mandag 27. mai 2019

No. 1529: Give a good "summer gift" to the heavenly blog and other servants of the Lord who mediate the Word and live in accordance with God's word!

No. 1529:
Give a good "summer gift" to the heavenly blog and other servants of the Lord who mediate the Word and live in accordance with God's word!

Picture of a raper (illustration image), it is strange if such an artist who is many times offended, at least his music is no one who criticizes if he becomes rich and has good material.
But giving to a servant or servant of the Lord, many times creates a great "resurrection" and many opinions how bad and terrible this is.
Satan has clear and deceived many people, but he is a liar, the truth is not in him.
The reality is that the one who needs funds over someone else is the Lord's servant and servant who brings out the world's most important and glorious message!

A certain false apostle living against the words of the scripture just praised that it was someone who had faithfully given him a certain amount of money over several years.
Firstly, he will never experience the blessing of supporting a man who does not live as God's word. At least not in "full moves!"

But do you support me and the heavenly blog, and others who live like they preach. You will be blessed and strengthened in faith, and God will pay you back.
For then you sow into the kingdom of God and work of the church of God on this earth.

Give a little extra, yes as it "monner", take a little extra now this summer. Scripture says the following:

Luke 6: 38 give, and ye shall be given. a good, stopped, shaken, crowded goal must be given to you in the lap; for with the same measure you measure, you shall be measured again.

The original text freely translated: Give and it will be given back to you! It will be measured back to you a good, pressed and toasted container, which will be what you get again.

Here the Lord says you will get back what you give with interest, not the worst? Hallelujah!

Here is our account number, The Danish Bank: 85300502674

When you give, it is important that you are for the Spirit of God so that you do not give to those who only awaken your feelings. Emotions are human, we see for example. Jan Hanvold and Vision Norway take full advantage of this. They show how poorly it is, for example. in Moldova, and the Christian people bite.
Hanvold lives in adultery with the herb marriage behind him, supporting such a man only leads to the opposite than spreading the kingdom of God.

But if you feel prompted to give to a man or woman who lives and preaches according to the word of God, then you can give with great boldness! And expect God to pay you back in this and in the next life.

Is it true that rappers who are abusing drugs are often very rich and others who live completely for the powers of darkness?
Hear no one who criticizes when the world's children become rich, even on miserable and dark premises. Gives one to God's servants and the cause of God, then one hears one and the other. Satan he twists it all on his head, just because he knows you bless a Lord's servant or servant, then you are spreading the Kingdom of God and the Word - which is Jesus!

Have heard so much about preachers that they are "food preachers," "preachers of money," they are "luxury preachers," they will not work, they will exploit others, they do everything between heaven and earth.
I have traveled with the gospel here in Norway both in leisure and full time. The truth is that the ministry of preaching, especially in non-Christian circles, is Norway's most underpaid work. The truth is, for the vast majority, those who preach serve far lower than in a regular profession and what they otherwise had earned from a worldly profession if they had wagered and lived on it. It is simply underpaid for the vast majority of people!
Therefore, my call is to give everything you can and never think that this is in vain. Here I could have written a book, but by all my heart would say that you should give to all the preachers whom God reminds you of also some crowns personally. But above all, you give in to the account of that ward and this business. God will bless you abundantly, it's my and thousands of others experience.

Final Comment:

Mark 9:41. For he that giveth you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye are Christ's, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.

Matthew 10: 41And he that receiveth a prophet, because he is a prophet, shall receive a reward of a prophet; and he that receiveth a righteous man, because he is righteous, shall receive the wages of a righteous man. 42And whosoever shall give one of these little ones only a cup of cold water to drink, because he is a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

1 Tim. 5. 18. For the scripture says, Thou shalt not bind the mouth of an ox as threshing. And a worker is worth his salary.

Matt. 5. 12. Rejoice and rejoice! for your reward is great in heaven; for thus they persecuted the prophets before you.

God is just good, and Satan is a liar!

The truth is that Satan has blinded the people of this world where it is. absolutely all right that this world's child is not just rich many times. But they are rich in all kinds of misery and so many things. I have no agenda against these even though I do not think they would have any of these hthat the wealth and the material goods. It may lie, as they will also answer for God one day.
But what is my focus is that God will bless us all. And the blessing that the Lords bless us with, he also wants to come to those who preach the Bible's message. After all, this is the message - the message of Jesus and the remission of sin that will take us into God's eternal glorious Kingdom that will prevail over any other kingdom!

How much do you want to give to the Heavenly Blog and my service? Give what the Lord encourages you to give.
Mark it all with "summer gift". As you said, you can give here.

Here is our account number, The Danish Bank: 85300502674

Psalm 37: 16 Better is the little that the righteous hath, than the riches of many wicked men.

fredag 24. mai 2019

No. 1528: The authorities and government agencies often have a very condescending attitude and they are making trouble out of "nothing", which says that often the authority is the problem, not one itself!

No. 1528:
The authorities and government agencies often have a very condescending attitude and they are making trouble out of "nothing", which says that often the authority is the problem, not one itself!

Picture of Leif Liljeström who put 2 months. wrongfully in prison, shameful and evil.
In many ways, he is "thrown" in front of the "bus" of the Christians when so few have stood up for him. Not only he, but anyone who has been ill-treated, harassed and wrongfully imposed, convicted or otherwise gagged, has been tried and stopped and removed. Lost both time and money on something that would never have been put in place by the authority against us. It is government abuse that we experience!

Know that I need to tell others who possibly come up in the same situation as us some things that are important and necessary to know.
I also believe that since we have experienced this on so many occasions that my / our experience makes the help and understanding we have become "transferred" to others.

2 Cor. 1. 3 Blessed be God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercy, and the God of comfort; comforted by God! 5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, even our comfort is abundant in Christ. 6 But if we suffer tribulation, it is your comfort and salvation; If we are comforted, then it is for you a consolation that appears strong in patience under the same suffering that we suffer; 7 And our hope for you is fixed, knowing that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, ye shall also be partakers of comfort.

Have been in contact with some people, both believers and non-believers.
There are very few who understand such cases, as few have really experienced how the Norwegian state sometimes treats its inhabitants, far below par.

Yes, there are a few, a marginal group. But it is so important that the voice of us - the marginal group is heard.

I don't know how many this applies, but surely 1% of the population? Of that group, I expect half that can say that the state has treated them badly or badly. A good deal also has partly a part of the blame, but the focus should and should be to bring out the realities and what is true.
Not least in the cases that are real like mine and some others! After all, I'm 120% innocent, and the state and government authorities 120% have caused it to become what it has become. Everything could and should have been resolved amicably some conversations and possibly come to meet us. Here, in all cases I / we have been bothered, only the state and the public authorities have put everything in order!

I am convinced that there is no single case that the authorities want to make it look like. The fact is that both believers and non-believers have been overrun, "mistreated" psychologically, lied to and factory-defeated against them / us!

Let me mention some examples of miserable treatment of residents here in Norway, and I want to include two examples from Sweden.
It is for this reason that it is not the "state of Norway" that is the problem and the law. But it is the overrun and condescending treatment that the authorities all over the world allow to act like. Arrogant, evil and primitive. I really want to kill the "bad" apples, not Norway as a nation and the law. It is the problem that here protects a real evil.

1.) Leif Liljeström, the man behind the home page of the Bible Temple who had to sit for 2 months. in prison when he preached against gays.

2.) Åke Ingemar Teodor Green, who also preached against the gays, was also first convicted in the district court. But luckily was acquitted later in the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court in 2005.

3.) In the past, it was a poor fur farmer, Per Olaf Lauvås, who lied to the food inspection, fabricated faults and wanted to dismantle his entire farm. Although it worked excellently, so does the authority at its times, shameful!

4.) Petar Keseljevic preached the gospel here in Oslo, and was also sentenced to crimes like me. Of course, he did not do anything punishable, but when the hatred of Christ and the word of God is there, the authority and the courts can get most of it as bad and bad.

5.) I personally know how the child welfare service has treated the so-called Glass Girl. It is so bad that words do not extend, this happened a few years ago at Karmøy, my home municipality.

6.) How we have been treated by the government is just a big, big shame. Has written a little about it here:

Harvey Weinstein and Jan Kåre Christensen think people are both "guilty", it is so far from the truth it is possible to come!

