onsdag 23. mai 2018

No. 1668: Israel as an independent nation in recent times became 70 years May 14, 2018, but even greater truth is that God prepares them to accept Jesus as their Savior and Messiah, controlling the entire world from Jerusalem for 1,000 years!

No. 1668:Israel as an independent nation in recent times became 70 years May 14, 2018, but even greater truth is that God prepares them to accept Jesus as their Savior and Messiah, controlling the entire world from Jerusalem for 1,000 years!
Even in the UN building, these words stand up to the 1000th kingdom, when law and justice will go out of Jerusalem."They shall slay their swords to the chop and their spears to the vine knives; one nation shall no longer lift the sword against another, and they shall learn no more war. "

Isaiah 2 2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain in which the house of the LORD is standing shall be established upon the top of the mountains, and high above all the high places, and all nations shall flow to it. / 3 And many peoples will go and say, Come, let's go up to the mountain of the Lord to the house of Jacob, to teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths! For from Zion shall the law be poured out, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4 And he will judge among the nations, and will turn judgment for many nations, and they shall smite their swords into choppers and their spears into vineyards. one nation shall no longer lift the sword against another, and they shall learn no more war. 5 Jacob's house! Come, let's walk in the light of the Lord!
Israel is a nation that began with Abraham. When he was called out from Ur in Kaldea.Here's a little history about Israel.
The history of Israel is the story of a people whom God chose for this people to bring forth a ransom for the whole world. It was Israel's great mission in the world. For this to be a reality, God would have a man who should be the birthplace of the people. They had to have a country where they could live and develop. They had to have a God, a faith, and a law. They had to have a political system that tied the people together, and a lot of other things.
4000 BC. Christ: Their story begins in the garden of Eden In the garden of Eden the innocence ruled until the fall became a reality. The fall was a disaster for humanity and all the evil in the world derives from this. At the same time, however, there was a need for apathy and redemption. On the day of the fall, God came with a promise of a redeemer. He said:And I will put enmity between you and the woman between your seed and her family. He's going to crush your head and crush his heel. 1M 3:15
Here it is said that the woman must bring forth a family (singular) to crush the devil's power. Who is this woman? Is that Virgin Mary? Many believe it. I do not think so. The woman can not be anyone other than the people of Israel who brought Jesus to the fullness of time. Jesus said clearly:You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, for salvation comes from the Jews. John 4:22
The same is found in Rev. 12: where it is said of the woman wearing the sun:A great sign was seen in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with children and yelled at childbirth and birth fever. She gave birth to a son, a boy child, who will rule all the nations with iron bars. And her children were deserted to God and his throne. Rev. 12: 1-2, 5
So here we see that already in the garden of Eden and on the same day as the fall, God had a plan ready for our salvation. He also had the thought of Israel in what nation Jesus should be born (become a Jew) and grow up in a special family chosen by God. Incarnation was also implicated in this verse, just by becoming human, the Lord Jesus could fight the devil and defeat him for us.
2000 f. Christ: Abraham's Selection Abraham is the seventh from Noah and belongs to the family of Sems. Noah had three sons, Sem Kam and Jafet. The blessing was put in a special way on Sem. Noah prophesied:He also said, "Blessed be the Lord God of Shem, Canaan be his servant! God will make great for Japheth, he shall dwell in the tents of Shem, and Canaan be his servant! 1M 9: 26-27
Here it is said that the Lord is God of Sems and that He will live in Sems tents. It is not that Jafet was promised to live in Sems tents. For Japheth, cohabiting the Europeans, far removed from the Semitic land, Canaan and the Middle East.
