wording n clear shows - other than and essentially different from the "peace" of the offended.
By Grl. §§ 96, paragraph 1 cf. 113 and ECHR art. 7 follows a clarity requirement as regards the legal basis for punishment. The Court of Appeal's law-application bears - on the basis of a sense of punishment - the character of being a strongly expanding interpretation of size. (1902) § 390a. Ie An interpretation that is contrary to the provisions of the Constitution and ECHR for penal provisions, nevertheless applied to be able to hit actions and utterances that were previously affected by size. (1902) Sections 246 and 247, after these have not been continued in the new Penal Code, and according to the provision in size. (2005) Section 3 shall also be punishable by judicial review of older conditions following a legislative amendment.
Furthermore, both Grl. § 100 and ECHR Art. 10 the principle of freedom of expression. The annulment of the older penal provisions concerning defamation of honor must be seen in light of this: Also utterances that are unpleasant, controversial, even offensive and hurtful, as the great and general starting point, must be punishable. When the utterances are not addressed directly to the offender - it had been left to Pastor Torp to completely refrain from reading the blog of the accusing party - and not imposed on him in any way whatsoever, it is stated to be dual convention and unconstitutional. the statements in Christensen's blog for punishment without being protected by freedom of speech.
Firstly, it is stated to be contrary to the clarity requirement to interpret size. (1902) § 390a expanding to the extent that the Court of Appeal does, and secondly, that the content of the statements Christensen has come with lies within what freedom of speech includes. In any case, § 390a cannot mean that utterances that might, but can no longer be punished as defamation, are instead punished as violating another's peace. Such a practice becomes, after the appellant's view, an erosion and a circumvention of a clear legislative decision.
HR-2016-1015-A is not relevant to the case against Christensen. In HR-2016-1015-A, this was a completely different type of criminal offense, where the wording of the relevant provision also clearly aims to include a majority of conceivable modes, cf. blue. that the wording includes the influence of the offender via third person ("his closest"). Rt. 2010 p. 845 applies to actions clearly within size. § 390a, since it was (an exceptionally large amount) emails directly to the victim.
The other judicial references in the Court of Appeal's judgment do not eliminate the need for a clarifying assessment of the correct application of the law through a precedent ruling by the Norwegian Supreme Court.
Controversial statements about named persons, as well as life-style attacks and life-style, abound on the Internet. The fact that utterances addressed to the general public also come to the mentioned knowledge and can fall this heavily for the chest, must not become a detour to nevertheless be able to prosecute statements made by the legislature - wise or unwise - when adopting and implementing a new criminal code with a broad pen chose to decriminalize.
If some such statements can be punished again, according to our legal order, it is a legislature's task to adopt new legal provisions for this, while observing the requirements of the Constitution, the ECHR and possibly other relevant conventions. The fact that the prosecution and the courts lay the ground for others to strike something that - rightly or wrongly - finds punishable is precisely what Rt. 1952 page 989 - the telephony case - means that should not take place.
Termination is also pointed out that both size (1902) § 390a and size one. (2005) § 266 lacks connection to a provocation and retorting authority, such as in size one. (1902) in relation to sections 246 and 247, in the form of size. (1902) § 250. That violent opinions - both only two parties in between and in the public space, eg. the internet - frequently occurring precisely in the form of utterance and contradiction, is a real consideration which shows how important it is that such conditions as the dispute between Jan Kåre Christensen and Jan-Aage Torp are assessed according to balanced legal provisions intended to regulate precisely such conditions, and not for a legal authority that has a completely different history. And not least (at least originally) a completely different purpose.
(quote end).
The same thing, lawyer Jon Wessel Aas has said on several occasions. Here is some of what Wessel Aas has black journalists:
Media law attorney Jon Wessel-Aas reacts to violations of Clause 390a of the Criminal Code "because of troublesome behavior or other ruthless behavior having violated another's peace" is the basis of the case against Pastor Jan Kåre Christensen.
- I cannot comment on the details of the case, but I think in principle that it is especially that this paragraph is used, because this is talk of speeches in a blog. So, Christensen does not seek out Torp by phone, text message or in any other way directly, but writes what he believes about him as a pastor in the blog. It is outside the core area the relevant provision, says Wessel-Aas, who emphasizes that he only knows the case through circulation in Vårt Land and by reading the seal.
ve the indictment.
Wessel-Aas points out that the aforementioned provision in the penal code from the old has been called the "telephony law".
