mandag 30. desember 2019

No. 1493: I do not think the Norwegian press whether it is in TV, newspapers or online covers matters as well as they should when the main emphasis should and should be on not covering what the strong believe - but the weak!

No. 1493:
I do not think the Norwegian press whether it is in TV, newspapers or online covers matters as well as they should when the main emphasis should and should be on not covering what the strong believe - but the weak!

Kim Larsen who died in the same city as H.C. Andersen was born, in Odense Denmark, said the following is very important, true and fair:
"I cannot understand what a government should do if it is not to help the weak. The strong will probably do well. "
Picture of the Danish, singer and poet Kim Larsen from Odense on Funen.

Translated to Norwegian:
“I cannot understand what a government should do as a job if it is not to help the weak. The strong will always do well. ”

All the scandals and injustices that have been perpetrated by public Norway have largely been against those who did not have the resources and opportunities to tell about the great injustice that has been perpetrated against them.

Think, the NAV scandal, the Child Protection scandal and other scandals have really been David's fight against Goliath. The "little" man against the power!

When it comes to economical resources and other things, of course the authorities are all superior.
Of all those who have fought the public here in Norway, only a few have actually fought back. The vast majority have been overrun and dictated. Therefore, this scandal is actually much, much worse than what the media brings to "squares!"
What has come to light is that it has become so bad that it now stinks of the Norwegian state and the public Norway!
The cases and abuses have become too many, it can no longer be hidden!

People in general do not understand - or will not understand that public Norway appears as an axis of evil in treating people - then in relation to human rights and being a true and good fellow is the most important thing we should and can be!

Now I will not go in and mention all the issues. Much has already been written about this on both the Heavenly Blog and otherwise by others.

But what I want to point out is that in these cases, absolutely everyone has failed.

1.) All caseworkers have failed.

2.) The superiors and the leaders over there again.

3.) Municipality as an organization.

4.) The Norwegian state and the civil service.

5.) When the cases have proceeded in the legal system they have failed.

6.) The only thing one can say in part that has not failed the weakest here in Norway is the human rights court in Strasbourg in France. They can stand if they really should have been even clearer and learned a long time ago that Norway is really different country where most are not fit.

7.) The government ministers have also failed in retrospect, not taking responsibility. Asked to apologize and receive punishment at least some of those who have been involved in these crimes against Norwegian citizens and others who have been associated with Norway.

8.) Then the press has failed to those degrees. They have neither been a "watchdog". They have not been in the forefront to write about this to the extent that they should. As well as they are unable to see e.g. that these judgments in BV and social security recipients who have become completely against their will criminals. That it is the same judges who have sentenced other cases.

9.) The press has not done its job, which is to protect all the citizens of the country, with the weakest and poorest at the top of the "list!" Something they obviously haven't had at all.

10.) For my part, or our part, we are also part of the big picture as we are subject to judicial murder, and abuse of power and authority by public authorities and persons.

Final Comment:

Imagine, like us who both called PBE and our case manager Kaja Aubert Lange gave us a clear signal. And that our nearest neighbor Roar Telje signed that it was okay for us to build a warehouse etc.
Kaja Aubert Lange obviously lies that she does not remember, while her nearest neighbor Roar Telje has completely changed his mind and has put us in hate.

Other neighbors are allowed to build up to 57 times more where they can utilize their site so that different sites look like large building blocks.
The nearest neighbor needs to set up illegal signs in order to get out with their cars.
So I could have, but it shows that the treatment we have been given is so poor that one has to say that it is a power and abuse of the rare!

It is sad that the Norwegian press does not cover these matters, they do not do the job

lørdag 28. desember 2019

No. 1492: Satan is our accuser, therefore the one or those who accuse us believers are in the deepest sense in the service of the Evil One!

No. 1492:
Satan is our accuser, therefore the one or those who accuse us believers are in the deepest sense in the service of the Evil One!

Picture of Pastor Jan Aage Torp who is willing to run Satan's ears and make false accusations. He lied to the Oslo police that he was offended, he lied in the Oslo District Court.
It's amazing how some people run a purge game with false accusations and manipulate everything and everyone, only they get the opportunity. Pastor Torp is the type of person who plays offended, is a victim, etc.
But no one is more dangerous and manipulative than him.

Zechariah 3. 1. Then he showed me Joshua, the high priest who stood before the angel of the Lord, and Satan who stood at his right side to accuse him. 2 And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord punish thee, Satan. The Lord punish you, he who has chosen Jerusalem! Isn't this man here a smoldering fire, ripped out of the fire? 3 But Joshua was clothed in filthy garments, standing before the angel. 4 And the angel answered and said unto them that stood before him, Take off his filthy garments. And he said unto him, Behold, I will take away thine iniquity from thee, and will clothe thee in solemn garments. 5 Then I said, Put a clean cap on his head! And they put the clean cap on his head and put on him other clothes while the angel of the Lord was standing there.

Room. 8. 33 Who will accuse the elect of God? God is the one who justifies.

Notice that it was Satan who accused Joshua, the high priest. It was God who removed his iniquity, and in that way he was free!

We read from scripture that Satan is the one to accuse.

Here from my Bible Commentary John Revelation 12. 10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, “The victory and the power and the kingdom belong from now on our God, and his anointed has the dominion. For the accusations of our brethren are overthrown, he who accuses them of our God day and night.

Here the Apostle also looks forward to the final say; The victory and the power and the kingdom belong to our God from now on, and his Anointed has dominion. The victory was won on Calvary, now it is beginning to come to expression.
Heb. 2. 8 Everything you have put under his feet.
When God put everything under him, nothing was excepted; everything should be subject to him. Yet we cannot see that everything is under him. 9 But Jesus, who for a short time was set lower than the angels, we now see him crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death. Thus, by the grace of God, he would taste death for all.
10 For God, who is the end and origin of everything, He would bring many children to glory. Then he had to allow the originator of salvation to reach perfection through suffering.

11 They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and the word they testified to; they did not have their lives so dear that they would not go to death.

All people at any time in the past, present and future will win victory if one goes ahead as Scripture directs. Here's the "formula" for victory at all times; they have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and the words they testified!
(quote at the end.)

We read here that Satan is our accuser. In other words, after we have been purified in the blood of Jesus and live as new creatures.

When we are then accused, we know that it is the Evil who is on the move!

If Satan and the evil powers cannot take you in any other area, then the false accusations will come. I have experienced a lot of them in recent years!

How did it all start?

Of course, the one who started the false accusations against me and my family was no human.
It was Satan that we read about in Zechariah 3 about the high priest Joshua.
It was true that Satan brought charges.
But it was nonetheless wrong when we read about this in the scripture “Joshua was clothed in filthy garments where he stood before the angel. And the angel answered and said unto them that stood before him, Take off his filthy garments. And he said unto him, Behold, I will take away thine iniquity from thee, and will clothe thee in solemn garments. Then I said: Put a clean cap on his head! And they put the clean cap on his head and put on him other clothes while the angel of the Lord was standing there! "

Final Comment:

As I said, one must follow the pattern of scripture. Then it is with false accusations that Satan's way of working and advancing against us humans when he has no other way to go. In the deepest terms, one can say that there is discrimination. It is at least close to this, although one cannot fully say that it is the same.

In recent years, they have in fact come up with many false accusations, which have in no way contained any substance of true truth.
It's weird, when there's nothing to blame but for. What happens then?
Then one comes with false accusations, like one pretends to be true.

In the deepest sense, false accusations are used by the Evil in a cynical purpose and agenda against us humans.

tirsdag 17. desember 2019

No. 1491: Editor renounces his Christian baptism to become child-obsessed and then become editor-in-chief of the newspaper Dagen!

No. 1491:
Editor renounces his Christian baptism to become child-obsessed and then become editor-in-chief of the newspaper Dagen!

Photo by the child-born chief editor Vebjørn Selbekk.


Editor Vebjørn Selbekk does not intend to write about my case that I have been harassed and discriminated against by my employer for giving me legal service for listening to Christian programs, may it be that he renounces the baptism of his believers and perhaps his Christian faith?