But Abraham and his family eventually went to Ur in Kaldea where they became idolaters and thus abandoned the faith in Jehovah.And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel: Their fathers, among them Tarah, the father of Abraham and of Naked, lived in old time on the other side of the river. They cultivated strange gods. Jos 24: 2
But God had promised blessing over the seed of Sems and came to reveal himself to Abram. About this, Stephen says:And Stephen answered, Brothers and fathers, listen to me! The God of glory revealed himself to our father Abraham while he was in Mesopotamia before settling in Karan. And he said to him, Go forth from your land and from your family, and go to the land that I will show you! Then he departed from the land of the Chaldeans, and settled in Karan. And after his father had died, God let him move from there to this land that you now live in. Acts 7: 2-4

7357 tegn over 5000 maksimalt:
nød oppreiser han dommere som redningsmenn og de kjemper og frelser Israel. Vi kjenner navn som Gideon, Jefta og Deborah med flere. På den tiden var det ikke noen fast statsordning. Israel var et teokrati men hadde ingen sentral regjering eller en konge som kunne samle dem. I de dager var det ingen konge i Israel, hver mann gjorde det som var rett i hans øyne. Dom 17:6 1100 f. Kristus: Fornyelse og kongedømme Det oppsto etter hvert et behov i folket. De ville ha en konge over seg, slik de andre folkene rundt om kring hadde. På den tiden var det Samuel levde. Han var oppreist av Gud og var den siste av dommerne og den første i en rekke av profeter i Israel. Samuel var gudsfryktig og rettferdig og han dømte Israel i 40 år. Samuel var den som innsatte den første kongen i Israel. Hans navn var Saul. Han var av Benjamin stamme. Til å begynne med var han god men ble etter hvert egenrådig. Han mishaget Herren og han valgte en annen i Sauls sted. Hans navn var David. Samuel svarte Saul: Jeg vil ikke gå tilbake sammen med deg! For du har forkastet Herrens ord, og derfor har Herren forkastet deg, så du ikke skal være konge over Israel. 1Sam 15:26 1055 f. Kristus: Davids kongedømme David var en spesiell mann. Han ble etter hvert konge over hele Israel og regjerte i 40 år. Han tok seg flere koner og opplevde mange problemer i sin familie. En av hans sænner, Absalom, ville styrte David og selv ta kongemakten. Han ble drept av hærføreren Joab. David syndet også grovt men ydmyket seg, bekjente og fikk tilgivelse. Han var en liflig sanger og skrev mange salmer og lovprisninger i Bibelen. Det spesielle med David er at han fikk sterke profetier om fremtiden og kongedømmet. Slik det har vært like fra den dag jeg satte dommere over mitt folk Israel. Jeg har latt deg få ro for alle dine fiender. Og nå forkynner Herren deg at Herren vil bygge deg et hus. Når dine dagers tall blir fullt, og du hviler hos dine fedre, da vil jeg etter deg oppreise din sønn som skal utgå av ditt liv, og jeg vil grunnfeste hans kongedømme. Han skal bygge et hus for mitt navn, og jeg vil trygge hans kongetrone til evig tid. 2Sam 7:11-13 1015 f. Kristus: Israel under Salomo Denne tiden var et nasjonalt høydepunkt for Israel. Templet var ferdig bygget og innviet, gudstjenesten pågikk dag og natt og det var velstand og fred ved alle grenser. På denne tiden nådde landområdene langt og var det største noen sinne. Salomo var høyt respektert og fremmede nasjoner kom for å høre hans visdom. Han fikk etter hvert et stort harem og det sies at han hadde 1000 kvinner (konkubiner). Dette førte Salomo på avveier og han vek bort fra Guds vei og begynte å dyrke avgudene. Dette vekket Herrens mishag og Gud sa at kongedømmet ville bli revet ut av Salomos etterkommeres hånd. Det skjedde også. Men kong Salomo elsket mange fremmede kvinner foruten Faraos datter, moabittiske, ammonittiske, edomittiske, sidoniske, hetittiske, kvinner av de hedningefolk som Herren hadde talt om og sagt til Israels barn: Dere skal ikke gi dere i lag med dem, og de ikke med dere. Ellers kommer de for visst til å vende hjertene deres til sine guder. – Disse kvinnene holdt Salomo seg til, og dem elsket han. Han hadde sju hundre hustruer av fyrstelig rang og tre hundre medhustruer. Disse hustruene hans bøyde hans sinn. Da Salomo ble gammel, vendte hustruene hans hjerte til andre guder, og hans hjerte var ikke helt med Herren hans Gud, slik som hans far Davids hjerte hadde vært. Salomo fulgte Astarte, sidoniernes guddom, og Milkom, ammonittenes styggedom. Og Salomo gjorde det som ondt var i Herrens øyne. Han fulgte ikke trofast etter Herren, slik som hans far David hadde gjort. På den tiden bygde Salomo en offerhaug for Kamos, Moabs styggedom, på det fjellet som ligger midt imot Jerusalem, og for Molok, Ammons barns styggedom. 