My meeting with healing evangelists AA Allen, Jack Coe and Aage Samuelsen has left a deep and lasting impression, not least to rely on God's word and God's promises!
Mark 16 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature! 16 He that believeth and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they will cast out demons, they will speak with tongues, 18 they shall take up serpents and if they drink anything poisonous, it shall not hurt them in ill will they lay their hands, and they shall recover. 19 Then was the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.
Brother Aage Samuelsen is for my concepts even though he does not always live up to what God's word says, some of the best of preachers and singers tiny Norway has fostered. Here in lovely pose where he both speak, pray for the sick and sings Zion delightful delectable praises that sets people free spirit, soul and body!
My meeting with healing evangelists AA Allen, Jack Coe and Aage Samuelsen I want to share into ten points to make it more transparent and with a greater whole.
1) My first encounter with this type of preaching was the summer of 1982, I experienced something that I had not heard before preached and practiced.
The words and phrases they used were new to me. They lit like something only a few words and phrases, stalled for it and all compare verses elsewhere in the word of God was set in relation to this. Not that I had heard this before. But when given a more stopped and dwelt at some verses and pages and by the word of God. Experienced also a clear and true God's presence, which made me certain that divine healing was from God. There were books from Revival Center in Fredrikstad was a gateway for me here. They had several books I got, published and translated by Carole LINK I mean. It is over 30 years back in time.
2) God's Generals by Robert Liardon.
In fact there is a book by Robert Liardon which has a chapter of AA Allen and Jack Coe that I've gotten a lot out of. Recommended reading them. This book is published by Hermon publishers and to obtain well today, unfortunately survived this Liardon contrary to God's word. But what he wrote about Branham and Allen Coe is much that is instructive and well. Here is the book out online: # 0
3) AA Allen has had healthy theology, but unfortunately not everyone around him.
Allen preached the word of God very clearly. Much is written about him and what others have stated will be at their expense. Allen's preaching and theology as far as I could see it was mostly very good and clear.
4) Jack Coe had too much good to give even if he died all too early death.
The first book I read about these trosforkynnerne was Jack Coe. He thought childish word of God, experienced it and praising God for it. Delicious! Here is some material on the net of him
5) AA Allen overdid things, not the least of fasting.
Personally, I think that it caused problems for Allen at the end of his life with poor and failing health was that he had fasted so much. It takes about fasting - too much. Allen was extreme, so also God answered his prayers. But it is also important to pay attention to their body and mental life, to serve God. Here is his website today:
6) Brother Aage Samuelsen was their offshoot in Norway.
Aage Samuelsen also experienced great things with God, I think it is fair to say that he was as an offshoot of these. Reading than the old Maran-Ata and Away Shout Maran Ata leaves'll find a lot of counterfeit drugs. Here they are engaged in the work of Åge on:
7) After Pentecost God raised up several healing preachers after the 2nd World War.
Geir Lie and his Reflex Publishing has released a lot of useful information about this. It was in the 50s that God raised up several publishers in the United States and elsewhere around the world who preached and practiced healing by prayer. Before that it had not been so many, but Smith Wiggelsworth. But after what happened in the 1950s was far more.
8) After my meeting with them, I got far more faith to pray for any needs.
It was not just praying for the sick, but also other things. For my part, I got a much bigger and bolder faith to avail myself of the prayer life in all contexts and situations. Recommended!
9) How did AA Allen and note the end they got.
Heb. 13th 7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you! considering the end of their journey, and imitate their faith!
Unfortunately, died A. A. Allen early, only 67 years old, I believe. But he was probably never an alcoholic, but it was just that he thinks I spent some alcohol as a pain relief when he had pushed his body to the limit by eg fixed and dedication to and for God.
10) We Smyrna Oslo and I pray for the sick in the name of Jesus that the early Christians, as these healing evangelists did.
If you are ill or have other needs? Ring, post or arrived at our meetings. You should and will receive prayer.
Final comment:
For my part, I would recommend anyone to read and study these preachers. There are websites that they have after his death as well. At the same time there is a lot of inter alia Allen who is on You Tube. Recommended!
Speech by Aage Samuelsen:
"... Through the power went on foot: there did we rejoice in him." (Psalm 66.6) It may be for anyone and everyone who believes in God that it seems as if people and God has abandoned one. But he has said explicitly: "I shall not fail you, and no wise leave thee." (Heb. 13.5) And: "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and saveth them with a broken spirit. "(Psalm 34, 19).
We have both the setting and that when everything seems to go well then we say, "God is an awesome God!" But God is just great and wonderful in adversity as in prosperity. Moses says in his farewell song in 5th Mos. 32.4: "The Rock! - His work is perfect, For all His ways are: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. "
So if you think he is far away he is near anyway. When Israel stood in front of the Red Sea, with Egypt's army after him, when he was there and opened the way for them. In 1 Cor. 10.4 is it so wonderful: "And the rock that followed them was Christ." Satan wants you to be concerned with difficulties, but it says in Psalm 34, 6: "They looked up to him and beamed with joy, and their faces reddened never of shame." He said, "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. "Then three young men were thrown into the furnace he was there as the fourth man, and that quartet sang the wonderful praises to God. When Daniel was thrown into the lions' den when he was there and locked the mouths of the lions. The same thing he does today.
Enemy armies approaching he is a "wall of fire Trinta about them that fear him." David says in 23 Psalm: "If I walk in the dark valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me." Furthermore, I again cite 5 Mos. 32, 10: "He watched over Jacob, he instructed him, he kept him as his eye-stone."
When the lepers cried out to Jesus for healing, he stretched out his hand and said, "Be healed!" And immediately the leprosy left him. It is the pilgrimage with Jesus, in evil report and good report in prosperity and in adversity that you learn to trust Him who said: "No one should be persuaded to pluck them out of my Father's hand." (Jn 10, 28-29).
What we look forward to now is to meet him personally - when he'll get all his. Then we shall see him as he is. When we lifted up in the air as he will be there. When we come home to heaven, he will be there as the centerpiece of eternity, - where the big chorus numbers without going to sing liberation songs.
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