onsdag 30. januar 2019

No. 1765: The mighty opposition to President Donald Trump looks more and more like it is anti-Christian, evil and demonic when Trump opposes any form of globalism and dares to speak out what he believes and stands for!

No. 1765:
The mighty opposition to President Donald Trump looks more and more like it is anti-Christian, evil and demonic when Trump opposes any form of globalism and dares to speak out what he believes and stands for!

Picture of Hillary Clinton where she's really loose against anyone who disagrees with her, the lady unfortunately only has one agenda, "mingle" her own cake to get herself up and down.
The Norwegian state has also paid up to half a billion to her and her husband.
About directly into the account camouflaged behind the Clinton Foundation, with money supposedly going to aid. Talk about being corrupt, both the Norwegian state and the couple Bill and Hillary Clinton. Think, create a foundation and get half a billion of just Norway + everyone else who has encountered this.

Blue. the world's richest man Bill Gates and the Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk.

I'm far from agreeing with Donald Trump in all things, but anyway.
The great resistance, heat and lies he goes through is not just because Trump is "special". But because he stands for something and what he stands for is in many ways founded on biblical and healthy principles.
While his ardent opponent of Presidential office in the United States was really shaking the opposite as great for what I would call universalism which is directly dangerous and anti-Christian.
It is God who created the national states. Therefore, this is actually what is happening today in the United States, a spiritual battle. There Trump in spite of all his shortcomings, faults and shortcomings was and is the best man the United States may have for not the United States to go the doll already now.
They want to go the doll, but with Trump as President, in many ways this is "exposed". With Hillary Clinton as President, it had happened far faster!

Final Comment:

It's not that I get so much involved in this, but after all, Donald Trump was a much better choice than Hillary Clinton's.
Not least in retrospect when I have seen what they have attacked Donald Trump for.
He wants to promote the United States, and everything the United States stands for. It's really good, so it should be. That one primarily focuses on one's own manpower, one's own skill and protects one's own country's interests. God has set boundaries between countries, they must and should we respect, something Trump does.

Acts 17. 24 God, who made the world and all that is in it, he who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 Neither is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything; he himself gives all life and breath and all things; 26 And he caused all nations to dwell in one blood throughout all the world, and set them times and boundaries between their dwellings; 27 that they might seek God, though they could feel and find him, though he was not far from any man. the only one of us.

Yes, it clearly says the following "set them fixed times and boundaries between their dwellings, that they might seek God, though they might feel and find him, even though he is not far from any of us."

It is God who has set the borders between us humans, that is God-will. But at the same time, the United States and the Western world will probably go "under" in World War III. So what we now see is only positive in the short term. The United States, like the entire Western world, will probably just go further and further away from God.
We read Bl.a. with the prophet Ezekiel about this that the United States and the Western world will be hard hit during World War III and not rise any more.

Ezekiel 39. 6 And I will send fire upon Magog, and upon them that dwell safely in the isles, and shall know that I am the Lord.

This is imagery, written 2600 years ago. But that this applies above all to the US and the western world that "fire" in the form of bombs - rather than atomic bombs - that will hit the US and us in the western world in connection with the Gog war, I see as quite safe and what among other things. the prophet Ezekiel depicts.
Also refers to my Bible commentaries on John's Revelation. Read them yourself here:

søndag 27. januar 2019

No. 1764: There are times when believers turn from the Lord, that one also gives enemy - Satan - space, to come into our lives!

No. 1764:
There are times when believers turn from the Lord, that one also gives enemy - Satan - space, to come into our lives!

The picture from the fire on Scandinavian Star, which unfortunately so many died.

1 Cor. 5. All things are heard of adultery among you, and such adultery that is not even mentioned among the Gentiles: that one adheres to his father's wife. 2 And ye are puffed up, but ye shall rather mourn, that whosoever hath done this work may come out from among you. 3 For I, for my part, who is absent with the body, but present with the spirit, already have, as though I were present, made the judgment of the one who did this, 4 that he should enter into the name of our Lord Jesus, being and my spirit gathers in the power of our Lord Jesus, 5 given to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

If we as believers do not turn to God but from God. Then we open up to Satan, sin, darkness and demons in our lives. Unfortunately, we all do this from time to time. But when it is about to become a position for us, it gets worse.

Here we read that there were saved people in Corinth who began to live in sin after they were saved. And in fact, they were living so obviously sins that it was not wrong to be wrong. They lived with their father's wife who was not their mother.
In other words, it seems that their fathers had not been saved, but those who saved new ones took part in the sins of the pagan. For our family members who are not saved are Gentiles even though they are close to us as our carnal relatives.
All the time it is a struggle for us believers not to be caught by the world, sinned, the flesh and all the unclean we have been saved and set free in!

2 Pet. 2. 20 For if they have fled from the uncleanness of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and then being captured by it and lying under it, then the latter has become worse with them than the first. .

A brother with whom I attended Bible School later claimed that I was infiltrated by unclean spirit powers when I claimed, taught, and believed that the congregation was not going through the great tribulation.

For me, it is okay for people to think, believe and learn differently from me. I can handle that. But to assert that I was ruled and led by darkness when I argued and saw the congregation not going through the great tribulation. Then I think the person has left the right path, and has even come into the dark.

2. Pet. 2. 15 They have forsaken the way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam's son, who loved the wages of unrighteousness 16, and was reproved for his own righteousness; 17 These are waterless wells; The night of darkness is ready for them.

The person who claimed this was hit by a major tragedy for some time when his newly-married wife and the child she had in her stomach died during the tragic Scandinavian Star fire. Scripture says, "They have forsaken the path and gone astray, the night of darkness is ready for them."

The person himself survived in with his own son, while his wife died so tragically and she was pregnant, then two people died.
It has great consequences for us to leave the Lord after we have come to know Him. Here it became a deadly end, where they were obviously not under God's grace, protection and rule anymore with their lives.
But it was the darkness, Satan and the demons like the council. We know what Satan and the demons bring, the opposite of Jesus and God.

Joh. e. 10. 10 The thief comes only to steal and murder and destroy; I have come to have life and abundance.

What he did by trying to both grieve my Bible view that the congregation is not going through the great tribulation.

And to call it false doctrine and that it was from the dark. Then he went over a "spiritual" line that was bad. At the same time, he did some other things that I will not mention since the person a few years ago asked for forgiveness.
So that from my side it is out of the world. But there were big consequences for him, unfortunately. Something it does when we have learned the Lord first, and turn away from Him and walk on our own and the darkness.

Luke 11. 24 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, it goes through dry places and seeks rest, and when it does not find it, it says: I will return to my house from which I went. 25 And when it comes, it finds it swept and decorated. 26 Then it goes away and takes with it seven other spirits, worse than itself, and they go in and live there, and the latter is worse with that man than the first.

Notice that for more than that, Jesus' word of God and the Spirit of God have been working in their lives, and one goes away from it. Worse, if one does not take care of his spiritual life. The one Spirit that one has had before becoming a believer. It returns itself, and with seven worse spirits than itself, and what happens then?

Then one has opened up to the darkness and the forces of Satan again, as happened to my former Bible school friend.
He opposed the Lord, the word of God and all that has to do with God. And the consequences were fatal, all of which we must be aware of.
At the same time, the scripture is full of such examples that there are people who have served the Lord. Then they slip away from it, and the consequences are always negative.
Sometimes fatal, sometimes not quite that bad. But the fruit is always negative, not positive, good and heavenly.

Think Eg. on Samson, he served the Lord. But then he let go of sin and darkness. And it got to his path, and his eyes were stuck on him. When he died, he died tragically as a prisoner of the enemy. Although he killed many in his death, more than he did through his life. Then he died blindly and as a prisoner.

Think of King David, who opened up for sin. His son he got into adultery died, and in fact all the children turned against him more or less. As well as his son who followed him on the throne. Began in Spirit and also entered a life of sin. The list is long and we can continue in time both backwards and forwards in the Bible.