It is a part that believes in themselves because they do not experience such things as I, Åge Green, Leif Liljeström, Petar Keseljevic and others experience that they are "better" than us. And that such people as Harvey Weinstein who "started" the rascal in the United States and all over the world that he exploited so we are "like."
The truth is that Harvey Weinstein and the state are more similar to us. Since what we are experiencing is that state or public abuse of power against us, finished work.
Therefore, it is so important that you pray for us, encounter us in all areas. Also ecological and that one opposes the common belief that it should be something we have ended up in self-inflicted. The truth is also that here it is the state and the public one must look at as "criminal", no one else!
Picture of Harvey Weinstein who is more in line with the state and public Norway as we have experienced it at times. They behave nicely and properly, but in the "back room" they do anything but what they should and should do!

Final Comment:

Acts 8. 1. And Saul's covenant in his murder. But on that day, there was a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered over the land of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. 2 But some godly men buried Stephen and made a great noise over him. 3 But Saul ravaged the congregation, and went into the house after the house, and went out both of men and women, and cast them into prison. 4 Those who were now scattered went around preaching the word of the gospel.

Here, God allowed it to be a persecution of the believers, but the believers stood together as one man. Cohesion was great, wonderful and intense as everyone experienced the same.
Today, it is the opposite, as most believers go through life almost at the same level of resistance, persecution, and other ways that show that you are unloved and disliked by Satan and the evil spirit powers.

What is important is that, not least, we as believers understand, as today there are so few believers who face opposition. It is that we are being persecuted and coming up in these situations as it is the evil spirit forces and the powers of darkness that work. I do not claim that anyone involved here is affected by this. But the very origin and the person behind doing so oppose righteous and good people.
It is Satan and his spirit army who hate everything that is right, good and true!
Therefore, stand with desertism when there are believers who experience opposition and such harassment by the authority. Next time it may be you. Pray for them and never talk derogatory and bad about us, even though we can also do some minor mistakes and not stretch, we are just humans.
But with God's grace and help, everything will go to victory!
Includes a Psalm, Psalm 7 that fits in perfectly with what we have gone through.

Psalm 7. 2 Lord, my God! To you I put my trust; save me from all my persecutors and save me; 3 lest the enemy break up my soul like a lion, break it, and there is none to save. 4 Lord my God! If I have done this, if it is wrong in my hands; my life to the earth and my honor in the dust. Sela. / 7 Rise up, Lord, in thine anger, rise up against the enemies of my enemies, and awake to my help! You have a mandatory judgment. 8 And let the assembly of the nations encircle you, and turn back over it to the highest. 9 The Lord judges the people; judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to my innocence, which is with me. 10 But let the wickedness of the wicked end, and the righteous stand. You are the one who tries hearts and kidneys, a righteous God. 11 My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart. 12 God is a righteous judge, and God is wroth every day. 13 If he does not turn around, he whispers his sword, bucks his bow and finishes it / 14 and straightens killing weapons against him; his arrows make him burning. 15 Behold, he is about to bring in iniquity; He is fatal with misfortune and gives birth to lies. / 16 A grave he has dug and dug it out; but he falls into the grave he worked on. 17 The calamity he went through and thought about, falls back on his head, and the violence he had in his anger over his own ice. 18 I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness, and sing the name of the Lord the Most High.

torsdag 23. mai 2019

No. 1527: Pastor and Narrea Postel Jan Aage Torp comes with false accusations against me and poems a conspiracy that does not exist at all!

No. 1527:
Pastor and Narrea Postel Jan Aage Torp comes with false accusations against me and poems a conspiracy that does not exist at all!

Pastor and Narrative Post Jan Aage Torp comes with conspiracy theories, lies and again lies against me and the heavenly blog!

Blue. writes Jan Aage Torp this:
In a conversation with KKN's chairman Jan-Aage Torp, Supreme Court attorney Per Danielsen says that there is "a bunch of politicians" from several countries that have won the media in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in libel cases and in cases involving privacy violations. I am aiming here for a web check that is convicted of bullying, harassment and cheating on me. This person lives in the delusion that he can write what he wants.
Danielsen says that the Norwegian press creates a misunderstanding that famous people and so-called "public persons" must endure so much more than others. I have previously been forced to take legal action to set a limit, and I am not afraid to do so again if I have to. Freedom of expression does not mean that it is freely presented to the public cybercrime.

I am not writing any more about narreapostel Jan Aage Torp, and I have tried to point out only that he lives in adultery with being married. The verdict against me is a word of justice when neither Torp's figures are documented.
It was not discussed in court writing that they found in retrospect to judge me and the heavenly blog. It's a verdict that's zero worth!

Furthermore, Torp writes this, see the picture:

I'm not a Jesus-only Evangelist, don't understand where he's got it from.
Both Jesus-only and the Trinity doctrine are unbiblical teachings.

As for Maria Magdalene Øvretveit, I do not know her and have never received a crown from her. Here lies Torp lies and fabricates lies on lies!

Being a leader of the "gang" against Torp is also fabricated. Only thing I have had to do with is Sigmund Voll Ådnøy, but it is only with some mailer and various.

Here's something Torp has written about me and the celestial blog online lately.
Everything is just fine and lies like everything else Torp has come up with.
Torp claims that Marit Magdalene Øvretveit is "Christensen's economic and theological supporter."
And everything else he comes up with is fabricated lies that include: that I am Anders Behring Breivik follower and successor etc.
Torp looks like it has "clicked" for almost!

onsdag 22. mai 2019

No. 1526: Every time we have been in the grip of the "public" Norway we have behaved honestly and well, it cannot be said about them!

No. 1526:
Every time we have been in the grip of the "public" Norway we have behaved honestly and well, it cannot be said about them!

We have been clinging with a number of authorities, agencies and other public institutions.
Everything is really something incomprehensible as both I and my wife are 100% honest and honest in our journey.
Why is this happening anyway? As we see it, there are spirit powers that trigger various people. Scripture says this in Ephesus. 2. 2 as before, in the aftermath of this world, after the ruler of the powers of the air, the spirit now active in the infant of unbelief.
The Spirit that works in the children of unbelief is nothing but Satan and his demons, which make people do such things that are without purpose and purpose.

Although it seems that we have not always won with our arguments, it is that the authorities and the public agencies we have had to do have "settled" everything with various cunning and dishonest tricks, etc.
They have manipulated, lied, neglected our arguments and (mis) used the power to say to their advantage and our backs. Promised and lied has actually been a red thread with our experience with the public. It simply does not work satisfactorily and as it should be done simply in our opinion in quite a large extent.

I dare to claim from our experience with the public that our morals, credibility and everything else go beyond what we have experienced in public Norway many times. Therefore, it is not really democracy and the "rules" that are the problem, but the people!

Let me briefly mention a few things in from some of the issues we have been involved in.
Read this article at the same time:

When I look at all the accusations we have received from the public authorities, the list has been long now. To mention some. Or where we / I have been clinging with the authority due to authorities' abuse of power and obvious misjudgments!

1.) Around 1990, Oslo stormed the police our apartment and penetrated where I stood naked after having showered. My wife opened the door, and they needed a lot of power and cut off my passport, Norwegian. I am both Danish and Norwegian citizen, have dual citizenship. Their claim that I was so-called illegal immigrant was nothing but a lie! The passport was deprived and I would get you back, something I never got. Then the police station at Økern, the one who is today at Stovner, was talking about crook strikes from the police here in Oslo.

2.) In 2004, BV picked up our kids when we were at work, me and my wife. Basic claims and only Devil's company from BV, all claims were lies and exaggerations from beginning to end.

3.) Around 2014, Jan Aage Torp notified me with a fictitious review when he hated me for preaching against remarriage. He aimed to get me 2 years in prison and probably get the most money when he demanded desertic redress. The case itself and the trial were nothing but a goal from the police and the courts to convict me. They managed to lie and deceive. What I was convicted of was neither in the charge nor debated in court, this was a word of justice.

4.) My Father died in January 2013 and by a mistake it was paid a little too much money. This was something our lawyer Harald Hetland would have arranged for. This was not done, and NAV went straight to my employer and took money on behalf of my sister who had not repaid the money. This was nothing but a simple theft of NAV. I won on all points after much writing work. But never a single apology from the authorities even if they stole money that was mine and not someone else's!

