tirsdag 8. mars 2016

No. 1137: I warned already 15 years ago against Jesus Church and Stephan Christiansen as false prophets and wolves in sheep's clothing!

No. 1137:
I warned already 15 years ago against Jesus Church and Stephan Christiansen as false prophets and wolves in sheep's clothing!

What is it that is so "wrong" with Jesus Church and Stephan Christiansen?

Most, I wrote in the newspaper The day around 2003-2004 of Jesus Church and Stephan Christiansen that they were false prophets and wolves in sheep's clothing!
When plucked the then editor John Kleppa out in an editorial that it was an oversight that they had taken into my article. With the result that several thousand were aware of this article, but would God's people hear?

It's like what God spoke to Israel children apply today's Christians here in Norway.

Isa. 30.9: "For it is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law." Isa. 65.2: "The whole day I spread out my hands to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, following their own thoughts," Rom. 10.21: "But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched out my hands to a disobedient and rebellious people." Joh. 8.39: "They answered and said unto Him (Jesus):" Abraham is our father! Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, then you did the works of Abraham. "

Photo of the brave Ruth Helen Gjevært.

History repeats itself with God's people today, and I want to praise Ruth Helen Gjevært as VG TV documentary "Saved" as Ruth Helen Gjevært gives Norway insight into its past as Jesus soldier.
Look here:

Time to talk bluntly ?? It made the Bible's men AND women - so listen here:
Not least all the self-proclaimed prophets and apostles !! "God spoke and it happened - he commanded and it stood". When they speak and it does not happen we will not listen to them said the Lord God !! For He who can not lie and do not regret - executor their OWN Words spoken by His Holy Spirit who dwells in His Holy servants! And if anyone does not speak according to this word, it is no light for him "said Isaiah in chapter 8 verse 20. I RECOMMEND a self-study of Jeremiah Chap. 23 of these prophets vain as they speak from their own heart visions (verse 16 ). Verse 32: they lead my people astray with their lies and their boasting and I have not sent them, nor commanded them, and this people benefits they do not !!! Says Jeremiah here. THIS IS AGAIN THE CURRENT SITUATION !!

I do not know ANYTHING else among you save Jesus Christ and He crucified said PAULUS in 1 Corinthians 2 verses 1-5.

Final Comment:
Why will not Stephan Christiansen be interviewed?
In a perverse way it is logical because he is used to being alone and controlling their environment. If you start messing with the setting of a control freak, then creates man a problem.

Deep thinking so is Jesus Church a sect-church where one emphasizes the entire second thing a word of God. Word of God is set aside, and what the manager (s) said, it is that determines everything. The whole assembly is like headless chickens without an independent thought and opinion!

See here for an article I wrote about Jesus Church and Stephan Christiansen:

No. 900:

Faith Movement and the Roman Church has a significant thing in common, and that is that they both believe that God's Word is not enough. Ekman is no greater heretic now than he was before. Let's hope he can discover true Reformation Christianity: Scripture alone, faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone.

Photo of Stephan Christiansen with his wife, can not remember the name of it was Jezebel? Any other name, it was now, and Stephan Christiansen are now of the same casting and Spirit apostate King Ahab was Jezebel man

Ulf Ekman about the sacrament

- Jesus Church celebrates usually communion every Sunday. Many wonder how you relate to it when visiting such contexts.

- There is nothing remarkable. Now I am a Catholic and stands in a tradition and I respect what the church teaches about the Eucharist. I'm going there to preach. I do not accept the Eucharist there, not because I do not want to, but because the situation is so ecumenical now. I would not personally go out and stir in this matter, but in the future it may happen things.

- Should you wish that Catholics and Protestants could take communion together?

- It is a complex area which I will not comment on. There are many discussions going on right now on the Eucharist, and approaching from both sides. That's good.
(End of quote).

