torsdag 30. mai 2013

Nr. 516: The brewing over third world war Russia will be dragged into that God word will come true

Nr. 516:

The brewing over third world war Russia will be dragged into that God word will come true

The Syrian president and despot Bashar al-Assad

This is now my in the tense situation in Syria: Syria has received the first shipment of Russian S-300 missiles. The rest of the order will arrive soon, said the Syrian president and despot Bashar al-Assad in an interview with the Lebanese television station al-Manar on Thursday.

Despot and dictator of Syria Bashar al-Assad's about Russia last ally in the Middle East are the major upheavals that have been there. Therefore, they are so rude and I would say stupid to support the Syrian despot and President Bashar al-Assad.

There will be a third world war teaches Scripture, described for example in Ezekiel 38-39 as Gog war.

I've detailed several people posted about this. And or it is on our website. This is from my commentaries Revelation 6 8 Then I saw a pale horse. The rider's name was Death, and Hades was in his entourage. They were given power over a fourth of the earth, so they could kill with sword, famine and plague, and by means of earth animals. Here are 1 \ 4 of the people and this must seal the term Gog war that will usher in the first part of the tribulation. That this must be understood symbolically located in the text. One can not hear such a large number, but just imagine. The number is so large that for John is by far the largest army he has heard. Twenty thousand times ten thousand: 200,000,000 Is two hundred million. The number may be far greater slain by the Lord and Israel. During this battle, several great powers eradicated while logging hours for the Antichrist and the ancient Roman Empire to take over completely ruling position worldwide. These nations go down the tube. Ezekiel 38 3 Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. 4 I will take you around, and I put hooks in your jaws. So I let you go out with all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them in gorgeous clothes, a great assembly with large and small shields, all armed with swords. 5 People from Persia, Cush and Put are with them, all of them have shields and helmets. 6 Gomer, and all his armies, Togarmah the people of the far north and all their armies, many people are with you. First mentioned Russia and its neighboring countries. Moreover, Iran, Libya and Ethiopia. And finally, Germany (Togarmah) who also has his allies with him. Could it be Sweden and Finland? Little Norway and Denmark Lille can be spared because of our support for Israel? Or are we doing? I will not affirm anything with certainty! 39 6 I will send fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the islands. They shall know that I am the LORD. This must be the United States, Canada and Britain with their allies. We read about the same battle in Daniel. Daniel 11 40 In the last days shall the king of the south encounter with him, and the king of the north shall rush towards him with chariots and horsemen, and many ships. He goes into country after country and hazards over them like a flood. 41 He goes into the glorious land, and tens of thousands shall fall. But these shall escape from his hand: Edom and Moab and the foremost of the Ammonites. 42 And he will stretch out his hand against the country after country, nor Egypt will go free. 43 He gets power over all hidden treasures, gold and silver and all the precious things of Egypt. Even the Libyans and Nubians must follow him. 44 Then the rumors from the east and from north scare him, and he goes forth with great fury to destroy many and devote them to death. 45 He beats up his royal tents between the sea and the glorious, holy mountain. But then that's the end of him, and there is no one to help him.

Biblical Prophecies Big John F. Walvoord that we have on our site:

Background In the twentieth century have Russia growth and case, it 's and most significant State in the former USSR, been one hovedfak tor in world history. It predominant Russian State will Survive and take one Central space in events. The is it large power north for Israel. The dramatic Prophetic photo of Russia last attempt on a ver its sovereignty, described in Ezekiel 38.1 to 39.24, placed in one Prophetic context that related to Israel restoration. In Ezekiel 37.1 to 28 described Israel restoration that nation and their Resurrection from they dead in time for the Others come symbolic by Valley with they dry bone, they that awakened to live. After description of Russia war in Ezekiel 38.1 to 39.24, come further one Prophecy about Israel collection in their countries, that one phase in Restoration. Conflict with Russia seen thus in this the timeframe. Political Set form they fast events in endens time background for War. In end time will Tues Nations switch the together under one Roman ruler and form a resurrected Roman Empire. This ruler will included one seven-year peace pact with Israel so the stands in Daniel 9.27. A or other time in during of these seven year that go subject for the Others come, will Russia attack Israel. They last seven year will be divided in two halves. It first half are one peacetime, while it second will pose it large crowding, that to culminated ners with Armageddon. As prophesied in Ezekiel 38, will Russia Attack srael in one peacetime, in a attempt on to Conquer landed and establish one domination rendering position in Middle East. Although about Israel military Set is far superior they countries that is about, have one long feared opportunity for a Russian attack. Russia have enough lost much of its shine that world power, but landed account still one formidable power factor, that can Crush a small country that Israel if the happens by a surprisingly attack, that the Ezekiel describes. A depth study of chapter reveals much about end-time events, that leads forward to Christ Others come. Invasion Force Ezekiel Printer that main force of it military invaders that attack Israel will come from landed Magog: "The Lord words came to me and the sounding so: Son! Flip Your face against Gog in Magog countries, prince over Ros Meshech and Tubal, and Prophets against him! You to say. So says Lord Lord: See, I is against you, Gog, first over Ros Meshech and Tubal I will return you about and add hooks in your jaws and cause you out with the Your army, horses and riders, All together stately dressed, one large crust with large and small shield, All together with Sword in hand " (38.1 to 4). The names Russia and Sovetjunionen occurs not in Scripture, but this description of invaders Fit on Russia. It military Invasion led of "Gog" which refers to manager and "Magog countries ", that refers to area he come from. Magog are featured that one of Japheth sons in First Numbers 10.2 and in First Chronicles 1,5. The is two Referrals to this in Ezekiel 38,2,6 and finally in John revelation 20.8. Gog that ruler, described that «First over Ros Meshech and Tubal » (Ezekiel 38.2). As the Ros or Rosh, is root to the Modern word Russia, seems the to be one connection with this landed north for Israel. Gog is also related with "Meshech" and "Tubal" (Verse 2). Some have found out that the One is one variant of Moscow, while Tubal similar on Tobolsk, a area in Ural in Russia. Although about identification is uncertainty ker, seems Tubal to refer to they old Scythians, that went north from Middle East and ended in the area that in day described that Russia. Invasion Force from Russia supported of armies from five second countries. Persia (Ezekiel 38.5) is easy to identify. The is the Modern Iran, that even about the is east for Israel easy can stop the to Russia in a Attack from north. Ethiopia is with (Verse 5). Man thinking on Cush or Ethiopia that fol tion that lived in a area between Egypt and Red Sea. Geographical Set are they the thus south for Israel but the will not be difficult to transport strength on sea, so that it can stop the to Russia in the attack. Libya mentioned also (Verse 5). Gomer (Verse 6) are often identified that they old kimrere, that one time lived in Asia Minor and Eastern Europe. Togarmafolket (Verse 6) was one nation that held to as north for Israel and lying well an to to participate in invasion. A what that any time Invasion of Israel show missing respect for Israel God and Fit In in Russia atheist background in the twentieth century. Army geographical background the Theology viewpoint and they terms that used for to describe them and adequate evidence for that track ken come from Russia and invades Israel from north. To Support for this have one information about that invasion force come from "The outermost Norden » (Ezekiel 38,6,15; 39.2). As the Israel not is so many she dre kilometers from Russia, can not description of one nation in the outermost Norden, Set from Israel mean some other than Russia. The is also interesting that Moscow is right north for Jerusalem. They old weapons of war Although about description of invasion force is so that one relatively easy can identify it, is problem in interpretation of section in the Faculty tum that author describes use of old weapons. To Devices the in the opening paragraph: "I will return you about and add hooks in your jaws and cause you out with the Your army, horses and riders, All together stately dressed, one large crust with large and small shield, All together with Sword in hand. Persia, Ethiopia and Libya is with them All together with shield and helmet. Gomer and All its multitudes, Togarmafolket in the outermost Norden and All its ska teacher, many peoples is with up » (Esek3B 0.4 to 6). The fact that Army is equipped with these old weapons of war in Instead for Modern arms, have made that many not consider descrip Late here that literally. In Instead for tanks come they on horseback, something that in Russia case not offers on special difficulties by that Russia still User cavalry that one part of military force. But shields, swords and Helmets suggests not on that the is one Modern army. Some have attempted to explain wording by to say that Ezekiel described critical gene in terms that he understood and that we must Exchange out expressions with them that denotes Modern weapons. After each that description exceeds forward, added the to more arms, that Bows and Arrows poles and Spear (Ezekiel 39.9). The fact that these Weapons later to burned (Verse 9), do the difficult to accept them that Photos on Modern arms, as these that Rule is of metal and not of three. The final reply is possibly not in attempt on to explain this section of history, but only determine that the indicates that subject for this War will the be one large disarmament in world. Under such conditions, if Russia want to attack Israel and missing Modern arms, can one Quickly fabricating large Quantities with Weapons of this type and equip Army with them. The main idea with section change However, not with description of weapons. Israel described that one peaceful and unsuspecting nation In experiment on to determine time for this War in it Prophetic schedule, is the important to Brand the what weight the added on that Israel liver in peace when Invasion happens. Evidently come attack unexpected. Israel is not military prepared on this. The mentioned not something place that In need founders meetings resistance. In Instead described Israel that one nation that liver in Peace: «Rust you and do everything finished you and All your multitudes, that have total the with yourself. You to be their guarding. When long time is gone, to you be pat stret. The years end to you come to a country that is delivered from sver it. Its people is total from many people; up on Israel mountain, that sta thee had been deserted. But Now is the led out from people, and they living where safe All together. Dit to you pdf Up. As one storm to you come, that one cloud to you be to to hide country you and All your troops and many fol keslag with up » (Ezekiel 38.7 to 9). Invasion Force is eager by to attack Israel but Israel country described that a area that is "Deliverance from sword " and Israel people described that "Gathered from many people; up on Israel mountain, that sta thee had been waste. " Israel described further that a people that is "Led out from people, and they living where safe All together " (Ezekiel 38.8). As pointed on previously Fit this with the Prophetic photo of first half of they seven year that leads forward to Christ Others come. This are one peacetime, then Israel liver in one pact with ruler over they Tues nations. The conditions that Israel liver in peace, described further in There of inva tion strength: "Then says Lord Lord: On it day to Thoughts rise up in Your heart, and you to think out one evil plan and say: I will pdf up against a country with open cities, I will come over peaceful people that living safe, that All together living without Walls and neither have barrier or porter - for to rob and rob and take prey? for to return Your hand against ruins that is built up again, and against a people that is gleaned together from people, that have total the fe and goods that living on Earth navel » (Ezekiel 38.10 to 12). Israel cities are described that without walls, something that votes with it current situation then Walls not more hold Intruders away (verse 11). The stands also that the is "Peaceful people that living safe, that All together living without Walls and neither have barrier or ports » (Verse 11). They living in a country that described that "Ruins that is built up Again, " and fol tion said to be «Gleaned together from people » (Verse 12). Everything this stem more with it situation Israel experience under peace pact with ruler over they Tues nations. The is clearly that the here concerns the about one political situation where not only Israel attacked, but the it tistatsgruppen that controls Middle East on this times. This supports it thought that we here have Russia last Desperate attempt on to Conquer world. Israel described that "My (God) people Israel " that "Live safe " (Verse 14). The purpose with Invasion The section that describes this future war, do the clear that they that invade, search materials gain. The said that they have specific the for to «Rob and rob and take prey? for to return Your hand against ruins that is built up again, and against a people that is total from people, that have total the fe and goods that living on Earth navel » (Ezekiel 38.12). In verse 13 describe ves they that that they takes with the exchange, silver and gold fe and goods. Invasions Army large numerical superiority described as follows: "As one storm to you come, that one cloud to you be to to hide country » (Verse 9). Army said to come from "Many peoples ". The are "A large crust and one multiply Haena> (Verse 15). Although about they is out by materials gain, is the really God that draws them In in War: "And you to pdf up against my people Israel that one cloud and hide country. In they last days to the occur. Then allows I you come over my countries, for that people to learn me to know, when I for their eyes reveals my holiness on you, Gog! " (Verse 16). Invasion described The Prophet describes in Details the that to spoon when this Mighty Army invades Israel country: "But on it same days, it day Gog come over Israel countries, says Lord Lord, then to my Resentment rise up in my face. And in my jealous Hot, in my burning Wrath says I: Surely on it same day to the come a large earthquake over Israel countries. Sea fish and heaven birds and field animals and everything the creep that pipes the on earth and All people that living on earth to quake for my face. Mountains to fall and rock walls controlled down and each one Wall to fall to earth. And I will call on Sword against him on All my mountain, says Lord Lord. It the Sword to inverted against it others. And they to know that I is Lord. I will go in right with him with pest and with blood, and with a rinse rain and hail stones. Fire and sulfur will I let count Download over him and his troops and over they many peoples that is with him " (Ezekiel 38.18-22) As the go clear forward of prophecy, will Invasion arouse God Resentment (Ezekiel 38.18), and the are one number disasters. First are the a large earthquake in landed (Ezekiel 38.19). This earthquake know will affect fishes, birds, animals and All creatures on field. Mountains are blasted and building walls fall (Verse 20). It next large Judgment from God leads to confusion in it multinational compa tional army, so that they begins to fight against each other: "The the Sword to inverted against it others " (Ezekiel 38.21). In confusion that up stands in connection with earthquake, is the easy to understand that troops can start to Fight apart. A third judgment come over Army in form of pest and bloodshed. God will use pest against Israel enemies, something that also have been used in second situations (F items. Jes 37.36). On top of everything this are the one judgment from God in form of downpour and hail stones and burning sulfur (Ezekiel 38.22). Although about the seems that natural disasters for army, is the God supernatural works that triggered. As illustrated in John revelation Call 16.21 can unusual large hail be lethal. It burning sulfur Velen Memories about Sodom and Gomorrah case (1 Mos 19,24). Some have tol tion it burning sulfur that a Results of that earthquake release slumbering volcanoes, so they spewing out its burning fire. Whatever how one to explain this, is results clearly. Invasion Army are destroyed. God User this that a agent to to demonstrate its power for people: "And I will obvious my Greatness and my holiness and provide me to know for many people eyes, and they to know that I is Lord " (Ezekiel 38,23). Invasion Army destroyed Prophecy continues. Now described it complete destruction of invaders: "I will switch Your bow out of Your left hand and let your Arrows fall out of Your right hand. On Israel mountain to you fall, you and All your troops and they peoples that is with yourself. I and you to birth for All kind raptors and for field would animals. On field to you fall. For I have spoken, says Lord Lord " (Ezekiel 39.3 to 5). When God attack attackers, will they drop their Bows and arrows. Their dead bodies are to birth for grib asks and Wildlife. In verse 4 go the forward that the Army will be rash and that no will survival: "On Israel mountain to you fall, you and All your troops and they peoples that is with You. " After the Fall of Battle After that the is turned fixed that God purpose is to preach power in its whole domestic name (Ezekiel 39.7-8), said the that the that are again by battle to be adequate fuel in seven year: "When to they that living in Israel cities, go out and Do up fire and keep the next as with armor and small and large shield, with Bows and Arrows and sta ver and spear, and they to keep fire by as with the in seven years. They to not retrieve by from field and not chop in forests, but with armor to they keep fire by equal. They to rob from them that have robbed from them and Rob them that have plundered them says Lord Lord " (Verses 9-10). Enlightenment about that fire to held by as in seven years site ques look about how this to understood in conditions to Christ Others come, by that the seems to go forward that attack will find place against end of it before ste period on three and a half year of they seven year that go subject for the Others come. The means that the is adequate time to that the can burn up before the Others come. But burning form not in the even some Prophetic timetable, and even by Christ Others come will Life go Further, and the are necessary to have heat. This is therefore no Objection against that one plastic serer Invasion against end of they first three and a half years. Prophecy describes in Details how they dead to buried (Ezekiel 39.11 to 16). The will take seven months to bury they dead and by the will one increasingly find dead bodies that to buried. The scene similar it that describes Christ Others come, when vultures invited to to Fixing on dead bodies (Verses 17-20). The is However, something completely Others than the that described in John revelation 20.7 to 9, when Earth destroyed immediately by War that discussed. God purpose with to Destroy invaders Ezekiel quote God, that in destruction of invaders preacher its resistance against the Evil and its wish about to recover Israel: "I will obvious my glory among people, and All people to see it judgment that I have held, and my hand that I have added on them. And Israel house to know that I is Lord their God, from it day and in future. The people to beautiful that the was for its iniquity guilt Israel house was abducted. The was because they had been faithless against me so I hidden my before for them and gave them in their enemies hand. And they fell for Sword All together. This did I with them on because of their impurity and their violations, and I hidden my before for them " (39.21 -24). Collection of Israel Ezekiel continues to describe how God to recover Israel: "Therefore says Lord Lord: Now will I Do end on Jacob Prisoner cabinets and compassion me over the Israel house and I will show me jealous for my Saints name. They to carry its Shame and All it trespass they have shown against me when they living safe in its countries, and no terrifiest them. When I leads them back from people and collect them from their enemies country and reveals my holiness on them for many people eyes, then to they know that I is Lord their God. For I have abducted them to people, but again total them to their countries, and I allows not some of them be return. I will not more hide my before for them for I will shed my Spirit over Israel house says Lord Lord " (39.25 to 29). This seems to be fulfilled by the Others come. Although about some Details in this Prophetic report necessarily not is completely clear, is results of Battle clear enough. Russia last attempt on World Domination fail correctly. Their armies are crushed, and to and with in their en homeland vii they be exposed for fire from Heaven (Ezekiel 39.6). It final form for pagan power will follow as tinasjo nersgruppen are world government. Russia can have been one hindnring for this, and the that they Now be completely out of game can explain how dictators clean in tina missions group over night can proclaim the that ruler over the World without resistance. This War can well be springboard that leads to that ruler in Middle East come to power in they last three and a half year before Christ Others come. In it period to Israel re review the one horrible crowding, and World will large Set be destroyed. As the this prophecy Never is been fulfilled previously is its fulfillment in forward time one Reminder about that God still is on throne and that the will come a settlement with God enemies in God time and on God Manner.

Final comment:

I would encourage you to read and study this as well on their own. Submit your questions to me or write on the blog, you are most welcome. Jesus is coming soon, Maranata!

Related links:

onsdag 29. mai 2013

Nr. 515: Climate change is a cycle that follows the earth and that God allows evil because man is great!

Nr. 515:

Climate change is a cycle that follows the earth and that God allows evil because man is great!