Final Comment:

Having seen a long life with the Lord, living with God has major consequences. Therefore, Jesus gave us several examples that we must think of Christian life as more like a marathon race than a 100 meter race.

Luke 14. 28 For whoever of you, who will build a tower, will not sit down first, counting on what it will cost, if he has enough to finish it with; Able to complete it, all who see it will start to mock him and say: 30 This man began to build, and was not able to finish it? 31 Or what king that goeth out to meet another king in battle, first not sit down, and counsel whether he is able, with ten thousand, to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? 32 But if he can not, then he will send messengers to him, while he is still far off, and ponder about peace.

Note that Jesus compared it to building a building.
Here's a tower. You have to count on how much the tower costs to build before you begin. So it is to live as a believer, one has to expect to live the Christian life not just one day, a few days. But a lifetime, and forever!

Furthermore, Jesus said it was like going out in war and being inferior to the enemy. What do you do? Either you go for victory, or you think about peace.

The person formerly my Bible school friend had not calculated well enough to serve the Lord. When one also opened up to the spiritual world, he trampled to the degrees of error in a crucial phase of his life.
If one then "changes" page as he did, the consequences are often very large. Here it ended in the most tragic way. I hope and believe that he has returned to the Lord, but the warnings are here for everyone to take care of their spiritual life rather than anything else.
To begin with is not complete, it is about standing out the distance!

1 Cor. 10. 11 This happened to them as role models, but it is written for admonition to us, to whom the last times have come. 12 Therefore, whoever seems to stand, he sees to it that he does not fall! 13 There is no temptation for you, which men cannot bear; and God is faithful, who will not let you be tempted over ability, but make both the temptation and its exit, that you may endure it.

I have written about this so that others have to think about the consequences of having once served the Lord. But turning away from it, so can and will have consequences.
Sometimes as here, they become extreme. Even then, one can come back to God and receive new grace, forgiveness, and restoration with God in Christ Jesus!

Joel 2. 25 And I will restore to you the years that the plunder hath eaten up all things, and the leper and the shearer and the rod, my great army, which I sent unto you. 26 And ye shall eat, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, which hath made you wonderful, and my people shall never be ashamed. 27 And ye shall know that I dwell in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else; and my people shall never be put to shame.

Yes, so is God, even the most tragic he can and he will turn to the best for us if we repent. Seek Him and ask God and people for forgiveness, restoration and healing!

fredag 25. januar 2019

No. 1763: January 25, 2019 today - January 25, 1981 I was saved and born again!

No. 1763:
January 25, 2019 today - January 25, 1981 I was saved and born again!

Think 38 years ago I became a new creature in Christ Jesus, Hallelujah.

2 Cor. 5. 17 Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old is past, see, everything has become new!

Picture by Jan Kåre Christensen some years ago.

Here's an article about my testimony that I wrote some years ago.
My personal testimony!

I will come up with how I experienced salvation and Jesus Christ.
I was born in Denmark, Lemvig in 1964. But we lived in Thyborøn where my Father grew up.
We moved to Skudeneshavn at Karmøy in 69 where my mother comes from.

I look back on growing up as very good. My big interest eventually became sports and especially football.
As I recall, I had the super good purely human. Life smiled at me and I smiled to life.

But then there was a football fellow of mine who was saved and born again. I noticed that there had been a change with him.
On one occasion after he had been saved, we received a conversation on a second hand. Then he laid out the path of salvation for me. Then there was no way back.

I joined him in meetings of the Free Evangelical Assembly Ebenezer. After 3 weeks of regular meeting visits, I bowed my heart and knee to Jesus and was saved and born again. Then I was 16, January 25, 1981.

Wonderful, wonderful and great. I became a child of God by faith in Jesus Christ.

Since then I have experienced both one and the other. But what happened when I was 16 years ago has been holding it. And I think it will last for the rest of your life and throughout eternity.

Salvation is the best, greatest and most important thing that has happened to me.

Highly recommended! Dice throw 7.


torsdag 24. januar 2019

No. 1762: Judah Makkabi and Hanukkah Party!

No. 1762:
Judah Makkabi and Hanukkah Party!

The 15th kislev in the year 145, the devastating abomination was raised on the burnt altar. In the cities around Judea they left idols, and at the house doors and on the streets they sacrificed incense. The law books, which they found, tore them apart and burned up, and if they came upon someone who had a book of covenants, or who adhered to the law, was sentenced to death by the King's decree. This is how they go about power month after month against the Israelites arrested in the cities.
For the Jews it meant that they had to forget their holy scriptures, and that all Jewish commandments were abolished. Idols should be built, unclean animals sacrificed, and anyone who did not obey the king's words should be punished with death. December 6, 167 before our era, the abomination of destruction, an idol for the Greek god Zeus, was raised on the altar of burnt sacrifice in the Temple of Jerusalem (1 Maccabee 1.54).
Statue of Zeus Fidias created the 12 meter high statue of Zeus at Olympia approx. 435 BC This was perhaps the most famous sculpture in ancient Greece, here in a thoughtful version of a 16th-century engraving.

In 1988, the Norwegian Bible Society reissued the Apocrypha, writings that have not been included in the Bible, but which belong to the era of approx. 400 years from what we Christians call the Old Testament and until the New Testament time. Among these writings we find the macabre books. They tell about the historical background of Hanukkah, the candlelight, which [...]

In 1988, the Norwegian Bible Society reissued the Apocrypha, writings that have not been included in the Bible, but which belong to the era of approx. 400 years from what we Christians call the Old Testament and until the New Testament time.

Among these writings we find the macabre books. They tell of the historical background of the Hanukkah, the festival of light, which Jews all over the world celebrate today, and who were Jesus' "Christmas". Macabre time lasted from 167 to 63 BC.

A very well-known hymn in Christianity is "You be honored, Lord of the power of death." The tone of this hymn is written by one of Christianity's greatest composers, Georg Fiedrich Handel. The melody and the original text, however, are not linked primarily to Christianity, but belong to the Oratory of Judas Macabre, a tribute to one of Judaism's greatest liberation heroes, Judah Makkabi (Hammer).

After the Jews had been in captivity for 70 years in Babylon, the Persian King, who had now also taken power over Babylonia, allowed them to return to their land. Also Israelis who were imprisoned to Asyria 722 BC began to return to their homeland. But many, however, remained abroad, where they had now established a new existence. Those who went home increased with time, and Jerusalem began to re-gain importance in the Jewish world. But the country was one of many countries under the sovereignty of the Great Persian Empire.

Then came a new era. From the west, Macedon Alexsander came the great and crushed Persian king in the battle of Issos in 333 BC. Thus came the Jewish kingdom under a religious and cultural influence that was uniquely Greek, even though the country was later ruled both from Egypt and then from Syria. However, Greek thought and language marked the inner Mediterranean region for centuries.

When the Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes, as prophet Daniel prophesied (Dan. 7: 8), came to power, it became bad to be a believing Jew. It began with the fact that Jews who oriented themselves in pagan boredom went to the king and were allowed to follow Greek law and instead of the Jewish (1st Mak. 1, 13 fg). They went so far that they were allowed to operate to hide the tracks of circumcision.

The next move came from Antioch himself. He waged war against the Romans over the rule of Egypt. So his way also went over Judea. He marched with a mighty army up against Jerusalem. He overpowered the treasures of the temple. Many were killed during this action. Two years later he again sent an army to the city, looted it, set it on fire and tore down both walls and houses. Women and children were taken away as prisoners; They also dragged the cattle with them. Then he sent out a decree that under his rule it should only be a kingdom, with one people and one faith.

For the Jews it meant that they had to forget their holy scriptures, and that all Jewish commandments were abolished. Idols should be built, unclean animals sacrificed, and anyone who did not obey the king's words should be punished with death. December 6, 167 before our era, the abomination of destruction, an idol for the Greek god Zeus, was raised on the altar of burnt sacrifice in the Temple of Jerusalem (1 Maccabee 1.54).

