søndag 25. september 2011

Nr. 65: When Jesus comes again?

Nr. 65:

When Jesus comes again?

Do you have studied Revelation in detail. Good. But you have views on when Jesus returns on the Mount of Olives?


This is a very difficult question, but I have some views on this. But to pinpoint exactly, hour, day and year I do not think we can. But knowing the future, we will and should be ready.

Amos 3 7 For the Lord GOD will do nothing unless he has revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets.

The surest sign that we are living in end times and the first thing Jesus said was the error characters.

Matt .24. 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, See that no one leads you astray!

We see this happen right before our eyes. Eg. when prominent Pentecostal preachers that Emanuel Minos, David Ostby and others can help to support Norway's most corrupt and manipulative Christian Leaders TV Evangelists and "Pastor" Jan Hanvold, AOM is a false prophet by God's word clear teaching.

What other things? I think we must also weed out some erroneous views and misinterpretations of Scripture.

We read in Zechariah that the 2 \ 3 shall perish, and 1 \ 3 shall survive, I think referring to what should happen BEFORE the great tribulation. In the great tribulation to Israel will be supernaturally protected by God.

I have been taught to believe that this scripture applies to the Jews, but it does not?
Matt. 24. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away before all this happens.
But this word is that those who see the beginning of the Great Tribulation will also see the end.
The fact that Israel was his country and was recognized as a separate state in 1948 is a powerful and a sign that the time is near. Israel is the fig tree, and all other countries the other trees.

I think we can say that what is happening in the world, ie outside of Israel is that storeviseren. What is happening in Israel as langviseren showing minutes and mellomviseren showing seconds, as Jerusalem.

We read in Luke 21 24 and they shall fall by the sword and led captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be nedtrådt of the Gentiles, until the heathen time is over.

Jerusalem would be nedtrådt, ie not free board and that Israel can do whatever they want without being threatened, overwhelmed or otherwise pressured. What happened in year 70 e Kr.?
In 66 broke out extensive revolt against Roman rule in Judea. In Jerusalem, a small Roman garrison massacred. This led to what is called the first Jewish war. The war lasted until the Roman commander Titus captured Jerusalem in 70 The temple was burnt to the ground and the temple's sacred equipment was brought to Rome. Thirty thousand Jews were sold as slaves and 2,500 people were killed in gladiatorial battles in connection with a birthday party for his brother Titus.

If we then year 70 or so that the date of the Gentiles took over all of Jerusalem, and as a milestone. So we read in Hosea 6 2 He will revive us after two days on the third day he will raise us, and we shall live before him.

So we read in 2 Pet. 3. 8 But this one I must not be blind to, the beloved, that one day is in sight of the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

We read that Israel should accept Jesus when he comes on the Mount of Olives several places in the word of God.
If we as a day that thousands of years, then it will be in the year 2070 Jesus comes back to oil the rock.
Furthermore, we read in Daniel 24 to 27 September as I fly in the bible my comments in Mark 13 that there is a week left for Israel who are 7 years. Then the year 2070 to 7 years = 2063 years. If we add a little wiggle room at the wrong calculation, we can end down on the year 2060 up to about 2070. When Jesus will pick up the bride or the church.
No one knows for day or hour, Jesus says, but the Father alone. But time will we know.
Should we be uvitne about this? Or should we try to orient ourselves and live then? I we live accordingly.
But it seems also that we can influence the coming of Jesus to evangelize and to live holy.

Bible Commentary from Mark's gospel janchristensen.net 13:
10 And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.

Note the wording here mentions St. Mark Gospel. In Matthew 24 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Jews, especially the 144,000 that book of Revelation speaks of will in the end times preaching the gospel of the kingdom - the 1000 year kingdom. But we as pagans but also Jews Jesus believers are preaching the gospel and the cross in the center. 1. Kor.1. 18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

2. Pet. 3. 11 And now everything will fall apart, how holy and godly, you should not live, 12 as I wait for and hasten the day of God come, by which the heavens shall be dissolved in flames and dense bodies melt in fire.

This which I submitted to be tested on the word of God. And everyone who speaks prophecy may also have a bit of himself in it, and my approach can also be critical and affect.

1. Tess. 5. 20 do not despise prophetic speech, 21 but test everything, hold fast to the good.

Furthermore, we read that everything should be tried, even prophetic voice and everything else that one brings up.

1. Cor. 14. 29 But the prophets speak two or three, and the others try it!

Do also remember that I am of the opinion that the church - the bride - to be caught up before the 7 minors anti-Christian oppression. That will start with Israel and the Antichrist makes a covenant, but in the middle of the period, Israel will realize that they have been deceived by the Antichrist roll around and break the covenant. Then they will know to fill his anger, but God will protect them and they will at the end of the great tribulation also see that they were wrong with regard to the Messiah. He was the one they rejected, but that they will repent and they will weep over their mistakes and their misdeeds. But they will also have the grace and experience God's boundless love and forgiveness.
Are there other things and sides to bring? Yes, but that's why we make the blog open so everyone can express themselves and come up with what they have at heart.

There are some who use this scripture. Matt. 24. 36 But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father alone.

We can not slavishly say that we do not know. Jesus was a man here on earth and under the Holy Spirit. Today we know Jesus everything when he, after the resurrection is God. On that basis, we can also acquire more wisdom, knowledge and wisdom. It also wants God to be communicated to us, as he will and we are open to hear, listen and learn.

1. Genesis 18 17 Then the Lord said, Shall I must hide from Abraham what I intend to do? 18 Abraham will surely become a great and mighty nation and all nations on earth shall be blessed in him: 19 for I have chosen him so that he shall command his children and his household after him that they should keep him after the way of the Lord and do justice and righteousness , so the Lord can let Abraham get what he has promised him.
God the Father loves to impart to his trusted servants, and serve inside!
If we follow the trains of thought which I have presented so will the church promotion else happen in 50 years and 1000 years of the kingdom will begin when the team in 60 years. But this can be offset by several factors, but we know that Jesus' second coming closer day by day. And salvation is closer now than the day we came to faith in Jesus as our Savior, Lord, Messiah, friend and husband.

Rom. 13. 11 And this we must do, when we know the time, that the time has come when we will wake up from sleep, for salvation is closer now than when we came to faith. 12 The suffering of the night, and the times to day, let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, but light Put on the whole our weapons! 13 Let us walk decently, as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in promiscuity and lasciviousness, not in KIV and envy, 14 but you Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and the berries are not so caring for the flesh that aroused avid called!


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