The researchers sent a large satellites into space. They measured different temperatures, but scanning time was not set and thus the earth was warmer then it some measurements were day, other days night. When it was colder. For several years this was enacted and read. To a doubt began to look at the data and found out quickly that the change was human invented. This is the closest we get that climate change is man-made and that scientists make mistakes, then everything is wrong. When this was discovered, he found out that the removed (as usual). But those who believe in this nonsense, got a raise of the United Nations, talk that the world will be deceived. In this building sits people who live by the people behind the light, and unfortunately, the world will be deceived. There's only one way out of this, as the prophet Amos says:

Amos 4:12 Therefore will I do unto thee, O Israel, so as I have said. And because I will do this unto thee, to do thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel!

United Nations building in New York

When it comes to this, so it has not been allowed to disagree with the "elite". Is it is both ignorant and worse. But who is ignorant? There are those who can not tolerate and will hear other opinions and views by heart even become angry.

There have always been changes in weather, climate and temperature. For about. 1000 years ago it was just hot in Rogaland where I come from, that today in Northern France. And in Greenland they once also grew potatoes, talk about climate change.

Do not debating this for ages. But much of what we see happening is also something God does when we turn away from him and to his enemy Satan. I do not know everything, but what I do know. That God has promised his blessing upon us as we seek Him and live according to His word and will. The Word of God speaks of this earth is under the curse after the fall. One thing I will mention in this article, regarding the major and devastating tornadoes that plague the United States. I ask why? Now I have heard that there are Indians who live in this area and they are doing large-scale avgudspåkallelser there for a long time at this time of year tornadoes insert. Does this have any connection can be questioned. I think so. We do not play with principalities and powers. Only by invoking the living God who created heaven and earth and pray to him in the name of Jesus, we can know that we are on safe ground. It is also the only safe because we can stand on in the universe. Everything else is dangerous ground and we will sink.

Rooms. 8 19 For the creature longing and a desire God's manifestation of the sons 20 creature was made subject to vanity - not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same - 21 in hope that the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the children of God glorious liberty. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and travail in pain together until now.

Here is something I have scissors neat. It does not have anything to argue against these climate scientists even if they do not have a single incontrovertible evidence for his claims.

I have to save the environment as possible, but it is primarily because we humans can have very good when we take care of each other, ourselves and nature.

Time after time, as the word of God warns us that the majority could be wrong, but the minority has the right, so also here. It does not help that 97% of scientists say that this is manmade. And the remaining people doubt. Who is right? Let's take an example from the word of God: 2 Chron. 18th 1 Jehoshaphat had riches and honor. Joined affinity with Ahab; 2 and some years later he went down to Ahab in Samaria, and Ahab hath killed sheep and oxen for him and the people that were with him, and he urged him to go up against Ramoth Gilead . 3 And Ahab king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, Wilt thou go with me to Ramoth-Gilead? He replied: That you, as I, and as thy people, my people - we will be with thee in the war. 4 And Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel: Search dog first to know what the Lord says! 5 Then the king of Israel gathered the prophets together, four hundred men, and said unto them, Shall we go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or shall I forbear? And they said, Go up; God will deliver it into the king's hand. 6 But Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here any other prophet of the Lord, that we may inquire of the LORD Council of him? 7 king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD council: but I hate him because he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil all his days, that's Mika, Imlah son. Jehoshaphat said, Let not the king say so! 8 Then the king of Israel called one of the courtiers, saying: Make haste and Micaiah, son of Imlah! 9 Meanwhile, the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah, in royal robes, each on his throne, in a void place in the entrance of the gate of Samaria: and all the prophets before them and uttered their predictions. 10 And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah made him horns of iron and said, Thus saith the LORD, With these shalt thou push the Syrians, until thou have consumed them. 11 And all the prophets prophesied so, saying, Go up to Ramoth Gilead? Thou shalt prosper thee, and the LORD shall deliver it into the king's hand. 12 And the messenger that was gone to call Micaiah said to him, prophets with one mouth good for the king, therefore let your words also match their predictions and well! 13 Micaiah said, As the LORD lives, what my God saith, that will I speak. 14 When he came to the king, the king said unto him, Micaiah Shall we go to Ramoth Gilead, or shall I forbear? And he said, Go up; So shall ye prosper you, and they shall be given into your hand. 15 And the king said unto him, How many times shall I adjure thee that thou shalt speak to me other than the truth in the name? 16 And he said, I saw all Israel scattered upon the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd: and the LORD said, These have no master: let them return in peace, every man to his house 17 Then the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, Did not I tell thee: He predicts no good concerning me, but evil? 18 And he said, Therefore hear the word of the Lord! I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing on his right and left. 19 And the Lord said, Who shall entice Ahab king of Israel to go up to Ramoth Gilead to his death? and one said so, and the other saw. 20 Then a spirit came forward and stood before the LORD, and said, I will persuade him. And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith? / 21 He answered, I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. Then the Lord said, Thou shalt entice him, and thou shalt also prevail: go out and do so! 22 Behold now, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee. 23 Then came Zedekiah son of Chenaanah forward and struck Micaiah on the cheek, and said, Which way went the Spirit of the LORD from me to speak unto thee? 24 Micaiah said, thou shalt see on that day when thou shalt go into an inner chamber to hide thyself. 25 And the king of Israel said, Take Micaiah, and carry him back to Amon the city centurion and to Joash the king's son, 26 And say, Thus saith the king, Put this fellow in the prison, and feed him with bread of affliction, until I catch come in peace again! 27 Micaiah said, If thou return in peace again, the Lord has not spoken by me. And he said, Hearken, all ye people! 28 Then went the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah up to Ramoth Gilead. 29 And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, I will apron me and then go into battle, but you take your normal clothes on! So the king of Israel disguised himself, and went into battle. 30 And the king of Syria had commanded the captains of the chariots shall not be contrary to them, neither small nor great, save only with the king of Israel. 31 And when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat, they said, This is the King of Israel. And they surrounded him to fight. When put Jehoshaphat cried with a great cry, and the LORD helped him; God turned them away from him. 32 For when the captains of the chariots saw that it was not the king of Israel, that they turned back from pursuing him. 33 And a certain man drew a bow at haphazard and hit the king of Israel between brynjeskjørtet and armor. And he said to his chariot man, Turn and carry me out of the army! I'm hurt. 34 And the battle was becoming harder that day, and the king of Israel joined himself upright in the cart against the Syrians until the even: and at that time the sun went down, he died. What we learn here? That was a lying spirit that made them so unanimous, so I think it is also the focus of this climate it is man made, I think that something is man made. But that in the whole earth is his own cycle being followed and what is out there. Is much p.g.a. human sin and anything that makes a lot going on with nature that does not always completely normal. Or is it normal? Nature awaits the children of God redemption and the coming glorious 1000 year kingdom with Jesus Christ as the future regent out of Jerusalem and Israel!

Here is something from net:

The school tier on natural climate change

Natural climate factors are virtually silent in death in school climate education, writes Erik Bye and Eystein Husebye sr in this feature article.

Here we see this CLIMATE booklet in a wider perspective, to elucidate the consequences of lack of knowledge dissemination in school textbooks. Climate Paperback - insufficient CO2 descriptions We are told that we are now experiencing dramatic'' anthropogenic climate change'', implied, caused by the greenhouse gas CO2. Students are not told that CO2 - content in the atmosphere is as low as 0.04 percent, that this gas is not a contaminant and that it is necessary for all life. At this the only 3 percent man-made, that is 0.001 per cent of the content in the atmosphere and that the rest of it comes from the nature itself. This is information that inquisitive learners will appreciate. Influence of this gas on the greenhouse effect? No proof of this exists even for those periods of Earth's history when detectable CO2 levels were higher than today.

In a letter to the editor of Bj. Nofseth Aftenposten 3 December 1938, we read about the dramatic climate changes, with green fields in December, plowing in February Hallingdal (sleeps with.), winter temperatures on Svalbard 7 degrees C (annualized over 3 degrees C) and large seas without drift. We think that this is the dramatic climate changes, but they are not mentioned in the principal Hælbeks climate issue. The reason for this may be that these climate changes were scarcely human. In 1930 the world population was about 2.5 billion at today's 7 billion.


In our feature article states that during the warm period of 800 - 1350's and the Little Ice Age from about 1400 til1800 temperatures were about 2-3 degrees higher, respectively lower than today. The formulation was probably a bit unlucky because the parameter temperature often varies rapidly with time and place.

A journey in January 2011 from Bergen Flesland to showed variations from - 8 to - 22 oC. Other times shows NRK / Yrs maps almost equal temperatures along the coast, from Hammerfest in the north to Stavanger in the south. The best thing here is enough to introduce climate zones horticultural use for planting flowers and shrubs. Settlement in Greenland was only possible under the hot climatic conditions of the Middle Ages, while the little ice age caused the closure of farms upper Gudbrandsdal and Eastern Valleys. In Northern Norway was farming changed in favor of livestock because grain harvest occasionally failed.

