fredag 20. januar 2012

Nr. 199: Baptism in water is importent!

Nr. 199:

Baptism in water

Baptism has been a difficult issue for Christians for a long time. If we disagree, we still have respect for each other. In Norway, the Lutheran Church a strong foothold, and has thus had a slightly dominant role. Nevertheless, we must remember that in global terms, the Lutheran church with a very small church, with perhaps something like 60-70 million nominal members. What percentage that is actually born-again believers of them know well no. For comparison, counts Baptist and Pentecostal Christians as many as 800 million faithful.

Since 80% of the population nominally belong till the Lutheran state church, the most in Norway baptized as a baby with what we call infant baptism. Although many theologians are trying to coat the practice based on the Bible, we can not see that there is no clear biblical evidence to suggest that the early Christians practiced infant baptism that the children might be saved. It is simply not mentioned at all in the Bible.

When the individual raises the apostles saw baptism as a salvation so I wonder what scripture they rely on. Nowhere in the Bible it says a single clear words that infant baptism was practiced as a regenerating action.

To think rasjonellt and logical: And if God had really thought that infant baptism was the natural way a man should be saved, is it not a little strange that it is not mentioned in the Bible?
Jesus takes the lokiske the conclusion in John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions. Was it not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

From what I have presented, I would argue that the practice of infant baptism for the young to become children of God, not a baptism in water that is biblically founded. It is a human baptism that has come from a tradition and a native needs to get everyone in the community to be part of a state church community.

Baptism's a nice tradition, some say. Yes it can be, but if it does not match God's Word is unfortunately nothing more than that, a tradition.

My testimony
I grew up in a home mission environment and was even baptized as infants. But I have of course no memories of it. Nor could I consent to it, or in any way respond to it. My dear parents did the best opinion and conviction that it was necessary and right. I look at it in retrospect as a blessing, and that God was not dependent on the priest poured water on my head to save me.

When I was 13 I left Jesus and faith, but as a 15 year old I accepted Jesus again as my Lord and Savior. But a point in the elementary teachings were very unclear to me, namely baptism. Since there were no others in my hometown who was baptized as a believer, I let the issue rest until I was 36 years.

A situation that arose in the Lutheran Free Church I belonged in 1993, meant that I started to read the Bible without the "Lutheran glasses." I came pretty quickly to a clear conviction about what was right.

Since I do not see the infant as a Biblically founded baptism, I had therefore no hesitation in letting me be baptized as a believer when I was in 1994, convinced that Christian baptism is a baptism of believers.

A baptism
The Bible speaks only of one Lord, one faith, one baptism. (Ephesians 4.5), the only Christian baptism is mentioned in the Bible is the baptism of people who have come to faith in Jesus Christ and confess him as Lord, and who willingly allow themselves baptized Jesus. Then it must be the baptism it refers.

In Mark 4:16 p.m. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned.

There is salvation in baptism, but baptism is part of the to be saved.

Those who advocate infant baptism is biblical baptism tend to use some obscure Bible verse to coat their position. But the healthy principle of biblical interpretation says to use the strong and clear biblical words that speak about a subject, to illustrate the weak. I will not go into these here, but the only challenge you to read yourself.
In addition, an expression that means of grace, the grace of baptism, baptism as a gift, sacrament, etc. without these terms are used in the Bible.
There is talk here about tradition and historical traditions as a basis in addition to the Bible. Revelation warns strongly against adding to or subtracting something from. In Colossians 2.8 is the addition: Make sure no one gets caught you with the wisdom teachings and empty deception, according to human tradition, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Pagan role model?
More than before now, was to be baptized associated with it to get the name. After the old Germanic practice of pre-Christian times, they practiced a form of immersion or the pouring of the infant in connection with that they got the name. The custom of gifts from the godfather and godmother is also back from pre-Christian times. In Roman religious customs played purification of water a significant role. Neddyppelse was an important religious practice in other mythical cultures. Can there be a confusion here?

The Christian baptism.
The apostles and early Christians did as Jesus had taught and commanded them. Baptism was now a wider significance in relation to John the Baptism of Jesus' baptism.

Matthew 3:13-15 Then Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan and came to John to be baptized by him. But John refused him, saying: I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me! But Jesus answered him, saying: Let it happen!
For so it is appropriate for us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he let that happen.

Jesus did not need to be baptized by John the Baptism for the remission of sins. Jesus was wholly justified. But he wanted to lay baptism the way into the deeper meaning of baptism that he would institute. This which I now want to share is a new revelation for many Christians.
Jesus says: For such - it means in this way, that is, by baptism. ... is it right for us - which means he includes everyone and not just themselves. ... To fulfill all righteousness ... which means to finish on the outside what has happened inside.
Jesus had been born as a human being just on the inside. Baptism was an outward confirmation of something that had happened inside. When such a person is saved it will be born again and are equal before God just as Jesus himself. .. So is it right for us to fulfill all righteousness. How? Well the same way as Jesus to be baptized. This is really very simple!

Now it was not baptism just a conversion, but a baptism of Jesus' death, an association with his death, and an association with his resurrection. It also followed with a promise of the Holy Spirit. We can read about the Christian baptism throughout the book of Acts.