Deuteronomy 28. 12 The Lord will open to you his rich storehouse, heaven, and give rain to your land in due season, and bless all the work of your hands; and you will lend to many people, but you yourself will not need to borrow from anyone. 13 The Lord will make you head and not tail; and you shall always be upstairs and never be wondering, if you obey the commandment of the Lord your God, which I command you today to keep and keep, 14 and if you do not turn away from any of the words I speak to you today, neither right nor left, so you follow other gods and worship them. 15 But if you will not listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and you will obey all his commandments and his laws which I give you today, then all these curses will come upon you and reach you:

Obedience brings great blessing, disobedience the opposite.

Psalm 68. 6. God gives the lonely houses, leads prisoners to happiness; only the rebellious live in a dry land.

That said editor-in-chief does not want to write about my case is probably related to his disobedience where he goes from and actually renounces his true Christian baptism. Did he not also renounce his faith?

Here, Vebjørn Selbekk will not write about this case.
It is tragic, why then do we have a Christian newspaper that will not write about when we believers are harassed and persecuted because our Christian faith?

Final Comment:

Much of what Vebjørn Selbekk has done has been admirable and important. But he does not want to write about this very important case where I am dogged and bullied by my own employer for playing Christian radio programs.
It's bad!
Imagine, I did not break a single internal rule or do anything else that is not against any rules or regulations.
Still, I got a service charge for playing Christian radio shows.
It tells its own!
That Selbekk will not write about this in the newspaper Dagen.
That is why we need Christian newspapers, here Selbekk and Sagen fail.
Could it have anything to do with his now baptism of children that he received to become editor of the Christian and Lutheran Newspaper Day?
It is really timely to ask, as it is totally, completely incomprehensible this that Vebjørn Selbekk does here!

søndag 15. desember 2019

No. 1490: The witch hunt for President Donald Trump also tells the stand of others, not least that Norway and Europe are far more leftist and corrupt than the United States and many other countries and continents!

No. 1490:
The witch hunt for President Donald Trump also tells the stand of others, not least that Norway and Europe are far more leftist and corrupt than the United States and many other countries and continents!

Picture of Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Justice Committee Chair of the House of Representatives Jerrold Nadler and Intelligence Committee Leader Adam Schiff who I believe is really taking on "water over the head" with the joking game they are doing with above all the world.
Is obvious that this will hit them even when this whole dad is over!

What I think Trump has so little against this national court is that then everything has to come up and up. Blue. who this announcer is.

President Donald Trump really has everything to gain from this national court that they obviously have nothing nearby to convict him of what has come so far.
Everything is only loose claims heard through 2nd and 3rd degree witnesses, no one who has had to deal with the case in the first place.
Then, first and foremost, I think of President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj.
Trump & co are running chewy tactics. Here, time is to be spent so that all the rats will be on display, and that Trump can get no better advertising for taking home the next election than spreading all the ratship of the Democrats.

Of course, Trump does not mind a lengthy court case. It will be a pure election campaign for him. Plus free !!!!!!!!!!!!!

This matter should occupy the United States until the summer holidays so that all Democratic senators are prevented from running for election. That will result in President Trump getting "easy match" against "sleepy" Joe Biden 30330. At the same time, President's attorneys must sue Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Giaremella and Hunter Biden and dress all of them "stick naked" in front of the American people. The president now has the opportunity to reduce the Democratic Party to a mini-party that will never return to the "pinnacles of power".

It is sad that the entire left-wing and unilateral press in Norway does not warn against this and sees some scruples and witch-hunt against President Donald Trump.

Preacher and preacher David Auke from Tønsberg writes on VG net that I will take with me:

Seeing how the accusations of the Democrats have shrunk more and more as their witnesses have shown that they have no firsthand knowledge of what has happened portrays them in an increasingly ridiculous light! First, the charge was quid pro quo - then it was changed to bribery and now it's changed to abuse of power - so they've found the charges and changed them along the way in this crazy game. Who can take these Democratic representatives and this party seriously? Meanwhile, Trump is far ahead of all the Democratic presidential candidates in the most important states.

Everything peaked yesterday when Nadler spoke to the Democrats and conveyed that for Democrats it is important to stop Trump because the American people are not worthy of the confidence to have the opportunity to elect him as president in a Democratic election.

This says one who is himself democratically elected but who speaks like a totalitarian dictator. Didn't all the craziness that has happened reveal who the democrats are up to now they were thoroughly revealed with this crazy statement to Nadler who is one of the tops of the corrupt Democratic Party.

Must be insanely sour to be Trump-hater and Boris Johnson-hater by day. But THINK: For the next 5 years you have to live with Trump still just sitting and Boris taking the UK out of the EU's stifling iron grip! Meanwhile, the bell sows turn left-wing Norwegian journalists well, followed by their faithful followers who join the flock of sheep - a crowd that has been astonishingly quiet after Boris Johnson's crushing victory yesterday! The song says: Oh, it's fun to be a nissan. But it's almost as much fun by day - and for YEARS ahead - to have to sing the song: Oh, it's tough to be a leftist .....
(quote at end).

That one defends this in Norway and Europe what the Democrats in the US are doing with a hate campaign against President Donald Trump, says that what I write here in the headline fits:
"The witch hunt for President Donald Trump also tells the stand of others, not least that Norway and Europe are far more leftist and corrupt than the United States and many other countries and territories!"

Final Comment:

Think that this process of national justice will make the Norwegian people - not the journalists - hardened and blinded.

Then the Norwegian people will realize that they have really been brought to light about the production that Norwegian and partly European media has covered really everything about President Donald Trump.
That it has been directly misleading, misleading and wrong! A pure failed witch hunt that has turned itself back on them!

lørdag 14. desember 2019

No. 1489: One must also realize that the conflict we are in with, among other things, The County Governor, Plan, and the Civil Service are people who live as God's Word says "he who does wrong, still does wrong, and the unclean still becomes unclean!"

No. 1489:
One must also realize that the conflict we are in with, among other things, The County Governor, Plan, and the Civil Service are people who live as God's Word says "he who does wrong, still does wrong, and the unclean still becomes unclean!"

What makes this case so corrupt and sadistic is without a doubt that when you look at our properties. So are the neighbor's like big lego blocks with expansion all over the place. While ours needs one up on our property to see the shed. Here we talk about making a difference between us and our neighbor up against 57 times. This is nothing but pure evil from the public above us as a family!

I happened to come across this on the net. The Frps parliamentary group spent NOK 26,900 per person on party and fun. That is 57 times more than government employees are allowed to use. This again PBE uses against us, this is nothing but pure evil in from the public against us.

Joh. Obvious. 22 11 Let the one who does wrong still do wrong, and the unclean still be unclean, and the righteous still do righteousness, and the holy one still sanctified!

Marius Vamnes appears as corrupt when he thinks it is okay that the neighbor is allowed to utilize his plot 57 times more than us, and that this is a good and fair treatment. Of course, this is evil and nothing else to mean and claim such things.

Now that this matter is about to come to an end in the sense that the opinion of the County Governor by Marius Vamnes will be the decision that will be the final view on the part of the authorities.
Then it will not necessarily be the final, as we will in no way align with a rejection.
I do not consider this a civil disobedience, as we have become and are subjected to an abuse of power and authority. Then from the Planning and Building Agency here in Oslo. As well as from the courts, the Civil Ombudsman and now the last County Governor.

This is nothing more than a municipal, state court through the courts. And now through the County Governor, an abuse against us where we have only got the most gracious law and utterance.

Afterwards we are "punished" with yet another order which makes further work an impossibility !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine, we called down and got guidance on how to build.
There is no doubt when you see what and how we have built that everything matches what has been built before.
Then we seek, in retrospect, when PBE demands this.
Rejection completely out of the blue. What we need is a minimal exemption, others get it even in our living area where their properties look like some building blocks. With us you see, for example. do not stay until one comes up to our property.
There are a thousand other arguments to take that I can't bear to mention,

When one makes such a difference to people, the evil is obviously behind. It is also causing us wrong.

But we cannot deny people injustice, but it is sad that no one says and supports us in public space.

Final Comment:

From My Bible Commentaries Revelation 22. 11 Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong, and the unclean continue in his uncleanness! Let the righteous continue to do what is right, and the holy continue in sanctification.

