No. 1749:
God is the same in both the old and the new covenant, but by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, God sees us humans with far greater indulgence and opportunity to have a second and third chance!
Moses brought the law, it showed us our sin. But Jesus brought grace and truth, and we became free. Scripture says that the one who is freed by the Son becomes truly free, hallelujah! Picture of the Prophet and Lawgiver Moses.
Joh. Obvious. 2. 19 I know of your works and of your love and service and faith and patience, and your last works, which are more than the first. 20 But I oppose you, that you let Jezebel the woman tell her that she is a prophetess, and teach and deceive my servants to commit fornication and to eat idols. 21 And I gave her time to repent; but she will not repent of her adultery. 22 Behold, I cast her into a bed of sickness, and those who commit adultery with her I cast into great trouble, if they repent not of her works. 23 And I will carry away her children by death, and all the churches shall know that I am he that searcheth the reins and hearts, and I will give to each of you according to his works.
Luke 13. 6 But he said this parable: A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. 7 And he said unto the husbandman, Behold, for three years I have come, and have searched for fruit in this fig tree, and have found none; cut it down! Why should it also occupy the ground for no avail? 8 But he answered him, Lord. Let it still stand this year until I get dug around it and put fertilizer on it, 9 if it could possibly be next year! If not, you can cut it down.
I have written and spoken this before, that the lot of sin is death. God never sees through the fingers of sin, yet through Jesus' sacrifice, death, suffering, and resurrection. Then the new covenant is both better, different and here we see that several new words and phrases come for the day.
One of the words is the word grace. It makes a big, big difference.
Luke 9. 51 And it came to pass, as it was in the time of his coming, that he turned his face toward Jerusalem, to go up, and sent messengers before him. So they departed, and entered into a Samaritan city to prepare for him; 53 And they received him not, because his face was toward Jerusalem. 54 When his disciples saw James and John, they said, Lord! Do you want us to fire fire down from heaven and devour them as Elijah did? 55 But he turned and spoke strictly to them, saying, You know not what your spirit is. 56 For the Son of man has not come to destroy human life, but to save. And they went to another town.
Notice that two of his disciples wanted them to die at death and be destroyed. Just as Elijah the prophet did. But what was Jesus' answer? Yes, we do. Just the opposite, Jesus came with grace. And he came with the truth and justice.
Joh.e. 1. 17b. grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
We also read about similar examples in the groping testament how God corrected those who opposed his words, prophets, and commandments.
Here is an example.
2 Kings 2. 23 From there he went up to Bethel, and as he went up the road, some little ones came out of the city. They scoffed at him and shouted to him, "Come up here, you crazy boy!" Get up here, you crazy kid! 24 When he turned and saw them, he was cursing them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the forest and torn forty-two of the children. 25 From there he went to Mount Carmel and returned from there to Samaria.
Elisha shouted at them, which Jesus warned against doing, why?
Since Jesus has sinned, the debt is paid. God is on our side, against sin, Satan and the flesh. In other words, all that is needed for God to be and be content with us as human beings. It is present in Christ Jesus!
Although God acts with far greater grace, and goodness and mercy in the new covenant. So the consequence for our sin is the same, an eternal separation from God. Here the writing is very clear, both in the old and the new covenant!
Room. 6. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Notice the words of the Tyatira church, they are wonderful and wonderful:
"I gave her time to repent!"
The same thing we encounter in Jesus' parable that Luke writes and reproduces:
"Master! Let it still stand this year until I get dug around it and put fertilizer on it, if it could be next year! if not, you can cut it down. "
This fig tree had been standing for three long years and not given fruit. As with many believers, they stand there year in and year out. No fruit, but what is the Lord's answer and offer? Let them have an opportunity, isn't that wonderful ?!
One opportunity, one occasion, I let her lie, the chance is still there!
But then we come to the serious part of it all, that is, God does not look differently on sin and its consequences. The is just that in the new covenant we usually get "more" opportunities and God shows grace, and not always demands.
Finally, demands are made. Scripture is ready here. Here is one of many examples.
Joh.e. 15. 2a Every branch on me that does not bear fruit, he takes it away,
This is the requirement, also in the new covenant and in the New Testament. This is the Master's and Jesus' own words and teachings.
"Every branch on me that does not bear fruit, he takes it away,"
Now is the time for all of us, we have got so many opportunities and chances. Who do we want to follow?
We are glad we live in the new covenant, and God has again and again shown us grace.
But the time has come to make a choice and not linger on either side anymore. At the same time, God wants to put a line over what has been and that we should put it behind us. Begin again and join the Lord even though we have spent a lot of time, effort, and resources. Satan - our soul mate - wants us to hang in the "straps" and be concerned with our past. It will characterize our future. This is what God will forgive us for in Christ Jesus, and we shall begin again when the blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin!
1 John. b. 7b Jesus, His Son's blood cleanses us from all sin.
Final Comment:
God wants us to become His harmonious, happy and happy children, where we know a sense of mastery and that we are head and not tail. There is something about the Christian life, where God wants us all to be "winners" and to overcome sin, the world, Satan and our own flesh.
1 Joh.b. 5. 3 For this is the love of God that we keep his commandments; and his commandments are not heavy. 4 For all that is born of God overcomes the world; And this is the victory that has prevailed over the world: our faith. 5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?
It is now time has come to shake the "dust" of our feet and lives. Take up our cross again. And go with the Lord, and not let the sins of the past and the "ghosts" stand in the way.
Today is salvation today, today God hears and answers our prayers!
2 Cor. 6. 1. But as co-workers, we also exhort you not to receive in vain the grace of God. 2 He saith unto you, In the time that pleased me, I heard thee, and in the day of salvation did I help thee. See, now is a pleasant time, see, now is the day of salvation!
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lørdag 29. desember 2018
onsdag 26. desember 2018
No. 1748: Will God "punish" Jan Hanvold, Jan Aage Torp, and others who go directly against the word of God as in the old covenant and which God has done in ancient times? What does the scripture say?
Will God "punish" Jan Hanvold, Jan Aage Torp, and others who go directly against the word of God as in the old covenant and which God has done in ancient times? What does the scripture say?
Picture of my wife Berit Nyland Christensen, next to the couple Frances and Jimmy Swaggart.
As a young Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart, I think he was sitting in his own radio studio in 1975-76 and God spoke to him that Kathryn Kuhlman would die soon after she had crossed several "streaks" in the spiritual world.
Blue. walked down to the Pope on several occasions, shortly she died too early, only 67 years of trouble with heart.
Heb. 12. 25 Make sure you do not reject him who speaks! For let them not go free, those who rejected him who spoke on earth, how much less shall we escape if we turn away from him who speaks from heaven! 26 Then his voice shook the earth; But now he has promised and said: Once again I will shake not only the earth, but also heaven. 27 But the word, Once upon a time, reveals a change of the things that are shaken because they are created, so that the things that are not shaken will continue. 28 Therefore, when we receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be grateful and thereby serve God for his pleasure, with shame and fear! 29 For our God is a consuming fire.
2 Cor. 3. 4 But we have such trust in God through Christ, 5 not that we ourselves should think of anything as of ourselves, but our divinity is of God, 6 which made us worthy to be servants of one new covenant, not for letter, but for spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit is alive. 7 If then the ministry of death, which was cut into letters in letters, appeared in glory, so that the children of Israel could not bear the face of Moses in the sight of his glory, who died, 8 where then shall not the ministry of the Spirit any more be glory! 9 For if the service of condemnation is glory, the ministry of righteousness is far more rich in glory; 10 For this glorious glory has no glory in this piece. 11 For when that which is lost is in glory, much more shall be that which is, being in glory.
God is the same, but the covenant we live in as humans - as believers - is completely different!
God does not look through his fingers with sin, he never did and will never do. Therefore, comparing the old and the new covenant is not wrong. But to believe that God punishes and almost knocks on sin as He did in the Old Covenant. It quickly becomes a sweep theology and learn from it. The fact is that many of the people who live under judgment with their lives are the ones who want and call on others. Therefore, as a believer, pray that Jesus' Son of blood covers every day with grace, goodness, and protection! Or it can actually get us bad!
The New Testament's doctrine is that, above all, as human beings, we must make up and meet God one day, then we will become the style of our lives. Until then, we have to hold on to a very large extent and choose our way. Whether we want to go the way of God or our own ways.
Heb. 9. 27 And as it is man's lot once to die, and then judgment,
We all have to stand by God one day, and then the accounts will come hour. Until then we get people to a very large extent choose how we want to live, but not always.
Room. 14. 10 But you, why do you judge your brother? or you, why do you disregard your brother? we must all be put before the court of God. 11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow unto me, and every tongue shall praise God. 12 So then each of us should make God account for himself.
Yes, there are times in the New Testament and the new covenant that God intervenes, warns, reproves, and holds a "judgment" showing that here is the limit!
There are countless examples of this, that God reveals secrets also in the new covenant for His servants. But it is more the exception than the rule.
Amos 3. 7 For the Lord, the God of Israel, doeth nothing, but revealeth his secret counsel unto his servants the prophets.
Let me mention some examples of how the Lord's prophets have revealed the death and judgment of others. As we read about primarily in the GT, but it has occurred in the NT and it also happens in the new covenant.
Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart thinks I sat in his own radio studio in 1975-76 and God spoke to him that Kathryn Kuhlman would die soon after she had crossed several "streaks" in the spiritual world. Blue. gone down to the Pope on several occasions, shortly she died so too soon only I mean 67 years of trouble with heart.
Around 1990 I told my wife that it was a "brother" and false preacher who had destroyed so much in the kingdom of God, that I am convinced that God will remove him with death (the only time I have said such a thing about anyone and that happened). A few days later I read his ad and he died in cancer. Yes, it happens sometimes that God keeps judgment.
End Comment.
We read about Asaph in Salem 73. He had a big problem, it was that those who did not go the Lord's way were "blessed." But they who lived for God, did little. Thus, Asaph experienced it was unfair, and totally opposed to his theology, until God allowed him to see "the hour of settlement".
Salem 73. 16 And I thought to understand this; It was a bother in my eyes 17 - until I entered the sanctuaries of God and watched their end. 18 Yea, in slippery places thou set them; you let them fall, so that they perished. 19 Where they were destroyed in a moment! They went under and ended with horror. 20 As an act of nothing dreamed when one awaked, so you consider, Lord, their shadow image for nothing when you wake up.
When Asaph went in and saw their end, the difference was far from heaven. Before that, it seemed that those who departed from the Lord's way did very well.
God very often allows people to build an "air castle" around them, but this does not. There is only one thing that holds if we have built our life, service, and everything in the word of God. Everything else is high, haml and straw.
There are many examples in the New Testament that also hold a judgment or reveal people. But in the Old Testament, it was far, far stronger and then often also that those who opposed God and His servants had a mortal outcome. While in the new covenant, they were revealed and had the opportunity to repent. This again shows that there is a very big difference between the old and the new covenant.
But anyway, the wages of sin are always the same in both the old and the new covenant, that is death! An eternal and total separation from God where one ends up endlessly in the lake of fire together with Satan, the Antichrist, the false prophet, the fallen angels and the demons.
Room. 6. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The real truth is that God also lets such false preachers and teachers hold on to God's people being tried if they want to go the way of God or the way of darkness.
When, for example, narreapostel and hat-pastor Jan Aage Torp travels around with his former nanny whom he has now married. And one does not respond to this, so a spiritually completely blind and seduced.
When Jan Hanvold, with all his glory theology and many marriages, runs a television channel and congregation, and one does not respond to this. Then one is not only spiritually nearsighted and has come to a critical point. But one has surely gone over it, then one is actually at a spiritual level like the church in Laodicea.
Joh. Rev.. 3. 17 Because you say, I am rich and have abundance and lack nothing, and you do not know that you are miserable and pitiful and poor and blind and naked;
Here they believed, believed and confessed that the spiritual level was intact. That one was rich, had abundance and lacked nothing.
The truth was the opposite, which, unfortunately, today I have become!
mandag 24. desember 2018
No. 1747: Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp claims that I write on others' blogs of people I do not know and they write on the heavenly blog!
No. 1747:
Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp claims that I write on others' blogs of people I do not know and they write on the heavenly blog!
Facsimile from Hate-Pastor Facebook page.