- It is clear that bullying and harassment in social media over time can make people not have the energy to be more. But I still think it is important that the court does not extend the penalty clause to too much. It is a point to be as concrete as possible when limiting freedom of expression through legislation, says Wessel-Aas.
Statements such as "living in adultery" make it more obvious to use the lien, the lawyer believes. Libel is decriminalized in the new Penal Code and can thus only form the basis for civil lawsuits. According to him, it seems more relevant in this case.
"I believe there is danger in the journey if the section in the Penal Code is expanded by adding something that is no longer criminal," says Wessel-Aas.
Public person. - What consequences can any judgment have?
- If there is a criminal conviction in line with the charge, I believe much else can be judged in the same way. It will make the boundaries of freedom of expression unclear, which in turn can cause people to avoid expressing themselves, Wessel-Aas replies and points out that there are nevertheless provisions to protect against untrue accusations, violations of privacy, threats and incitement to violence .
Wessel-Aas points out that Torp is a well-known figure in Christian-Norway and far in the same position as many politicians.
- The room must be larger when it comes to public opinion.
Christensen disagrees with how Torp practices the relationship between life and learning, ie his interpretation of biblical texts, emphasizes Wessel-Aas.
- Also, the ceiling height must be large.
Yes to the Supreme Court.
Freedom of the media and freedom of opinion expert, lawyer Jon Wessel-Aas believes that Christensen's statements are not punishable.
"The special thing in this case is that you use punishment for a criminal provision that in any case historically and in its core will hit the more direct violations of the peace," he says.
Wessel Aas believes it is more natural to consider whether the blog posts are defamatory?
He points out that the Storting has an intention that defamation should be a matter between the parties and therefore must be pursued through civil lawsuits with claims for compensation.
Such cases are no longer a matter for the police and prosecutors.
In principle, the Court of Appeal's view also implies that the press's general publications can be prosecuted according to the provision on peace violations.
He likes to see the Supreme Court take hold of the case.
- This principle question of law interpretation should ideally get its clarification in the Supreme Court, Wessel Aas believes.
lørdag 23. februar 2019
No. 1479: Highly educated Kaja Lange Aubert who was our case manager no longer remembers more phone calls I had with her, but I remember them very well!
Highly educated Kaja Lange Aubert who was our case manager no longer remembers more phone calls I had with her, but I remember them very well!
Taking the "white" lie when one comes in difficult situations that one "does not remember!" Is a well-known and well-used trick to getting out of trouble. If so, then you disclaim your own responsibility, and in this way you avoid having to settle. The bedridden is it, but well-used.
King Carl Gustaf says in the interview that he cannot remember that he has been on strip and porn clubs and criminal environments.
- No. No. I don't think so, says the Swedish king in the interview. Maybe I was in a place in Paris once many years ago when there were easy-to-wear ladies, says the Swedish king.
On direct questions from the news agency TT's reporter Tomas Bengtsson whether there can be compromising pictures of the King, he answers
- No, it can't. It is also difficult to comment on something one has not seen and which no one else has seen either.
Personally, I think this is just a lie that she doesn't remember. She then remembers that there were phone calls for rental, which is right.
But that there were also other things, at least two things. It was completed and she said it was not mandatory to build on the old wall.
Here is some of what the mailer I have sent between me and my lawyer only takes with what I have written. Want to keep others out of this matter as much as possible.
Hi again Knut! 19 / 2.2019
Have been up in Kviteseid in Telemark all day in funeral. But, of course, should answer as well as I can.
You ask the following:
You have told that you called the case officer Kaja Lange Aubert first and foremost to call for a certificate of completion, then to ask about the erection of a wall along the road. It was the first conversation about the wall you wanted to build.
Answer: So longer I remember, yes.
A few months later, you say, you called the same case officer Aubert first and foremost about the certificate of completion, then about the wall you wanted to build.
Q1: Regarding 1. telephone call attest / wall. Why did you call Aubert? Was it a little coincidence that she answered, or did you ask for her by name, or asked for responsible case officer without saying a name, did you state a case number?
Do you have time, date or week or month in which year?
Answer: She was our then case officer. Then you ask her and as she said she knew about the property and missing it. Not least, this was not a completed certificate at the house that first came in 2015?
Then she was no longer a case officer. But a lady named Østhus if I don't remember mistakes. Or was it Østerhus, something in that street. I remember very well, so it is innate.
Our second-last case officer has been Lena Catrine Amdal, Tel: 48068647
Technical department
We have now got a new one, which is our 4 or 5 case officer, where Kaja was our first.