Now we return to what we otherwise find in God's Word of truth and doctrine. We find the same in a Prophet in GT who is often compared to John, the prophet Daniel. 12. 10 Many will be cleansed and washed and refined. But the wicked shall continue in their wickedness, and none of them shall understand. But the wise must understand.
The world is hopelessly lost, but what about the Christians? Do they go on and on with the Lord? Unfortunately, it turns out that all too often one is left behind on the road. But for those who walk with the Lord, the walking will be more and more wonderful. As believers, we are more and more like Jesus as we walk with Him.

12 Behold, I come quickly, and have my reward with me, to repay every man according to his works.

We as humans will receive wages as earned by the Lord. It is more important to collect treasures in heaven than on earth. It is more precious than anything. The Bible also gives instructions here.
Matt. 6. 33 Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all the rest ye shall receive.
(quote at the end.)

In other words, these people who are so blinded as regulars that they see neither their own folly, stupidity, nor evil.
Then there is what the scripture says: “Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong, and the unclean continue in his uncleanness! Let the righteous continue to do what is right, and the holy continue in sanctification. "

When we have built a wall that is further in than what our sloped site was before. And that the neighbor has been dispensed 57 times more than we. +++ many more moments that I see no intention of ramping up as everything talks about the great injustice we are exposed to.
These are people who live and walk in darkness, blinded by obvious hatred and injustice. Unfortunately, there is very little likelihood that they will change as they are as the Apostle Paul says .

From My Bible Commentaries Ephesians 4:17 Then I urge you in the name of the Lord: Live no longer like the Gentiles. Their thoughts are emptiness,

The Word of God places the unborn and carnal man very low. Therefore, we are encouraged to live quite the opposite. Unfortunately, many times the world characterizes the church, a church characterizes the world. God wants us to trace us.

18 their minds are darkened, and they are strangers to life in God. For their hearts have been hardened so that they do not know him.

"For the God of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they do not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, He who is the image of God." (2 Corinthians 4: 4)
“Everything is pure for the pure. But for those who are unclean and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their minds and their consciences are unclean. "
The soul and the mind are therefore a battlefield! And it is you and me who decide who will win!
"The wicked must forsake his way, and the unrighteous his thoughts, and repent unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and upon our God, for he will gladly forsake all. For my thoughts are not their thoughts, and their ways are not my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than their ways, and my thoughts higher than their thoughts. ”(Isaiah 55: 7-9)
As we see, there is a great contrast between the thoughts of the wicked and the thoughts of God. The wicked must leave their thoughts and ways, and share in God's thoughts, plans, and ways. This speaks of a total transformation of thought life.
"And do not behave like this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may judge what is the will of God: the good, the things that He pleases, the perfect." (Romans 12: 2)
The word transform (Greek: metamorphosis) speaks of a total transformation. It also talks about being different than everyone else.
(quote at the end.)

Obviously, these people are ruled by forces that are negative, dark, and ultimately they are darkened and hardened in their hearts and minds.
Only thing I know is that we as believers - when we hold on to the word and promises of God - and hold ourselves to Christ. Then we will prevail and nothing will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Room. 8. 31 What, then, should we say to this? If God is for us, who is against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him for us all, how can he but give us all things with him? 33 Who will accuse the elect of God? God is the one who justifies; 34 Who is he that condemns? Christ is the one who is dead, yes, what is more, which is also the resurrection, who is also at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us; 35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Tribulation or anguish or persecution or hunger or nudity or danger or sword? 36 As it is written, For your sake we are killed all day long; we are considered as sheep. 37 But in all this we gain more than victory by the one who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, neither angels nor powers, neither what is now nor what is to come, nor any power, 39 neither height nor depth nor any other creature, can separate us from the love of God in Christ. Jesus, our Lord.

onsdag 11. desember 2019

No. 1488: After a telephone conversation with Marius Vamnes, senior advisor at the County Governor, we agreed that we should send a brief mail!

No. 1488:
After a telephone conversation with Marius Vamnes, senior advisor at the County Governor, we agreed that we should send a brief mail!

Neighbors and others have properties that look like a stack of building blocks. With us, one does not see where we have built before entering and up on our property.
That we don't get an exemption, while others get it. Is nothing else a total scandal!

Here is the email that was sent:

To Marius Vamnes Oslo 11 / 12-19
Senior Advisor at the County Governor

After a telephone conversation with you 9/12 we agreed that I could write an email with questions and various considerations.

We believe that what we have experienced is abuse of power and authority against us.
Therefore, we consider all decisions made against us to be invalid and unsustainable.

The vast majority of things that speak to our favor are overlooked, overlooked and not emphasized.
What speaks to our disfavour is magnified up to the unrecognizable and emphasized out of all professions and interpreted in our disfavour.
Therefore, can not see that at any point we should and must align with the order given by PBE, and which we have appealed to the County Governor.
Would also say right away, that here there are so many loose balls in the air, that all orders given we appeal to the County Governor. Unable to keep the complete overview as PBE appears so uncluttered and unprofessional it is possible to do so, with fogging and always with new orders if we object.

They promised us to apply for a meeting with them in April, the only meeting we have had with them. Then they come with a spoonful of order to search that makes it all impossible. Even though we have searched before, applying again is an impossibility as so many new things are added to be able to apply. That it just shows PBE's desire to do things so hard for us, that there are obviously only evil intentions behind acting in such a way. Align us with such people, it will never happen!

But still want to come up with some questions.

You meant I was scolding you, we 100% disagree with that.
Although there could be countless reasons for it.

I have never used mischief against you in that phone call or anyone else, even after the cruel and unfair treatment we have received from you. Also at PBE here in Oslo, the Civil Ombudsmen and the courts, it is just a continuation of the NAV scandal and all other public scandals that are now being rolled up that we have been exposed to. It's really more of the same thing.

Only reason for not giving us the exemption that we are entitled to is the prestige and arrogance of the public.

We will never align ourselves with a single decision without getting clear and good answers to our questions that we have not yet received.

1.) When in our case nothing negative is presented. It's just positive. Then the law states that when there are in total more benefits than disadvantages, then exemption should be granted. In other words, that we do not get the exemption we are entitled to, then PBE breaks the law. This is more than documented in other mailers, which is why we no longer embed it.

2.) When others have utilized the site up to 57 times more than us. Which is built in the same period as us. One comes down on that property, and they appear to be like big lego blocks. With us, the estate does not look until one comes up to our property. Here makes such a big difference to neighbors, shouldn't we get an exemption?

3.) Our wall is located approx. ½ meter longer than it did before we built the wall. In other words, now our wall is more legal than it used to be. Shouldn't one then regard this as something positive?

4.) We see today a public Norway that has been convicted in the human rights court in Strasbourg more than any other country. NAV scandals and social security scandals, etc. It has turned out that the public, state and municipal agencies. As well as the courts and others, have made so many and gross mistakes. Our case is really a continuation of this, do you see this or are there no similarities?

5.) If you go through what we have written before and our arguments, we either have not received an answer or been overrun. Don't you see that this has happened or have we been treated well? We feel that we have been treated so badly that it is really considered punishable for errors of service, neglect, injustice, discrimination, and reprisals when we have spoken. Comrades in which the public agencies have been only concerned with defending each other and many other things which together show that in our case it is really breaking the law not to give us the minimal exemption required in our case.

Hearing from you, can not see that our case is closed as we have not received the questions, counter-representation and what is the basis for the decisions and other decisions taken against us.
As mentioned, we look at these matters quite differently from what the public has done.
But if we get good answers here, it will help us along the way.
If not, then we have obviously been exposed to abuse of power and authority!
As we have been treated by the public, be it you. Or PBE here in Oslo, the courts and the Civil Ombudsman no one should have been treated!
That being said, we are not bowing to PBE here in Oslo who acts so evil, simple and unfair to us that it lacks unparalleled words and words!

The case against us as it is made by the PBE, and confirmed by you, Civil Ombudsman the man and the courts are incomplete and inaccurate, and that the purpose of what you have gathered together has done. Is really turning everything upside down, but you have failed and failed as it is PBE that has obviously broken the law.

Not least § 19–2 The dispensation decision
The municipality may grant permanent or temporary exemption from provisions laid down in or pursuant to this Act. Conditions may be set for the exemption.
Exemption cannot be granted if the considerations behind the provision from which it is dispensed, or the considerations in the provision of the Act, are materially breached. In addition, the benefits of granting an exemption must be clearly greater than the disadvantages of an overall assessment.
When exempting from the law and regulations to the law, special emphasis should be placed on the consequences of the exemption for health, environment, safety and accessibility.
(quote at the end.)