Northwest of Jerusalem lay the small town of Mode`in. There lived Mattatja the priest with her family. The Syrian king's men promised Mattatiah, who was a leader in the city, that he and his sons would receive great rewards for sacrificing idolatry. This rejected Mattatja with strong words. When another Jew wanted to make the sacrifice, the priest killed him and the king's officer. The idol he tore down.

In the wilderness it now became a believer e Jews with their families under Mattathaiah and the leadership of his sons. From there they drove guerrilla warfare against the enemy while they tore down idolatry around the country, circumventing all little boys within the borders of Judaism. After Mattatja died in 167 BC. , the son, Juda Makkabi, became the leader of the rebels. His four brothers stood with him in the fight, and all were praised for their wisdom and courage. Judah has entered history as a military genius. The flock around the Macabean brothers grew ever larger. His relatively small divisions invariably attacked the large, but the heavier, Syrian forces. After three years of bloody war with several major battles, Judah and his men took Jerusalem and restored the Jewish temple service. The tradition says that when they arrived at the temple, they found just enough sacred, inward oil for the candlestick for one day. But day after day for eight days, the holy fire burned. For eight days, the believers celebrated the re-initiation of the Temple with great joy. With green branches and palm leaves in their hands, they sang praises to the Lord. When the celebration was over, the temple's faithful had gotten hold of new, dedicated oil. Since then, for over two thousand years, Judah Makkabi has been standing as the ideal and ideal of the Jewish people.

After the first feast after the dedication of the temple, it was decided by public regulation and by joint decision of the new independent people that the entire Jewish people should celebrate these days each year (2 Maccabees 10: 8). And so it is. Hanukkah, which the party is called, is celebrated every year, and in memory of the lamp oil that burned for eight days, the Hanukkah candles are lit. A light is lit in memory of the one-day supply of oil. Then it is used to light the eight other lights, a new one in addition to the others for each day, until all the lights burn for over two thousand years, the praise has sounded:

Praise His Holy Name,
all the king of the world and our God!
He is what has given us life.
He has preserved us,
and he has led us to today.

Return layer after Siddur.
(Jewish prayer book).

1. Macbook 1, 41-64:

    King Antiochus issued a decree to his entire kingdom that all should be one people, and that every one should give up his own customs and customs. All the heathen peoples obeyed the king's words; even many in Israel liked his worship, and worshiped idols and profaned the Sabbath.

    Moreover, to Jerusalem and to the cities of Judea, the king sent messengers to declare that the people should follow the customs and ordinances that were alien to the land. It was forbidden to sacrifice burnt offerings, sacrifices and drink offerings in the temple; Sabbaths and feasts should be made unclean, the temple, and its holy servants. They were to establish sacrificial altars, sacred groves and idols, and sacrifice pork and other unclean animals. "They would not circumcise their sons, and they would defile themselves with the offense of all that was profane, so that they forgot the law and abolished all commandments. Anyone who did not obey the king's words should be punished with death.

    So were the regulations that were given out for the whole kingdom. He set overseers all over the people, and commanded the cities of Judea to sacrifice, city by city. Many of the people failed the law. They flocked around these caretakers and did what was bad in the country. But the Israelites were driven to seek hiding anywhere they could find a haven.

    The 15th kislev in the year 145, the devastating abomination was raised on the burnt altar. In the cities around Judea they left idols, and at the house doors and on the streets they sacrificed incense. The law books, which they found, tore them apart and burned up, and if they came upon someone who had a book of covenants, or who adhered to the law, was sentenced to death by the King's decree. This is how they go about power month after month against the Israelites arrested in the cities.

    On the twenty-fifth day of the month they sacrificed on the altar of idol that was erected over the altar of burnt offering. The women who had let their children be circumcised were killed, as required, and their infants were hung after their necks, mothers. Also their families and those who had performed the circumcision were killed.

    Yet many in Israel were empowered to resist, determined not to eat anything unclean. They preferred to die rather than eat unclean food and to profane the sacred covenant and die. A great anger came upon Israel.

tirsdag 22. januar 2019

No. 1761: 31th wedding anniversary today January 22, this testifies to God's great goodness, love and grace toward us as a married couple and family!

No. 1761:
31th wedding anniversary today January 22, this testifies to God's great goodness, love and grace toward us as a married couple and family!

Would like to thank everyone who has sent us congratulations and gifts. The gifts go to the work of the Oslo Bible Education Center and the Heavenly Blog.

Do you need intercession and support for further work and service, will you join?

Here is the account number in DNB: 0535 06 05845

Be Blessed in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

The possibilities are many, but then we have to stand together and help each other forward in the service!

Here is the wedding picture of me and Berit N Christensen on January 22, 1988 here in Oslo as we got married and we have three children whom God has blessed us with.

lørdag 19. januar 2019

No. 1760: Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp tries again and again to mislead everyone into believing that I have called him one and the other, when I have only pointed out that he is living in adultery after the words of the scripture to be married as a believer!

No. 1760:
Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp tries again and again to mislead everyone into believing that I have called him one and the other, when I have only pointed out that he is living in adultery after the words of the scripture to be married as a believer!

Narreapostel Jan Aage Torp calls me "Anders Behring Breivik sympathizer, twin soul and follower".
Lower, simpler and more ugly it is not possible to call some people in Norway. At that level is Torp, and goes free the police and the judiciary when they hate me who persists and lives by the word of God, which the world has always done.

It is strange with a psychopath like Jan Aage Torp who never does anything wrong himself.
There is always everyone else, not him.
Whether Torp is a leper, a narcissist or a proper man does not matter to me.
It is that he is re-married - and only what has been and is my concern is to point out that Torp lives against the Bible's message.
That he is also a narcissist and spiritually leprosy in living in sin is a result of living in adultery and rebelling against God and his words.

This writes Torp:
The Illusion of Revival Christianity

The least of all means is to (p) make his opponent sick. That is why the courts of modern Norwegian strike hard on such. When an Oslo blogger had called me "self-centered, nasty, rude, narcissistic, sick, tyrant, psychopath and leprosy" for many years, he was charged, judged and punished by four courts. Illusion is, in short, a criminal offense.
(quote end).

In fact, no one is better at this than Jan Aage Torp, here is some of what he has called me. Taking one with what he has called everyone else, then there will be several books.
This is what Jan Aage Torp has written about me on many different forums and websites.

"Anders Behring Breivik sympathizer, twin soul and follower". (many, many times).

"If one wanted a" wish opponent ", then Jan Kåre Christensen is" perfect ".

Furthermore, Torp writes that I am filth, stalker, totally unintelligible, a nulled, "hat-blogger", idiot, demon, liens, lowly blogs, missions that lack the mind of Christ, ordinary judgment and social intelligence. The rumor JKC and true to say are his insights into English and Norwegian quite limited too!

I am beaten by which low level JKC acts on…. ”

About the celestial blog: "that is confused, naughty, evil and stupid - across. It should be closed, briefly. He also writes this about the celestial blog: "Jan Kåre Christensen's U-heavenly blog!"

“I want the police to charge and bring him to court. I have no scruples about having to zone. "

One should probably call it a variant of social pornography »+ Much, much more!

Final Comment:

When Torp pulls this up again and again it is only for one thing that it should not come out that he lives in sin with his life.
Therefore, he attacks me again and again in areas that are completely immaterial.
Whether Torp is psychopath or not, it really has zero significance.
They call me the worst words it is possible to call someone for,
"Anders Behring Breivik sympathizer, twin soul and follower".

What I am trying to convey through spiritual truths is my only goal. It does not even mention Torp, even though he says of himself that he is an apostle. Only it testifies that he is a false apostle.

