Why Jørn Strand let me for hatred, it was when I point out his hypocrisy!
Has received some inquiries regarding Jornstrand, I have nothing against him, but he has something very welcomed me. Of course this is just sad and not in honor of someone. But in this case I am the way I see it, completely innocent and there is not anything I can get rid of that.
I had little contact with Jornstrand, especially in 2009 where he preached against remarriage and ia gave me a CD where he preached against remarriage. The speech was straightforward it, but I pointed out that he stood for what he preached. We emailed back and forth, and Jornstrand became furious with me who said he twice communicated when he was against remarriage, but cooperated with the fornicator and adulterer Jan Hanvold. Who are divorced and re-married, then as a believer and "Pastor," this is bad.
This was and is the main reason for that Jornstrand added me to hatred, but it's not my problem, but his.
Here is some of what I've written about him for ca. 1 year ago but had to take it away for a time because regard to other parties to this case that seems right and struggled that Strand was too fierce!
Jørn Stand collaborates with Jan Hanvold living in open sin then becomes an accomplice in his sin says the word of God!
There is much that is good with Jornstrand but the very worst and most serious for him and everyone else. It is his collaboration with Vision Norway and Jan Hanvold. That makes them an accomplice in Hanvold evil lives and works, and we can not take lightly.
Are you an accomplice?
Jan Kåre Christensen
Smyrna Oslo
2. Joh. b. 9 He who does not adhere to the teachings of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have communion with God. Whoever sticks to teaching, he has fellowship with the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, so do not receive him into your homes, and greet him not to attend. 11 For he who greets him, being an accomplice in his evil deeds.
Jacob 3. 1. My brothers! Not many of you should become teachers, knowing that we will be as much stricter convicted.
Lukas 17. 1. He said to his disciples: "It is inevitable that offenses come, but woe to him through whom they come! 2 It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone around his neck, than that he should offend one of these little ones. 3a Beware!
It amazes me how little enlightened believers is about these things. That we stand in a relationship to all other believers if we want it or not. We are like a body and belong to each other. And when a limb live not in line with the head - which is Christ - it rubs off on everyone else. When a limb is obedient, then the consequence is that it also affects the other. This has nothing to do with anything other than that we are in direct life connection with each other because we have the same life and the same Spirit. And the same Saviour, Lord and Father. All this binds us together as believers in spite of divisions and disagreements. This is a fact and a reality.
Those who are ministers and are accountable to others, this even stronger. I have preached has an extra large responsibility, this also applies to everyone else.
When publishers set up in conjunction with other ministers who live in sin or driver with heresy, then we become accomplices. Yes, it is so severe in some cases that Jesus said that it had been better received a millstone around his neck and been thrown with it around your neck and then had a just destroyed itself. But here ruining a not only for themselves but also for others. We lead others to damnation, out of disability and into the delusion of self-influence and preach to others. It says in Rom. 10. 17 that faith cometh by hearing. It applies not only to religion but also heresy and unbelief also comes by hearing, have you thought about that? Or are you one of those who accept everything and do not have their own opinions and attitudes? Everything is not of God if it is not in accordance with God's word. It is only that which agrees with God's word, that we must align ourselves. Everything else should we shun that "plague", it will lead us down from Christ and the simple fidelity to him!
Here is an explanation of why the priest collar around the neck as figuratively have much going for it: Enno today is priest often painted with the ancient priestly collar. But what was the idea behind this under physician creation?
Ei of explanations is that the collar should remind priest millstone. Not the bottom of the mill in the village, but the stone that Jesus tala about: "The top attraction to fall ein of these little ones who believes in me, he was better lit getting ein millstone hanged about his neck and søkkt in the depths of deep".
It would therefore vera better to get ein millstone round the neck than to cause ein who believe in Jesus, on wild tracks. So serious is it to cause human dockable veg than what God says.
Emanuel Minos - a cheat!
It is sad to have to write this in public, but it is absolutely necessary when he is a role model for so many. Paul says to his young co-worker Timothy in the 2nd letter to him in chap. 3. 10 You have followed me in learning and life, in attitude, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11 persecutions and sufferings, such as I was exposed for in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. What I have not had to endure the persecutions! But the Lord has kept me out of them all.
