Satan is our accuser, therefore the one or those who accuse us believers are in the deepest sense in the service of the Evil One!
Picture of Pastor Jan Aage Torp who is willing to run Satan's ears and make false accusations. He lied to the Oslo police that he was offended, he lied in the Oslo District Court.
It's amazing how some people run a purge game with false accusations and manipulate everything and everyone, only they get the opportunity. Pastor Torp is the type of person who plays offended, is a victim, etc.
But no one is more dangerous and manipulative than him.

Zechariah 3. 1. Then he showed me Joshua, the high priest who stood before the angel of the Lord, and Satan who stood at his right side to accuse him. 2 And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord punish thee, Satan. The Lord punish you, he who has chosen Jerusalem! Isn't this man here a smoldering fire, ripped out of the fire? 3 But Joshua was clothed in filthy garments, standing before the angel. 4 And the angel answered and said unto them that stood before him, Take off his filthy garments. And he said unto him, Behold, I will take away thine iniquity from thee, and will clothe thee in solemn garments. 5 Then I said, Put a clean cap on his head! And they put the clean cap on his head and put on him other clothes while the angel of the Lord was standing there.
Room. 8. 33 Who will accuse the elect of God? God is the one who justifies.
Notice that it was Satan who accused Joshua, the high priest. It was God who removed his iniquity, and in that way he was free!
We read from scripture that Satan is the one to accuse.
Here from my Bible Commentary John Revelation 12. 10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, “The victory and the power and the kingdom belong from now on our God, and his anointed has the dominion. For the accusations of our brethren are overthrown, he who accuses them of our God day and night.
Here the Apostle also looks forward to the final say; The victory and the power and the kingdom belong to our God from now on, and his Anointed has dominion. The victory was won on Calvary, now it is beginning to come to expression.
Heb. 2. 8 Everything you have put under his feet.
When God put everything under him, nothing was excepted; everything should be subject to him. Yet we cannot see that everything is under him. 9 But Jesus, who for a short time was set lower than the angels, we now see him crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death. Thus, by the grace of God, he would taste death for all.
10 For God, who is the end and origin of everything, He would bring many children to glory. Then he had to allow the originator of salvation to reach perfection through suffering.
11 They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and the word they testified to; they did not have their lives so dear that they would not go to death.
All people at any time in the past, present and future will win victory if one goes ahead as Scripture directs. Here's the "formula" for victory at all times; they have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and the words they testified!
(quote at the end.)
We read here that Satan is our accuser. In other words, after we have been purified in the blood of Jesus and live as new creatures.
When we are then accused, we know that it is the Evil who is on the move!
If Satan and the evil powers cannot take you in any other area, then the false accusations will come. I have experienced a lot of them in recent years!
How did it all start?
Of course, the one who started the false accusations against me and my family was no human.
It was Satan that we read about in Zechariah 3 about the high priest Joshua.
It was true that Satan brought charges.
But it was nonetheless wrong when we read about this in the scripture “Joshua was clothed in filthy garments where he stood before the angel. And the angel answered and said unto them that stood before him, Take off his filthy garments. And he said unto him, Behold, I will take away thine iniquity from thee, and will clothe thee in solemn garments. Then I said: Put a clean cap on his head! And they put the clean cap on his head and put on him other clothes while the angel of the Lord was standing there! "
Final Comment:
As I said, one must follow the pattern of scripture. Then it is with false accusations that Satan's way of working and advancing against us humans when he has no other way to go. In the deepest terms, one can say that there is discrimination. It is at least close to this, although one cannot fully say that it is the same.
In recent years, they have in fact come up with many false accusations, which have in no way contained any substance of true truth.
It's weird, when there's nothing to blame but for. What happens then?
Then one comes with false accusations, like one pretends to be true.
In the deepest sense, false accusations are used by the Evil in a cynical purpose and agenda against us humans.
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