Nr. 315:
History's first lie
By Ellen G. White
Ellen G. White was a founder of the Adventist Church. She and those who were with the Adventists had many revelations. Among other things, the light of the fact that it is only the Father is the true God (but were not fully with the truth and later Adventists tangled in the unbiblical and strange doctrine of the Trinity), Man shall not live forever with Christ and others. But Satan also managed to fool them into thinking that we as believers should keep the parts of the law that the Sabbath and food science cuts. But here she writes well and the other biblical about death or damnation!
Everything in the beginning of the family's history began Satan to deceive people. He who had rebelled in heaven, would like to have the earth's inhabitants in the battle against God's leadership.
Adam and Eve were perfectly happy as long as they complied with the law of God. This was a constant challenge to Satan's claim that God's law led to suppression and not to the creature's best. Moreover, he disliked the sinless pair was allowed to live in as beautiful and perfect surroundings. He decided to get them to sin. When he had separated them from God and received them in his power, he could have dominion over the earth and establish his kingdom in opposition to God.
"You will not to die!"
If Satan had revealed his true nature, he would have immediately been dismissed, for God had warned Adam and Eve against the dangerous enemy. But he worked in secret and covered up his real purpose in order to better carry out their plan. For this he used the snake, which at that time was a fascinating creature. The serpent said to Eve: "Yea, hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden?"
If Eve had not become involved in conversation with the tempter, she would have been out of danger. Instead, she gave up talking to him and fell victim to his list. How many are still overpowered. They doubt God's demands and raises objections against them. Rather than obey God's commandments, accept human theories which are only camouflage for Satan's plans.
The woman answered the serpent: "We could eat of the fruit on the trees in the garden. Only the fruit of the tree that stands in the garden, God has said: It must be eaten and not move, otherwise you will die, "the serpent said unto the woman:" You will not to die! But God knows that the day you eat of the fruit, their eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. "
He claimed that they would become like God. They should have greater wisdom than before and to share in an existence on a higher plane. Eve fell for the temptation, and she also led Adam to sin. They believed that the serpent spoke the truth when it claimed that God did not mean what he said. They distrusted the Creator and imagined that he limited their freedom, and that they could achieve great wisdom and a higher form of existence if they transgressed His law.
God had said: "The day you eat of it you shall die." How Adam understood this statement after he had sinned? Was it true that Satan had caused him to believe - that he would achieve a higher being? If so, would provide many benefits delinquency, and Satan would have shown that he was human benefactor. But Adam discovered that this was not the meaning of God's judgment.
God said that as punishment for his sin man had to return and become soil. "You are dust and to dust you shall return." When Satan said that their eyes would be opened, this was true only in the sense that when Adam and Eve had disobeyed God, they see how stupid they had acted . They really got to know the evil, and they tasted bitter fruit of the infringement.
In the midst of Eden grew the tree of life, and the fruit could give eternal life force. If Adam had been obedient to God, would he still had free access to this tree and would have lived forever. But when he sinned, he will no longer eat of the tree of life and death were changing. God said to him, "you are dust and to dust you shall return." This award signifies the total cessation of life. Immortality that man was promised on condition of obedience, they lost because of the violation. Adam could not give his descendants that he himself owned.
It would not have been any hope for the fallen human race, if God had not sacrificed his Son, and thus made it possible for humans to achieve immortality. While "death affected everyone, because all sinned," Christ brought "life and immortality to light through the gospel." Only through Christ can man achieve immortality. Jesus said, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. Whoever is disobedient to the Son shall not see life. "Anyone can take part in this invaluable good if they meet the conditions. "Those who tirelessly do good and seek honor, glory and immortality, eternal life."
The only one who promised Adam life, even if he disobeyed, was the great deceiver. The serpent said to Eve in the Garden of Eden: "You will not to - to die!" This is the first sermon ever held about the immortality of the soul. But this statement is solely based on Satan's authority, sounds like an echo from the pulpit of Christendom, and most people accept it as ready as our ancestor did. God's judgment: "He who sins shall die," interprets the Mon way: "He who sins shall not die but live forever." One has to wonder at the strange lack of judgment that makes people so easily believe what Satan says, and so difficult to believe what God says.
If the people after the fall had been given free access to the tree of life, they would have lived forever, and sin would have been immortal. But cherubim with flaming sword was set to "guard the way to the tree of life." Not one of Adam's offspring have been allowed to pass this barrier, and have been eating out of the life-giving fruit. Therefore, there is no immortal sinner.
A false doctrine
After the fall of Satan gave his angels told to make special efforts to get people to believe in the innate immortality. When they had got them to accept this delusion, they would also get them to believe that the sinner would live in perpetual happiness.
Now it seems the prince of darkness through his gear and depicts God as a vengeful tyrant. He claims that all that God dislikes, end up in hell, where they are for all time to experience his wrath. Where they suffer unspeakable torment and writhing in the unquenchable flames, while the Creator looks on with satisfaction.
In this way portrays arch-enemy of mankind creates and benefactor as a person with his own character. Cruelty is devilish. God is love, and everything he created was pure, holy and good until the great rebel brought sin into the world. Satan is the enemy himself who tempts men to sin and then destroy them if he can. And when he is sure his prey, he rejoices over what he has been able. If he were allowed to do so, he would capture the entire human race in his net. Unless God intervened, would not one of Adam's descendants escape.
Just as Satan had power over our first ancestor, he is trying now to get people in their power by weakening their confidence in the Creator, that they doubt that his leadership is wise and his righteous laws. To justify their own evil and his rebellion, he tries and his helpers to make it look as if God is even worse than they are.
The devil tries to transfer its own cruel features of our heavenly Father, and gives the appearance that he suffered great injustice when he was removed from the sky because he would not bow to such an unjust ruler. He lures people with the freedom they can get under his mild rule, as opposed to the slavery that the Lord's commandments hard leads. To get his people to betray God.
The doctrine that the wicked will be tormented with fire and brimstone in an eternal hell, that as punishment for the sins they did during his brief life on earth, shall be tormented and tortured as long as God lives, is not only contrary to all the mercy and love, but also with our sense of justice. Yet this doctrine is widely used and is still in many Christian's creed.
A prominent theologian has said: "The sight of hell torments will reinforce the saved happiness forever. When they see that others have the same nature as the self is born under the same conditions, it ended up in such an accident, while they themselves were raised, they will understand how lucky they are. "
Another says it this way: "While the lost through endless times must suffer the penalty of his sin, the smoke of their torment for ever ascend to the saved eyes. Instead of feeling with these unhappy creatures, they shall say, Amen, Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! "
Where in the Bible we find such a doctrine? Will the redeemed in heaven be devoid of any compassion and mercy, or for ordinary human emotions? Should they instead be characterized by stoic insensitive or of barbaric cruelty? Certainly not! This is not the Bible's teachings. People with such views can probably be learned and even honest, but they have become victims of Satan's deception. He causes them to misinterpret certain expressions in the Bible and gl words the hint of bitterness and malice that characterize him, not the Creator.
"As I live, saith the Lord God, I do not want the wicked shall die, but that he should turn from their wicked ways and live. Repent, turn from evil life you lead! Why will you die? "
What will it serve if we claim that God rejoices at the sight of endless torture, that he enjoys hearing screams and wailing from the suffering creatures whom he holds in the flames of hell? Can these heart-rending moans sound like music in the loving God's ears?
Mon alleges that when the wicked be tormented in a time without end, so it shows that God abhors sin because it destroys all peace and order in the universe. Such sounds simply blasphemous! As if God were to immortalize sin because he abhors it! For according to these theologians teach, will continue to torment without any hope of mercy drive the unhappy victims to madness. When they let anger be expressed in mocking and cursing, they only increase his guilt. But God's glory will not be greater with such a perpetual boost of sin.
It is impossible to imagine how much evil delusion of eternal torment has been the cause. Message of the Bible, which is full of love, kindness and compassion, is darkened by superstition and characterized by the horror. Is it really so strange that people fear and despise the merciful Creator, and even hate him, when we think of how Satan has tainted his nature? The frightening representation of God as the sounds from pulpits across the world, has made thousands, even millions of people to the doubters and gudsfornektere.
The doctrine of eternal torment is one of the false dogmas that make up the abominable wine that Babylon offers all the nations to drink. The fact that Christian ministers should accept this heresy and spread it from the pulpit, is incomprehensible. They got it from the Roman church, where they also received the false sabbath. Admittedly, prominent persons preached it, but they had not been light on this as we have today. They were responsible only for the light which shone on their time. We will be accountable for the light that shines in our days. If we turn away from God's Word and accept false doctrines because our ancestors defended them, we are struck by the sentence that was pronounced upon Babylon. When we drink of her impure wine.
Are all saved?
Many of those who find the doctrine of eternal torment outrageous, driven to the opposite extreme. They know that the Scriptures portray God as loving and merciful, and they can not believe that he will send their creatures into an ever-burning hell. But because they believe that the soul is immortal by nature, they see no other option but that all men at last be saved.
Many believe that the warnings in the Bible only intend to scare people into obedience, and that they will never be fulfilled literally. This means that the sinner can still live in selfish pleasure, ignore God's requirements and still waiting to be taken into favor. Such a doctrine, which speaks of God's grace, but look away from his righteousness, appeals to human nature and have the wicked to go even further into sin.
To show how those who claim that all ultimately be saved, misstates the Bible to get it to support their own soul-destroying doctrines, it is enough to show to their own statements. At the funeral of a young man who was a Christian, used a universalistprest this biblical text about David: "He had come over her grief for Amnon's death."
"Often I am asked what will happen to those who leave this world of sin," he stated further, "those who may die while intoxicated or with blood stains on the clothes of a crime, or that this young man died without be a professing Christian, and without having experienced the power of the Christian faith. We have only to turn to the Bible and solve this great problem for us. Amnon was a great sinner. He was unrepentant, got drunk and was killed. David was a prophet of God. He must have been aware of Amnon was to get it good or bad in the next life. How did his feelings expressed? "Eventually, the king held out to bear a grudge against Absalom. For he had got over her grief for Amnon's death. "
What can we learn from this? The fact that David did not believe in a never-ending torment! How do we perceive it. Here we find a conclusive evidence in support of the more appealing, more enlightened and more humane view that all will eventually experience the purity and peace. He found solace in the thought that his son was dead. Why? Because he prophetic eye looked into a glorious future where her son was far away from all temptations, free from load and cleansed of sin. After he had been sufficiently holy and enlightened, he released into the circle of henfarne jubilant spirits.
David's only consolation was that the dear son who was taken away from sin and suffering, had gone to where the Holy Spirit would enlighten his darkened mind, and where he would learn the wisdom of heaven and happy to experience the immortal love. With a sanctified nature in which he would enjoy the heavenly inheritance with its rest and joy.
What I have said here indicates that we can not do anything in life to achieve heavenly bliss. It depends on whether a change of mind here in time or of our faith and confession. "
How does a preacher advocating the false claim hose entered the Garden of Eden: "You will not surely die" "The day you eat of the fruit, their eyes will be opened, and you will become like God." He says that even the worst sinners - murderers, thieves, adulterers - after death are prepared to enter into eternal bliss.
What builds so this preacher at? Yes, in a single sentence that David gave in under Providence's management. He longed to take Absalom, "for he had got over her grief for Amnon's death." When the time had softened the bitter grief, he was no longer so concerned about the dead son, but thought more of him who lived and who had fled for fear of the just punishment that awaited him.
It should therefore prove that the drunken Amnon, who had been guilty of incest, had come to the glorious homes in the moment of death to be cleansed and ready to mingle sinless angels! A pleasant fable, one must say, and it is well suited to satisfy human nature. It is Satan's own doctrine, and it is effective. Is it any wonder that evil flourishes when the sort is preached?
The procedure for this false teacher is typical of many. They draw a few passages from the Bible out of context, which in many cases, says the opposite of the interpretation they put in it. Such disjointed texts are distorted and used as proof of doctrines that do not have basis in God's word.
What is presented as evidence that the drunken Amnon is in Heaven, is an assertion that is contradicted by the Bible's clear words that no drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of God. How is it that doubters, unbelievers and skeptics make truth to lie. And many will be deceived by such speculation and lulled into a sleep of security that fits human nature.
If it was true that the human soul at death went directly to heaven, one could often wish for death rather than life. This perception has led many to put an end to his earthly existence. When trouble, worry and disappointment overwhelm them, it can often be an easy matter to cut the brittle thread of life and soar into the world of eternal bliss.
The wicked fate
In his words, God has made it clear that he will punish those who violate his law. Those who imagines that he is too merciful to practice justice towards sinners, need only glance at the cross of Calvary. That God's sinless Son to die, shows that "the wages of sin is death" and that any violation of the law of God involves just punishment.
The sinless Christ was made sin for mankind. He bore the blame for the violation, and endured the Father hid from him to his heart broke and he died. This great sacrifice was made that sinners might be saved. Not in any way other people could avoid the penalty for sin. Anyone who refuses to partake of the Atonement, which cost so much, must take the sin and punishment.
Let's see what else the Bible tells of the wicked and unrepentant as universalistpresten place in heaven, holy, happy angels. "He who is thirsty I will drink from the fountain of the water of life for nothing." This promise is only for those who thirst. Only those who know that they need the water of life and searching for it at the expense of everything else, will get it. "He who conquers shall have this heritage, and I will be his God and he shall be my son." 11 Here are the conditions given. If we are to inherit all things, we must fight against sin and overcome it.
The Lord said through the prophet Isaiah: "Say that the righteous well. ... Woe unto the wicked! Ham goes bad, he receives in return for what he has done. "And the sage said that" it is the godly well, those who have fear of God. But the wicked will have no successes. "For the sinner, Paul says that he accumulate" wrath will come upon you the day of wrath, when God reveals His righteous judgment. He will reward each according to what he has done. ... Tribulation and anguish, on every human being who does evil. "
"For you to know that no sexually immoral, living in immorality or covetous, and thus worship an idol, are to share in God and Christ's kingdom." "Try always to live in peace with all, and striving for holiness, for without holiness no one will see the Lord. "" Blessed are those who wash their clothes, so they get right to the tree of life and go through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. "
God has told people about his character and how he treats sin. "The Lord, the Lord is merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth! He lets his mercy for thousands generations, forgiving iniquity and guilt and breakers. But he does not let the guilty escape punishment. "'All wicked destroy him." "All evildoers are destroyed, the wicked have no future." God will use their power and authority to stop the rebellion. Nevertheless, all the result of return to equity is in perfect accordance with His mercy, patience and kindness.
Willing obedience brings happiness
God does not force the will or judgment of any man. He is not interested in a slavish obedience. He wants his creatures to love him because he is worthy of your love, and obey him because they can appreciate his wisdom, righteousness and goodness. All who are able to appreciate these qualities, love him because they are attracted to him and admire his character.
The kindness, mercy and love as the Savior taught and demonstrated in his life, is an expression of God's will and being. Christ himself has said that he did not preach anything that he had received from his Father.
God's leadership is in perfect harmony with the Savior gave encouragement: "Love your enemies." When God exercises justice against the wicked, it is for the benefit of the universe, and even for those who are haunted by the judgment. He would make them happy if it could be done in accordance with the laws of His government and his own righteousness.
He surrounds them with tokens of his love, teach them about their law and offer them his mercy. But they despise his goodness, his breaking the law and reject His grace. While they constantly receive his gifts, they dishonor the giver. They want nothing to do with God because they know that he abhors their sin. The Lord bears long over with their wickedness, but finally the moment when their fate is decided. Will he force the rebels to their side? Will he threaten them into obedience?