5.) We have been ordered to demolish wall, staircase and storage room. Although we have built this among other things. with and received guidance from the municipality on how to build everything. What we have built is very nice, but should be a few cm further out in the road than allowed. Although everyone in a similar situation like us gets a dispensation. The wrong with us is horrible when ia. neighbor has received a dispensation 57 times with regard to the utilization rate of the plot. It is a standard for us and a completely different standard for everyone else. This tells about harassment, bullying and freezing! Bad what the Norwegian state does and nobody reacts. But everything is in spite of this, under God's custody and control.

1.) When the Oslo police stormed our apartment at Vestli as we lived then, they promised that I would get my passport again. First, they should just investigate if they found any errors, which they did not. Even though they had promised me the passport, I didn't get it and had to get a Danish passport. It testifies that dishonesty and lies are something that unfortunately is a recurrence of state, police and the public agency.

2.) When we were deprived of our children while we were working in 2004 after BV had made a completely horrendous and mistaken decision against me and my wife. Then the kids wanted to go home to us, and our son came home. We then brought him to my Father and this did not know police or BV something about. They then panicked when they tried to put the kids up against us, rotten as it was. Then the police officer Jarle Utne-Reitan called that they should only see that everything was fine, and we should have our son. The first thing they did when they came was to break the promise and bring him back to the bad BV. Lie is something that unfortunately is a recurrence in state, police and public agencies.

3.) This whole process of Jan Aage Torp was a lie of lies. He hated me and the heavenly blog when we pointed out his horror that he was remarried where Torp was obviously the one to blame for his own adultery. What did Torp do then? Got the police and the courts against me, which was a narrow case obvious when the Christian hatred brought forth here as it always does! Of course, have a thousand things to mention, but look for more here:

4.) When my Dad died and we got paid a lot of money to be repaid by a misunderstanding I did of course. But then I should not pay back for my sister. This was a rage without equal of NAV and the public as they entered my salary account through the Namsfogde here in Oslo and treated me like a criminal. Even though I had paid back the money they were supposed to have. I won over them at all points and got the money back. They had neither the law nor the right to do such a thing.
5.) The last thing we are currently doing is that PBE here in Oslo, ie the City of Oslo, has ordered to demolish the wall, staircase and storage room. This is not a situation we have chosen ourselves, but which we have come up with due to PBE's handling of the case. Have many examples of how they lie, ravage and manipulate. Includes one of certainly one hundred other examples.

We write this to PBE that others have been granted exemption with regard to masonry, storage room and staircase.

Then PBE answers this at Nils-Henrik Henningstad.

The Planning and Building Agency wishes to shed light on the fact that the issue of placing an illegal wall on the road surface is not a unique situation in Krokstien 2 C. For example, in case 201806484, 201815270, and in illegality case 201717539 in Tamburveien 10, a wall has also been erected. regulated road surface. Nor can this be approved, and will also have to be removed through follow-up in the illegality case.

We answer this:
You compared our property with the one in Tamburveien 10. Here, there is a regular bus service running past our house twice an hour and we have never heard a sound saying that it was a problem. Not a car or anything else. While in Tamburveien 10, it is totally different. They have been pointed out by public authorities. Then we realize that building a "illegal" is a problem. But with us, we really don't understand. Look here for what the Fire and Rescue Services say about the property in the Tamburine Road.

It is also stated about the aforementioned property: "BYM has been on inspection at Tamburveien 10 and notes the following: The support wall is set up 1.0-1.3 meters from the former fence towards the road, which then also means that the wall goes over the property boundary several meters along the road down the corner. The road has become correspondingly narrower and asphalt is cut off and laid inside the wall at the moment. There is no good visibility or space for larger vehicles. ”

With us, everything is the opposite, that they get problems is understandable as there is also poor visibility and they have settled. We have not settled at all, we called down to Kaja Aubert Lange at PBE here in Oslo, and got clear and good guidance. We built as recommended and by guidance, and what we have built is wonderfully good and no one has poor visibility here or anything else since the roadway has become larger and wider since we built our wall. Comparing this as you do in your email is just as incomprehensible to us as anything else you have done and do in this matter!

Final Comment:

I could have written books on this, but there are some things I've learned here.
To expect to get justice in this world is just to forget. The best thing is to try to put everything behind it and move on with the Lord. It is God in his time to judge these people, not me or anyone else. Judgment belongs to the Lord.

Room. 12. 19 Do not avenge yourselves, my beloved, but give up the wrath. for it is written, "I have vengeance, I will repay," says the Lord.

tirsdag 21. mai 2019

No. 1525: We have not applied for a wall in Stormyrveien for the past 100 years when we built, that PBE will not comment on this, just showing that they have no factual and serious arguments against us!

No. 1525:
We have not applied for a wall in Stormyrveien for the past 100 years when we built, that PBE will not comment on this, just showing that they have no factual and serious arguments against us!

The picture from the wild west, so were the "rules" here at Hellerudtoppen when we built. Therefore, neighbor has just across the road closest to their wall in the road. This is just fine, PBE thinks here in Oslo. While we who have it far from the road should tear, talk about being malicious and discriminating people.

This is what Ferdigattest AS writes in application on behalf of us to the Planning and Building Administration here in Oslo:

"By the way, not all the walls in the area were established before the house plan became applicable. Several of the walls in the area appear to have been established after 2006. From the point of view of the case, we cannot see that any cases have been registered in the Stormyrveien which concern explicit walls over the past 100 years.
We assume that some walls are considered in sc. other buildings, but notes that it may nevertheless appear that the owner of the measure is right that several of the walls have not been subject to a material assessment.
Mht. natural transition towards the road, it is pointed out that the fewest sites in the area have a natural transition to the road. On most sites along the Stormyrveien, walls and or cuts have been established in one form or another. Several of these have the same size as the current wall. ”

Here it is pointed out that no wall has been applied for here in Stormyrveien over the last 100 years, that they then behave like this to us who sought with professional help witnesses of a vile and narcissistic manner.

This also states Ferdigattest AS here:
"Initiator contacted PBE and inquired if it was okay to bring up a new wall where previous walls had been standing. According to the initiative owner, this was experienced as unproblematic and exempt from application. The initiative owner regrets that he has misunderstood, but it is nevertheless pointed out that one had hardly contacted PBE if one did not act in good faith, and that one led up the wall as one thought was in line with the regulations. This notion is reinforced by the fact that there are apparently no support cases in the immediate area, despite the fact that several walls have been established there. Furthermore, care has been taken that the work was carried out expertly.

Former wall lay in old land border. New wall is led up where old wall lay. Unfortunately, there was something wrong with the old boundaries, which has meant that the wall is a few cm. out on a regulated road. This was first discovered by surveying. The wall is located almost exactly on the previously mentioned land boundary, which is therefore something wrong. ”

Here, Ferdigattest AS says that loading me / us for this and demanding that the reef is to go far, far above the stretch. After all, there is talk of a few sqm2 dispensation we need. When others get what builds very much more extensive than us. Then
We have investigated the case, and it looks as if PBE went through the "all" houses here and it was only in 2016 that they started by instructing everyone to submit a written application. Before that, it was "freely forward" and wanted the West here in Stormyrvej.

What the Planning and Building Administration has opposed to us is actually service errors, manipulation, abuse of power and abuse of authority!

Let me give some small examples, include only a few "kind" examples as one cannot complain either, endlessly. I do as the word of God encourages us. Lay the old back and stretch out for what lies ahead.

1.) When they started raving with us already in 2014 I was completely "fresh" and did not understand much. What they were doing to us was that the booth was too close to the road. This was just nonsense, something they should and should see right away as a professional. Our house is closer to the road than the booth, ergo this has no meaning. These are service errors and manipulations they were doing to us. This also became a case that ended with the County Assembly, sad but true.

2.) We have asked them to visit so they can see everything around here personally in the eyes, but they will not. Only hidden inspections when we are at work.

3.) When they have argued and written the decision and others. So, they have mostly been such as have never been to us, but they write right into the weather what they mean and which we should pay attention to.

