søndag 25. september 2011

Nr. 42: Are Adventists a cult? What is a cult?

Nr. 42:

Are Adventists a cult? What is a cult?


Adventists also accounts for 100% replacement theology, which is an occult teaching!

From Wikipedia what a cult is: Sect is an opinion or religious communities who have separated themselves from the dominant society, or a larger group. The word is used especially in religious associations that have a deviant religious teachings in relation to a larger, more established movement, but also on other "fan packs", for example, political sects and smaller groups with særmeninger that differ from the prevailing view in the party. The term is often derogatory (end of quote).

Adventists are a cult because they believe we as believers should keep the parts of the Act, where the Ten Commandments are central!

We as believers should not keep the Ten Commandments as we are not under the law extended when Jesus redeemed us from the law when he fulfilled it for us. This scripture says.

Rom. 7. 4 Thus it is with you, brothers. Because Christ died, is dead and you are not under the law, you belong to another, who rose from the dead, and we will bear fruit for God 6 But now we are loosed from the law, because we have died from the law of bound us. We serve God in a new life in the Spirit, and not until after the letter.

It is clear in scripture that we are fixed in the law and died from the law, how much can the law and the Ten Commandments require of us? Nothing, nothing. Adventists are and remain heretics and deceivers here.

Furthermore, Paul says that we are not under the discipline master who is a picture of the law in Galatians. The law had its function, it was to show us that we reached and were both sinners and law violators.

Taking to the termination of my commentaries from Galatians 3 16 God gave promises to Abraham and his descendants. There is no majority, "to his families', but singular," your seed ", that is Christ.

DNB: 'God gave promises to Abraham and his descendants. There is no majority, 'to his families,' but
singular, 'your seed,' which is Christ. "
NKJ: 'To Abraham and his descendants * was now promises made. He does not say, 'and to the families,' as if there were many, but as one: 'And to thy seed,' who is Christ. '* Greek: sperm
NPV: "Now was the promise spoken to Abraham and his descendants. It is not said: 'And to his families,' as
when they are many such, but when there is one: 'And to thy seed,' who is Christ.
SHG: the Abraam sperm epaggelia Rheo Lego Polus lift sperm by Christos
Trans.: Abraham sperm promise pronounce say more a sperm that Christ
Covenant: Now the promise of the seed spoken to Abraham. It shows not many, but one that
is of his seed, and it is Christ.
COMMENT: Many mess up this verse as well, and believe that Abraham's blessing was that he
would be the father of many nations, such as Israel's twelve sons of Sarah, and all Arabs by
Hagar. In addition, he received six sons of Keturah. If it had been the case, it would, with
the basis of how Abraham's descendants behave towards each other today, been more
a curse than a blessing. No, Abraham's blessing is the creation of semen,
Christ, and through Jesus' work will Abraham be the father of all who get through life times
Christ. He will then, as Adam was the father of those of this world, the father of all who take part in a world times. There are so sober. As you can see from the basic text, is not talking about a family,
but a seed. The word family is expanding, such as are of the same family, are more and more. The word seed, actually sperm, is constricted and shows in the end only one, in this case Christ.
Who continued the sperm forward to Christ, you can read about in the MAT 1:1-16, Joseph genealogical table, and in Luke 3:23-38, Mary's family board. And the seed was not Joseph, but of God. A translator showed however that it was entitled to use the seed, the seed was too vulgar. Okay, but takes on a big task if they are the wrong translations try to decorate the word of God, for it can be pretty direct!
NB! Be aware that the promises God gave to Abraham, he has not been met even one.
The promises to Abraham were both through Christ, and he has not yet taken over the domination
above the earth. (DAN 2:44) Only after the resurrection, God's promises to Abraham be fulfilled.
Again: Norwegian translation incorrectly write 'seed' which will be 'seed' or even more accurate
'Sperm.' A family is expanding and becoming more. Why does not the word 'seed' the term that Paul here refers to, namely a narrowing until the only remaining one, the Christ.

17 I believe that is this: a covenant that has already been created by God, is not repealed by the law which came 430 years later, so that the promise be broken.

No, the law does not promise to nothing, says the word in our section. It's not like that one from Abraham to Moses was saved by believing God's promise, and then from Moses to Christ were saved by keeping the law, that you leave after Christ has come to be saved by believing the promises. This is not true with the Bible. The thing is that all have been saved through faith in God's promises. All were saved by faith in Jesus.