It was also in attitude and life etc. young Timothy had followed Paul. Emanuel Minos has even a straightforward preaching, but for some terrible and unbiblical attitudes. He collaborates with both one and other adulterers, as Pastors Jan Hanvold and Jan Aage Torp. Even he has prophesied something very over Torp that he should get a multicultural mega-church here in Oslo. Today live Pastor Torp in blatant sin, which he prophecies than giving helps nothing when they live out their sin registry and acting as he is both crazy and a "psychopath" this Jan Åge Torp. It is bad that such a man as Minos do not see this, but pops up empty on the podium and prophesying over them! He comes into this judgment here and may ultimately lose his salary. But who preaches he judged \ judged extra hard so that he himself may perish. 2. Joh. b. 11 For whoever greets him, being an accomplice in his evil deeds. Therefore, Paul was so extra care with his own life as revealed Minos not. 1 Cor. 9. 27 No, I'm fighting against myself and forces the body to obey, lest I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected.
Matthew 24.
Åge Åleskjær an example of a mislead.
We read in Matthew 24 and several other places in the Word of God, among others Mark and Luke Gospel of Jesus eschatological speech (eschatology means the doctrine of recent times). Jesus' message no. 1 was that above anything else mentioned delusion characters. His coming, earthquakes, riots and everything else belongs. But the delusion mentioned Jesus most of all and three times in the chapter he comes into that
I wrote an article about this topic a few years ago that I would use here and publish:
v. 4 Jesus answered and said:
Make sure no one deceives you 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, 'I am the Messiah. "And they will mislead many (this was the 1st time).
11 Many false prophets will appear and deceive many (this was the 2nd time).
23 If anyone says to you, 'Look here is the Messiah, "or" There he is, "do not believe it! 24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders, if possible deceive even the elect. 25 Listen, I have told you in advance (this was the 3rd and last time)!
When we see that Jesus - God's own Son - emphasized, first of all as an eschatological sign of error characters, should not we put ourselves in our heart and mind? I do and try to orient myself forward in the spiritual landscape such that I and my family when target; the New Jerusalem we are on pilgrimage to!
But there are many kinds of seduction, and everyone in his way is to both manage God's people away from Christ and the full blessing he has to give.
Here is I list 10 examples of seduction that everyone either leads one away from Christ and ultimately to destruction:
1.) The Catholic seduction:
Here we find most of the Pope's infallibility that is blasphemy. The Catholic doctrine of the Trinity which unfortunately most also Protestant churches and churches believe that is pagan in origin. Here is the list long and we include that the Catholic church has killed up nearly 100 million people during its 1700 year history as we understand that we are dealing with a harlot church \ congregation.
2.) The Lutheran seduction:
They think that Catholics and most that God will torment and harass people for eternity, even though God's Word clearly teaches that all unbelievers will cease to exist. They believe in a congregation of saved and unsaved, christening, they keep God's people down when they do not preach the free life in Christ and much more.
3.) The Methodist seduction:
What is so sad with many denominations began as straight as Methodists, is that one is left behind on the road and do not go on with God today. When development standstill stagnating one.
4.) Pentecostals have become a seductive movement:
We see that the Pentecostals Defender now even Catholics. Pentecostals travels down to the Vatican on study tours. From being a free spiritual movement it has become a denomination that can not hear what God's word says, and therefore no longer effective in the spiritual world.
5.) The charismatic seduction:
Here it becomes very, very much to go forward. I could have written at least two books in over 1000 pages each. One of all the unbiblical teachings and practices. And if all false prophecies and manifestations. But will stop saying that this movement is a huge bluff from a to z. And all that goes with them, will eventually burn itself vigorously in the spirit realm. Why I did not mention even more here is that the people who go here are almost impossible to get in speech when pride carries is so large and the readiness to listen to counterarguments are hardly. Therefore, my rallying call if you have any friends or family members here, pray and fast for them, they are bound by spiritual powers.
6.) Jesus alone seduction.