Those who have chosen Satan to the head and surrendered under his control, is not prepared to stand before God. Pride, deception, ferocity and cruelty has left its mark on their character. Can they be admitted to heaven and throughout eternity to be with those whom they despised and hated on earth? Truth can never suitable for a liar. Humility does not satisfy the self-righteousness and pride. Clean does not mean anything for the indecent. Selfless love is not addressing the selfish. What joy to heaven by those who are only concerned with tangible and selfish interests?
Can those who have lived in rebellion against God, suddenly transferred to the sky and experience the sublime, holy and perfect life in which every creature is filled with love, where every face beams with joy and with enchanting music and sonorous tones sounds to the glory of God and the Lamb? From him that sitteth on the throne, springing an incessant stream of light out of the saved. Can those who do not care about God, truth and holiness, mingle with the heavenly host and take part in their worship? Can they stand the sight of God and the Lamb? It is impossible.
They had many years of grace to develop a character that fitted for heaven. But they did not care to own purity, and they never learned language of heaven. Now it's too late. A life in rebellion against God has made them unfit to live in heaven. The purity, holiness and peace there would be only one suffering, and God's glory would be a consuming fire. They would long away from this holy place. They would rather be destroyed than to be near him who died to save them. The wicked have chosen their own destiny. They have chosen to be outside. And because God is just and merciful, He fulfills their desire.
God's mercy
As the flood of Noah's time, the fire on the last day a domsakt where God teaches that the wicked are now without hope. They will not acknowledge his authority. The will is accustomed to revolt, and when life ends, it is too late to turn thought flow in the opposite tired. It is too late to turn back from transgression to obedience, from hatred to love.
When God spared the murderer Cain, he gave the world an example of what happens when the sinner may live and continue their wild ride. Cain's words and example, led many of the descendants of sin. "Wickedness of man was great in the earth. All thoughts that stirred in their hearts were evil all day long. "" Earth was getting worse in God's eyes, it was full of lawlessness. "
By sympathy with the world God destroyed its evil inhabitants of Noah's time. For the same reason he destroyed the morally depraved citizens of Sodom. Through Satan's seductive influence of wicked men achieves sympathy and admiration, and therefore always others to rebel. Such was the manner of Cain, and Noah and Abraham and Lot lived. So it is today. It is in mercy to the universe that God finally destroy the rejecters of His grace.
"The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." The righteous shall inherit life, but death is the wicked ticket. Moses said to Israel: "Today I have set before you life and good and death and evil." Death is mentioned here, is not the one that was preached to Adam, for all mankind suffer the penalty of his sin. It is "the second death," the contrast of the eternal life.
Because Adam sinned, the entire human race die. All without exception go to the grave. But thanks to God's plan of salvation to all once again rise from the grave. "Just and unjust ... will rise from the dead, "" For as all die in Adam, all brought to life through Christ. " But the Bible distinguishes between the two groups of people standing up. "All those who are in their graves will hear His voice. They will come out-those who have done good will rise to life, but those who have done evil will rise to be condemned. "Those who are found worthy to stand up to life, the blessed and holy . "Over such the second death has no power." But those who are not in repentance and faith has been forgiven, you must take the penalty for violation - "the wages of sin."
The penalty is not one for all, for they are judged "according to their deeds." But the final outcome is the second death. Because God's justice and mercy makes it impossible for him to save the sinner in his sin, he takes from him the life which he by his transgressions have forfeited and that he has not shown himself worthy.
One of the biblical authors write: "In a little while the wicked are gone, do you look at his place, he is not there." Another says: "They will ... be as though they had never been. "Covered with shame, they will disappear in the hopeless and eternal oblivion.
Thus sin removed, along with all the pain and destruction that it has been the cause. David says: "You ... put an end to the evil and destroyed their name forever. "As the apostle John, gazing into eternity, he heard a powerful song of praise without a single dissonance, where every creature in heaven and on earth, God promises. When there is no lost people who mock God as they turn themselves in endless torment. No wretched creatures in hell will mingle their cries with the saved song.
Behind death's door
The doctrine of consciousness in death are based on the fundamental delusion that man is immortal in itself. Like the doctrine of eternal torment is also this dogma in conflict with the Bible's statement, with our reason and our compassionate feelings.
It is widely believed that the redeemed in heaven and knows about everything that happens on earth, especially how it goes with friends as they left. But how can there be for the benefit of the dead to know about the living difficulties, to witness the sins of their loved ones make and watch them suffer from life's sorrows, disappointments and agony? How should those who are in heaven and watching over their friends on earth, enjoying bliss of heaven? How outrageous is the idea that when a person dies unrepentant, the soul left to hell hats! For an immeasurable suffering it must be for those who see their friends go unprepared into the grave and into an eternity of pain and sin! This dreadful idea has driven many to insanity.
What does God's word on this? David says that man is no consciousness in death. "When they expire, they will return to dust, then it's off with their plans." Solomon are on the same: "The living know that they will die but the dead know nothing at all. ... Their love, hatred and jealousy have long since. Never again will they have a part in everything that happens under the sun. "" For in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. "
When King Hezekiah had the answers to prayer that his life would be extended by fifteen years, performed the grateful king, a hymn of praise to God for His great mercy. In this song he mentions the reason for his joy, "the Kingdom praise you not, no dead praise you. Those who have gone to the grave, does not wait for your faithfulness. The living is what praise you as I do today. "
Many theologians today argue that the righteous dead have gone to glory in which they praise God with an immortal voice. But Hezekiah did not see any glory in death. He is completely in line with what is written in Psalms: "Among the dead, no one thinks of you. Who rates than you in hell? "" The dead are not the Lord, it does none of those who descend into silence. "
Resurrection Hope
On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached that David "died and was buried, and today we have his grave with us." "For David is not ascended into heaven." The fact that David is in the tomb of the resurrection, shows that the righteous do not go to heaven when they die. Only through the resurrection, and because Christ has risen, David will finally get a place at God's right hand.
Paul said it this way: "If the dead are not raised,'s not even Christ has been raised. But if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. This is also the lost who have died in the faith of Christ. "If the just over four thousand years had gone directly to heaven when they died, how could when Paul said that if there is no resurrection," are also those that are lost died in the faith of Christ "? It would not be necessary with some resurrection.
About the state of the dead said the English martyr Tyndale, "I openly admit that I am not convinced that they are already experiencing the glory of Christ, or God's angels are experiencing. This is not some article of faith for me. If so, would the preaching of the resurrection of the body to be meaningless. "
It is an indisputable fact that the hope of eternal salvation from the moment of death has resulted in many ignore the biblical doctrine of the resurrection. About this Dr. Adam Clarke wrote: "It seems as if the doctrine of the resurrection meant far more to the early Christians than it is today. What could the reason be? This was something the apostles constantly maintained, and encouraged the faithful diligence, loyalty and enthusiasm. But it is rarely mentioned by their successors today. The apostles preached it, and the first Christians believed. We preach it, and those who hear, believe. No doctrine is more strongly emphasized in the Gospels, but nothing is more neglected in the preaching of our time. "
This has led to the truth of the resurrection is almost completely lost sight of in Christendom. A prominent religious writer writes in his commentary on the 4.13 to 18 l Thessalonians: "As a real source of comfort we prefer the doctrine of the righteous blessed immortality rather than the dubious doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming. When we die, we experience the Lord's coming. This we expect and look forward to. The dead have already gone into glory. They are not waiting for that trumpet to signal the judgment or salvation. "
When Jesus was leaving the disciples, he said, not that they would soon come to him. But he said: "I go to prepare a place for you. And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself. "The apostle Paul wrote:" When the Lord himself shall descend from heaven. And those dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are left still alive and with them be caught up in the clouds in the air, to meet the Lord. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Wherefore comfort one another with these words! »26
What a contrast there is between these comforting words and statements universalistpresten came with! He comforted the mourners with an assurance that when a person died, the angels receive him, no matter how sinful he may have been. Paul, however, pointed his brethren of the Lord's return in the future when the grave should be broken links and "those who died in the faith of Christ" will rise to eternal life.
A time for judgment
No one can get a place in the kingdom of God before their case has been investigated and their character and life-cycle assessed by God. Everyone should be judged according to what is written in the books, and be rewarded for their deeds. This judgment does not occur at death. Notice what Paul says, "He has fixed a day when he will judge the world with righteousness, and to this particular man. He has given proof to all by raising Him from the dead. "Here the Apostle says clearly that a certain day in the future is determined when the verdict of the world to take place.
Jude says about the same time: "The angels who did not keep his high office, but left their own habitation, he keeps tied in darkness with everlasting chains for judgment on the big day." And he quotes Enoch, saying: "Look , the Lord comes with His holy angels in their thousands to execute judgment upon all. "John says that he" saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. ... The dead were judged according to what was written in the books. "
What is the purpose of a judgment in the future if the dead are already in heaven or in hell? God's word about these important issues are either unclear or contradictory. Ordinary people can understand it. But the honest man can see no reason or justice in the common perception? If the righteous, after they might have been in God's kingdom for millennia, hear these encouraging words when their case has been examined in the judgment: "It's good, good and faithful servant. ... Come into the joy of your master! "If the wicked called up from the pain instead of listening to all the earth judge say," Depart from me, ye cursed, into the everlasting fire "? It is an insult to God, a shameful indictment of his wisdom and righteousness!
The theory of the soul's immortality was one of the false doctrines which Rome borrowed from paganism and introduced Christianity. Luther put it in the class with the "monstrous fables that are part of the Roman rubbish heap of the papal letter." Commenting on Solomon's words about the dead know nothing at all, he says: "Here again we have a text that shows that the dead have no ... feeling. For in Sheol there is neither working nor planning, nor knowledge nor wisdom. Solomon believes that the dead are asleep and not notice anything. For the dead lie there and count neither days or years. But when they are raised, it will be as if they had only been asleep for a moment. "
In the Scriptures it says nothing about that the righteous receive their reward when they die, or that the wicked when punished. Patriarchs and prophets never said anything like that. Nor did Christ and the apostles have suggested something in that direction. The Bible clearly states that no one goes to heaven in the moment of death. It says that they are asleep to the resurrection. On the day when "the silver cord and gold cap worn burst" stops the human mind. They that go down into the grave, are silent. They are no longer part of what happens under the sun.
Blessed rest for the righteous who are laid to rest! Whether the time is short or long, it feels just like a moment. The dead are sleeping. They are awakened by the trumpet of God to a glorious immortality. "For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable. ... And when that happens, and this corruptible and deadly has been clothed in incorruptibility and immortality, as it fulfilled that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. "
When they are called out of his deep sleep, they begin to think just where they left off. The last thing they noticed was the death pain. Their final thought was that they would be in the grave. When they wake up, their first thought is expressed in the triumphant cry: "Death, where is thy sting? Death, where is thy victory? "
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Nr. 314:
Study and vacation 14 days in Egypt and 14 days to Israel!
2. Genesis 20 2 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, the house of bondage. 3 You shall have no other gods before me. 4 You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5. Genesis 6 4 Hear, O Israel! Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 And thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words which I command you today, you hide in your heart. 7 And to impress upon them your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you go on the road, and when you lie down and when you stand up. 8 And you shall bind them as a sign of your hand, and they shall be as frontlets on your forehead. 9 And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
In recent years we have been on several trips where we have studied and seen things on their own where salivation has been the cradle. It has been instructive and interesting. This means that I have seen and experienced many of the so-called "Christian" teaches that both Protestants and Catholics believe in a triad god, immortality of the soul and that God will torture people for eternity is not really a Christian teacher with pagan philosophies and ancient mythology. In fact, I think both Muslims and Jews in one God, not three gods, which unfortunately the vast majority of believers are taught to believe, even if it has no biblical substance!
This is from a few pictures from Egypt, when we were there and had a tour. We've been on tour in Israel. From the mountain Hermon to the Negev desert. And in Egypt from Alexandria to Aswan. Israel-trip is on our website under the video instruction and it is the first in the series. Here is a picture cavalcade of Egypt:
Related links:
2. Genesis 20 2 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, the house of bondage. 3 You shall have no other gods before me. 4 You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5. Genesis 6 4 Hear, O Israel! Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 And thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words which I command you today, you hide in your heart. 7 And to impress upon them your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you go on the road, and when you lie down and when you stand up. 8 And you shall bind them as a sign of your hand, and they shall be as frontlets on your forehead. 9 And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
In recent years we have been on several trips where we have studied and seen things on their own where salivation has been the cradle. It has been instructive and interesting. This means that I have seen and experienced many of the so-called "Christian" teaches that both Protestants and Catholics believe in a triad god, immortality of the soul and that God will torture people for eternity is not really a Christian teacher with pagan philosophies and ancient mythology. In fact, I think both Muslims and Jews in one God, not three gods, which unfortunately the vast majority of believers are taught to believe, even if it has no biblical substance!
This is from a few pictures from Egypt, when we were there and had a tour. We've been on tour in Israel. From the mountain Hermon to the Negev desert. And in Egypt from Alexandria to Aswan. Israel-trip is on our website under the video instruction and it is the first in the series. Here is a picture cavalcade of Egypt:
Related links:
onsdag 23. mai 2012
Nr. 313: Final comment about my confrontation with the Pastor and Apostle Jan Aage Torp. He's probably Apostle, but not a true per se!
Nr. 313:
Final comment about my confrontation with the Pastor and Apostle Jan Aage Torp. He's probably Apostle, but not a true per se!
Matthew 7 24 Therefore, whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, shall be likened unto a wise man who built his house upon a rock: 25 and the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man who built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell and its fall was great!
There are four areas that I have attacked and pointed out that no heads Torp goals. Secure more, but I have always tried to be specific and factual, even if Torp has swung from praise to almost curse and neglect of me.
Here are Torp together with his first wife and straight and with his "new" wife. They can probably be married in accordance with Norwegian law but not under and in accordance with God's word and what the New Testament teaches.

The following four areas:
1) He is re-married as a believer and Pastor, living then in adultery.
2) False prophecy surrounds himself with. At least 90% percent of the prophecies told the man has not been the case thus shows that it is a lying spirit that is behind, not God's own spirit!
3) He is manipulative and does not go forward with pure motives, and to have sympathy or so is not good enough in his eyes. Swings from one side to the next, from praise to fy words.
4) When it is also in his case is not adultery as a basis for divorce after what he says. Then the writing sparkling clear that either he should have lived alone or reconciled himself with his first wife, found himself a new 20 years younger. This is shameful and he is not a pattern to the flock!
1. Kor. 7. 10 The married I command, yet not I but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband, 11 but she is separated from him, then she vedbli to be unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man does not to separate himself from his wife. Luke 16 18 Whoever separates himself from his wife and marries another woman, he commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband committeth adultery.
Here is Pastor Torp with her first and then second wife. As far as the writing teacher as he lives in adultery now that he really is not "legally" divorced from his first wife. And he now lives as a divorced and she then is his "2 wife, "living in adultery. This is what scripture teaches is not what Jan Kåre Christensen mean, think and think! All the time Pastor Torp tried to talk away from facts, and not related to what this is about, that disagreements about life and learning, not whether one is a good neighbor, etc.
For me it seems our disagreement is not on the human plane as Torp is good enough as a person, but that we are in total disagreement about the biblical and compliance with this. The Torp also then attach to my opinions and views I have, is constantly to derail what this is and is all about.