In our case, there are in fact only benefits for us, for others, brewing car, ambulance, fire truck, environment, walking, running, those who park, safety and everything else that can be mentioned.
They still refuse to grant us an exemption. It is so clumsy, wrongful and wrong it is possible to remain. But the neighbor just above us who has a wall to the trouble with only 20 cm from the road is "legal!"

We actually have a property and some buildings as if they are not unique.
Then they are made so that they are in fact nothing negative and stuck with. Eg. the stall is made this way - which everyone says - it is not seen until one comes up to our property. It's just positive with it.
That it should be demolished and everything else is only for one thing, that PBE has an uninterpreted plan and the building law. Whether they do this on purpose? We believe that when they do not even want to meet us or come to the inspection.
Just sit down in the center of Oslo as some regular netroll. Give us orders that have been insane and unjust.
Now they demand us for money, money and invoice.
This is nothing more than pure evil, such people should never have worked in a public agency or had any dealings with people.

In other words, PBE and the entire public administration are breaking the law against us! Everything is done so that we have to tear down a wall, staircase and storage room that is not a nuisance or a hindrance to a single person.
We regard those who hold on to this as far more offenders than we have ever been in this case.
That we - but others - get an exemption to such an extent where their property looks like a big building block. But with us you do not see what we have done of "extra" with regard to storage before coming up on our property.
Talk about being offenders as PBE is, unfortunately, the camaraderie from the public has been so bad that it is basically a plot against us.
But we see that the public is now shaking, the fact is that the camaraderie is against us. Where the public administration tries to say that we are going to tear down, we never want to do that under any circumstances. Then the case against us is nothing more than turning the reality on its head. We called down to the municipality, built as they said. In retrospect, it turns out that everything we have built fits perfectly into the terrain. Not and dispensation in our case is in violation of Norwegian law as the Act says «Exemption cannot be granted if the considerations behind the provision from which the dispensation is made or the considerations in the purpose of the Act are materially breached. In addition, the benefits of granting a waiver must be clearly greater than the disadvantages of an overall assessment. "

With us there are only advantages, no disadvantages.
The way to grant an exemption is more than fulfilled!

Jan Kåre and Berit Christensen
Crockstone 2 c
0672 Oslo
Tel: 99598070

mandag 9. desember 2019

No. 1487: Bible teacher Ivar Helmersen from the Free Friends was Norway's most radical preacher on remarriage before he was even divorced, after his own divorce there was another "song" in proclamation then it was free to marry!

No. 1487:
Bible teacher Ivar Helmersen from the Free Friends was Norway's most radical preacher on remarriage before he was even divorced, after his own divorce there was another "song" in proclamation then it was free to marry!

Picture of the ultra-radical for remarriage today, before against remarriage. The man has zero credibility, just like Jan Aage Torp and Jan Hanvold who also condemn everything and everyone below and home, except himself.
Look here:

In my youth, I met a good number of preachers, and the most radical preacher when it came to divorce and remarriage was Ivar Helmersen from the Free Friends who he then belonged to and traveled as a publisher and Bible teacher sometimes.
I had also mentioned Helmersen at the Bible School at Smyrna outside Tønsberg. In Re municipality, where the place was called Våler.

What made Helmersen so extra-radical and conservative was that he also believed that non-believers were 100% bound to their marriage vow, perhaps given the hangover and filling. What do we know? A person living in this world lives and walks in the dark.
Remembering very well when we argued against Helmersen, he became even more radical

The Scripture speaks, I clearly mean, that one cannot demand non-believers if and when they are saved that they will make up for themselves as one was a believer.

Scripture is clear to us believers.

1 Cor. 7. 10 The married I command, though not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not divorce her husband; 11 But if she is divorced from him, she will continue to be unmarried or reconciled to her husband - and that a man should not divorce his wife.

When it comes to a non-believer being saved, it applies to completely different scriptures. We read here

2 Cor. 5. 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; the old is past, behold, everything has become new!

But here the Bible teacher went further than anyone else, he was simply as I see it today extremely radical and conservative.

But then he got divorced himself, then he turned around and changed Bible views in just a few steps. He was suddenly free to remarry, though he himself had pointed out the opposite even from the pulpit and through everything he said and did. For a hypocrite, deceiver and scoundrel I would say.

We know, for example. that Pastor Jan Aage Torp warned against the gays and lesbians in the strongest and most extreme word layers before he was even divorced. But when he divorced himself, it was free for Torp to even remarry with his former nanny as Todd Bentley did.

Here are people like Ivar Helmersen, Jan Aage Torp, Jan Hanvold and many, many others who confess Jesus' name. Condemning others, and that to both Hell and everything else. They themselves want all the grace they can get, but do not give it to anyone but themselves. There also plenty!

Scripture speaks of such here:

Room. 2. 1. Therefore you are without apology, man, whoever you are as a judge. For as you judge your neighbor, you condemn yourself; for you do the same, you who do judge; 2 But we know that the judgment of God, which the truth commandeth, is upon them that do such things. 3 But do you mean it, you human, you who judge those who do such, and even do it, that you should escape the judgment of God? 4 Or do you despise the riches of his goodness and patience and longsuffering, and do not know that the goodness of God drives you to repentance? 5 By your hardness and your unrepentant heart you cease to be angry in the day of wrath, the day when the righteous judgment of God is revealed; He gives eternal life, 8 But those who are rebellious and disobedient to the truth, but obedient to the unrighteousness, shall be angry and angry. 9 Tribulation and anguish shall come upon every human soul who does evil, both Jew first and then Greek; 10 But glory and honor and peace shall be given to every one that doeth good, both Jew first and then Greek. 11 For God makes no difference to people:

Yes, God does not make a difference to people, especially those who judge others and otherwise live even as one likes oneself.

Matt. 7. 1. Do not judge, lest you be judged! for with the same judgment with which ye judge, ye shall be judged; 2 and with the same measure that ye judge, ye shall be measured again. 3 Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye, but the beam in your own eye you do not become? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, Let me pull the splinter out of your eye? and behold, there is a beam in thine own eye! 5 You are hypocritical! first pull the beam out of your own eye, then you can see the splinter out of your brother's eye!

I wrote an article about this many years ago, which I eventually include.
Look here:

The Bible's most misunderstood and misinterpreted scripture by believers ?!

Rom.7.1. Do not judge, lest you be judged! 2 EIf the judgment you are judging with, you will receive judgment yourself, and in the same measure that you measure yourself, it will also be measured up to you.
     3 Why do you see the tile in your brother's eye, but do you not notice the beam in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the tile out of your eye' when there is a beam in your own eye? 5 Your hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye! Then you will see clearly enough to take the tile out of your brother's eye.

I have heard countless times that one should not judge.

But is this what Jesus says? No!

What Jesus says is that one must first have clean flour in the bag itself. Only then is one entitled to judge, not before.

It also summarizes with several other scriptures. Jesus says about who should be called great in the kingdom of God. Matt.5. 19 He who abolishes one of these least commandments and teaches men to do so, shall be counted as the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he who keeps them and teaches others to do the same shall be counted as great in the kingdom of heaven.

Further in Matt.23.2 “On the chair of Moses sit the scribes and the Pharisees. 3 Therefore, whatever they say, do and do. But what they do, do not obey. Because they say one thing and do something else.

We first meet here that Jesus praises the people who teach as they preach as opposed to the Pharisees. Who preached right but who lived the opposite.

The entire scripture gives a unified testimony that we should judge, especially in the spiritual realm. We even have to judge angels as well.

But scripture, not least Jesus points out that the prerequisite for this is to live and walk in the light itself. Then one is allowed to point out other things as well. But it is in the saying; too much and too little spoils. This is how it is with everything, so we must also weigh our words carefully. But refusing to judge others is not the Bible's teaching. The word of God says in 1 Cor.2.5 But the man who has the Spirit can judge everything, and even it cannot be judged by anyone.

Whoever has the Spirit and walks in accordance with the Word of God can and should judge what is from God and in accordance with scripture and not. But it is also good to know in this context that we all look piecemeal and divided.

søndag 8. desember 2019

No. 1486: Pastor and missionary Jan Kaare Hanvold, is the man who failed both the Lord and his mission call for the benefit of the world, the flesh and the ladies!