1Kong 11:1-7 Da sa Herren til Salomo: Siden det er slik med deg, og du ikke har holdt min pakt og mine lover, som jeg har gitt deg, så vil jeg rive riket fra deg og gi det til din tjener. 1Kong 11:11 Riket blir delt Det gikk slik som Gud hadde sagt. Israel var et 12-stammefolk men nå ble de 10 stammene i nord skilt ut fra Juda i sør. Det hadde seg slik at Salomos sønn Rehabeam skulle overta riket etter sin far. Han var en uforstandig mann og mot de eldstes råd fortsatte han å øke skattene som folket skulle betale. Dette skapte veldig misnøye. Gud hadde oppreist to fiender mot Israel og det sittende kongedømme. Den ene var Hadad fra Edom. Han ble en veldig motstander mot Israel. Den andre var Jeroboam, fra Serada i Eifraim. Denne siste kom til å gjøre opprør mot Rehabeam og skilte seg fra Juda i sør. Nå ble det to kongerekker i Israel. Fra nå av er Israel de 10 stammene i nord Men Juda er regjeringsmakten i sør. Da nå hele Israel så at kongen ikke hørte på dem, svarte folket kongen og sa: Hva del har vi i David? Vi har ingen lodd i Isais sønn. Til dine telt, Israel! Sørg nå selv for ditt hus, David! – Så drog Israel hjem igjen. 1Kong 12:16 Nå går det raskt mot en endelig slutt for begge deler av riket. Først kommer assyrerne over 10stammeriket i nord. Deretter over Juda og Benjamin i sør. Satans angrep mot Israel Det er ganske sikkert at djevelen vet at Messias vil komme. Han vet også at Messias vil komme gjennom Israels folk. Derfor setter han i gang alle mulige angrep mot jødefolket for å ta bort fra dem Guds velsignelse og beskyttelse. Han vil ødelegge dem slik at Messias ikke skal komme og knuse hans makt. Vi leser noe av denne historien i Åp. 12:3-4 Og et annet tegn ble sett i himmelen – og se: En stor ildrød drage som hadde sju hoder og ti horn, og på sine hoder sju kroner. Med sin hale drog den med seg tredjedelen av himmelens stjerner og kastet dem til jorden. Og den stilte seg foran kvinnen som skulle føde, for å sluke barnet hennes så snart hun hadde født. Åp 12:3-4 Det var spesielt én gang da kongedømmet holdt på å helt forsvinne. Vi leser om dette i da Akasjas mor Atalja fikk vite at hennes sønn var død, gikk hun i gang med å utrydde hele kongeætten i Judas hus. Men kongedatteren Josabat tok Joas, Akasjas sønn, og førte ham hemmelig bort fra kongesønnene som skulle drepes. Hun førte ham og hans amme inn i et sengkammer. Og Josabat, kong Jorams datter, presten Jojadas hustru – hun var søster til Akasja – gjemte gutten for Atalja, så hun ikke fikk drept ham. Siden var han hos dem i Guds hus og ble holdt skjult der i seks år, mens Atalja regjerte i landet. 2Krøn 22:1012 Her ser vi den onde bestemoren som drepte alle kongesønnene etter kong Akasja, hennes egen sønn. Dvs. hun drepte sine egne barnebarn slik at hun selv kunne få kongemakt og regjere. Men Joas, som var den eneste gjenlevende av kongslekten ble reddet i siste liten av Josabat, søster til den nå avdøde Akasja. Sammen med presten Jojada gjemte de gutten i Guds hus. Hadde kongelinjen blitt brutt, ville ikke Jesus ha kommet i fra Davids hus og ætt. 724 f. Kristus: Assyrerne bortfører de 10 stammene En stormakt vokser frem i Østen. Det er det mektige Assyrer-riket (nå Iran). De kom over Israel og gjorde landet til et lydrike. Israels konge fikk fortsatt regjere men måtte betale skatt til assyrerkongen og love troskap. Men Hosea, den siste av de ugudelige kongene i Israel ble bortført til Assyria i året 722 før Kristus sammen med 27 000 fanger. Den assyriske kongens navn var Sargon.
This revelation led to Abraham becoming a believer and moved out of Ur, drawing toward the land as God would show him. Thus begins the story of his Abraham if he became ancestor of the Jewish people.
The main lines are drawn in Genesis 12: 1-3, we find some of the most important prophecies in the Bible. It is God who gives Abraham promises while these promises are future profiles that are not yet fulfilled.And the LORD said unto Abram, Depart from thy land, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house unto the land which I will show thee. I want to make you a big crowd. I will bless you and make your name big and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and he who curses you will curse. And in you shall all the generations of the earth be blessed. 1M 12: 1-3
Here we see that there are personal promises to Abraham. God will bless him and make his name great and he will be a blessing. There are specific promises about the people (Israel) that there will be a great people. It should be so that someone will bless it and others will curse it. There is promise of a blessing that will reach all the people and families of the earth. This promise concerns the family that should come. Jesus Messiah.