Joh. Obvious. 2. 2 I know of thy works, and of thy work, and of thy patience, and that thou canst not suffer the wicked; you have tried those who say they are apostles and are not, and you have found them to be liars;

torsdag 17. januar 2019

No. 1759: The false prophet (self-appointed) Jan Hanvold leads the "herd" behind the light when he claims that Vision Norway is thrown out of its premises!

No. 1759:
The false prophet (self-appointed) Jan Hanvold leads the "herd" behind the light when he claims that Vision Norway is thrown out of its premises!

Jan Hanvold appears as a man who has no form of discipline, self-control or self-insight in some areas of his life.
Here's an article about him:

Here an imaginary picture of Vision Norway's front page.

Matthew 24. 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, See that no man lead you astray. 5a For many shall come in my name.

When Jesus was to perform the events of the end time - the time we are in now.
Then this was with delusion in the spiritual area he mentioned first.
Notice what Jesus says:
"Make sure no one wants you! For many will come in my name. "

Jan Hanvold is now creating sympathy for himself - but the truth is that he comes out very well when he has sold his premises to a Swedish real estate company.
Where he earns very good money, can terminate employees and have them work for themselves for free! Hanvold obviously has a very clear strategy here!

This is nothing else a trick!

Think, here he'll move out. Having signed a contract, he says that he is being thrown out and that is Christian persecution.
This is to bring people behind the light.
They have to go out before they had planned, it is poorly done and little flexible by PBE in Drammen municipality.
But calling this a Christian persecution and creating the impression that now they must stand together and give money. Much money, incessant with money!
Last autumn, Drammen municipality notified hard measures to the TV preacher Jan Hanvold and the channel TV Visjon Norway, which the municipality believes is illegal. The building in which the TV channel is located should never have been approved for television activities.
Meanwhile, Hanvold has sold its premises, so all that is now happening is only an "advantage" for Hanvold and Vision Norway.

Hanvold says that he and Visjon Norway get a fine if they are not out of the premises before January 23. And this is Christian persecution etc.

I agree that PBE in Drammen municipality is not very flexible here. But at the same time, Hanvold now creates sympathy in and around himself. Can terminate people on the pretext that they do not have room for all employees etc.

This is a case that Hanvold can turn around exactly where he wants. Only one person benefits from this, it is Jan Kaare Hanvold.

Final Comment:

Jan Hanvold said on TV that we as Christians must conform to the authorities etc.
When the former "prison bird" Jan Hanvold himself says something like that, it is only for him to "serve" him. The man is only looking for a thing, money, satisfied for the flesh and sex! Therefore also can be divorced and remarried the herb times!

mandag 14. januar 2019

No. 1758: It screams about killing the Norwegian wolf, but the real problem is that today's sheep are bred and suffering from it!

No. 1758:
It screams about killing the Norwegian wolf, but the real problem is that today's sheep are bred and suffering from it!

We have written some articles on other things a purely spiritual thing also on the heavenly blog. We take up the direct wolf resistance that is really human.
The climate crisis they are screaming for is not man-made, but it is this conflict.
This is not recorded.

Picture of Norwegian wildsau which unfortunately has erased here in Norway. Especially where the wolf is and is being accused of killing sheep galore.
The wolf kills offspring, not the sheep that is natural to him.

This again only shows that it is the sheep, not the wolf, which is the main problem when we in Norway have bred a sheep that does not naturally belong here.

From Wikipedia:

Old-fashioned sheep, also called austevoldssau, utegangersau, steinaldersau, ursau and villsau, is a Norwegian sheep breed that has been rebuilt on the remains of the original landrace that existed in Norway and in parts of Europe in general. The breed belongs to the so-called shorthaires and is relatively small of growth.

Old-fashioned sheep is a primitive and very old sheep type. Aries weighs approx. 43 kg in average, while the lakes usually weigh about 32 kg. According to Breed and Livestock, sheep from the Bergen district have been estimated to be descendants of sheep that have existed here for more than 3,000 years.

Old-fashioned sheep are light-skinned and fast compared to other sheep. It can go out all year. Wool is fine and varies in color from almost white to gray and brown shades and patterns to near black. If ulla grows freely, it falls off in early July. It is not normally collected, and it is rarely anyone using it for knitting or weaving, since the yarn is often rough.

The lakes get one to two lambs, depending on the supply of nutrients in time before the cover and during the winter. In the event of poor access to food in the winter, there may be a big difference between the lambs if there are two, and in most cases the sea rejects the least. At birth, the lambs weigh approx. 3 kg. The lakes have good maternal instincts and are often left to rest for up to 3 days while getting acquainted with the lamb and getting stronger and steadier on the legs. Then she follows the herd, which helps protect her offspring as well.

All the creatures as well as approx. 10% of the lions develop horns. The lakes get relatively small, goat-like horns, while the creatures develop powerful, muflon-like horns. The horns develop during the first year of life and then grow most during the summer.

Old-fashioned sheep have a unique flight behavior compared to other sheep. When it flees from predators it will spread out in fan shape. The strongest animals will dominate the flight and pull their predators so that the weakest can hide. Since this sheep is very fast, the loss of sheep as a result of predators is almost never recorded. The disadvantage is that this sheep is also not as easy to control with a shepherd dog, as it will use the same flight behavior to this one. The result is that the dogs will return with only a few animals. The sheep will also put on the swim to avoid being caught.

From Store Norwegian Encyclopedia

Villsau is a commonly used term for old Norwegian sheep of the colt type, actually a stupid tamsau. Villsauen survived on islands along the west coast and has since the 1950s spread along the entire Norwegian coast. The wilderness graze all year round, also in winter. Along the coast, and especially on some of the larger islands in Western Norway, the climate is so mild that the animals can survive throughout the year. In severe cold conditions and in case of major snowfalls, they are often given supplementary feed. Norsk Villsaulag was founded in 1995 and counts almost 400 villa farmers along the coast from Agder to Finnmark.

From NRK

Not just all right with Norwegian sheep ...

It is heavier, slower and probably a lot dumber than before. The breeding has probably made the Norwegian sheep less suitable for meeting predators.

Today's sheep farming is at the expense of the sheep's natural instincts. This suggests research from Bioforsk Nord. Natural instincts such as herding, the lambs staying close to the mother, and the constant vigilance of predators are less prevalent among modern sheep breeds than Norwegian urea. Some of the reason is that we have had very few predators in Norway for a long time. Once these are on their way back, the conflict is further reinforced because the sheep have "forgotten" how to behave.

Today's agriculture is far from the old mode of operation, where there were a number of different sheep breeds that were adapted to the valleys, mountains, climate and dangers that characterized the area they lived in. Today, about 80 - 85 percent of all the sheep belong to the same breed , Norwegian white sheep. This is a mixed breed, a mix of the old Norwegian sheep breeds, including races from other places in the world.

Norwegian white sheep get many lambs, which in turn grows rapidly up to harvest weight. Also the quality of wool and meat is good. What you have not focused on is the ability to escape predators. All breeding has focused on fast growing lambs and the best possible meat filling. Avlskriterier NSG has therefore led to the sheep becoming larger. An adult sheep can now weigh up to 100 kg, which is as much as a small bear.

Final Comment:

In many ways one can say that this is a man-made problem.
We have bred a sheep that does not naturally fit in, at the same time it goes on pasture without a shepherd.
In other countries, they manage to get the most out, also that wildlife, livestock and people live together.
One should get in Norway, too!

søndag 13. januar 2019

No. 1757: My fight against Jan Aage Torp, the Oslo police and the authorities has been like fighting a fight against "amphibians", where they have penetrated me and my family without us wishing and wishing it!

No. 1757:
My fight against Jan Aage Torp, the Oslo police and the authorities has been like fighting a fight against "amphibians", where they have penetrated me and my family without us wishing and wishing it!