It is sad with Jesus alone sect is their arrogance. They think they have found "the truth" about the Godhead but there is only one offspring of the Trinity they stand for, not the biblical doctrine of the Godhead.
7.) The Mormons its seduction:
When one has come so far away from God's word that one prays to and for the dead, which is spiritual, and accepts polygamy, there is absolutely no Christian movement, but a powerful seduction.
8.) Jehovah's Witnesses their seduction:
They believe and teach in many respects right about the Godhead. But otherwise it is sadly like a big black chapter. Otherwise I admire them for their zealous attitude to reach new message across.
9.) Christian ecumenical seduction:
They believe in cooperation, but when all parishes and churches are almost obliged to cooperate for that one should not be a sect, then all the churches become a great harlot sect. There are some Christians that I will never, under any circumstances work with. To name a few that are more extreme and sectarian than others: Adventists with their Sabbath, and they will through the law-abiding as believers. Paul says in Galatians that Christians will keep the law falls from grace and becomes obligated to keep the whole law.
Catholics and Charismatics, then they are too extreme in their learning. (More grounds here)
10.) All churches are more or less sects and deviants from the faith.
This sounds haughty and misunderstood, but understand me right. Almost all churches have fragments of apostasy and the great harlot in itself. And they also have fragments of truth and the bride in itself. Of course it is not easy to distinguish, but by word and Spirit is possible, not without.
Seduction of us Christians is a big subject in the New Testament, both Jesus and the apostles go thoroughly into.
The warnings are so many (over 50 passages), they lit as beacons of the Gospels and apostolic letters.
If you read the apostle letters, we see that all the letters warned again and again against false teachers and seduction.
Particular focus is on the last days before Christ's coming.
Then the deception will be followed by miraculous signs in addition to heresy.
There is a possibility that many Christians are not very interested in what the seduction of the people of God is all about.
It is easy to believe that there exists no deception at all,
-unntatt teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons and maybe some small insignificant sects here and there.
But the truth is that seduction is very widespread, and is in our midst,
which it indeed has been since apostolic days.
At the very least, the Bible gives such an impression of the situation.
And then we trust that it is precisely so well.
Smyrna church mentioned in Revelation, was led by the apostle John.
After John's death took Polycarp as matron.
Polycarp suffered finally martyrdom for their fidelity to Christ.
Iræneus, one of Polycarp's teaching friends, eventually became bishop of Lyon.
In all this time, from John to Iræneus, was congregations plagued by heresy and deception.
Hear what Iræneus writes:
"Heresies are never set forth in its naked ugliness, so that it can easily be revealed.
But it is skilfully dressed in beautiful clothes, so the exterior appears for the inexperienced as truer than the truth itself. "
1 Tim. 4: 1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.
Mark 1:22 p.m. For false Christs and false prophets will appear. And they shall show signs and wonders, to even the elect-if that were possible.
2 Peter 2: 1 But there were false prophets among the people. So shall it be among you false teachers,
such lurking into heresy that leads to perdition. They deny the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
Here warns the apostle Peter about heresy that leads to damnation for those who lead such into the church.
Notice what Peter says: There should occur teachers in the churches who deny Jesus by the doctrine they preach.
(It is possible to deny Jesus by learning or action, without directly denying Jesus with clear words).
We are facing many challenges and opportunities. Intend part also on the believers who moves inside beachfront example. these Lutherans who are not directly responsible for heresy in everything. But they go so rarely on with God and preaches a richer and deeper life in God. It is also above anything that adds a breeding ground for so much delusion. The first believers were to "cut" and stood up for the message and was foremost in the spiritual landscape. It is actually the surest way to secure both against error and sin in his own life, it is to go forward with Christ, chasing opposite goal as Paul did and did not look back.
Here are my commentaries from Philip Wiper letter 3 12 I do not mean that I have already obtained all this, or have already become perfect, but I press on toward it to seize it, because I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
When even Paul could say that he was not perfect, we too can say it. But he chased towards goal. Christians are immersed in a spiritual marathon race, not a 100 m. How to reach the target and reach the best possible way? By Jesus we shall be saved and he will be the center of everything we do. We will simply live as Jesus and love others as Jesus.