This writes hat-pastor Jan Aage Torp:
It is important to understand the environments and attitudes that are currently roaming on each other's web sites and allowing each other to bully, harass, hit relationships, and fight precious values.
They steal and manipulate photographs, reproduce obvious lies, and use stingy tricks.
In a short time they have been released on Fragell's website and the mob-acclaimed JKC (me) where KBB & Co has ravaged Silje Garmo, Einar C. The Salvation, a humanist, Ordo luris and myself.
This weakens legal security in Norway.
I warn. Media and environments that create the kind of bullying I show here will never get the least space in my spheres!
(quoted end of hat-pastor and narreapostel Jan Aage Torp).
When the hatred of Jan Aage Torp goes into the wild and most identical lies, most people should understand that we are facing a hatred that has grown up and causes great, great damage!
Heb. 12. 15b. no bitter root shall grow up and cause, and many become infected with it;
Here, the Hat-Pastor is completely infected with a bitter root in his heart after he put my preaching for hatred and wanted to see me in the punishment and in prison.
When hat-apostle Jan Aage Torp writes the following:
"It is important to understand the environments and attitudes that are currently roaming on each other's web sites and allowing each other to bully, harass, hit relationships, and fight precious values.
They steal and manipulate photographs, reproduce obvious lies, and use stingy tricks.
In a short time they have been released on Fragell's website and the mob-acclaimed JKC (me) where KBB & Co has ravaged Silje Garmo, Einar C. The Salvation, a humanist, Ordo luris and myself.
This weakens legal security in Norway.
I warn. Media and environments that create the kind of bullying I show here will never get the least space in my spheres! "
(Finally quote).
In fact, this is the lie and the free writing, since I do not know these people at all, as mentioned here. As well as having never written on their websites or those on mine, there is nothing but free imagination and lies.
This is not the first time he does, this has Torp done before too. The fact that Levi Fragell has an agenda to speak against Torp's remarriage I strongly doubt that he has praised Torp's horror on several occasions.
Hat-Pastor Jan Aage Torp is only deeply concerned with what he has against an agenda when I have revealed him as a whore and fake in the spiritual field.
When lying to the police, lying in court, lying to the congregation, telling lies, and lying about most, Torp is obviously a man who lives and walks in the dark. Here is not much of God's "sunlight" that does not come in the heart and mind!
Final Comment:
Here is something written by others about narreapostel Jan Aage Torp:
Levi Fragell
Psychologist specialist Einar C. Salvesen is a professional "guarantor" for Jan-Aage Torp's strategy conference in Oslo in a couple of weeks - about children, family life and child welfare. The highlighted critic of religious assault, Cecilie Erland, asks whether other conditions that apply to children in the organizer's environment should have been in the psychologist's focus, and says:
«Should one look at the Child Welfare Service, whose job is primarily to protect children from harmful surroundings and development, one should also consider other harmful influences as a psychologist. This also includes religiously damaging influences, such as demon expulsions on children, using children in saints who supposedly "fill them with the Holy Spirit" so that the children fall over and lie in cramps / spasms on the floor. "
When will the press and the mental hygienic environment ask the same questions?
Cecilie Erland
Pastor Jan-Aage Torp praises his friend and psychologist Einar C. Salvesen for his contribution to the fight against (the bad?) Child welfare service. There may well be misjudgements also at the Child Welfare Service, but to portray them as notorious child-snatchers is sad. Is this the Salvesen of personal, religious conviction unable to see the forest for only trees, or is he not aware of some utterances that take place in TV Vision Norway's direction, supported by Pastor Torp? Are some types of abuse okay, just putting religion as a sign?
Should one consider the Child Welfare Service, whose job is primarily to protect children from harmful environments and development, one should also consider other harmful influences as a psychologist. This also includes religious detrimental influences, such as demon expulsions on children, using children in saints who supposedly "fill them with the Holy Spirit" so that children fall over and lie in cramps / spasms on the floor (see link at the bottom of the post), or when children must attend seasons where adults (responsible?) roll around on the floor as they kick, scream or laugh hysterically. Also adds a link to a YouTube video such as the so-called Prophet Dionny Baez himself
out on Facebook a few months back. The video shows a recording from the back room of TV Vision Norway, where the Prophet prays in tongues (bells), while well-grown people behave more frighteningly than full people on a Christmas table. Drunk people are not good for children, no matter what you are full on / off. It does not seem that children are present during this session, but there were children present in the hall not so long before this was filmed, so one might assume that the children got it with them?
Due to technical problems with two pictures, I add the pictures in the comment field during the post. On one picture you can see people lying on the floor. There is a lot of screaming and screaming in the hall. It does not seem that the girl in the picture, sitting on her lap and holding her ears, thinks this is so fine. For me, it looks like she gets comfort, but of course I can be wrong. As a psychologist one should be able to understand that this is not healthy for a child, regardless of whether Torp himself thinks this is both healthy and normal for children (see picture no. 2 in the comment field).
This hellfire and the battle between good and evil is not erased for a little childhood. Psychologist Kari Halstensen at Modum Bad, which you can read about in a link below, has researched how it is to grow up in closed religious groups, and says that the psychological consequences are similar to those we see in victims of violence. Mental abuse of children should not be good for anyone.
Should religious and non-believers be able to live together in a society, one must be able to meet halfway from time to time. Of course, it is okay to believe what you want, or choose to fall into spasms, but only when you are of age and over 18 years of age. This is NOT okay to do with minors and vulnerable children.
So then I ask both Salvesen and other experts in the field: Is it okay to engage in mental abuse as described above, against children? If, with your hand on your heart, you think this is okay, I would argue that freedom of religion has taken great liberties.
Levi Fragell Here the psychologist and the pastor discuss their professional project, Faksmile of his discussions:

Jan-Aage Torp
It is wonderful to work so effectively with a generous and sharp professional as psychologist specialist Einar C. Salvesen. Anyone trying to warn him against us - and warn us against him - can only give up. We value heartfelt, facts, and justice ❤️✌️😀
(quote end).
Now I have quoted what Torp himself writes and what others write.
It's something I've never been busy with.
Only that Torp lives in adultery by being married as a believer and Pastor.
When it comes to Torp's fight against child welfare, I am 100% against the simple reason that he has not managed it with his family at all. Here the script says about Jan Aage Torp.
1 Tim. 5. 8 But if anyone does not care for his own, and most of all for his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
That said, Torp is lying, lying and lying again!
The man is devoured by a bitter root in which he hates me and the heavenly blog because we preach against his whore to be re-married as a believer and pastor.
Everything else is insignificant for me to warn and speak in Jan Aage Torp's life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That said, I don't know at all who these people are as Torp connects to me, he only appears as a liar and belly crook!
Think, I don't know who they are, have never met them and they've never written on the Heavenly Blog. That we should have some links to each other is like believing in Santa Claus that he comes from the North Pole with presents every year on December 24th. Or maybe, he does? It is December 24th today. If Santa Claus comes down on his sleigh down the chimney with Christmas presents, then believe in Torp.
If not, then you know that he is lying in the name of God and the name of Jesus, it is bad.
Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp claims that I write on others' blogs of people I do not know and they write on the heavenly blog!
Facsimile from Hate-Pastor Facebook page.
This writes hat-pastor Jan Aage Torp:
It is important to understand the environments and attitudes that are currently roaming on each other's web sites and allowing each other to bully, harass, hit relationships, and fight precious values.
They steal and manipulate photographs, reproduce obvious lies, and use stingy tricks.
In a short time they have been released on Fragell's website and the mob-acclaimed JKC (me) where KBB & Co has ravaged Silje Garmo, Einar C. The Salvation, a humanist, Ordo luris and myself.
This weakens legal security in Norway.
I warn. Media and environments that create the kind of bullying I show here will never get the least space in my spheres!
(quoted end of hat-pastor and narreapostel Jan Aage Torp).
When the hatred of Jan Aage Torp goes into the wild and most identical lies, most people should understand that we are facing a hatred that has grown up and causes great, great damage!
Heb. 12. 15b. no bitter root shall grow up and cause, and many become infected with it;
Here, the Hat-Pastor is completely infected with a bitter root in his heart after he put my preaching for hatred and wanted to see me in the punishment and in prison.
When hat-apostle Jan Aage Torp writes the following:
"It is important to understand the environments and attitudes that are currently roaming on each other's web sites and allowing each other to bully, harass, hit relationships, and fight precious values.
They steal and manipulate photographs, reproduce obvious lies, and use stingy tricks.
In a short time they have been released on Fragell's website and the mob-acclaimed JKC (me) where KBB & Co has ravaged Silje Garmo, Einar C. The Salvation, a humanist, Ordo luris and myself.
This weakens legal security in Norway.
I warn. Media and environments that create the kind of bullying I show here will never get the least space in my spheres! "
(Finally quote).
In fact, this is the lie and the free writing, since I do not know these people at all, as mentioned here. As well as having never written on their websites or those on mine, there is nothing but free imagination and lies.
This is not the first time he does, this has Torp done before too. The fact that Levi Fragell has an agenda to speak against Torp's remarriage I strongly doubt that he has praised Torp's horror on several occasions.
Hat-Pastor Jan Aage Torp is only deeply concerned with what he has against an agenda when I have revealed him as a whore and fake in the spiritual field.
When lying to the police, lying in court, lying to the congregation, telling lies, and lying about most, Torp is obviously a man who lives and walks in the dark. Here is not much of God's "sunlight" that does not come in the heart and mind!
Final Comment:
Here is something written by others about narreapostel Jan Aage Torp:
Levi Fragell
Psychologist specialist Einar C. Salvesen is a professional "guarantor" for Jan-Aage Torp's strategy conference in Oslo in a couple of weeks - about children, family life and child welfare. The highlighted critic of religious assault, Cecilie Erland, asks whether other conditions that apply to children in the organizer's environment should have been in the psychologist's focus, and says:
«Should one look at the Child Welfare Service, whose job is primarily to protect children from harmful surroundings and development, one should also consider other harmful influences as a psychologist. This also includes religiously damaging influences, such as demon expulsions on children, using children in saints who supposedly "fill them with the Holy Spirit" so that the children fall over and lie in cramps / spasms on the floor. "
When will the press and the mental hygienic environment ask the same questions?
Cecilie Erland
Pastor Jan-Aage Torp praises his friend and psychologist Einar C. Salvesen for his contribution to the fight against (the bad?) Child welfare service. There may well be misjudgements also at the Child Welfare Service, but to portray them as notorious child-snatchers is sad. Is this the Salvesen of personal, religious conviction unable to see the forest for only trees, or is he not aware of some utterances that take place in TV Vision Norway's direction, supported by Pastor Torp? Are some types of abuse okay, just putting religion as a sign?
Should one consider the Child Welfare Service, whose job is primarily to protect children from harmful environments and development, one should also consider other harmful influences as a psychologist. This also includes religious detrimental influences, such as demon expulsions on children, using children in saints who supposedly "fill them with the Holy Spirit" so that children fall over and lie in cramps / spasms on the floor (see link at the bottom of the post), or when children must attend seasons where adults (responsible?) roll around on the floor as they kick, scream or laugh hysterically. Also adds a link to a YouTube video such as the so-called Prophet Dionny Baez himself
Due to technical problems with two pictures, I add the pictures in the comment field during the post. On one picture you can see people lying on the floor. There is a lot of screaming and screaming in the hall. It does not seem that the girl in the picture, sitting on her lap and holding her ears, thinks this is so fine. For me, it looks like she gets comfort, but of course I can be wrong. As a psychologist one should be able to understand that this is not healthy for a child, regardless of whether Torp himself thinks this is both healthy and normal for children (see picture no. 2 in the comment field).
This hellfire and the battle between good and evil is not erased for a little childhood. Psychologist Kari Halstensen at Modum Bad, which you can read about in a link below, has researched how it is to grow up in closed religious groups, and says that the psychological consequences are similar to those we see in victims of violence. Mental abuse of children should not be good for anyone.
Should religious and non-believers be able to live together in a society, one must be able to meet halfway from time to time. Of course, it is okay to believe what you want, or choose to fall into spasms, but only when you are of age and over 18 years of age. This is NOT okay to do with minors and vulnerable children.
So then I ask both Salvesen and other experts in the field: Is it okay to engage in mental abuse as described above, against children? If, with your hand on your heart, you think this is okay, I would argue that freedom of religion has taken great liberties.