Extreme values ​​and statistics

A postulate is that there always comes a day we get new heat, cold, rain or flood records - where time is of course dependent on the reference temperature, precipitation record etc. This creates obvious problems for many climate scientists and also for Hælbek. Often omitted references to the heat Ages and the Little Ice Age - periods with obviously more drastic temperature variations than those we have experienced in the past 100 years. In those times there was no significant anthropogenic CO2 emissions as climate must obviously have been influenced by other factors. But such is excluded in climate models researcher created.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The UN panel established under the auspices of WMO (World Meterological Organization, Geneva) and representatives appointed by the respective national governments. Here emphasis is not necessarily academic knowledge, reflecting that the UN is a political organization and does not have supranational authority. The latter requires that the IPCC reports and recommendations must be based on consensus. This is not easy, as large meetings in Copenhagen and Cancun to the fullest demonstrated. IPCC's latest report has received much criticism, obvious errors, omission of key scientific works and conclusions on declining terms. Not particularly surprising, because the UN is a political and not a scientific organization, and thus not based on academic excellence and integrity. (For your information, one of the authors (EH) has 15 years experience as a participant in a United Nations expert group).

Climate research - dance around the golden calves state

Climate research is still popular among many politicians, which in turn has resulted in major funding for such activities. The result is a significant expansion of organizations and activities in this area. We can mention: Cicero, Bjerknes Centre, Nansen, Bellona, ​​Zero and several nature conservation associations. The latter is now medically climate anxiety, with the diagnosis of "patients" in Finnmark. Since these organizations are primarily funded through state grants, competition from other researchers undesirable, cf. statements by President Paul Presterud Cicero NRK P2, Culture News 10.12.10. In other countries such as the United States, much of climate science based on state contributions. But in Norway is relatively strong political guidelines for such funds. The objectivity that sought in the research is not good enough prevalent among funding agencies. These factors explain part of the comprehensive climate disinformation going on.

Most of the natural disasters should therefore caused dramatic, human-induced climate change and said instruction booklet is a good example of this. Environment Minister Erik Solheim still takes the "cake" in this context. On Dagsnytt 18, 16.3 in year he stated'' we will see more tsunamis in the future as a result of climate change.'' It is almost inconceivable that such nonsense can be conveyed by a minister of the environment. Anthropogenic climate change - Fiction or Fact?

Climate scientists have long operated a persistent campaign based on the assumption that the current global warming destroys the world we know. Today, the strategy changed. Now it says anthropogenic climate change likely in view of the cold winters we have had in Europe, North America and Siberia. Although changes in lemming populations on Hardangervidda, see NC Stenseth in Today's Market, 03.12.11, and in oceanic minke whales attributed to changes in climate - a sort of scientific "open sesame". Serious researchers are concerned with the source, which is the number of people on earth because after all causes CO2 emissions. IPCC and climate scientists in general are concerned with the number of CO2 molecules, because the population explosion is taboo as a topic in many countries.

Pupils in primary schools understand that the amount of water needed in an area of ​​100 million people is different from that needed for the 200 million living in the area. Similarly, in case of natural disasters, the economic damage from an earthquake fifty years ago was considerably less than an earthquake today, with greater population density, many costly installations like nuclear power and assets - as demonstrated by the disaster earthquake off the coast of Japan 11 March.

Indoctrination to state control

Rector Hælbeks climate issue fits well into the pattern we have in this country and elsewhere in the world when it comes to global warming. There is a deep indoctrination of climate in schools. One of us (EB) knows the Tellus 10 used in secondary school course "Climate Wise" led by dr.gradsstudent Siri calves, as well as textbook Nexus 1Vg, used in high school. Along with the booklet mentioned in this chronicle, Tellus 10 that we've written about in Education No. 13.09 and the course material discussed in Dagsavisen 01/20/10, this shows that climate education in Norwegian schools is far from any knowledge. It is more characterized by indoctrination based on a one-sided view of climate and climate change. Now the closest to the natural climate factors silent in death. Critical thinking In this perspective: How be it the students' training in critical thinking? Where are the rivers opportunities to develop the ability to consider multiple sides of an issue? The considerable uncertainty associated with the models IPCC bases its predictions is also sometimes very strongly communicated. Where are the students' challenges through knowledge, to be able to manage complex risks in the future? We'll probably even accentuate that with the development of society as we see today, there is a growing need for good and objective of education minded people in schools. The new generations must be able to remain independent and critical of the many initiatives in newspapers and other media, as we are confronted with daily. We need active participants and not passive spectators indoctrinated!

The school tier on natural climate change

Natural climate factors are virtually silent in death in school climate education, writes Erik Bye and Eystein Husebye sr in this feature article.

The article our 7 March referred principal Hælbeks issue: CLIMATE. Everything is connected to everything, and is intended for use in secondary school. Response to the Science readers has been overwhelming. Here we see this CLIMATE booklet in a wider perspective, to elucidate the consequences of lack of knowledge dissemination in school textbooks.

Climate Paperback - insufficient CO2 descriptions

We are told that we are now experiencing dramatic'' anthropogenic climate change'', implied, caused by the greenhouse gas CO2. Students are not told that CO2 - content in the atmosphere is as low as 0.04 percent, that this gas is not a contaminant and that it is necessary for all life. At this the only 3 percent man-made, that is 0.001 per cent of the content in the atmosphere and that the rest of it comes from the nature itself. This is information that inquisitive learners will appreciate.

Influence of this gas on the greenhouse effect? No proof of this exists even for those periods of Earth's history when detectable CO2 levels were higher than today.

In a letter to the editor of Bj. Nofseth Aftenposten 3 December 1938, we read about the dramatic climate changes, with green fields in December, plowing in February Hallingdal (sleeps with.), winter temperatures on Svalbard 7 degrees C (annualized over 3 degrees C) and large seas without drift. We think that this is the dramatic climate changes, but they are not mentioned in the principal Hælbeks climate issue.

The reason for this may be that these climate changes were scarcely human. In 1930 the world population was about 2.5 billion at today's 7 billion.


In our feature article states that during the warm period of 800 - 1350's and the Little Ice Age from about 1400 til1800 temperatures were about 2-3 degrees higher, respectively lower than today. The formulation was probably a bit unlucky because the parameter temperature often varies rapidly with time and place.

A journey in January 2011 from Bergen Flesland to showed variations from - 8 to - 22 oC. Other times shows NRK / Yrs maps almost equal temperatures along the coast, from Hammerfest in the north to Stavanger in the south.

The best thing here is enough to introduce climate zones horticultural use for planting flowers and shrubs. Settlement in Greenland was only possible under the hot climatic conditions of the Middle Ages, while the little ice age caused the closure of farms upper Gudbrandsdal and Eastern Valleys. In Northern Norway was farming changed in favor of livestock because grain harvest occasionally failed.

Extreme values ​​and statistics

A postulate is that there always comes a day we get new heat, cold, rain or flood records - where time is of course dependent on the reference temperature, precipitation record etc. This creates obvious problems for many climate scientists and also for Hælbek.

Often omitted references to the heat Ages and the Little Ice Age - periods with obviously more drastic temperature variations than those we have experienced in the past 100 years. In those times there was no significant anthropogenic CO2 emissions as climate must obviously have been influenced by other factors. But such is excluded in climate models researcher created.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The UN panel established under the auspices of WMO (World Meterological Organization, Geneva) and representatives appointed by the respective national governments. Here emphasis is not necessarily academic knowledge, reflecting that the UN is a political organization and does not have supranational authority. The latter requires that the IPCC reports and recommendations must be based on consensus. This is not easy, as large meetings in Copenhagen and Cancun to the fullest demonstrated. IPCC's latest report has received much criticism, obvious errors, omission of key scientific works and conclusions on declining terms.

Not particularly surprising, because the UN is a political and not a scientific organization, and thus not based on academic excellence and integrity. (For your information, one of the authors (EH) has 15 years experience as a participant in a United Nations expert group).

Climate research - dance around the golden calves state

Climate research is still popular among many politicians, which in turn has resulted in major funding for such activities. The result is a significant expansion of organizations and activities in this area. We can mention: Cicero, Bjerknes Centre, Nansen, Bellona, ​​Zero and several nature conservation associations.

The latter is now medically climate anxiety, with the diagnosis of "patients" in Finnmark. Since these organizations are primarily funded through state grants, competition from other researchers undesirable, cf. statements by President Paul Presterud Cicero NRK P2, Culture News 10.12.10.

In other countries such as the United States, much of climate science based on state contributions. But in Norway is relatively strong political guidelines for such funds. The objectivity that sought in the research is not good enough prevalent among funding agencies. These factors explain part of the comprehensive climate disinformation going on.

Most of the natural disasters should therefore caused dramatic, human-induced climate change and said instruction booklet is a good example of this. Environment Minister Erik Solheim still takes the "cake" in this context. On Dagsnytt 18, 16.3 in year he stated'' we will see more tsunamis in the future as a result of climate change.'' It is almost inconceivable that such nonsense can be conveyed by a minister of the environment.

Anthropogenic climate change - Fiction or Fact?

Climate scientists have long operated a persistent campaign based on the assumption that the current global warming destroys the world we know. Today, the strategy changed.

Now it says anthropogenic climate change likely in view of the cold winters we have had in Europe, North America and Siberia. Although changes in lemming populations on Hardangervidda, see NC Stenseth in Today's Market, 03.12.11, and in oceanic minke whales attributed to changes in climate - a sort of scientific "open sesame". Serious researchers are concerned with the source, which is the number of people on earth because after all causes CO2 emissions. IPCC and climate scientists in general are concerned with the number of CO2 molecules, because the population explosion is taboo as a topic in many countries.

Pupils in primary schools understand that the amount of water needed in an area of ​​100 million people is different from that needed for the 200 million living in the area. Similarly, in case of natural disasters, the economic damage from an earthquake fifty years ago was considerably less than an earthquake today, with greater population density, many costly installations like nuclear power and assets - as demonstrated by the disaster earthquake off the coast of Japan 11 March.

