mandag 24. oktober 2011

Nr. 93: The Holy Spirit is the wrong translation.

Nr. 93:

The Holy Spirit is the wrong translation.

We know that the Catholic church and others who have believed in the Trinity or a Triad God, has translated the Holy Spirit is absolutely wrong, only for it to vote with their unbiblical teachings are the word of God has changed, and thus invalidated.

We read that it is not the Holy Spirit because the text but the holy spirit in lower case, in which a losing personal pronoun and then we are not what God's word teaches here.

From Wikipedia: Pronoun (from the pro, "instead of" and phenomena, "noun") is a part of speech consisting of words which either refer to something in the speech situation (I, O), or are instead or point back to a noun . The clause that gives the pronoun content, called ante send either. Personal pronouns are words that can stand in place of names of people and things. Examples of such words are I, me, the, her. The personal pronouns are the only ones to have the case bending in modern Norwegian. They can either be in the nominative (subject form) or in the accusative (object form) (end of quote).

There are many places in scripture where it appears that the Holy Spirit is not a separate person, but part of God.

Psalm 51 13 Cast me not away from thy presence, take not from me thy Holy Spirit!

Translated by: Ruach which means breath, wind, spirit.

Then to add to this word, for it to match Trinity's manipulation and hypocrisy.

This is from the New Testament: 1 Joh. b. 4 13 That we are in him and he in us, we know because he has given us of his Spirit.

The Old Testament is written in Hebrew and the New in Greek, and they never use the personal pronoun here, but the word: pneumatos with small letter, which means spirit.

Trinity doctrine is not good enough either in the writing or grammar!

It shows that the Bible has the same type of letters everywhere:
Writing with small or large letters, verses, chapters are all man made.

When the books of the Bible was originally written, they did not contain chapter or verse references. The Bible was divided into chapters and verses to help us find fonts faster and easier. It is much easier to find "John chapter 3, verse 16" than it is to find "for God so loved the world ..." In a few places, the chapter breaks poorly located and as a result shared a content that will flow together. Overall, though, the chapter and verse division is very useful.

The chapter divisions used today was developed by Stephen Langton, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Langton put the modern chapter divisions in place approx. year 1227 The Wycliffe English Bible of 1382 was the first Bible to use this section pattern. Since the Wycliffe Bible, almost all Bible translations followed Langton chapter division.

The Hebrew Old Testament was divided into verses of a Jewish rabbi named Nathan in AD 1448. Robert Estienne, who was also known as Stephanus, was the first to share the New Testament in the standard numbered verses, in 1555. Stephanus mainly used Nathan's verses to divide the Old Testament. Since then, begins with the Geneva Bible, have chapter and verse structure. First made by Stephanus been accepted in almost all Bibles.

Holy Spirit is the real right name to use, and he does not have its own name as he of course is not a separate person, but part of the Godhead, Father and Son!

That the spirit may be wounded or otherwise respond, is a form of expression. Daniel had such a high spirit. Word of sticks as swords.

Word. 12. 18 Many speeches thoughtless word that sticks as swords, but they appear tongue is healing.

Where sticks the words? In our heart and spirit. I do not understand how one can defend the Trinity, it is really a lie learn. Just look at that those who pray to or worship the Holy Ghost is the most extreme and primitive Christians!

We find God the Father spoken by approx. 100 different names and attributes and Jesus with many more, but the holy spirit, not with one's own name, it speaks for itself. We can not find any description of the spirit as a person. But it is the responsibility of the events in the future. The Bible used terms Ruaha / pnevma, which also can be used for air movement (wind).

In earlier related religions, all these intellectual properties usually named with their own
God's name. In Norway today, we put it in a large bag with the tag of the Holy Spirit, for your convenience. In English, a distinction is a bit on "The Holy Ghost / The holy spirit" depending on what you have spent on the basic text. One should almost say in Norwegian that Mary was conceived by the Holy Ghost, and after the day of Pentecost came the holy spirit, it seems a bit more logical than that Jesus would send something that had already been there for 9 months before he was born.