Here is our very latest and latest:
Case manager Nils-Henrik Henningstad, Tel: 90027615
Department for construction projects
Q2: Regarding 2. phone call attest / wall. Did she know Aubert again from the 1st phone? Did you have her direct fixed line number or did you have her mobile phone number?
Do you have time, date or week or month in which year?
Answer. I called the Oslo Municipality their number the first time. Other times I think I had her internal number. But this is something I think, and whatever. I knew who she was the 2nd time I called. But as I said, I have built masonry also on Karmøy, higher than this one. Then we didn't apply either. Will emphasize that it has not been sought to build masonry here at Hellerudtoppen in the whole of Oslo's history, after Ferdigattest AS writes.
That said, I guess I called the first time mid May 2013 and the second time in mid-August 2013.
Since then I mean that I have not talked to her, but I have inquired about her reply. But we never got that.
Q3: had you been in contact with her before, prior to 1. phone ang certificate / wall? If so, what then?
As far as I know, I have only been in contact with her in 2013. Perhaps in retrospect it may have been about a certificate of completion, but I cannot say 100%
You must understand that this matter has become as it has been due to that PBE has made nausea, as we all the time before this became a so-called illegality. The phone calls with her were "normal" to me. It is only afterwards that they have become "important". Since they have disputed that we have not received oral permission.
Q4: Was she involved in the Building Application approval of the four houses in No. 39 or some other in the years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012? Framework permit? Etc?
Answer: I expect it. But the developer took care of everything in relation to the Oslo municipality.
It was only when we moved in, November 2012 that we assumed responsibility for everything. Before that, it was the developer.
These are my own thoughts, that they took her off the case as they would not acknowledge that we had been given oral permission to build the wall.
We did not ask anything about the shed, as this was a "matter of course »That we could build a store of less than 15 sqm out of having to apply for it. As the rules were at that time.
Jan Kåre
See here for extra:
You write this to Borgarting Lagmannsrett:
Support Wall - Advance guidance
Christensen applied for advance guidance in the Oslo municipality on two occasions before the support wall was erected. Christensen has argued that in both inquiries he described the wall and that he was accepted for the entry of the wall without having to seek prior permission.
In the two telephone conversations in 2013 that Christensen had with case officer Kaja Lange Aubert, who knew the area years back through the development period at Krokstien 2, he asked whether it was okay to record a new and higher wall on the former old wall along the Stormyrveien in order to get a bigger and much better outdoor area southwest of their home on Krokstien 2 c.
On both occasions, Christensen thinks that by the municipal case officer he got clear answer that the wall was not subject to application as he described it. He himself perceived it as a binding acceptance and agreement. It appears to be clearly unreasonable whether it is Christensen who in a case like this should have the risk of a possible misunderstanding.
It is stated that there are service faults in relation to guidance / counseling. If there had been any basis for any form of doubt on the part of the officer regarding what the request was, she should have requested to receive a sketch and / or written presentation of the construction measure to ensure that her guidance / advice was correct.
Thus, the municipality's duty to proper guidance and / or counseling has failed and in any case not been properly clarified vs. an initiative owner who addresses the municipality's planning and building agency with a very specific question about prior permission in a concrete building case.
The case officer was dropped off as a witness to the district court. But it turned out later during the main hearing that the prosecutor for the state had no knowledge that the relevant case officer who Christensen approached, had also been case officer in connection with the planning and development of Krokstien 2 a b c and d.
The person was thus locally known in the area, knew about the terrain heights and the formations, as she had followed the development of Krokstien from A to Å as far as Christensen has knowledge. The person in question will therefore, as a witness, supply the necessary information so that it becomes much better and more properly informed.
In the guidance Christensen received, no mention was made of the consideration of the housing development, only that Christensen's wall would be like the other walls in the immediate area. Aubert Lange guided out from other people's house in Stormyrveien.
On this basis, it is wrong of the district court not to assume that the owner of the measure has been in good faith with regard to the obligation to apply. Only thing that has taken place by negligence is the case handler handling Christensen's inquiries. It is wrong of the district court not to see this as a significant breach of the duty of supervision after the FvL. § 11.
(quote end).
What does Norwegian law say? Listen:
King Kristian the law of the fifth.
By Decree 14 Apr 1688, the law came into force from Mikkelsdag (Sep. 29, 1688). Here, only the provisions that are believed to remain in force are included. If repeal of different provisions and if any provisions that are supposedly lapsed, please refer to older editions of Norway's Law.
Fifth Book. About Access, Gods and Gield.
In Cap. About Contracts and Obligations.
