lørdag 28. mars 2015

No. 911: Earlier Mission Secretary PYM and preach Hans Svartdahl got several couples who were re-married as believers to realize that this fought against the word of God, to walk apart!

No. 911:
Earlier Mission Secretary PYM and preach Hans Svartdahl got several couples who were re-married as believers to realize that this fought against the word of God, to walk apart!

Have several people learned of the mission secretary and proclaim Hans Svartdahl got several couples who were re-married as believers to walk apart.
Last time it was a woman who was divorced and re-married was one of the couple who were re-married as a believer, then left his "husband" that she was not legally married.
Photo by former Mission Secretary and preach Hans Svartdahl who died in 2008.


Are you re-married as a Christian? Then according font you live in sin and it is not enough to ask for forgiveness. You must repent and leave the one you are "illegal" married!

This is strict words, who can bear to hear such things? We sing a song following:
"Will you go to heaven, then you must go the road that leads there."

Therefore it is not enough to remain in a marriage that is not in accordance with God's word and will of God. But you must repent, and three out of the condition that you live in, if you want to get in the right position before God!

Hans Svartdahl not only got people to walk apart, but he called and made contact with them afterwards. He had a fatherly care for those who took that step, this is the example which is great respect and trust.

1 Cor. 4. 14 I am not writing this to make you ashamed, but to show you the way as my beloved children. 15 For if you have a thousand teachers in Christ, you have not many fathers. It was I who became their father in Christ Jesus when I gave you the gospel. 16 So I put you on the heart have me as a role model!

The fact that Hans Svartdahl not only pointed out what God's word says, but cared for those who repented of their sin. He does in my eyes to not only mentor, but a spiritual father who all need in this time makes such steps!

1 Cor. 10. 13 You have not encountered any superhuman temptation. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength. No, when you are tempted, he will show a way out so that you can endure.

God has given us marriage as something good and Gudvill.

1 Genesis 2. 18 The LORD God said: "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper of the same kind. "19 The Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky of earth. He brought them to the man to see what it would call them. The man called every living creature, it got the name. 20 Man gave names to all cattle and fowls and to all the wild beasts of the field. But to himself found the man no helper of the same kind.
    21 Then the LORD God made a deep sleep to fall upon the man. While he slept, he took a rib and closed up the flesh. 22 By rib Lord God had taken from man, he built a woman, and he brought her to the man.
    23 Then the man said:
          "Now it is bone of my bones
          and flesh of my flesh.
          She shall be called woman,
          of Man she was taken. "
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they twain shall be one body.

But when this goes awry, what then? Yes what then !?

I mean both the basis of their own experience and what God's word says, then it is to live single to reach heaven a very, very small sacrifice. Not least when viewed in the light what others have had to go through. I'm not saying that it costs, but as a single one also so many other possibilities, depending on which one stands in life.

We hear this, so then one must go alone the rest of my life? Yes, indeed, if one does not get along with his spouse. So this is the way to go for a believer.

I say not in any way that it is not a sacrifice, but I think it really is as difficult to live alone as when one is older. It has with one's own attitude and that takes a determination about what a will. When God's word is so clear on this point, then it is because it is possible to live it. Otherwise God had never said this to us.

Suffering, deprivation, denial and discipleship, that is what makes us disciples. Will we go to heaven, we must go on the road leading there.

We read about several places in the word of God that one also had to stand, though a marriage was entered into if it was not valid and straight. This goes of course totally against modern man, but so speaks the word of God and God has not changed.

Nehemiah 13. 23 In those days I saw also that some Judeans had taken women from Ashdod, Ammon and Moab. 24 Half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod or the language of the other folks. They could not speak Judean. 25 I rebuked the men and cursed them. Some of them beat me, and I plucked off their hair. So I let them swear by God. I said, "Ye shall not give your daughters to the sons of others or take some of the others daughters as wives for your sons or for yourselves. 26 Was not it because of such Solomon king of Israel sinned? Among the many nations there was no king like him. He was loved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel. Still got the strange women him to sin. 27 Should one now hear about you that you do so much evil and unfaithful to our God by taking strange women to you? "

Marriage no. 2 for a Christian while the other lives, is "invalid" and those who are married with no. 2, the fornicators by scripture. Must I repeat this? Unfortunately, so few others do, so I will have.