4.) When they pointed out that we should have applied for a wall, staircase and storage room. Then we initiated a great deal of money and received a huge application. What do they do then? On the contrary, it rejects. It is so rude and manipulative that they do, that words do not extend!

Final Comment:

What is with our case is that there is no matter really. The little we have "violated" by so-called illegalities is so minimal that it is like a storm in a water glass what PBE here in Oslo is doing.
They must take into account that here at Hellerudtoppen it was wild West before we built, everything was allowed.
Well next door just over the road has a wall that is so up in the road that I have never seen it "worse"!

Now the neighbor in Krokstien has built a new wall, they are now doing exactly the same. No reaction then from PBE.

This is from neighbor behind us in Krokstien 3 who built this wall 1 year ago. It lies is in a turn, 25 cm from the road. Yes, it was not just before the wild West here in the outskirts of Oslo, but also now.
But strangely, everyone else promises to do everything they want and more.
We are going to demolish even if we have built is not a hindrance or shyness to anyone, but those who lay the wall 20 - 25 cm from the roadway are obviously there !!!!

søndag 19. mai 2019

No. 1524: There is of course a great darkness both over and in people who think they do "the right thing" when they can allow themselves to do such things as PBE here in Oslo does!

No. 1524:
There is of course a great darkness both over and in people who think they do "the right thing" when they can allow themselves to do such things as PBE here in Oslo does!

Adolf Hitler was a German Nazi politician and dictator. He was appointed Chancellor in 1933 and was Head of State in the years 1934-1945.
Hitler agreed with former Chancellor Franz von Papen that the National Socialists and the German nationalities should enter into governmental cooperation. January 30, 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor.

The rest is history - about an evil story. Hitler and PBE are both "legal" authorities. Of course, people do not kill in PBE, but now they are going to claim money from us just because of We will not follow their orders, just as the Nazis were doing. They began in the small, but ended up in the totalitarian.
Well, the one who believes blindly in democracy and believes that "democracy" always has "right" is probably in the wild.

It is only when Jesus comes and establishes his millennial peace kingdom that there will be perfect justice. Before that we will only see fragments of justice!
In the case against us, it is pure evil that lies behind our orders. Why can I say it so dramatically?
When we are verbally promised to build several times a simple wall that does not stand out in any way. A booth that neighbor's neighbor gets exempted from utilizing the utilization rate of the plot 57 times more than us. They are allowed to have their standing and we rip ours. This is nothing more than a falsum that is bite initiated by dark and lying forces in PBE here Oslo's heads and hearts. As they have set out in their rigid decisions, unfortunately defended by the Civil Ombudsman, County Council and Norwegian courts. Believe blindly in democracy that it always does "right," is actually a seduction and delusion!

Will also say that everything is built on our property, give such orders as this is so against democracy and ordinary sentiment that it testifies that this is not really democracy, but the dictatorship!

Joh.e. 16. 2b There comes a time when every one who kills you will believe that he shows God a worship.

We humans are spiritual and moral beings in a completely different way than expensive. But what is most important about the animals in relation to us humans?
It is that in the animal world it is the strongest that prevails and governs.
Among us humans, there are completely different things that are important and that matter. Not least to do what is morally right and good.

The foremost to do what is right and good should be the people who work and are in the public authority, the Scriptures say.

Room. 13. For the rulers are not afraid of the good work, but of the evil one. But will you not have to fear the government? Do what is good, and praise it; 4 For it is the servant of God, good for you. But do what evil is, then fear! for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is the servant of God, a vengeance of punishment upon him that doeth evil.

It was the "official" Rome as in Rome, among other things. in the Colosseum and elsewhere, the most barbaric and horrific executions, barbarity and struggles for rides performed in all sorts of variants to see battle, blood, death, and even more horrific acts.

It was the "public" Germany with a legally and democratically elected people leader and obviously totally offended Adolf Hitler who killed not only 6 million Jews. But was responsible for World War II with its barbaric and horrific misdeeds that one expects more people to die in this horrific war as it was people in Germany when the war started.
Anyway, blindly believing in the public authorities is much, much worse than believing in much else.
Of course, we must take our assessments and not accept everything if it turns out that what the government is doing is of the evil, and not of the good!

There is a difference between stealing 1000, - and 1 Million, but it is theft both.

PBE here in Oslo has, of course, not gone as far as Nazi Germany did, but there are nevertheless the same evil principles that underlie this.
There are "legal" public bodies that settle down. Think they can and act like other people are shit and run over them.
In fact, here they are quite similar, and will not listen to other people's arguments, but just drive on!

I think it is right, biblical, and healthy democratic ones we do, just like everyone else who has opposed injustice, discrimination and other things. I think on Martin Luther King Jr. who stood up for the respondents, who had been suppressed and discriminated in the United States for hundreds of years.

When he got up and forth it was with a lot of resistance, and it was actually not only he who opposed the injustice and terrible treatment the dark-skinned or black had received in the United States for so long!

I / we fight a legitimate democratic struggle or process when I / we believe that both we and Norway's population are led behind the light with a state or municipal agencies that act arrogantly!
Like us in blind obedience is forced to follow even though it goes against all common sense and democratic and healthy principles.

Our case is that we have been discriminated against, treated unfairly and have not done anything that violates what others have done.

1) Difference Treated.

I have been reading through with other people who have done something "illegal". All those who have such a small degree of violation and who seek PBE in a good and serious manner have been granted an exemption. That we do not get is really discriminatory.

2.) Unfairly treated.

When Almost the closest neighbor builds "illegally" at the same time as us, and gets dispensation 57 times more than we do. Then we are really unfairly treated! We have not asked to end up in this position. But the reality is like that. We are 120% innocent in this case, but PBE is 1000% guilty due to their evil actions towards us to behave as they have done now for several years! Only evil people like this, no one who wants and works for the best of others.

3.) We have not done anything that violates what others have done.

Others just think of where we live, for example. long wall, higher wall and located much more in the road than our wall. In our view, the fact that we must tear everything down is that Norway's greater and worst "illegality case" is not on our part. But from the Planning and Building Administration side here in Oslo.

Final Comment:

It is only when Jesus returns and establishes his kingdom of peace that there will be perfect justice. Democracy that we have in the Western world is far from perfect. But that's what we have to deal with.
Adolf Hitler became lawfully vigilant, it just shows the weakness of democracy that it is power that prevails.
Here we see that PBE lies, operates with power abuse, discriminated against, treated unfairly and has not done anything that violates what others have done.
What can one do then? We have tried to promote this within the County Governor, the Civil Ombudsman and the courts here in Norway. Where one protects one another, lies, distorts the truth and most things are laid out if possible to push us down.
What we come up with arguments is not believed. What should one do then?
They now want us to remove these lovely things we have built.
Of course, we do not want this, of course, it is only dark that will do such a thing.

It is also strange that the person who decided our case at the County Assembly Marius Vamnes who represented the County Governor in Oslo decided that we should demolish the wall, staircase and storage room on our property.

But he approved everything that Kjell Inge Røkke has built if there were a thousand times more "exceedances" than ours!

This is democracy! Nothing but a fake and a bluff! The truth is not, but lies!

onsdag 15. mai 2019

No. 1523: PBE is now trying to scare us into obeying their orders to tear down daily fines, this is abuse of power, bullying and harassment of the worst sort!

No. 1523:
PBE is now trying to scare us into obeying their orders to tear down daily fines, this is abuse of power, bullying and harassment of the worst sort!

Got mail in from PBE where they write among others. the following: "In our letter of 29.04.2019, it was informed that if no complete application for this measure is available by 01.06.2019, it will be subject to follow-up of illegality."
In other words, now there are daily fines that they are trying to scare us with.
We know who is doing this, playing on fear of sounding. Yeah, right there you were thinking.

The mail from PBE:

Rejection of appeal against decision not to give further postponement - Crook path 2 C It is referred to their letter of 03.05.2019 regarding the above.

Case concerns

The case concerns the complaint of the Planning and Building Administration's decision not to give further postponed deadline on orders for removal of the retaining wall and storage room. In addition, a new case officer is requested for the illegality case. Regarding the stairs, the agency has not issued any order for this. Parts of the stairs enter the area regulated by road and are therefore illegally listed.