Ulf Ekman has not understood that the sacrament is only a memory and community "meal."
It reminds us of Jesus death for us and through it is all true Christians one in Christ Jesus. Neither the blood or the bread becomes ever body of Jesus or blood. All this is nonsense and heresy as Ekman and others who believe corresponding doing. Poor people now say I!

Stephan Christiansen and Jesus Church has always been a hoax

That they accept him and Christiansen says: "We believe that Ulf Ekman is still a gift to the Body of Christ," this said "Pastor" Stephan Christiansen in Jesus Church here in Oslo.

That Christiansen says Ekman "still is a gift to the Body of Christ" after he has abandoned sound doctrine and surrendered to another gospel says as much about Christiansen as it does about Ekmans apostasy and deception.

Acts 20: 29-30 "I know that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Yes, amongst yourselves shall men leading false speech to entice disciples after themselves."

I think that Ulf Ekman never been born again!

As he has always oriented themselves, questioned God's word and distorted God's word. It is obvious to me that he has never been a true believer of Jesus, but managed and infiltrate the Evil Spirit and his powers.

What is the sacrament that Ulf Ekman will not take? Firstly, what it is not:
Transsubsjonen. Where blood and wine literally becomes the body of Jesus and the blood, and sustained it believes Catholics while Lutherans believe that it is only during the meal or memorial service. Both are delusion and has no truth to do.

What sacrament is, mentions only the two main things:

1.) A memory and inventory while. When we take the drink and bread to remind us of what Jesus did for us all on Calvary, he gave his all for us!

2.) It is a community meal. Jesus' work at Calvary makes ale believers brothers and sisters in the faith. We have the same God, the Father. And the same savior, Jeus Christ.

This I wrote about Ekman some time back since:

No.. 795:

10 reasons because I do not follow Ulf Ekman into the Catholic church!

I've never been sectarian party sinet or thought that I or "my" denominations have had the full truth. But it is allowed to think that something is right and something is wrong. There are those I have confidence, and there are those I have absolutely no trust. That Ulf Ekman converts and justifies this by saying that the Catholic Church has more of truth a second is for me very sought, shallow and in many ways a lie! But now Ulf Ekman always been a liar, and that he continues now is just a continuation of an old rut. Ekman statement why he is Catholic is probably the biggest lie I've ever heard of a so-called Christian leader: "The Catholic Church has the most perfect expression of Christian unity." To make such call-outs must be sharply seduced and powerful deceived in their faith!

Pope Francis 1 course has its good sides. But anyway. Pr. Bible defensjon he is a false prophet, a false Shepherd and has "tried" to all of God's Son space by adopting a "Pope-office" that is Anti Christian.


1.) Ulf Ekman has pretty much always been wrong. So it is now. The man has brought and erred all his life, so before, so now, unfortunately.

2.) Peter was never in Rome, but it was the apostle Paul. It was the sorcerer in Rome before the Catholic church. Pope office is basically a continuation of this office.

3.) The Pope must be God's deputy on earth. This is so profane and demonic learn that it is God's blasphemous. The Catholic church claims: "The papacy is instituted by Jesus Christ Himself." This is so far from the truth it is possible to get. Then by Peter confession from Matt. 16. verse 13. Here we find the description of how the Apostle Peter confesses his faith in who Christ is. Peter said to Jesus: "You are the Christ - the living son of God." After Peter's confession, Jesus says to him: "And I tell you: You are Peter (Peter means rock), and on this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. "

It was obviously not on Peter, but on his confession that Jesus is the rock and foundation. Not Peter who was a sinner who needed salvation just as much as everyone else. But in Jesus, Son of God, world savior and Messiah.

4.) The Pope speaks the word of God on a par with the Apostle and Prophet of God's word. This is an equal blasphemy learn that everything else within the Catholic Church.