18 For if the inheritance depends on the law, then it will not be given because of the promise. But it was the promise God in his grace gave it to Abraham.

It is here that we often Christian cross communicates and claims that "those who say that the law is followed, while saying that now you can only sin." No, not at all! We died to sin, how can we still live in it.

Here we must keep the tongue straight in your mouth and do not suddenly switch "tracks" along. Remember above I have pointed out that the Act's requirements are still God's standard for man. Ergo has God suddenly become "soft" about sin. Oh no. What is the matter is that through the Law comes the knowledge that we must surrender the above Act requirements and to say that we can not fulfill it. So to find strength, inspiration, and says over sin we must go to Grace. Grace will opptukukte us to a holy life. Act-Being, does not contribute here. It is grace that does it.
For what the law could not because it was weak because of man's sinful nature, God did. For the sin he sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful men, and held conviction of sin in our nature. HOW SHOULD legal requirements be fulfilled in us who do not allow ourselves to our evil nature, but by the Spirit.
If we use the law as a driving force and advocate for a holy life, it seems the opposite of what we want to achieve. Sin force is the law. The law allowed the sinful passions were attracted to live in our limbs, so that we bore fruit for death.
There is grace and goodness of God that drives us to God through salvation and reconciliation. It is the grace that is the driving force that keeps us and help us walk with God. It is grace that takes us home to heaven one day. Thank you Jesus for the grace we are saved through faith. It is not because of ourselves, but a gift from God.

19 Why was the law given? It was given as an addition to make clear what offense is, until the seed came to whom the promise was made. The law was given by angels through an intermediary.

It says right out that the Act's major task was not to salvation but to show us that we are criminals and have failed God. Moses was the mediator of the law. Jesus Christ by grace. Joh. e. 1 17 For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

20 But a mediator is not needed where there is only one, and God is one.

In order for us to share in this, so it had to be a middleman to. Just as Israel needed a mediator to hear the law, we need Jesus to partake of grace.

21 Is the law contrary to God's promises? Certainly not! If at all was given a law that could give life, then we could win justice through the law.

The Roman Catholic Church is wrong because it uses fine - works of a person - as a means of justification with God, as it teaches contrary to the Bible. Other faiths have other unbiblical criteria. The only way to God is through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Joh.e. 14. 6 Jesus says: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

22 But the scripture hath put all things under sin, that those who believe in Jesus Christ, by faith you can get what was promised.

Can we ever understand that the Ten Commandments and all other Jewish laws, aging was meant to have anything with us heathens to do it all? If we look at how the Bible tells us that the attic and the belief was COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT of the law? Thus, it has nothing to do with the law to do, and should not have anything to do with the law.
Why, if we are children of belief / faith in Jesus Christ which was given by a promise that came 430 years before a law, why we take with us Jewish law, when even the Jews were only meant to have the law for a certain time?
It has always been the belief that God has rewarded people.
Heb. 11. 6 Without faith it is impossible to please God. For he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that he rewards those who seek Him.

23 Before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come, was revealed.

There was no better than the law before Jesus came. Israel had a tin in all ways. But when Jesus came so did the "better" and it's perfect.

24 Such was the law a keeper for us all the way to Christ, that we may be justified by faith.

Law of Moses belongs to the past. Jesus meets all. Jesus' words beyond the law of Moses, and reject the evil of the law of Moses, for example. this by stoning as a punishment. And in that one had to worship only in the temple and have a Levite to the bear sacrifice for you. Today we are all priests and Levites in the New Covenant.

25 Now that faith has come, we are no longer under guard.

It is not a difference: Anyone who believes in the God of Abraham, Jew or Gentile, is the children of Abraham and a member of the true spiritual Israel.
The same idea is found in the letter to the Ephesians, where he writes about "we" and "us". "How should we be to award and honor for His glory, we all now have put our hope in Christ. In him you also come to believe, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. In him you have been marked with a seal, the Holy Spirit of promise, and that is the pledge of our inheritance until the redemption that comes to God's people, to award and honor for His glory "(Ephesians 1:12-14).
Who is God's peculiar people? Both we and you, Jews and Gentiles. They are members of the Body of which Christ is the head (verses 22-23).
The same procedure is used in Chapter 2, where it ends with a victory fanfare: "So you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and belong to the family of God. You are built upon the apostles and prophets the foundation, but the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. He holds the building together, so that in the Lord grows into a holy temple, and through him you also are built into a dwelling for God in the Spirit. "
Can it be said more clearly that all of the faith have become one people, one flock under one shepherd (John 10:16).
We are no longer under the law, we have died from it in Christ Jesus.