Background for the case

In the mail of 11.04.2019, a postponed deadline was requested to comply with orders for rectification / reversal / removal of illegal conditions in the form of retaining wall, storage room and staircase.

The support wall against the road is partly part of a regulated road surface and has a design that cannot be approved as it stands today. In our letter of 29.04.2019, the deadline was set to comply with the order for the support wall until 01.06.2019. It was informed that no further delay would be given.

Today's outside and standalone booths can, as it stands today, not be approved according to today's rules. In the meeting with the municipality on 11 April 2016, a smaller store was outlined which could possibly be sought. However, it was pointed out that the fine still depends on the exemption from the regulation plans' degree of utilization. Postponement was subsequently granted until 01.06.2019. It was further stated that if a complete building application is submitted by 01.06.2019, the illegality case for the booth may be suspended pending the treatment.

It is pointed out that the stairs down the road are illegal as it is designed today. The staircase must be retracted so that it does not stand on a regulated road surface and it must then be searched. In our letter of 29.04.2019, it was informed that if no complete application for this measure is available by 01.06.2019, it will be subject to follow-up of illegality.
Case number: 201510929-32 Page 2 of 3

Rules regarding complaint

Pursuant to section 33 (fvl) of the Public Administration Act, the agency must carry out a preparatory examination of the complaint. If the conditions for processing the complaint are not available, the complaint shall be rejected. That the complaint is rejected means that the reality of the complaint, that is to say, the matters complained of, is not taken into consideration.
After fvl. Section 28, first paragraph, only individual decisions can be appealed. What is considered an individual decision is defined in fvl. § 2: a) decision, a decision made during the exercise of public authority and which generally or specifically determines the rights or obligations of private persons (individuals or other private legal entities); b) individual decisions, a decision relating to rights or obligations of one or more specific persons; "
Refusal of deadline request is a procedural decision. Process-leading decisions are not individual decisions.
Process-leading decisions are only of importance to the case processing, and have no consequences for the reality of the case. Examples of other process-leading decisions may be; decisions relating to deferred implementation until the complaint has been finalized, cf. section 42 of the Public Administration Act, decisions that set a deadline, rejection of a request for oral hearing, appointment of experts, etc.
The reality of this case is that an order has been made for the removal of both the retaining wall and the store which is final. In this case, a number of postponements have been given and the final decision is a decision not to postpone the deadline beyond the last set deadlines.

Decision Because the agency's decision not to give deferred deadline is not "individual decision", cf. the Public Administration Act section 33 second paragraph last sentence and section 28 first paragraph, the appeal is rejected.

The rejection decision can be appealed The agency's decision in this letter to reject the complaint, however, is an individual decision. That means you can complain about this decision. A complaint can be sent to the Planning and Building Administration within 3 weeks.

When it comes to requesting a new case officer on the case, we find no reason for this.

Planning and Building Administration Technical Department Unit for Construction Inspection Open City

This document is electronically approved 13.05.2019 by:

Therese Brøndum - group leader Anne-Marie Vikla - Department director

Our answer:

Answer - Rejection of a decision not to give further postponement - Krokstien 2 C mail of 13.05.2019 with ref: 201510929-32

Oslo 15 / 5-2019

Why we do not see it as relevant and relevant to comply with PBE NOK
of is simply that you do not answer our relevant questions.
As well as not guiding us in a good and fair manner as one might expect from a public agency. As we were promised with a meeting with Nils-Henrik Henningstad and Lena Catrine Amdal on 11.4.19.

1.) You want us to submit a new and complete application. It is good, but we have already submitted the "world's" best application through Ferdigattest AS. Better and more complete application than this, we find it difficult for us to send when you apply for the construction of masonry, stairs and storage rooms. It was with text, pictures and drawings. Others sit on the "kitchen table" and get the most through. How good an application should we deliver to be heard?
It's just a problem here, it's that PBE has two standards.
One for us, one for everyone else.
All we do is cause problems for you as we do not understand why? Then we don't have the ability to see things that you do. It is just like we are on two different "planets" where we think you are looking at us with an evil eye for reasons we do not understand. You claim that we are settling in, doing illegal activities etc. There is no doubt that our reality perception is totally opposite to PBE here in Oslo as it has emerged in the latest emails. We do not even agree on the facts of the case, then it is understandable that the cooperation that was promised is at the bottom.

2.) Now, the stairs you are going to kill are never mentioned before by you.
It was we who took it up at the meeting on April 11 to bring clarity to our lot in the road. We have not yet received an answer to any of you if we have asked several times. Only on 2 - 3 occasions are you threatening with daily fines etc. if we do not remove the stairs spore immediately.
It can easily be arranged so that it does not go out into the road, where as we see it is only talk about max. ½ meter more than we agreed with Mrs. Aubert Lange.

3.) We have received guidance several times, here is what actually happened.

We moved in here in 2012. In 2013 we called down to our then case officer Kaja Lange Aubert. It was called down 2-3 times, to make sure we did the right thing.
It is not easy to reproduce this six years afterwards, and when there were several phone calls it feels like one when it is six years later.

What happened to the phone calls we had with our then supervisor Kaja Lange Aubert?

Do you remember remembering that we called down mid-April and August 2013? It is six years back in time, it is a long time ago and difficult to remember in detail every word as it was said, but in my memory she replied like this.
Then I asked about the following, we set up stairs and wanted to set up a wall. Trapp I think we set up 2013, when before this we had had a rope that we threw ourselves down on in the Stormyrveien, and believe it or not, it is to this level you have given us orders to return to.
That we should use a rope to throw us down on the road with. You do not believe it, but we had it before we built the staircase, which gave us orders to demolish it, grasp it that can. We do not, never applicable to our security and everything to comply with such obscure and dark decisions that PBE operates with.

I asked what was needed to build a wall, to which I got the answer that if a wall had been built there before, it was not mandatory to build one on top of it. This replied Kaja Lange Aubert.
I said yes, and then Kaja Lange answered Aubert that then it was NOT APPLICABLE WHEN IT WAS BUILT A WALL FROM BEFORE!

I further said that we envision a wall of 1.5 - 2 meters and 1 meter fence.
This was no problem, she said, as others from before have higher walls than you. Their is 2.5 meters with 1 meter fence.

In 2013, I even called an extra time, for the sake of safety and asked the same, and the same answers were given.
As long as there was a wall there before, we didn't have to search even though the wall was different. In other words, we got permission in advance of our construction of this wall.
It was also asked and talked about distance from the road where 1 meter from the road surface was what had to be due to snow skiing etc.

4.) It is that neighbor in Stormyrveien 9 c that is in the air section from us 50 meters has been granted exemption from the utilization rate of 57 times more than us. Have you heard of anything worse? Not we, and they are allowed to have their standing, but we must tear ours.

Here's the calculation. And it's also important, I don't want them to tear anything. But they must keep everything. What is evil here from everyone's side is that we should tear down what we have built that is excellent and beautiful, and not to anyone's disgust. It is not poured "different" into someone else's walls or something, as ours is much lower than many others. Even the neighbor's who is a 2.5 meter high wall, while ours is 185 cm high.

The neighbor in Stormyrveien has also searched several times and received an exemption. They have been doing this l meadows after we built, when they were "finished" with everything in March 2018.

Reading through the documents several things are set up before they have applied for an exemption.
This applies to the property in Stormyrveien 9 c, and for our part this is completely, perfectly fine.
Blue. a tool shed of 10 sqm, and other.
Had eg. The dispensation here has been 2 - 3 times more than us, this case had also been very relevant.

But here they have built, searched and built several times and use the same argumentation as us.
A long-awaited outbuilding etc.
But then they have blasted everything with 57 times the utilization rate of the plot.
They build in the same period as us, located a few meters from us.
They get yes, we get no. In other words, there are a thousand reasons that you overlook to give us the minimum dispensation we need. How to apply without getting guidance is difficult as you always keep in mind that everything we do does not hold. While what others do, it keeps goals, no matter largely on the whole.

5.) Since we have been allowed and have built masonry, storage room and staircase. It has been applied before, we believe that it is only their difference treatment and unwillingness that underlies that no wall, staircase and storage room are approved and this has come in orderly conditions.