No. 1486:
Pastor and missionary Jan Kaare Hanvold, is the man who failed both the Lord and his mission call for the benefit of the world, the flesh and the ladies!

Picture of former Bible School principal Marit Rasmussen flanked by Aril Edvardsen. It was Rasmussen who reaffirmed Jan Kaare Hanvold's apostle / missionary call to Eastern Europe that he has obviously failed to remarry several times and was doing other things than being obedient to the mission God gave him through Rasmussen, sad. But this is also written for us to learn, to always follow the call and deed the Lord has for us.

Room. 15. 4 For all that is written before, it is written unto us for doctrine, that we may have hope in the patience and comfort of the scriptures.

I am happy because I have never studied Vision Norway and Jan Hanvold's finances and finances!

It is Jan Hanvold's lack of Bible fidelity and fidelity to his marriage pledge that I have been focusing on. Everything else is out on the periphery for me!

It is wonderful to hear the testimony of Jan Kaare Hanvold regarding his mission call.
Now I've only heard this on Radio, and to reproduce it correctly I can't.
But should try.
Hanvold and his then wife traveled to Saron's Valley and attended Bible School there.
For an hour with Marit Rasmussen, Mrs. Rasmussen received an invitation from God that there was one in the class who had a special mission call to Eastern Europe.
Now I do not remember this word, but Jan Kaare Hanvold was pointed out. He says it himself that from that day he never became the same again.
He traveled to Eastern Europe and there he experienced the most incredible things.
He went through customs and the customs officers found nothing. This was a wonder in the life and service of Jan Kaare Hanvold!

There is no doubt that Hanvold had a mission call to Eastern Europe. But what went wrong in Hanvold's life?
Today it is terrible and bad to hear and look at that man.

In many ways, one can say that Jan Kaare Hanvold received an apostle call, then to Eastern Europe. That was confirmed by former Bible School principal Marit Rasmussen.
But Hanvold has failed in several areas, primarily by remarrying several times. This is directly opposed to scripture, which states that a preacher and apostle should be one woman's husband, no longer as Hanvold is.

And he does not have a shepherd and teacher call, but an apostolic call.
Here he has also failed by taking on assignments and services that he is not obviously called or equipped for and for!

Final Comment:

It rings in my ears that Jan Kaare Hanvold reminds me of King Ussia, who also interprets himself to the right. It was his own and others' downfall.

Why did Ussia fall?

1) Ussia began to exalt itself. He forgot that true progress has more to do with who we are than what we do. He forgot that it was God who had helped him to the power and honor he had now achieved.

2) He had not taken the time to build character in his life. His character was in no way compared to what he had accomplished. It is important to build a strong character in God before you step out in a service to God. If not, sooner or later a character shortage will become visible to everyone.

3) Pride came into his life. Pride always comes before a fall. Ussia could not withstand success.

But what is pride?

- Pride is "mother of all sin" (Lester Sumrall)
Pride is a spiritual cancer. It eats up the possibilities that love and the fruit of the spirit can flow.
Pride is selfish. It always has the ego at its center. ("I am right...")
Pride is arrogance. It is to exalt oneself. One expects privileges, one wants to be noticed and become popular.
- Pride is anger. One cannot tolerate correction, but responds with anger.
In verse 19 we see that Ussia responds with anger - typically pride ...
We all need someone to correct us / admonish us. Ask yourself: How do I receive admonition and correction from other people? The way you receive correction will determine how you end your run!
Ussia became a leper, and he remained a leper for the rest of his life. He was first called king, but ended up being known as a leper. No one talked about what he did in the beginning. What matters is how you complete the race!
This man had ascended the throne at the age of sixteen, destined to become one of the greatest kings of Judah. He received advice from the prophet Zechariah. He received visions from the Lord. He was mighty blessed by God.
The Bible says that Uzziah sought the Lord - and God allowed him to prosper and become strong: "God helped him ..." (2 Chronicles 26: 7). ".... His name reached far and wide, for he was wonderfully helped, and he gained great power." (verse 15).
Besides Solomon, Uzziah had the best reputation of all the kings of Judah. He was anointed by God. He initiated revival in the land, demolished idols, and walked according to the word of God. As this brave king drove his chariot through the streets, he was shown honor and respect. He received gifts and tributes from all over the world.

But, the scripture says : ".... when he was mighty, he was overthrown in his heart, unto his own doom. He disobeyed the Lord his God, and entered into the sanctuary of the Lord to burn incense upon the altar of incense." (verse 16).

Pride overcame this man of provision. He wanted to become a priest as well as a king! In disobedience, Uzziah entered the temple and began to fan incense in front of the altar. He received a punishment for this - and when he pointed a furious finger in response, his hand immediately began to wither. It suddenly became leprous. Ussia had to be cast out of God's temple!

Oh, what a shame! One of the greatest, richest kings in Judah's history now had to be isolated. He was taken to a small house where he spent the rest of his days as a leper: "Then King Ussia was a leper until his death. He lived in a house for himself as a leper, for he was excluded from the house of the Lord ... . ”(2 Chronicles 26:21).

Ussia died in isolation - cut off from any blessing from God!

When this once mighty man died, crowds should have gathered around him. His passing should have been an honor in God's name. Instead, he died like an almost unknown man, with his body devoured by leprosy. Ussia boomed at its destination!

King Ussia became a leper

King Ussia became a leper and these people are already lepers and want to spread their leprosy over wherever they come, therefore the scripture says that we should not even rush in with them.

1Cor 5:11 But what I wrote unto you was that ye should not have intercourse with any man called a brother, and be a whore, or a virgin, or an idolater, or a slander, or a drinker, or a robber, that ye eat not even with him.

We shall in no way take part in their evil deed, if we do, we will become an accomplice. That many others support leprosy people who are spiritually wolves in sheep's clothing, I think that's bad!
Yes, directly nauseating and nonsensical.

torsdag 28. november 2019

No. 1483: We have experienced the terrible and dangerous Norwegian child welfare!

No. 1483:
We have experienced the terrible and dangerous Norwegian child welfare!

The BV case is a hundred times worse than all the NAV scandals combined.
Of course, it is bad to lose a few bucks. Or, last of all, don't get the money you are entitled to.
But it is far worse and more serious to lose his or her children by a pierced BV.

Actually here - in this case there is a minister in from KRF, Kjell Inge Ropstad.
The man doesn't understand a thing. And show off every time that there is a lot of good with BV.
It is not much good with Norske BV, it is dangerous, evil and incompetent!

The child welfare we were involved in was BV in Karmøy Municipality, and I think people other than these do not exist in Norway, not even at Ullersmo!
Don't have words to say how bad BV in Norway is.
Norwegian child welfare is in crisis, and the Lobben case shows that Norway does not even listen to the human rights court.
Quite incredible and arrogant of the Drammen district court and sovereignly overestimate the Norwegian defeat in Strasbourgh.
The first and next must be that other countries must start boycotting Norway.

It was Helga Urrang who came up with the famous suggestion that we could make a "deal" with them. Just before the trial to keep the two largest, but give us the least child as the temporary foster home wants the smallest child.
This is Norwegian Child Welfare Service which reminds us of what we have read about what happened during i.a. communist rule further east. It's so bad that words don't stretch. For good measure, we did not agree with this and we fortunately won the trial in the county board.

We have faced conflict and everything else with BV.
Know exactly how they work and think.
In other countries, adoptions from parents occur with major personal problems.
In Norway, this happens to a lesser extent, but parents with children who are well-educated, kind and compassionate "take over" the Norske BV, and go for adoption.
In our case, they wanted to take all of our 3 children, but they always ran home to us. When the 2 biggest, when the smallest man did not quite understand what was going on.
Two days before the matter was going to the County Council, we got a proposal.
They wanted to compromise with us.
In the beginning our kids were deprived of us because Our oldest child had come up with a lie story. That was reinforced by the school and BV to the degrees. The truth was the opposite!
That's why they took all the kids from us when we were at work.
Then they would make a compromise. It was that now they would only "have" our smallest child, the two largest we could get back. This was BV "horse trading!"

Fortunately we won in the County Council. But this taught us many things with BV.
They wanted our kids when all the families that our kids were placed in "fight" to have them when they were so well-behaved, responsive, helpful and were just plain pattern-children.