1 Art. Every one is obliged to comply if the hand with mouth, hand and seal promised and entered gardens.
2 Art. All contracts made by the volunteer by the volunteer, and come to the age of them, be they jealousy, hall, gift, alternation, pledge, loan, rent, obligation, forerunner, and other things by what name the name of the name of the man who is not against The Law, or Honor, should be kept in all its words and punctures, as the entry is.
1.) The City of Oslo has violated § 11 Supervisory duty.
2.) PBE in Oslo has violated section 171. Service error since they have guided us really well and rightly, as they subsequently call for illegality when they themselves have both made gross service errors, and supervised in all possible directions as and when.
3.) The City of Oslo has violated Kong Kristian's Fifth Law, which states that oral agreement is as binding as in writing.
Edvards Os writes in this judgment:
Significance of the guidance from the municipality. The initiative owner has perceived the municipality's guidance so that the support wall was not subject to application.
Such guidance is given on the basis of the information provided by the promoter, and oral counseling by telephone does not have binding effect on the municipality.
In this case, there is a large discrepancy between what is allowed by the regulations and what is listed. We cannot see that it is probable that the municipality has given consent to a wall of this size, placed in a regulated road surface.
(quote end).
When he writes that "this is not probable that the municipality has given consent to a wall of this size, placed in regulated roads.
Then this is the lie of the century, that's the crazy frenzy he writes.
Of course, I was told that it was not mandatory to build on top of an old wall. Finished work!
Imagine, in this case, I called down to our case officer at least 2 times to get guidance.
I was clearly told to build on old wall, was not required to apply.
The wall that stood there from before was enough so that in our case we should not build a wall that was higher than that of others.
We then built a wall that is actually lower in the terrain than the neighbor's over on the other side.
But a wall that doesn't stand out or seems inappropriate.
Stairs and a small storage room were also built, as it was allowed to build at that time a shed under 15 sqm without applying.
If one enters the PBE's pages, then finding out that such small deviations will be granted a dispensation for if they apply. Not least in our case where all other neighbors have signed. But what does PBE do to us? They run almost a campaign against us, which is obviously abuse of authority.
In our case here with the public prosecutor, we have gone through so many cases here in Oslo. Where everyone in our similar situation does not do anything about negative aspects. But we are hit and punished as hard as they can get.
Hi again Knut! 20 / 2-2019
That she took that bluff was not surprising to "save her own skin!"
After talking to her, she was taken off the case when I heard from others that she was like a "loose cannon!"
What should we do then?
It helps very little to reproach ourselves or anyone else.
You just have to write such a good answer you can only with the moments you think are best, right and right!
Good luck, we have to be positive, happy and count on it going well!
If it does not go well, then we will make the best of it as well.
Just do your very best, no more can demand.
Agree with you in complaining about others, one should do as little as possible.
But I know 100% that in this case it is only now a fight against us, not for what is best.
The best thing is, of course, that everything should stand as it stands, wall, staircase and storage room.
Jan K
Hi again Knut! 20 / 2-2019
Have met Kaja Lange Aubert who could state the following:
She didn't remember any of the two phone calls you claim to have had with her. She does not say that you have not talked to her, but she says she does not remember it, and that it has her completely natural explanation because she received very many phones daily during the period - if anything - she says she worked on the plan. and build the agency with eg. this area in the years 2013 -2015. In particular, there was a lot about illegal rentals that were asked.
(quote end.)
Have now read your email to my wife and talked to her.
She thinks like me that Kaja Lange Aubert is a perfect witness in Borgarting Lagmannsrett.
I remember everything very well, although it is now several years back in time.
Also looks at the mailer and other things that I have kept on the same version all the time and have requested answers from PBE here in Oslo and not received it.
The fact that PBE has switched to several case officers does not tell anything about my credibility negatively when I am able to remember them as well, it tells again that my mind is very good as opposed to Kaja Lange Aubert.
It is written about illegalities, and this is where we mean that the public agency that does this when looking at others compare matters. So the "thumb rule" is that one gets an exemption in similar cases like us. Even those who have applied for an exemption in the same period as us just down the street have actually already mentioned before applying for a dispensation in Stormyrveien 9 c and not only received it once, but several times. In other words, there is only a strong unwillingness towards us, which means that we do not get a dispensation, not a reasonable reason.
As there are only benefits to giving us dispensation, not actually a back part.
Found this online:
The famous Clinton quote
- Take the example of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. He said; “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”. It must be said to be a subtle lie, under the guise of what the definition of what a sexual relationship is, says Magnussen.