13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.
The sluttfrelsen he had no choice, it has no yet. It happens when we meet Jesus physically face to face. How important it is not to forget and forgive all that others have done, who have hurt or offended oneself. It happens sometimes that other people will not forget or forgive, although one has asked for forgiveness. But one can manage to forget and forgive themselves and others, so I think it is more important than what others say and think. And we go out to meet the target, we see and walk on. For if we do not forgive others shall not God forgive us, Jesus says. And without God's forgiveness, we can not be saved or achieve the goal. We must love everyone and be in love, for God is love.
14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Like being on a running track sees Paul for his Christian life. Along the way there are wonderful and important experiences, but the focus on Jesus must not lose if you want to reach the finish and victory wreath around his head. There are no shortcuts or opportunities to cheat in order to reach. And there is a high calling. Nobody has a higher calling than us Christians. We have in sight: 2.Pet.3. 13 But according to his promise we are waiting for a new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
15 How will we see it, all of us who have reached maturity. And if you look differently at something, God will give you clarity also in it.
We Christians should live together, not only during the 1000 year kingdom, and forever, but here and now. But we have come differently to our spiritual evolution and we look differently on many things. But God will give clarity in this.
16 Let's just so far we have come, stay ahead on the same track!
But it is important to accept others, but not even go back on what God has shown. It is strange when somebody has seen believer baptism but rejects this and joins State church. State church is ripe to be closed, it has outdone itself many times. Luther was a wonder-man of God, but he lived 500 years ago and reformed much. But it is totally unbiblical that fair and ugjenfødte shall belong to the same community.
The Pope - the precursor to the false prophet!
Other errant teacher
There are of course many other wayward teacher and directions. Also directions and learns that one finds within its all parishes and churches. They go that overlap when there are spiritual powers behind this. Then one fine the misguided teachings both in churches and church, old and new churches.
To name a few wayward teacher: Replacement Theology, remarriage, church hierarchy, ward for both believers and non-believers, the congregation of several dåpssyn etc. All this is delusion that go over the church and church boundaries. To name perhaps the ugliest heresy is replacement theology. It is to reject Israel and put the church and \ or the church in place of Israel.
The "replaced" Israel and the Jewish people. It is replaced by the congregation of the New Covenant. Those who claim this doctrine believes that God has turned his back on Israel and that all the promises now been transferred to the Christians.
Land reform is the kingdom of God, and other promises spiritualized and get a completely different meaning than what is written in the Bible.
Finn Arne Lauvås
Finn Arne Lauvås - one of many who have rejected Israel and stands for the unbiblical teachings that it is to reject Israel and put the church in the place. It is replacement theology!
Which is spreading like an epidemic throughout the Christian church today is remarriage of believers. It's like it's become the new "gateway" to have been married not once, but several. Tragic that Sodom and Gomorrah have become part of the congregation.
Pastor Jan Hanvold here with his third wife
Pastor Jan Hanvold here with his third wife. The man is what I would call for sexonoman and a large super-egoist where desires are paramount in his life. And is a prototype of a false prophet as it will come many of the end of time!
(end of quote).
Final Comment:
This is serious on the basis of the word of God not only himself living in sin or engage in heresy, but in league with them. Hanvold unclean of soul and mind fa he fornicators and doing very much unbiblical teachings. At Strand who once preached against remarriage also cooperates with he does he also used to be a hypocrite by the word of God!
Shall I not be allowed to warn against this? Of course!
Hooray boy and entertainer Jornstrand finds himself not to be stripped, therefore he must report to the police myself on Wednesday, November 12!
Were called here for a few days by a special grumpy man who ordered, threatened and gave clear instructions that I would be prosecuted now on Wednesday 12 November. This is now the 2nd time I supposed to experience this during 2 months.
Image of Jornstrand who are openly on Facebook and that he encourages everyone else that one should spread this further by what he conveys.