Those who draw one for the courts are like "toads" when they have a "married" in themselves who is evil, dangerous and demonic as not least one finds in Jan Aage Torp's evil hardening heart where he wants me to be in prison.
When he does not succeed, it is that I will pay $ 1000 for every day in fines to the authorities for his huge hatred for me and the word of God!

The evil and dangerous Jan Aage Torp who is slick and "bleak" as a toad, and has "married" itself as a toad (resembling frogs) as the word of God says (this is what the word of God speaks of such as Torp, who lives in sin according to the word of God).
That when the evil and bad Jan Aage Torp wants me 2 years in prison, 1000, - in fine every day when he fails to get me in jail.
Assistant Attorney Ann Helen Aarø arranged for the Torp couple without paying a penny for their efforts. When the hatred of my preaching for the Christian marriage is so great and intense.
Aarø submitted a claim for damages on behalf of the Torp couple in Oslo District Court through police lawyer Dag Paulsen.
The claim was 50,000 kroner, then in court they pulled me for.
But fortunately, not one of Torp's prosecutors has actually brought forward, hallelujah!
Even the direct and ugly verdict against me has no significance as I can write and speak as before when American authorities do not care about the act of a Norwegian judgment!
Picture of the American flag, which allows me to preach and speak freely when American authorities care about the act of a judgment from Norway or Saudi Arabia. Thank God for the United States, the freedom they have is precious.

From my Bible commentaries John Revelation 16. 13 Then I saw three unclean spirits coming out of the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet, resembling frogs.

Now the frogs are on their way. We know what the frogs do, they turn to each other. And exactly what the different nations do. They will all remove Israel once and for all, and be allowed to believe, think and live as one wants.
It is those who use this word to make it a Satanic trinity, therefore, it is a Divine Trinity.
How to lie to himself and others.
Here it is talked about a Satanic quartet.
1.) The dragon is Satan
2.) The animal is Antichrist
3.) The False Prophet as the Pope in Rome is a role model
4.) The frogs are a picture of the Satanic and anti-Christian spirit that is active today!
Hope you do not build your Trinity doctrine on a Satanic Quarter but it is possible that it is he who is behind the Trinity doctrine which is an ancient Egyptian and Hellenistic doctrine.
Here really comes the Trinity doctrine from:
The universal goddess.
The sovereignty of the universal goddess of the Hellenistic world cannot be illustrated by the Greek Demeter and the Egyptian Isis, but also by two other goddesses; the Syrian goddess Atargatis and the Phrygian goddess Cybele.
Atargatis identified the Greeks mostly with Zeus saying Hela, but where attributes of other goddesses were added, such as Athens, Aphrodite, Artemis.
Cybele was identified by the Greeks with godmother Rea and with Demeter, but as a goddess in the near Austen was most associated with Atargatis.
These goddesses show the important feminisation of the gods was in Hellenism (according to Luther H. Martin), both as universal mother goddesses and as goddesses for the many women who participated in many different mysteries and cultures. This feminization was supposed to change.
Believing in the Catholic Trinity doctrine which unfortunately has adopted most Protestant churches and churches is idolatry and violations of God's word.

14 These are demonic spirits who do miracles and signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world to gather them to the war of the great day of God Almighty. -

Now everything will build up against this battle. Satan has been trying for 6,000 years to destroy, infiltrate, and confound everything that is God and what He stands for through.
But has not succeeded and now he takes spoon in his own hands and causes everyone to attack Israel. What Hitler and Germany did not do. What many others have tried and do not succeed, he puts it all on a card to cope with that people! (quote end).

In recent years, there has been a lot of struggle, which has been totally unaccounted for when I have neither done anything for it nor sought out the people who have made a lot of nausea. Not least the people around Jan Aage Torp, the police and the courts here in Norway.
It is as it says in David it says in one of their hymns.

Psalm 2. Why do the Gentiles lament and bask the people for what is vanity? 2 The kings of the earth shall rise, and the princes shall consult together with the LORD, and with his anointed; 4 He who thinks in heaven laughs, the Lord mocks them.

Imagine, here I only and alone conveyed the Bible's message through legal channels such as YouTube, own blog g, own website etc.

So they drag me to the courts with a fictitious review etc. There is nothing but the Bible's words that come true.

Matt. 10. 16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; Therefore, be wise as snakes and simple as doves! 17 But watch out for men! for they shall deliver you to the courts and to you scoffing in their synagogues; 18 And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony to them, and to the Gentiles. 19 But when they surrender you, be not anxious how or what ye shall speak; for it shall be given to you at the same time as ye shall speak. 20 For it is not ye that speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. 21 And brother shall surrender brother to death, and a father his child, and children shall rise up against parents, and cause their death; 22 And ye shall be hated of all for my name's sake; but he who endures to the end, he shall be saved.

Notice what it says: "But watch out for the people! for they shall deliver you up to the courts, and ye shall scourge in their synagogues.

The same thing we meet here at Markus. "9 But beware! They shall surrender you to the courts, testifying to them. "

Mark 13. 9 But beware! They will deliver you to the courts, and you will be stroked in synagogues and set before governors and kings for my sake, for their witness. 10 And first, the gospel must be preached to all nations. 11 And when they bring you forth, and deliver you up, be not anxious before what ye shall speak. but what is given to you in that same hour, you shall speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.

Even Jacob, the Lord's brother says the same. "Is it not the rich who subdue you, and who bring you before the courts?"

James 2. 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who subdue you, and who bring you before the courts? 7 Are not those who mock the good name you are mentioned with?

Those who draw one for the courts are like "toads" when they have a "married" in themselves who is evil, dangerous and demonic as not least one finds in Jan Aage Torp's evil hardening heart where he wants me to be in prison. And when he fails to do so, it is that I will pay $ 1000 for every day in fines to the authorities because he has a huge hatred for me and the word of God!

Hate - the Christian hatred - the blind!

It is strange how powerful and accurate the word of God is. They are to go before the courts, it is one of the promises and statements of Jesus and the apostles.

This is strange as with me who is definitely Norway's (and Denmark's) kindest boy or boy. Have never done anything criminal or illegal throughout my adult life. Then one experiences the most absurd that one is drawn to court to point out what God's word says.
So they think it is criminal to keep up what the Bible says, for example. that one is spiritually leper when one lives in sin. Something Torp does to live in adultery.
So do not then convict one for this, except that a "find" on something "new", it is written too much and repeated too much, therefore one must be judged.
That it has all come through vocabulary and debate, it is not even mentioned when the court never debated what I was convicted of.
It is, of course, absurd, a word of justice and the Christian hatred that is present, nothing else!

The Apostle John writes: "Then I saw three unclean spirits coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, which looked like frogs."

These were amphibians and put on a toad. Just touching one can be contaminated. Eating one, one can die. Therefore, I have always kept far away from false teachers, a false police and authorities. The fact is that I never visited Torp once throughout my life, but he has visited me. But I am condemned, the whole verdict and the way the authorities have gone forward is nothing more than a rigid, evil and lying thing!
But when they seek you out, one must pray for the protection of the Son of God's blood.

1 Joh.b. 1. 7 b Jesus, His Son's blood cleanses us from all sin.
9 b He is faithful and righteous, leaving us our sins and cleansing us from all unrighteousness.

Final Comment:

Notice what I've done. Never seek anyone under any circumstances, but are persecuted and "brought to justice and the courts" as the word of God states that unrighteous people will do to you when you believe in the word of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
But it is the same testimony that also makes us win victory, hallelujah.

From My Bible Comments John Revelation 1. 2 He is witnessing here and bearing the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, all that he has seen.

Here, the Apostle excludes closest to himself and focuses on the origin of the message; God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ.
(quote end).

I have never emphasized myself or my own views or opinions. But only the word of God showed, including remarriage for believers is adulterous in the words of the scripture.

That when the evil and bad Jan Aage Torp wants me 2 years in prison, 1000, - in fine every day as I in Not in prison. Assistant Attorney Ann Helen Aarø arranged for the Torp couple without paying a penny for their efforts. When the hatred of my preaching for the Christian marriage is so great and intense.