Indoctrination to state control

Rector Hælbeks climate issue fits well into the pattern we have in this country and elsewhere in the world when it comes to global warming. There is a deep indoctrination of climate in schools. One of us (EB) knows the Tellus 10 used in secondary school course "Climate Wise" led by dr.gradsstudent Siri calves, as well as textbook Nexus 1Vg, used in high school.

Along with the booklet mentioned in this chronicle, Tellus 10 that we've written about in Education No. 13.09 and the course material discussed in Dagsavisen 01/20/10, this shows that climate education in Norwegian schools is far from any knowledge. It is more characterized by indoctrination based on a one-sided view of climate and climate change. Now the closest to the natural climate factors silent in death.

Critical thinking

In this perspective: How be it the students' training in critical thinking? Where are the rivers opportunities to develop the ability to consider multiple sides of an issue? The considerable uncertainty associated with the models IPCC bases its predictions is also sometimes very strongly communicated. Where are the students' challenges through knowledge, to be able to manage complex risks in the future?

We'll probably even accentuate that with the development of society as we see today, there is a growing need for good and objective of education minded people in schools. The new generations must be able to remain independent and critical of the many initiatives in newspapers and other media, as we are confronted with daily. We need active participants and not passive spectators indoctrinated!

Related links:

Nr. 514: The road as host of Vision Norway to Porn magazine Cupido is very short for Nabintu Hanne Herland who now writes op-ed in the porn magazine shortly after she was on VN!

Nr. 514:

The road as host of Vision Norway to Porn magazine Cupido is very short for Nabintu Hanne Herland who now writes op-ed in the porn magazine shortly after she was on VN!

I've said it before, say it again. Opens than initially up for a sin such. remarriage of believers. Then follows more. It is a spiritual law. Now there are no obstacles soon extended the Christian front. Hanvold can be against this, but he stands with both feet planted up in sin, and even caught by Satan and his own flesh. Who is behind Hanvold Herland and all others who get diverted? It is Satan and his demons scripture says. They will be very active now in the end times. 1 Tim. 4 1 Now the Spirit speaketh clear words that in the latter times some shall fall away from the faith, as they are of the seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. Illustration picture shows how demons can appear, which thrives primarily in what is unclean, especially on the sexuelle where remarriage, pornography, homosexuality and everything else is allowed and practiced. The Scandinavian word puke can be used both smådjevel and troll cat. Demons can either affect, assume or occupy parts of a person's inner being. That the people have a crude sex life is a very sure sign that the demon is going on. At Hanvold, Herland and others are strongly affected here, I think quite sure!

Notice how similar Hanvold the demon, it is because he has throughout his life has been greatly influenced and infiltrated by them in their whole being, way of life and what he stood for as a minister where he is living in adultery and doing heresy when he is a theologian of glory.

Those who adhere to the Lord or a prostitute, a spirit with her. Herland is now a spirit with the old pig Jan Hanvold.

And so with porn magazine Cupido. Hanvold has long been throughout his life a pig. He grew up with the first and verse sex magazine he had read that matters instead of textbooks, it was a hobby and life for him before he became a drug addict. After he became a drug addict, he was religious with umpteen marriages behind him. This is now also a Herland with when she pops up on the polluted and unclean TV channel to be the presenter.

Porn pollute us and it has certain polluted and distorted thought and pattern in Jan Hanvold life therefore is he that he is totally abnormal and weird. You look at all of him that he is influenced and consumed by unclean spirits of demons. Even his facial expressions reflect that he is under strong demonic and sinful influence.

Excerpts from the newspaper the day: It was Aasheim who asked Herland submit an article to them on the basis that they right now have a series where they invite opinion leaders to give input in the sexual political debate.

Herland even say it was a great pleasure to write of "the erotic magazine hedonistic."

- It is time that those who call themselves Christians confront their fear of talking about sex, she says, referring to Jesus who was criticized by the Pharisees of his time to talk with prostitute women and men who were not so magnificent.

- To put it this way: If Cupido is the magazine for hedonists and prostitute, I can not remember reading that somewhere Jesus said that one must not speak of sexual extreme liberals, says Herland to day. (End of quote).

Hven to blame for this?

I believe that the leaders and shepherds who rule the roost in Christian Norway, the main blame for this because they have never really warned against anything, just dill and Dalet with.

Scripture speaks not be complicit in the sins of others, we do not range from those who live in sin as such. Jan Hanvold is not long in from this to the more obvious and ugly and brazen sins.

Where will this end? I have written so much about this that I write more so I just repeat myself, I'm afraid. Read my previous articles on related topics.

2 Joh. b 9 He who does not adhere to the teachings of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have communion with God. Those who adhere to the teachings, he has fellowship with the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, so do not receive him into their home and greet him not to attend. 11 For he who greets him is complicit in his evil deeds.

1 Timothy 5:22 Do not be quick to lay hands on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure

We will not be involved in other people's sins. Are we good for those people who Nabintu Hanne Herland, Jan Hanvold and others. So we will soon be involved in their sins. It is otherwise only one thing to say. Repent, renounce, this will lead and lead it directly to destruction if porn magazine Cupido is your bed discourse and not the word of God and other devotional literature.

It's a pity the Hanvold.

He grew up next door to hard porn magazine Cocktail. There was no school books he read what he has preached here on Radio here in Oslo, but the blade. Cocktail was said that he had with the school and or everywhere. This he said on the radio here in Oslo. It was printer that printed the magazine lying right there Hanvold grew up in Drammen, he had what he himself says free access to this journal throughout childhood. No wonder there has been such that it has gone with him. Cocktail is the oldest sex magazine Hanvold grew up in his own accounts.

Escape for thy life was said to Lot and his family before the judgment came upon Sodom and Gomorrah. Think it is the same God says to us!

1 Gen. 7:17 p.m. When they had brought them out, he said, Escape for thy life; see thee not, and do not in all the plain, escape to the mountain, lest you be swept away!

There are times it's better to take one barrel legs to debate and discuss what is right and what is wrong. Escape for thy life, stay away from those who lead you away from Christ, and not to Christ. Take this seriously, turn around and make eye ointment I think the message to the Norwegian Christians, especially in this apostasy and deception time!

Herland know absolutely nothing, she is completely blown in some areas!

Sets up than for either Vision Norway, Cupidio or more that are directly killed for the spiritual life. This will than also associated with this, and being one with the people behind giving this stuff out. It makes me sick!

I do not know what is worst of Vision Norway or Cupido, I will still warn against them both and that believers will say to bring these to do is to legitimize and vouch for the things of Satan, demons and our flesh!

Related links:

mandag 27. mai 2013

Nr. 513: Resting the bloodshed in Norway - or parts of the country - because That way Hans Nielsen Hauge was received, processed and jailed?

Nr. 513:

Resting the bloodshed in Norway - or parts of the country - because That way Hans Nielsen Hauge was received, processed and jailed?

Resting the bloodshed in Norway - or parts of the country - because That way Hans Nielsen Hauge was received, processed and jailed? This was a crime against him which one can count as one of the chief pioneer in life and life, he was a very gifted and intelligent man of God, he was willing to whatever it may be to do good and learned, among other things farmers to grow potatoes, he created plants to salt, without being bitter at the government put all his cloths when he was asked for help.

Hans Nielsen Hauge appeared once for the prophet Joel Barsjø physical and said to him when he was a very spiritual battle. Hold on, I've been in the same battle that you are in. Picture shows Hauge at the Obelisk at Bredtveit Church.

Blood Guilt:

The Hebrew word for "blood" (dam, pl. Damịm) used in some cases for the sake of one incurred by the shedding of innocent blood, and it is therefore shown with "blood guilt". - 2MO 22: 2, NW, ftn.; 1Ki 2: 37, NW, ftn. Ever since the righteous blood of Abel cried out from the earth, "hands that are shedding innocent blood," heard the most detestable to Jehovah. (Proverbs 6: 16, 17; 1MO 4: 10; Switch 5: 6) People have also long been aware of the blood holiness. When Noah and his family came out of the ark, they know the serious consequences it would have on them if they pådrog the bloodshed. - 1MO 9: 6; 37: 21, 22, 42, 22 In time, it introduced laws that specified the crimes that were punishable by death, so that everyone could know what he had to avoid in order not to incur blood guilt. Other laws required that you hit the precautions so you do not inadvertent came to shed innocent blood. One would for example put up railings around the flat rooftops that people should not fall down from them. (5MO 22: 8) A man had to make sure to watch the bull's, so it does not headed people. (2MO 21: 29) If you kill a thief who broke into the night, pådrog can not blood, but if it happened the other day, asked the matter differently. (2MO 22: 2, 3) were established cities of refuge where someone killed someone unintentionally, to seek protection from the avenger of blood. (4Mo 35: 25; 5MO 19: 9, 10, Jos 20: 2, 3; see blood feud.) If Ezekiel failed as Israel's watchman, would citizens' blood is on his head. (Eze 3: 18, 20, 33, 6, 8) With this in mind, we understand what the Apostle Paul meant when he declared himself free of bloodshed. - Acts 18: 6, 20: 26

