onsdag 14. november 2012

Nr. 406: There is a difference between demonic aktevitet and carnal aktevitet the church of God! Part 2

Nr. 406:

There is a difference between demonic aktevitet and carnal aktevitet the church of God! Part 2

It is strange that the people of God in the Christian preaching that so little focus on sekuelle sins that remarriage among believers, porn, perpetrators etc. that are related to sexual sins. There is nothing that gives demons such free entry among the believers who sekuelle sins that we shall get in on this item. Pastor Jan Aage Torp opens the door up for this distinguished themselves as Pastor and married shortly afterwards with a 20 year young lady and showed by this that this was what he wanted. The works of our tells a thousand words, Torp is whether or not posessed so strongly innfiltrert by evil spirits as all others who are disobedient to the word of God is! Here an Illustrative image where I want to strongly warn that these people pray for someone when they are living in adultery and innfiltrert of evil spirits by living in sin, fornication and rebellion against God's word.

Will point 10 the differences aspects of this is how evil spirits works and how to be ingested. But rather than being aware of them and thus gain victory. We as believers have victory over Satan and his spiritual army, not lying below them and are invited them into our lives and our churches is happening today!

1) The opening up of demons and unclean åndsmaket in human life above all else is the work of the flesh. It starts with the flesh than getting more and more dominant position. Then comes one of the Spirit's influence. It leads into being animated by åndsmakekter so they "come" and "go" in life. Then comes the last or the last stage in which the Spirit Obsessed. Everything is starting to open up for the flesh, as it develops into becoming animated and secondly Spirit Obsessed. This is a trend that goes down.

2) We all have our weak points, we do not get rid of them so they will in turn lead to something worse! Therefore, Satan and his demons always look for our weak points, if possible, to get to there. If we graduate or when we graduate in the flesh, when this comes out. Satan "adding," noticed this and when annleding presents itself, he will try his hand at us. Satan wants to occupy all people without exception. But dt is clear there are some that he is more interested in than others, there must be those who profess the name of Jesus!

3) It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between ubelanse the psyche and spirit obsession / innfiltrasjon. But there are areas in our lives that I want to mention that we have no control over, that we feel that there is an evil spirit power that has control over. We must assume that this works then is not only our psyche, but it's Demonsik aktevitet behind and boards.

4) There are several areas that Satan works. But I will mention one area that I would warn against over any other areas so this is what goes on sexual sins. To mention three areas here that counts. Beginning with the first one I mentioned that abnormal sins. When I think of the sins that go beyond cohabitation which is natural which is between a man and a woman. Such sins as pedophilia, homoseksualittet, group sex etc. All this provides an opening for the Demons in a special way and I would ask you to repent of this as soon as possible.

5) Porn I want to mention as a separate item. We can not help but be somewhat affected by this in our society when nudity and porn we meet everywhere. But when the world becomes a part of our everyday life and we can not do without this. Then it will again preside over the spiritual impact that leads into Spirit Possession. Therefore it is about to do to shun pornography like the plague and something Hess. It is more dangerous than all if this gets adopt and influence our lives.

6) The "legal" sins that are as dangerous as they "ulovleige" sins. I'm thinking of remarriage of believers etc. There are sins today which is widely accepted but the word of God warns in the very, very strongly. Among other things, speak the word of God that remarriage or marrying a divorced woman is to commit adultery. And scripture speaks of the remains of a whore is a Spirit with her. Through such "legal" sins will than come under the influence of the Spirit that leads into Demon obsession. There are many examples to draw on, but it is obvious that Jan Hanvold, Jan Aage Trop and many others who have re-married as treonde come under the katogorien.

1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee fornication! Every sin that a man can do is outside the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, which ye have of God, and that I do not belong to yourselves?

7) apostates and those who seek spiritual erekstra exposed. This is the many places we could take the word of God. In Luke 11 the tales that the evil spirit leaves over and if he again opens up the evil spirits take the one with sg seven Spirits worse than themselves to make our home with him. And is open to Gudme Satan will also try to get in and get the space. There are many straight downs on the spiritual as demonic as Yoga, false religions, New Age etc.