Aarø submitted claims for damages on behalf of the Torp couple in Oslo District Court. The claim was 50,000 kroner, then in court they pulled me for.
But fortunately, not one of Torp's prosecutors has actually brought forth.
Even the direct and ugly verdict against me has no significance as I can write and speak as before when American authorities do not care about the act of a Norwegian judgment!

Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is forged against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that setteth thee shall be condemned; This is the inheritance of the servants of the LORD, and the judgment which they receive of me, saith the Lord.

I have received a fine against me, which is Norway's greatest lie when I am convicted of conditions that the court never discussed and which is a lie from beginning to end.
When Norwegian courts are so bad, God has in this case "used" American law and practice that the judgment against me has no meaning!

I write and speak as before, without any kind of obstacle.
It is as the scripture says: "No weapon that is forged against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall deal with thee shall be condemned; this is the inheritance of the servants of the LORD, and the judgment which they receive of me, saith the Lord.

Yes, God's word comes true today, Hallelujah Amen!

lørdag 12. januar 2019

No. 1756: Ann-Christin Düring Woll and Aina Lanton Torp are complicit in the disaster Jan Aage Torp!

No. 1756:
Ann-Christin Düring Woll and Aina Lanton Torp are complicit in the disaster Jan Aage Torp!

Picture of Jan Aage Torp and his then and right wife according to the word of God, Ann-Christin Düring Woll.

Picture of Jan Aage Torp's "mistress" by the word of God, when the scripture says that he is not entitled to have her when Torp has been married.

 I have been a Christian for over 35 years now. But has never seen a so-called Christian leader been undressed, degraded and looked down upon by both Christian and worldly people.
At the same time he is not this, which says that here is a psychopath who lives in his own bubble.

But now - finally - he is revealed. This is just beginning, on the ladder down!
He is probably like the evil Haman, if he has been supported by the dark police at Manglerud, then there is no help as here is actually death aid already inserted.
Seeing Torp writes bullshit and thaws on his own blog, the problem is his own sin, not the sins of others!

Lamentation 3. 39 Why does a person complain about living? Any complaint about his own sin!
2 John. b. 11 for the one who welcomes him becomes accomplice to him in his evil deeds.

But what is the message of these two ladies who want to be believers? The scripture is very clear here. It is not to be mistaken, they should live as the Word of God teaches, and what does the scripture say?

When it comes to Aina Lanton Torp she can't live with Jan Aage Torp. For he is married already according to the word of God, she is a whore and is involved in Jan Aage Torp's sin.

Luke 16. 18 Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another woman, shall commit adultery;

Room. 7. 2 The married woman is by law bound to her husband as long as he lives; But if the man dies, she is released from the law that bound her to the man. 3 Wherefore she shall be called a whore, if she, while the husband liveth, another husband; but if the man dies, she is free from the law, so she does not become a whore if she is married to another.

Very clear, either live alone, something I would recommend. Or reconcile with Jan Aage Torp who must be very demanding as he does not live as a believer today.

This is what the script says about Ann-Christin Düring Woll:

1 Cor. 7. 10 I give to the married, but not to me, but to the Lord, that a wife should not divorce her husband; 11 But if she is separated from him, then she remains unmarried or reconciles with her husband - and that a man should not divorce his wife.
Can this still be said? Either live single, or reconcile with Jan Aage Torp. This is what Jesus and Paul teach.

Final Comment:
1. Corinthians 6: 16 Or do you not know that he who abides by the harlot is one body with her?
     For it is said, The two shall be one flesh. 17 But he that abideth with the Lord is one spirit with him. 18 Fly horror! Every sin that a human being can do is beyond the body; but he who commits adultery sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, and which you have from God, and that you do not belong to yourself? 20 for you are expensive bought. Honor God in your bodies.
In many ways, the Torp family lives totally against the word of God, and it is deeply tragic. No wonder Anders Torp appears to be confused and attacking his father. And Torp again comes with the strangest things. One day he defends him, the next day he attacks him. This is how it waves back and forth. But the problem is Jan Aage Torp who is remarried and adheres to a harlot and himself is a whore and adulterer after God's own word!

fredag 11. januar 2019

No. 1755: Hat-Pastor Jan Aage Torp mentions me as a blogger, but himself as the Apostle, then the ultimate arrogance has come and obviously admitted him!

No. 1755:
Hat-Pastor Jan Aage Torp mentions me as a blogger, but himself as the Apostle, then the ultimate arrogance has come and obviously admitted him!

Courage and pride are dangerous. It says in the Bible, Proverbs 16,18. Pride leads to destruction, and arrogance stands for fall.

Humility brings honor. It says in the Bible, Proverbs 29,23. Courage leads people to fall, but the humble wins honor.

God has a warning to those who are proud. It says in the Bible, 1 Peter 5: 5-6. You young people must subordinate you to the elders. And all of you shall be clothed with humility toward one another. For God they stand proud, but the humble he gives grace. Humble yourselves then under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you when the time comes.

Pride and arrogance can separate us from God and from other people. It says in the Bible, Luke 18:14. I tell you, the customsman went home just before God, the other not. For the one who sets himself high, shall be set low, and he who sets himself low shall be set high.

God wants us to be as humble as a child. It says in the Bible, Matthew 18.4. Whoever makes himself small as this child, he is the greatest in heaven.

The haughty ones will be disappointed. It says in the Bible, Matthew 23.12. He who sets himself high must be set low, and he who sets himself low must be set high.

Anyone who is haughty can have problems because of it. his attitude.
It says in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 10: 12. Therefore, the one who thinks he is standing must be careful not to fall!

This is what happened to Jan Aage Torp, his entire life has become a great tragedy as a preacher and pastor.
When Torp thinks I'm just a blogger, but that he is an apostle etc.
Then this is the ultimate arrogance. Torp lives so far away from God's word it is possible to come?
I have thousands of errors and flaws, but I live in accordance with God's Word and Bible teachings. That Torp then claims he is an apostle, and I'm just a simple and simple blogger is so haughty it's possible to come!

Just want to end this article with an old article.

No. 1619: 
The wizard and narrator Jan Aage Torp acts as a "Christian imperialist" where he will set the standard, but when one lives in horror, one lives in direct conflict with the word of God! 

Picture of Jan Aage Torp, made by Kristin B. Bruun as Torp believes that I and her are stalkers. Although I have never ever sought him in any way. What stalker am I then? Only in Torp's own head, and others who have the same pragmatic relationship to reality and truth!

See Jan Aage Torp brummer, screaming and behaving very remarkable and controlling online this past week. Just like one of the ancient emperors who have their own reality of all things and the only one who has the right opinions about all of it. But Torp is not allowed to proclaim the word of God, and he works against God and is a servant of Satan to live in sin. On top of all, he tries to confess both himself and others that he is an apostle.The fact that Torp is a public person means he must withstand that many people will think of him. Saying that this is crowd embedding is such a "slice bomb" that I would call it lying!That Torp now believes that we who are opposed to his way of life should have psychiatric help, so I think he is first in that queue. No one needs it more than him who does not own a millimeter of self-esteem in his own life. If he had been in vain with himself and the Lord, he had, as the wizard, withdrawn from all things relating to "Christian" work, as he did not live up to the Christian message even by being charged as a believer!It is a horror and an abomination for God to call himself apostle and pastor, while living in horror! It is at the level Torp is with its life today!The scripture says:Jeremiah 30.20 And his sons shall be as in old times, and his congregation shall stand before me, and I will punish all those that oppress him. / 21 And his glory shall be of his own kind, and his ruler shall come out of his midst, and I will bring him near, and he shall come before me; for who else will dare to live near me? says the lordFor who else will dare to live near me? says the lord
When Jan Aage Torp is a spiritual rebellion, he lives in anguish and pretends to be an apostle even if he is not. What powers is he playing with?It's probably just a matter of time before things happen here unless the man finds repentance. God is not to play with, because he does not know what powers he is opposed to holding on as he does!God has the full control, therefore, whether Torp or the spirit of power rages in him the way they do. They almost look out of him with the kavet he is wearing, just like Jan Hanvold. These two and all others who are adhered to as believers and wish to be preachers are under God's judgment with their lives. They can confess as much as they want, but they must repent! It's missing here!A few years ago wrote an article to Hanvold, what he must do as a believer. The same goes for Aina Lanton and Jan Aage Torp, they have the same sentence as Hanvold living in horror.Explain the article that I wrote, which really applies to all who are reprimanded as believers, and especially those who want and want to be teachers and publishers! They are going to publicly refuse that Torp calls it for bullying showing a cowardice unparalleled. The man is obviously ruled by unclean spirit powers!Look here:

Nr. 445: Let us learn and be warned of "Pastor" and "Apostle» Jan Aage Torp miserable life! And, we do not live as we teach the word of God, so is the last bench, and not the pulpit option! (If one does not repent!)