Bible both someone who was free of blood, and some that were not, and the latter serve as cautionary examples. We have, for example, Saul, who once avoided incur blood guilt by failing to kill David, but later brought blood upon his house because he killed some Gibeonites. (1Sa 19: 5, 6; 2Sa 21: 1) There were also others who in various ways pådrog the bloodshed. (Judges 9: 24; 2Sa 1: 16, 4: 6-12) David avoided however to incur blood guilt because he gave heed unto Jehovah warning through Abigail. (1Sa 25: 24-26, 31, 33) The city of Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE because of its great bloodshed. (Eze 22: 2-4, 23, 37, 45) The religious leaders of Jesus' day could just as leaders in Jeremiah's time to say free of blood, also for their skirts were red with the blood of Jehovah's faithful servants. (Jer. 2: 34, Mt 23: 35, 36, 27, 24, 25, Lu 11, 50, 51) The large "whore," Babylon the Great has such great bloodshed that it is said that she is drunk of Jehovah's people blood. - Revelation 17: 5, 6, 18, 24

Those who have such blood, is, as David said, not worthy to experience half of their days. (Ps 55: 23) Everyone should like David pray that Jehovah must free them from blood, and from those who have bloodshed. (Ps 51: 14, 59: 2, 139: 19) As foretold in Revelation, the time will soon come when, a mighty chorus of praise will sound to the praise of Jehovah because the last remnants of the great Babylon will be destroyed and the blood of all the innocent forever will be avenged. - Rev. 19: 1, 2,

The Christian Greek Scriptures mention three ways that a Christian may incur blood guilt before God, through the shedding of blood, that is, by making themselves guilty of murder, this includes active or passive support to an organization that has blood guilt (eg Babylon the large [Rev. 17: 6 18: 2, 4], or other organizations that have shed much blood [Rev. 16: 5, 6, cf Isaiah 26: 20, 21]), (2) by eating or drinking blood in one form or another (Acts 15: 20), (3) by failing to preach the good news of the Kingdom and thus maintain life-saving information back. - Acts 18: 6, 20, 26, 27, cf Eze 33: 6-8 (end of quote).

From Wikipedia about Hans Nielsen Hauge:

Hans Nielsen Hauge (born 3 April 1771 in Rolvsøyfjellet, died 29 March 1824 in Kristiania) was a Norwegian lay preacher and industrial entrepreneur. He founded the Christian movement Haugeans, also called Hauge.

Christmas 1799 set Hans Nielsen Hauge in custody in Trondheim. Here he wrote a Christmas hymn with seven verses: I am in God's grace, What damages the World Me? Charge only the big Vaada All roar with his Sviig, And with a body of binding Ind. in the innermost Hul, Then the dog The Spirit reel And keep Glædelig Juul. In Norwegian Salmebok hymn is shortened to four verses. The first verse is revised as follows: I am in God's grace, what damages world me about it for a while will advise and closes me my way! Will my body bind in prison darkness hide, to the spirit victory win and keep her happy July

Life and work

Hauge farm boy from Hauge Rolvsøyfjellet in Tune (now Fredrikstad). He grew up in a Christian home, one of 10 siblings. At home there was Luther's catechism and huspostill, Pontoppidans explanation, besides the writings of Lutheran pietists and prepietister, including Johann Arndt. 5 April 1796, 25 years old, he received his spiritual breakthrough. He was out in the field and plowed, he felt that "the love of God visited him." The house he lived in is one of the tourist attractions in Fredrikstad, and there is a large monument to him outside the house. In addition to its reputation as a great Christian personality, he was also a great business man.

A while after the breakthrough he read in Danish translation a book about mystic Johannes Tauler repentance, which he regarded as so important that he has since made sure to impart a shortened version of it. "There has thus been a fixture of seinmiddelalderlig mystery in his religious reading. Book of Tauler was loved him too because a main character in it is a layman who out of their own spiritual experiences with great boldness instruct and rebuke a priest and a learned theologian, "writes church historian Einar Molland. Hauge began soon even as a preacher and let in his preaching emphasis on a personal relationship with God and a sober and industrious lives. In the years from 1797 to 1804, he attended their legs from place to place in the country. How he exploited the time while he tilbakela vast distances. On the farms he helped his little shelter and gathered those who lived on the farm and neighboring farms to worship.

This was not legal, since the ordinance of 1741 prohibited the laity to hold devotional meetings with parish priest's approval. Hauge was repeatedly arrested, at most ten times in seven years. In 1804 it was erected a large and comprehensive case against him and he was imprisoned until 1811 and had to pay a fine of 1,000 thalers. After this he joined with the travel business, but in 1813 he was sentenced to two years in slavery. The persecutions led to further consolidation among his supporters. Several of them did however find that it had its price to listen to Hauge.

In a total of 18 years he was a preacher and outside prison, he published 33 books. In addition, he set people with commercial and industrial enterprises. Hauge kristendomssyn can be said to be pious, but he laid greater emphasis on serving God with practical work than pietism had traditionally done.

Past year

During imprisonment was Hauge good health broken down and he had big problems throughout life. When he finally got out of prison, he married and settled on the farm Bredtvet of Differences (then Aker). He even bought by friends. Here he was visited by many people, including clerics. Bakke farm on saws also belonged Hauge. Here he founded in 1811 Bakke mill by the river.

He died in 1824, 53 years old, after great suffering. He is buried in the Old Aker cemetery, which also erected a memorial for him. Legacy

About Hans Nielsen Hauge writes Viggo Ullmann including this: Quote: "His only spirit world was the ancient godly writings and understanding af the Bible, that these provisional arrangement was givet him. And yet he showed himself, the least effect founders af his life's work, that being a modern aand, a mand, if virksomhed was paitent for new times. Thi the Haugian lægmandsbevægelse has been brought up farmers who no andet in the day, the blot is not religious, but political. Quote - Viggo Ullmann

Several of the farmers who participated in the National Assembly at Eidsvoll in 1814, was Haugians. One of them, Christopher Borgersen Hoen from Spokes, was later a driving force in efforts to get lifted Conventicle. Hauge legmannsvirksomhet was also the start of a fundamental feature of the 1800s Norwegian church history, including continuing the Inner Mission. On the farm Bredtvet of Differences, where Hauge lived, was Bredtvet church built in 1977. An obelisk with a plaque of Hauge raised in the church garden. Memory disc shows Hauge's face. Under the portrait is the following quote by Hauge, "I have sworn to God aand lydighed and he has helped me to abiding with Forså faith."

Outside Uranienborg church in Oslo there is a statue of Hauge.

In the district saws in Oslo's Hans Nielsen Hauge street, and Hans Nielsen Hauge space. On Tåsen in Oslo's Hauge road, which also is named after Hans Nielsen Hauge.

In Moss is also a Hans Nielsen Hauge Road.

The altarpiece of Hamar Cathedral performed by Henrik Sørensen, here's Hauge repentance scene in one of the side panels. In the Norwegian Lutheran Church in Minneapolis minde is a glass painting of Hans Nielsen Hauge. In 1961 came the Norwegian Hans Nielsen Hauge film about Hauge's life. The film was directed by Bjorn Breigutu and Per Sunderland starred. The film focuses on showing that Hauge was unjustly persecuted, and that the authorities finally concluded that he had committed no crime. (End of quote).

About bloodshed from the word of God:

Ezekiel 9:9 And he said to me, Israel and Judah sin is exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD hath forsaken the earth, the LORD seeth not. Isaiah 4:4 When the Lord shall the daughters of Zion are washed impurity and gets washed the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit. Proverbs 28:17 A man pressed the blood, is on the run until his burial, no need to hold on to him. At 1:4 And the LORD said unto him, Call his name Jezreel For a little while I will visit the blood of Jezreel on the house of Jehu and put an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel; At 24:15 Ephraim provoked bitter resentment; therefore his Lord will leave his blood guilt upon him, and his reproach shall he recompense him. Hab 2:17 For the violence done to Lebanon and destruction of animals, which scared them, shall come upon thee the blood of the people and for the violence done to the land, to the city and all who live in it. Hab 2:8 Because you have plundered many nations, to all that are left of the peoples will loot you the blood of the people and for the violence done to the land, to the city and all who live in it. Psalm 51:16 Deliver me from blood, O God, God of my salvation! Then my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness. 2Sam. 21:1 In David's time there was even a famine for three years after each other. David sought the Lord, and the Lord said, It is because it bloodguilt Saul and his house, because he slew the Gibeonites. 4Mos 35:27 and the avenger of blood hit him outside his refuge s monopoly and kill the slayer, he has no blood guilt on themselves. 3MOS 17:4 And bringeth them unto the door of the tent to carry an offering unto the LORD before the tabernacle, the man must be remembered that blood, he has shed blood, that man shall be cut off from his people. 2mos 22:3 But what happens after that the sun is going up, then there will be bloodshed thereof. For he should make full restitution;, he has nothing, he shall be sold for his theft. 5Mos 7:10 p.m. so that there shall not shed innocent blood in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, as it is blood upon thee. 5Mos 22:8 When you build a new house, you shall make a parapet on the roof, that thou bring not blood upon thine house, if any man fall from there. 1 Samuel 25:33 And blessed be your discretion, and blessed be thou, which hast kept me back from incurring me blood, and take myself to the right! 1 Samuel 25:26 Now therefore, my lord, as the LORD lives and as your soul lives, the Lord has prevented you from incurring thy blood, and from taking yourself out to be right, and now let thine enemies, and they that seek evil my lord, be as Nabal. 2mos 22:2 If the thief is caught while breaking in and is turned so that he die, there shall no blood guilt thereof.