Levi Fragell Here the psychologist and the pastor discuss their professional project, Faksmile of his discussions:

Jan-Aage Torp
It is wonderful to work so effectively with a generous and sharp professional as psychologist specialist Einar C. Salvesen. Anyone trying to warn him against us - and warn us against him - can only give up. We value heartfelt, facts, and justice ❤️✌️😀
(quote end).
Now I have quoted what Torp himself writes and what others write.
It's something I've never been busy with.
Only that Torp lives in adultery by being married as a believer and Pastor.
When it comes to Torp's fight against child welfare, I am 100% against the simple reason that he has not managed it with his family at all. Here the script says about Jan Aage Torp.
1 Tim. 5. 8 But if anyone does not care for his own, and most of all for his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
That said, Torp is lying, lying and lying again!
The man is devoured by a bitter root in which he hates me and the heavenly blog because we preach against his whore to be re-married as a believer and pastor.
Everything else is insignificant for me to warn and speak in Jan Aage Torp's life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That said, I don't know at all who these people are as Torp connects to me, he only appears as a liar and belly crook!
Think, I don't know who they are, have never met them and they've never written on the Heavenly Blog. That we should have some links to each other is like believing in Santa Claus that he comes from the North Pole with presents every year on December 24th. Or maybe, he does? It is December 24th today. If Santa Claus comes down on his sleigh down the chimney with Christmas presents, then believe in Torp.
If not, then you know that he is lying in the name of God and the name of Jesus, it is bad.
torsdag 20. desember 2018
No. 1746: For God is very often the one who is unfaithful and unhappy in this world, big and significant to him, just looking at the evil's interest around it all!
For God is very often the one who is unfaithful and unhappy in this world, big and significant to him, just looking at the evil's interest around it all!
Picture of Judge Øystein Hermansen who writes the following in the judgment against me about Hat-Pastor Jan Aage Torp oppramsinger; "The numbers are not contested, and the court is based on them as evidence."
I did that in Borgarting Court of Appeal and said that the numbers are beyond and not documented. That a judgment that is to the degrees lies lying makes this a justice word, nothing else.
Luke 10. 17 And the seventy came back and said, Lord! even the evil spirits are obedient to you in your name! 18 Then he said to them, "I saw Satan fall down from heaven like a lightning. 19 Behold, I have given you power to strike snakes and scorpions, and all the enemies of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you; 20 But do not you forget that the spirits are obedient to you, but rejoice that your name is written in heaven!
1 Cor. 1. 18 For the word of the cross is a foolishness for those who perish, but for us that are saved, it is the power of God; 19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of wisdom, and the understanding of the understanding I will do to nothing. 20 Where is a wizard, where is a scribe, where is a reviewer in this world? has not God made the wisdom of the world to folly? 21 For since the world did not know God in the wisdom of God, the will of God by the folly of preaching was to save those who believe.22 Because both Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, 23 but we proclaim Christ crucifixion, for Jews an offense and for the Gentiles a folly 24 But for those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, we proclaim Christ, the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25 For the folly of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 26 Notice your calling, brethren, that many did not show after the flesh was called, not many mighty, not many high-born; 27 But what is bad in the world, God chose to shame the wise and the weak in the world, God chose to shame strong, 28 and that which is low in the world, and what is wrong, God chose himself, nothing to do for nothing, 29 that no flesh should boast before God. 30 But by him you are in Christ Jesus, who has become wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. 31 For, as it is written, He who prays, praises in the Lord!
Contrasts to what God stands for and what this world stands for is formidable, even though we live in a Western-style culture that is characterized by Christianity in a 2000 year long story!
From my Bible Comments Hebrews 6, 5 has tasted the good words of God and the powers of the coming world,
We are born and are preserved by the word of God. The word of God is good and it unites us as believers. We as believers are the world's most privileged people as we have tasted the powers of the world to come.
(quote ending).
Scripture says that we as believers - Jesus believers - have "the powers of the world to come."
It is overwhelmingly large, but at the same time it is in this age and in this household an enemy hating what we have experienced as he will not be in the future world. Then he was executed with all who followed him once and for all, by God's Father and Lord Jesus Christ defeating him on the cross of the cross.
From my Bible Comments Colossians 2:14 The debt letter that came against us because of the commandment of the law, he stretched out and took it away by nailing it to the cross.
The debt was only bigger and bigger until older people became involved, usually getting worse. The law really only has a purpose, show us our true position and nature. Rom.3. 20 No person becomes righteous to God because of works that the law requires. By the law, we learn to know the sin.
But Christ came with white paint and made everything new in a figurative way. All our sins in the past, present and future depend on Calvary. Those we know about and those we do not know about. Is this good preking? I think so. They are nailed there and will not go on. He stroked it out and over.
15 He disarmed the powers and the authorities and made them mock and speeding when he triumphed over them on the cross.
Satan and the demos had habits on our lives. We were in the dark and enjoyed the darkness and were Satan's property. But they were disarmed and stood out as liars, prosecutors and without real power. Satan and the demon had been robbed long and thoroughly enough. But no longer, now they were defeated. The victory is perfect. God's Father is satisfied through the work of Jesus at Calvary. We have forgiven the sins, and God can grace us and adopt us into his family as his own children. And Satan and the demon have no real power anymore, they live on borrowed time!
Jesus nullified the law for us. It does not matter anymore for us, only the grace of Christ Jesus.
(quote ending).
The scripture clearly states the following; "He (Jesus) disarmed the powers and the authorities and presented them spit and spe as he triumphed over them on the cross.
Hebrews 2. 8 all things you put under his feet. For as he marred all things he did not rule out anything that is not subject to him; but now we do not yet see that all things are subject to him.
Notice what the script says the following; "But now we still do not see that all things are subject to him."
Not lazy is subject to the Son yet, but it's not long before, Hallelujah!
Why is it so huge "interest" around and around me and the heavenly blog? Without a doubt, it has the spiritual power we have, which causes Satan to shake and Heaven is looking forward to it!
In other words, what we are doing is promoting the name of Jesus, the word of God, and that it is an upcoming kingdom of God that will rule and rule forever. What the Prophet Daniel saw was that a rock that hit the false god image, and that was to reign and rule forever and ever.
Daniel 2. 31 King, you saw a great picture in your sight; It was a very picture, and its shine was exceedingly large; it stood before you and it was terrible to behold. 32 The head of the image was of fine gold, the breast and the arms of silver, the belly and the loins of copper; 33 the legs of iron and the feet, partly of iron, and of clay. 34 While you looked at the picture, a stone was torn loose, but not with hands, and it struck the image of the feet that were of iron and clay, and crushed them. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the copper, the silver and the gold was broken at once, and it became like agnists from the wooden boxes in the summer, and the wind took it so that there was no trace of it. But the stone that struck the picture became a great mountain, which filled the whole earth. 44 And in the days of these kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom, which shall not be destroyed forever and this kingdom shall not be left to any other people; it shall crush and end all the kingdoms of the kingdom, but it shall stand forever forever; 45 For you saw that a stone was torn away from the mountain, but not with hands, and broken the iron, copper, clay, silver and gold. The great God has proclaimed to the king what will happen in the future, and the dream stands firm and credible is its manifestation.
I wrote in the following headline: "For God is very often the one who is unfaithful and unhappy in this world, big and significant to him, just looking at the evil's interest around it all!"
Just imagine the harmless I've written and spoken online. The fact that a whore and narrator is nasty, lives in horror and is narcissistic, which is like childhood food against what is otherwise written and spoken by others daily.
The case against me and the heavenly blog has gone all the courts that are possible.
1.) First, I was hate-pastor for mediation in the conciliation council, which did not lead.
2.) Then there was a "trial" in Oslo district court where I and the heavenly blog were fined for having written "too much" about hate-pastor Jan Aage Torp. This was not the purpose of "writing too much". It was not discussed in court, in other words, the justism of time.
3.) Sp brought the case to Borgarting Court of Appeal where I contested Hat-Pastor Jan Aage Torp number as beyond and not documented. The judge Øystein Hermansen lied in his judgment against me that I did not take the floor in court even though we are losing it. Talk about a word of justice.
4.) Then the case was appealed to the Norwegian Supreme Court and rejected when the state and hate-the pastor had received what they wanted.
5.) The case was also appealed by the Strasbourg Human Rights Court, and unfortunately also rejected there. In other words, this "matter of matter" has gone through all legal institutions. And it all ended up with the justism of time to get me and the Heavenly blog if possible. This, of course, is nothing but the Christian pursuit of narrator Jan Aage Torp, with a fictional review that has unfortunately been reached.
Final Comment:
Hat-Pastor Jan Aage Torp writes about me on Facebook today that I'm with Levi Fragell and others and he fights and miscellaneous others. The people he mentions I do not know, do not even know who they are. That I am stating them and he is so totally useless to write that it is impossible to comment on this absurd post of Hat-Pastor and narrator Jan Aage Torp.
He writes further lyingly that I'm punished just because I've got a little minimal cure. Talk about lying in public. The man is completely absorbed by hatred, bitterness and sin.
Heb. 12. 15 And keep in mind that no one shall return from the grace of God, that no bitter root shall grow up and obey, and many shall be infected with it; 16 that no man is a wizard or a profane one like Esau as for One only dish of food sold its birthright.
This fits perfectly on hat-pastor and narrator Jan Aage Torp.
He lives in adultery like Esau, he is unholy, has sold the salvation to live with a new lady. He is infected with a bite root that causes harm everywhere he comes to and fro.
Faksmile from hat-pastor and narrator Jan Aage Torp Facebook page today.
onsdag 19. desember 2018
No. 1745: The criticisms against me have been strongly unfair, as I have never pointed out anything other than what the standard and what is required of a Word's preacher in terms of, among other things, that he should not be reprinted as a believer!
No. 1745:
The criticisms against me have been strongly unfair, as I have never pointed out anything other than what the standard and what is required of a Word's preacher in terms of, among other things, that he should not be reprinted as a believer!
Satan and all other Antichristian powers are working on a blast to stop me. Not least, the preaching I have against sin in the congregation, which entrusted preachers, is getting wild. This really loves Satan, above all, that there are people who live according to his will acting in the congregation of God as if they belong to god but are playing with our enemy satan.
Satan has obviously used Hat-Pastor Jan Aage Torp here, in alliance with both the one and the other.
Fortunately he did not succeed, I'm writing as unobstructed as before.
Picture of him who really stands behind all our prosecutions that we receive as believers, Satan. Therefore, one of his names is also opponent or prosecutor.
One of the others gets the lyrics in the GT where Satan's figure is found in the book of Jobs. Here we meet the devil, here called the Prosecutor, among God's counselors. The image is of a royal court with counselors, where the devil has the right to speak. The devil brings the accusation against God that Job's wickedness is false, and only based on self-interest. Satan will then put Job off all he has to see if his faith is true. Here we meet a theme that is continued in the NT, about the devil who can test our faith (Matt. 4, ff, Rev. 2:10).
Later we meet Satan in the role of the one who will destroy the people of God when David is tempted to carry out census (1 Chron. 21) and as accusation against the high priest (Case 3,1.
Torp is a champion of the evil one.
Joh.e. 8. 44 You have the devil of father, and you will make your father's lusts; He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth; for truth is not in him. When he speaks falsehood, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and liar's father.
Genesis 3. 1. But the serpent was more cunning than all the animals in the field that God the Lord had done, and said to the woman, Did God really say, You shall not eat any wood in the garden?
Satan is a liar and keeps us humans in a deception where eternity is omitted from his "glamor image" of this world!
It looks so "extremely" what I have done to warn and proclaim against reproach among preachers. But why this strong resistance? It is because I have touched Satan's bridegroom into the body of Christ, preachers who live and walk in the dark. Who is with this and spreads spiritually married among us believers with their lives in sin as the scriptures say they live in.
I have never proclaimed that "common" people are reprisals. Have never even mentioned believers with names that are remorse, only and exclusively preachers, singers and those who have a supervisory work as the scriptures say. Exclusively, only public publishers and singers who influence others and live a life in public.
When I hear that I'm dealing with harassment, hot and bullying is nothing but Satan's lies as he is a master to.
The entire scripture gives a total testimony to mention and warn against public publishers, this is something that is biblical, healthy and right.