What is the reason for that Pastor Jan Aage Torp has become a leper that King Uzziah was it? How can he continue to preach act like nothing happened after he chose to divorce and marry a 20 year young lady! King Uzziah and Pastor Jan Aage Torp has in common that they both are spiritual leper and everyone who comes in contact with Torp will be infected when leprosy is contagious, therefore Scripture says that such shall one turn in from and hand them over to Satan for flesh destruction, they shall be cut off from the Christian community. Illustration King Uzziah, this sculpture is modeled by sculptor Sivert Donali

1 Cor. 10. 6 Now these things occurred as exemplary for us, lest we should not lust after evil things, as if they wanted to.

All hope is probably more or looking Apostle and Pastor Torp, but there are at least two reasons I write this. One is that those who have been deceived or are about to be deceived that "Pastor" Torp can read and be informed about the real truth about this swarm shoulder and deceiver. The second is that like "Pastor" Torp has gone into Satan's trap, that does not either I or you should do the same. All that stands for Torp witnesses a degrading and un-Christian life and preaching that is errant. So let's look at him as a role model in being deceived by Satan - not do the same - but let us warn!

1) Pastor Torp is never called by God to be a public service where he is or should be promoted and stand for Christian values ​​and the Christian message. This is something that he has even gone to that King Uzziah entered the temple and "played" priest, but he was not King. It is to inflict themselves spiritual leprosy doing it Torp made. He is a King Uzziah of our time who thinks he can select a service even if NRK, TV and other media outlets have contacted him, he should have said no and then he had not brought himself sake!

I take the whole chapter of King Uzziah as this is an extremely important passage in the word of God and is written for teaching and admonition for those who want to go all the way with God. 2 Chron. 26. 1. And all the people of Judah took and did Uzziah, who was sixteen years old, the king instead of his father Amaziah. 2 He did Eloth to a city, and used it to Judah, after the king had put himself to sleep with his fathers. 3 Uzziah was sixteen years old when he became king, and he reigned two and fifty years in Jerusalem, and his mother's name was Jecholiah from Jerusalem. 4 He did what was right in the sight of Jehovah, according to all that his father Amaziah had done. 5 And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper. 6 And he went forth and warred against the Philistines, and broke down the wall of Gath, and Jabne and Ashdod, and built cities of Ashdod and other places in the land of the Philistines. 7 And God helped him against the Philistines, and against the Arabians who lived in Gur Baal and against me'unittene. 8 And the Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah, and his name spread to Egypt, for he became exceedingly powerful. 9 Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the Corner Gate and at the Valley Gate and at the angle, thus making these places firm and strong. / 10 He also built towers in the wilderness, and hewed many cisterns, for he had much cattle both in the lowlands and on høisletten and he had farmers and tenants on the mountains and the oceans, for agriculture lay him on the heart. 11 Uzziah had a war capable army, went into battle in herds, signed and numbered by the state printer Jeiel and supervision Maaseiah man, under the direction of Hananiah, one of the king's captains. 12 Two thousand six hundred was the whole number of the mighty men who were family heads, 13 and under their hand was an army-host of three hundred and seven thousand and five hundred, that made war with mighty power to help the king against the enemy. 14 This whole army Uzziah prepared with shields and spears, and helmets and armor and bows and sling stones. 15 In Jerusalem he made machines of war aligned, which might be upon the towers and bulwarks to shoot arrows and great stones. And his name spread far and wide, for he was marvelously helped, till he was strong. 16 But when he was strong, he was overconfident in his heart, then he downfall; he transgressed against the LORD his God, and went into the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense. 17 And Azariah the priest went in after him, and with him eighty priests of Jehovah, brave men. 18 and they rose up against King Uzziah and said to him: It is not for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the Lord, but only for the priests the sons of Aaron, that are consecrated to it. Go out of the sanctuary! For you have been disobedient, and it becomes thee not to the glory of the Lord God. 19 Then Uzziah was wroth. He had a censer in his hand and just wanted to burn incense, but when he was wroth with the priests, the leprosy into his forehead, as he stood in front of the priests in the house beside the incense altar. 20 And Azariah the chief priest and all the priests looked upon him, so that he was leprous in his forehead. They thrust him out from thence, and even he himself hasted also to go out, because the LORD had smitten him. 21 Uzziah the king was a leper unto the day of his death, he lived in a separate house, being a leper, for he was excluded from the Lord. His son Jotham the king's house, judging the people. 22 Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, from first and in his later days, the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz, written op. 23 And Uzziah lay to rest with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the burial space that belonged to the kings, for they said, He is a leper. And Jotham his son reigned in his stead.

2) He has been exalted by this just like King Uzziah was. This task and the service that God has called him, has become a snare to him when he has gained public attention. A "major" service is to obey God, not necessarily how visible it is in people's eyes!

1 Sam. 16. 7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature For I have rejected him, and I do not see what the man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

3) Pastor Torp live date. The Bible's definition when he is re-married as believers in blatant adultery. Remarriage of a believer is to commit adultery, Scripture teaches that either he should have lived solitary or reconciled with his first wife and straight.

1 Cor. 7. 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but she is separated from him when she vedbli being unmarried or reconciled with her husband - and that a man to separate himself from his wife.

4) When the "Apostle" Torp do something it is usually always the extreme and far off the beaten track bi. It's not just that he remarried again directly contrary to God's word, but he marries one who is 20 years younger in the church. All it does Torp witnesses against him, we shall as far as possible, try not to be so severe, Torp is the extreme normal. Torp and peers does not like to follow the mainstream, but must and always needs to be ultra radical anyway. This is evidence of a diseased soul lives a normal life in the soul, a basically thrives on being "right" on the road, it is only when God calls than to be different that one is different!

2 Cor. 8. 20 for thus we Prevent the man should be able to us for something relating to this rich gift that comes about by us, 21 when we are careful as well, not only in the Lord, but also in people's eyes.

5) Minos and other prophecies about Torp do everything with this great Apostle and seductive just hurts worse! I've written about this before, but repeat it. Prophecies given by God will always turn to, and should not they you should Minos and others lament that they all have prophesied of this spiritual cheaters clean Torp.

5Mos 6:20 p.m. But the prophet, which shall presume him to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.

6) I can go even further but the lesson number one is to not go into a service or ministry that God has called us to, it will lead to spiritual defeat. There are many examples in the scriptures. Here the children of Israel who had disobeyed God and had then told them that they should not go to war but in disobedience and defiance did it and it was them fall, defeat and death.