(quote end.)
There are many ways to lie, when one says that one does not remember.
Then it's my version that I remember very well.
Then one only remains with my version, for the simple reason that I remember.
That said, I think this is better for us saying she doesn't remember than making her own version or saying the conversation has never taken place, as Edvard Os says in the judgment against me.
Hear from you.
Jan K
Hi again Knut! 20 / 2-2019
Thanks for the phone call.
This is what Attorney General Elisabeth Sawkins Eikeland writes.
«My comment during the main hearing on which cow the company Aubert had or was not intended to be an objection to the accusing party's explanation of party, and that the court, in the view of the state, could not base its explanation on what Aubert knew and not, or what Aubert had given guidance, especially in light of more timely evidence that expressed the opposite and that he had dropped this witness earlier in the day. "
As I read this and the whole paragraph I do not reproduce. It is that Aubert has said what I am saying, but that no one is bound by it.
Furthermore, they claim that our wall is a colossus I do not understand when the neighbor's wall / garage across the other side is higher and more dominant.
This merely shows that you were absolutely right that the inspection is required, but I have also wanted all the bodies to come to the inspection.
That I eg. Remember the case manager and everything else in this case just shows that I have very good memory. I can tell you that you experienced Aubert completely different from the other case officers.
Hear from you!
Must greet from the wife and say that you still have to stand, it is totally pointless that we have to demolish wall, staircase and storage room.
Jan K
Hi again Knut! 21 / 2-2019
I have been trying to think of things that may be important that have not come to date. Mention only a few things in key words.
1.) The fact that building a store as small as we have done is something that the state really does win because it is not mandatory to build less than 50 sqm2.
When we built it was 15 sqm2. If one goes through similar cases here in Oslo, then it is "common" to give exemption such as in our case.
2.) We have built masonry at Karmøy, and storage room at Karmøy and a storage room before here in Oslo without applying. They stand today, showing that we built in good faith. It holds "water" our argumentation-
3.) That PBE calls what we have built for a colossus when several others only here in the Stormyrveien have higher, larger and more bulky walls than us. Witnesses that they will cause problems for and around us. We assume that they have been on hidden inspection and taken pictures and do not want to come on "regular" inspection testifying that they have actually neglected their job in total. It is both service error and abuse of authority towards real.
4.) We have built everything on our property, have not "betrayed" us any other property.
5.) This with a 0.5 meter height of wall is artificial, as the terrain here indicates something completely different. We live in a "mountain land" where it is better to build after the terrain, not later to come up with any paragraphs like never mentioned by Kaja Aubert Lange to us. She said that building on old walls was not subject to application. And mentioned that if we built on top of old wall 1.5 - 2 meters and fence of 1 meter then it went very well in our case. The neighbor (s) right above us have fence of 1 meter like us and, higher wall / garage.
6.) The positive thing about everything we have built, it has not come out strong enough, mentions something. Actually, everything is positive, nothing negative.
1.) After we built the stairs we avoid using ropes to climb in. It is awesome and positive.
2.) After we built the wall, there is no shit that runs down the road of mold, mud and clay as it was before. And that we have got a much nicer, flatter and user-friendly plot.
3.) After we build booths, we do not have to put so much under tarpaulin and leave things open. Very positive and it is built so that it is hardly seen by anyone before entering our property and it is pretty.
That said, this is just some of what is good about what we have built.
Don't think you should have too many hopes to get that much out of the Government Attorney. When they've talked together and agreed that Aubert should say she doesn't remember. She only remembers that she had many phone calls, this is a game to win the case.
The truth is, Aubert remembers very well if she wants to.
She is then not stupid, but highly educated and when I am a bus driver and low educated in relationships, and remember. Then we know that it is not right, they are not stupid than me, I certainly do not think so.
Have a nice day, we're talking!
Jan K
Knut, this I don't think at all. Oslo 22 / 2.19
But at the same time, I can't disprove it.
Aubert then remembers that she had been asked questions about rental conditions, but not about walls.
I'm just a simple bus driver, these are high educated people.
They only remember a part that is not essential in the matter while I remember everything. It says that they are not honest in this matter in my opinion.
Then it falls for its own unreasonableness, I know I was allowed to build upon the old wall.
Regardless. I have begun to look at so-called illegalities, where we find that PBE makes a big difference here.
Must send someone to you during the day, some next week and one or two later of cases.
The truth is probably coming, finally! Sometimes the truth has little bones, but it comes for days, sooner or later!
