mandag 16. januar 2012

Nr. 190: Our Norwegian Bible is full of errors, speeches misleading and manipulative translated!

Nr. 190:

Our Norwegian Bible is full of errors, speeches misleading and manipulative translated!

Rooms 11:33 O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and how untracked his ways.
Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the honor of kings to investigate a case.

To make a long story short. I started for 2 1 \ 2 years ago with commentaries on the net, and I have succeeded pretty well with, if it remains a formidable work. But I have become more and more aware that the whole Bible, especially the New Testament is in many ways totally incorrect and misleading translated into many parts. I need your help in prayer and financially to the success of this, would you be with? Support us if you want and know that you have faith for this. We need financial help for me to work less and for all work as it is with this. We also want to press the New Testament and post it online translated from Greek to Norwegian with a much more accurate and optimal Bible translation. Do you believe this and see the meaning of this? Support us when economic dear friend, God bless you! Here is our account number:

Account number of records: 0535 06 05 845

Be blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ's Name! We want to get started with translating the New Testament from Greek to Norwegian, and stand with us!

Here is a 5-6 examples of misleading and incorrect translation:

1) Matthew 26 41. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation! The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

This is not in the basic text. It says that the flesh is sick and infected. Then it is totally misleading to say that it is fragile as it is very strong and will control us. But it shall not, when it is sick and infected by Satan and his seed.

2) The word infinity is completely misleading translated in our Norwegian Bible. Eternity means quality and eternity can be translated in several ways. There is no word in Hebrew or Greek which means "eternal" (which never ceases). After the Jewish way of thinking, of which the Scriptures have their origin, are all seen in ages / n / ne / adj; tidsalderlig. ...- Eph. 2, 7: How wild he (YHWH) in the coming ages (g: a rubbish aiosin) show His overwhelming grace Wealth of Kindness toward us in Yeshua HaMashiavch .. / 2 Thes. 1, 9: their punishment (the ugjenfødte) is a tidsalderlig (aionion) destruction away from Adonay's Face and from His Glory and Power. The Hebrew, olam and the Greek, aion (eon), denotes something "disappears in the horizon. Some of the human being" foreseeable ". It is only YHWH & Yeshua who know the time span's length, for every age - and the time length of the ages for each other, and the He reveals it by His Spirit, when it is easy.
When it comes tidsalderlig torment for devil spirits and ugjenfødte / disobedient) - at the age of all (eoniske) fire, it denotes this is a painful process of destruction (by fire), resulting in complete annihilation / annihilation. It is only YHWH who know the duration (time length) of this punishment / annihilation process.
This translation blunder hangs sometimes after church needs to ("reinforce fear" - intimidate the population to pay indulgences and Support (submit to) the church and the church's teachings. - Each is a product of Greek pagan-philosophical thinking.
In our time is actually the church Bible translators still too cowardly to translate Olam / Aion, accurate, age / eon / time-span / adjective; tidsalderlig / eonisk / persistent / (long) term. It is the churches and the church that pays the salary of their, and churches are dependent on maintaining the "tradition" to exist, including the u-biblical and erroneous - deliberately!
I have certainly come to the conclusion that the words aion and olam both speak of an infinitely long period of time, which is also translated as eternal, so we put in the word. When it comes to word aionos, so this seems to be used in the sense of infinity without end. But this is like saying difficult. I see that many (the majority) of the Bible teachers and scripture counsels that have landed on the aionos means eternal and infinite. So we have then the expression "Aion ton aionon" which means "forever" or "forever and forever." What I mean is that this "destruction process" will be so prolonged, that it is natural to compare it with an eternity - because the fire burns all the time, so long as there is nothing to burn.
It is therefore not surprising that it can be difficult to interpret this with the "hell fire". It was a place outside Jerusalem, a waste place called "Hell" (Gehenna). This landfills burned there is a continuous fire, to burn up the waste. It was also burned corpses of criminals. This place is in the New Testament and over in history, used as an image of the punishment that would come across people who do evil deeds. - There was a lot of evil in life, and the hope of many was that God would hold a fair trial. In a society marked by violence and injustice, such as. Ancient Israel, I think that's not so strange that people elaborate this with hell fire and punishment seem so horribly cruel as it is possible to imagine. Penalties shall also have a deterrent effect, and intend to have people with an "evil agenda" to refrain from their actions.
For me, not a show about a good God could unite with him to let people be tortured continuously for all eternity, even though these people have been guilty of evil deeds. - But we have this with justice. The fact that God will give a fair verdict? How should this be interpreted? I believe this with conviction that it is "final", that it is an end, not "perpetual."
Forever is a long and everlasting 2x correctly translated from the Hebrew \ grsk is an age of time. Or a time that only God the Father knows. As Jesus said of his return that it knows only my Father when he comes again. Jesus is coming back at this era is over. So it is with the Father's ultimate destruction and tilintelsesgjørelse of all evil and Satan with his demons.