6.) You have been on a visit here, about a hidden inspection. We have stretched ourselves as far as we can and tried to get order in all conditions. Even though this has not led to you, you are now starting to threaten with daily fines, etc. What you are doing is at such a low level. Are you going to such a step to start demanding us for money etc. So, of course, the road is short for the mental stresses to be too big for us that sick leave and hopefully not disability benefits etc. are waiting?

For such a pressure as you put us down after you think we have done something illegal that for us is completely, completely beyond! In our eyes, all that you are doing is illegal and unnecessary. It is experienced as harassment, bullying and abuse of power.

7.) We will never do anything about anything on our property outside the stairs. We can agree that should be withdrawn. But it is we who have brought this on the path, not you. We also ask for our lot to be withdrawn, but have not yet received an answer. As we see it, half a meter must be more than enough? May hope for a constructive and good answer here by you.

8.) For the sake of fault, we appeal the rejection decision to the PBE and that we are not allowed to change the case officer. We also complain about these short deadlines, we complain about everything that PBE stands for and does. Nothing matters, and they do not have the standard one would expect from a public agency. The smallest goal must be that one is solution-oriented and that one does not make a difference between the municipality's inhabitants.
It's bad the whole PBE is in our eyes when they can do and adopt what they do, which is without goals and meaning.

The fact is that we disagree with you in absolutely everything. That we are going to demolish the wall and that it lies "too far" out in the roadway when the neighbor's is 20 cm from the road and our 1 meter. Just tell you that you want to tear, destroy, and engage in discrimination beyond anything we have ever been to! 57 times the neighbor gets to use the plot, they get to keep and we are going to demolish.
We are not close to thinking about meeting their demands as the differential treatment you are doing is, to our eyes, shameful and evil. The fact that we should not keep the nice and functional we have built is simply unthinkable with our eyes. The orders you come with are unfair and primitive.
The only thing here is that we get approved masonry and booth, and change on the stairs by not letting it get out of the way as it does now!

9.) Our case can not be compared to that of others without further ado as we have a commitment to build the wall. Will also emphasize that all we have built is more for the benefit of neighbors than nuisance. It is in favor of us, it is in favor of those in the rental apartment. There is really nothing negative about it all, it's just positive benefits!
It is in favor of absolutely everyone, even neighbors behind us using stairs to get easier to their own house, so as not to walk around completely if they park or come from the Stormyrveien.

10.) It is also weird that neighbor, closest who have the same farm and utility number as us, Peter Faarlund in Krokstien 2 d. Also has too high a wall, but there it looks like the dispensation goes through only they get the papers submitted.
No, what you are doing is nice to us when you have a "law" for others. Where everything goes through and a "law" for us, where everything is difficult. Our understanding of reality and PBE are real as night and day.

Berit and Jan Kåre Christensen
Crocodile 2 c
0672 Oslo

fredag 10. mai 2019

No. 1522: I / we have been molested and actually bullied by the Norwegian state and various public bodies on several occasions, to date have not received any kind of apology or redress!

No. 1522:
I / we have been molested and actually bullied by the Norwegian state and various public bodies on several occasions, to date have not received any kind of apology or redress!

Ultimately, I believe the word of God, which says the following, "Me hears the vengeance, I will repay, says the Lord."
The harassment, persecution and neglect that I have been subjected to repeatedly by various public authorities. It reminds me of Hans Nielsen Hauge 200 years afterwards what he experienced and experienced.
Of course not close, but bad enough anyway.

When I look at all the accusations we have received from the public authorities, the list has been long now. To mention some. Or where we / I have been clinging with the authority due to authorities' abuse of power and obvious misjudgments!

1.) Around 1990, Oslo stormed the police our apartment and penetrated where I stood naked after having showered. My wife opened the door, and they needed a lot of power and cut off my passport, Norwegian. I am both Danish and Norwegian citizen, have dual citizenship. Their claim that I was so-called illegal immigrant was nothing but a lie! The passport was deprived and I would get you back, something I never got. Then the police station at Økern, the one who is today at Stovner, was talking about crook strikes from the police here in Oslo.

2.) In 2004, BV picked up our kids when we were at work, me and my wife. Basic claims and only Devil's company from BV, all claims were lies and exaggerations from beginning to end.

3.) Around 2014, Jan Aage Torp notified me with a fictitious review when he hated me for preaching against remarriage. He aimed to get me 2 years in prison and probably get the most money when he demanded desertic redress. The case itself and the trial were nothing but a goal from the police and the courts to convict me. They managed to lie and deceive. What I was convicted of was neither in the charge nor debated in court, this was a word of justice.

4.) My Father died in January 2013 and by a mistake it was paid a little too much money. This was something our lawyer Harald Hetland would have arranged for. This was not done, and NAV went straight to my employer and took money on behalf of my sister who had not repaid the money. This was nothing but a simple theft of NAV. I won on all points after much writing work. But never a single apology from the authorities even if they stole money that was mine and not someone else's!

5.) We have been ordered to demolish wall, staircase and storage room. Although we have built this among other things. with and received guidance from the municipality on how to build everything. What we have built is very nice, but should be a few cm further out in the road than allowed. Although everyone in a similar situation like us gets a dispensation. The wrong with us is horrible when ia. neighbor has received a dispensation 57 times with regard to the utilization rate of the plot. It is a standard for us and a completely different standard for everyone else. This tells about harassment, bullying and freezing! Bad what the Norwegian state does and nobody reacts. But everything is in spite of this, under God's custody and control.

Picture of how maybe Hans Nielsen Hauge was dressed? Hauge was first imprisoned 10 times, and only on the 11th time did they cure him for 11 years for only having Christian meetings without a priest or an official present (he had broken the so-called convention poster). The state power can unfortunately be the tool of evil at its times. Personally, I think Hauge was well dressed when he was a messenger of God, certainly the greatest we have had here in Norway?
There is little and no pictures of Hauge, but I know one who met Hans Nielsen Hauge. It was Joel Barsjø who met Hauge who came to him during prayer and spoke to Barsjø, who was told by God through Hauge.

2 Tim. 4. 5 But be ye sober in all things, suffer evil, do the work of an evangelist, finish thy ministry. (1930 translation)

5 But you must be sober in everything you do. Carry the suffering, do your work as an evangelist and complete your ministry. (2011.)

The basic text: endure ailments

As a believer one must expect one to come into trouble that one has no form of guilt in. And that one gets incredibly bad and unfairly treated. Scripture clearly states that we as believers must suffer evil, carry our suffering. The basic text here in the Apostle Paul's letter to Timothy states that we are to endure plagues. It seems to me perfectly suited to much of what say believers experience in this world, we must endure bothering.

Nuisance, what is it and what does it mean? Plague is something that comes into your life, which doesn't really take your life. But it disturbs and lowers the quality of life. It's like going to the store where one wants something that costs 1000, - but one only has 500. Or if one is 184 cm like me, but the bed is only 150 cm long. Then that's the problem.

I have been bothered by the public Norway. Every time, it is clear that everything was completely unnecessary needed, but to date has never received any kind of apology or redress. This is a nuisance, but as a believer, we must respond differently to those who afflict. Although we are the ones who are being tormented!

There is no real answer to how to act and progress. But there are some things that we as believers should not do at least. It is to repay evil with evil, or reproach with shame.

1 Pet. 3. 9 So that you do not repent of evil with evil or blasphemy with words of reproof, but on the contrary bless; for you were called to inherit blessing.

Furthermore, it is stated here in Petersbrev.

1 Pet. 3. 13 And who is it that can hurt you, if ye gain good? 14 But if ye suffer for righteousness, ye are blessed. But fear not for them and be not dismayed; But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts; Load your good ways in Christ, to be ashamed of what they reproach you as evildoers. 17 For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer when one does good than when one does evil.

In our case, the actual can not say anything to us as we sometimes have not retaliated something negative to be the same way again. We have been constructive, clear and honest.
Although the people we have met in the various public agencies have not been. I am very pleased with that and it says great, great respect. All glory to Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord!

Final Comment:

I am very aware that in no way is there anything to be reproached for, I am only a human being like everyone else.
Jesus was the Son of Man, who was in the Father's bosom and became like us. Of course there is not me.
But what I mean is unfair, ugly and evil. That's when other people have one standard for, and a completely different standard for me.
It should and should be the same standard for everyone, but it is not.
There are two different standards, then this also becomes a form of harassment, persecution and bullying! Making a difference between people, is deeply harassment, persecution and bullying.

