tirsdag 31. mars 2015

No. 914: Overview of Jewish calendar and holidays as they hold today, but that all people should keep under the imminent 1,000-year kingdom of peace!

No. 914:
Overview of Jewish calendar and holidays as they hold today, but that all people should keep under the imminent 1,000-year kingdom of peace!

Was visiting the Jewish Museum in Oslo in the former synagogue in Calmeyers street, right in Hausmanns quarters where many Jews settled when they came to Norway around the last century. The building has again been filled with Jewish culture which I took some pictures of. Where we get an overview of the Jew calendar and holidays that everyone will keep under the imminent 1,000-year kingdom of peace!

The Jewish year

Å finne nymånen

Rosh Chodesh - Nymånedagen

Shabbat eller Sabbat

 Pesach - Det usyrede brøds fest (påske)

 Shavuot - Åpenbaringen av toraen

 Tisha b`av - Tapet av templet

 Rosh hashana - Nyttår!

 Jom kippur - den store forsoningsdagen!

 Sukkot - Løvehyttefesten!

 Simchat tora - Toraens fest

Chanuka - lysfesten


 Purim - Redningen og karneval fest

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