Torp builds his life on sand
It does nothing with major prophecies or other when one does not live and teach in accordance with scripture, here goes Torp completely wild. About Emanuel Minos has prophesied this or that does not matter if you do not live in accordance with the writing today! Guideline for the believer is a Apostle, or Pastor, what the New Testament!
Related links:
Final comment about my confrontation with the Pastor and Apostle Jan Aage Torp. He's probably Apostle, but not a true per se!
Matthew 7 24 Therefore, whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, shall be likened unto a wise man who built his house upon a rock: 25 and the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man who built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell and its fall was great!
There are four areas that I have attacked and pointed out that no heads Torp goals. Secure more, but I have always tried to be specific and factual, even if Torp has swung from praise to almost curse and neglect of me.
Here are Torp together with his first wife and straight and with his "new" wife. They can probably be married in accordance with Norwegian law but not under and in accordance with God's word and what the New Testament teaches.

The following four areas:
1) He is re-married as a believer and Pastor, living then in adultery.
2) False prophecy surrounds himself with. At least 90% percent of the prophecies told the man has not been the case thus shows that it is a lying spirit that is behind, not God's own spirit!
3) He is manipulative and does not go forward with pure motives, and to have sympathy or so is not good enough in his eyes. Swings from one side to the next, from praise to fy words.
4) When it is also in his case is not adultery as a basis for divorce after what he says. Then the writing sparkling clear that either he should have lived alone or reconciled himself with his first wife, found himself a new 20 years younger. This is shameful and he is not a pattern to the flock!
1. Kor. 7. 10 The married I command, yet not I but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband, 11 but she is separated from him, then she vedbli to be unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man does not to separate himself from his wife. Luke 16 18 Whoever separates himself from his wife and marries another woman, he commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband committeth adultery.
Here is Pastor Torp with her first and then second wife. As far as the writing teacher as he lives in adultery now that he really is not "legally" divorced from his first wife. And he now lives as a divorced and she then is his "2 wife, "living in adultery. This is what scripture teaches is not what Jan Kåre Christensen mean, think and think! All the time Pastor Torp tried to talk away from facts, and not related to what this is about, that disagreements about life and learning, not whether one is a good neighbor, etc.
For me it seems our disagreement is not on the human plane as Torp is good enough as a person, but that we are in total disagreement about the biblical and compliance with this. The Torp also then attach to my opinions and views I have, is constantly to derail what this is and is all about.
Torp builds his life on sand
It does nothing with major prophecies or other when one does not live and teach in accordance with scripture, here goes Torp completely wild. About Emanuel Minos has prophesied this or that does not matter if you do not live in accordance with the writing today! Guideline for the believer is a Apostle, or Pastor, what the New Testament!
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tirsdag 22. mai 2012
Nr. 312: 1 week in Rome!
Nr. 312:
1 week in Rome!
2. Genesis 20 2 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, the house of bondage. 3 You shall have no other gods before me. 4 You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5. Genesis 6 4 Hear, O Israel! Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 And thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words which I command you today, you hide in your heart. 7 And to impress upon them your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you go on the road, and when you lie down and when you stand up. 8 And you shall bind them as a sign of your hand, and they shall be as frontlets on your forehead. 9 And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
My wife and I were on 1 week study and vacation in Rome, Italy on Saturday 12 \ 5-12 to Saturday 19 \ 5-12. We experienced so much and had so much in a week. Here are some pictures from the holiday trip. It is tragic to see how the Catholic church is surrounded by such great material wealth but spiritual wealth is minimal and in many ways forføriske! It is also tragic that the Protestant churches in the whole stands by many Catholic and unbiblical doctrines that immortality of the soul, the wicked will burn in hell for eternity, Trinity etc. Here is a picture cavalcade:
Here from the hotel we stayed, Hotel Waldorf is not far from the Vatican.
Related links:
1 week in Rome!
2. Genesis 20 2 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, the house of bondage. 3 You shall have no other gods before me. 4 You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5. Genesis 6 4 Hear, O Israel! Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 And thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words which I command you today, you hide in your heart. 7 And to impress upon them your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you go on the road, and when you lie down and when you stand up. 8 And you shall bind them as a sign of your hand, and they shall be as frontlets on your forehead. 9 And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
My wife and I were on 1 week study and vacation in Rome, Italy on Saturday 12 \ 5-12 to Saturday 19 \ 5-12. We experienced so much and had so much in a week. Here are some pictures from the holiday trip. It is tragic to see how the Catholic church is surrounded by such great material wealth but spiritual wealth is minimal and in many ways forføriske! It is also tragic that the Protestant churches in the whole stands by many Catholic and unbiblical doctrines that immortality of the soul, the wicked will burn in hell for eternity, Trinity etc. Here is a picture cavalcade:
Here from the hotel we stayed, Hotel Waldorf is not far from the Vatican.
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Nr. 311: Pastor Torp removed all the posts, comments, etc. about me when I do not have in his opinion, a real and large enough service!
Nr. 311:
Pastor Torp removed all the posts, comments, etc. about me when I do not have in his opinion, a real and large enough service!
The same spirit that lived in Queen Jezebel all that is re-married as believers infiltrate and taken off, it is pride and arrogance against God's own words make that takes such liberties. When believers are not allowed to marry again until death do us part. The apostle Paul taught that a servant of the Lord shall be a woman's man and should he \ she was separated as one should either live alone or be reconciled to her, remarriage for believers, or to marry a divorced as believers is to commit adultery and take care even to the right. This sets himself in a position where a player russian rolled their own lives and those of others. And the pattern of the flock is of such a negative character that one can say of them that they have the Jezebel spirit. There are more such preachers in Norway. Such as one can find either referred to our blog or website to Smyrna Oslo. We have such a great and wonderful service where we tell God's people the truth and silence it to death! Nor, we carry a cabal or leads people behind the light but the light and Christ.
Pastor Jan Aage Torp writes: "Hello again, Jan Kare! Looked visit your blog tonight :-) I think it's great that you publish what I have written about you. The point of removing it from my blog is that I had given you an unwarranted review on my blog. A review requires that you have a real service. Neither Emanuel Minos, or other reviews that you are aware of who you are and what you write gap up and gap down on your "heavenly" blog ". End of quote.
Acts 26. 19 Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, 20 but both of them in the first Damascus and Jerusalem and throughout Judea countries and for the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and come back to God and do deeds that is repentance. 21 For these things took some Jews blame me in the temple and sought to kill me. 22a So, I then received help from God and is to this day, and witnesses for both small and great, as I do not say anything other than what the prophets and Moses said would happen.
Pastor Torp not play with open cards!
It's okay to disagree with me, but when he is not going anywhere with me so at first he attacks me, then try to smear me, then remove all traces of me! This is nothing else than Satan and demons strategy and tactics! It's okay for me also because I know for over 30 years experience who is to trigger the religious and unrepentant Christians here in Norway as elsewhere in the world. My experience is so overwhelming and I know from experience all too well that one will not hear the truth about himself but always right index finger against anyone other than themselves. This also learned about Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount and warned us against them. Matt. 7. 3 Why do you see the mote in your brother's eye, but the plank in your own eye you were not? 4 Or how can you say to thy brother, Let me cast the mote out of thine eye? and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 You hypocrite! first take the beam out of thine own eye, then you can see to cast the mote out of thy brother's eye?
Pastor Torp sees enough mote that is in me, but he was not completely ignoring the beam in his own life when he is re-married as believers and have so many false prophecies of his own life as a bad year!
Why dishes Pastor Torp living in adultery after what the New Testament teaches never to point the finger to others but never themselves?
Pastor Torp's a mantra on his blog: "For the Apostolic generation to stand up!". The rise in Torp is nothing but the flesh with him. I've never seen him take up the difficult and important issues relating to his life and ministry, but "strong" prophets and other nonsense he hides behind all the time. It is a characteristic in common with those who are re-married as believers who are living in sin then. That they and all the time needed to correct the pointing finger at others, but not against themselves. They look that said pin in his brother's eye but the beam in their eye, they were not and would never take up.
Who is great in the kingdom of God?
Pastor Torp believe I have a too small service, so he deletes everything about me. Both he wrote and what I have written. Now, the Lord directed me in advance so that I have taken care of what I wanted to take care of. But who is great in the kingdom of God? Jesus himself gives the answer in the Sermon on the Mount.
Matt. 5. 19 Therefore, whoever breaks one of these least commandments and teaches men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Here we must all tread carefully, we none of us standing before God. But it is obvious that this is where Pastor Torp and all that is re-married as believers fail, not least those who are Bible teachers, Pastor and Apostle which Torp thinks he is. Jesus speaks of it that keeps God's commandments and teaches others are great in the kingdom of God. I have so far I know of no "pork" in the forest that Torp has to be re-married as believers and as Apostle. Prophecies matter how wonderful they are and that they are from "Lord" exempts a not from living according to God's word? On the contrary, you should and should they spurred one to follow the Lamb wherever it goes.
Tull cup and Evangelist Dr. Emanuel Minos ........
This is taken from the Oslo church's website: Dr. Emanuel Minos'profeti on Oslokirken 2001-09-07 Read this powerful portrayal of Dr. Emanuel Minos'profeti to Jan-Aage Torp in 2001. Dr. Emanuel Minos September 2001 the phone rang at home with Pastor Jan-Aage Torp. It was Dr. Emanuel Minos, who went straight to the point: "Jan-Aage, you know how careful I am to convey the prophecy, because I have seen so much abuse. But I am led by the Holy Spirit to speak to you you to build an international church in Oslo that by God's grace will get the same effect and power of Kensington Temple in London. You shall not fear, because the Lord will guide future work. This is the provision that the Lord has for you, Jan- Aage. The best is ahead of you! " (End of quote).
Now this has not happened, what has happened is that Emanuel Minos has become more and more a mislead and endorse almost everything, even the false prophets and apostles in the future. Then everyone read this and try to put himself into the case. For me it is clear that there is neither the spirit of Jesus or any other divine power that is behind this. It seems one of the fruits. But there is Jezebel spirit or to put it another way. It is the false apostles and prophets in the future chefs and cook away the word of God to their own and others' destruction.
2. Pet. 3. 16 and like in all his letters when he speaks to them about this: in them there is something that is very to understand, and which they unlearned and impressionable suggests interfered, and they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. 17 Then must I, beloved, as expected do this, take heed that ye be not carried away by the wicked delusion and fall out of your own firm stand; 18 but grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
This is what happens that Pastor Torp, it seems clear vrangt and leads both to themselves and others to destruction!
This is from my commentaries on Revelation Queen Jezebel, who was in possession of the same spirit as those re-married to believers today.
Revelation 2 20. but I include the outlays for the church in Thyatira when it hits very well what is happening today within its those Pentecostal Charismatic Christians for a good deal represents the church in Thyatira. You have to have ears that are able and are able to hear what the Lord says and what God's word teaches about the truths that apply to our lives and service to the Lord. For my part I can say that I do not know of anything in my life that can not withstand the light as opposed to those who, unfortunately, goes directly against God's word that those who marry again as believers but the other spouse lives. Of course, this perceived as bragging, but it is a fact and a fact that the Lord requires of his pond and servants as Pastor Torp has failed and thus has put himself outside the Lord's approval and pleasure of having a service, big or small! And if the blind lead the blind both will fall into the ditch, where it fits well when it comes to Minos and Torp!
2. 18 Write to the angel of the church in Thyatira: These things saith the Son of God, who has eyes like blazing fire and feet like bronze: Thyatira is the name of the modern Turkish city of Akhisar. It is in the far west of Turkey, south of Istanbul. It is 80 km from the Mediterranean Sea. Here we meet the same Jesus as in the first chapter. He presents himself as the Son of God and divine properties.
19 I know your deeds, your love and your faith, your service and your perseverance. Yes, your past deeds have exceeded your first! There was no shortage of works and activities; your recent works have been your first. And Jesus looked very much positive and good, your love and your faith, your service and your perseverance.
20 But I have this against you, that you let the woman Jezebel hold on, she calls herself a prophet, but as with his teaching lures my servants to commit fornication and eat idols. Here is a very difficult passage to interpret. Here's a woman doing, who with his teaching lures my servants to commit fornication and eat idols. And she called and considered to be a Prophet. But this is a woman or a spiritual direction in the church? As I see it as it is the most spiritual direction in the church. But there are some who, of course, possible to be used to look like Jezebel and be filled with the same Satanic spirit as she was.
21 I have given her time to repent, but she will not repent of her fornication. Here again we see that Jesus has had patience with his church, and he has always. But patience is not forever. Even after many opportunities will these people do not repent of her fornication.
22 See, now I throw her in the hospital bed, and they engaged in adultery with her, to come in great distress, unless they repent of her deeds; Now, the church would be left for his adultery and fornication, your sin will find you say the law of Moses and it is also true in the NT. The judgment, in particular, on them that opens up for this in their lives.
23 and her children will I pluck away death. How will all the churches would soon learn that I am the one who searches the kidneys and hearts, and which will render every one of you according to what he has done. What is also tragic is that the ruling also will affect their children, her children will I pluck away death. Our lives are examples for those children that God has given us. We live not only for ourselves but also our environment. Lord examines our motives and hearts. And we will get back to how we live. Gal. 6. 7 Do not be deceived; God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, he shall also reap. 8 He that soweth to his flesh reap corruption of the flesh: but he that soweth to the Spirit reap eternal life of the Spirit. 9 Let us not grow weary while doing good. When the time comes, we shall reap, if we only do not give up.
24 But the rest of you in Thyatira, anyone who does not follow this teaching and have not "known depths of Satan," as they call it - to you I say: I do not put any new burden on you. But not all the congregation are errant. There are those who believe. But the other is concerned with a deeper life but come further and further away from the truth. Satan's depths is the reality that surrounds itself with whether they had to say they would know the depths. 2. Tim. 3. 7 and still get lessons, but never learn the truth.
25 Keep only firm on what you have until I come. Is one come into God's will for their lives and experience the Christian life rich as it is sometimes one should relax and not to do things well. The message to the faithful in the church receives is beautiful, just hold onto what you have until I come.
26 He who overcomes, and the last hold on the works that I want you to do, him will I give power over the nations. Here comes the Lord Jesus into what the faithful and victorious in store. We as believers in 1000 åresriket have and gain power over people. 2. Tim. 2. 12 We must persevere, we shall also reign with him. We deny, He will deny us.
27 With a rod of iron he shall rule them, and earthen vessels, they shatter. Jesus' rule during 1000 årsriket will also have elements that show that not all people are born again. It's about Jesus, with a rod of iron he shall rule them, and earthen vessels, they shatter. Psalm 72 1. God, surrender your judgment to the king, give the prince justice from you! 2 He shall judge thy people with righteousness, your helpless with law and order. 3 When the mountains give the people peace and the hills justice. 4 May the king to help the defenseless people in the to get their rights. He will rescue the poor and crush the oppressor others.
28 The same power I have received from my Father. And I will give him the morning star. All power that the Son has received from the Father and the church's power is given by Jesus. Just before the sun rises. Can you see it in the East. Morning Star is easy to spot. It is Venus, the star that illuminates most clearly of all stars. Therefore, it was also of the old guards called "the bright morning star." And I will give him the morning star is to get and to have Jesus in eternal possession. He is like the morning star. When all the other stars are extinguished light, he for ever and ever!