At the same time, whether we as a believer should and can tolerate ailments and much. Then it is not right and "fair" that it is so.

There are two things I want to mention in the end, which is also important to take with you.

1.) These people who treat us badly will sooner or later come into trouble. If you have other difficulties, you will sow bad sperm. What you sow you will sooner or later get back for. This I have seen so many times, sooner or later you will "meet" yourself in the "door!"

2.) Rooms. 12. 19 Do not avenge yourselves, my beloved, but give up the wrath. for it is written, Me hearken to vengeance, I will repay, saith the Lord.

Just have to say we've been angry, tired and frustrated many times. It is completely understandable and human. But as far as I know, neither I nor anyone else in my family have cursed those who have done and wronged me, I am very pleased with that.
Nor did they approach them privately or do anything negative to them.
Ultimately, I believe the word of God, which says the following, "Me hears the vengeance, I will repay, says the Lord."

It is this which, after all, is so great and reassuring, God will take care of all human beings, all situations, and everything will come to an end where everyone will have their righteous judgment.

But pray for us and the case, after all we believe in a solution and it is possible also for people who have done wrong to realize this. Change and do the right thing, finally, hallelujah!

onsdag 8. mai 2019

No. 1521: PBE here in Oslo appears to be doing "Norges-rekord" in discrimination against us where everything we do is bad, while others get dispensation when it comes to whatever they do or build!

No. 1521:
PBE here in Oslo appears to be doing "Norges-rekord" in discrimination against us where everything we do is bad, while others get dispensation when it comes to whatever they do or build!

We had a meeting with PBE here in Oslo, where they made a meeting report and we gave our answer. Here is the minutes and our answer.

Date: 06.05.2019 Their ref .: Our ref .: 201609223-69 Always stated by inquiry Case file: Nils-Henrik Henningstad Archive code: 531

Construction site: KROKSTIEN 2C Property: 143/104/0/0 Initiative: JAN KÅRE CHRISTENSEN Address: KROKSTIEN 2 C, 0672 OSLO Seeking: FERDIGATTEST BYGGESAK AS Address: Postboks 9385 Grønland, 0135 OSLO Action type: Wall / retaining wall Assignment type: Entry type

Meeting record - Krokstien 2 C Date of the meeting: 11.04.2019 kl. 1:30 p.m.
Meeting participants:
Initiator: Jan Kåre Christensen and Berit Nyland Christensen
Employee lawyer: Knut Magne Howlid
From the Planning and Building Administration: Nils Henrik Henningstad and Lena Amdal.

Agenda for the meeting In 2014 and 2016, an application was made for the construction wall and storage room on the current property, in connection with house C. The measures were not allowed, but both the wall and the booth were already listed.
On 9 March, a request was made for a meeting between the project owner and the Planning and Building Administration by the owner of the measure, regarding the return of the support wall and the masses that have been fulfilled. On the basis of this, the Planning and Building Administration called for a meeting to clarify what can be allowed on the property.
Additional information from the project owner was submitted after the meeting, 12.04.2019 and 15.04.2019.
The planning and building agency's answers and comments
Support wall out towards road A supporting wall has been erected which, according to our maps, is partly located on a regulated road surface. It also has a height that goes beyond the regulation plan § 6.5.
Case number: 201609223-69 Page 2 of 4

Regardless of how much of the wall is located on the road, no part of this wall can be approved with such a location. The wall must be drawn into the housing-regulated part of the property in order to be considered. By placing the wall inside a housing-regulated part of the property, as well as reducing the height to 0.5 meters so that it is in line with the zoning plan, it can be approved. It will depend on exemption from section 29 of the Road Act.
It has recently been approved a change of the outdoor area down the road at the neighboring house Krokstien 2 B, where from the Planning and Building Administration clear guidelines were provided for how large terrain interventions can be permitted and that no exemption will be granted for exceeding the plan's provisions.
Outside standalone storage facility The owner of the measure informed in the meeting that they have space available from the neighboring property, and that the utilization is therefore lower per. today compared to the situation at the time of application for the fine. It is nevertheless still dependent on the exemption from the regulation's provision on the degree of utilization.
In order for the Planning and Building Administration to be able to grant exemption according to pbl. Chapter 19, the considerations behind the provision must not be substantially disregarded and it must together be an overweight of objective advantages compared to the disadvantages of giving the dispensation. Since the property has recently built four new detached houses up to the permitted utilization, in line with the plan, exceedances beyond the plan's provisions will be practically immediately considered to be a significant breach of the reason behind the provision, since then an exploitation beyond that plan and the property is allowed allows. If the property has been transferred area from the neighboring property so that the basis for calculation of utilization has become larger, this will result in a minor exceedance of the utilization on the property. Based on the documentation submitted, it appears that the areas are only registered for registration, and therefore cannot be used as a basis for a calculation of utilization. In this case, this area must be transferred from neighboring property to Krokstien 2, in order to influence the calculation of the utilization.
We will nevertheless recommend on the basis of this to make a new calculation of the utilization on the property, and see if it is possible to re-project the existing booth so that it is in line with the regulations plan. As the booth appears on drawings, such as two stalls, it may be possible to remove half of this and still maintain the function as an exterior storage room on the property. Although we understand that the areas of the basement that are rented out also need storage space, the dwelling is approved as a detached house and therefore has only a claim for a storage room.
Stairs down to the road A stairway next to a retaining wall down to the road is also partly placed in area regulated to the road surface. If the staircase is drawn into housing-regulated property and does not increase the utilization on the property, it will be possible to design and place this so that it can be allowed.
Similar issues in the area It was shown in the meeting to some addresses in the area, where there were support walls of similar size and / or height as on Krokstien 2 C, and asked questions Reply - additional comments to meeting minutes - Krokstien 2 C Date of the meeting: 11.04.2019 kl. 13: 3

Oslo 8 / 5-2019

Our ref .: 201609223-69 approved by Nils Henrik Henningstad

Must be short here as we have already indirectly answered the majority here to you in our reply to their mail from 29.4.19. but only comes with some small comments. Our response was sent 3.5.19

1.) Meeting we had on 11.4. was fruitful and good, it seems we do not come here in this email. The answer is characterized by being of the old variety from the "trench!" Meeting was good, the mail we got to be a meeting record is not in line with our opinion. In fact, the best meeting we have had with PBE since Kaja Aubert Lange was our case officer, since it has really been like the black night and had with PBE to do until the meeting that is referred to.

2.) The reason why we do not want to comply with their order to move a wall is not mentioned at all in this letter. It is really bad that this is not mentioned. We have, as I said, been promised to build the wall that we have built of you through our then case officer, Kaja Aubert Lange. There is nothing to indicate that we should go back to this from something that appears in this writing and everything else that you have used of arguments. On the contrary, that wall, staircase and storage room should stand as it stands today, we just seem to be reinforced more and more.

3.) Seems it is being tried to say that the houses are recently listed when we have lived here since 2012, 6 ½ years, then they are not recently listed.

4.) That the booth should be demolished, parts of it when it is already only 11 sqm2 sounds sought out. It's already so minimal and small. Begin tearing such a small shed, it is against all sense. Either it gets stuck, or it is just fine to tear the whole shed. It is then made as a small sports booth and there is a plank wall in the middle that divides it in half. This is a small sports booth that does not fit to share. There are not two stalls, but a small sports booth that is internally divided with a divider.

5.) When we do not compare any properties with ours in Oslo city, we have also applied. When neighbor and so many others have been allowed to set up most things, they actually exploit the plot so much that with their argumentation it is like saying that if one drives a Tesla then the speed limits do not apply. But running a Skoda, they apply.
When we listen to their argumentation, that really no properties on the Hellerudtoppen are comparable. Then it is impossible to get something through, then you have only decided that you should continue to be angry and impossible to us!

