No. 981:
Keys for answers to prayer and all hear me is not a
sign of God's favor!
There are times where I think that this prayer is
being abused. And it is also called hear me as not necessarily tell whether
they default on their spiritual lives.
I do not doubt for a second that instance. Jan Hanvold
also may have been answered prayer, he is an adulterer, fornicator, false
prophet and avgudyrker. Why? The use of Jesus 'name, although a living as a
spiritual rebel who Hanvold and all other Pentecostal Charismatic Christians
are mostly doing so there are undreamt blessings of prayer in Jesus' name. How
much more should not we living right and in accordance with the word of God be?
And pray to God the Father in Jesus' name? It is this courage that the writer
of Hebrews which I believe is the Apostle Paul we should not throw from us when
the great reward.
From my commentaries Hebrews 10 35 Cast not away
therefore your confidence! For the great reward.
What boldness is what we should not throw away and
take advantage of?
v. 19 So can we, brethren, by virtue of the blood of
Jesus boldly into the sanctuary.
The courage we have the blood of Jesus to come
understand our Father and God, we will never waste but use daily and several
times a day both alone and with other believers.
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There are those who ask, and receive answers to
prayer, but will allikvel perish!
This is something very, why is it so? This question
requires a long and comprehensive answer, but compromising me down to a simple
answer. So I would say the following: "Prayer in Jesus' name whatever
person it triggers totally great!"
So easy I would say it, that there are many people who
ask and they ask right in the sense that they make themselves using the name of
Jesus. To give a comparison, which I think is actually very aptly and good.
A Visa card works if one has the correct code, even if
it is the holder or a crook who uses it. So it is in many ways of praying in
Jesus' name, it works!
Even false prophets?
Matt. 7. 21 Far from everyone who says to me, Lord!
Lord! will enter the coming kingdom, but whoever does the Heavenly Father. 22
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord! have not we prophesied in Your
name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in thy name? And it
shall be revealed to them; those not recognized by me and I was not with them
when their lives were in lawlessness!
Here Jesus nothing to say to them that they did not
experience: "We're not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your
name, and done many miracles in your name."
Although Jesus does not deny it, but he said nothing
more, "? And it shall be revealed to them; those not recognized by me and
I was not with them when their lives were in lawlessness! '
They lived as they pleased, but experienced allikvel
God's goodness. So I think it can and for many, they get what they ask for.
When the user "Visa Card" which is prayer in Jesus' name, and it
works. But they live a life against the teachings of Jesus.
But for a true disciple of Jesus is also this praying,
and experience answers to prayer is very important and helps to enable us to
carry out Jesus' command to go into all the world and preach the gospel to
every creature
How then ask, to begin with it.
This I really already given the answer. We must above
all pray to God in Jesus' name, this is the model prayer and pattern way to
consult us to God. It will go through Jesus, then we get a direct access and
opportunity to have the living God. This I take very many scriptures on, take a
few here:
Joh.e. 14. 13 And whatever you ask in my name, I will
do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask anything in
my name, I will do it.
16. 23 On that day you will not have more to ask me
about. Verily, verily, I say unto you, If ye shall ask the Father for
something, he will give it in my name. 24 Until now you have not asked for
anything in my name. Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
Ap. cur. 3. 6 But Peter said, "Silver and gold
have I none, but what I have, I will give you. In Jesus Christ Nazareth, get up
and walk! "7 And he took him by the right hand and raised him up. Once he
got strength in the feet and ankles, 8 he jumped up, stood on his feet and
began walking. He followed them into the temple courtyard, where he soon went,
soon sprang while he sang and praised God. 9 And all saw how he went about
praising God. 10 They recognized him and knew that it was he who used to sit by
Beautiful Gate begging for gifts, and they were astonished and horrified by
what had happened to him.
11 The man
remained close to Peter and John, and full of wonder crowding all the people
together around them in Solomon's Porch. 12 When Peter saw it, he began to
speak to the people:
"Israel, why are you amazed at this? Why stare at us as if it were
our own power or piety that made this man walk? 13 No, Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus. You handed him and
denied him before Pilate, who had decided to release him. 14 You disowned the
Holy and Righteous One and asked to have a murderer released. 15 But life
originator killed you, whom God raised from the dead, that we are witnesses. 16
By faith in the name of Jesus has this happened, for that name has given
strength to this man whom you see and know. The faith we receive through this
name, has given man complete healing, as you can all see.
Notice that prayer should happen in the name of Jesus
to God, the Father and the miracle of this lame man also happened through
prayer in Jesus' name. What do we learn from this?
Final Comment:
Jakob 5. 1. And now, ye rich! Weep and howl for your
miseries that shall come upon you! 2 Your riches rotting, and your clothes are
moth-eaten, 3 gold and silver rust; and their rust will testify against you and
eat your flesh like fire. You've spent the time to collect treasures! 4 But listen:
The crying out loud, the wages you withheld from the workers who cut your
fields, and behold, the cry of them reapers has reached Lord Sabaoth ear. 5 You
have lived in luxury on the earth, and made the hearts fat for a day of
slaughter. 6 The righteous have you sentenced to death, and no one oppose you.
I believe in prayer, and to get answers to prayer. But
what do you answer to prayer? That is the big question!
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