1730 BC Christ: The People of Israel in Egypt We know how Abraham and Isaac and Jacob lived in the land of Canaan and lived there as strangers and foreigners. They did not own any own land or area that they could call. Yet God said that this land, as far as the eye could see, would be their land. But first, Israel had to grow up and be hardworked so that, by war, they could win their own country. Therefore, famine throughout the Middle East was also over Canaan. And Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy grain. But before this we have the story of Joseph. He is a picture of Jesus, just as Joseph was rejected by his own people and suffered death. But Joseph was de facto sent to Egypt to keep the family alive. He became the rescuer, not only for Egypt and other peoples but also for his own house.
Joseph said to the brothers: Dear, come here to me! And they came to him. He said, "I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold to Egypt. But be not worried or worried because you sold me here! It was to save lives that God sent me here in advance for you. 1M 45: 4-5
Now Jacob and all his family came to Egypt - 75 souls - and they lived in Goshen. Later there came other rulers over the land and the tenure began. For 400 years they were slaves and built up large
cities in the country. Israel called to God for salvation.
1500 BC Christ: Israel Redeemed From Egypt The time came when Israel was to be released from captivity. God raised Moses and that night the Passover was slaughtered where the people of Israel were ready to go out. Moses led them, and by Sinai the law was given. Israel was a slave people and had no fighting spirit. They used to bend their neck. In the land of Canaan there were fortified cities and strong war nations. Therefore, Israel had to be hardened. Therefore, their journey, which could have taken 6 days, extended to 40 years. During this time, the old generation died. Everyone who was over 20 years old when they left Egypt fell in the desert. God showed His people that He was able to take care of them. He gave them bread from heaven, manna and poured water out of the rock. The shoes on their feet were not worn out and in the day the cloud was above them and protected against the ultraviolet rays. At night the fire support gave them light.I allowed you to walk forty years in the desert. Your clothes were not worn out, and your shoes were not worn on your foot. You did not have bread to eat or wine and strong drink to drink, that you might know that I, the Lord, am their God. 5M 29: 5-6
1450 BC Christ: Israel in the land of Canaan Moses led the people to the border and crossed the country from Nebo. There Moses died. He became 120 years old. But Joshua led the people further. We read about Jericho who fell to God's underneath and other cities that were occupied by the Jews. Little by little they captured the land and expelled the idolaters. Unfortunately they were fooled and some of these peoples were left and became a snare for Israel. Their women became married to Israelis and they began to cultivate the foreign gods. The anger of the Lord was opposed to them. The people feared the Lord for as long as Joshua lived and as long as they lived who had been with Joshua. But the generations that came after fell from the Lord.But if you do not think of serving the Lord, choose today who you will serve, whether the gods their fathers grown on the other side of the river, or the gods the Amorites cultivated, those who had the land in which you now live! But I and my house, we will serve the Lord. Jos 24:15

 1400 BC Christ: Hard Year When we come to the Judgment, we find that Israel is far down. They fall from the Lord and he allows foreign powers to enter the country and Israel is coming under foreign voyage. Whole 11 times we find that Israel is trampling under its enemies. But when the people cry to the Lord in his distress, he raises judges as rescuers and they fight and save Israel. We know names like Gideon, Jephtha and Deborah and more. At that time there was no fixed state scheme. Israel was a theocracy but had no central government or a king who could gather them.In those days there was no king in Israel, every man did what was right in his eyes. Judges 17: 6 1100 BC Christ: Renewal and Kingdoms There eventually became a need in the people. They wanted a king over them, as the other people around had. At that time, Samuel lived. He was raised by God and was the last of the judges and it
first in a number of prophets in Israel. Samuel was God-fearing and just and he judged Israel for 40 years. Samuel was the one who inaugurated the first king of Israel. His name was Saul. He was of Benjamin's tribe. Initially he was good but eventually became selfish. He scorned the Lord and chose another in Saul's place. His name was David.Samuel answered Saul: I will not go back with you! For you have rejected the word of the Lord, and therefore the Lord has rejected you so that you will not be king over Israel. 1 Samuel 15:26
1055 BC.: King David of David David was a special man. He eventually became king throughout Israel and ruled for 40 years. He took more wives and experienced many problems in his family. One of his sons, Absalom, wanted to rule David and take the royal power himself. He was killed by the host Joab. David also sincerely condemned himself, confessed and received forgiveness. He was a lifelike singer and wrote many hymns and praises in the Bible. The special thing about David is that he received strong prophecies about the future and the kingdom.That's how it was from the day I judged my people Israel. I have made you calm for all your enemies. And now the Lord announces to you that the Lord will build you a house. When the days of your days are full, and you rest with your fathers, then I will raise up your son who will go forth from your life, and will establish his kingdom. He will build a house for my name, and I will keep his royal throne forever. 2 Sam 7: 11-13
1015 BC Christ: Israel under Solomon This time was a national highlight of Israel. The temple was finished built and dedicated, the service went on day and night and there was prosperity and peace at all limits. At this time, the lands reached far and the greatest was ever. Solomon was highly respected and strangers came to hear his wisdom. He eventually got a big harem and it is said that he had 1000 women (concubines). This caused Solomon to weigh, and he departed from the way of God, and began to cultivate idols. This aroused the Lord's displeasure and God said that the kingdom would be torn out of the hand of Solomon's descendants. It also happened.