Jan K
torsdag 21. februar 2019
No. 1478: We as believers must be aware that Satan is a beaten enemy, and we shall be more than victorious, hallelujah!
We as believers must be aware that Satan is a beaten enemy, and we shall be more than victorious, hallelujah!
How does Satan operate? Jan Aage Torp hated my preaching about marriage and divorce. First he asks me out at the cafe, and plays a game as nice, smiling and wants me all well.
This does not result, so he goes to the police with a fictitious review, wins out and will scare me to silence. Such is Satan, he works through his tools and thinks he has the full control, but he is revealed!
1 Pet. 5. Be sober, watch! Your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion and seeks who he can swallow;
The basic text says that we should be sober or realistic. We must count on Satan to go about consuming or eating what he can, if he gives him the opportunity.
Even today when we see the word of God come true and the people on the whole feel more and more insecure. So we as believers know that we have a source both in and in God, which makes us to prevail in all things and in every part of our lives.
Satan cannot really touch us, but he can go so far with things and circumstances that God allows. But never touch us, except if we let him go. Therefore, Satan will create fear, discouragement, lust, uncleanness, and sin in our lives which in turn gives him an opening.
The word used here speaks of a "roar" as a lion, but Satan has no teeth and no real power and influence over and in our lives except if we open up to him. But if we stand firm in the faith, we will prevail and remain after having overcome everything.
Efes. 6. 13 Take therefore the full armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, and stand to overcome all things.
Satan has "roared," but not as a lion. All the "teeth" he lost at Calvary when he suffered defeat. Now it's just the "roar" that's left.
The most important acknowledgment for a Christian is to know that by the victory of Jesus on the cross, Satan's power is broken!
Notice these three important scriptures! John 12: 31-32 The devil is "thrown" / overthrown / deposed as a world ruler The devil "is thrown out" as an accusation against the throne of God. Due to the problem).
Jesus triumphed on the cross when the devil was deprived of his authority and his weapons (cf. the power problem). Hebrews 2:14-15 • At His Death, Jesus "Ended" the Devil (Catarga: Annihilated, Destroyed, Powerless, and Ineffective)
At his death, Jesus deprived the devil of the trump card, the prosperity and power of death, thereby freeing people from the consequences of death, cf. Jn 11,25.
What is the spiritual struggle about today?
Who gives you power, right and influence in your life?
God or Satan, the choice is your own. As a new creation in Christ Jesus, it is possible to prevail in all parts. And stay after having overcome everything and everyone!
Final Comment:
It is strange that we as believers have not learned Satan's tactics and strategy. The Apostle Paul writes about this, here.
2 Cor. 2. 10. But whoever you forgive, forgive him and I; for what I have forgiven - if I have had anything to forgive - I have done it for your sake, for Christ's sake, that we should not be fooled by Satan; 11. For we are not ignorant of his thoughts.
Arne Jordly's translation: 2. Cor. 2. 10 All you forgive someone, I also forgive. And when I have forgiven, if there is something to forgive, I have done it rather than Christ. 11 I do this for Satan not to outwit us, for we are not ignorant of what he has in mind.
Here, Satan will outwit us by overreacting or not responding to a brother who lives in sin.
That's how Satan intends to play a situation against us. So we either overreact, or not respond at all.
Satan comes to us either as a roaring lion or on silky "slippers" where he operates as an angel of light.
Satan really wants us to be put out of play as believers. The tactic is not unknown, either as a roaring lion, to create fear and paralysis.
Or on silky "slippers", where he operates as an Angel of Light and overcomes us in the way of "alliance" with us.
Here is a lot to say, but fear and paralysis are one thing. That we accept Satan's deeds is just as bad. We are not "not ignorant of what he has in mind."
First, scare, so if it doesn't work then he tries to "cooperate".
Or it is first "cooperation", so scary.
Let me just take one example. Among the first Christians, we know that Satan's strategy and tactics were first like a roaring lion. Where he created fear, they killed the believers and pursued mass persecution. It seemed counterproductive.
Then it became "co-operation" where the Catholic Church became sovereign and it was not allowed to conduct Christian activity without the Catholic Church. What was "best"?
We are "not ignorant of what he has in mind." It is constantly seducing, misleading, and getting us out of conception and position.
onsdag 20. februar 2019
No. 1477: The judicial system in Norway is spreading in all directions when Hairdresser Merete Hodne is called "Nazi hairdresser" and has never even made a "fly" fortress, and this is allowed, but not to call a real psychopath for psychopath, it is punishable!