26 For ye are all children of God in the power of faith in Christ Jesus.

Under the old covenant law took care of us, that is, by confessing his sin on his sacrificial animals, and handed it to the clergy they were justified. Now, we confess to our Lord and God by our sin laid on our mediator / attorney Jesus Christ, High Priest. The method in which the same but now it is individual and personal for everyone. Before Job confessed his sin, his wife's sin and their children's misdeeds for their sacrifice and God appreciated this sacrifice and sacrificial smoke.
The new covenant promises to come forward and profess to teach Holiness by themselves to get into where the clergy went before, in the Holy Temple. Here speaks the Comforter to us by God's word is illustrated by the sight bread and Comforter is illustrated by the syvarmede candlestick that lights up the bread / word. The temple is us and if we believe Jesus' sacrifice for us really is the way with Him into the holy.
So therefore we have no use for bokstavbud for they will only prevent spokesman to speak truth into our hearts but not speaking the law against the spirit of God and the law but the focus is wrong if the letter is leading.
All that is in Christ is under the law because it violates the law and must therefore natural NOK judged by it, the one that is in Christ is not condemned by the law because the law is obeyed in every way. This means that if we should sin, we have him as a spokesman and confess sin to Him and if it is directly sinned against. So you are law obedient if one behaves according to plan of salvation by faith.
Forgiveness is achieved only through Christ today and in no other way, before the cross was forgiven through the sacrificial system and it was made by Adam and Eve.
The special Jewish laws came to because they would not have the law on the heart of Sinai, God had to let them go alone from the Sinai and into the promised land but it was not the intention, if God had been with those they would have perished. Israel itself chose this path because they wanted to honor God by our own power. Therefore the laws that were added and the following regulations that put the law of God of no effect by decree that would force them to be law obedient .. But now we are therefore free from all bondage, we must let the truth into our lives to turn us from the old.
So if we deny Jesus Christ it is because we do not believe that he could try that if he was us (true man) and that he passed the trials because of the Father's powerful grace in Him. We believe then in other words, that Christ's sacrifice is good NOK whatever life I only live I confess again. How are we not changed with all our heart, mind and spirit, but only given permission to live on in our sin. Conversely, if we believe Jesus is the Messiah / Christ will be changed because his faith changes us because our God's grace in us that also worked on him.

27 All those who are baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves in Christ.

We are baptized in Jesus' name, why? In order to identify us by him in all areas. We died with him, are buried with him and stand up with him. This symbolizes the baptism.

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male and female. You are all one in Christ Jesus.

In salvation in Christ Jesus there is no difference. But the arrangements in the church and marriage is the difference. God sees all people equal in Christ Jesus.

29 And do you listen to Christ, are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to promise.
To learn Jesus Christ more and deeper knowing, we must get away "the Mosaic veil" (2.Kor.3: 14) which prevents us from seeing clearly. Jesus Christ, God's secret (Koloss.2: 2), is in fact the prophets have spoken, he is the Psalm points out, he is the Act's compliance and end - the whole Old Testament is the shadow image of Him who is the item's actual reality (Colossians .2:17).
When we learn to know Jesus more, our goal is not to "denigrate the shadow images," as some have suggested that we do. Of course, no purpose. Our goal is however to point to the fulfillment of the shadow images, namely the reality, Jesus Christ. When we "see Him" ​​in the Scriptures (both Old and New Testament), the understanding of who He is increasing and our heart to heart relationship with Him will be deeper (Joh.17: 3, 1.Kor.1: 9). We are as Emmaus Walkers who had their eyes opened and for the first time in her life understood what the Scriptures really all about (Luke 24:45). Jesus showed them the fact that the GT was a ghost image of Himself (Luke 24:27).
Today we continue to look at this is that Jesus is the fulfillment of the shadow image; Israel. To understand the difference between shadow image "Israel" and the reality "Israel of God, Paul helps us to sort out the terminology. To show that there is a difference between these two "Israel", he uses the 1.Kor.10: 18 the term "Israel after the flesh" of the unsaved Jews. In Romans 9:6 he says: "Not everyone who comes from Israel, it really is Israel." So it is not the unsaved Jews who are "the real Israel," but who is the real Israel? Well, as we have seen is the real Israel Jesus Christ and His body (1.Pet.2 :9-10). Galatians 3:29 says that the familiar: "Hear ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to promise."
So it is Jesus who is the seed of Abraham, it gave way all Israel. Let us look more closely at exactly this topic. 1Mosebok 12:7 says, "Then Jehovah appeared to Abram and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land. But the seed of Abraham because, as we have previously seen no Jews! The shadow image and not reality. This fact shocked many Christians. In their fanatical belief in the "shadow image" is the reality, they have given of their time and money to support Israel. But what does the Bible teach us? Yes, Galatians 3:16 explains us that the shadow image fulfillment and reality is Jesus. Paul says: "The promises given to Abraham and his descendants. He does not say, And to seeds, as for many. But when it comes to one, And to thy seed. And this is the Christ. " Abraham is thus really Jesus.