I do not want to warn against society's sweepstakes, what political party to choose or what football team you're going to cheer on. All of this I get a little bit over when I write. But this is not essential. That is what promotes the Kingdom of God and what is in harmony with the GOD'S WORD, NOT ANYTHING LOVE FRIENDS!
Therefore, there are unjustified criticisms we have received and get to a large extent, something like Satan as the liar he is. Is triggering and getting forward!
Here in the newspaper The Day, which tells me that I am against repentents who are my only goal with what I am writing. Not how the common man lives, but how preachers and shepherds in the church of God live and act.
Jan Kåre Christensen took his well-used Bible when he took place yesterday in hall 519 in Oslo district court. The members of the court, the audience and the press in the nodded and crowded courtroom witnessed something as rare as a theological debate about divorce and reunification.
Christensen and his lawyer Brynjar Meling based their entire defense on the fact that the characteristics of the accused have arrived on the web about pastor Jan-Aage Torp, are only religious expressions of opinion. The various words and phrases used were defeated with the reading of the skinned book Christensen brought with him. Bible references flew back and forth between the defender's place and the witness box.
Words like "horkarl" were explained by the religious language the Bible itself uses, or the "Canaan language" as Christensen himself referred to as from the witness box. He stated that the New Testament refers to persons who divorce and marry another than their original spouse, in this way. Therefore, Christensen believes that he has only criticized a well-known and highly-profiled Christian leader for not living in covenant with the Christian faith.
Kristin B Bruun on today's comment page:
In my opinion, I think, according to their very involuntary experience with pastor Jan-Aage Torp, that the court has been "angled" in its view. I am a private person without any history with Pastor Torp, who suddenly discovered that I was hanged out on his Facebook page in public, claiming that I have committed criminal offenses. The pastor would help the person with this, and he named him as an inspiration for him and his wife.
When I contacted him privately and asked him to support this person privately and fail to involve me, he was so nice, but a month later he had not met my repeated, courteous recommendations to erase the untrue and defamatory claims about me from their sides, where I'm identified.
On the other hand, he wrote a separate blog post about me, where I was made a stalker and insinuated that I had done the same to him as the person he received the court's opposition to.
It's not a true word in this, and when I contacted him again after a month's silence, and kindly asked him to delete my claims, to dementiate what he himself said and to complain, he responded to blocking me.
So much for the persecuted pastor. "Pastor", by the way, means shepherd (shepherd), that is, a guide for those seeking God. I am shocked at how little the courts see who they are doing.
Final Comment:
Satan and all other Antichristian powers are working on a blast to stop me. Not least, the preaching I have against sin in the congregation, which entrusted preachers, is getting wild. This really loves Satan, above all, that there are people who live according to his will acting in the congregation of God as if they belong to god but are playing with our enemy satan.
The criticisms against me have been strongly unfair, as I have never pointed out anything other than what the standard and what is required of a Word's preacher in terms of, among other things, that he should not be reprinted as a believer!
Satan and all other Antichristian powers are working on a blast to stop me. Not least, the preaching I have against sin in the congregation, which entrusted preachers, is getting wild. This really loves Satan, above all, that there are people who live according to his will acting in the congregation of God as if they belong to god but are playing with our enemy satan.
Satan has obviously used Hat-Pastor Jan Aage Torp here, in alliance with both the one and the other.
Fortunately he did not succeed, I'm writing as unobstructed as before.
Picture of him who really stands behind all our prosecutions that we receive as believers, Satan. Therefore, one of his names is also opponent or prosecutor.
One of the others gets the lyrics in the GT where Satan's figure is found in the book of Jobs. Here we meet the devil, here called the Prosecutor, among God's counselors. The image is of a royal court with counselors, where the devil has the right to speak. The devil brings the accusation against God that Job's wickedness is false, and only based on self-interest. Satan will then put Job off all he has to see if his faith is true. Here we meet a theme that is continued in the NT, about the devil who can test our faith (Matt. 4, ff, Rev. 2:10).
Later we meet Satan in the role of the one who will destroy the people of God when David is tempted to carry out census (1 Chron. 21) and as accusation against the high priest (Case 3,1.
Torp is a champion of the evil one.
Joh.e. 8. 44 You have the devil of father, and you will make your father's lusts; He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth; for truth is not in him. When he speaks falsehood, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and liar's father.
Genesis 3. 1. But the serpent was more cunning than all the animals in the field that God the Lord had done, and said to the woman, Did God really say, You shall not eat any wood in the garden?
Satan is a liar and keeps us humans in a deception where eternity is omitted from his "glamor image" of this world!
It looks so "extremely" what I have done to warn and proclaim against reproach among preachers. But why this strong resistance? It is because I have touched Satan's bridegroom into the body of Christ, preachers who live and walk in the dark. Who is with this and spreads spiritually married among us believers with their lives in sin as the scriptures say they live in.
I have never proclaimed that "common" people are reprisals. Have never even mentioned believers with names that are remorse, only and exclusively preachers, singers and those who have a supervisory work as the scriptures say. Exclusively, only public publishers and singers who influence others and live a life in public.
When I hear that I'm dealing with harassment, hot and bullying is nothing but Satan's lies as he is a master to.
The entire scripture gives a total testimony to mention and warn against public publishers, this is something that is biblical, healthy and right.
I do not want to warn against society's sweepstakes, what political party to choose or what football team you're going to cheer on. All of this I get a little bit over when I write. But this is not essential. That is what promotes the Kingdom of God and what is in harmony with the GOD'S WORD, NOT ANYTHING LOVE FRIENDS!
Therefore, there are unjustified criticisms we have received and get to a large extent, something like Satan as the liar he is. Is triggering and getting forward!
Here in the newspaper The Day, which tells me that I am against repentents who are my only goal with what I am writing. Not how the common man lives, but how preachers and shepherds in the church of God live and act.
Jan Kåre Christensen took his well-used Bible when he took place yesterday in hall 519 in Oslo district court. The members of the court, the audience and the press in the nodded and crowded courtroom witnessed something as rare as a theological debate about divorce and reunification.
Christensen and his lawyer Brynjar Meling based their entire defense on the fact that the characteristics of the accused have arrived on the web about pastor Jan-Aage Torp, are only religious expressions of opinion. The various words and phrases used were defeated with the reading of the skinned book Christensen brought with him. Bible references flew back and forth between the defender's place and the witness box.
Words like "horkarl" were explained by the religious language the Bible itself uses, or the "Canaan language" as Christensen himself referred to as from the witness box. He stated that the New Testament refers to persons who divorce and marry another than their original spouse, in this way. Therefore, Christensen believes that he has only criticized a well-known and highly-profiled Christian leader for not living in covenant with the Christian faith.
Kristin B Bruun on today's comment page:
In my opinion, I think, according to their very involuntary experience with pastor Jan-Aage Torp, that the court has been "angled" in its view. I am a private person without any history with Pastor Torp, who suddenly discovered that I was hanged out on his Facebook page in public, claiming that I have committed criminal offenses. The pastor would help the person with this, and he named him as an inspiration for him and his wife.
When I contacted him privately and asked him to support this person privately and fail to involve me, he was so nice, but a month later he had not met my repeated, courteous recommendations to erase the untrue and defamatory claims about me from their sides, where I'm identified.
On the other hand, he wrote a separate blog post about me, where I was made a stalker and insinuated that I had done the same to him as the person he received the court's opposition to.
It's not a true word in this, and when I contacted him again after a month's silence, and kindly asked him to delete my claims, to dementiate what he himself said and to complain, he responded to blocking me.
So much for the persecuted pastor. "Pastor", by the way, means shepherd (shepherd), that is, a guide for those seeking God. I am shocked at how little the courts see who they are doing.
Final Comment:
Satan and all other Antichristian powers are working on a blast to stop me. Not least, the preaching I have against sin in the congregation, which entrusted preachers, is getting wild. This really loves Satan, above all, that there are people who live according to his will acting in the congregation of God as if they belong to god but are playing with our enemy satan.
tirsdag 18. desember 2018
1744: Gift of tongues - its use and importance to us believers!
Gift of tongues - its use and importance to us believers!
Oral Robert was asked right before he died what he was most afraid of would happen to the Pentecostal people. He responded freely,
"It is that Pentecostals and Charismatics who have been experienced to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, END TO LANGUAGES IN LIFE AND USE THE LIFE GIFTS IN YOUR DAILY RANGE WITH GOD!"
As simple and good it can be said. The picture of Oral Roberts who really deserves tribute to having raised the language goal so that they are dear friends, this is the great and glorious respect of. Speak in tongues dear friends like you have never done it before, primarily in your personal sphere.
Acts 2. 1. And when the Pentecost day had come, they were all gathered in the same place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a fasting weather, filling the whole house where they sat. 3 And it seemed to them that they were tongues like fire, which separated themselves, and sat upon every one of them. 4 Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to speak.
My baptism in the Holy Spirit.
I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in April 1982, with tongues that came of themselves when I was then so fulfilled by the Spirit of God that it was right and true that the tongues came as a result of a Spiritfulness. I had been with Evangelist Finn Arne Lauvås who really led me to a baptism in the Holy Spirit.
He said that if and when you knew you had tongues - a new language - you'd just let it out. As I got out of his car and came to myself, I was baptized in the Holy Ghost and it poured out a new language in new tongues that was unknown to me but wonderful, wonderful and great it was all!
When I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, I received a permanent new language in new tongues that is important and necessary in the daily dealings with God. When speaking in tongues, one communicates with God in such a way that one prays and praises God in such a way that the scripture says that one speaks secrets with God.
1 Cor. 14 2 For he that speaketh with tongue speaketh not unto men, but to God; for no one understands it, but he speaks secrets in the Spirit;
A secret in the sense of writing is to draw aside what separates us and God. In other words, speaking in tongues is a "direct" line with God.
The basic text states: to make a sound with your voice. Which shows that when we speak, "tin" activates the spiritual world to our advantage.
So speaking in tongues is to have free, true and direct access to God.
When we do not know what and how to pray or we know our own weakness and shortness. Then speaking in tongues is absolutely perfect. By speaking in tongues, and coming out with what is in your heart, you release the heavenly blessings as
In many ways speaking in tongues is to pray for God's will, directly without interference by ourselves or others.
Scripture is in a testimony that speaking in tongues, it "raises" our life and relationship with God Almighty. The tongue goal is like a "turbo" in our Christian life. It gives us something extra that nothing else gives. We come in "contact" with God right away, so it's often good and right to pray in tongues first before praising God in his own native tongue.
The sole purpose of the tongue is to build in the private sphere, but we shall not refuse others to speak in tongues in the church and in a larger community. But above all, it must be seen in the church and in a larger community.
1 Cor. 14 5 Nevertheless, I wish you all spoke with tongues, but that you spoke prophetically; He who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless he suggests that the congregation can build it up.
13 Therefore, he who speaks with tongue asks that he may make it clear!
Tungetale is a spiritual gift of grace. It means speaking with words or in a language you do not know to build both yourself and others.
Jesus foretold speaking in tongues: "And these signs shall follow those who believe:" They shall speak with new tongues. "Mark 16:17. The first time someone spoke in tongues was on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Apostles, as we can read in Acts 2.1 to 12. The apostles spoke the gospel to the people of Jerusalem, and what they said was understood by people who spoke many different languages: "... we hear them speak of the great works of God in our own languages!" Acts of the Apostles 2.11.
Later Paul also writes about tongues, in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14. But here he writes that the speaker in tongues does not speak in an understandable language: "No one can understand him, but he speaks secrets in the Spirit." 1 Corinthians 14 , 2. Nevertheless, this gift that has been given to believers may be beneficial to the recipients and used to build others in Christian congregations.
What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues?
Much of what is written in the Bible about this grace is written by Paul to the church in Corinth. Apparently many of them had received this gift, but did not understand the correct use of it in their assemblies.
Paul tried to help them understand the purpose of tongue speech: "There is a difference in grace, but the Spirit is the same. There is a difference in services, but the Lord is the same. There is a difference in powerful effects, but God is the same, he who works all in all. But the revelation of the Spirit is given to everyone who is beneficial. For to one, the speech of wisdom is given by the Spirit, to another word of knowledge by the same Spirit, another believing in the same spirit, another grace to heal by the same spirit. 1 Another is given power to do wonders, another gift to prophesy, another gift to test spirits. Another gets different kinds of tongues, another interpretation of tongues. "1. Corinthians 12.4-10.