8) Demonic aktevitet and obsession are as common in Norway as in other countries, too primitive but spiritual powers are alive and more bred and difficult to spot right away, but they are there. I've said it before and repeat it again. It is not just out in the mission field that demons work and graduate, but also in Norway. But here in Norway are as deep sea fishing while out on the mission field is that fish are near the surface of the water. But fish are fish, and demons are demons. Actually vrimmler that of demons, and there are as many of them in the Western world as it is in the so-called developing countries.

9) There are spirits in the heavenly is to avjør how things are here on earth. Spiritually speaking, we can talk about four heavens. This subject I have devoted a separate instruction, so I mention them just quickly here. We are in the first heaven, which is God's heaven on earth. Above us the sky, which is the second heaven, the demonic forces. In the third heaven is paradise, and over again, God's heaven where Jesus is, and how the angels sent from. Between God's heaven and us, it's already a sky full of demonic forces that will prevent connector, and it is here that we must attack. God's angels fighting from the other side. We have a good illustrason this in Dan.10.12-13: "Then he said to me, do not be afraid, Daniel. For from the first day that thou didst set to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and because of your words I have come. prince of the Persian kingdom resisted against me in 21 days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, helped me. I left him there with the king of Persia. " It was Daniel's prayer that started it all. It took time for prayer came the answer, because the angel met resistance in the skies. But Daniel persisted, and eventually the win. This is the model for spiritual warfare. Another important thing we learn from this is that God answered prayer the very first day. But Daniel experienced nothing until 21 days thereafter. If Daniel had given up, would the angel had turned. A third, and very important thing is that the devil has put the princes and kings of every region of the earth. When it comes to Ef.6 powers, authorities, rulers and spiritual hosts of wickedness, as he describes a military system with heads, subordinates and soldiers. Each country has a prince under him he has kings of the individual sites, they have left under the rulers of the individual local sites, and every person has their spirits that fits. This pattern applies geographically, but there are similar systems in the areas of disease, immorality, materialism, etc.

10) All persons affected by Ghost, either good or bad. Light or dark, God or Satan. Therefore, we must be aware of the spiritual realities and real caps. Satan fresmte weapon against us very often our past. He is the accuser of our brethren and will manipulate, lie and tell us things in our past to put us out of the game, gain control and eventually take us right with himself. Where are our past mistakes and we've liked and possibly like today he uses. He will try to use some of us to use it against us. For the second, to defeat us. All the time to trick, manipulate and deceive us!

Final Comment: In many ways this is very clear and simple, yet very, very difficult for several reasons. We can not see either God or Satan. But we're going Nevertheless it into contact with them by either obey or disobey. Therefore it is a matter to be read God's word. As we sing the song, "obey and believe it gives the soul rest and peace!" Therefore, Satan's "premier" weapons disobedience, and God's "premier" weapons that we are obedient to His Word. Then we have his Spirit, and we Uludag, then we live in a dry country and partake of Satan and his spirits and demons.

1. Sam. 15. 22 And Samuel said, Hath the Lord just as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, hørsomhet better than the fat of rams; 23 for rebellion is better than the sin of witchcraft, and after that is idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you, then you should not be king.

Acts 5. 32 And we are his witnesses of these things, and likewise the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

Would encourage you to submit any questions for me so that I can answer, for this subject and all other subjects we are on is so ommfattende and big that it is impossible to get in on everything in just one or a few article. Here is the address: The mail me or SMS. Jk.chris @ online.no SMS: 99598070. Good luck and afterwards you can blog and make comments and new questions.

Related links: http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/11/nr-405-there-is-difference-between.html http://www.miraclevalley.net/gpage8.html http://www.smithwigglesworth.com/ http://www.boblarson.org/ http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/04/nr-290-pornography-in-all-shapes-and.html

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