4. 1. Let me explain this. As long as an heir is under age, he stands in the same position as a slave, though he is lord of the property.

Here Paul explains how low an heir stands before he takes the inheritance. Here is a true story. It was a wealthy person was asked how he had become so rich. Jo said, he said, Heg selling peanuts. But how did you become so rich, it could not by selling just peanuts? No, that was when I worked I was so rich and I had managed the wealth well.

2 He is under guardians and stewards until the time his father has decided.

Even those who are employed by the company or firm may be of an heir, then they are entrusted with greater responsibilities an heir. But only for a time, until it is determined.

3 So it is with us. When we were minors, we lived as slaves under the ground forces in the world.

The law had it that the more one tried to keep it, the more was the flesh and the world forward. The law in essence created the only hopelessness even more. But God had a solution for all of us, it came when he sent his son. In him is the whole "package". Jesus came down here on this earth and fulfill the law and the prophets. Think it was the only one who managed to fulfill the law. The law became a curse for us humans, it might only sin. Therefore it is written, cursed be he that hangs on a tree. That's what Jesus did for us, he was clean took on all our sin and carried it up on the cross for us that our Father in heaven, condemned sin once for all, by letting his wrath upon His Son Jesus Christ on the cross. Therefore, we have now received the Lord's grace and mercy through faith in Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the law for us and became our righteousness.

4 But in the fullness of time God sent his Son, born of woman, born under the law.

It was not God who came, but the Son of the Father born before anyone else. His most precious property.
• File 2:5-8: "Show the same mind as Christ Jesus! 6 He was God, but did not see it as stolen to be equal with God. He renounced his own, took a slave and becoming like men. In his way he was as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross. "
• Colossians 2:9: "In him the whole fullness of deity bodily presence,"

• Hebrews 2:9: "But we see Jesus, who for a short while was made lower than angels, crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death. How was he by the grace of God taste death for everyone. "

5 He was to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive adoption as sons.

God chose to make me his child. He "adopted me" (so is it really iv 5) not because I was good and deserved it but because he wanted it that way. I have a Father in heaven who loves me even though I always stress to. 1 Corinthians 1:27-28

6 Because you are children, God has given the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit cries "Abba, Father!"

That some receive the Holy Spirit to be a god person is a lie! It says right out that the Holy Spirit is the Father and the Son of common Spirit that we have when we came to faith. Not a God, but part of God that we can get richer and richer, as we walk with Him and open ourselves up to him. Spirit is God's active force teaches Scripture or the power of God, but not a person or God himself. Luke 1 35 The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the highest power will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy Son of God. Here it is verbatim from the Holy Spirit is the supreme power, how then attach when the Holy Spirit features fully as he is the Father's Spirit. Later referred to in Galatians as the Son of Spirit. The Holy Spirit is at. biblical definition of a common spirit of the people the Father and the Son.

7 Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son. And if a son, you are heir of God.
Now we do not need to sell peanuts anymore, we are more of a multi-millionaire lottery millionaires all of us who believe in his son Jesus Christ. Everything that God owns is yours. Therefore, a Christian which he also owns the death when we must let go of everything else.
He owns Jesus and heaven and all God's treasure forever.
Other main thought in Galatians, the distinction between law and gospel of salvation. The law can not save, but it can punish me to seek salvation and savior. The gospel gives me part of God's salvation in Jesus Christ with all the promises and privileges that exist. In the gospel, I am no longer a slave / slave, but I am free and live as children of God.

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