But King Solomon loved many strange women besides Pharaoh's daughter, Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, Hittite, Women of the Gentiles whom the Lord had spoken and said to the children of Israel: You shall not lay hold of them, and they shall not you. Otherwise, they will certainly turn their hearts to their gods. "These women held Solomon, and they loved him. He had seven hundred wives of princely rank and three hundred concubines. These wives bowed his mind. When Solomon became old, the wives turned his heart to other gods, and his heart was not completely with the Lord his God, as his father David's heart had been. Solomon followed Astarte, the idols of the Sidonians, and Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. And Solomon did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. He did not faithfully follow the Lord, as his father David had done. At that time Solomon built a high place for Kamos, the abomination of Moab, on the mountain that is in the midst of Jerusalem, and for Molok, the abomination of the children of Ammon. 1 Kings 11: 1-7Then the Lord said to Solomon, Because you have not kept my covenant and my laws, which I have given you, I will give away the kingdom from you and give it to your servant. 1Kong 11:11
The kingdom is divided It went as God had said. Israel was a 12 tribal people but now the 10 tribes in the north were separated from Judah to the south. It was so that Solomon's son, Rehabeam, would take over the kingdom of his father. He was an ignorant man, and against the advice of the elders he continued to increase the taxes that the people should pay. This created very dissatisfaction. God had raised two enemies against Israel and the sitting kingdom. One was Hadad of Edom. He became a very opponent of Israel. The other was Jeroboam, from Seradah of Ephraim. This latter was going to rebel against Rehoboam and divorced from Judah to the south. Now there were two kingdoms in Israel. From now on you are

 1400 BC Christ: Hard Year When we come to the Judgment, we find that Israel is far down. They fall from the Lord and he allows foreign powers to enter the country and Israel is coming under foreign voyage. Whole 11 times we find that Israel is trampling under its enemies. But when the people cry to the Lord in his distress, he raises judges as rescuers and they fight and save Israel. We know names like Gideon, Jephtha and Deborah and more. At that time there was no fixed state scheme. Israel was a theocracy but had no central government or a king who could gather them.In those days there was no king in Israel, every man did what was right in his eyes. Judges 17: 6 1100 BC Christ: Renewal and Kingdoms There eventually became a need in the people. They wanted a king over them, as the other people around had. At that time, Samuel lived. He was raised by God and was the last of the judges and it
first in a number of prophets in Israel. Samuel was God-fearing and just and he judged Israel for 40 years. Samuel was the one who inaugurated the first king of Israel. His name was Saul. He was of Benjamin's tribe. Initially he was good but eventually became selfish. He scorned the Lord and chose another in Saul's place. His name was David.Samuel answered Saul: I will not go back with you! For you have rejected the word of the Lord, and therefore the Lord has rejected you so that you will not be king over Israel. 1 Samuel 15:26
1055 BC.: King David of David David was a special man. He eventually became king throughout Israel and ruled for 40 years. He took more wives and experienced many problems in his family. One of his sons, Absalom, wanted to rule David and take the royal power himself. He was killed by the host Joab. David also sincerely condemned himself, confessed and received forgiveness. He was a lifelike singer and wrote many hymns and praises in the Bible. The special thing about David is that he received strong prophecies about the future and the kingdom.That's how it was from the day I judged my people Israel. I have made you calm for all your enemies. And now the Lord announces to you that the Lord will build you a house. When the days of your days are full, and you rest with your fathers, then I will raise up your son who will go forth from your life, and will establish his kingdom. He will build a house for my name, and I will keep his royal throne forever. 2 Sam 7: 11-13
1015 BC Christ: Israel under Solomon This time was a national highlight of Israel. The temple was finished built and dedicated, the service went on day and night and there was prosperity and peace at all limits. At this time, the lands reached far and the greatest was ever. Solomon was highly respected and strangers came to hear his wisdom. He eventually got a big harem and it is said that he had 1000 women (concubines). This caused Solomon to weigh, and he departed from the way of God, and began to cultivate idols. This aroused the Lord's displeasure and God said that the kingdom would be torn out of the hand of Solomon's descendants. It also happened.