29 He who has ears, hear what the Spirit says to the churches! Again the church told the same thing as the others: he who has ears, hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches! To listen and live by it is of crucial importance. If one builds his life on sand or rock.
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Pastor Torp removed all the posts, comments, etc. about me when I do not have in his opinion, a real and large enough service!
The same spirit that lived in Queen Jezebel all that is re-married as believers infiltrate and taken off, it is pride and arrogance against God's own words make that takes such liberties. When believers are not allowed to marry again until death do us part. The apostle Paul taught that a servant of the Lord shall be a woman's man and should he \ she was separated as one should either live alone or be reconciled to her, remarriage for believers, or to marry a divorced as believers is to commit adultery and take care even to the right. This sets himself in a position where a player russian rolled their own lives and those of others. And the pattern of the flock is of such a negative character that one can say of them that they have the Jezebel spirit. There are more such preachers in Norway. Such as one can find either referred to our blog or website to Smyrna Oslo. We have such a great and wonderful service where we tell God's people the truth and silence it to death! Nor, we carry a cabal or leads people behind the light but the light and Christ.
Pastor Jan Aage Torp writes: "Hello again, Jan Kare! Looked visit your blog tonight :-) I think it's great that you publish what I have written about you. The point of removing it from my blog is that I had given you an unwarranted review on my blog. A review requires that you have a real service. Neither Emanuel Minos, or other reviews that you are aware of who you are and what you write gap up and gap down on your "heavenly" blog ". End of quote.
Acts 26. 19 Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, 20 but both of them in the first Damascus and Jerusalem and throughout Judea countries and for the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and come back to God and do deeds that is repentance. 21 For these things took some Jews blame me in the temple and sought to kill me. 22a So, I then received help from God and is to this day, and witnesses for both small and great, as I do not say anything other than what the prophets and Moses said would happen.
Pastor Torp not play with open cards!
It's okay to disagree with me, but when he is not going anywhere with me so at first he attacks me, then try to smear me, then remove all traces of me! This is nothing else than Satan and demons strategy and tactics! It's okay for me also because I know for over 30 years experience who is to trigger the religious and unrepentant Christians here in Norway as elsewhere in the world. My experience is so overwhelming and I know from experience all too well that one will not hear the truth about himself but always right index finger against anyone other than themselves. This also learned about Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount and warned us against them. Matt. 7. 3 Why do you see the mote in your brother's eye, but the plank in your own eye you were not? 4 Or how can you say to thy brother, Let me cast the mote out of thine eye? and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 You hypocrite! first take the beam out of thine own eye, then you can see to cast the mote out of thy brother's eye?
Pastor Torp sees enough mote that is in me, but he was not completely ignoring the beam in his own life when he is re-married as believers and have so many false prophecies of his own life as a bad year!
Why dishes Pastor Torp living in adultery after what the New Testament teaches never to point the finger to others but never themselves?
Pastor Torp's a mantra on his blog: "For the Apostolic generation to stand up!". The rise in Torp is nothing but the flesh with him. I've never seen him take up the difficult and important issues relating to his life and ministry, but "strong" prophets and other nonsense he hides behind all the time. It is a characteristic in common with those who are re-married as believers who are living in sin then. That they and all the time needed to correct the pointing finger at others, but not against themselves. They look that said pin in his brother's eye but the beam in their eye, they were not and would never take up.
Who is great in the kingdom of God?
Pastor Torp believe I have a too small service, so he deletes everything about me. Both he wrote and what I have written. Now, the Lord directed me in advance so that I have taken care of what I wanted to take care of. But who is great in the kingdom of God? Jesus himself gives the answer in the Sermon on the Mount.
Matt. 5. 19 Therefore, whoever breaks one of these least commandments and teaches men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Here we must all tread carefully, we none of us standing before God. But it is obvious that this is where Pastor Torp and all that is re-married as believers fail, not least those who are Bible teachers, Pastor and Apostle which Torp thinks he is. Jesus speaks of it that keeps God's commandments and teaches others are great in the kingdom of God. I have so far I know of no "pork" in the forest that Torp has to be re-married as believers and as Apostle. Prophecies matter how wonderful they are and that they are from "Lord" exempts a not from living according to God's word? On the contrary, you should and should they spurred one to follow the Lamb wherever it goes.
Tull cup and Evangelist Dr. Emanuel Minos ........
This is taken from the Oslo church's website: Dr. Emanuel Minos'profeti on Oslokirken 2001-09-07 Read this powerful portrayal of Dr. Emanuel Minos'profeti to Jan-Aage Torp in 2001. Dr. Emanuel Minos September 2001 the phone rang at home with Pastor Jan-Aage Torp. It was Dr. Emanuel Minos, who went straight to the point: "Jan-Aage, you know how careful I am to convey the prophecy, because I have seen so much abuse. But I am led by the Holy Spirit to speak to you you to build an international church in Oslo that by God's grace will get the same effect and power of Kensington Temple in London. You shall not fear, because the Lord will guide future work. This is the provision that the Lord has for you, Jan- Aage. The best is ahead of you! " (End of quote).
Now this has not happened, what has happened is that Emanuel Minos has become more and more a mislead and endorse almost everything, even the false prophets and apostles in the future. Then everyone read this and try to put himself into the case. For me it is clear that there is neither the spirit of Jesus or any other divine power that is behind this. It seems one of the fruits. But there is Jezebel spirit or to put it another way. It is the false apostles and prophets in the future chefs and cook away the word of God to their own and others' destruction.
2. Pet. 3. 16 and like in all his letters when he speaks to them about this: in them there is something that is very to understand, and which they unlearned and impressionable suggests interfered, and they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. 17 Then must I, beloved, as expected do this, take heed that ye be not carried away by the wicked delusion and fall out of your own firm stand; 18 but grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
This is what happens that Pastor Torp, it seems clear vrangt and leads both to themselves and others to destruction!
This is from my commentaries on Revelation Queen Jezebel, who was in possession of the same spirit as those re-married to believers today.
Revelation 2 20. but I include the outlays for the church in Thyatira when it hits very well what is happening today within its those Pentecostal Charismatic Christians for a good deal represents the church in Thyatira. You have to have ears that are able and are able to hear what the Lord says and what God's word teaches about the truths that apply to our lives and service to the Lord. For my part I can say that I do not know of anything in my life that can not withstand the light as opposed to those who, unfortunately, goes directly against God's word that those who marry again as believers but the other spouse lives. Of course, this perceived as bragging, but it is a fact and a fact that the Lord requires of his pond and servants as Pastor Torp has failed and thus has put himself outside the Lord's approval and pleasure of having a service, big or small! And if the blind lead the blind both will fall into the ditch, where it fits well when it comes to Minos and Torp!
2. 18 Write to the angel of the church in Thyatira: These things saith the Son of God, who has eyes like blazing fire and feet like bronze: Thyatira is the name of the modern Turkish city of Akhisar. It is in the far west of Turkey, south of Istanbul. It is 80 km from the Mediterranean Sea. Here we meet the same Jesus as in the first chapter. He presents himself as the Son of God and divine properties.
19 I know your deeds, your love and your faith, your service and your perseverance. Yes, your past deeds have exceeded your first! There was no shortage of works and activities; your recent works have been your first. And Jesus looked very much positive and good, your love and your faith, your service and your perseverance.
20 But I have this against you, that you let the woman Jezebel hold on, she calls herself a prophet, but as with his teaching lures my servants to commit fornication and eat idols. Here is a very difficult passage to interpret. Here's a woman doing, who with his teaching lures my servants to commit fornication and eat idols. And she called and considered to be a Prophet. But this is a woman or a spiritual direction in the church? As I see it as it is the most spiritual direction in the church. But there are some who, of course, possible to be used to look like Jezebel and be filled with the same Satanic spirit as she was.
21 I have given her time to repent, but she will not repent of her fornication. Here again we see that Jesus has had patience with his church, and he has always. But patience is not forever. Even after many opportunities will these people do not repent of her fornication.
22 See, now I throw her in the hospital bed, and they engaged in adultery with her, to come in great distress, unless they repent of her deeds; Now, the church would be left for his adultery and fornication, your sin will find you say the law of Moses and it is also true in the NT. The judgment, in particular, on them that opens up for this in their lives.
23 and her children will I pluck away death. How will all the churches would soon learn that I am the one who searches the kidneys and hearts, and which will render every one of you according to what he has done. What is also tragic is that the ruling also will affect their children, her children will I pluck away death. Our lives are examples for those children that God has given us. We live not only for ourselves but also our environment. Lord examines our motives and hearts. And we will get back to how we live. Gal. 6. 7 Do not be deceived; God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, he shall also reap. 8 He that soweth to his flesh reap corruption of the flesh: but he that soweth to the Spirit reap eternal life of the Spirit. 9 Let us not grow weary while doing good. When the time comes, we shall reap, if we only do not give up.
24 But the rest of you in Thyatira, anyone who does not follow this teaching and have not "known depths of Satan," as they call it - to you I say: I do not put any new burden on you. But not all the congregation are errant. There are those who believe. But the other is concerned with a deeper life but come further and further away from the truth. Satan's depths is the reality that surrounds itself with whether they had to say they would know the depths. 2. Tim. 3. 7 and still get lessons, but never learn the truth.
25 Keep only firm on what you have until I come. Is one come into God's will for their lives and experience the Christian life rich as it is sometimes one should relax and not to do things well. The message to the faithful in the church receives is beautiful, just hold onto what you have until I come.
26 He who overcomes, and the last hold on the works that I want you to do, him will I give power over the nations. Here comes the Lord Jesus into what the faithful and victorious in store. We as believers in 1000 åresriket have and gain power over people. 2. Tim. 2. 12 We must persevere, we shall also reign with him. We deny, He will deny us.
27 With a rod of iron he shall rule them, and earthen vessels, they shatter. Jesus' rule during 1000 årsriket will also have elements that show that not all people are born again. It's about Jesus, with a rod of iron he shall rule them, and earthen vessels, they shatter. Psalm 72 1. God, surrender your judgment to the king, give the prince justice from you! 2 He shall judge thy people with righteousness, your helpless with law and order. 3 When the mountains give the people peace and the hills justice. 4 May the king to help the defenseless people in the to get their rights. He will rescue the poor and crush the oppressor others.
28 The same power I have received from my Father. And I will give him the morning star. All power that the Son has received from the Father and the church's power is given by Jesus. Just before the sun rises. Can you see it in the East. Morning Star is easy to spot. It is Venus, the star that illuminates most clearly of all stars. Therefore, it was also of the old guards called "the bright morning star." And I will give him the morning star is to get and to have Jesus in eternal possession. He is like the morning star. When all the other stars are extinguished light, he for ever and ever!
29 He who has ears, hear what the Spirit says to the churches! Again the church told the same thing as the others: he who has ears, hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches! To listen and live by it is of crucial importance. If one builds his life on sand or rock.
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mandag 21. mai 2012
Nr. 310: The Apostle Peter was never apostle to the Gentiles as the Apostle Paul was it!
Nr. 310:
The Apostle Peter was never apostle to the Gentiles as the Apostle Paul was it!
By Justin Kaspersen
According the author is Peter and Paul was buried in England. Paul was killed in Rome, but it was not the apostle Peter when he was never there in life but seemed only among the children of Israel, both in Israel and throughout the world dakjente!
Is not it strange that most of the New Testament for Apostegjerningene was written by Paul and not Peter? Why lost both Peter and the other apostles suddenly appeared after Peter, when he was in the house of Cornelius, began to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles? And why it was only Peter and John as a fleeting moment appeared in Jerusalem at the gathering which is described in Acts 15? Following Acts 15, we read all about Paul's preaching to the Gentiles. What is the reason? What happened to the twelve apostles? Let's get to the bottom of this matter! It is in fact a reason why trips to the twelve apostles have been cloaked in mystery - until now. You are probably told that Jesus chose twelve apostles whom he ordained. Then he sent them to the Jews that they would preach to them first, and when the Jews as a nation rejected the message, you probably thought that when the apostles turned to the Gentiles. This is far from the truth! It was the Apostle Paul, who several years later was named a special apostle, who was commissioned to carry the Gospel to the Gentiles. Jesus made this declaration to Ananias, who was sent to baptize Paul, "Go!" For him, Saul, who was named Paul, is "a chosen vessel for me to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and for the children of Israel "(Acts 9.15). It was Paul, not one of the twelve, who said: "From now on I will go to the Gentiles" (Acts 18:6). Jesus was not called Paul to be a special disciple to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles, if the twelve apostles had been given this assignment.
Jesus' command tells
Notice the surprising answer in Matthew 10.5-6: "These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them: Do not go the way of the Gentiles, and do not go into any of the Samaritans cities, but go rather to the lost sheep of Israel house! " Israel (the ten "lost" tribes) were taken captive to "Medes cities" in northern Assyria, and walked further west into Europe, where they were known by a number of foreign names Jesus meant exactly what he said! He "commanded them." The twelve were not allowed to preach the Gospel among the heathen. It was Paul who got this assignment. The twelve would instead go to "the lost sheep of Israel" - the lost ten tribes? Certainly Jesus sent Peter to Cornelius (Acts 10-11) to open the Gospel to the Gentiles, but Peter's life mission was to preach the Gospel to "the lost sheep of Israel." In its capacity as "chief apostle" Peter only opened the door to the Gentiles. It was Paul who went through the door and brought the Gospel to the nations. As "chief apostle" Peter went only once to the Samaritans, who were "pagans." But it was not to bring the Gospel to them. Philip had done it! Peter and John only prayed for the Samaritans that they might receive the Holy Spirit (see Acts 8,5.14-17). Now we know who the twelve apostles were sent. They were not sent to the Gentiles, but to "the lost sheep of Israel." It was Paul who went to the Gentiles. Now we will look at how Peter and others of the twelve apostles went after they had left Palestine. This has been one of history's best kept secrets! If the world had been aware of which countries the twelve apostles went to, would Israel never lost sight of! But God had a purpose in that the identity of Israel would not be revealed before in our vibrant century. There are many who do not understand the purpose of this. "Israel" identified From the sons of Jacob - who was named Israel - sprang twelve tribes. Under King David, they were united as one nation, Israel. After David's son Solomon was dead, were the twelve tribes divided into two nations. The tribe of Judah split from the nation of Israel to support the king of Israel had rejected. Benjamin went with Judah. The new nation was created with Jerusalem as its capital. This nation became known as "Judah". The inhabitants were later called "the Jews". The other ten tribes, who rejected the son of Solomon, settled in the north, with Samaria as its capital. They became known as "the house of Israel." Whole books of the Old Testament portrays the power struggle between Israel and Judah. The first time the word "Jew" is mentioned in the Bible, is in conjunction with Israel's king who allied with the Syrian king to drive the Jews out of Eilat, which was the port city on the Red Sea (2 Kings 16.6 to 7). The northern ten tribes, Israel, was defeated by the mighty Assyria under a three-year siege (721-718 BC). The people were led into captivity beyond the Tigris River and a resident of Assyria and the Medes cities around the lake URMI, southwest of the Caspian Sea. Now the Assyrians brought pagans from Babylon to the cities of Samaria land which was now abandoned. These nations (2 Kings 17) was at the time of Jesus known as Samaritans.
Israel never returned to Palestine. The nation became known as "the lost ten tribes". It was to them Jesus sent the twelve apostles!