I have been told that Hans Nielsen Hauge worked throughout Norway, but did not get a foothold in Norway, particularly the north, and even in parts of western Gudbrandsdal. We have noticed that the spots in Norway who have been hardest hit by natural disasters is often a measure of where Hans Nielsen Hauge did not get acceptance.

I claim nothing here, but find it a strange coincidence. It happened on Utøya I would say that the socialists had some fault of when they went over the line in its treatment of Israel / Palestine question. But here, with Hans Nielsen Hauge seems also to be a pattern?

What should we do? I think there are several things to make sure that the judgment of God will be taken away and the blood guilt must leave us, not least those parts of Norway. Here are some suggestions:

1) Ask Hans Nielsen Hauge and his surviving family members of public forgiveness.

2) Build a statue of him or something by the Parliament or government building, centrally located in the nation's capital. Also for some to, then preferably where he came from.

3) Sending movie about him in NRK and TV as a simulcast, and would like to give out a new movie.

4) Donating example. 10 Million in his name to the gypsies in Romania, it is in Hauge's Spirit.

5) On Bredtvet where memorial of him to Prime Minister Stoltenberg government asked apologetic as he did to the Jews.

6) Re-release of Hauge's writings.

7) The State Museum of Hauge and Norwegian revivalism, centrally here in Norway. Eg.

8) Set up various things related to Hauge and Haugeans.

9) There are also several things at Hauge as many have already appreciated. By Uranienborg park stands a bronze statue of Hans Nielsen Hauge, conducted by Sigurd Nome and intent in 1971. And by Bredtveit Church is the obelisks.

Final comment:

It is strange to see that much of the Christian business, where God and his word has turned strongly through there Hauge's preaching was received. It's like there's a vein of life, enthusiasm and kindness which Hauge preaching was believed. But there he was opposed, and was not accepted. Is it indeed to this day difficult to reach people with the gospel, at least difficult than where he was taught.

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søndag 26. mai 2013

Nr. 512: Why will not Christian Norway have a discussion and debate Pastor Jan Hanvold and Vision Norway? The truth will always prevail - eventually!

Nr. 512:
Why will not Christian Norway have a discussion and debate Pastor Jan Hanvold and Vision Norway? The truth will always prevail - eventually!

I have tried to initiate a discussion or debate about Pastor Jan Hanvold and Vision Norway, without fail properly. It looks like it is very closed to this, although Jan Hanvold is a glory and happiness prophet living in adultery by the font. What is the reason? Are here to provide some answers and suggestions. Picture that Satan is behind Vision Norway and Jan Hanvold

Jan Hanvold can not be a credible Christian leader when he is re-married as believers.

Certainly he is honest enough to admit that he himself is to blame for this, but God's word speaks clearly about this with marriage, divorce and remarriage, and what we have to keep us as believers. This applies to an assembly manager and director who is a model and pattern of the flock.

It is sad that this serious truth simply neglected and overlooked. As a Christian, all things in our lives could be exposed and may be subject to deliberation and discussion if you do something that is contrary to Scripture. Certainly all make mistakes, but by hearing and accepting advice should we as believers do not make mistakes and it is allowed to repent if we have made mistakes. It is incomprehensible and frightening that we as Christians live like the world, they marry nor are given in marriage, this is also an eschatological sign says John. Revelation. Is it really just begin when we do this, why not talk about this and accept this? Cowardice and falsehood is great!

In the end times there will be many false prophet, there will be difficult times and the believers will not hear the truth, only in fairy tales. Jesus warned against deception as the safest eschatological character. The first thing he said in his end-time speech was that no one should be deceived!

Matt. 24th 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world? 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man lead you astray!

We are all believers shall spend an eternity together, is it not right and proper to start talking together here? We all have the same goal, the same father and the same Saviour? For me, this is not to debate such errant and false prophet who unfortunately getting more and more foothold within its large parts of the Norwegian Christianity as the carnal act.

1) Pastor Jan Hanvold is one of the iniquity of Israel! How could he have been one of the foremost Christian leaders with the most influence?

2 Sam 16:7 And Shimei cursed him, saying, Away, away with you, your bloodhound, you fool!

I am sure of one thing, had the spiritual standard was intact in God's church in Norway Norway had Vision and Pastor Jan Hanvold been heard, "Away with you your coward!".

2) God's Word warns to "defend" people Hanvold living in sin and proclaim the glory of Theology (read heresy). If it sets things upside down.

Isaiah 5 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

It is very serious spiritual significance to in any way endorse the Vision Norway and Hanvold. When we come across the next point.

3) He who does not warn against VN and Pastor Hanvold indirectly defending. But what is far more serious, it is to defend, speak well of, and set up the channel and with Hanvold. Then an accomplice in his perverse and carnal life and realities scripture says. And there are those that allow Hanvold and other pray for them, that I would strongly warn against because then transferred Hanvold spirits at you faster and on a larger scale one you are aware of it.

This is from an article I wrote about being an accomplice: 2 Joh. b 9 He who does not adhere to the teachings of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have communion with God. Those who adhere to the teachings, he has fellowship with the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, so do not receive him into their home and greet him not to attend. 11 For he who greets him is complicit in his evil deeds. James 3 1 My brothers! Not many of you should become teachers, for you know that we will be much stricter judgment. Luke 17 1 He said to his disciples: "It is inevitable that offenses come, but woe to him through whom they come! 2 It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone around his neck, than that he should offend one of these little ones. 3a Beware! It amazes me how uninformed people of faith are about these things. That we are in a relationship with all other believers whether we want it or not. We are like a body and belong to each other. And when a limb do not live in line with the head - which is Christ - so it rubs off on everyone else. When a limb is obedient, then the consequence is that it also affects the other. This has nothing to do with anything except that we are in direct life connection with each other because we have the same life and the same Spirit. And the same Saviour, Lord and Father. All this binds us together as believers in spite of differences and disagreements. This is a fact and a reality. Those preachers and are a liability to others, this is even stronger. I proclaim that has an extra large responsibility, this also applies to everyone else. When preachers set up in conjunction with other ministers who live in sin or doing blatant heresy, so we become accomplices. Yes, it is so severe in some cases that Jesus said that it had been better received a millstone around his neck and been thrown around the neck and then had just destroyed itself. But here destroys one not only for themselves but also for others. We lead others to perdition, into disability and into the delusion of self to influence and preach to others. It's in the room. 10th 17 that faith comes by hearing. This applies not only religion but also heresy and unbelief are also of hearing, have you thought about that? Or are you one of those who accept everything and not have their own opinions and attitudes? Everything is not of God if it is not in accordance with God's word. It is only that which agrees with the word of God, that we should align ourselves. Everything else should we shun as "plague" that will lead us down from Christ and the simplicity allegiance to him! Here is an explanation of why the priest collar around his neck as figuratively have much going for it: Enno today are priests often painted with the old priest collar. But what was the idea behind this creation under doctor? One of the explanations is that the collar should remind priest millstone. Not the bottom of the mill in the village, but the stone that Jesus spoke about: "Whoever lures to drop one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better lit with getting a millstone hanged about his neck and sunk in the ocean's depths." It would therefore be better to have a millstone around his neck than to cause one who believes in Jesus, on wild roads. So serious is the man to lead a different way than what God says. (End of quote).

4) The ancient Christians never accepted remarriage, we made further progress today, I ask myself?

It is strange that a sudden pile buck everywhere. It was unthinkable that someone who was re-married a Christian, and also to blame for their own divorces. Getting the opportunity to preach the word of God and become one of the most prominent leaders of the country. And many employees as he has with him is also re-married a Christian (and also unbelievers). They have one or more marriages behind him, but "servant" God. Such as Jon Egil Stavik, Sten Klevaas-Olsen, Jan Eriksen, Jan Hagen, Albert and Marita Ånensen, Per Haugan and Vivian Zahl Olsen. Here the "father" as a role model, a great role model. + Many more, it's like a whole worms Vision Norway with Jan Hanvold as the moral and spiritual area with unbiblical doctrine and a life that is worthy of Christ!

5) What do they do for the next generation? When the currently handles the freedoms of the flesh and the desires just as it suits them. What a legacy they add again to the next generation?

We must never think that it gets easier, but difficult. How selfish and unloving is not here, and other places where one opens up the same with the unbiblical teachings, sin and remarriage etc. coming next will be more Sadistic and dissipated sins. Sin begets sin!

6) Through this, God had been given an opportunity to show the difference between his standard, world standard. But here is the so-called Christians as bad as the world, this displeases the Lord and his judgment if waiting than not repent.

"Then you shall again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him." Mal.3.18.

It is this vacuum that is about to come, which I think will create favorable conditions for an true revival. Not to say that people come in their thousands, but that more and more of the "our" side, I am convinced.

7) There is also a strong misuse of funds as a mean than giving to the Lord's cause. I think that those who give to Vision Norway basically not giving to God's cause.

God's word speaks several places to give. Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given you: good measure, shaken, packed and brimming ye shall have in his lap. For it shall be measured to you with the same measure that you use yourself.

What God gives us in his lap? Is it money that Hanvold preacher and theologian glory? No, it is heresy. He gives us what we need to for Spirit, Soul and Body! All we need in life simply. Hanvold have not mastered being a good husband, he could received help from the Lord.