But King Solomon loved many strange women besides Pharaoh's daughter, Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, Hittite, Women of the Gentiles whom the Lord had spoken and said to the children of Israel: You shall not lay hold of them, and they shall not you. Otherwise, they will certainly turn their hearts to their gods. "These women held Solomon, and they loved him. He had seven hundred wives of princely rank and three hundred concubines. These wives bowed his mind. When Solomon became old, the wives turned his heart to other gods, and his heart was not completely with the Lord his God, as his father David's heart had been. Solomon followed Astarte, the idols of the Sidonians, and Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. And Solomon did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. He did not faithfully follow the Lord, as his father David had done. At that time Solomon built a high place for Kamos, the abomination of Moab, on the mountain that is in the midst of Jerusalem, and for Molok, the abomination of the children of Ammon. 1 Kings 11: 1-7Then the Lord said to Solomon, Because you have not kept my covenant and my laws, which I have given you, I will give away the kingdom from you and give it to your servant. 1Kong 11:11
The kingdom is divided It went as God had said. Israel was a 12 tribal people but now the 10 tribes in the north were separated from Judah to the south. It was so that Solomon's son, Rehabeam, would take over the kingdom of his father. He was an ignorant man, and against the advice of the elders he continued to increase the taxes that the people should pay. This created very dissatisfaction. God had raised two enemies against Israel and the sitting kingdom. One was Hadad of Edom. He became a very opponent of Israel. The other was Jeroboam, from Seradah of Ephraim. This latter was going to rebel against Rehoboam and divorced from Judah to the south. Now there were two kingdoms in Israel. From now on you are
Israel the 10 tribes in the north But Judah is the government power in the south. When all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people answered the king and said, "What part do we have in David? We have no lottery in the son of Jesse. To your tent, Israel! Now take care of your house, David! Then Israel returned home. 1 Kings 12:16 Now, it is fast for a final end for both of the kingdoms. First of all, the assyrians come across the 10 stammeriket in the north. Then over Judah and Benjamin in the south. Satan's Attack Against Israel It is certain that the devil knows that the Messiah will come. He also knows that the Messiah will come through the people of Israel. Therefore, he begins all possible attacks against the Jews to remove God's blessing and protection. He will destroy them so that the Messiah does not come and crush his power. We read some of this story in Rev. 12: 3-4 And another sign was seen in heaven, and behold, a great fire-red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns on his head. With its tail, it brought with it the third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the ground. And it stood before the woman who was going to feed, to swallow her child as soon as she had borne. Rev. 12: 3-4 It was especially once when the kingdom was about to disappear completely. We read about this when Ahaziah's mother, Atalja, learned that her son was dead, she began to eradicate the entire king's seat in Judah's house. But Jehoshaphat the king's daughter took Ahaziah the son of Joash, and led him secretly from the king's sons to be killed. She led him and his grandmother into a bedside room. And Jehozabath the daughter of Joram the priest, Jehoiada's priest, she was the sister of Ahaziah, hid the boy of Athaliah, so that she slew him not. Since then he was with them in the house of God and was hid there for six years while Athaliah ruled in the land. 2Ch 22: 1012 Here we see the evil grandmother who killed all the king's sons after King Akasiah, her own son. Ie she killed her own grandchildren so that she could gain royal power and rule. But Joas, who was the only survivor of the king's song, was saved in the last minute by Josabat, the sister of the now-deceased Akasja. Together with the priest Jehoiada, they hid the boys in the house of God. Had the royal line been broken, Jesus would not have come from David's house and family. 