4 Numbers 14 40 And they rose up early in the morning and went up towards the mountains high ground and said, See, here we are, and we will go up unto the place which the Lord hath spoken: for we have sinned. 41 But Moses said, Why transgress in the commandments? It will not succeed. 42 Do not go up there! For the Lord is not among you, I'm just going to be beaten by your enemies. 43 For the Amalekites and Canaanites will face you there, and you shall fall by the sword because you have turned you away from the LORD, and the LORD will not be with you. 44 But they went in overconfident despite up to the mountains high ground, but the Lord's ark and Moses did not leave the camp. 45 Then the Amalekites and Canaanites who lived in the mountains, and beat them down to pieces together, and pursued them unto Hormah.

Disobedience will always have their consequences

At Dr. Emanuel Minos and others imagine a lot of things exempts no one for not following the word of God in the life and teachings, here Torp failed durabeligt he is and stand as a terrifying example of not doing the same. Do you have problems with sin in your life? Or other things? Get rid of it first, and then you can serve the Lord. I wrote an article a few years ago where I discussed this subject that I will take to the end, then it fits all the way here.

Pay the price or not!

Daniel 1 8 Daniel undertook that he would not defile himself with the food and wine from the king. He asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself. Luke 14 25 Large crowds came to Jesus, and he turned to them and said: 26 "If anyone comes to me and does not set this higher than father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, higher than his own life, he can not be my disciple. 27 Whoever does not bear his cross and come after me can not be my disciple. 28 If one of you wants to build a tower, does he not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see if he has enough money to complete it? 29 For if he lays the foundation, but not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, 30 and say, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish it.' 31 Or what king would go to war against another king, Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men strong enough to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? 32 And he will send his men off to pray for peace while the enemy is still far away. 33 How is it then: None of you can be my disciple without giving up everything he owns.

God has spoken to me about many things and that I'm here to get into God has spoken to me since youth.

God wants wholehearted Christians and that we should serve him wholeheartedly. If not, we let each!

God is careful with our lives whether there is forgiveness to get. But forgiveness is Knuttes up against confession and repentance. We can never fool God and we should know that people can "authorize" us, but to believe that God "accepts" us just like that is to trick and deceive themselves if not our lives right with God's word.

We humans do many times God defenseless and stupid. Think my wife occasionally cheated, went out with others and constantly took liberties that most Christians take themselves to God?????????????

I'd give her an ultimatum. Either let the weather or the orcs and I will not continue this marriage. Now I have never experienced this, or think I'm going to do it. But to illustrate. But metaphorically, as is the case for too many of God's children live. God can use a wish, it pleases and suits oneself. But when one lives in a hypocrisy primarily with himself but also to God and their brothers and sisters in the faith! God is actually jealous and wants us all to himself.

James 4 5 Or do you think it's empty words when the Scripture says: With the zeal of God makes demands on the spirit he has made to dwell in us? Furthermore, we read the introductory words about my Daniel as set out. He decided, he would follow God's word and his inner convictions anyway. As a prerequisite for living as a wholehearted Christian; total surrender and submission to God's word and God's will for their lives. Furthermore, Jesus says that we should count the cost. If we go to war and will face an enemy that is stronger than us and or to build a tower that is difficult to build. Will one do it? Otherwise it's better to let each go to war and to build the tower. This illustrates that one should calculate and think about one really wants and is able to follow Jesus. This is essentially the ABC lessons. I've pointed Vision Norway and the editor and founder there, Pastor Jan Hanvold. Why? When a man preaches a false gospel and live as darkness reigns in him, then he earns not God but Satan. And anyone who supports the business, come under the same judgment, and it applies to everyone one. But he had never tried to do something for the Lord and lived the way he does, everything had been different. By then, has not gone entirely sure others to destruction! God being made a fool of this, he does not condone it. But the Christians do it tells me that they allow themselves to be deceived! That is when we will serve the Lord and begin to walk the path of God, that everything must and will be on the Lord's terms, not our own! There are many other examples, but I try to take out the ones that are so clear that even a newly saved Christian should and can understand that Hanvold is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Is this harsh speech? Think about it! I run daily buses in Oslo and it is expected that I mastered the job or they can not have me employed. If I had not mastered the job, I had to find something else to do or got fired. Had it been unreasonable? No, but God is different? He requires of us something, especially those who will preach and lead the congregation. Jacob. 3.1. Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we teachers should get as much stricter judgment. We make God stupid and naive to permissible sin and heresy, but he does not. We create God in our image and after our desire, but it is a deception. Hanvold, the newly gjengiftetde bishop of DNK, Adventists to follow both Jesus and keep the commandments and all others who do not follow the Lord on his terms and his terms have been "fired"! They are an obstacle to the true Church and the Lord's side. They are actually under demonic influence. But today they put everything on the head. Those who follow the Lord and His Word experience ostracism and boycott, but those who live in the will of God and preaches another gospel being opened up and accepted as within its evangelical Christians. Sadly true but tragic. This is especially obvious but it's the way a lot yesterday!

Rom.16. 17 I beseech you, brethren, to keep an eye on those who cause divisions and causes others to fall by going against the teachings you have received. Stay away from them! 18 The kind of people do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly. With the nice words and platitudes leads the gullible people astray. 19 But everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice over you. I want you to be wise in what is good, but innocent of evil. 20 May the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet! Our Lord Jesus's grace be with you!

Moreover, it is wrong focus and disbelief that paralyzes the church of God! A scream when the state will remove support if one does not accept homosexuals. Then simply let each accepting state aid'll do everything themselves. So attacking a homosexual and Muslims, but it is not here the problem is the church of God. It is to have the wrong focus and really wonder itself. Muslims are too extreme for them to have any impact on us and the homosexual sin is obvious that the sin should really be able to fool a true Christian. There must be a turnaround for the church today for what it has become - not to be - a Laodicean church is the Norwegian church anno 2010.

Åpenb.3. 14 Write to the angel of the church in Laodicea: this he says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation: 15 I know your works - you are neither cold nor hot. If only you were cold or hot! 16 But thou art lukewarm, not hot and not cold. Therefore, I will spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, 'I am rich, I have abundance and lacks nothing. "But you do not know that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich, and white garments that you can dress up with and hide your naked shame, and ointment to smear on your eyes so you can see. 19 I rebuke and raise all those I hold dear. So be earnest and repent! 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat, I'm with him and he with me. 21 He who overcomes, I will sit with me on my throne, as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father on his throne. 22 He who has ears, hear what the Spirit says to the churches! Eye Salve needed for the church today in Norway because of lukewarmness, not burning and not totally apostate. One believes in Jesus and His Word, but not in the right way and do not follow Jesus completely. Something my while, not quite with God but really against God becomes! God is not unreasonable, he wants us all to himself. Then serve a God but not really evil. Serious, but a must and will follow the rules if one should succeed and be usable by God, and worthy of him.

One can not follow baseball rules when playing football or vice versa. It is all too many believers and trying to imagine. And they go hard against those who pointed out errors contained and they feel attacked. But I will never accept that Satan will prevail, only the Lord and no other! God does not condone sin. I have my background in the free movement where I was saved. Because it so I should easily written a book of at least 2000 pages referred to the charismatic movement with false prophecies and unbiblical teachings. But I can and will not. Why? Whatever one comes with so the vast majority of which are occupied by these spiritual powers keep on with what they are doing, they thrive on it. How was the book of days, and so it is today. Nothing new under the sun.

2. Tim.2.25b. Because maybe God will once again give them to return, as they learn the truth. 26 When they wake of rapture and get out of the devil's snare, where they are held so they do his will.

Here is humbug and seduction! But what is the solution?

Want to focus on two things.

1) Study the Bible itself on its own.

2) Be yourself led by the Spirit of God.

It is my recommendation and we have started a church here in Oslo that we want to be like a warm and safe haven for all who will!

Related links: 
http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/01/nr-231-pastor-and-apostle-jan-aage-torp.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/04/nr-291-cup-of-coffee-and-two-with_25.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/05/nr-307-false-accusations-against-me.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/04/nr-284-pastors-and-preachers-who-are-re.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/05/nr-311-pastor-torp-removed-all-posts.html