Judah, who later became known as Jews, were still living in Palestine until the Babylonian siege, which began in 604 BC Judah was then deported to Mesopotamia. Seventy years later they returned to Palestine. In later history they became commonly known as "Israel" because they were the only descendants of Jacob - Israel - now living in Palestine. The ten tribes - Israel - disappeared from sight in the country they were abducted to. Jesus "came into its own" house of Judah, and "his own received him not" (Jn 1:11). Jesus descended from King David, who was of the tribe of Judah. When his own people, "the Jews", rejected him, he turned not to the Gentiles. It was Paul who did it. Jesus said in place of the pagan woman, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of Israel" (Matthew 15:24). For later to fulfill this divine mission - for Jesus was nailed to the cross of Calvary to pay for the sins of the world - he ordered his twelve disciples. They received the command, "Go to the lost sheep of Israel." They did so, but history has lost sight of where they went! Journeys have been shrouded in mystery until this time.
What the New Testament tells
History of the New Testament church is recorded in Acts. But have you ever noticed that Acts ends in the middle of the story? Luke does not even finished the story of Paul after the two-year imprisonment in Rome was over!
Jesus commanded his disciples to go to "the lost sheep of Israel." Are we to believe that they were obedient to their master's orders? Of course they were there. The picture shows the Leonardo da Vinci's famous mural "The Last Supper" You will find the answer in the command Jesus gave Paul. Even before Paul was baptized, Jesus had planned the work he would perform to come. Paul was to preach to the Gentiles, which he did in Cyprus, Asia Minor and Greece. Later he was to stand before kings, which took place during two years of captivity in Rome. Towards the end of this two year period, in which no accusers had signed up, would Paul, according to Roman law automatically been set free. It is here that Luke strangely interrupts the story of the business to Paul. See Acts 28.31. But the third mission of Paul was not yet done! Jesus had chosen Paul for a threefold mission: "to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel" (Acts 9.15). There lies the answer. Also, he would finish his work among the ten lost tribes! Luke was not allowed by Jesus to write down the book of Acts the final journeys of Paul's life. This would have revealed how the children of Israel found themselves! It was not in God's time to make this known at the time. But now, in this klimaktiske end of time, the time has come to roll to the side of history mist veil and show how the twelve apostles went.
Three words that are missing
Let's go to James. To whom is it written? Read yourself: "James, God and the Lord Jesus Christ's servant, greets the twelve tribes which are scattered around the country" (James 1:1). Probably you have never noticed this before. This book is not addressed to the Gentiles. It is also not addressed specifically to Judah, or Jews. It is addressed to all twelve tribes. Both the House of Judah and Israel, the lost ten tribes. Have you ever noticed that James, like Acts, ends abruptly without the usual greetings? Read yourself: James 5.20. Compare with the letters of Paul. In the original, inspired Greek New Testament, all the letters of Paul with an Amen. All four gospels ends with an Amen. Revelation ends with an Amen. This little word Amen is derived from Hebrew and signifies completion. In the King James, the Authorized Version (most modern translations are inaccurate, and in many cases, the correct ending carelessly omitted), leave all the New Testament books with an Amen, except three of them, Acts, James and 3 John. In these three letters, and only to them, does not occur word Amen in the inspired original Greek text. It is omitted on purpose. Why? Each case of Amen is a special character. It indicates that God wants us to understand that some missing information should not be preached to the world before our time, when the gospel is spread throughout the world as a final witness before the end. God purposely omitted from the Book of Acts the final chapters of the history of the first true church. If this had been taken, would the identity of Israel and where they were, have been revealed! It is part of God's plan that Israel would lose its identity and believe they were pagans. If James had made with the usual salutation, the nations of Israel would have been revealed. Paul often ends his letters with the names of places and persons. See, for example. the last verses of Romans, Colossians, and Hebrews. This is what is missing on purpose in the book of James. And why is missing the short 3 John. an Amen? Let John tell yourself: "I could have much to write to you, but I will not write it to you with pen and ink" (3 John 13). In his letter reveals John, a pagan conspiracy. It was a diabolical attempt by Simon Magus and his false apostles to win control of God's true church and parade as "Christianity". God did not allow John to announce in a clear voice the names of the leaders of this conspiracy and the offer to the The timber from. This is why John concludes his letter so quickly. The missing Amen is a sign that tells us that we must look elsewhere in the Bible for the answer. If you have eyes to see, the answer is described in Revelation. 17, Acts 8 and many other places in the Bible. The time has now come when this conspiracy will be revealed (2 Thessalonians 2), just before Jesus comes back. But let us return to James for a moment. The controversy reveals how Missionary Journeys of the Apostle Paul James 4.1 says that there was ongoing strife among the lost tribes of Israel. "Whence comes all enemies, and from whence comes all dispute among you?" Asked James. What kind of conflict or war was this? Among Jews, there was no conflict or war before the uprising against the Romans several years later. These conflicts or wars identify the lost House of Israel - the land where the twelve apostles went. James wrote his letter about. AD 60 (According to Josephus he suffered martyrdom a few years later.) The world had the moment of peace, cowed by the fear of Roman military intervention. Just before the year 60 AD there were only two places in the world where there was ongoing wars and strife and battles among the civilian population. Once you discover the areas in question, you will also be located where the ten lost tribes of Jacob wrote, was located. All one needs to do is look in the military records for the period just before and up to 60 years The results will surprise you! The two countries were the British Isles (with strife and battles that broke out in year 60, when the Iceni tribe under Boudicea rebelled), and the Parthian kingdom. But these two countries were not the only places in the house of Israel went to exile. We turn up to 1 Peter.
Who wrote Peter?
Who wrote his letters to Peter? Here it is: "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ - to the elect, those who are foreigners and are scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia" (1 Peter 1:1). These were not Gentiles. Peter was not the apostle to the Gentiles (Galatians 2:8). Paul was. Peter was the "chief apostle" of the lost sheep of Israel. Notice the word "foreigners". It does not heathens. The Greek word is parepidemos, which means "a resident foreigner," literally "an alien alongside." It refers not to the Gentiles, but to non-Gentiles who dwelt among Gentiles as aliens and foreigners. Abraham was such. a stranger, a foreigner when he lived among the Canaanites, the Gentiles in Palestine. Peter turned to parts of the ten lost tribes who lived among the Gentiles as aliens and foreigners. He did not write primarily for Jews. He would not have indicted them as "foreigners" because he was "Jew". Notice the areas of Peter mentioned in his letter. You may have to look for in a Bible atlas to locate them. They are all located in the northern part of Asia Minor, what is now modern Turkey. These areas lay just west of the Parthian kingdom! Paul preached not in these areas. He spent several years in the south, or the Greek part of Asia Minor. "But I have," said Paul, "was my honor to preach the gospel where Christ was not before mentioned, that I should build on a foundation of others had been" (Rom 15.20). Paul preached not in those areas where Peter and other of the twelve apostles had carried the Gospel. Where can you find in the New Testament that Paul preached in Pontus, Cappadocia and Bithynia? These areas were reserved for Peter and some of the other twelve. Paul spread the Gospel to Asia province, but only to the south, in the districts around Ephesus. Paul was expressly forbidden to preach in Mysia, which was the northern part of the Roman province of Asia (Acts 16.6-7). "When they" - Paul and his companions - "were come near Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit did not permit them. They went past Mysia and came down to Troas "(Acts 16.7-8). These were the areas where the lost sheep of the house of Israel dwelt as strangers and foreigners among the Gentiles. During his first journey, Paul preached in the cities of Iconium, Lystra and Derbe in the southern part of Galatia (Acts 14). But nowhere in the New Testament you will find that Paul preached in the northern part of Galatia, the area Peter mentioned in his letter to the tribes of Israel.
Track of the ten tribes along the Black Sea Coast
When it comes to Peter's letter, you should note the evidence for that part of the house of Israel lived along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Asia Minor in early New Testament times. At the time of Jesus was the Greek writers realize that the areas in the northern part of Asia Minor were Greek (apart from a few Greek trading colonies in the port cities). The Greeks said that the new peoples lived in the northern part of Asia Minor in New Testament times. Here is a surprising story written by Diodorus of Sicily: "Many people who were defeated were moved to new homes, and two of these were for very large colonies. One consisted of Assyrians and was removed to the country between Paflagonia and Pontus, and the other moved from Media and settled along the Tanais (the River Don in ancient Scythia - the modern Ukraine, north of the Black Sea in southern Russia). " See Diodorus: Book 3, page 43 The Twelve Apostles missions to areas other than Paul. They went to areas, including in Asia Minor, where it was still "lost sheep of Israel" Note the areas of these colonies came from: Assyria and Media. These were the areas where the house of Israel were taken captive. "So was Israel carried away from their land to Assyria, where they have been to this day" (2 Kings 17.23). "In the ninth year of Hosea took the Assyrian king, Samaria and carried Israel away into Assyria. He let them live in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan and in Media's cities "(2 Kings 17.6). Israel lived in captivity among the Assyrians as strangers and foreigners. When the Assyrians were later moved from their homeland to northern Asia Minor, traveled parts of the house of Israel with them. Here we find evidence for the geographer Strabo. He called the colonists in northern Asia Minor "White Syrians" (12,3.9) instead of Assyrians. There were therefore two kinds of people: Assyrians and "White Syrians". Who were those who were called "White Syrians"? None other than the house of Israel that had been recorded in the Assyrian captivity. "Syria" was the Greek name of the entire eastern coastline along the Mediterranean north of Judea. Because the house of Israel dwelt in Palestine - after the Greek concepts southern Syria - the Greeks called them "White Syrians". In contrast, held the darker Syrians in Syria and has lived there to this day. When the Assyrians were forced to emigrate to the north of Asia Minor, emigrated also the former slaves their "hvitesyrerne" or ten tribes of Israel, along with them. We find them still there in New Testament times. It is to these people - the lost sheep of Israel - the foreigners among the Assyrians, that Peter writes his first letter (1 Peter 1:1). Could anything be clearer? "Chief Apostle" of Israel writes to portions of the ten lost tribes who lived among the Assyrians - who originally brought them into captivity! We would later discover when and where these "lost sheep" migrated from Asia Minor to the north-western Europe. Now we will draw history's curtain aside and see how each of the twelve apostles preached. You will be surprised! What Greek historians tell Why has not anyone thought of this before? If a lot of Greeks in the south of Asia Minor were converted to Christ as a result of the activities of Paul, and many of the ten lost tribes of Israel in the north of Asia Minor also was converted at the same time, should not the Greeks then have left accounts of which of the twelve apostles who brought the Gospel there? Note also that the Greeks had not lost the New Testament. They have left it down from generation to generation throughout the ages. Is not it likely that the learned among the Greeks have left behind a true account of the preaching of the twelve apostles? The Apostle Paul is imprisoned. A section from the Bassus-sarkofagenDet is precisely what they've done! And yet there is almost no one believed them! The Greeks tell is not what most people expect to hear. Some, who do not have in mind the difference between Israel and Judah ("Jews"), believe that the apostles went exclusively to the Jews. Even among those who are aware of where Israel is today, not everyone understands that several of the tribes of Israel at the time of the apostles were not the same place then as today. Scholars have often wondered about the unusual information Greeks have written down. These historical reports of the Apostles is something quite different from that found in the false, apocryphal literature of the Roman Church's earliest days. In the early medieval Greek historians have left us with information that is extracted from the original writings that apparently no longer exists. They had firsthand sources of information from the scholars do not have access to now. What do these Greek historians? A valuable source of information is the Greek and Latin Ecclesiasticae Historiæ of Nicephorus Callistus. Another, in English, is Antiquitates Apostolicae by William Cave. Typical Greek tradition claims that the apostles did not leave the areas in Syria-Palestine before they had served for twelve years. The number twelve symbolizes an organized beginning. Before these twelve years were over, was one of the apostles already dead: James, the brother of John. He had been beheaded by Herod (Acts 12). But where did the remaining apostles? Simon Peter in England Let's start with Simon Peter. Jesus made Peter the leading apostle was to coordinate activities. In this capacity, Peter had to necessarily travel to far more places than the ones he personally worked in. The question is: where he spent most of his time? We know that a shorter time Peter was in Babylon in Mesopotamia. It was here he wrote his letters to the churches in Asia Minor (1 Peter 5:13). Babylon was the greater by the apostles in the east appeared from. In the same manner used Paul and other evangelists under him Antioch in Syria as their headquarters (Acts 14.26). The order of Peter in the first verse in his first letter enumerated the provinces of Asia Minor - from east to west and back - clearly shows that the letter was sent from Babylon to the east, and not from Rome in the west. Rome was not called "modern Babylon" until Christ revealed it at a much later date (Rev 17), after Peter's death. The Roman Emperor Nero How Peter spent most of his time after twelve years in Palestine? The Greek historian Metaphrastes says that "Peter was not only in these western areas" - the Western Mediterranean - "but especially that he was there for a long time." Here we find Peter's thesis in his work for the ten lost tribes. ". . . A long time in England, where he converted many nations to the faith. "(See margin note on page 45 of the Caves Antiquitates Apostolicae.) Peter preached the gospel in England, not in Rome. The true gospel was not preached publicly in Rome before Paul arrived in the year 59 AD Paul never mentions Peter in his letter to the brethren in Rome - most of which had been converted on Pentecost in 30 AD Not even the Jews at Rome had heard the Gospel be preached before Paul arrived. Here we find Luke's inspired account of Paul's arrival in Rome: "After three days he called [Paul] together the leading men among the Jews in that city" (Acts 28.17). And again: "They said to him: We have not received any letters from Judea concerning you. Nor does it come brothers here who has reported or spoken any evil about you. But we want to hear what you think, because we know that this sect everywhere face contradiction. After they had agreed a day with him, came even more to him in his lodging. He then laid out for them, testifying about the kingdom of God, and sought to convince them about Jesus from the law of Moses and the prophets, from morning to evening "(Acts 28.21-23). Here you will find crucial evidence that the Jews of Rome had never heard the apostle Peter preach. But there had been a "Peter" in Rome - from Claudius Caesar's days. This Peter sat in a prominent position. He was the supreme head of the Babylonian mysteries. His office was to be a "Peter" - an interpreter, or one that opens up secrets. In the Babylonian and Hebrew means Peter "an opening" Therefore, the expression used in Hebrew for "first born, one that first opens the womb." This Peter in Rome was also called Simon - Simon Magus, Simon Magus (Acts 8). He was the leader of the conspiracy was hatched by the priests of the Babylonian-Samaritan mysteries. These conspirators tried to use Jesus' name as a cloak for their diabolical religion. They founded what is today parading as a false "Christian religion" (see John 3.). Simon Peter, Jesus' apostle, was in England, and not in Rome. It was in England, he preached the gospel of the kingdom of God. The fact that Peter preached in the British Isles is in itself a proof that the ten lost tribes of Israel were already there. Simon Peter had been commissioned to go to the ten lost tribes. And strikingly probably began major internal wars to hit England around AD 60 This is what James warns in his letter (chapter 4, verse 1) to the twelve tribes of Israel. Can history be clearer? Where did Peter and Paul buried? Through the centuries the Christian world has taken for granted that Peter and Paul was buried in Rome. It seems that no one has thought to challenge tradition. We know that Paul was brought to Rome in the year 67 AD He was beheaded and buried by the road to Ostia. But are his remains still there? The usual tradition also claims that the Apostle Peter was brought to Rome under Emperor Nero's time, and suffered martyrdom about the same time. There are a number of ancient literature - something false, and something real - which confirms that Simon Magus, the false apostle who paraded as Peter, also died in Rome. The question is: What Simon is what today is buried under the Vatican? Is there evidence that the remains of the apostles Paul and Peter were moved from Rome - and in which case they find themselves today? There is a specific reason that the Vatican has been so reluctant to claim that the tomb of the Apostle Peter Found. They are aware that it is Simon Magus, the false Peter, who is buried there, and not the apostle Peter. Here's what happened: In the year 656 AD particular Lian Vita Pope that the Roman Catholic Church was not interested in the remains of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The Pope therefore ordered the remains sent to the English King Oswy. Here is part of the Pope's letter to King Oswy: "We have therefore ordered that the blessed gifts of the holy martyrs, that is, relics after the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and after the holy martyrs Laurentius, John, Paul, Gregory and Pancratius should be left to those who present carry this letter, that they should hand them to Your Excellency "(Bede's Ecclesiastical History, Book III, chapter 29, Could anything be more astounding? Pope sent the bones of Peter and Paul (called" relics "in the Pope's letter) from Rome to England - to "the land of Israel." Approx. 150 years earlier Constantius of Lyons took the remains of all the apostles and martyrs from Gaul and buried them in a special tomb in St. Albans in England (see Life of St. Germanus). Andrew, his brother After AD 449 England was populated by hundreds of thousands of people who lived there in Peter's time. The story calls them Angles and Saxons. They came originally from the shores of the Black Sea, where Israel had stayed. Around the year 256 AD they began to migrate from northern Asia Minor along the shores of the Black Sea to the kymbriske peninsula (Denmark) opposite Britain. It was the ancestors of these people Peter wrote his letter. But which of the twelve apostles preached to their ancestors, the so-called "White Syrians", at the time they lived at the Bosphorus and the Black Sea? Listen to the answers from the Greek historians: "In this division Andrew had Scythia and neighboring countries who were mainly assigned to him as his province. First he traveled through Cappadocia, (Upper) Galatia and Bithynia and taught them the faith of Jesus, and went all the way along the euksinske sea "- the old name for the Black Sea -" and into Scythia loneliness. " One of the ancient Greek writers outlining these trips in detail, as if Luke would have written an account of the other apostles on a par with the story of Paul. Andreas ". . . Then went to Trapezus, a port city at the euksinske sea, and after having been in many other places he came to Nicaea, where he stayed for two years and taught and performed miracles with great success. He then went to Nicomedia, and Chalcedon. Having sailed through the Propontis he came by sea to the euksinske Heraklea [the modern Sevastopol] and then to Amastris. . . . After that he came to Sinope, a city of the same ocean. . . . Here he met his brother Peter, as he was with for a long time. . . . Having gone there, he came again to Amynsus then. . . He proposed to return to Jerusalem "- the main church. "After a time he traveled to the country Abasgi (a country in the Caucasus). . . . Then he went to. . . . The Asian part of Scythia, or Samartia, but because he found the inhabitants very barbarous and difficult to deal with, he was not so long there. Only in Kerson, or Chersoneos, a large and populous city in the Bosporus (this Bosporus is the modern Krimhalvøy) He spent some time teaching them and confirmed them in the faith. Then he went on board a ship and sailed across the [Black] sea to Sinope, which was in Paflagonia "(Cave: Antiquitates Apostolicae, pp. 137-138). Here we see that Andrew preached in the same areas in Asia Minor, Paul went to no. From this area, and from Scythia north of the Black Sea, migrated the ancestors of the Scots and Anglo-Saxons, as we have already seen. They are of Israel - or to Andrew disobeyed his task! And what of the modern Scottish tradition says that Andrew preached to their ancestors? Significantly, in fact.
