mandag 25. april 2016

No. 1187: The tragedy we see frames Jan Aage Torp these days, tells of a man who has never subordinate his authority, but caught himself always right!

No. 1187:
The tragedy we see frames Jan Aage Torp these days, tells of a man who has never subordinate his authority, but caught himself always right!

Photo by Nimrod as Jan Aage Torp obviously is characterized by. Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah: 1 Genesis 10 8 And Cush begat Nimrod; he was the first to be given dominion on earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; Wherefore they say, a mighty hunter before the LORD for Nimrod.
But this is a huge translation error in the Norwegian Bible text. The basic text is not very hunter before the LORD. But AGAINST THE LORD. He showed even fist against the Lord and despised all that God stood for. It was Nimrod who was smug and admirable man who showed better one God. He was like an antichrist, he would have everything their own way and have their own religion. Antichrist actually means instead of Christ, and not primarily towards Christ from the Greek language. He oppressed others at the expense of themselves. He elbowed his way and came forward. As Jan Aage Torp and many others do, elbows themselves forward. The Bible describes him as a false prophet.

1 Mos. 10 8 And Cush begat Nimrod; he was the first to be given dominion on earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; Wherefore they say, a mighty hunter before the LORD for Nimrod.

What is being revealed around Jan Aage Torp? It's creepy and mostly that is totally, totally out running. But why? All that we as humans do, and we shall be under the authority or relate to authority.
By that I mean we can not keep on like we ourselves and believe that everything is going well. Here is one of many descriptions of Torp who have come forward in the past:
"I have driven demons out of people in Norway and abroad who have waged a battle over several hours or even several days, with the personified demons that have taken up residence inside them. Here are underway almost a "duel" in spirit, soul and body between God and Satan, angels and demons. My overwhelming experience is that the Name of Jesus Christ creates shock waves into the demonic realms, and they try all expedients to hold on to its "home" in a human body: Impudence, debate, hide and seek, fear, rage, misery - until they finally DO let go. Fråding, barking, shaking, screaming is just human expression of the war being fought in this man. After Jesus' example, I tilogmedbefalt demons to enter the wildlife nearby! "
Narr Apostel January Aage Torp

This is so beyond Christianity and the Gospel, that the only right is to say that Torp is and remains to be a mockery apostle who never subordinate and aligned themselves either by the word of God or men of God as others. Torp has never driven a single demon of some, he is living in sin. And he has driven demons into animals, then I think more that the moon is a white cheese than this nonsense!

We need the church!

To have other elders and other ministers who encourages and exhorts you. It's something like Jan Aage Torp never wished or willed, therefore, we see the extreme fluctuations in and around Jan Aage Torp! Torp is a rebel, and he creates rebels around him. He tries to repudiate all the time for all crimes and blisters he has done! It is rude and it shows that he is a villain!

I had shown what I know today, I had never mentioned January Aage Torp, not with a clause even. Everything with him is really just tragic, although it is now obvious to all of Norway.

This wrote Levi Fragell about Torp. Although Fragell not a believer today, he is entitled to much.

We in our family have also had our difficulties, but what to do? We have been helped by God and men. Not least faithful and wholehearted believers who are versed in the Word of God. It is to conform to God's word that is the secret to a victorious and successful Christian life, not false prophecies, human tribute, human wisdom etc. It is God's word that is decisive, not anything else.

Levi Fragell:

I think this is a well written article, which also complement the picture and possible explanations of events and reactions. But I think it unfairly helps innocent do Jan-Aage Torp which after all was the chief and leader of the eksorisme practices he introduced in Oslo.
 Torp had abused several good opportunities to establish and build solid Christian activities, but drove into the ditch again and again. He saw now a new potential in exorcism, allied with a group of Africans who reported significant success in the fight against the demons, and opened a Healing Center in Queen street in Oslo in 2007, where people who struggled with mental disorders were invited into to "deliverance". His own expertise as exorcism, he describes himself on his blog:
"I have driven demons out of people in Norway and abroad who have waged a battle over several hours or even several days, with the personified demons that have taken up residence inside them. Here are underway almost a "duel" in spirit, soul and body between God and Satan, angels and demons. My overwhelming experience is that the Name of Jesus Christ creates shock waves into the demonic realms, and they try all expedients to hold on to its "home" in a human body: Impudence, debate, hide and seek, fear, rage, misery - until they finally DO let go. Fråding, barking, shaking, screaming is just human expression of the war being fought in this man. After Jesus' example, I tilogmedbefalt demons to enter the animal near! (Poor animals, hehe ...) Read Mark 5: 1-20. "
(End of quote).

Final Comment:

Has really written and spoken too much about Torp, did not think it really was so incredibly bad with Torp which it clearly has been. He speaks today against CPS, but they stood on one leg and hailed them they took the kids from him and Ann-Christin as they had obviously done if it is revealed today had been widely known.

That Torp their child turns against him is exactly what we see that as we sow, so we reap. What knead we learn by Jan Aage Torp?
Making everything as Jan Aage Torp, just exactly the opposite!

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