(photo taken away for the sake of peace)
Whine Club would constitute, they have made themselves "deserved" to get the description I give them. Nothing to whine and be sorry for it? Or should one too few narresmukk and some warm milk? I must be allowed to come by considerations of public preachers who live by preaching? Of course, we have both freedom of religion in Norway. And Freedom of expression and the rights and liberties that go into each other.
Strand was special ramps, really angry and boastful when he called. And got a clear message that he did not accept what I had written. But I removed everything by Wednesday everything was okay allikvel. But then I got a new message, it was not all right if I removed everything, it was these images that were also on the blog that he should have money for. Although he has urged the public to share everything with him although there are speeches, pictures and mostly otherwise. This writes Strand:
"Written in Heaven express their FB page, PUBLIC.
Himmel Express
November 2
Anyone who has been in the meetings and taken pictures or film clips, del they happily here on the wall;)))) »
Now he have money for this and report that I have written what I think about him and his ministry. This must be real whine club above all?
Here are some of mail kordansen between me and Randi Ingwersen who sent part of this to me and updated me. Look here:
Sent an email. Sitting to think of this invitation to take videos and photos and share the himmelekspressens public side. There are very many who do not know that people in the audience taking pictures and videos themselves. What reaches them see themselves for the world afterwards and did not know about? Should they not obtain consent from each individual? Which certainly can not be done. So then it's suddenly totally different rules apply? Many seniors also who do not know about åssen data world work and suddenly shows a grandchild the video with you tongues ovs .. Vet actually about an elderly lady who had it and she was absolutely appalled ....
(end of quote).
Dozens being depicted by Jornstrand as he embarks both here and there. These should sue him? And far from all wish to be pictured, they just want to get on meeting. But Strand self takes over, or what? Anything goes for him, and anything goes for everyone else? This is psychopathic in my estimation, or at best voracious carnal and nothing with the love of Jesus who seek peace with all.
Moreover writes Randi Ingwersen this:
This is shared publicly on Facebook and is out so the world can see the ...... there is no barrier if one can share pictures or writing them .... everything is open ...... this are public people ....
This is shared publicly by Inge Røysland. He has "its own" "Heaven partner" ..... and travels into the world with the gospel.
It was publicly confirmed by Strand that they should support this man his work with 100,000, - a year.
These have a partnership.
His team consists mostly of fam. Sveinungsen from Froland and Bengt Stahl (Pernille his father).
Image Inge Røysland and Roy Sveinungsen. Sveingungsen were otherwise separated for a little while ago and has 4 children. Roys 2
siblings, are also part of the song / music team. and has been involved from the start in Froland. Strand his eldest son controls the sound.
Also, you have all those who make a great effort and is gone ..... gone a round in a way and comes up slightly .... progress and to return to start ... and again .... Do seen shooting at the start of meetings in Froland ..... and today are not people there .... ever new .....
(end of quote).
The man is completely pr. horny. But he wants the whole world to share his pictures, but I'll be prosecuted and he will have money if I do something. The man must be crazy? That it is possible, no it is not possible.
Moreover writes Randi this:
from tent meeting in 2011.
Possible we have more mobile phones ...
From: jk.chris@online.no
Two: jo-ingw@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: PHOTOS
Date: Sat, November 8, 2014 1:51:44 p.m. 0100
Do you have any pictures or a picture you have taken yourself?
From: Johnny Ingwersen [mailto: jo-ingw@hotmail.com]
Posted: 8 November 2014 1:05 p.m.
To: Jan Kåre Christensen
This is shared publicly on Facebook and is out so the world can see the ...... there is no barrier if one can share pictures or writing them .... everything is open ...... this are public people ....
This is shared publicly by Inge Røysland. He has "its own" "Heaven partner" ..... and travels into the world with the gospel.
It was publicly confirmed by Strand that they should support this man his work with 100,000, - a year.
These have a partnership.
His team consists mostly of fam. Sveinungsen from Froland and Bengt Stahl (Pernille his father).
Image Inge Røysland and Roy Sveinungsen. Sveingungsen were otherwise separated for a little while ago and has 4 children. Roys 2
siblings, are also part of the song / music team. and has been involved from the start in Froland. Strand his eldest son controls the sound.