What about the other apostles?
Where did Simon the Zealot with the Gospel? From the Greek Scriptures, we find his itinerary: Simon "headed to Egypt, then to Cyrene, and Africa. . . . And throughout Mauritania and all Libya, where he preached the Gospel. . . . Nor could the cold blunt his zeal, or prevent him from sailing with the Christian message across to the western islands, all the way to England. Here he preached and performed many miracles. "Nicephorus and Dorotheus both wrote that" he went eventually to Britain (England) and. . . Was crucified. . . And buried there "(Cave: Antiquitates Apostolicae, p 203). Today Sinope in Turkey by the Black Sea sydbredden Think about this. Here we find another of the twelve apostles preach to the lost tribes of Israel in Britain and the west, but what did Simon the Zealot in North Africa? Were some of Israel there, too? Had some fled westward in 721 BC when Assyria conquered Palestine? For this answer Geoffrey of Monmouth, "Saxons. . . Went to Africans Gormund king of Ireland, where he had come with a large fleet and conquered the people there. Then, in case voters' treachery, he sailed with 160,000 Africans to England. . . And destroyed, it was said, the whole country with its countless thousands of Africans "(Book XI, sect. 8.19). These countless thousands of "Africans" were either Negroes or Arabs. They were white men - Nordic - who came from North Africa and Mauritania, where Simon preached. The Universal History (1748, vol xvii, p 194) says that these Nordic people ". . . Stated that their ancestors were driven out of Asia by a powerful enemy, and into Greece. From there they fled ahead "to North Africa. "But this. . . Must be understood to mean that it only concerns the white nations that inhabited certain parts of western Barbary and Numidia. " What white nation was driven from the western part of West Asia? Israel! And their powerful enemy? Assyria! For almost three hundred years after Simon the Zealot lived in Mauritania. But they are not in North Africa today. They came to England shortly after AD 449 around the time of the Anglo-Saxon invasion. In the year 598 AD, when the bishop of Rome sent Augustine to bring Catholicism to England, he discovered that the inhabitants were already professing Christians! Their ancestors had already heard the message from one of the twelve apostles. Also Ireland Another apostle who was sent to the lost sheep of Israel was James, son of Alphaeus. Some early writers have been somewhat at a loss, because there were two of the twelve apostles named James. James, the son of Alphaeus, was the one who left Palestine after the first twelve years. The activities of this apostle are sometimes attributed to James, the brother of John. But the latter had already been beheaded by Herod (Acts 12:2). How preached Jacob, son of Alphaeus? "The Spanish writers are generally agreed that after Stephen's death came to this western world, and especially to Spain (some add England and Ireland), where he planted Christianity" (Cave, p 148). Note that. Even an apostle who was sent to the lost sheep of Israel ended up in the British Isles - In Ireland, as well as in England. The Evangelical Demonstrations, Book 3, Chapter 7, Eusebius tells us that the apostles "went over to the so-called British Isles." Could anything be clearer? James also spent time in Spain. Why Spain? From ancient times, Spain was the main route of migration from the eastern Mediterranean to the British Isles. Ireland's ancient royal family lived for a time in Spain. Even today belongs to an important part of the Iberian Peninsula - Gibraltar - the tribes of Israel who had the birthright, Manasseh - England! Paul was also in England? Now we will see even more evidence that the apostles worked for the lost sheep of Israel in the British Isles. From an old work, published by William Camden in 1674, we read: "The true Christianity was early planted here by Joseph of Arimathea, Simon the Zealot, Aristobulus, Peter and Paul, as you can tell by Dorotheus, Theodoretus and Sephronius" (Remains of Britain, p 5). Paul is also included! Had Paul planned to go from Italy to Spain and then to England? Here is the answer ". . . I will go the way of you to Spain "(Rom 15:28). In his letter to the Corinthians confirms Clement of Rome journeys of Paul in the west. However, including the UK? (08-Britannia) The Greek church historian Theodoret has this to say: "That St. Paul brought salvation to the islands in the ocean" (book 1 of Psalms cxvi, p 870). The British Isles! But this was only to preach to the Gentiles? Absolutely not. Do not forget that the third and last part of the Great Commission given to Paul, after he had preached Christ to the kings and rulers of Rome, was to lift up Jesus' name to "Israel" (Acts 9.15) - the ten lost tribes. This is not a prophecy about the Jews, as Paul had preached to the Greek part of the world in the Eastern Mediterranean. This is a prophecy about the problem Paul had in the British Isles. On the banks of the Caspian Sea James wrote that Israel was "spread around the country." We have found them in Northwest Europe, North Africa, whence they emigrated to England in the fifth century AD, and in northern Asia Minor in connection with the Assyrians. Around the year 256 AD they began to migrate from areas of the Black Sea to Denmark and then to the British Isles in 449 But parts of the ten lost tribes found themselves in another area beyond the Roman frontiers. This area was known as the Parthian kingdom. Who were the Parthians, has long been a mystery. Around 700 BC they appeared suddenly near the Caspian Sea as slaves under the Assyrians. "According to Diodorus, who probably followed Ctesias, they came during Medes rule after having been subject to Assyria, and then the Persians" (Rawlinson: Monarchia, vol IV, p 26, quoted from Diodorus Siculus, ii 2.2; 34, 1 and 6). Around 250 BC Parthians came to power in areas along the south bank of the Caspian Sea. This was precisely the areas Israel was exiled! What puzzles historians is that the Parthians were neither Persians, Medes, Assyrians or any other known people. Even their name breathes mystery - until you understand the Bible. The term party means "exile." (See Rawlinson: The Sixth Monarchy, p 19) The only people who were in exile in this area were the ten tribes of Israel. Parthians included none other than the ten lost tribes who were exiled, and lived there until 226 AD That's when the Persians drove them into Europe. Note the following: James addressed his letter to the twelve tribes of Israel who were scattered throughout the countries. He warns the Israelites about the wars and contentions they carried within their own ranks. When James wrote this letter about. AD 60, there was peace in the world except for two areas: England and Parthia. There is no doubt that Britain and Parthia consisted of Israelites. Which of the twelve apostles brought the Gospel to the Israelites in the party? The Greek historians say that Thomas brought the gospel to "Parthia, after that Sophronius and other states, that he preached the gospel to the Medes, Persians, karma authors, hyrcania, Bactria and their neighbors" (Cave, p 189). These foreign names include those areas we know today as Iran (or Persia) and Afghanistan. The apostles had this whole area under the Parthians. Though many Israelites had already left the area, were large amounts of back, spread over the adjoining districts. They had lost their identity and became known under the names of the districts where they lived. The Jewish historian Josephus was well aware of Parthia as a major habitat of the ten tribes. He says: "But the people of Israel (the ten tribes) were still present in the country (they did not return to Palestine). That is why there are only two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the ten tribes located beyond Euphrates till now and are a countless multitude that can not be counted with numbers "(Antiquities of the Jews, book xi , chap v.2). There we have it! The area Tomas went to was, according to Josephus, filled with large amounts of the ten tribes. Josephus was apparently unaware that many had already migrated westward. But he makes it clear that only the house of Judah returned to Palestine. Israel was "beyond Euphrates till now." Parthia was conquered by Persia in 226 AD After being driven out of the party, walked the ten tribes of the Medes and the north of the Black Sea and into Scythia. (See RG Latham: The Native Races of the Russian Empire, p 216). Around AD 256 walked the ten tribes of their brethren beyond Scythia / Asia Minor and into northwestern Europe. This migration took place because of a united Roman attack in the east. But the attack backfired on the Romans, and later that year broke the hordes of Israelites and Assyrians through the Roman defenses. Thomas also traveled to the north-west India, east of Persia, where the "white Indians" lived. These "white Indians" - ie white people who lived in India - was in the later Greek writings referred to as' little naphtha-Huns. " Is there any connection to the tribe of Naphtali? In the sixth century AD they were defeated and wandered into Scandinavia. Scandinavian archeology confirms this. According to Nicephorus Bartholomew shared this great site with Tomas. Bartholomew also spent time in neighboring Armenia and parts of Upper Phrygia in Asia Minor. In his story called Nicephorus area of "the western and northern parts of Asia," by which he meant the upper Lillesia, which is now modern Turkey. It was the same area Andreas bar the Gospel, and there were also believers in this area, Peter wrote his two letters. Judas, who was also called Thaddaeus Libbaeus, appeared in Assyria and Mesopotamia. These were the areas where Josephus wrote that the ten tribes lived. The Parthian kingdom, which consisted of the ten tribes who ruled over the Gentiles, included both Assyria and Mesopotamia during most of the New Testament times. From the famous city of Babylon in Mesopotamia led the business to Peter all the apostles in the East (Parthia). Philip worked in Scythia and Upper Asia (ie Asia Minor). (See Cave: Antiquitates Apostolicae, p 168) Scythia was the name of the great steppe north of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. It was this area that a large colony of Israelites migrated after the Persian Empire fell in 331 BC From Scythia migrated the Scots. The word "Scot" is derived from the word "skyth." That means an inhabitant of Scythia. The Scots are part of the house of Israel. It is interesting that the Celtic name of Scythia have the same meaning as the Hebrew name has Semitic languages: a migrant or immigrant! Where did Matthew? Metaphrastes says Matthew ". . . First went to Parthia, and having succeeded in planting Christianity in these areas, he went to Ethiopia, ie the Asian Ethiopia which is close to India. " For several centuries, this area of the Hindu Kush, bordering on Scythia and Parthia, known as "White India." It is located just east of the area where the Assyrians settled the Israelite captives. A natural population growth led Israel to these sparsely populated areas. From there they walked on to the north-west Europe in the sixth century AD, long after the apostles. Dorotheus says that Matthew was buried in Hierapolis in Parthia. The Parthian kingdom was actually a loose union of the ten lost tribes who lived in Central Asia at this time. The Persians drove them finally out. There Parthia flourished, prospered other nations. Where the party suffered defeat, suffered other nations. Do not forget what it says in Scripture: "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse" (1 Gen. 12:3). Ethiopian and Greek sources claim that Dacia (modern Romania) and Macedonia, the area north of Greece, was part of the Apostle Matthias' scope. Dacia was the part of Scythia as lay to the west. From Dacia came the Normans who ultimately settled in France and England. The French tradition is that Mary, Jesus' mother, went to Gaul (modern France) suggests that John did in Gaul in his earlier years. Jesus entrusted Mary to John's care. She may have been with him where he worked. Paul knew Gaul was an area that was inhabited by the house of Israel. He therefore went beyond Gaul during his journey from Italy to Spain (Rom 15,24.28). One of the twelve must have been in Gaul. How clearly is not all that. How can someone get me wrong these things? We can find historical evidence to definitely confirm the identity of "Israel" and their location. From secular sources is Israel's identity, an independent and absolute proof of where the twelve apostles carried out God's work.
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By Justin Kaspersen
According the author is Peter and Paul was buried in England. Paul was killed in Rome, but it was not the apostle Peter when he was never there in life but seemed only among the children of Israel, both in Israel and throughout the world dakjente!
Is not it strange that most of the New Testament for Apostegjerningene was written by Paul and not Peter? Why lost both Peter and the other apostles suddenly appeared after Peter, when he was in the house of Cornelius, began to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles? And why it was only Peter and John as a fleeting moment appeared in Jerusalem at the gathering which is described in Acts 15? Following Acts 15, we read all about Paul's preaching to the Gentiles. What is the reason? What happened to the twelve apostles? Let's get to the bottom of this matter! It is in fact a reason why trips to the twelve apostles have been cloaked in mystery - until now. You are probably told that Jesus chose twelve apostles whom he ordained. Then he sent them to the Jews that they would preach to them first, and when the Jews as a nation rejected the message, you probably thought that when the apostles turned to the Gentiles. This is far from the truth! It was the Apostle Paul, who several years later was named a special apostle, who was commissioned to carry the Gospel to the Gentiles. Jesus made this declaration to Ananias, who was sent to baptize Paul, "Go!" For him, Saul, who was named Paul, is "a chosen vessel for me to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and for the children of Israel "(Acts 9.15). It was Paul, not one of the twelve, who said: "From now on I will go to the Gentiles" (Acts 18:6). Jesus was not called Paul to be a special disciple to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles, if the twelve apostles had been given this assignment.