This is how Norske BV works, stealing "well-behaved" children.
Therefore when it says in Aftenposten that:
«Norwegian Child Welfare is criticized for being at the top when it comes to taking care of children. But several countries are about the same as us. "

Then that's probably the case, as other countries take only those children who need help. These are neglected to a large extent in Norway.
But well-functioning children are the "struggle" to adopt to others than their biological father and mother! No wonder Norway is equal to other countries!

I wrote this a few years ago:

The first trial I / we were in as "prosecuted" we won complete victory, not least because that we had a very good lawyer, Gullbrand Kjos.

The reason for this trial was the following.
One late winter day in 2004, I was called to work by my wife.
She was completely out of touch, our kids were taken care of by child welfare while we were at work.

Of course, it was just false rumors that the Child Welfare Department were spending, these servants of darkness.

If there had been any team in this, then only everything would have been resolved with a simple conversation.
That was all that was needed.

But here they made an emergency decision, put it to life to try to break the Christensen family. They didn't succeed at all, I knew who was behind it. It was not of the good, or of God. Of course, it was Satan who was behind these ladies who went against us. It was probably a five piece with a priestess in the lead, Marta Elisabeth Åtland Førsvoll. She was rotten right through!

Eventually, they tried to negotiate with lying, threatening and all that is possible. Child welfare is so, if you admit something. which you never have to do, they use it against you. If you admit nothing, they will fantasize freely about both. If you speak against them, they say, "I hear what you say!" and do just as they please and have decided. The child welfare service in Norway is over-ripe for winding down as it works today!

To avoid trial, but we knew this was Satan's behind.
When we had been the world's best and most loving parents!

Fortunately, we had a very good lawyer, the now deceased Gullbrann Kjos from Haugesund.
And that the judge and fellow judge were a man who quickly realized that this was madness!

These include if they got the minimum, then we should have the two biggest ones. And other lies and Satan's formulations. The trial came in early summer 2004 and we won on all counts. It has not been in Norway's history a trial well where the child welfare until the degrees have been revealed and not gained at any point ?!

Final Comment:

Has much more to say about BV. But when the slogan is in many respects they do not want or have the ability to take care of the children and families who really need it. Who struggles with intoxication and other things.

But well-functioning families with kind and well-behaved kids are throwing themselves over. This is how BV is here in Norway. Now they have so many cases against them in Strasbourg, France that it resembles war states and Norway is the verses, which stand out. This came as no surprise to anyone like us.
We know that Norske BV is really ravenous when they do not yet realize that they have been abusing - not helping - against well-functioning families!

No. 1482: Even my wife Berit Nyland Christensen objected to the evil, speculative, controlling, unfair and unwelcoming treatment of the planning and building authorities!

No. 1482:
Even my wife Berit Nyland Christensen objected to the evil, speculative, controlling, unfair and unwelcoming treatment of the planning and building authorities!

How we have been met by the municipal and county administration in this matter. Then it's like reading about the old GDR with Stasi. There, if an opponent is punished, the more severe the punishment. This is how PBE has been against us.

The way we meet the public is under par. They have, as we see it, acted as incorrect and unfair as possible.
It is actually a form of speculation where one lives in a form of fantasy. Where everyone else is "scoundrels" but that they themselves are the biggest they were not themselves. Jesus said it so aptly in the Sermon on the Mount.

Matt. 7. 1. Do not judge, lest you be judged! for with the same judgment with which ye judge, ye shall be judged; 2 and with the same measure that ye judge, ye shall be measured again. 3 Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye, but the beam in your own eye you do not become? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, Let me pull the splinter out of your eye? and behold, there is a beam in thine own eye! 5 You are hypocritical! first pull the beam out of your own eye, then you can see the splinter out of your brother's eye!

Even my wife has now sent letters to PBE for their evil, speculative, controlling, unfair and inaccessible treatment of us.

Am glad to have such a wife, here are her two mail to PBE.

Case numbers 201610333, 201609223, 201510929 and 201908605
Construction case PBE here in Oslo 19 / 11-2019


Just want to make a few remarks.

1.) See that for several documents, my husband's name and mine stand as signatures. But then only my husband's name is responsible for their websites. Like everything else you have been dealing with in this case, this is fabricated and the forgery you get with it.

2.) All documents and cases I have the same responsibility as my husband, whether it is me or he who writes the emails and documents. One has to write, and of course it is a collaboration.

3.) You have, in this and several other matters, separated us in a way that is really against all custom, decency, and which is a false explanation for those who read their pages online and lie.

4.) Want to state as strongly as I can, that of all the decisions and orders you have made, they are so deficient that it is very difficult to relate to them seriously as you almost never answer our questions and objections. If you do, it is because you believe you are servants to it. But when we answer and put you back in place. Then, as always, we will receive an order that is even more difficult than ever. This is a form of punishment that is so bad that words do not stretch.

5.) We now see that the entire judicial system and the public administration are shredded by so many cases. Isn't it time you take something inside you and act humbly in the future? Far wiser and shows a treatment of us has been until now?

6.) What you impose on us, it is disproportionate out of all proportions. It's okay that we look at certain things differently, but to be as square and difficult as you have been before us in this matter. That way no one should be allowed to hold on! Order us to demolish and return everything to the way our property was before we built. It is completely beyond thinking something like this. We have documented more than enough other places, so I will not repeat this now.

7.) If we send or log in from my husband's or my account or mail, then the signature is what is valid.

8.) It is completely incomprehensible to me that you can allow yourself such a low goal and we who are the unprofessional must point out such a matter of course.

9.) I send this document with only my signature, so that you will go into each document to correct your name and my husband's name. It should stand together, not just my or his name when we both have signed.

10.) What is sad about you is when we have pointed out time after time that you have acted incorrectly against us. Then we are punished with even harder orders. We saw this, not least when we had to search again. This was a great spectacle on their part. We would then submit a far more comprehensive application for the first time that was actually so comprehensive that you will find no one who has applied for a bid has applied with so many factors. Then we should apply again. Then the factors were impossible to comply with. You, in our eyes, actually like rats to count!

11.) Now is the time to put a roast on this whole thing. You give us the minimal exemption we need, and everything is approved without anything.

12.) That you have chosen this way of being is just sad, but hope that it is possible after all, that the matter can and will have a friendly and good arrangement that everything is now approved? We are not looking for any revenge, but justice. That others almost write at 1 p.m. add and get dispensed time after time. While we should not be taken into account in any way. There is nothing but profoundly unfair and discriminatory treatment that should not occur!

13.) Finally, we will say that our attitude will always be to do the right thing, even if you have chosen to be the opposite. But now should be the time to realize that it is still possible to come to an arrangement that is right.
After all, masonry stairs and storage rooms still stand and are just for the benefit and benefit of everyone! There is no hint of what we have built, only operational benefits. Then there should be an exemption.
The advantages are far more disadvantageous, there are no disadvantages!

§ 19–2 The dispensation decision
• whether the benefits of granting an exemption will be clearly greater than the disadvantages of a comprehensive assessment
With us there are actually 100% and 0% disadvantages, beat it !!!!!!!!!!!

Berit Nyland Christensen
Crockstone 2 c
0672 Oslo

Hook path 2 C - Construction of storage room, stairs and masonry
Case number 201908605 - Construction Case

Got a letter from you 1.10. 2019

You want us to reduce the wall and the shed.
But we will return to the way it was before then.
But then our property will be ½ meter further out than our wall is today.
It is then more "legal" to have the wall as today. It will be nicer and cleaner then, think it is not right to listen to you who do not want to comment on this.
This is a disclaimer of dimensions that makes PBE credibility equal to zero.

Answer this why you will not answer why we now have a more legal wall than we had before and we will demolish this wall. There is so beyond all reason and justice it is possible to achieve what you are doing and of course we will never align ourselves with your rigid and false instructions.

We have a house on an "old" plot where there are today 4 houses in an old housing estate.
You must also take this into account. It is completely wrong that others are allowed to receive an exemption up to 57 times more than us. In the same residential area and builds contemporary as us. They also apply on multiple occasions and receive exemptions each time.

We should now have professional applicants etc. who will not even take on the assignment.

Others sit at home on the "kitchen counter" and write an application and receive an exemption.
We are tasked with an impossible task.
What you are doing is nothing more than an evil and totally unnecessary to do so!