8) Christian people in Norway lacks seriousness. There are so many within its congregations and all rents of divorced and re-married today to address this issue and highlight it as the word of God makes had created a framework scream. The fastidious public in Norway has become so deceives, pampered into sleep and manipulated by the demos that they do not know the difference between right and wrong anymore!

Weakness and indifference governing Christian Norway, not God and his word. Ostrich sticking heads in the sand and think that the danger is over. I wonder he is an average Norwegian Christian? Taking a hold of things, study the word of God and live it, it's the only way, Hallelujah! And it is quite possible if one want, and want it. God gives power and strength as a need, even if it changes contrary to the flesh.

9) This is to differentiate themselves and remarry is not a particularly biblical, but to go against Jesus' commandment to marry again so Hanvold done. There are strong words, but here the apostle Paul says that this is a commandment of Jesus: 1 Cor. 7 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but she is separated from him when she abide, being unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man shall put away his wife (end of quote).

Note that this is what Jesus taught, and that the early Christians emphasized. The apostle Paul quoted Jesus: "They married I command, yet not I, but the Lord."

10) Why will not debate than this? And discuss himself through this as the first Christians did again and again. In small and large forums? There are several reasons why? But the lack of healthy and true spiritual maturity is a major cause. There are so many people who are divorced and remarried within its all churches today that will not take up this team although re-married people or those who are married to be married in sin according to God's word. And the world has gotten so large and extensive foothold among the faithful that there are no longer differences between the Christian and the world, tragic but true!

Final comment:

There are those who attack me, but who they attack? God. There are those who support me, who supports them? Not me, but God and his word. I'm not afraid to hear these sickening Pentecostal Charismatic come with their regurgitation, they are not God, but Satan. They are captured by an intoxication where they do the evil will of this warning and guidance.

2 Tim. 2 25b of God though even give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth 26 and wake up from his wine in the devil's snare, having been captured by him to do his will.

My conclusion is the following, particularly p.g.a. the present distress today: Permitted to remarriage or that believers marry divorcee is to open up directly to the carnal act and demon, even if one confesses Jesus name. It helps nothing, absolutely nothing if we do not follow Jesus and let God's word be our guide. There are plenty of people who say that God has spoken, God has shown me, I have dreamed, etc. But let God's word always get guide you and us. If we reach heaven someday? Get full pay? Be preserved and standing after having overcome all? We must crush these types Hanvold when he is raised up by Satan, not God. Let the people who live by the word of God and teach others then, be a guide for you dear friend. Support the intercession and the financial help, and God bless you, you bet!

Matt. 5 19 Therefore, whoever breaks one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

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fredag 24. mai 2013

Nr. 511: When you became a Jesus believer, Satan declared war at you, but God has promised to be with you and give you strength and power as you need it, for you to reach home!

Nr. 511:

When you became a Jesus believer, Satan declared war at you, but God has promised to be with you and give you strength and power as you need it, for you to reach home!

To receive salvation in Jesus Christ is to declare war against Satan and his spiritual army. Meanwhile, a struggle and conflicts in other areas that one must take into account, not least within themselves and in relation to other people. Have good role models as believers is good. I have my models, but unfortunately, it is about none of today's Christian leaders and pastors that one can have as an example where an acknowledge and accept it all. God's word says that we should always be supervised and the word of God, it is our guiding principle, nothing else. How will Satan deceive us and alluring? When we go doubt the word of God and do not follow the Word. Satan come in all possible shapes and forms. From being a roaring lion to be an angel of light. And he also graduate through the so-called Christian. Satan uses many, one of them that he uses is clearly Jan Hanvold fornicators according to scripture and doing theology of glory. To open up for him is the same as opening up to Satan when he is living contrary to God's word and God's will. Beware scripture says again and again, it is not without reason dear friend!

What does it mean to be saved, and what is the goal of salvation?

Salvation, we can divide into three. The day we receive Jesus Christ, we become a child of God, we are saved and born again. Secondly, so taking a salvation throughout life that the Bible calls for holiness or reconditioning. Secondly, there is a final salvation that begins the day we die or Jesus comes to get us in the cloud. Then there will never be any possibility of falling back. Taking a few scriptures about every part of salvation.

1) Salvation: Joh. e 1 11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God . 3 5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God.

2) Sanctification:

Hebrews 12:14 Pursue after peace with all, and after holiness, for without holiness no man shall see the Lord.

2Tess 2:13 But we are bound to thank God always for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

1 Timothy 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

1 Thessalonians 4:7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.

1 Peter 1:2 according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you!

1 Thessalonians 4:3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality;

Rooms 6:22 But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.

1 Corinthians 1:30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who is made unto us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption;

2 Corinthians 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God

Rooms 6:19 I speak as a man of your flesh frail convenience. For as you presented your members as servants to uncleanness and to iniquity lawlessness, so now present your members servants to righteousness unto holiness!

3) Sluttfrelsen: Rom. 8 19 For the creature longing and a desire God's manifestation of the sons 20 creature was made subject to vanity - not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same - 21 in hope that the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the children of God glorious liberty. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and travail in pain together until now; 23 And not only so, but ourselves also, which have the first-fruits, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, as we moments after our adoption, the redemption of our body . 24 For in hope we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: and why should one to hope that he sees? 25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait.

1 Jn. b 3 See what love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God and we are. Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 2 Beloved now we are children of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as he is.

Before we get to take part in the final salvation, we live in a spiritual conflict. When you became a believer Jesus Satan declared war you, but God has promised to be with you and give you strength and power as you need it!

How escalates the war itself? And how lose or win it. As I see it there's one thing above all Satan wants believers to do or commit, it is sin, and above all live in sin. Secondly, he will keep us down in ignorance, ignorance and despair.

Why I warn eg. so strongly against remarriage, marry a divorced or living as a homosexual and be a Christian? Because the word of God says it is sin, and we legalize sin - that is about to happen - the sin penetrate throughout Christendom. The word of God says that a little sin just seems like yeast in the batch that penetrates everywhere. Therefore, an attack on me, an attack on God and His word.

Gal 5:9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

But what is the purpose of salvation? It is, above all, that we may share in final salvation.

Matt 24:13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

What we are going through here in time scripture says is that nothing behind, only we reach the final salvation.

Rooms 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

What will it mean to partake of final salvation, what is the goal of our life, when not on Earth. But in a context of eternity? This is of course a question that it is impossible to give a complete answer, but I want to mention some things what the goal and purpose of salvation is the goal to put it this way:

1 Peter 1:9 Receiving the the end of your faith, the salvation of souls.

1) We will see Jesus and become like Him. Get the same glorious body and will never fall from grace.

Fil. 3 20 For our citizenship is in heaven, from whence we and the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, 21 who will transform our lowly body that it becomes equal to his glorious body, according to the power with which he can subdue insurrection things.

2) We shall reign forever and ever, with the means that we will prevail, shape and could create something both alone, with others and with God. We shall be kings both on earth and in the universe. Everything belongs to us, the Apostle Paul.

Rev 5:10 and made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth!

Revelation 22:5 And night shall be no more, and they need no candle, neither light of the sun, for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

3) The things ahead of us that we do not know about yet. But there is much, yes. Unimaginable and big things, something that we are able to think and comprehend filled out now.

1 Cor. 2 9 But as it is written: What eye not so and ear not heard, and what not opkom in nothing human heart, what God has prepared for them that love him.

5Mos 29:29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.

4) The salvation and what Jesus did for us, which is an eternity for us to understand and penetrate in. We will study, examine and indulge even more of our savior Jesus Christ through eternity forever and.

1 Thessalonians 5:9 for God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Luke 3:6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. Luke 2:30 for my eyes have seen your salvation,

5) Eternity will also be a place of reward, or we lose our intended reward. All believers will be placed before Christ's tribunal, where we will receive what we have spent our lives to save. Only we can reach. And then we will shine as we have shown allegiance against Christ and God's word. This applies to all believers. The unbelievers and nominal Christians who do not arrive, they will be destroyed in the lake of fire with Satan and all that went with him from engleverden.

2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether good or evil.

1 Cor. 15th 37 And when you sow, sow not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain: 38 But God gives it a body according to his will, and each kind of seed its own body. 39 All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of birds, another of fishes. 40 And there are heavenly bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial, the terrestrial is another. 41 There is one glory of the sun, moon, and another, and another the stars: for one star differs himself from the others shine. 42 So it is with the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption: 43 It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 which is sown a natural body, there is raised a spiritual body. As sure as there is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 45 Thus there and written, The first man Adam became a living soul, the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, then the spiritual. 47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is from heaven. 48 Sådan as is the earthy, so also the earth, and such as is the heavenly, so let them be heavenly, 49 and as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall bear and the heavenly image.

Final comment:

There is so much more that could have been written and said. But you have the opportunity to send questions to me by e-mail or SMS which stands at the top of the page. Or write comments and opinions on the blog. Good luck dear friend! God is good and will you all the best. We have God's word and God's promises that this will go well as long as we stay close to Him, He will also remain close to us.

5 Gen. 32:6 b Is not he thy father that hath bought thee property? He made thee, and formed thee.

5 Mos. 33 25 By iron and copper be your lock and your rest as long as your days! 26 There is none like God, Jeshurun - He rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky. 27 A dwelling is the eternal God, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he the enemy from before thee, saying, Destroy! 28 And Israel dwelleth safely by themselves, fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew. 29 Blessed are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD, your helping shield and sword of thy excellency! Your enemies hypocrite for you, while you go along with their high places.

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