Tungetale was one of many different graces that were given to believers in the building of the body of Christ, which is the church.
For construction
Language in itself can help a human being. Paul says, "He who speaks with tongues, builds himself." 1 Corinthians 14,4. Tongue languages can help us express what is in our spirit and which we can not express with words. Paul makes it clear that the best way to build the church is to speak prophetic, with "common" words that build faith and understanding for all who hear the speech. "I thank God: I speak more with tongues than all of you. But in a congregation of congregations, I will also speak five words with my understanding, so that I know it can teach others than ten thousand words with tongues. "1 Corinthians 14, 18-19.
However, tongues can also be "to be useful" in a Christian assembly if it is interpreted (or interpreted) to a language that the members of the assembly understand: "How are you, brethren? When you come together, each of you has a psalm, a doctrine, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Let everything happen for reconstruction. If someone speaks with tongues, let it be two or in height three, one at a time and let one deny it. "1 Corinthians 14,26-27.
When used in this way, the tongue goal should be used to emphasize and support the spiritual message, and not because one feels strongly moved in his feelings. In this way, other than the speaker in tongues will also be built up.
A sign for the unbelievers
The tongue gift was also given for another reason: "The law is written, By people with other tongues and stranger's lips I will speak to this people, but not even they will listen to me," says the Lord. Then the tongues are a sign, not for the believers, but for the unbelievers, the prophecy is not for the unbelievers, but for the believers. "1 Corinthians 14,21-22. In this way, it can benefit those who attend a gathering, but who have not yet committed their lives to Christ.
In this way, it can benefit those who attend a gathering, but who have not yet committed their lives to Christ.
There are also cases in the Acts of the Apostles where people who were baptized with the Holy Ghost spoke in tongues at the same time. This occurred especially on Pentecost when the baptism of the Holy Ghost was given for the first time, but it also happened on other occasions (see Acts 1 and Acts 19,5-7). But there is no place that these two should always happen at the same time.
Who receives this spiritual gift?
It is stated in the Bible that not all believers receive this gift: "And God first put in the church some apostles, the second prophets, the third teachers, then powerful deeds, so gifts to heal, to help rule , and different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all the prophets? Are all teachers? Do all good works do good? Have all the gifts to heal? Do you speak all tongues? Can everyone tell them? "1 Corinthians 12,28-30. We see here that only someone is allowed to speak in tongues, just as some are called apostles, etc.
As with all the gifts of all the Spirit, tongue-giving is not necessarily a sign of spiritual maturity. Many of the Corinthians spoke in tongues, but Paul said that they were "toddlers in Christ." (1 Corinthians 3,1) However, when the gift is used in a tidy and appropriate manner, it can be used to build both themselves and other members of the body of Christ.
Final Comment:
It is not a and b Christians, we are all Christians who have been cleansed in Jesus' blood and become God's children. But it is a richer life with God it is about. Where we have also got a language available to interact with God, these are really wonderful dear friends.
As believers and humans, one needs to some extent to be "friend" with ourselves and good, but God rather than anyone else. Then the tongue goal is perfect, because speaking of tongues we speak directly to God, without detours of our understanding. Therefore, it is very good, especially in tribulations and difficulties, to speak in isolation with God and speak or praise God in tongues. This also encourages the writing to.
1 Cor. 14. 15 How is that? I will pray with the spirit, but I will also pray with the mind; I want to praise the spirit, but I also want to praise the mind.
Here the apostle rightly states that he prays and praises in his own "mother tongue" and tongue.
This is a practice we need to put ourselves in the heart, speaking in tongues, and praising in tongues a practice that is highly healthy, biblical and novel. This blessing is for all believers, no one is omitted!
Gift of tongues - its use and importance to us believers!
Oral Robert was asked right before he died what he was most afraid of would happen to the Pentecostal people. He responded freely,
"It is that Pentecostals and Charismatics who have been experienced to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, END TO LANGUAGES IN LIFE AND USE THE LIFE GIFTS IN YOUR DAILY RANGE WITH GOD!"
As simple and good it can be said. The picture of Oral Roberts who really deserves tribute to having raised the language goal so that they are dear friends, this is the great and glorious respect of. Speak in tongues dear friends like you have never done it before, primarily in your personal sphere.
Acts 2. 1. And when the Pentecost day had come, they were all gathered in the same place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a fasting weather, filling the whole house where they sat. 3 And it seemed to them that they were tongues like fire, which separated themselves, and sat upon every one of them. 4 Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to speak.
My baptism in the Holy Spirit.
I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in April 1982, with tongues that came of themselves when I was then so fulfilled by the Spirit of God that it was right and true that the tongues came as a result of a Spiritfulness. I had been with Evangelist Finn Arne Lauvås who really led me to a baptism in the Holy Spirit.
He said that if and when you knew you had tongues - a new language - you'd just let it out. As I got out of his car and came to myself, I was baptized in the Holy Ghost and it poured out a new language in new tongues that was unknown to me but wonderful, wonderful and great it was all!
When I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, I received a permanent new language in new tongues that is important and necessary in the daily dealings with God. When speaking in tongues, one communicates with God in such a way that one prays and praises God in such a way that the scripture says that one speaks secrets with God.
1 Cor. 14 2 For he that speaketh with tongue speaketh not unto men, but to God; for no one understands it, but he speaks secrets in the Spirit;
A secret in the sense of writing is to draw aside what separates us and God. In other words, speaking in tongues is a "direct" line with God.
The basic text states: to make a sound with your voice. Which shows that when we speak, "tin" activates the spiritual world to our advantage.
So speaking in tongues is to have free, true and direct access to God.
When we do not know what and how to pray or we know our own weakness and shortness. Then speaking in tongues is absolutely perfect. By speaking in tongues, and coming out with what is in your heart, you release the heavenly blessings as
In many ways speaking in tongues is to pray for God's will, directly without interference by ourselves or others.
Scripture is in a testimony that speaking in tongues, it "raises" our life and relationship with God Almighty. The tongue goal is like a "turbo" in our Christian life. It gives us something extra that nothing else gives. We come in "contact" with God right away, so it's often good and right to pray in tongues first before praising God in his own native tongue.
The sole purpose of the tongue is to build in the private sphere, but we shall not refuse others to speak in tongues in the church and in a larger community. But above all, it must be seen in the church and in a larger community.
1 Cor. 14 5 Nevertheless, I wish you all spoke with tongues, but that you spoke prophetically; He who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless he suggests that the congregation can build it up.
13 Therefore, he who speaks with tongue asks that he may make it clear!
Tungetale is a spiritual gift of grace. It means speaking with words or in a language you do not know to build both yourself and others.
Jesus foretold speaking in tongues: "And these signs shall follow those who believe:" They shall speak with new tongues. "Mark 16:17. The first time someone spoke in tongues was on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Apostles, as we can read in Acts 2.1 to 12. The apostles spoke the gospel to the people of Jerusalem, and what they said was understood by people who spoke many different languages: "... we hear them speak of the great works of God in our own languages!" Acts of the Apostles 2.11.
Later Paul also writes about tongues, in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14. But here he writes that the speaker in tongues does not speak in an understandable language: "No one can understand him, but he speaks secrets in the Spirit." 1 Corinthians 14 , 2. Nevertheless, this gift that has been given to believers may be beneficial to the recipients and used to build others in Christian congregations.
What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues?
Much of what is written in the Bible about this grace is written by Paul to the church in Corinth. Apparently many of them had received this gift, but did not understand the correct use of it in their assemblies.
Paul tried to help them understand the purpose of tongue speech: "There is a difference in grace, but the Spirit is the same. There is a difference in services, but the Lord is the same. There is a difference in powerful effects, but God is the same, he who works all in all. But the revelation of the Spirit is given to everyone who is beneficial. For to one, the speech of wisdom is given by the Spirit, to another word of knowledge by the same Spirit, another believing in the same spirit, another grace to heal by the same spirit. 1 Another is given power to do wonders, another gift to prophesy, another gift to test spirits. Another gets different kinds of tongues, another interpretation of tongues. "1. Corinthians 12.4-10.
Tungetale was one of many different graces that were given to believers in the building of the body of Christ, which is the church.
For construction
Language in itself can help a human being. Paul says, "He who speaks with tongues, builds himself." 1 Corinthians 14,4. Tongue languages can help us express what is in our spirit and which we can not express with words. Paul makes it clear that the best way to build the church is to speak prophetic, with "common" words that build faith and understanding for all who hear the speech. "I thank God: I speak more with tongues than all of you. But in a congregation of congregations, I will also speak five words with my understanding, so that I know it can teach others than ten thousand words with tongues. "1 Corinthians 14, 18-19.
However, tongues can also be "to be useful" in a Christian assembly if it is interpreted (or interpreted) to a language that the members of the assembly understand: "How are you, brethren? When you come together, each of you has a psalm, a doctrine, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Let everything happen for reconstruction. If someone speaks with tongues, let it be two or in height three, one at a time and let one deny it. "1 Corinthians 14,26-27.
When used in this way, the tongue goal should be used to emphasize and support the spiritual message, and not because one feels strongly moved in his feelings. In this way, other than the speaker in tongues will also be built up.
A sign for the unbelievers
The tongue gift was also given for another reason: "The law is written, By people with other tongues and stranger's lips I will speak to this people, but not even they will listen to me," says the Lord. Then the tongues are a sign, not for the believers, but for the unbelievers, the prophecy is not for the unbelievers, but for the believers. "1 Corinthians 14,21-22. In this way, it can benefit those who attend a gathering, but who have not yet committed their lives to Christ.
In this way, it can benefit those who attend a gathering, but who have not yet committed their lives to Christ.
There are also cases in the Acts of the Apostles where people who were baptized with the Holy Ghost spoke in tongues at the same time. This occurred especially on Pentecost when the baptism of the Holy Ghost was given for the first time, but it also happened on other occasions (see Acts 1 and Acts 19,5-7). But there is no place that these two should always happen at the same time.
Who receives this spiritual gift?
It is stated in the Bible that not all believers receive this gift: "And God first put in the church some apostles, the second prophets, the third teachers, then powerful deeds, so gifts to heal, to help rule , and different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all the prophets? Are all teachers? Do all good works do good? Have all the gifts to heal? Do you speak all tongues? Can everyone tell them? "1 Corinthians 12,28-30. We see here that only someone is allowed to speak in tongues, just as some are called apostles, etc.
As with all the gifts of all the Spirit, tongue-giving is not necessarily a sign of spiritual maturity. Many of the Corinthians spoke in tongues, but Paul said that they were "toddlers in Christ." (1 Corinthians 3,1) However, when the gift is used in a tidy and appropriate manner, it can be used to build both themselves and other members of the body of Christ.
Final Comment:
It is not a and b Christians, we are all Christians who have been cleansed in Jesus' blood and become God's children. But it is a richer life with God it is about. Where we have also got a language available to interact with God, these are really wonderful dear friends.
As believers and humans, one needs to some extent to be "friend" with ourselves and good, but God rather than anyone else. Then the tongue goal is perfect, because speaking of tongues we speak directly to God, without detours of our understanding. Therefore, it is very good, especially in tribulations and difficulties, to speak in isolation with God and speak or praise God in tongues. This also encourages the writing to.
1 Cor. 14. 15 How is that? I will pray with the spirit, but I will also pray with the mind; I want to praise the spirit, but I also want to praise the mind.
Here the apostle rightly states that he prays and praises in his own "mother tongue" and tongue.
This is a practice we need to put ourselves in the heart, speaking in tongues, and praising in tongues a practice that is highly healthy, biblical and novel. This blessing is for all believers, no one is omitted!
søndag 16. desember 2018
No. 1743: Then he sends rain down to you, autumn rain and spring rain, first!
Then he sends rain down to you, autumn rain and spring rain, first!
Oral Robert was asked right before he died what he was most afraid of would happen to the Pentecostal people. He responded freely,
"It is that Pentecostals and Charismatics who have been experienced to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, END TO LANGUAGES IN LIFE AND USE THE LIFE GIFTS IN YOUR DAILY RANGE WITH GOD!"
As simple and good it can be said.

Joel 2. 23 And you, sons of Zion, rejoice and rejoice in the Lord your God. For he gives you the teacher for righteousness; and then he sends rain down to you, autumn rain and spring rain, first. 3. 1. And it shall come to pass that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall speak prophetic words; your elders shall have dreams; your young men shall see visions; 2 Yes, even over the servants and over the women of bondage I will in those days shed my Spirit.