Only remedy is that we get the exemption we need which is minimal. Everything else is profoundly unfair and unnecessary!

Berit Christensen
Crockstone 2 c
0672 Oslo

mandag 25. november 2019

No. 1481: Was the Apostle Paul's thorn in the flesh demonic Spirit powers who "set his foot" on him, and caused trouble for him?

No. 1481:
Was the Apostle Paul's thorn in the flesh demonic Spirit powers who "set his foot" on him, and caused trouble for him?

What is "thorn in the flesh". This is probably what we would say a chip in our fingers today. There is something there that bothers us, that can and can be taken away.
I come here with some considerations and views on this in this article here.
Lots of threats and noise against the Apostle Paul, but it all failed. It only made the apostle more dependent on God, which in turn allowed him to carry his testimony and preaching. Was this Paul's "thorn in the flesh"?
This very and unjust witch-hunt for him and his service to God and people? It's not entirely unlikely now I mean!

2 Cor. 12. 1. I must commend myself though it is not useful; but now I come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2 I know a man in Christ - whether he was in the body, I do not know, or outside the body, I do not know; God knows - one who was moved straight into the third heaven fourteen years ago. 3 And I know this man - whether he was in the body or out of the body, I know not; God knows - 4 He was moved into Paradise and heard unspeakable words that no human being is allowed to speak. 5 Of this I will boast; but of myself I will not boast, but of my frailty. 6 For if I will boast, I will not be a fool; for there is truth I will speak; but I will, lest any man think of me more than he sees me, or heareth of me. 7 And that I should not exalt myself from the high revelations, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan, that he might smite me, that I should not exalt myself. 8 Of this I asked the Lord three times that he should depart from me; 9 And he said unto me, My grace is enough for thee; for my power is perfected in frailty. Therefore, I would rather boast of my frailty, that the power of Christ may abide in me. 10 Therefore I am well pleased in frailty, in misery, in distress, in persecution, in affliction, for Christ's sake; because when I am frail, then I am strong.

Henric Staxäng writes something interesting here:

Paul mentions his high revelation that 14 years ago he was moved straight into the third heaven, into paradise. This happened at the beginning of Paul's apostle time. After talking about this incident, Paul tells of something difficult in his life: "And so that I may not be exalted by the exceedingly great revelations, I have a thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan shall strike me, that I do not exalt me. ”(verse 7).

Paul prayed to the Lord three times for deliverance, but was not heard as he intended. He was not healed or freed from this troublesome affliction and humiliation of him. Paul is not talking about what kind of burden this suffering was in his life. But it was clearly a suffering that Paul experienced as particularly heavy. It disturbed, tormented, inhibited and humiliated him. Perhaps it was some kind of physical disorder - a disability or other life burden that he experienced almost unbearably. In Galatians 4:14 Paul writes to the congregation in Galatia: "And though my flesh might tempt it, you despised and did not reproach me."

God's meaning with suffering is to teach you the great and difficult secret of godly life: "My grace is enough for you". But this blissful secret is so difficult for us to acquire and to be content with. To stand in the same line as the robber and the salvation of robbery, no it is disgusting to our old nature. When crosses, trials, sickness, weakness, adversity, defeat, false or true rumors strike you, or when a particularly long-lasting suffering, a thorn hits you, stings, hurts or bothers you, you become weary of all your own. In the end, only grace remains.
(Quote end.)

We do not know what this was, but when we see the great opposition that the Apostle Paul experienced.
Then it is not unlikely that this was for the Apostle "a thorn in the flesh!"

But who and what created this? Supposedly, were it evil Spirit powers that exerted and influenced other people in a negative direction?
Or in other ways attacked the Apostle. Because he went through some severe disorders. We read this about here:

2 Cor. 11. 23 Are they servants of Christ? I speak in madness: I am more; I've worked more, got more punches, been in jail several times, often in death. 24 Of the Jews five times I have received forty blows at one; 25 three times I was struck by the skin, once stoned, three times I suffered shipwreck, one day I was in the deep. 26 Often I have been in journeys, in dangers in rivers, in dangers among robbers, in dangers of my people, in dangers of heathen, in dangers in the city, in dangers in the sea, in dangers among false brethren, 27 in strife and labor, often in vigil, in hunger and thirst, often in fasting, in cold and nudity. 28 Besides everything else, I still have the daily flow, the care of all the churches.

Jesus said something about himself, which also applies to his servants in the greater or greater

fredag 22. november 2019

No. 1480: Then the answer is sent to Unibuss where my Lawyer writes clearly that I violated some guidelines of listening to Christian Radio programs, therefore the service claim is waived and shredded!

No. 1480:
Then the answer is sent to Unibuss where my Lawyer writes clearly that I violated some guidelines of listening to Christian Radio programs, therefore the service claim is waived and shredded!

Image of the letter:

Unibuss AS
PO Box 210 Alnabru
0614 Oslo

Oslo, 20.11.19

Your ref .: Our ref .: Case no .:
JW: 02132 02132

The undersigned represents Jan Kåre Christensen through his membership in the Professional Traffic Association.

Christensen received a written service complaint on 11.11.19. This is contested and it is requested that it be waived and shredded.

The service charge is contested on the grounds that Christensen has not broken any guidelines. Furthermore, it is unclear what the service charge orders Christensen to do differently.

Christensen and union representative Leif Arne Myhre state that it is allowed and accepted that employees get to listen to music or radio while driving a bus. Headphones are not allowed. There are no guidelines for how loud you can listen to radio / music, or whether you are required to switch off if a passenger requests it. There are also no guidelines for what one is allowed or not allowed to hear.

Christensen states that he has not listened to any volume higher than usual. The complaints may be due to the content of the radio program. If it is not allowed to listen to Christian content programs, please clarify this.

The warning is required to be withdrawn and replaced with some guidelines that apply to everyone.

We would also like to point out that it is very unfortunate that it takes so long from the first complaint until Christensen is informed that such a complaint has come. He did not hear anything about these complaints until he was given a service charge for the circumstances.

Their prompt feedback is met.

With best regards

Josefine Wærstad
(Quote end.)

In short, this case is only about one thing.

Should Christian radio programs be allowed to listen when everyone else is allowed to listen to their programs of their choice?

May I, and possibly others turn off and not listen to Christian radio or not!

When it comes to these customer complaints, they are so on the road trip that I can't bear to comment on this.

However, here is just one of two things that will be the result of this case.

Should it be allowed to listen to Christian radio or not?

When all other bus drivers and others get to choose the channels they freely want, and many also play far higher than me.
If I do not, and others get to choose the channels we want, there is discrimination and bullying from the employer. Then it becomes clear that Unibuss obviously sits above Norwegian law. We have no internal rules for this either, it is obvious that here Unibuss has taken care!

Final Comment:

Seems here it was right on the case, and it gets exciting and see if it is allowed and allowed to still listen to Christian radio shows or not!
Do we have free religious freedom or not? It will be exciting to see what happens next.
I bet this goes to full victory in Jesus name!

onsdag 20. november 2019

No. 1479: The case between me and Unibuss is important both for me and for it to be made pressing for all believers and others who do not "fit" into a desired pattern!

No. 1479:
The case between me and Unibuss is important both for me and for it to be made pressing for all believers and others who do not "fit" into a desired pattern!

What Unibuss does as completely without filters and barriers is listening to customer complaints without reservations.
Where I am really required and refused to listen to the radio the programs I want is bidding discriminatory. At the same time, I would say that there is difference treatment.
Illustration of sound waves, which this case is about.

Here, Unibuss has settled. There are no internal rules or other rules that say that playing on one channel over another should be "paid" with a service charge and strict refs after playing radio that some do not like!

Here we see that the case is being tried on the head of the management that I have made some serious mistakes.
But there are those who have made some serious mistakes here!

If I and others do not respond now, what next?

The case between me and Unibuss is of great importance as it sets a standard for other similar cases.

This Unibuss keeps reminders of how believers are treated, including in China.

In China it is promised to be a believer, but you should rather be it for yourself. Human rights, religious freedom and everything else are totally overlooked.