724 BC.: Assyrians abduct the 10 tribes A great power grows in the East. It is the mighty Assyrian empire (now Iran). They came across Israel and made the land a sound one. The king of Israel still ruled but had to pay taxes to the Assyrian king and promise allegiance. But Hosea, the last of the wicked kings of Israel, was abducted to Assyria in the year 722 before Christ with 27,000 prisoners. The Assyrian king's name was Sargon. In Hosea's ninth year, the Assyrian king took Samaria and carried Israel to Assyria. He made them living in Halah and at Habor, a river in Gosan, and in the cities of Media. This was how the children of Israel sinned against the Lord their God, who had brought them up from the land of Egypt, and delivered them out of the hand of Egyptian king Pharaoh. They feared other gods and wandered according to the customs of the Gentiles whom the Lord had driven away for the children of Israel, and according to the customs which the kings of Israel had introduced. 2 Kings 17: 6-8 589 b. Christ: The Babylonians abduct Judah Only 133 years later, in the year 589 BC. Christ comes to the mighty Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar and takes Judah. He burns the towns and Jerusalem with the Temple of Solomon is also not spared. The wicked king of Zedekiah is bound with copper joints, his sons killed while the king himself is taken to Babylon. Their sins were no longer to end, and the punishment of the Lord eventually reached the rest of Judah remaining. In the ninth year of Zedekiah, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, went with all his army against Jerusalem. They besieged the city and the village shook around it. They kept the city ringing even to the eleventh year of King Sidkiah. 2 Kings 25: 1-2 In the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of Babylon the king of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, the chief of the guard, one of the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem. He burned up the house of the Lord and the king's house. And all the houses of Jerusalem, all the houses of the great men, burned with fire. And all the army of the Chaldeans, whom the captain of the guard brought with them, tore down the walls of Jerusalem. 2 Kings 25: 8-10 Judah and Jerusalem are desolate for 70 years. The beautiful country now entered its sabbath rest. For 70 years, this exile had to last. At this time, they were 10 tribes in the territories that belonged to the Assyrian Empire, and Judah lived in the country of Babylon (now Iraq). This was the time for Daniel and Ezekiah. Daniel got visions, dreams and revelations, but Ezekiel was a powerful prophet who spoke the word of the Lord to his age. Before these, the prophet Jeremiah had said that the captivity should last for 70 years. But when seventy years have ended, I will punish the king of Babylon and the people there, says the Lord, because of their iniquities. And I will visit the land of the Chaldeans, and make it for everlasting deserts. Jeremiah 25:12 Say so is the Lord: When seventy years have passed to Babylon, I will see you and fulfill your good word for me, that I will bring you back to this place. Jeremiah 29:10 When time began to approach, Daniel turned to God in prayer. He asked forgiveness for all the sins of Israel, and asked for them to return to their country again. In the first year of his reign, I examined Daniel in the books and noticed the number of years the Lord had spoken to Jeremiah the prophet-that he would end seventy years while Jerusalem was in ruins. Dan 9: 2 606 b. Christ: Judah Returns In the Persian king of Cyrus, 606 years before Christ, the Jews are allowed to return to Judea. The tools and vessels of gold and silver that had been taken away from the temple in Jerusalem 70 years earlier are now surrendered to the Jews. Under the direction of Serubabel (of royal clan) some of the Jews return to Jerusalem. It was in the first year of the Persian king of Kyros. In order for the Lord's word through the mouth of Jeremiah to be fulfilled, the Lord raised such thoughts in the spirit of the Persian king of Cyrus that he proclaimed throughout his kingdom, and also announce by letter: Thus says Cyrus the king of Persia: The Lord God of Heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. And he has instructed me to build a house for him in Jerusalem in Judah. If any of you belong to his people, then let his God be with him! He can go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the house of the Lord, the God of Israel. He is the God who lives in Jerusalem. Ezekiel 1: 1-3 These are the men of the land of Judah, who went home from captivity in the foreign country, whom the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, carried away to Babylon. Now they returned to Jerusalem and Judah, each to their city. They followed with Zerubbabel *, Joshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reeliah, Mordecai, Bilsan, Mizpar, Bigvai, Rehum, and Bana. - This is the number of the men of Israel: Ezekiel 2: 1-2 Later there was another journey under the direction of Ezra in King Artaxerxes government. This was the year 458 before Christ. This became the second department in the return to Judea.