The Bible speaks of three great Spiritual expulsions, which will mark a time difference.
We will try to review the three great spiritual expulsions in this article.
Characteristic and what is different with the new covenant in relation to the old covenant with regard to the supernatural.
Is that in the new covenant we have received a new language in relation to the glory and faith in God. It's like a sign.
Mark 16 17 And these signs shall follow those who believe: In my name they shall cast out demons, they shall speak with tongues.
It is also a sign for the non-believers they can not contradict.
1 Cor. 14 21 It is written in the law, I will speak to these people with foreigners and foreigners, and they will not listen to me, says the Lord. 22a Then the tongues are a sign, not for the believers, but for the unbelievers; The prophetic speech, on the other hand, is not for the unbelievers, but for the believers.
This came with the expiration of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecostal day, because they spoke in tongues, which was an unknown phenomenon before this!
Acts 2. And when the Pentecost day had come, they were all gathered in the same place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a fasting weather, filling the whole house where they sat. 3 And it seemed to them that they were tongues like fire, which separated themselves, and sat upon every one of them. 4 Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to speak.
This was undoubtedly the spring rain that Joel talks about. However, reading carefully through Joel's book, we will see that there are three Spirit Gospels, one of which goes without doubt to Israel, as we read in Chapter 3.
But when did or should we expect a last Spirit's weather called the autumn rain?
As I see it, the autumn rain occurred during the Pentecostal eruption.
Then this was also the case in tongues "generally" for all believers.
Prior to this, only the middle ages had been a few simple people and groups who spoke in tongues.
But when the Pentecost broke out, the language goal was central - and for all believers. As we see today, actually invading the entire body of Christ - the believers in all churches and churches - today speaking in tongues. This is late or fallen, the last part of Joel 2. 23 And you, sons of Zion, rejoice and rejoice in the Lord your God! For he gives you the teacher for righteousness; and then he sends rain down to you, autumn rain and spring rain, first.
Notice that the first spring rain came on the Pentecostal day, and the late coming in and by the lovely Pentecost, like T. B. Barratt, preferred to say that.
But it is a final exile that remains, that is when Israel as a nation is saved as a man in one day. Then the prophet Joel says that God will pour out not only of his Spirit, but then God will pour out His Spirit. In other words, then we will fully look at the prophecy fulfilled.
Zechariah 12 10 But upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem I will pour out the spirit of grace and prayer, and they shall look upon me as they have pierced; and they will take care of him as a grief over his only-begotten son, and complain to him as a complainant about his firstborn.
13 In that day there shall be an open source for the house of David, and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem against sin and uncleanness. 2 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of Hosts, that I will cut off the name of the idols of the land, and they shall not be remembered any more; even the prophets and the unclean spirit I will remove from the land.
Final Comment:
The supernatural of speaking in tongues is actually an essential part of Christian life. Unfortunately, this tongue goal is also abused.
But using it in the right way, it is a great blessing. Not least in our prayer language. Scripture says following.
1 Cor. 14 2 For he that speaketh with tongue speaketh not unto men, but to God; for no one understands it, but he speaks secrets in the Spirit;
Will write a follow-up article to this article about the tongue goal, and its blessing and biblical significance. It comes after this article.
lørdag 15. desember 2018
No. 1742: The goal "sanctifies" that means? Or is it a lie and a deception from Satan who is a fraudster? Jan Hanvold now has relief messages to Moldova, but it does not save one who lives in sin after the word of God?
The goal "sanctifies" that means? Or is it a lie and a deception from Satan who is a fraudster? Jan Hanvold now has relief messages to Moldova, but it does not save one who lives in sin after the word of God?
Picture of the false prophet Jan Hanvold.
I like to be precise, or to know what it means to be precise. That in word and speech. God is very precise in everything he does and has created. Had there been any priest, Pastor or average Christian who had ruled the universe, it would have been out of order a long time ago. For the simple reason that what average Christians do is only approximate. God is not such, he is careful with everything. And he wants us to be.
Psalm 119. 4 You have given your commandments to keep them careful.
What does God say about Jan Hanvold? Same as people say about him? No, God says the same about him as his word says about him. This applies not only to Jan Hanvold, but to all people. Here we are all alike.
If one does thousands of good things, it will take away the sin of our lives?
No, and again a no, only true repentance and remorse will remove the sin of our lives, not good deeds on the old ones!
We read in God's word about Jan Hanvold who also says he is even obsolete in no less than two divorces. HOWEVER, HE ALSO COMPLETELY OBSERVED, NOT ONLY THAT HE HAS BEEN DISCONNECTED.
1 Cor. 7. 10 For the married I have this commandment, not from myself but from the Lord: a woman shall not divorce from her husband. 11 But if she still stands, she shall live unmarried, or agree with the man. And a man shall not divorce his wife.
Luke 16. 18 The one who divorces his wife and marries another commits marriages. And the one who marries a divorced woman breaks the marriage.
1. Tim. 5. 7 You shall also put this in place, so that no one shall bring charges against them. 8 One who does not care for his immediate and especially for his own family has denied the belief and is worse than an infidel.
Room. 7. 2 The married woman is bound by law by her husband as long as he lives; But if the man dies, she is loosed from the law that bound her to the man. 3 Therefore shall she be called a whirlwind about her, while the man lives, another man; But if the man dies, she is free from the law, so that she does not become a whore if she owns another man.
I have no agenda against Jan Hanvold, but should not we follow God's word? Then he is disqualified to be a preacher of the Word!
Jacob 3. 1. My brothers! Not many of you become teachers, because you know we are going to get its heavier judgment!
I have solely pointed out that there are preachers, singers and others with a trustworthy or public service that touches other people who will live as the word of God teaches not to be repatriated as a believer. That others call this to the harassment, hate and put others in a public gokkock is only to derive this important truth that it gets and should come forth!
Final Comment:
I have no agenda against anyone, not Jan Hanvold either. But it is not right and biblical that a man who lives opposite the word of God and who is disqualified through his many marriages to be a preacher of the Word is allowed to stay unimpeded!
fredag 14. desember 2018
No. 1741: Jan Aage Torp looks forward to the fact that there are people who ask him forgiveness, but that he is asking others for forgiveness is totally strange to him, saying that he does not see the beam in his own eye, because it is big like a log!
No. 1741:
Jan Aage Torp looks forward to the fact that there are people who ask him forgiveness, but that he is asking others for forgiveness is totally strange to him, saying that he does not see the beam in his own eye, because it is big like a log!
Matt. 7. Do not judge, lest you be judged! because with the same judgment that you judge with, you shall be judged, 2 and with the same measure that you are measuring, you shall be measured again. 3 Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye, but you see the beam in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother: Let me pull the splinter out of your eye? and see, there is a beam in your own eye! 5 You hypocrite! first pull the beam out of your own eye, then you can see pulling the splinter out of your brother's eye! 6 Do not give the dogs holy, and do not throw your pearls to the pigs, lest they take them down with their feet, and turn around and destroy yourselves.
This writes the narrator post on his Facebook page:
In recent times, I have been excited by a former member of the church in a wonderful way. That is heartfelt.
This week, he asked forgiveness to have cursed me and declared me dead many years ago.
With gratitude for this prayer of forgiveness, I declared the forgiveness of sins on behalf of myself and the Church in the name of Jesus.
"And I say to you, You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of death shall not gain power over it. I will give you the keys of heavenly kingdom; what you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you solve on earth shall be loosed in heaven "(Matthew 16: 18-19).
Afterwards, when I sat to myself, I felt some tears. Thinking about how much people are involved I do not even know anything about, and that opens up to horrible powers in their own lives. Curses keep in captivity those who commit the curses.
God leads everything to the light.
Either way: Cursions do not affect me. They brag in the Name of Jesus!
Delightful with my new friend who accepts Christ's full freedom and restoration!
(quote ending).
Did not intend to write more about the hate-pastor, but since he now writes so advantageously about himself. But he does not realize that he himself goes with a log in his own eyes. Then it's time to write a few words since I've followed Torp a lot in the last few years after his fictional review of me and the heavenly blog when we pointed out that he was reprisaled as a believer. The fact that he lived in sin and we pointed out that hatred and rage appeared in Torp.
Narrepostelen has led his own family to fake, attacked gays and others and wished they removed from their positions. Propheted about Athens that the city was going to go under, and kept on fictional reviews. Robbet a newly saved brother for houses, homes and millions that he had in his own pocket to cover his overuse etc.
This man is everything else a saint and apostle, in fact, a big, great deceiver who is destroying Jesus and dragging the Christian name into slander.
Also attacking wholehearted Christians with fictitious reviews and rejecting them, talking about having a hard, hard log in their own eyes.
Then someone asks for forgiveness, which he spreads on the web. But how about yourself? Is he exempted? Is torpedo over all and all, even God?
It's just the way he performs, but unfortunately, hope of recovery, remorse and repentance can probably be a long way in this man's life. Here are everyone else who has done something they should not have done, but he always frees himself. Talk about living in a self-amount.
The Hat-Pastor is all but one himself innocent and a model, he is a backyard thief, unseen and lives in horror with his former girlfriend after driving her own marriage over control. Is it possible to live further from God and his words?
I am short and please ask forgiveness and apologies. This is the "apostle" exempt from when there are others asking for forgiveness so that he even takes to the tears. The tears should and should have cried over his own life, but this is totally strange thought for the "great" narrator's apostle obviously.
Final Comment:
When I read about this as this one has done, it's like reading about what
hat-the pastor has done to me and many others and is guilty of myself
It is obvious that he does not see his log, only the tile in his nest's eye.
Torp cursed me and wished me too in prison. This because I only kept the word of God to repent disqualify you to be a preacher of the Word.
Moreover, Torp thinks they go behind his back. That was exactly what Torp did after we were out drinking a cafe. Then he said I could write what I wanted, he should not do anything else. What did the hate-pastor do?
He walked behind my back with a fictional review and lied in court to make me convicted. Something that unfortunately the district court and the court of law would blindly believe even though I claimed the opposite.
Furthermore, Torp writes about this person "declared me dead many years ago."
Now the fool's post has not gone so far that he wanted me dead, only in jail. But his supporters hIs that not least, the psevdony Ansgar Braut and Torodd Birdwatch wanted this for me.
Talk about meeting yourself in the door and that God's word fits perfectly in that here one does not see the beam in his own eye, only the tile in the eyes of others. It's at the level of hatred The pastor has lived his life as long as I've known who this is. Whether he was married to his first or her present so-called wife as she is not after the writing words. In fact, after the writing words, she is something that I do not bother to write when Torp uses this against me for all it's worth.
That the scripture says she is a whore, this uses Torp against me that I will turn her off. I do so but not, that's what the scripture says about her, not me. And that Torp himself is a wizard, who is reprisaled as a believer and "Pastor." This is not what I mean, but what God's Word says and teaches.
Jan Aage Torp looks forward to the fact that there are people who ask him forgiveness, but that he is asking others for forgiveness is totally strange to him, saying that he does not see the beam in his own eye, because it is big like a log!
Matt. 7. Do not judge, lest you be judged! because with the same judgment that you judge with, you shall be judged, 2 and with the same measure that you are measuring, you shall be measured again. 3 Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye, but you see the beam in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother: Let me pull the splinter out of your eye? and see, there is a beam in your own eye! 5 You hypocrite! first pull the beam out of your own eye, then you can see pulling the splinter out of your brother's eye! 6 Do not give the dogs holy, and do not throw your pearls to the pigs, lest they take them down with their feet, and turn around and destroy yourselves.
This writes the narrator post on his Facebook page:
In recent times, I have been excited by a former member of the church in a wonderful way. That is heartfelt.
This week, he asked forgiveness to have cursed me and declared me dead many years ago.
With gratitude for this prayer of forgiveness, I declared the forgiveness of sins on behalf of myself and the Church in the name of Jesus.
"And I say to you, You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of death shall not gain power over it. I will give you the keys of heavenly kingdom; what you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you solve on earth shall be loosed in heaven "(Matthew 16: 18-19).
Afterwards, when I sat to myself, I felt some tears. Thinking about how much people are involved I do not even know anything about, and that opens up to horrible powers in their own lives. Curses keep in captivity those who commit the curses.
God leads everything to the light.
Either way: Cursions do not affect me. They brag in the Name of Jesus!