Peter said unto them, Repent, and let all of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38:

But when they believed Philip preaching the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ, so they were baptized, both men and women. Acts 8:12:

He asked: What were ye baptized? They said: With baptism of John. Paul said: John baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people that they should believe in it that came after him, it is in Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord. And when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Ghost came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophecy. Acts 19:3-6

After the first church formed the first Pentecost, and beyond the apostle of the time, know the New Testament Christian Church only that a baptism was practiced. There was a constant struggle to preserve the apostles' teaching. We must understand that at that time had not yet collected a Bible with Jesus and Paul's teaching. Therefore, it was easy breeding ground for heresy and fanaticism. We can see from Paul's letters that heresy was still an issue.

But it was also the false prophets among the people. Thus shall it be among you false teachers, such as questions into heresy that leads to destruction. They deny the Lord that bought them, and cross themselves a sudden destruction. 2 Peter 2:1

In this era, we know from other historical sources, that another vanndåp gradually came into use. (200-300's) This is what later became known as baptism.

Historical background
To understand why it has come into such confusion when it comes to baptism, we must look at church history. We know from biblical and historical sources that Christians from the outset has been severely persecuted. The Roman emperors attempted to eradicate the Christian faith, without success.
The more they killed, the more believed. When the Emperor, in spite of severe persecution did not get wiped out Christianity, he counter, and from the year 382 Christianity was the only permitted religion. The decision was the beginning of a disaster for living Christianity. It meant that it was easy being a Christian, and since the church was in partnership with the state became increasingly more and more doctrinal and practical compromise. The church entered a period of heresy, apostasy and lukewarmness. Membership in the church were the same as membership in the state.

The great recession of Christianity was started. State Christianity led to a mixture of faith and power, and a great apostasy. Much human ordinances were introduced and heresy came. With it came the christening was an admission in the community. The living Christian faith died more and more out. The Catholic church grew and moved away from the primitive community of learning and practice. The church was worldly power that was molested at the coarsest.

Martin Luther
The fifth century was called the Reformation period. In Germany, lived a monk named Martin Luther. He stood up and rebelled against the Pope in Rome. The rupture with the pope led eventually to the formation of a new denomination, the Lutheran Church. Luther found it expedient for the purpose of connecting with the emperor to get the full impact of the Reformation. Thus continued the church's marriage with the state even with the new church community. It was in itself a big mistake. Although Luther reformed the Catholic doctrine and peeled a lot of tradition, he still retained infant baptism and the Eucharist as a sacrament. Luther himself was inside the tank to reject infant baptism, but retained it, probably to save his life. Zwingli and Calvin formed at the same time the Reformed Church.

Revival Movement
But there was a third stream of "reform" that does not have as much space in the official church history. There was a strong evangelical revival movement called anabaptistene, or Anabaptists. In the kirkehistorein we were served at school, they were referred to as a peripheral heretics. However, they claimed that God's word was supreme authority for life and learning.
From the font so that the baptism was practiced in the way that only believers should be baptized, and then with full immersion. The 21 January 1525, the first baptism held. Anabaptist movement led by strong radical movements in Central Europe.

Because church and state were one, was baptism seen as inclusion in society. Once when anabaptistene would not baptize their children, they were seen as rebels, and a threat to the community. The result was, therefore, action by the state and all the three great church directions. Both the Catholic Church, the Lutheran and the Reformed Church persecuted anabaptistene powerful. Luther himself recommended the Emperor to exterminate those with the sword. Zwingli was not better. Both Luther and Zwingli also thought that it was appropriate to drown gjendøpere.

Historical sources claim that in the years after 1527 were as many as 35 000 massacred in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Entire villages were wiped out with men women and children. People were burned to death at the stake, they were beheaded, drowned and killed in various gruesome ways. Also in France was anabaptistene massacred by the Catholic Church. Historical sources claim that as many as over 100 000 were killed there in a short period of time.

Norwegian dåpshistorie
The 1 July 1742 was the first believer's baptism held in Norway. It took place in the Drammen River. A motion was called Zionittene, grew in number, and was severely persecuted by church and state.
Although it had no such consequences as in Europe, it cost not to baptize their children at the time. Parents were threatened with losing custody of their children, and those who could not bend at the threats received daily fines until they eventuellt gave in and let their children baptized. When they stood firm in his convictions of conscience lose more families everything they owned. The leaders were exiled in 1744, and the movement died out in Norway. The believers fled for each of the country. Many fled from Europe to America, and found there a haven for faith and life.

Also people in the Pentecostal movement that emerged after 1900, experienced a lot of harassment because they would stand for biblical baptism.

Baptism has cost the people who have gone before. Yes, many have lost their lives around the world, even today. But it's so that it does not cost anything is nothing worth.

Will you be obedient to the Bible's words you must be baptized as believers. It is a great blessing by following the Word of God.
Baptism is to be adskildt from the old life without Jesus. Baptism is to be ikledt Christ as it says in Galatians 3 27.

Baptism is also a good conscience toward God. 1. Pet 3 21
In the church New Life Sunnhordland, along with much of Christendom, we practice baptism as the Bible prescribes that it should be practiced. How to make at least 800 million other Christians around the globe. They believe and practice baptism as recorded in the Bible.
Namely, baptism of believers and with full immersion.

Just to make it absolutely clear. We do not believe that either baptism or believer's baptism in itself makes you a Christian or that you are saved by it. There is salvation in baptism, but baptism hear when you have been saved, or in cases where one's guard up in a religious family, and eventually come upon the stage of childhood and a more conscious and self-determined beliefs.

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