Also, you have all those who make a great effort and is gone ..... gone a round in a way and comes up slightly .... progress and to return to start ... and again .... Do seen shooting at the start of meetings in Froland ..... and today are not people there .... ever new .....
(end of quote).
This tells of a man who wants to profile itself as possible, but then I get these messages from him. Understand that if you'd see here:
Hello Jan. Send you a written notice and ask you specifically delete all articles on your blogs regarding me and my ministry. They consider that harassment and unfair stalking. Unless posts are deleted within a week relationship will be prosecuted. Regards. Jornstrand
This I reply:
You must send by mail if there's more you consider harassment. And tell you if you report me so I get reviewed you for false accusations. I've done that with Torp. Do the same with you then everything I write is in accordance with God's word. It Rolpa you are doing is clowning more than anything else. My mail address: jk.chris@online.no
This printer Jornstrand and then with changed meaning:
I have entrusted the matter to my lawyer and you hear from her if you do not delete all articles about me and my service to your blogs by Wednesday. It will nevertheless be a reaction to that using my photo without permission and it will be sent a bill for their use. All correspondence between us are taken care of that documentation. Greetings from Jornstrand
This I reply:
Sorry if I have used some photos as it was copyrighted? ???.
Let me know what it is about and I remove them until Wednesday.
Send by mail when I have googled or taken themselves. Have tried to use the best pictures and if you want them removed? ??
So you must notify which it applies.
I've only used Googel their pictures. It's then just a harmless images nothing of significance well? ?
Many use pictures of me and could never imagined requiring any money.
But to remove everything before Wednesday only I know what you mean.
And think of Jesus' words. Peace with one another as far as possible!
But sorry if I've googled up images that I think were all right.
Send by email it is best and easiest results! !!!!!!
Final Comment:
Coming back with more substance, I am working this weekend. Therefore I have not time to write elaborate. Hope you understand this. But to meet all these requirements I now get, so pray for me. These are just evil people who wish me ill, and who obviously are in league is not with God, but with the Evil.
And we need then support in every way, amazing what Whine and evil people can freshen able.
Here he urges that everything about him to come out. Then I remove the article, which is far, far within its Ytring- and Liberty of here in Norway. So is not it good enough, he even calling for posting pictures and everything about him, and I remove everything that supposedly he reacted. Still not good enough. No, this Jornstrand is and remains an impostor. To write an article in a matter of days, and then more about why I have written what I have written and justify it. But something I really have already done in these related articles I have written. But audacity, audacity and malice follow these sutras and evil "Christian" if they called Torp, Beach or whatever they are now called. But the apostle Paul speaks of such here and say how it will go well with them and their "real".
2 Tim. 3. 8 As Jannes and Jambres rebelled against Moses, set these men up against the truth. Their judgment is destroyed, and their faith is not good enough. 9 But now they have no more progress. For it should be clear to everyone how senseless these are, as happened with the other two.
Jornstrand is obviously more of a jester, showman and entertainer than Evangelist and preacher of the Word I argued, it must be allowed ?!
Jornstrand said by telephone to me that he would do the same as Jan Aage Torp to police in me. Actually Torp rise to this whole pipe, but it is something that follows in the footsteps of the wielders of power, misery!
Strand writes: Hello Jan. Send you a written notice and ask you specifically delete all articles on your blogs regarding me and my ministry. They consider that harassment and unfair stalking. Unless posts are deleted within a week relationship will be prosecuted. Regards. Jornstrand
I can not stop writing and talking about what is in my heart because a showman, juggler and testy man feels intimidated and says it is unfair that I hold forth the word of God and reveals humbug among the religious believers here in Norway?
And on top he's soap rude and vicious and threatening me with the police, audacity knows no limits here!
Picture of our cat. Now this cat tame as possible, but there are some cats that are capricious and stabs at without warning, such memories Strand to be. He is not freed from the old life is obvious. And those who succeed him tend to be likewise.
Who is this beach? I've written something about him before, that he wants me to delete it. How naive and rude can be I say. Here you have the conversion to.