Final Comment:

It is clear that we humans have very strong urges, but we must be strong and stand Satan and the evil desire in our lives and hearts against. We've all heard of Luther's catechism following: "It happens when God destroys and prevents all evil plans and all evil will of the devil, the world and our sinful nature. They will not let us keep the name of God is holy, and will not let His kingdom come. But God's will is done when he strengthens us and keeps us firmly in the Word and the faith of our last moments. He is gracious and good will. "

But to deny themselves? Fits this modern and carnal man? No, but it is demanding and requires the Lord of us.

We humans are going through so much, and something we must deny ourselves if we come up in those situations and harbors up in things. But being a divorced as believers, so do not open up God's word for something new marriage under any circumstances as far as I can see from the word of God. The so-called innocent party exists neither in God's word or in the real world! This came Humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam Holland who managed to seduce a whole Christendom with their doctrine of permission to remarriage. When the doctrine of the so-called innocent party.

The theory of the "innocent party" his right to remarry is less than 500 years old.

The idea that Matthew chapter 5 and 19 passages or "clauses" which gives the "innocent party" right to remarry, did not appear until year 1519, when Erasmus, a great humanist, presented his interpretation of First Corinthians 7. Erasmus' interpretation of Scripture introduced human reason in the interpretation, instead of letting text interpret text. His interpretation of Scripture was characterized by humanistic overtones, where he emphasized human happiness ahead obedience to God's word. Erasmus was neither traditionalist or reformer, but wanted the utmost to be perceived as a godly man. He managed, however, to take settlement against sin and found rather simpler solutions thatched people. He did as Gnostics relied on excessive intellectual experience.

Spirit lifted according Erasmus those moral ethical laws that had been the mainstay of the Jewish idea.

The last 50 years have left these heresies gained a foothold in the churches. There is one paradox that the church has increasingly focused on spiritual gifts, healings and services that take our breath away, yet increasing number of divorces in the same churches. Frenzied manifestations of the spirit is a intoxication leading to more liberal Christian understanding, rather than being more faithful to the word.

Biblical infallibility was undermined and Erasmus attacks scriptural correctness. He linked the Christian ministry with God's holiness of life. Erasmus taught that love should come before any marriage and emphasized that it was not "loving" made by the church to insist that unhappy people should continue to live together. He believed that the church should set them free, who lived in the so-called bad marriages.

Reformers adopted Erasmus' views on divorce and remarriage, but this idea was not taught in nearly 1,500 years before Erasmus, from Christ's time and the first Christians. Although this theory is less than 500 years old, many Christians sought a "loophole" or an excuse, that makes it okay for them to remarry. Therefore Erasmus interpretation of first Corinthians gladly accepted by Christians who are looking for opportunities to follow their carnal desire to love a new person after one marriage has been "broken" or one says that one is living in an unhappy marriage.

In 1532 King Henry VIII did exactly this. He wanted to divorce his wife Catherine, to marry Ann Boleyn. He did Erasmus' interpretation of 1. Kor.7 popular and eventually broke with the Catholic Church, because he would remarry

He views on women: Women - can not live with them and you can not live without them.

This is it seems that the porn industry has on women, no wonder that remarriage and this belongs in conjunction with belief in one God Triad.

Final Comment:

Erasmus was a very religious person. For a time he was Augustinian (Luther), but soon found that it was not right for him. Through mystique he nevertheless sense of religious fervor and inner piety. Church maturity could be combated through personal ethical improvement and conduct. Something he practiced the exact opposite by allowable remarriage. But pious and good will it sound like, where one contradicts himself with fair and virtuous words.

Erasmus believed outer forms of religiosity, as indulgences, saint worship and relics was completely erroneous, and he spent a lot of time to ridicule the kind. He criticized contemporary theology discussions for being concerned trivialities and abstract relationships. Erasmus was a spokesman for an undogmatic piety. It was Jesus' practical life that interested him. Tradition had covered over the core of Christianity.

Therefore should the Bible be made available to the common people. Although he made a notable effort to get to it. He translated the New Testament from Greek into Latin, and the idea was that it should form the basis for further translation into people languages. In addition to the translation, he released the comments, which made him a pioneer in critical biblical science.

Notice that it was the life of Jesus as "meant" something. He was also socialite and enjoyed the social layers. Learning was nothing but change and adapt the most part, he could. This man is the Protestant Christianity characterized more by than any other, no wonder that it is becoming a Babylon that is different than the Catholic church. Yet a Babylon where everything is allowed. The word of God refers to as Nicolaitans and Balaam teaching and preaching.

Erasmus reminds me of the modern man who will put their own lusts always higher than God as Scripture also warns (2 Tim. 3 5.).

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