fredag 25. januar 2019

No. 1763: January 25, 2019 today - January 25, 1981 I was saved and born again!

No. 1763:
January 25, 2019 today - January 25, 1981 I was saved and born again!

Think 38 years ago I became a new creature in Christ Jesus, Hallelujah.

2 Cor. 5. 17 Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old is past, see, everything has become new!

Picture by Jan Kåre Christensen some years ago.

Here's an article about my testimony that I wrote some years ago.
My personal testimony!

I will come up with how I experienced salvation and Jesus Christ.
I was born in Denmark, Lemvig in 1964. But we lived in Thyborøn where my Father grew up.
We moved to Skudeneshavn at Karmøy in 69 where my mother comes from.

I look back on growing up as very good. My big interest eventually became sports and especially football.
As I recall, I had the super good purely human. Life smiled at me and I smiled to life.

But then there was a football fellow of mine who was saved and born again. I noticed that there had been a change with him.
On one occasion after he had been saved, we received a conversation on a second hand. Then he laid out the path of salvation for me. Then there was no way back.

I joined him in meetings of the Free Evangelical Assembly Ebenezer. After 3 weeks of regular meeting visits, I bowed my heart and knee to Jesus and was saved and born again. Then I was 16, January 25, 1981.

Wonderful, wonderful and great. I became a child of God by faith in Jesus Christ.

Since then I have experienced both one and the other. But what happened when I was 16 years ago has been holding it. And I think it will last for the rest of your life and throughout eternity.

Salvation is the best, greatest and most important thing that has happened to me.

Highly recommended! Dice throw 7.

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