I look at Strand also as a hypocrite when he once preached against remarriage and second, but today cooperates and he defends rubbel and bit. Only it serves his interests and his business. A place must have gone wrong on the road when I think that Strand met Jesus ?! But today he appears as anything but what he once could have developed into being. Here he reminds me of a naughty child who has not been taken care of parents and others. He is the spiritual area as a naughty and disobedient young. It marked!
How is Strand in the pulpit?
As I experience him, he goes there and tells the southern dialect how difficult everything is to bring up his point. That if "Jesus" going so solves everything themselves. This he repeats often several times in his speech and all speeches I have heard from him in the past ten to fifteen years. Before then, he preached more and testified of Jesus and the Gospel.
Strand is expired!
He has a song style reminiscent of a bad Svensktopp and Country Style. Where he sings the old songs that were good, but the renewal has totally absent. Not so strange if you ask me. And then he has a "clientele" that will thrive under his wings where really everything is allowed.
Cooperation with Hanvold and Vision Norway
I find it so Strand has bet everything on that he has built up even in southern and his TV broadcasts shall be communicated through Vision Norway and Hanvold. Hanvold live in blatant violation of the Word of God, and this is where the crux is.
For more, anyone who collaborates with Vision Norway accomplice in Hanvold sin.
Selvføgelig, to set up a time on Vision Norway it is possible. And many visitors coming is not aware Hanvold and do not know better. But for someone who knows that Hanvold is re-married for the third time that believers and Pastor. Anyone who enters into a partnership with Hanvold "defending" also then his life. Here comes Strand and all other very badly. This is not something Hokko Pokus, this is what God's word teaches many, many places and spaces. The endorsement of and that we work with, it is we also mutually accountable to.
2. Joh. b. 9 He who does not adhere to the teachings of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have communion with God. Whoever sticks to teaching, he has fellowship with the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, so do not receive him into your homes, and greet him not to attend. 11 For he who greets him, being an accomplice in his evil deeds.
Strand said on the phone to me that he did not accept my writings about him. But we live in North Korea or in another dictatorship? We live and live in a hopefully free Norway and a western civilized country where one can and are allowed to express themselves as one wishes and will. Otherwise Strand like this so it's probably just emigrate? I can not see anything that I have written and spoken that are not consistent with the word of God and is miles within its Freedom of expression and Liberty of we have here in Norway.
Is Strand inferior minded?
It seems to me that Strand has realized that he is not the world's best preacher and has since become dependent on others? He lacks very much in many areas as a Word preacher. And when he defends Hanvold so exaggerated. Even Hanvold is not as fierce as Strand is. Do not realize I'm more on the capricious and carnal be way Strand is on.
Final Comment:
Jornstrand is long since expired as a Word preacher if he sometimes has been there? But he has a wise form of appeal to some people who probably feel they have come too short in life? And the song captivates many and he now has a reunion every summer as he successfully tapping into some people.
They called me several times from NRK Sørlandet if I knew anything of Strand's business. Something I had to say honestly that I knew only the Strand from the outside. When Strand had, inter alia, gotten into a lot of money but could not account for everything supposedly? And he had such a low income but lived well. It meant that he took out income through mileage. This may well be true? But I do not know of internal affairs of Himelekspressen and said that true that I could not pronounce with this. Except that he sells a lot of CDs and other paid straight into the pockets of Strand was all I could see. Not all safe? But nothing I've seen that he has handed out CDs and stuffed money in your pocket. But if he wrote this up afterwards I doubt very on. But I have never attacked Strand for this then I do not know about it and have been interested if he has half a million or a million in income.
It shows that I'm not looking to take Strand or defame him. But I speak out what is in my heart and that I experience as relevant. I hold out the word of God and true cap.
About Strand da Police reviewer me, so get be his affair, not mine. I will of course do the same as I did to Torp. Police report he for false accusations that I consider all this soup to be, so we'll see.
But remember to pray and promote their Smyrna Oslo and my service, which in this time!
And it is not easy to associate with someone soon extended to the Christian landscape, why? One never takes consequences that God's word teaches and tries to follow it, it creates chaos and despondency.
Jester, impostor and hypocrite Jornstrand encourage everyone to share his photos and "preaching", when I do it will report he me!