6.) We filed a dream with so-called illegal matters, we do not have to go any further than to our neighbor in Krokstien 2 d who also has an illegal wall. They then get dispensation even though it is much longer and more extensive. Don't think it's possible to make such a difference to people. It is completely, completely incomprehensible, as this is in fact the same property. Why this is not comparable is not for us to grasp. The wall is then much larger and longer than ours, and over 0.5 meters, it is well 135 cm, and well over 20 meters long. Same farm and utility number, what should it be that it is not comparable? You'll find something, and when we pair this, there's always something new. Whatever we do, it's wrong. What others do here in Oslo city, is mostly right even though they get disp 57 times to a greater extent than us and the case was closed recently. It is unimaginable which low point of argumentation that PBE has put on!

7.) It is sought to say that our wall is so bad and cannot under any circumstances be approved. It is only 18 cm "too far out". And that it is built according to PBE instruction and guidance here in Oslo, by Mrs Aubert Lange.
Others have walls down and up and side by side, simply everywhere that is higher than ours. More out in the road than ours and are bigger etc. Our wall does not stand out in any way. Except that before we built the wall it was 80 cm to the road, now it is 1 meter. As well as before, it ran shit and other things out into the road and down by minor, mud and water. Now the filling mass on our property, in other words, everything is much, much better. Tear this off with the argumentation that you use as being shooting yourself and others in your foot. It is stupid and totally unnecessary!

8.) Comparing our neighboring property, in Krokstien 2 b is an impossibility. We have built a wall according to PBE guidance, albeit verbally. Then they are not comparable as they have not built anything at all yet, and we built our wall five years ago. Here it will be like talking about the snow that fell 5 years ago and comparing it to the snow that will probably come next year. It's not comparable. Like comparing apples and bananas, there are two different fruits and cannot be compared. Only apples with apples and bananas with bananas. We are to be compared to those who built before the so-called house plan when we were supervised, this plan was never mentioned. The only one mentioned during the conversation was other walls in the Stormyrveien that ours
did not get higher than them, someone it is not. It is actually over half a meter lower than the ones we were compared to.

9.) Very happy that you mention such a case as in the Tamburveien. There is even a concern message from the Fire and Rescue Service. With us it is the opposite. When the car came here when our daughter needed urgent help, they were unable to find their way and arrive in the Crook Trail. But they drove down the Stormyrveien, used our stairs and the driveway. Without having had stairs and the way to come, they hadn't found out. Yes, it only testifies that PBE here in Oslo does not want us any good, and let what is appropriate is as it is. The fact that the booth, staircase and wall must stand untouched had been the absolute best. The property and so-called illegality in Tamburveien and ours is like comparing apples and bananas, it doesn't work. They really have a big problem, for us is the wall and such a staircase is a blessing. Comparing this as you do here just testifies that you need to come to the inspection and see that all the arguments you bring fall into "fish".

10.) The whole writing is really again again as a write against us, where a head does not want to come to meet us. For us, PBE's goal is to make things most difficult for us. Although our exemptions that we need are minimal to what others get. Here again you want to be difficult, then of course it will not be easy! When the nearest neighbor in Stormyrveien has been granted an exemption 57 times more than us and they are allowed to keep. And that you do what you can for us to tear, what else should we do? The application we sent through Ferdigattest AS was so good and comprehensive that it did not go through when I read hundreds of other issues here in Oslo. Both legal and illegal things, I really do not understand that you have to start adding the goddess, not the wrong side. So it goes perfectly well with what we have built when the dispensation we need is virtually nothing, it is of negligible nature that our lawyer Knut Howli has pointed out!

11.) You write that we should return everything as it was before. Then we will search again, and some of this can be approved with a halved stall, remodeled staircase and build a new wall. The booth can be approved by "incorporating" the 4 sqm in Krokstien 2 a - d. Firstly, this will be so expensive that after we have torn everything and got everything back to what it was before, we can just forget everything other. It becomes too expensive as we have already used up our saved funds at a lawyer, government lawyer, judges and applicant's for the certificate of completion and other things. The rest will then be used to get the property returned in their opinion. If we then start building stairs, walls and booths that have then been approved. After new treatment and everything is reversed, then just forget to build something more, then there is no more funds to collect and we are also so tired of this case. To start building here again we look at as not relevant! We'll then get away the stairs that you want to get the rope back as we had before?

What you come up with from statements that we are supposed to make is nothing but ugly, evil and primitive in our eyes. Needless to remove what is built. Which is as good and not a hindrance to anyone, even bus, boss car or fire truck. On the contrary, for a fire or a motor car, it is much better with a stairway up from the Stormyrveien than that they should drive into the yard in Krokstien 2 as there are mostly cars and other things that make it difficult for such vehicles . In fact, for our safety, what we have built is a must.

12.) Believes that the only thing right is that you come up with a visit with us, not a hidden sighting this time as a time off. So that you can see that all we have built is no different or dominant in any way whatsoever in relation to everyone else.

13.) Since everything we do, search with professional applicants and otherwise have put as much work and money into it. And when others submit an application almost written on the "kitchen table" and they get everything through. Then it becomes difficult for us all that we do, because anyway it is not good enough. Or it is not relevant, etc. How should we get a new application? There will be an impossibility with such a cross through difficult and difficult attitude towards us. Had you added goodwill, treated us equally as everyone else. Then our case had been in "goals" long, long ago. We see it as difficult here. Everything we have built is awesome.
But it is just that PBE looks at what we have done with unwillingness and wants it not to be approved then for incomprehensible reasons everything with us will come in the category of illegality cases.

14.) We send in about 50 dispensation cases to you, and you try to leave those cases are those who did not receive any exemption. Whatever we come up with, you use everything against us, never for us. So how can we win? Although our avh the dispensation is almost insignificant. While others who have up to 57 times more have taken advantage of the plot, receive exemption. Several others have walls that are almost clear to the asphalt, but we have a very good distance of 1 meter. Then it should be seen with the most difficult eyes when it is obviously out in the road. What about the others?

15.) Of everything you have come up with, statements and arguments, it justifies in our eyes more and more that the problem here is really just one thing. PBE unwillingness to us, nothing else!

16.) For example, it is claimed. that Stormyrveien 9c and other properties are not legally comparable. Then the question is which paragraph or regulations it says in?
An illegality is an illegality. Is aware that some properties have different utilization rates etc. But if you exceed this, then you need an exemption to get it approved. Of all the arguments that PBE has presented to us, we can, by and large, only see a difference in meaning between our property and that of others. It is that PBE extends far ahead of others in general here in Oslo. They do not extend at all to us. When others get a dispensation, it is just as "expected". When we receive a rejection, we either misunderstood or corrected us. PBE here in Oslo seems almost hopeless to us as we have experienced it! They are not at all interested in meeting us, even though they are so mischievous and amenable to most others. Here, injustice and differential treatment are greater than greatest. 57 times is nothing to be expected on the whole? The only difference that we read is that they were allowed to utilize the site their 25%, while we 24%. They exploited it at 61.3%, and we at 24.6%, that this is not comparable when they completed it all in 2018 is not easy for "ordinary" people to understand when PBE just throws out that it is not legally comparable when one does not the trouble of explaining it either. Then it is not easy to understand and understand what PBE actually means, when they basically never explain anything, nor how we can understand if possible.

17.) You compared our property with the one in Tamburveien 10. Here, it runs the bus service past our house twice an hour and we have never heard a sound saying that it was a problem. Not a car or anything else. While in Tamburveien 10, it is totally different. They have been pointed out by public authorities. Then we realize that building a "illegal" is a problem. But with us, we really don't understand. Look here for what the Fire and Rescue Services say about the property in the Tamburine Road.

18.) It is also stated about the aforementioned property: "BYM has been on inspection in Tamburveien 10 and notes the following: The support wall is set up 1.0-1.3 meters from the former fence towards the road, which then also causes the wall to go property boundary several meters along the road down towards the corner. The road has become correspondingly narrower and asphalt is cut off and laid inside the wall at the moment. There is no good visibility or space for larger vehicles. ”

With us, everything is the opposite, that they get problems is understandable as there is also poor visibility and they have settled. We have not settled at all, we called down to Kaja Aubert Lange at PBE here in Oslo, and got clear and good guidance. We built as recommended and by guidance, and what we have built is wonderfully good and no one has poor visibility here or anything else since the roadway has become larger and wider since we built our wall. Comparing this as you do in your email is just as incomprehensible to us as anything else you have done and do in this matter!

Berit and Jan Kåre Christensen
Krokstien 2 c
0672 Oslo