 is the Lord: When seventy years have passed to Babylon, I will see you and fulfill your good word for me, that I will bring you back to this place. Jeremiah 29:10 When time began to approach, Daniel turned to God in prayer. He asked forgiveness for all the sins of Israel, and asked for them to return to their country again. In the first year of his reign, I examined Daniel in the books and noticed the number of years the Lord had spoken to Jeremiah the prophet-that he would end seventy years while Jerusalem was in ruins. Dan 9: 2 606 b. Christ: Judah Returns In the Persian king of Cyrus, 606 years before Christ, the Jews are allowed to return to Judea. The tools and vessels of gold and silver that had been taken away from the temple in Jerusalem 70 years earlier are now surrendered to the Jews. Under the direction of Serubabel (of royal clan) some of the Jews return to Jerusalem. It was in the first year of the Persian king of Kyros. In order for the Lord's word through the mouth of Jeremiah to be fulfilled, the Lord raised such thoughts in the spirit of the Persian king of Cyrus that he proclaimed throughout his kingdom, and also announce by letter: Thus says Cyrus the king of Persia: The Lord God of Heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. And he has instructed me to build a house for him in Jerusalem in Judah. If any of you belong to his people, then let his God be with him! He can go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the house of the Lord, the God of Israel. He is the God who lives in Jerusalem. Ezekiel 1: 1-3 These are the men of the land of Judah, who went home from captivity in the foreign country, whom the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, carried away to Babylon. Now they returned to Jerusalem and Judah, each to their city. They followed with Zerubbabel *, Joshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reeliah, Mordecai, Bilsan, Mizpar, Bigvai, Rehum, and Bana. - This is the number of the men of Israel: Ezekiel 2: 1-2 Later there was another journey under the direction of Ezra in King Artaxerxes government. This was the year 458 before Christ. This became the second department in the return to Judea.

søndag 20. mai 2018

No. 1667: Attorney Øystein Hermansen appears as a simple liar when he bases things that the court has contested!

No. 1667:Attorney Øystein Hermansen appears as a simple liar when he bases things that the court has contested!
Picture of lieutenant Øystein Hermansen who builds the verdict against me on lie in from Oslo Tingrett where narreapostel Jan Aage Torp came with some numbers that were both undocumented and lying numbers that I said clearly in Borgarting Law Court were completely beyond!

This writes Hermansen in the judgment against me and the heavenly blog:The appeal proceedings were held on April 5, 2017 in Borgarting Law Court's house. Jan Kåre Christensen gave no explanation, but took advantage of his right to give a final note. (quote ending).

I did, I both explained that the Torp has received is something he has to endure as a public person. And that the numbers underlying the judgment against me and the heavenly blog are neither documented, debated in court and they are completely beyond!
Furthermore, Hermansen writes:The case's actual background that the District Court had found proved was based on the appeal case. (quote ending).
This is lie, lie and again lies. I strongly disputed this in Borgarting Lagmannsrett and said clearly and clearly it is possible to say that the figures that Torp and Oslo Tingrett are based on are beyond and shall not be used as the basis for the verdict. When Hermansen completely proves to overlook so clear facts in the case he is a liar and fraudulent!
Listen here what I said:

This writes my lawyer Brynjar Meling tin Norway's Supreme Court:Case handling error, provocation and retribution
As it appears at the bottom of page 4 and at the top of page 5 of the judgment of the Court of Appeal, the defendant stated in his defense that his judgments had to be subjected to punishment or poorly judged by the principle of provocation and retribution.
In spite of this statement, the Court of Appeal has, in any case, ignored the extent to which abusive and contradictory opposition by the accused party's verbal assault has been or what characteristics of the convicted person had to withstand in return for his verbal assault against Pastor Torp.

As meaningful assessment of possible impunity or reduced punishment due to provocation and retribution in relation to reciprocal verbal attacks presupposes both a quantitative and qualitative comparison of the arguments put forward on both sides, it is stated that the decision of the Court of Appeal is insufficient.
The Court of First Instance has - see first full section on page 8 of the judgment - in the present context limited to finding that Torp's counterattack against Christensen has helped escalate and prolong the conflict between convicted and insulted. This is insufficient to determine the significance of the "balance of payments", either for the sake of guilt or punishment.
The above-mentioned inadequacy of the premises of the Court of Appeal is further related to Strl. (1902) § 250 is not mentioned at all in the court's premises, which in itself is also an additional inadequacy given the questions relating to the law of the court of law, see below.(quote ending).
Hear yourself from Borgarting Court of Appeal where I say that Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp's numbers are completely beyond and they are not documented either.
When judge in this case Øystein Hermansen writes in this case that I did not comment on anything and the figures are not contested. Then just listen to YouTube and Hermansen is "trapped" in lies and again more lies!