Coming back gradually to more of Strand but embark brother Anders Helge cleanup his book. So there will be something to "chew" on. Actually looks like the last image below I have taken and it is on our blog from before:
Chapter 19
New Life Mission, Blakstad Heia
When Anders Helge cleanup was chairman of the Blue Cross Association had a good deal with witnessing meetings in Arendal center. The sites were at the market square and the Channel's Square, where he experienced much fine. As far as he can remember, so did these witness meetings over a period of 3 years. It was here they met Jornstrand for the first time. He was new in the Christian context, and one could say that they discovered him. He came from London and had a difficult childhood. But despite the pills and drugs for a long period, he accepted Jesus. After that experience, he stood for several years on Kristiansand streets and testified and sang. A good story belongs in connection with Jørns Christian life. When his mother to Jornstrand heard that his son had accepted Jesus and become a Christian, she exclaimed: "Yes, there is not one, it's the others!"
When Blue Cross he prayed to get to Arendal, they had meetings with him both in the premises of border and on the market square. The chairman had a 150 Watts amplifier used and the gave good sound, both from guitars and microphones. It was unfortunately very little people who heard but Blue Cross did not let herself of it. It was a great speech from Jørns Strand and much good music from the association.
At a building wall corner in Arendal was a family and heard at the meeting. It was family Dalen from Froland. They had taken a trip to the city, and had accidentally come to the meeting. But they told later that they had not gone all the way, but stood at a distance. To make a long story short, they had since invited Jornstrand to Froland for calls, and the history that follows now, is interesting.
Anders Helge was also familiar with the family valley, and was involved in the startup of "New Life Mission." There were some exciting months, then everything should be put in place by and large fine venue on Blakstad Heia in Froland. Here known Anders Helge themselves immediately at home, as long as it lasted. In the beginning was the work of the cafe and room for TV and radio, and so should the platform in place. But eventually labeled cleanup that the chemistry between he and Jornstrand was not as it should be. Jornstrand pretended Anders Helge was not present in the room, he neither greeted or spoke to him. That's how they do in religious environments, when leaders will get rid of some. So Jorn had enough of his own plans how this should be and who should be involved.
But opening day came and the Foundation had received some special visitors. It was Evangelisenteret with Jostein Kirkenes spearheaded singing and playing, and of course there was Jornstrand speaking. Since there were so many of them from Gospel Center, bath Anders Helge most of the gang down at Blue Cross cafe and apartments, where they could be accommodated. Then they also got a big pot of stew for supper, they were exceedingly happy.
But Jornstrand was not happy, but it does not serve to anything and go into the details, and the end of the story was that valley and cleanup agreed that it was best that the latter withdrew. Actually, it was Jørn that should have gone, but the author seems that this was okay. Later Anders Helge also the possibility to start a real church. He was pastor title of state, and the primary responsibility of the church, Evangeliekirken Arendal. It was founded some time later, on 14 September 2005. As regards the New Life Mission, as was and remained a foundation, the people there never got it to become a congregation. No wonder that, if you ask the author ...
But the latest news: August 2014 the foundation has started to become a congregation. Much thanks to TV company, Channel 10. Through cooperation has New Life also received a lot of good TV equipment of them ... Exciting ...
There have been many people visiting the Blakstad heath and Jornstrand has become quite familiar voice, jester and singer in Norway.
But the years go as it says in the song, and Jørn and Dalen has gradually passed each of his, no wonder it either.
About Sky Express and Jørn Beach:
Today, in 2014 has Jørn got built its own building, with good help, and how he along with many like-minded can hold meetings. He becomes neighbor to Knut Dalen their local, ca. 200 meters away. Yes, yes, it is of their own should one put it ...
He has bought some used equipment from TV2, and all TV equipment he has actually received the valley, nicely done .... Jornstrand shall forward its meetings from the building through web-TV and TV Vision Norway. It all takes off in November 2014 and then there will be enough a lot of laughter, fun and spectacle. Just as audiences want ...
Related links: http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2013/06/nr-530-it-is-not-without-reason-that.html
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