fredag 6. mars 2015

No. 890: The Holy Spirit, we as believers have it in our hearts only till Jesus comes again or forever!

No. 890:
The Holy Spirit, we as believers have it in our hearts only till Jesus comes again or forever!

Belief in a triad God with three separate Gude People are alien to God's word, but we try here to give people who want; healthy, good and biblical teaching on the basis of God's word.

Abel speaks? Or do this with gram tick? We must understand that the Bible has a language to explain spiritual truths that sometimes goes on "collision course".

Heb. 12. 24 to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and the cleansing blood that speaks more than the blood of Abel.

Of course not speaking of Abel literally, but it's Witnesses. Therefore it also speaks! This has with gram policy, so that we understand and have notions about the spiritual truths behind which we find many places in God's word.

Pentecostalism operates with heresy, seduction and rationalize about the Holy Spirit!

This applies of course all Christendom. But since I know best to Pentecostalism and other free meetings, so I try to orient myself out of there.

Photo of Benny Hinn who teach and believe that the Spirit is a person like us with flesh and blood, bone and appearance. Where did this man from? It recognizes not I, but imagination and a huge bluff is this like everything else Trinity comes with and believe in. Note that Benny Hinn has devil sign, it is not without reason when he believes in an unbiblical teaching that the Spirit is a person.

I was taught in Pentecostalism that spirit we should have Jesus came back, we would do without the Holy Spirit. Spirit had only a sealed, nothing more. Benny Hinn teaches that the Holy Spirit is a person like us with flesh and blood etc. delusion is great really throughout Christendom regarding the Holy Spirit!

When we receive the Spirit and when will the Spirit leave us?

Now I of course not good that all Pentecostals and other Christians learn the same. But the way I was taught to believe, so I received as believers the Holy Spirit by accepting Jesus, and the Spirit should I have in my inner man until Jesus came. Then came the Spirit into another service, uncertain, but another service. But what does the word of God?

God word teaches firstly that the Spirit is what is bringing God and Christ near to us. And the Spirit, we receive by accepting Jesus as our personal Savior, and the Spirit never abandons us. We will be in possession of God Holy Spirit forever.

1 Cor. 15. 24 Then comes the end, when he surrenders his kingdom to God, the Father after he has destroyed all powers, authorities and powers. 25 For he must reign until God has put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 27 For everything under his feet. When it says everything, it is clear that God is excluded. It is God who put everything under him. 28 But when everything is subject to him shall the Son also himself subordinate to God, who has put everything under him, and God will be all in all.

Notice that God may be all in all. It is of course God's own Spirit, the Holy Spirit we are all believers should be in possession of eternity!

Will we meet the Holy Spirit in Heaven? As a person?

This is of course absurd, but I take it then unfortunately Trinity believes and teaches that the Spirit is a person on an equal footing with the Father and the Son. We're never going to meet some extra Gude Person, it is only God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ we will meet and see the sky Gude People. No other!

Do you really think that the Holy Spirit is a person like the Father and the Son?
How many Gods are there and how many will you meet in heaven?

I will meet the Father and Jesus. All believers should have the Holy Spirit dwelling in him forever. It does not come and go, but remains in us forever. And we have the Spirit here, so we will have the Spirit than more there, in heaven.

Joh.e. 14. 16 And I will pray to my Father, and he shall give you another Comforter to be with you forever: 17 Spirit of truth, whom the world can not receive. For the world sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

How long will the Holy Spirit be in us? Forever!

Joh. e. 14 16 And I will pray to my Father, and he shall give you another Comforter to be with you forever.

Hallelujah, hallelujah amen! This is so wonderful and great. Magnificent and lovely.
We shall never meet any third Gude Person but the spirit we should have remained in us forever! How much I love Spirit, but to believe that it is a person, it is nonsensical. The holy spirit is no separate person, but a part of God Himself!
We can never love God, doing God's will or seek God. It is only the Spirit, we can. Therefore Spirit so important! He should we have living in us, yes forever!

Joh. e. 14 16 And I will pray to my Father, and he shall give you another Comforter to be with you forever.

Final Comment:
This is of course a lot to say and teach. But it is also so much wrong and misleading teaching about the Holy Spirit. Just to explain this is a great job. Therefore we try Smyrna Oslo and through my ministry to correct and teach correctly and biblically about this topic and all other topics and truths of God's word, we want and will preach the whole counsel of God to salvation!

Yes, Jesus is God in the sense that he is a Spirit Person, as the angels are.
And we humans are also easily times referred to as Gods:

Psalm 82. 6 I have said: "You are gods,
          sons of the Most High are you all.

Jesus is Elohim in Hebrew. Read on our site, where you find all the answers. For the early Christians so you can see that they never called Jesus God, but for the Lord and Saviour. More profoundly, it is only God the Father is God, no other.

See here: Joh.e. 17. 3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and him you sent, Jesus Christ.

1 Tim. 1. 17 He who is King forever, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever! Amen.

1 Cor. 15. 27 For everything under his feet. When it says everything, it is clear that God is excluded. It is God who put everything under him. 28 But when everything is subject to him shall the Son also himself subordinate to God, who has put everything under him, and God will be all in all.

Psalm 90. 2 Before the mountains were born,
          before the earth and the world was;
          from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

8. 4b. no God but one. 5 There are enough so-called gods in heaven or on earth, yes, there are many gods and many lords.
     6 But to us there is one God, our Father.
          Everything is from him, and to him we are created.
          And there is one Lord, Jesus Christ.
          Everything is made by him, and through him we live.

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