This so-called Ex cathedra (Petri) doctrine is a mockery to God's word and heretic teachings. Here discussed this doctrine:

Ex cathedra (Petri), by virtue of the papal office, the term denotes that the Pope teach decisions on special occasions considered infallible. But it is not so that the pope usually say or do, is considered infallible. According 1. Vatican decision of 18 July 1870 is the pope, when he speaks ex cathedra "by the divine assistance promised Peter, strengthened by the infallibility Divine Savior would His Church should be stated at once it establishes doctrine concerning faith or morals, and similarly the Roman Pontiff's provisions in itself, and not by virtue of the Church's consent, immutable. "

5.) Denying persons to marry, to get a service within its the Catholic church are demons learn and seductive Spirits says the apostle Paul.

1 Tim. 4. 1. But the Spirit says with clear words that in the coming times shall any man fall from the faith, paying themselves to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils 2 by hypocrisy of false teachers, who are seared in their own conscience, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

6.) The Maria cult, Saints worship, Pope worship is Off-God worship of the worst kind. We should only worship God, no other.

7.) The Catholic church has persecuted, tortured and killed somewhere between 50-100 Million people. The number is so large, comprehensive and ugly that there is good reason enough never to be Catholic.

8.) The Catholic church emerges as world's pedophile ring with all revelations that have come forward by sexuelle abuse of children within its church. This is not a local problem, and that only goes back in time. But it exists everywhere, at all times and also in our time. Why? The main reason is that they refuse priests, monks, nuns and other clergy to marry. This is real bad, more than enough to never become Catholic.

9.) Through various church meetings so they introduced the whole lot with heresy. Such as the Trinity, purgatory, eternal persistent burning hell, christening, pray for and to the dead, erroneous perception of the sacrament, etc. The list could have been even longer, stop here.

10.) The Catholic church is a state church, where both believers and non-believers go in together. Scripture says very clearly that the church is a community only and exclusively by only believers baptized members who are cleansed in the blood of Jesus and who believe in the Bible and only one God, not several.

Psalm 1. 5 Therefore the wicked will not be standing in judgment, and sinners not the righteous church.

Final Comment:

Of course this is only a small overview of a very large and large subject. I personally have very great sense of many people, and THE KATOSLKE CHURCH AS AN INSTITUTION. But from there to recognize it fully and that Ekman and family. Go in there having been a Protestant, it is for me both an offense and unimaginable. But today go if mostly depends? What is not possible, I must ask myself!

10 new reasons because I do not follow Ulf Ekman into the Catholic church! Part 2

I've never been sectarian party sinet or thought that I or "my" denominations have had the full truth. But it is allowed to think that something is right and something is wrong. There are those I have confidence, and there are those I have absolutely no trust. That Ulf Ekman converts and justifies this by saying that the Catholic Church has more of truth a second is for me very sought, shallow and in many ways a lie! But now Ulf Ekman always been a liar, and that he continues now is just a continuation of an old rut. Ekman statement why he is Catholic is probably the biggest lie I've ever heard of a so-called Christian leader: "The Catholic Church has the most perfect expression of Christian unity."

To make such call-outs must be sharply seduced and powerful deceived in their faith!

Maria was a god devoted young maiden who got the big assignment to bear the Son of God. Catholics adds so much more in this, both sad and spiritualist.

1.) That Ulf Ekman become Catholic amazes not me. Actually I heard warning about this already in the 1980s from a grouping in the United States who called themselves the Norwegian Concerned Christians. They believed that it was only one step away from religious movement to the Catholic church when the structure of the church / church is quite similar. Where hierarchy prevails, not the word of God. God's word speaks that we are equals with Elder, deacons, etc. We serve God - in total - but the Catholic church has a widespread hierarchy Faith Movement.

2.) I also have some positive views on the Catholic church. And there are many pious and good Catholics, but where I have problems above all with the Catholic church is its erroneous teachings. Ulf Ekman settles now under this system and the learning he warned against before. Once he was welcomed - and justifiably - but now! Here is a man who has turned 180 degrees, or has he? Scripture says about such as him the following: 1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but it should be obvious that not all of us.