Like me, I enjoy listening to Christian programs.
Other programs on radio have my interest when I ride a bus and have access to radio.
Be it news, debate program, music, sports and more.
Not only do I listen to Christian programs, my interests are also other things. But that freedom has everyone riding a bus, that one can listen to the radio programs that are legally approved here in Norway. As in other words have concession. I never play loud for others to hear, only for myself. But that's what they need and want to hear. Sitting behind me, listening intently. I cannot prevent such persons from hearing and listening!

Has now received legal assistance and assistance.

Everyone is very clear here, that only Unibuss can impose. It's the same thing they have to do with all drivers and employees. A common set of rules.

They cannot discriminate against me by ordering me not to listen to any radio channels that are legal here in Norway.

A bit about the legislation here:

I have been on various buses many times and the music and the radio have exceeded my volume many times. This is discrimination and discrimination right? Yes, it is, yes!

The discrimination law states:

Chapter 2 Prohibition of Discrimination

§ 6. Prohibition against discrimination

Discrimination on the grounds of gender, pregnancy, leave on birth or adoption, caregiving, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age or combinations of these grounds are prohibited. By ethnicity is meant, among other things, national origin, lineage, skin color and language.

The prohibition includes discrimination on grounds of existing, assumed, past or future conditions as mentioned in the first paragraph.

The prohibition also applies if a person is discriminated against because of his association with another person, and the discrimination occurs because of circumstances as mentioned in the first paragraph.

By discrimination is meant direct or indirect discrimination according to Sections 7 and 8 which is not legal under Sections 9, 10 or 11.

§ 7.Direct discrimination

Direct discrimination means that a person is treated worse than others are, have been or would have been treated in a similar situation, due to circumstances as mentioned in section 6, first paragraph.

§ 8. Indirect discrimination

By indirect discrimination is meant any seemingly neutral provision, condition, practice, action or omission that will disadvantage persons worse than others, due to circumstances as mentioned in section 6, first paragraph.

Final Comment:

Let me be clear, there are many conditions in my workplace that are also very positive.
That is also what is clandestine. This I try to avoid commenting on.
My focus is only on what goes on in the spiritual, Christian and having freedom of belief and expression.
Simply live as a free human being. Or as a believer in this world
I do not mean this if I, or others, do not get the opportunity to hear the radio channels installed in the bus.
Of course, it is also profoundly unfair and discriminatory not to be given the opportunity to play the radio programs that I myself wish.
Jokes that I mean and that I think will be the outcome of this case.
It is the volume that should be used for all bus drivers.
But the content itself, it is free for the individual to choose!

No. 1478: Who is TV Vision founder and "Pastor" Jan Hanvold?

No. 1478:
Who is TV Vision founder and "Pastor" Jan Hanvold?

Picture of Jan Kaare Hanvold from when he was in "rut" and really could not contain his flesh and lusts. Today he has become so old and worn out that the drive he did with then he has grown too old?
Even Playboy King Hugh Marston Hefner did not manage the run he had when he was young and strong.

The fact that Hanvold has "calmed down" in his old days and lived a wild life before should have been an awakening. Jesus said that on the fruits the tree should be felt.
After all, the "real" Jan Kaare Hanvold is a different man than an aging old man like Hanvold is today!

He was saved when he was approx. 25 years and then had many relationships with him, a life of intoxication and other things.

Then he was saved, later married to Berit, then he got bored when he did not have good sex he has said.
Then there was a new girlfriend from Poland, whom he wanted to divorce after what he himself said p.g.a. that she only wanted his money, etc.
Then he began to grow old, tired and tired.
New lady with new kids that he couldn't get in the natural way.
Is this a Christian minister, pastor, and shepherd?
He is as far away from this as it is possible to get!
It's time for the Christian people to bring up the gulls!

From Wikipedia:

Final Comment:

Include from what they write about Jan Hanvold, it speaks for itself.

Background and past business

Jan Hanvold went on the Evidence Bible and Mission Institute in Saron's Valley under Hans Bratterud's leadership in the late 1970s.

Inspired by American neo-charismatic theology, Hanvold in the 1980s invested heavily in evangelism and healing meetings with hired preachers, including at Jordal Amfi. The business was brought together under the concept New Vision and was run from the old Jobuf factory in Drøbak. In 1985, Hanvold established New Vision Bible School in this building in collaboration with Sigfred Rafoss and Hans Bratterud, both with central roles in the Oslo Church of the Fullevangelisk Church (OFK). There were also plans for a new Christian newspaper.

Together with Bratterud, Hanvold also ran the European Broadcasting Network and the TV channel New World Channel inspired by American Christian TV channels.

The canal reached approx. 100,000 households in Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands and France before it was closed down in 1986. [9] Parallel to this, Hanvold ran his own company, "Jan Hanvold Ministries", which distributed recordings of speeches by international ministers and himself. In 1989, Hanvold also established the Vision Bible Center (VBC) foundation, which was to carry out missionary activities and distribution of Bibles in Eastern Europe under the concept name Bible For All.

The business eventually got out of control, culminating in a series of bankruptcies in 1989. Hanvold was personally bankrupted, got the bankruptcy quarantine and was sentenced to 120 days in prison, of which 45 days unconditional.

Since Vision Bible Center was a foundation with no links to Hanvold's other corporate structure, it was cleared of bankruptcy. In 1990, Frank Kaleb Jansen was incorporated into the foundation's board. At the same time, he became the foundation's face in raising money for missionary work. At this time, Hanvold also sat on the board of OFK Radio, which was run by Hans Bratterud.

Related links:

lørdag 16. november 2019

No. 1477: Unibuss is sure to lose this fight against me as they deal with discrimination and persecution of Christianity!

No. 1477:
Unibuss is sure to lose this fight against me as they deal with discrimination and persecution of Christianity!

The only thing that Unibuss can impose on us according to what my lawyer Josefine Wærstad says is the sound level.
Which program we choose to hear, as it is allowed for everyone to play the radio installed in Unibuss buses. In other words, they do not have their own rules for this, thus you are harassing and discriminating against me.
Give me a service claim for this is also the "happy frenzy" as they then settle on Norwegian laws and internal rules of the company that they do not have according to what others have said to me such as the Equality and Discrimination Ombud and the Labor Inspectorate etc. They take care "Freedoms" to really pursue Christian persecution!
Then it will be in Norway as in China, You may be a believer but not out in the public space. Then nothing that has to do with the gospel, Jesus or the Bible will communicate or be heard! That is why this case is so very important here!
Illustrative image, where one cannot command me not to listen to Christian broadcasts, it is discriminatory and persecuting Christianity!

The only thing they can command me and everyone else is not to have loud noises.

Which programs we play have no employer or other right to impose on us.
This is the law! I've never played loud music or anything!

Talked to my Lawyer Josefine Wærstad who is writing an email where she will say clearly that the only thing that Unibuss can impose on its drivers is not what radio programs they want to listen to.
There they come no way.

The only thing they can impose on their drivers and employees is the volume - and it should be the same for everyone!

In other words, this is where Unibuss actually lost before they "got" started the fight.

Am glad for the Lawyer's help I got, it looks like it pays off.

Here on discrimination:

Direct and indirect discrimination

Discrimination can be direct and indirect. People who, despite their qualifications, do not get a job because of age, sexual orientation, complexion or gender, face direct discrimination. This type of discrimination will usually be illegal, although there is room for narrow exceptions. In practice, it is often difficult to prove that there has been direct discrimination.

An apparently neutral act that puts, for example, the elderly, the disabled or women in a worse situation than other workers, is considered indirect discrimination. An example is when part-time employees receive lower hourly pay than full-time employees for the same job at the same employer. Since the majority of part-time employees are women, this affects far more women than men, and must therefore be regarded as indirect discrimination against women. It is usually easier to prove that there is indirect than direct discrimination.

Final Comment:

Will finish with what's right here. There are no internal rules or the working environment law, no places that require not to play the channels that I have done.
I've only played on regular channels, such as P1 and P4, and some others.

Otherwise, I listen to the usual sound level on these Christian channels as well.

107.7 which is now near radio and FM network. A legal Norwegian channel with a concession.
As well as Ptro, P7, Joh. 3. 16 and Vision Norway where I hear if there is anything about Israel in particular.
All of these are legal with a license, and I never listen to a CD or anything else on my job.

That I turned up a song or something that I would especially bring with me, it may have happened?
But on the whole, I hear excellent and do not need special high light!
This is obviously harassment, discrimination and bullying because my Christian faith, nothing else!