lørdag 7. mars 2015

No. 891: The strike continues in English although pilots earn 4-5 times as much as the average among others!

No. 891:
The strike continues in English although pilots earn 4-5 times as much as the average among others!

As expected continuing strike in English. Including said union leaders that they got a gun directed against head when Kjos and management told what they meant.

How to negotiate with people who act like spoiled kids and worse than that? I do not know, I do not think something others do not really know either!

Top union Halvor Vatnar in Norwegian pilot union has worked in the company for over 20 years. He serves over 1 million a year. Here together with top boss in English which has several pilots who earn more than him. But the strikes and does everything to cut down the branch they are sitting on, tragically when greed and do not see how privileged you are.

Is our civilization on the way down, and to go under? Everyone should have more money, freedom and everything else. How long will this go? When people who earn 2 Million a year and 4-5 times as much as others are not satisfied. Where will this end?

The Bible speaks about thanking God under all circumstances!

1 Thess. 5. 18 thanks for everything! for this is God's will in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Thanks for everything we earn x amount of money, so it stands in God's word that the Lord's blessing that makes rich.

Word. 10. 22 It is the Lord's blessing that makes rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.

Final Comment:
Has written about the strike in English, this is really instructive. Here require than more and more, and more and more than get. For less happy being one, tragic!

But human nature is selfish, self-centered and can not get enough!

A culture of greed is it really pilots and union in English stands for. Let's hope they do not succeed, but keeps calm!

This is also a warning and a lesson for others, it should be.

It is possible to give workers too little, but also too much. Balance is what we need, it is best for everyone!

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