Jesus' command tells
Notice the surprising answer in Matthew 10.5-6: "These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them: Do not go the way of the Gentiles, and do not go into any of the Samaritans cities, but go rather to the lost sheep of Israel house! " Israel (the ten "lost" tribes) were taken captive to "Medes cities" in northern Assyria, and walked further west into Europe, where they were known by a number of foreign names Jesus meant exactly what he said! He "commanded them." The twelve were not allowed to preach the Gospel among the heathen. It was Paul who got this assignment. The twelve would instead go to "the lost sheep of Israel" - the lost ten tribes? Certainly Jesus sent Peter to Cornelius (Acts 10-11) to open the Gospel to the Gentiles, but Peter's life mission was to preach the Gospel to "the lost sheep of Israel." In its capacity as "chief apostle" Peter only opened the door to the Gentiles. It was Paul who went through the door and brought the Gospel to the nations. As "chief apostle" Peter went only once to the Samaritans, who were "pagans." But it was not to bring the Gospel to them. Philip had done it! Peter and John only prayed for the Samaritans that they might receive the Holy Spirit (see Acts 8,5.14-17). Now we know who the twelve apostles were sent. They were not sent to the Gentiles, but to "the lost sheep of Israel." It was Paul who went to the Gentiles. Now we will look at how Peter and others of the twelve apostles went after they had left Palestine. This has been one of history's best kept secrets! If the world had been aware of which countries the twelve apostles went to, would Israel never lost sight of! But God had a purpose in that the identity of Israel would not be revealed before in our vibrant century. There are many who do not understand the purpose of this. "Israel" identified From the sons of Jacob - who was named Israel - sprang twelve tribes. Under King David, they were united as one nation, Israel. After David's son Solomon was dead, were the twelve tribes divided into two nations. The tribe of Judah split from the nation of Israel to support the king of Israel had rejected. Benjamin went with Judah. The new nation was created with Jerusalem as its capital. This nation became known as "Judah". The inhabitants were later called "the Jews". The other ten tribes, who rejected the son of Solomon, settled in the north, with Samaria as its capital. They became known as "the house of Israel." Whole books of the Old Testament portrays the power struggle between Israel and Judah. The first time the word "Jew" is mentioned in the Bible, is in conjunction with Israel's king who allied with the Syrian king to drive the Jews out of Eilat, which was the port city on the Red Sea (2 Kings 16.6 to 7). The northern ten tribes, Israel, was defeated by the mighty Assyria under a three-year siege (721-718 BC). The people were led into captivity beyond the Tigris River and a resident of Assyria and the Medes cities around the lake URMI, southwest of the Caspian Sea. Now the Assyrians brought pagans from Babylon to the cities of Samaria land which was now abandoned. These nations (2 Kings 17) was at the time of Jesus known as Samaritans.
Israel never returned to Palestine. The nation became known as "the lost ten tribes". It was to them Jesus sent the twelve apostles!
Judah, who later became known as Jews, were still living in Palestine until the Babylonian siege, which began in 604 BC Judah was then deported to Mesopotamia. Seventy years later they returned to Palestine. In later history they became commonly known as "Israel" because they were the only descendants of Jacob - Israel - now living in Palestine. The ten tribes - Israel - disappeared from sight in the country they were abducted to. Jesus "came into its own" house of Judah, and "his own received him not" (Jn 1:11). Jesus descended from King David, who was of the tribe of Judah. When his own people, "the Jews", rejected him, he turned not to the Gentiles. It was Paul who did it. Jesus said in place of the pagan woman, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of Israel" (Matthew 15:24). For later to fulfill this divine mission - for Jesus was nailed to the cross of Calvary to pay for the sins of the world - he ordered his twelve disciples. They received the command, "Go to the lost sheep of Israel." They did so, but history has lost sight of where they went! Journeys have been shrouded in mystery until this time.
What the New Testament tells
History of the New Testament church is recorded in Acts. But have you ever noticed that Acts ends in the middle of the story? Luke does not even finished the story of Paul after the two-year imprisonment in Rome was over!
Jesus commanded his disciples to go to "the lost sheep of Israel." Are we to believe that they were obedient to their master's orders? Of course they were there. The picture shows the Leonardo da Vinci's famous mural "The Last Supper" You will find the answer in the command Jesus gave Paul. Even before Paul was baptized, Jesus had planned the work he would perform to come. Paul was to preach to the Gentiles, which he did in Cyprus, Asia Minor and Greece. Later he was to stand before kings, which took place during two years of captivity in Rome. Towards the end of this two year period, in which no accusers had signed up, would Paul, according to Roman law automatically been set free. It is here that Luke strangely interrupts the story of the business to Paul. See Acts 28.31. But the third mission of Paul was not yet done! Jesus had chosen Paul for a threefold mission: "to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel" (Acts 9.15). There lies the answer. Also, he would finish his work among the ten lost tribes! Luke was not allowed by Jesus to write down the book of Acts the final journeys of Paul's life. This would have revealed how the children of Israel found themselves! It was not in God's time to make this known at the time. But now, in this klimaktiske end of time, the time has come to roll to the side of history mist veil and show how the twelve apostles went.
Three words that are missing
Let's go to James. To whom is it written? Read yourself: "James, God and the Lord Jesus Christ's servant, greets the twelve tribes which are scattered around the country" (James 1:1). Probably you have never noticed this before. This book is not addressed to the Gentiles. It is also not addressed specifically to Judah, or Jews. It is addressed to all twelve tribes. Both the House of Judah and Israel, the lost ten tribes. Have you ever noticed that James, like Acts, ends abruptly without the usual greetings? Read yourself: James 5.20. Compare with the letters of Paul. In the original, inspired Greek New Testament, all the letters of Paul with an Amen. All four gospels ends with an Amen. Revelation ends with an Amen. This little word Amen is derived from Hebrew and signifies completion. In the King James, the Authorized Version (most modern translations are inaccurate, and in many cases, the correct ending carelessly omitted), leave all the New Testament books with an Amen, except three of them, Acts, James and 3 John. In these three letters, and only to them, does not occur word Amen in the inspired original Greek text. It is omitted on purpose. Why? Each case of Amen is a special character. It indicates that God wants us to understand that some missing information should not be preached to the world before our time, when the gospel is spread throughout the world as a final witness before the end. God purposely omitted from the Book of Acts the final chapters of the history of the first true church. If this had been taken, would the identity of Israel and where they were, have been revealed! It is part of God's plan that Israel would lose its identity and believe they were pagans. If James had made with the usual salutation, the nations of Israel would have been revealed. Paul often ends his letters with the names of places and persons. See, for example. the last verses of Romans, Colossians, and Hebrews. This is what is missing on purpose in the book of James. And why is missing the short 3 John. an Amen? Let John tell yourself: "I could have much to write to you, but I will not write it to you with pen and ink" (3 John 13). In his letter reveals John, a pagan conspiracy. It was a diabolical attempt by Simon Magus and his false apostles to win control of God's true church and parade as "Christianity". God did not allow John to announce in a clear voice the names of the leaders of this conspiracy and the offer to the The timber from. This is why John concludes his letter so quickly. The missing Amen is a sign that tells us that we must look elsewhere in the Bible for the answer. If you have eyes to see, the answer is described in Revelation. 17, Acts 8 and many other places in the Bible. The time has now come when this conspiracy will be revealed (2 Thessalonians 2), just before Jesus comes back. But let us return to James for a moment. The controversy reveals how Missionary Journeys of the Apostle Paul James 4.1 says that there was ongoing strife among the lost tribes of Israel. "Whence comes all enemies, and from whence comes all dispute among you?" Asked James. What kind of conflict or war was this? Among Jews, there was no conflict or war before the uprising against the Romans several years later. These conflicts or wars identify the lost House of Israel - the land where the twelve apostles went. James wrote his letter about. AD 60 (According to Josephus he suffered martyrdom a few years later.) The world had the moment of peace, cowed by the fear of Roman military intervention. Just before the year 60 AD there were only two places in the world where there was ongoing wars and strife and battles among the civilian population. Once you discover the areas in question, you will also be located where the ten lost tribes of Jacob wrote, was located. All one needs to do is look in the military records for the period just before and up to 60 years The results will surprise you! The two countries were the British Isles (with strife and battles that broke out in year 60, when the Iceni tribe under Boudicea rebelled), and the Parthian kingdom. But these two countries were not the only places in the house of Israel went to exile. We turn up to 1 Peter.
Who wrote Peter?
Who wrote his letters to Peter? Here it is: "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ - to the elect, those who are foreigners and are scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia" (1 Peter 1:1). These were not Gentiles. Peter was not the apostle to the Gentiles (Galatians 2:8). Paul was. Peter was the "chief apostle" of the lost sheep of Israel. Notice the word "foreigners". It does not heathens. The Greek word is parepidemos, which means "a resident foreigner," literally "an alien alongside." It refers not to the Gentiles, but to non-Gentiles who dwelt among Gentiles as aliens and foreigners. Abraham was such. a stranger, a foreigner when he lived among the Canaanites, the Gentiles in Palestine. Peter turned to parts of the ten lost tribes who lived among the Gentiles as aliens and foreigners. He did not write primarily for Jews. He would not have indicted them as "foreigners" because he was "Jew". Notice the areas of Peter mentioned in his letter. You may have to look for in a Bible atlas to locate them. They are all located in the northern part of Asia Minor, what is now modern Turkey. These areas lay just west of the Parthian kingdom! Paul preached not in these areas. He spent several years in the south, or the Greek part of Asia Minor. "But I have," said Paul, "was my honor to preach the gospel where Christ was not before mentioned, that I should build on a foundation of others had been" (Rom 15.20). Paul preached not in those areas where Peter and other of the twelve apostles had carried the Gospel. Where can you find in the New Testament that Paul preached in Pontus, Cappadocia and Bithynia? These areas were reserved for Peter and some of the other twelve. Paul spread the Gospel to Asia province, but only to the south, in the districts around Ephesus. Paul was expressly forbidden to preach in Mysia, which was the northern part of the Roman province of Asia (Acts 16.6-7). "When they" - Paul and his companions - "were come near Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit did not permit them. They went past Mysia and came down to Troas "(Acts 16.7-8). These were the areas where the lost sheep of the house of Israel dwelt as strangers and foreigners among the Gentiles. During his first journey, Paul preached in the cities of Iconium, Lystra and Derbe in the southern part of Galatia (Acts 14). But nowhere in the New Testament you will find that Paul preached in the northern part of Galatia, the area Peter mentioned in his letter to the tribes of Israel.