3.) 1. Joh. b. 5 7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 and there are three that testify on earth, the Spirit, and the water and blood, and these three agree in one. (KJV)
Theologians have pointed out several places in the NT to support in their view that God is three, three people. Father, Son and Holy Spirit-who are in a god. This dogma is not particularly emphasized in the Bible except in some later texts other than in the first Epistle of John chapter 5 verses 7-8. Through the Latin Middle Ages it was believed that the text said: There are three that bear witness in heaven. Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit. Ah here it is, the dogma of the Trinity. But this is found only in the Latin manuscripts. Absolutely not in the Greek manuscripts of the NT. When the New Testament of the Greek manuscripts were published in 1516, a scribe named Erasmus did not include these verses to the great hubbub of his theological opponents who maintained that he had a mischievous way removed Trinity from the Bible, Erasmus replied that he could not find this section in any of the Greek manuscripts he knew. And here goes the story. He challenged his opponents to produce a Greek manuscript of the Trinity. If they did it, he would include it in the next edition of the NT. In response produced his opponents a manuscript or at least they got a produced. Some copied John's first letter from the Greek, and added these verses, and presented them to Erasmus. As the honorable man he was, he included these verses in the next edition. It was this version that became the basis for the King James version, which was important in the historical Bible in English. These verses are still in the King James version but not the newer and more reliable translations. This is why an older generation of readers of the English Bible was assumed that the Bible taught the dogma of the Trinity, even though this is not found in any Greek manuscript in more than a thousand years. So what is the most reliable? The Greek manuscripts or the much later Latin?

4) HEB 10:15 - Also the Holy Spirit witnesses -
DNB: 'The Holy Spirit testifies to us about this. - '
NKJ: 'But the Holy Spirit also testifies about this for us. - '
NPV: 'In addition, witnesses also the Holy Spirit for us, after it said: -'
HEB 10:15
SHG: hagios pneuma kai martureo meta proereo proereo
Trans.: Holy Spirit also witnesses when predicting
Covenant: When the Holy Spirit was also testified to this when it was foretold: -
COMMENT: Here we see that all three of the translators makes the Holy Spirit into an active person, which is clearly contrary to God's word. The Holy Spirit is the power and personality that God and Christ in communion, and that each one carries. Making the Holy Spirit into a person without the ability to say a single word, is almost a blasphemy!
And be aware that it is not used prepositions in Greek. But it does it in Norwegian, and they must be inserted in the right place with the right content, although the preposition is in the beginning of a sentence.

DNB: 'They are Israelites, to them belong the sonship, the glory of God and the covenant, their is the law, the temple service and the promises, 5 those belonging to the fathers and from them is the Christ, as a man, who is God over all things, promised in all and ever. Amen. '
NKJ: '-those who are Israelites. To them belong the sonship, * the glory, the covenants, legislation, service, and promises. 5 also fathers belonged to them and from them is the Christ according to the flesh, who is above all, the eternally blessed God. Amen. '* Son named
NPV: '-which is the Israelites, to them belong the adoption as sons, besides the glory and the covenants, and compliance with the Act, and the sacred ministry and promises five them belong to the ancestors, sacrifice them sprang Christ after the flesh - God who is above all, be blessed forever. Amen. (This one is really a deception of the Norwegian Bible, Jesus is not God in the true sense, but the Son of God and the anointed - Christ).
ROM 09:04-05
SHG: hostis Israelites in the doxa huithesia diatheke nomothesia nomothesia
Trans.: The Israelites as the son circumstances glory covenant law legislation
luteria the ministry lift
Covenant: They are Israelites, and it was they who had the son named, the glory, the covenants, legislation, service and promises.
SHG: in Father of kata sarx Christos ho epi pas theos eulogetos aion amen
Trans.: From fathers after the flesh Christ of all God bless time amen
Covenant: From their ancestors came Christ in the flesh. He who is over all, God be blessed in times. Amen. '
COMMENT: Here they write again filiation where prompt sonship. And their forgery is fairly consistent throughout the Bible. And towards the end of the next verse makes both DNB and NKJ guilty of making Jesus to God the Almighty. It can easily be done in the subtle way that they use commas instead of periods. It is not more to gross
falsify the Bible many subtleties.
Facts in these verses is that Paul rattles up the blessing of Jesus' ancestors were awarded. And finally, he praises God for all this: 'He who is over all, God be blessed in times. Amen. '
Error: 'and from them is the Christ, as a man, who is God over all things, (be) promised in eternity. Amen. 'Here, Christ is God Almighty.
Right, 'and from them is Christ, as a human being. He who is God over all things, (be) promised in eternity. Amen. 'Here is Jesus and God the same, which is Satan's deception. So subtle it can be done!

Do you believe this? So pray for us, come with suggestions and support us financially if you want to and can, here is our account number.

Should I take time off, I need your support financially and in prayer, will you be with? I know you can and deepest ever know that this is from God!
Account number of records: 0535 06 05 845

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