Some of the spirits we meet in the Bible have different tasks.
Here are some examples:

Spirit of God (1 Mos 1.2 / Ruch Elohim)
Spirit of the Lord (Judges 3.10 / Ruch JHVA)
Wisdom Spirit (Isaiah 11.2 / Ruch chkme)
Intelligence Spirit (Isaiah 11.2 / Ruch Ubin)
Council Spirit (Isaiah 11.2 / Ruch Ubin)
Strengthened spirit (Isaiah 11, 2 / Ruch otze)
Knowledge Spirit (Isaiah 11.2 / Ruch u.gbure)
Spirit of fear (Isaiah 11.2 / Ruch u.irath)
Judgement spirit (Isa. 4.4 / Ruch mshpht)
Purification spirit (Isa. 4.4 / peak area)
Grace Spirit (Zech. 12.10 / rush CHN)
Prayer Spirit (Zech. 12.10 / Ruch developing thcnumim)
The good spirit (Neh. 9.20 / Ruch
The Holy Spirit (Ps. 51, 11 / rush qdsh)
Spirit of Truth (John 14.17 / pneuma atEtheias)
Spirit of faith (2 Corinthians 4.13 / pneuma pisteOs)
Revelation Spirit (Eph. 1.17 / pneuma Sofia)
Glory Spirit (1 Pet 4.14 / pneuma doxEs)
Advocates Governor's Spirit (John 14.26 / pneuma paraklEtos)
The Holy Ghost (Matt. 1, 18 / pneumatos hagiou)
The Holy Spirit (Eph. 1.13 / pneumati hagiO)
The spirit of Jesus (Gal 4,6 / pneuma huiou)
This wind / spirit has gotten a lot of tasks in NT:

Convince of sin (John 16:8)
Generate the new birth (John 3.5 to 6)
Witness the new birth (Rom 8.16
Clean Heart (App 15.8 to 9)
Pour out the love of God (Rom 5.5)
Give the power of prayer. (Romans 8.26)
Give power to witness for Christ (App 1.8)
transform and glorify the Christian life (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Renew (Titus 3.5)
The guide (John 16:13)
Mercy (John 14.16)
Effeser letter samples on their way to explain this wind works:

Sealed, (Ephesians 1:13)
Illumination (Eph 1.17)
Community (Ephesians 2:18)
The power (Ephesians 3:16)
Fullness (Ephesians 5:18)
Swords (Eph. 6.17)
Prayer (Ephesians 6.18)
In periods of life, we use these spiritual qualities different.

Within the education of children states that children learn not by what the adults say, they see only what one does and learn from it. In the same way it is with our Father in heaven. We can read us a lot, but we see only what he is doing among us through their minds in one form or another and I think because of that.

What is currently the most important task of the Holy Spirit with you?

In most places where the words Ruach and pneuma occurs, they are used for God's spirit, his active force, his holy spirit.

It was not until the 300-number e.v.t. the doctrine that the Holy Spirit is a person and a part of the "Godhead", was officially accepted as a religious dogma. The older "church fathers" maintained no such doctrine. On the 100-century learned Justinus Martyr that the Holy Spirit was 'divine influence or behavior'. Nor Hippolytus wrote to the Holy Spirit a personality. Bible books shows in consensus that the holy spirit is not a person but God's active force, which he uses to carry out its purpose and will.

Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit as a "help" and said that this helper would "learn", "witness", provide "convincing evidence," "lead," "speech", 'hear' and 'get'. It appears from the original Greek text that Jesus in this context sometimes used the personal pronoun in the masculine gender of this "help" (paraklet). (Cf. Jn 14: 16, 17, 26, 15: 26, 16: 7-15.) But the Bible is not unusual for something that is not a person becomes personified. Wisdom is personified in Proverbs book (1: 20-33, 8: 1-36), and female forms of the pronoun is used here about it in the Hebrew and also in many translations. (KJ, RS, JP, AT, see Words 8: 2, A, NB.) Wisdom is also personified in Matthew 11: 19 and Luke 7: 35, where it is described as someone who has both "works" and " children ". The apostle Paul spoke of both sin and death and grace as "kings." (Row 5: 14, 17, 21, 6: 12) He says about sin, that it "had an opportunity ',' wrought eagerly '," misled "and" killed ". (Ro 7: 8-11) It is nevertheless clear that Paul did not mean that sin is a person.

Jesus' words about the Holy Spirit, as John referred to, must also be seen in the context they are in. Jesus personified the holy spirit when he spoke of the spirit as a "help" (Group Images parạkletos, masculine). It is therefore rightly John in his rendition of Jesus' words use personal pronouns in the masculine gender when referring to the spirit as a "help". When however the Greek word pneuma is used in the same context, using John a pronoun in the neuter of the Holy Spirit, as the pneuma is a intetkjønnsord. The fact that John uses a personal pronoun in the masculine gender when referring to parạkletos, is an example that he follows the grammatical rules, and thus has not only doctrinal significance. - John 14: 16, 17, 16: 7, 8

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