3.) Ulf Ekman has from about 1980 built up TB and Word of Life. He has been an undisputed leader, pioneer, Pastor, Shepherd, yes everything. This has led him and his famille forward in all respects he is obviously many millions, sitting with stocks and everything in the Word of Life, etc. He is currently retired and lives when a course carefree life in the economic and in all other plan would a faith. But then he finds out that he has the opportunity to come forward and make more publicity for themselves? I do not know what? But to leave something that one has built up so, and that thousands upon thousands have given you really everything. So abandon them, this testifies that he is among the poor shepherds as described in God's word more seats. Among other in Ezekiel 34 and Joh.e. 10.

Joh. e. 10 12 But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, and who does not own the sheep, leaving them and flees when he sees the wolf coming, and the wolf throw themselves at them and scatters them. 13 For he is only hireling and have no care for the sheep

4.) Pastor Ulf has now become a Catholic. Then he also subject to a doctrine, a system and all its doctrines and otherwise what it stands for. It is my conclusion. But as already mentioned this is the hierarchy and even the structure that TB and the Word of Life. And the Catholic church quite similar. With a Pope on top, contrary to God's word and what Jesus taught and taught. Jesus clearly says the following:

Matt. 23. 8 But you shall not let anyone call you Rabbi: for one is the champion theirs and you are all brothers. 9 And do not call anyone on earth your father, for one is your Father who is in heaven. 10 Neither be called teachers, for you have one teacher, the Christ. 11 The greatest among you shall be their server. 12 Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.

Could still here, but basically is neither the Catholic Church or the Word of Life a biblical church when they do not have a biblical and right ward scheme and biblical structure of the church / church.

5.) Today Pope's Jesuit Priest. This scheme was created to "catch" the Protestants and also engage in armed struggle to defend Catholics against infiltration resistance and everything else. In many ways they are an extension of Swiss Guard. The foremost and most famous Jesuit priest Francis Xavier as the current Pope has called up after calling for Pope Francis 1. This adds Pastor Ulf Ekman under now. http://blog.janchristensen.net/2013/03/nr-572-pave-frans-1-har-hentet-navnet.html

6.) This now Ekman has done, is also a huge breach of trust against those who have stood with him in all the years that he has been leader, Shepherd and Pastor in the Word of Life. A person who misuses / using other people so for me in his personality very narcissistic psychopath and controlled. It turns out that this conversion is many years back in time. That he took the step full out now, was just the result and fruit of his family and close contacts and friendships with other Katolikere.

7.) Is Ekmans transition to the Catholic Church entirely credible? He is still the true owner of the Word of Life with its famille. Has been retired and then retiring from Word of Life indirect and direct. And all royalties with the sale of all books, speeches etc. of him he will receive a lifetime. The man has secured himself and his famille very well and will forever be financially secured, then from the congregation and the community he leaves. This he has not said in down but retains this life for himself and his family.

8.) Ekman has peaked in TB. He has come to the weighted end. For then to progress, then the Catholic church next stop. It is reality. He has always been, and remains is a scam, power man and a false prophet. We need only determine that a fact.

9.) Virgin Mary for Catholics on par with Jesus, and climb milling with Jesus. This is among the doctrine Ekman now endorses. Entire Maria cult to Catholics advance. And it's spiritualist when Mary reveals himself for some Katolikere and other vas they engage in. http://blog.janchristensen.net/2010/09/nr-2_6535.html

10.) Ekman as x Protestant shows by his conversion that the Reformation was a mistake! Our actions tell a thousand words they say. To go from being Protestant to then become a Catholic is a huge mistake. Everything with Ekman testify that there is a man who is totally confused and unsatisfied.

Final Comment:

Ekman is not become a heresy. There he has been all his life. But those who have believed in him before, they are just as deluded as Ekman. If the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch. This

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