The judicial system in Norway is spreading in all directions when Hairdresser Merete Hodne is called "Nazi hairdresser" and has never even made a "fly" fortress, and this is allowed, but not to call a real psychopath for psychopath, it is punishable!
After meeting the court in three court cases, I begin to have a feeling that there is a big difference between people both in the public administration and in the legal system.
Think, here is a simple hairdresser hanged out as a Nazi, it is not prohibited with Nazism in Norway. But hanging out someone like a Nazi is all right, it's bad.
Read here:
I have no faith that Merete Hodne is a Nazi, and call her that, then this makes it a criminal statement. The same thing that Jan Aage Torp did with defining me as an Anders Behring Brevik cloning.
I have been hanged out as Anders Behring Breivik trailer, sympathizer and successor of Torodd Fuglesteg and Jan Aage Torp. It is obviously punishable.
The lie of the lie is one thing, but what does the media do?
They write that Merete Hodne is ………….
What is this then? If it is criminal to call Jan Aage Torp for a false apostle, narcissist and leper. Then this must be super-criminal if there is to be equality for the law.
Now I'm going to stop here, but I have to say I've got a great sympathy for Merete Hodne who has been convicted, lost lawsuits she should have won and been acquitted of.
There was a lot of "wonder" about Malika Bayan's visit to Merete Hodne's hair salon. There were some signs that it was a conscious provocation. How deep did Bayan's religious beliefs steal? Not long after all the trouble she took off her hijab.
That Hodne was convicted is really a shame! That I am convicted of having called Jan Aage Torp (pictured) for a false apostle, narcissist and leper is a spirit of greater shame.
And that he himself goes free to call me Anders Behring Breivik follower, sympathizer and successor. It is the Løgnaslaget and Jan Aage Torp who have done something criminal and punishable here, not Merete Hodne and Jan Kåre Christensen. But then we have not included the snout addition and the snout factor!
Here from charges directed against me. Own article:
No. 1031:
HatPastor-Jan Aage Torp which has a bigger and more pompous notion himself thaneven Anders Behring Breivik goes Oslo police good for, talk about standing onthugs page!
Picture of
Anders Behring Breivik who considers himself a knight etc. But Jan Aage Torp is
even more pompous, he is an "Apostle" with an "Apostle
center." Mann's "stone crazy" in my estimation!
Pastor-Jan Aage Torp purports to be a Pastor (Shepherd) and an overseer, as
God's word says not to be re-married. But a woman's husband. This would Torp
not to follow, but is the (u) -skyldige party and feel when he can marry again,
although his former wife is also now re-married. This is based on the word of God
disqualification due to both salvation and Pastoral service. Should one then
not be allowed to preach against this further? And if it does, then finds a
just something else that's been preached. Vips, then it is a matter for the
police. I have to ask myself again and again, we find ourselves in North Korea
or Norway? Oslo police runs here thugs errands, and acting on the same side as
Torp that is more pompous than even Anders Behring Breivik!
The upcoming
trial is for me easier and easier when I know for myself that this is not only
is Christianity persecution, but it is becoming a form of madness that Hat
Police in Oslo have done! They shall defend and vouch for a person who has a
far larger, pompous and foolish picture of himself than even Anders Behring
Breivik! Breivik saw himself as a knight, Torp sees himself as an Apostle ala
Paul. Talk about our psychopath of rank. This is simply madness, madness to
defend such a person! What police do we have here in Norway? Ala North Korea,
it looks like ?!
cabinet is often selective character. While others pay the price, it is quite
ok. The Bible is a frequently used weapon to control other people. When someone
is so brazen that they point out that the Emperor is completely naked, only to
take them to court.
I shall
Torps accounts and wish to pay by 2 years in prison for his own iniquity! Torp
said among others .: "I have no qualms with that he must serve."
Imagine, here he is the culprit, and I will be zone and he has no qualms
against. Talk about being a psychopath of rank!
Torp is
re-married as believers, that's why he hates me and the Heavenly blog. He went
with a fictional review of the Oslo police and managed to get under. Then he
went out that I would get two years in prison as punishment frame for this, so
it was deserved. But deserved for whom? He himself of course, but the
psychopath is a master distort everything. As here, as always. Torp is clearly
a psychopath who is able to distort such and even upheld by the police that it
is I who should be taken as holding forth God's word and speak. And it does not
surprise me if the police also want me to pay court costs for the whole. The
brazenness of and hate the police and Torp knows no limits or restrictions!
It's good to
be saved and to be both loved and give it back!