Delightful with my new friend who accepts Christ's full freedom and restoration!
(quote ending).
Did not intend to write more about the hate-pastor, but since he now writes so advantageously about himself. But he does not realize that he himself goes with a log in his own eyes. Then it's time to write a few words since I've followed Torp a lot in the last few years after his fictional review of me and the heavenly blog when we pointed out that he was reprisaled as a believer. The fact that he lived in sin and we pointed out that hatred and rage appeared in Torp.
Narrepostelen has led his own family to fake, attacked gays and others and wished they removed from their positions. Propheted about Athens that the city was going to go under, and kept on fictional reviews. Robbet a newly saved brother for houses, homes and millions that he had in his own pocket to cover his overuse etc.
This man is everything else a saint and apostle, in fact, a big, great deceiver who is destroying Jesus and dragging the Christian name into slander.
Also attacking wholehearted Christians with fictitious reviews and rejecting them, talking about having a hard, hard log in their own eyes.
Then someone asks for forgiveness, which he spreads on the web. But how about yourself? Is he exempted? Is torpedo over all and all, even God?
It's just the way he performs, but unfortunately, hope of recovery, remorse and repentance can probably be a long way in this man's life. Here are everyone else who has done something they should not have done, but he always frees himself. Talk about living in a self-amount.
The Hat-Pastor is all but one himself innocent and a model, he is a backyard thief, unseen and lives in horror with his former girlfriend after driving her own marriage over control. Is it possible to live further from God and his words?
I am short and please ask forgiveness and apologies. This is the "apostle" exempt from when there are others asking for forgiveness so that he even takes to the tears. The tears should and should have cried over his own life, but this is totally strange thought for the "great" narrator's apostle obviously.
Final Comment:
When I read about this as this one has done, it's like reading about what
hat-the pastor has done to me and many others and is guilty of myself
It is obvious that he does not see his log, only the tile in his nest's eye.
Torp cursed me and wished me too in prison. This because I only kept the word of God to repent disqualify you to be a preacher of the Word.
Moreover, Torp thinks they go behind his back. That was exactly what Torp did after we were out drinking a cafe. Then he said I could write what I wanted, he should not do anything else. What did the hate-pastor do?
He walked behind my back with a fictional review and lied in court to make me convicted. Something that unfortunately the district court and the court of law would blindly believe even though I claimed the opposite.
Furthermore, Torp writes about this person "declared me dead many years ago."
Now the fool's post has not gone so far that he wanted me dead, only in jail. But his supporters hIs that not least, the psevdony Ansgar Braut and Torodd Birdwatch wanted this for me.
Talk about meeting yourself in the door and that God's word fits perfectly in that here one does not see the beam in his own eye, only the tile in the eyes of others. It's at the level of hatred The pastor has lived his life as long as I've known who this is. Whether he was married to his first or her present so-called wife as she is not after the writing words. In fact, after the writing words, she is something that I do not bother to write when Torp uses this against me for all it's worth.
That the scripture says she is a whore, this uses Torp against me that I will turn her off. I do so but not, that's what the scripture says about her, not me. And that Torp himself is a wizard, who is reprisaled as a believer and "Pastor." This is not what I mean, but what God's Word says and teaches.
søndag 9. desember 2018
No. 1740: The newspaper VG "disclosure" of the so-called netroll Ivar Underberge witnesses about lack of understanding of "rules" and laws online, on written and unwritten!
No. 1740:
The newspaper VG "disclosure" of the so-called netroll Ivar Underberge witnesses about lack of understanding of "rules" and laws online, on written and unwritten!
Picture of the 'century' nettroll Torodd Bird's Nest.
When the narrator and hate Pastor Jan Aage Torp went on with his fictional notification to the police and won his lions and hatred, it's actually the only one he has achieved with a verdict against me and the Heavenly blog.
It is that he himself has promoted himself as the uprooted Pastor who has been charged with his early nanny as Todd Bentley.
And that I have received the message of repentance against the word of God to us Christians, nothing else.
When Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara says that such persons as the newspaper VG writes about. Such as the so-called netroll Ivar Underberge, Jan Kåre Christensen and others must be punished harder. So Wara has not realized the least.
Wordpress, blogs and others are all ruled in from the United States and basically it's only judgments, provisions and anything else that affects them. Are there only judgments and laws in and from the United States that really matter and touch them.
Ivar Underberge, Jan Kåre Christensen and others who have been sentenced can only really be in jail and write on the blog and the web. Why?
The judgments against us have no real meaning because they are not deposited in the United States.
That Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara and others do not understand this, testify of their skill. Or lack of understanding of the regulations and Norwegian and laws from and in other countries.
See for yourself that they judge one to death in Saudi Arabia for saying something against Muhammad or that a woman has shown a little bit of skin. Would we have adapted ourselves to this in Norway? Of course not, but it's really what Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara says and that we should expect more stringent penalties if we can not write on our US based blogs. What Wara really says is that he and the law here in Norway are more important and are in line with the legislation in the United States.
This says Wara in the newspaper VG:
"I can understand that people can experience this as extremely lawless, but they are not lawless. If the penalties today do not prevent these crimes, then we need to consider increasing the punishment.
(quote ending).
Here, Wara does not understand that a judgment in Norway, Saudi Arabia and other countries has deepest nonsense impact in the United States.
Thank God for the United States, they will not give up for anyone, even arrogant and pompous politicians in Norway who do not realize they can not hide a verdict here in Norway and expect the United States to look after it.
Final Comment:
In my case, nobody became more hotly more than me and my family, of Norway's two worst and foremost netroll Ansgar Braut and Torodd Fuglesteg.
Is glad that in the United States do not care, the very best is that no one cares, as this will not be possible to stop. Just think that the police and the courts do not understand that it's mostly the biggest siege people who scream for help.
In my case, it was a fictional review that led to!
The newspaper VG "disclosure" of the so-called netroll Ivar Underberge witnesses about lack of understanding of "rules" and laws online, on written and unwritten!
Picture of the 'century' nettroll Torodd Bird's Nest.
When the narrator and hate Pastor Jan Aage Torp went on with his fictional notification to the police and won his lions and hatred, it's actually the only one he has achieved with a verdict against me and the Heavenly blog.
It is that he himself has promoted himself as the uprooted Pastor who has been charged with his early nanny as Todd Bentley.
And that I have received the message of repentance against the word of God to us Christians, nothing else.
When Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara says that such persons as the newspaper VG writes about. Such as the so-called netroll Ivar Underberge, Jan Kåre Christensen and others must be punished harder. So Wara has not realized the least.
Wordpress, blogs and others are all ruled in from the United States and basically it's only judgments, provisions and anything else that affects them. Are there only judgments and laws in and from the United States that really matter and touch them.
Ivar Underberge, Jan Kåre Christensen and others who have been sentenced can only really be in jail and write on the blog and the web. Why?
The judgments against us have no real meaning because they are not deposited in the United States.
That Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara and others do not understand this, testify of their skill. Or lack of understanding of the regulations and Norwegian and laws from and in other countries.
See for yourself that they judge one to death in Saudi Arabia for saying something against Muhammad or that a woman has shown a little bit of skin. Would we have adapted ourselves to this in Norway? Of course not, but it's really what Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara says and that we should expect more stringent penalties if we can not write on our US based blogs. What Wara really says is that he and the law here in Norway are more important and are in line with the legislation in the United States.
This says Wara in the newspaper VG:
"I can understand that people can experience this as extremely lawless, but they are not lawless. If the penalties today do not prevent these crimes, then we need to consider increasing the punishment.
(quote ending).
Here, Wara does not understand that a judgment in Norway, Saudi Arabia and other countries has deepest nonsense impact in the United States.
Thank God for the United States, they will not give up for anyone, even arrogant and pompous politicians in Norway who do not realize they can not hide a verdict here in Norway and expect the United States to look after it.
Final Comment:
In my case, nobody became more hotly more than me and my family, of Norway's two worst and foremost netroll Ansgar Braut and Torodd Fuglesteg.
Is glad that in the United States do not care, the very best is that no one cares, as this will not be possible to stop. Just think that the police and the courts do not understand that it's mostly the biggest siege people who scream for help.
In my case, it was a fictional review that led to!
torsdag 6. desember 2018
No. 1739: It was not my lawyer Brynjar Meling's mistake wrong that I was sentenced in the time of justice here in Norway, but the judges Malin Strømberg Amble in Oslo Tingrett and Øystein Hermansen in Borgarting Court of Appeal!
With a beam of light from heaven about him, he fell to the ground and heard a voice that said to him, Saul! Saul! why are you persecuting me? He said, Who are you, Lord? And he answered, "I am Jesus, the one you pursue." This is what we read in the Bible. God can and will like to do with humans when he finds it good that those who oppose us believers will soon or later reap it again. In what way? I do not know, but everyone will sooner or later have to be responsible for their actions, or will I say the misfortune that the narrator Jan Aage Torp has done to me and the heavenly blog.
The one I discovered in the heavenly blog revealed the pardon of the apostle, made a fictional review of me and wanted me in prison that Saul wanted with the believers. It was obviously the same spirit that worked in both of them, the spirit of hatred against Jesus and those who believe and follow him.
After I have written a little about the case between me and the narrator Jan Aage Torp, the reactions have not disappeared. But I have my version of the case, the trial and everything. I must then be allowed to have, or shall every version be the same? I'll hear from the Searchlight website that I hate etc. just because I have a completely different version of the case than what they and others have. This is nothing but a form of ruling technique.
I have my version of the case, why this is a justice word and that this is not lawyer Brynjar Meling's mistake. But judges Malin Strømberg Amble in Oslo Tingrett and Øystein Hermansen in Borgarting Court of Appeal. Claiming this is my "right". Then hear that you are hateful, primitive and much more. There are fabricated liars then who come to me and the Heavenly blog.
This writes Kjell Andersen on Searchlight:
"The truth is that hatred and bitterness are the driving force of Christianity's life and work."
These are also lies, fabricated such. I have my version, secondly, claiming that there is bitterness and lies that is the driving force of my life is a form of narcissism and ruling technique that Andersen is doing. I have my version, secondly, interfere with hatred, bitterness and other matters is nothing but the derivation of the dialogue, the dispute and my presentation of the case.
That, in one year, that the case was terminated in the judicial system by reviewing all the judicial authorities, write a little about this and be blamed for both of them. Tells more about those who blame me than it tells me!
This case has been dealt with in Oslo Tingrett with a judgment that is completely, completely beyond.
This is where my anchor point No. 1 is against this verdict, which happened in Oslo Tingrett. And here's my point of view on this. Which I will shortly and repeatedly render without being called for one or the other.
I was charged with calling Jan Aage Torp, a narrator, for the following:
1.) He is a whore
2.) You write he is a psychopath and narcissist (then, in my opinion, not as a doctor or professional)
3) Self-directed
4.) Spedalism (this is the symbolic language of the Bible to live in sin)
5.) Old pig marrying her nanny as Todd Bentley
This is true, but in court this was strongly rejected by all "criminal". Anyway, I was judged why? Because things came up in court that neither my or my lawyer was confronted with. It was so-called "crowdwriter".
I was then convicted of a relationship that was neither in the trial nor was up for discussion in court. This makes the judgment against me at the times of justice.
Why did there be some writings about narrator Jan Aage Torp? It was a word shift that has been going on for a long time. Call this for crowd embedding etc. is so far away from the truth it's possible to come. Therefore, the court makes the fatal mistake of judging me for something that is neither true nor discussed in court, and again it says that judges Malin Strømberg Amble in Oslo Tingrett and Øystein Hermansen in Borgarting Lagmannsrett which have the main responsibility for it being a lie against me and the heavenly blog.
Final Comment:
It is sad that Christians do not understand this. But we as believers in Norway are sleeping our "Tornerose sleep" and will not wake up to stand up for Jesus, the gospel and the word of God, so one can count on persecution here in Norway.
I have only argued that it is a pity to marry again after a collapse of faithful people. This hate the narrator Jan Aage Torp so profoundly that he did what he could to stop me and the heavenly blog if possible. We read about Saul who later became Paul and born again before he became a believer had a rage against the Christians. It is this rage and hatred that always shows up against the true believers as it really is a hatred and rebellion against the living and true God.