It is sad to
see how police and Torp hate, they can not possibly feel good with themselves.
If the
police had done their job, they had in this case actually done everything 100%
different. They have not done a thing actually quite good here. At Torp hold on
as he does, that he has done during all these years. And he will surely keep on
with forward white he is not stopped!
I always
come Torp and police in the face, but nothing is good enough!
It testifies
against them, that I have set up forever and nothing has been good enough
anyway, but so it is with the kind of people. I meet Torp in Mediation and
offer him to go through all of what I had written. But he rejected this blank,
it testifies again that we have with an "actor" to do. I've tried to
change the words and expressions, such as the police asked me to do at first
when we had a fairly "normal" contact, but it is not good enough
either. They said they were going to do some of this matter, after meeting in
Mediation, but then they would run case anyway, poor hateful people!
Torp's own
verbal words and expressions against me and others surpasses most.
He has
called everyone else except themselves with the worst words and terms.
Torp called
homosekuelle for scum and they should be removed from any position in society
etc. about me, he has written and said this: "If you wanted a" desire
opponent ", then Jan Kåre Christensen" perfected ". Moreover
writes Torp that I am stalker, totally unintelligent, a Nolde "hat
blogger", idiot, demon, desire lies, vile blogs, outcasts who lack the
mind of Christ, ordinary judgment and social intelligence. "+ More!
Hat Pastor
Torp think he is the innocent party, therefore he can both remarry and do most,
typical psychopath is this!
If I am
convicted, this will open the way for all kinds of people. They can only say
that I'm so kind and good etc. smile from ear to ear as Hitler did before he
revealed his true colors!
Torp is a
leader, therefore it is essential that one has the opportunity to warn against
such. Without it being Norway and we in the western world such as North Korea.
Police on Manglerud seems almost like being snippet out of the nose
How an act
in such secrecy and dangerous country, not so one should work in a democracy
like Norway and elsewhere in the Western world.
Hat Pastor
Jan Aage Torp is more pompous than even Anders Behring Breivik, ridiculous and
dangerous that one is not allowed and should be allowed to debate, warn and
opinion about such a person. It is klebling of religion and freedom of speech!
This printer
Torp on its homepage to Oslokirken that he is both Apostle and now he will have
a Apostel center in his church etc. More pompous and obnoxious it may not be.
Mann is next gal, he lives in adultery is an adulterer and live in sin. Is
clearly a psychopath and a power man, and he will be Apostle with a Apostel
center? Although Paul did not have a Apostel center and he was an apostle, no
this is savagery. He is also called innocent and can remarry even though he has
broken both his own family and many other people. If one can not warn against
January Aage Torp, then it is free for all, even the Antichrist!
This is
essentially a struggle and freedom of religion and freedom of expression and to
preach preach unhindered! Here is the theme divorce and remarriage. But next
time it will surely be preaching warn against the gays and lesbians or anything
else. Here one should be subject to interminable. And I could have written ten
times as much about Torp. After I came in contact with him and have studied and
tried to put me into who this is, and whatever else he has written and spoken.
So this was like a barrel that was turned holes and all kinds emerged. And he
is not really the only one, there abound of similar people within its most
pentecostal / charismatic churches and movement similar types and preachers! It
testify that Jesus said fit perfectly Torp and large parts of the Pentecostal /
charismatic movement.
Matt. 23. 25
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean cup and the
dish, but inside they are full of extortion and excess 26 Thou blind Pharisee
cleanse first the cup and platter, that it also may become clean! 27 Woe unto
you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like whitewashed tombs,
which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead men's bones and
all uncleanness 28 So you also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within
ye are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
Woe to you,
Jesus, everything will look so nice and great. But inside it is terrible!
When Torp
writes that I have mentioned him 100 times as is the bulk after he reviewed me.
Then it was like squeezing a tube, and it came out all the works of the flesh,
unclean spirits, and doctrines of devils + + much more!
I've really
only written a fraction of what I know, this defends police. Here is a saying:
"The world will be deceived!", Here we can rewrite it:
police have been deceived!" When the Hat Pastor Jan Aage Torp.
Enjoyed little
as Behring Breivik was a knight, is Hat Pastor Jan Aage Torp an Apostle, really
they are both crooks!
2 Cor. 11.
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into
the apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder; for Satan himself masquerades as an
angel of light; 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also
masquerades as righteousness; But their end shall be according to their deeds.
Notice that
their end shall be according to their works! This has now happened in Hat
Apostel January Aage Torp's life and "service." But he's just a fool
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