Acts 9 1. But Saul continued to be threatened and murdered against the disciples of the Lord, and went to the high priest 2 and asked him for letters to Damascus, to the synagogues there, as if he found someone who heard the way of God, both men and women, He could then make them bound to Jerusalem. 3 But on the journey he came near to Damascus, and beamed a light from heaven about him. 4 And he fell to the ground, and heard a voice that said to him, Saul! Saul! why are you persecuting me? 5 He said, Who are you, Lord? And he answered, "I am Jesus, the one you pursue."
It's not me they're pursuing, but Jesus. It's not my narrator Jan Aage Torp hater, but Jesus. That's why I'm experiencing nothing but Christian prosecution.
tirsdag 4. desember 2018
No. 1738: The former Swedish pastor, Peter Halldorf, is a typical false prophet when he blends God into his flights - which is an example - instruct others to follow his sad and humble example!
The former Swedish pastor, Peter Halldorf, is a typical false prophet when he blends God into his flights - which is an example - instruct others to follow his sad and humble example!
The former Swedish Pinsepastoren thinks he's going to save the environment by not flying, because something hurts. The whole creature longs for salvation and the redemption of God's children, everything else is just to patch on a carpet that's about to go out to date.
Let me make it clear right away, I'm for everything that can help to help the environment and that we live in harmony with nature. But to think that if we stop flying here in the western world, it's like shooting a mildew with a cannon. It really helps zero.
This climate today has become an idol - we as believers look forward to the coming 1000th kingdom, when God creates new heavens and renews our earth!
Everything in this world passes away, and is time-limited. Why? Sin came in by the fall of sin.
Room. 8. 19 For the creature lasts for times after the revelation of the children of God; 20 The creature was put under negligence - not benevolent, but according to his will that laid it down - 21 hoping that the creature should be freed from the bondage of corruption to the liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creature together sighs and is together in pain until now; 23 Yes, not only that, but also we who have the first fruits of the Spirit, also we are sugar with ourselves, as we are after our childhood, the redemption of our body.
Here the scripture clearly states that it is the redemption of God's children throughout the creation, the universe and it also includes climate and environment waiting. Believe that we can create our own universe here, imposing huge environmental cuts on the people, the charge and I do not know what the environmental movement and the so-called green (read dark) policymaking affect us today!
What Peder Halldorf does is simple, unnecessary and not an example to follow. On the contrary, he should and should be warned against. Fly is a blessing, and we all do as Christians with prayer and thanks. Then flying is a blessing too. And something that is right and right to do and if we fail to take a flight, it has zero impact on the environment. The truth is that it is in the immediate area where we live as it is important to be environmentally aware!
Here is much more to write and add, but I conclude this article with an excerpt from what was written on the Verdidebatt page in the newspaper Our Country.
Now we stop flying - Our decision is based on three basic biblical motives.
This is what Peder Halldorf writes. His article is so bad that I do not reproduce it, but rather some comments written by, among other things, Torgeir Tønnesen.
As a Christian leader, you dare to go out with great words about this man Halldorf, and you say he is a prophet and that this is a prophetic act.
Allow me to be as bold and courageous and say that Halldorf is a false prophet and that this is not a prophetic God-witty act.
Now it was not me who started blessing the prophet Halldorf. It was Løyning who did.
Perhaps he did not mean so much about it. If so, I will not accept the random use of the term prophet, by a prominent leader.
So to your question, though I'm not sure if you really mean what you're asking. This "happiness" I have seen before and I know what it means.
But it is so simple that the environmental problems on earth are something that God knows and cares for. Yet he has not given the church the task of solving or actively pursuing environmental work.
God's first purpose with the earth and the people is to free them from sin and bondage. Halldorf's post helps to put people in captivity and bondage.
If you are a hermit without a house, a child, a car and a refrigerator, you can of course enjoy yourself without flying. For us others, it would be an irresponsible act that brings children and families into bondage.
You do not get rid of piety. Love sets us free. God loves me if I fly so easy it is.
God is for us, all people in the first place. You do not have to be resigned either to God, or to me, or to yourself.
God did not get angry with Adam either, but God gave Adam care and love. This is my God since you asked me what F-- I know about God.
This, as John seems, was very mean-it was some of the wittest wording I've read for a long time: "Climate and Menopause"
When something is so funny, it can not be wrong, even God must laugh.
It was just mourning-ha, ha, ha
And that the hell himself has become a climate activist, we have known for a long time, and we are many who laugh too.
Not only were cherrels meant, - calls were implicit, if not mentioned.
When a famous priest and theologian Halldorf goes out this way, and says he will stop flying. What do you expect? Just graves and deaths?
The whole thing is comic, seen from the point of view. "Stop flying" - Stop driving? Has Halldorf stopped driving a car? Has he stopped eating genetically modified foods? Has he stopped taking a busHas he stopped eating genetically modified foods? Has he stopped taking the bus? The nich does not get on the load anyway? Has Halldorf stopped buying clothes made of toddlers? Has he stopped drinking coffee made by slave workers in West Africa? -
I certainly defend Halldorf's right and he claims to be taken seriously. But do not prevent any of us from pulling on the smiley of such articles.
Final Comment:
The former Swedish pastor, Peter Halldorf, is a typical false prophet when he blends God into his flights - which is an example - instruct others to follow his sad and humble example!
What will be next? Pilgrimage to the Pope or one of his retreat center with occult beans and seans? The whole so-called Christianity that the former Swedish Pentecostal Peter Halldorf is in need of warning against! To bring someone in the right direction!
søndag 2. desember 2018
No. 1737: 1 year after the father between me and the narrator Jan Aage Torp concluded that the human rights court in Strasbourg France dismissed our appeal, I am living with the injustice committed to me and my family!
1 year after the father between me and the narrator Jan Aage Torp concluded that the human rights court in Strasbourg France dismissed our appeal, I am living with the injustice committed to me and my family!
Picture of Judge Malin Strømberg Amble, as in Oslo District Court, laid the foundation for a justice word against me and the heavenly blog.
With direct lies and undocumented claims that neither my or my lawyer Brynjar Meling was submitted that this was important to court.
It's an impossibility to paraphrase everything in a trial, so it's the Judge's task to present those who are accused of something. Above all, what matters. Here is what the judgment itself is based on, which was not in the trial or was debated in court. Not ever presented in court, the judge does not do his job.
In other words, fools apostle Jan Aage Torp's liar, as judge Malin Strømberg Amble, was a little appealing and condemned me without mentioning this with a word in court that this was important. Talk about believing the lie in front of the truth, rarely have a word from the Bible taken so well and been so accurate.
I have no ambition that I will bring justice in this matter. It's lost and it's changing. Then it must happen in the way of God, we live in a world that the Bible describes as dark and evil, where this world god is satan.
2 Cor. 4 3 Is our gospel hidden, so is it hidden from those who perish, 4 in whom the god of this world has blinded the mind of the unfaithful, that the light of the gospel of Christ's glory, who is the image of God, shall not shine for them.
God of this world is not the Lord, the God of Israel, but it fell the angel Lucifer.
Therefore, such people who live in sin and sorrow like fools apostle Jan Aage Torp are winning is not to be wondered.
This is the "normal", therefore, that as true believers and servants of the God of Israel-the living and true God, "losing" fights in this world is only to show wickedness and darkness in this world.
We could and should have done things differently, but it is the judges in this case who have first and foremost failed, and that to those degrees!
But first the police failed, and so in a way that made the whole thing happen to get me. In many ways, here everyone has failed. So that the fool's postage, Jan Aage Torp, was lying and making the case that was crucial for taking and getting me and the heavenly blog judged.
Should try to take the case briefly.
1.) Narrator Jan Aage Torp became aware of me and my blogs that I wrote against his divorce and remarriage. That we had a big "score" on the Google rank made him plan to stop me and the heavenly blog. Where our English blog - Heavenly blog - was part of what the evil torp would stop, whatever the means. As is known, "the goal sanctifies the means!"
2.) Narraapostelen Jan Aage Torp invites me to a cup of coffee to converse, to make me stop writing if he is divorced and reprimanded as a believer. I do not do that to the fool of Jan Aage Torp, a great disgrace. He is obviously furious and introduces a new and evil plan. Now I'll be taken, but how? Satan and dark always have something to do to stop the truth that Torp lives in the wake of God's Word
which became too much that this was revealed in the public domain. I speak there other tiers, not least today's Pentecostal / charismatic Christians.
3.) Narraapostelen Jan Aage Torp finds a way to go to the police with. A fictional review, emphasizing what I have written about him apart from being divorced and renegotiated. Then I wrote that he is a psychopathic, leper and miscellaneous other words and expressions that are like childrens food for what is otherwise written online daily.
4.) Narreapostelen Jan Aage Torp knows that he really has nothing against me and the heavenly blog. Therefore, I urge the Conflict Council if possible to threaten and push me to delete everything about him. Something I of course do not want to accept. Then the police had promised me that we should be summoned to meet, talk together and the case would be put to death. Monica Lillebakken said this directly to me, but she lied as the police have done in this case many times, just like the narrator Jan Aage Torp did in the district court. That is what this judgment is based on, and none of his speech was checked. Talk about a lie-dom!
5.) To my great surprise, there was a case against me and the heavenly blog. Then in Oslo district court and there it was quickly found out that I had not written anything that was nearby to be punishable. But as the star Torp's manipulator, he played on the dark and evil forces. Then that was not what I had written, but the amount I was convicted of by Judge Malin Strømberg Amble in Oslo District Court.
The figures presented by the narreapostel were just some Torp lied about which was not documented in court at all. And when and if these numbers were so important, this was never discussed in court or these figures I confronted with in Oslo District Court. They first came in place after the trial to find a possible way to judge me and the heavenly blog. The Christianity Habit lives and is still present here in Norway.
6.) Then we came to Borgarting Court of Appeal. I clearly said that, as this judgment is based on, Judge Øystein Hermansen says that the numbers and amount of writings on which the verdict is based is a lie.
Even after this, Judge Øystein Hermansen chose to leave Torp liar from Oslo District Court. He did so by writing himself a lie into the verdict that I had not grasped the word in Borgarting Lagmannsrett, something I said by saying that Torp's numbers are completely beyond and these figures must not be considered. What else could I have done? When Judges Malin Strømberg Amble and Øystein Hermansen let the narrator's Jan Aage Torp lieger be what makes me convicted, the sentence is also a lie and a justice word.
7.) The case was considered by the Norwegian Supreme Court. However, it was rejected, which merely states that legal certainty here in Norway is equal to zero at times when a judgment based on lies is contested, no opportunity to come up.
8.) An appeal was then sent to the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg, France, where it was also rejected. In many ways, one can say that this case is based on the narrator Jan Aage Torp lies, hatred and fury. These lies and his hatred are all the case, and the verdict is built. Sad, but true.
9.) I have made a separate blog afterwards, as articles have been written mostly between the narrator postage. Jan Aage Torp was taken as a subject here on the Heavenly blog and until the rejection of the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg, France.
10.) Now that we have lost the case, I have no ambitions, wishes or goals that I will be acquitted and Torp judged, for example, false accusations against me and the celestial blog This is something God has to take care of, I'm done with the matter. And unfortunately, in this world, much injustice and darkness prevail, especially when Jesus believers can be "punished!"
Final Comment:
When Jesus was sentenced, later hung on a cross and died. Then it was the word of justice of the times. He was sentenced on the wrong ground, was pint on the wrong ground, was crucified also on the wrong ground. The whole process against him was the pillars.
But when he got up again all his enemies were ashamed - all like one!
Sooner or later all that injustice will be committed to me, hit them back who have made that injustice. The law of sowing and harvesting applies to all fields of our lives. It will not be wrong.
The scripture says from Paul's letter to the Romans, I will finish this article with:
Room. 8. 31 What shall we say to this? Is God for us who is against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him to all of us, how can he do anything but give us all things with him? 33 Who will accuse God's elect? God is the juster; 34 Who is the one who condemns? Christ is the one who is dead, yes, what is more, as is the uprising, which is also by the right hand of God, who also commits us; 35 Who Will Divorce Us From Christ's Love? Tribulation or anxiety or persecution or hunger or nudity or danger or sword? 36 as it is written, For your sake we are killed all day long; we are considered as slaughtering sheep. 37 But in all this we win more than victory by him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, neither angels nor powers, neither what is now or what shall come, nor any power, neither shall nor depth or any creature separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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