Track of the ten tribes along the Black Sea Coast
When it comes to Peter's letter, you should note the evidence for that part of the house of Israel lived along the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Asia Minor in early New Testament times. At the time of Jesus was the Greek writers realize that the areas in the northern part of Asia Minor were Greek (apart from a few Greek trading colonies in the port cities). The Greeks said that the new peoples lived in the northern part of Asia Minor in New Testament times. Here is a surprising story written by Diodorus of Sicily: "Many people who were defeated were moved to new homes, and two of these were for very large colonies. One consisted of Assyrians and was removed to the country between Paflagonia and Pontus, and the other moved from Media and settled along the Tanais (the River Don in ancient Scythia - the modern Ukraine, north of the Black Sea in southern Russia). " See Diodorus: Book 3, page 43 The Twelve Apostles missions to areas other than Paul. They went to areas, including in Asia Minor, where it was still "lost sheep of Israel" Note the areas of these colonies came from: Assyria and Media. These were the areas where the house of Israel were taken captive. "So was Israel carried away from their land to Assyria, where they have been to this day" (2 Kings 17.23). "In the ninth year of Hosea took the Assyrian king, Samaria and carried Israel away into Assyria. He let them live in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan and in Media's cities "(2 Kings 17.6). Israel lived in captivity among the Assyrians as strangers and foreigners. When the Assyrians were later moved from their homeland to northern Asia Minor, traveled parts of the house of Israel with them. Here we find evidence for the geographer Strabo. He called the colonists in northern Asia Minor "White Syrians" (12,3.9) instead of Assyrians. There were therefore two kinds of people: Assyrians and "White Syrians". Who were those who were called "White Syrians"? None other than the house of Israel that had been recorded in the Assyrian captivity. "Syria" was the Greek name of the entire eastern coastline along the Mediterranean north of Judea. Because the house of Israel dwelt in Palestine - after the Greek concepts southern Syria - the Greeks called them "White Syrians". In contrast, held the darker Syrians in Syria and has lived there to this day. When the Assyrians were forced to emigrate to the north of Asia Minor, emigrated also the former slaves their "hvitesyrerne" or ten tribes of Israel, along with them. We find them still there in New Testament times. It is to these people - the lost sheep of Israel - the foreigners among the Assyrians, that Peter writes his first letter (1 Peter 1:1). Could anything be clearer? "Chief Apostle" of Israel writes to portions of the ten lost tribes who lived among the Assyrians - who originally brought them into captivity! We would later discover when and where these "lost sheep" migrated from Asia Minor to the north-western Europe. Now we will draw history's curtain aside and see how each of the twelve apostles preached. You will be surprised! What Greek historians tell Why has not anyone thought of this before? If a lot of Greeks in the south of Asia Minor were converted to Christ as a result of the activities of Paul, and many of the ten lost tribes of Israel in the north of Asia Minor also was converted at the same time, should not the Greeks then have left accounts of which of the twelve apostles who brought the Gospel there? Note also that the Greeks had not lost the New Testament. They have left it down from generation to generation throughout the ages. Is not it likely that the learned among the Greeks have left behind a true account of the preaching of the twelve apostles? The Apostle Paul is imprisoned. A section from the Bassus-sarkofagenDet is precisely what they've done! And yet there is almost no one believed them! The Greeks tell is not what most people expect to hear. Some, who do not have in mind the difference between Israel and Judah ("Jews"), believe that the apostles went exclusively to the Jews. Even among those who are aware of where Israel is today, not everyone understands that several of the tribes of Israel at the time of the apostles were not the same place then as today. Scholars have often wondered about the unusual information Greeks have written down. These historical reports of the Apostles is something quite different from that found in the false, apocryphal literature of the Roman Church's earliest days. In the early medieval Greek historians have left us with information that is extracted from the original writings that apparently no longer exists. They had firsthand sources of information from the scholars do not have access to now. What do these Greek historians? A valuable source of information is the Greek and Latin Ecclesiasticae Historiæ of Nicephorus Callistus. Another, in English, is Antiquitates Apostolicae by William Cave. Typical Greek tradition claims that the apostles did not leave the areas in Syria-Palestine before they had served for twelve years. The number twelve symbolizes an organized beginning. Before these twelve years were over, was one of the apostles already dead: James, the brother of John. He had been beheaded by Herod (Acts 12). But where did the remaining apostles? Simon Peter in England Let's start with Simon Peter. Jesus made Peter the leading apostle was to coordinate activities. In this capacity, Peter had to necessarily travel to far more places than the ones he personally worked in. The question is: where he spent most of his time? We know that a shorter time Peter was in Babylon in Mesopotamia. It was here he wrote his letters to the churches in Asia Minor (1 Peter 5:13). Babylon was the greater by the apostles in the east appeared from. In the same manner used Paul and other evangelists under him Antioch in Syria as their headquarters (Acts 14.26). The order of Peter in the first verse in his first letter enumerated the provinces of Asia Minor - from east to west and back - clearly shows that the letter was sent from Babylon to the east, and not from Rome in the west. Rome was not called "modern Babylon" until Christ revealed it at a much later date (Rev 17), after Peter's death. The Roman Emperor Nero How Peter spent most of his time after twelve years in Palestine? The Greek historian Metaphrastes says that "Peter was not only in these western areas" - the Western Mediterranean - "but especially that he was there for a long time." Here we find Peter's thesis in his work for the ten lost tribes. ". . . A long time in England, where he converted many nations to the faith. "(See margin note on page 45 of the Caves Antiquitates Apostolicae.) Peter preached the gospel in England, not in Rome. The true gospel was not preached publicly in Rome before Paul arrived in the year 59 AD Paul never mentions Peter in his letter to the brethren in Rome - most of which had been converted on Pentecost in 30 AD Not even the Jews at Rome had heard the Gospel be preached before Paul arrived. Here we find Luke's inspired account of Paul's arrival in Rome: "After three days he called [Paul] together the leading men among the Jews in that city" (Acts 28.17). And again: "They said to him: We have not received any letters from Judea concerning you. Nor does it come brothers here who has reported or spoken any evil about you. But we want to hear what you think, because we know that this sect everywhere face contradiction. After they had agreed a day with him, came even more to him in his lodging. He then laid out for them, testifying about the kingdom of God, and sought to convince them about Jesus from the law of Moses and the prophets, from morning to evening "(Acts 28.21-23). Here you will find crucial evidence that the Jews of Rome had never heard the apostle Peter preach. But there had been a "Peter" in Rome - from Claudius Caesar's days. This Peter sat in a prominent position. He was the supreme head of the Babylonian mysteries. His office was to be a "Peter" - an interpreter, or one that opens up secrets. In the Babylonian and Hebrew means Peter "an opening" Therefore, the expression used in Hebrew for "first born, one that first opens the womb." This Peter in Rome was also called Simon - Simon Magus, Simon Magus (Acts 8). He was the leader of the conspiracy was hatched by the priests of the Babylonian-Samaritan mysteries. These conspirators tried to use Jesus' name as a cloak for their diabolical religion. They founded what is today parading as a false "Christian religion" (see John 3.). Simon Peter, Jesus' apostle, was in England, and not in Rome. It was in England, he preached the gospel of the kingdom of God. The fact that Peter preached in the British Isles is in itself a proof that the ten lost tribes of Israel were already there. Simon Peter had been commissioned to go to the ten lost tribes. And strikingly probably began major internal wars to hit England around AD 60 This is what James warns in his letter (chapter 4, verse 1) to the twelve tribes of Israel. Can history be clearer? Where did Peter and Paul buried? Through the centuries the Christian world has taken for granted that Peter and Paul was buried in Rome. It seems that no one has thought to challenge tradition. We know that Paul was brought to Rome in the year 67 AD He was beheaded and buried by the road to Ostia. But are his remains still there? The usual tradition also claims that the Apostle Peter was brought to Rome under Emperor Nero's time, and suffered martyrdom about the same time. There are a number of ancient literature - something false, and something real - which confirms that Simon Magus, the false apostle who paraded as Peter, also died in Rome. The question is: What Simon is what today is buried under the Vatican? Is there evidence that the remains of the apostles Paul and Peter were moved from Rome - and in which case they find themselves today? There is a specific reason that the Vatican has been so reluctant to claim that the tomb of the Apostle Peter Found. They are aware that it is Simon Magus, the false Peter, who is buried there, and not the apostle Peter. Here's what happened: In the year 656 AD particular Lian Vita Pope that the Roman Catholic Church was not interested in the remains of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The Pope therefore ordered the remains sent to the English King Oswy. Here is part of the Pope's letter to King Oswy: "We have therefore ordered that the blessed gifts of the holy martyrs, that is, relics after the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and after the holy martyrs Laurentius, John, Paul, Gregory and Pancratius should be left to those who present carry this letter, that they should hand them to Your Excellency "(Bede's Ecclesiastical History, Book III, chapter 29, Could anything be more astounding? Pope sent the bones of Peter and Paul (called" relics "in the Pope's letter) from Rome to England - to "the land of Israel." Approx. 150 years earlier Constantius of Lyons took the remains of all the apostles and martyrs from Gaul and buried them in a special tomb in St. Albans in England (see Life of St. Germanus). Andrew, his brother After AD 449 England was populated by hundreds of thousands of people who lived there in Peter's time. The story calls them Angles and Saxons. They came originally from the shores of the Black Sea, where Israel had stayed. Around the year 256 AD they began to migrate from northern Asia Minor along the shores of the Black Sea to the kymbriske peninsula (Denmark) opposite Britain. It was the ancestors of these people Peter wrote his letter. But which of the twelve apostles preached to their ancestors, the so-called "White Syrians", at the time they lived at the Bosphorus and the Black Sea? Listen to the answers from the Greek historians: "In this division Andrew had Scythia and neighboring countries who were mainly assigned to him as his province. First he traveled through Cappadocia, (Upper) Galatia and Bithynia and taught them the faith of Jesus, and went all the way along the euksinske sea "- the old name for the Black Sea -" and into Scythia loneliness. " One of the ancient Greek writers outlining these trips in detail, as if Luke would have written an account of the other apostles on a par with the story of Paul. Andreas ". . . Then went to Trapezus, a port city at the euksinske sea, and after having been in many other places he came to Nicaea, where he stayed for two years and taught and performed miracles with great success. He then went to Nicomedia, and Chalcedon. Having sailed through the Propontis he came by sea to the euksinske Heraklea [the modern Sevastopol] and then to Amastris. . . . After that he came to Sinope, a city of the same ocean. . . . Here he met his brother Peter, as he was with for a long time. . . . Having gone there, he came again to Amynsus then. . . He proposed to return to Jerusalem "- the main church. "After a time he traveled to the country Abasgi (a country in the Caucasus). . . . Then he went to. . . . The Asian part of Scythia, or Samartia, but because he found the inhabitants very barbarous and difficult to deal with, he was not so long there. Only in Kerson, or Chersoneos, a large and populous city in the Bosporus (this Bosporus is the modern Krimhalvøy) He spent some time teaching them and confirmed them in the faith. Then he went on board a ship and sailed across the [Black] sea to Sinope, which was in Paflagonia "(Cave: Antiquitates Apostolicae, pp. 137-138). Here we see that Andrew preached in the same areas in Asia Minor, Paul went to no. From this area, and from Scythia north of the Black Sea, migrated the ancestors of the Scots and Anglo-Saxons, as we have already seen. They are of Israel - or to Andrew disobeyed his task! And what of the modern Scottish tradition says that Andrew preached to their ancestors? Significantly, in fact.
What about the other apostles?
Where did Simon the Zealot with the Gospel? From the Greek Scriptures, we find his itinerary: Simon "headed to Egypt, then to Cyrene, and Africa. . . . And throughout Mauritania and all Libya, where he preached the Gospel. . . . Nor could the cold blunt his zeal, or prevent him from sailing with the Christian message across to the western islands, all the way to England. Here he preached and performed many miracles. "Nicephorus and Dorotheus both wrote that" he went eventually to Britain (England) and. . . Was crucified. . . And buried there "(Cave: Antiquitates Apostolicae, p 203). Today Sinope in Turkey by the Black Sea sydbredden Think about this. Here we find another of the twelve apostles preach to the lost tribes of Israel in Britain and the west, but what did Simon the Zealot in North Africa? Were some of Israel there, too? Had some fled westward in 721 BC when Assyria conquered Palestine? For this answer Geoffrey of Monmouth, "Saxons. . . Went to Africans Gormund king of Ireland, where he had come with a large fleet and conquered the people there. Then, in case voters' treachery, he sailed with 160,000 Africans to England. . . And destroyed, it was said, the whole country with its countless thousands of Africans "(Book XI, sect. 8.19). These countless thousands of "Africans" were either Negroes or Arabs. They were white men - Nordic - who came from North Africa and Mauritania, where Simon preached. The Universal History (1748, vol xvii, p 194) says that these Nordic people ". . . Stated that their ancestors were driven out of Asia by a powerful enemy, and into Greece. From there they fled ahead "to North Africa. "But this. . . Must be understood to mean that it only concerns the white nations that inhabited certain parts of western Barbary and Numidia. " What white nation was driven from the western part of West Asia? Israel! And their powerful enemy? Assyria! For almost three hundred years after Simon the Zealot lived in Mauritania. But they are not in North Africa today. They came to England shortly after AD 449 around the time of the Anglo-Saxon invasion. In the year 598 AD, when the bishop of Rome sent Augustine to bring Catholicism to England, he discovered that the inhabitants were already professing Christians! Their ancestors had already heard the message from one of the twelve apostles. Also Ireland Another apostle who was sent to the lost sheep of Israel was James, son of Alphaeus. Some early writers have been somewhat at a loss, because there were two of the twelve apostles named James. James, the son of Alphaeus, was the one who left Palestine after the first twelve years. The activities of this apostle are sometimes attributed to James, the brother of John. But the latter had already been beheaded by Herod (Acts 12:2). How preached Jacob, son of Alphaeus? "The Spanish writers are generally agreed that after Stephen's death came to this western world, and especially to Spain (some add England and Ireland), where he planted Christianity" (Cave, p 148). Note that. Even an apostle who was sent to the lost sheep of Israel ended up in the British Isles - In Ireland, as well as in England. The Evangelical Demonstrations, Book 3, Chapter 7, Eusebius tells us that the apostles "went over to the so-called British Isles." Could anything be clearer? James also spent time in Spain. Why Spain? From ancient times, Spain was the main route of migration from the eastern Mediterranean to the British Isles. Ireland's ancient royal family lived for a time in Spain. Even today belongs to an important part of the Iberian Peninsula - Gibraltar - the tribes of Israel who had the birthright, Manasseh - England! Paul was also in England? Now we will see even more evidence that the apostles worked for the lost sheep of Israel in the British Isles. From an old work, published by William Camden in 1674, we read: "The true Christianity was early planted here by Joseph of Arimathea, Simon the Zealot, Aristobulus, Peter and Paul, as you can tell by Dorotheus, Theodoretus and Sephronius" (Remains of Britain, p 5). Paul is also included! Had Paul planned to go from Italy to Spain and then to England? Here is the answer ". . . I will go the way of you to Spain "(Rom 15:28). In his letter to the Corinthians confirms Clement of Rome journeys of Paul in the west. However, including the UK? (08-Britannia) The Greek church historian Theodoret has this to say: "That St. Paul brought salvation to the islands in the ocean" (book 1 of Psalms cxvi, p 870). The British Isles! But this was only to preach to the Gentiles? Absolutely not. Do not forget that the third and last part of the Great Commission given to Paul, after he had preached Christ to the kings and rulers of Rome, was to lift up Jesus' name to "Israel" (Acts 9.15) - the ten lost tribes. This is not a prophecy about the Jews, as Paul had preached to the Greek part of the world in the Eastern Mediterranean. This is a prophecy about the problem Paul had in the British Isles. On the banks of the Caspian Sea James wrote that Israel was "spread around the country." We have found them in Northwest Europe, North Africa, whence they emigrated to England in the fifth century AD, and in northern Asia Minor in connection with the Assyrians. Around the year 256 AD they began to migrate from areas of the Black Sea to Denmark and then to the British Isles in 449 But parts of the ten lost tribes found themselves in another area beyond the Roman frontiers. This area was known as the Parthian kingdom. Who were the Parthians, has long been a mystery. Around 700 BC they appeared suddenly near the Caspian Sea as slaves under the Assyrians. "According to Diodorus, who probably followed Ctesias, they came during Medes rule after having been subject to Assyria, and then the Persians" (Rawlinson: Monarchia, vol IV, p 26, quoted from Diodorus Siculus, ii 2.2; 34, 1 and 6). Around 250 BC Parthians came to power in areas along the south bank of the Caspian Sea. This was precisely the areas Israel was exiled! What puzzles historians is that the Parthians were neither Persians, Medes, Assyrians or any other known people. Even their name breathes mystery - until you understand the Bible. The term party means "exile." (See Rawlinson: The Sixth Monarchy, p 19) The only people who were in exile in this area were the ten tribes of Israel. Parthians included none other than the ten lost tribes who were exiled, and lived there until 226 AD That's when the Persians drove them into Europe. Note the following: James addressed his letter to the twelve tribes of Israel who were scattered throughout the countries. He warns the Israelites about the wars and contentions they carried within their own ranks. When James wrote this letter about. AD 60, there was peace in the world except for two areas: England and Parthia. There is no doubt that Britain and Parthia consisted of Israelites. Which of the twelve apostles brought the Gospel to the Israelites in the party? The Greek historians say that Thomas brought the gospel to "Parthia, after that Sophronius and other states, that he preached the gospel to the Medes, Persians, karma authors, hyrcania, Bactria and their neighbors" (Cave, p 189). These foreign names include those areas we know today as Iran (or Persia) and Afghanistan. The apostles had this whole area under the Parthians. Though many Israelites had already left the area, were large amounts of back, spread over the adjoining districts. They had lost their identity and became known under the names of the districts where they lived. The Jewish historian Josephus was well aware of Parthia as a major habitat of the ten tribes. He says: "But the people of Israel (the ten tribes) were still present in the country (they did not return to Palestine). That is why there are only two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the ten tribes located beyond Euphrates till now and are a countless multitude that can not be counted with numbers "(Antiquities of the Jews, book xi , chap v.2). There we have it! The area Tomas went to was, according to Josephus, filled with large amounts of the ten tribes. Josephus was apparently unaware that many had already migrated westward. But he makes it clear that only the house of Judah returned to Palestine. Israel was "beyond Euphrates till now." Parthia was conquered by Persia in 226 AD After being driven out of the party, walked the ten tribes of the Medes and the north of the Black Sea and into Scythia. (See RG Latham: The Native Races of the Russian Empire, p 216). Around AD 256 walked the ten tribes of their brethren beyond Scythia / Asia Minor and into northwestern Europe. This migration took place because of a united Roman attack in the east. But the attack backfired on the Romans, and later that year broke the hordes of Israelites and Assyrians through the Roman defenses. Thomas also traveled to the north-west India, east of Persia, where the "white Indians" lived. These "white Indians" - ie white people who lived in India - was in the later Greek writings referred to as' little naphtha-Huns. " Is there any connection to the tribe of Naphtali? In the sixth century AD they were defeated and wandered into Scandinavia. Scandinavian archeology confirms this. According to Nicephorus Bartholomew shared this great site with Tomas. Bartholomew also spent time in neighboring Armenia and parts of Upper Phrygia in Asia Minor. In his story called Nicephorus area of "the western and northern parts of Asia," by which he meant the upper Lillesia, which is now modern Turkey. It was the same area Andreas bar the Gospel, and there were also believers in this area, Peter wrote his two letters. Judas, who was also called Thaddaeus Libbaeus, appeared in Assyria and Mesopotamia. These were the areas where Josephus wrote that the ten tribes lived. The Parthian kingdom, which consisted of the ten tribes who ruled over the Gentiles, included both Assyria and Mesopotamia during most of the New Testament times. From the famous city of Babylon in Mesopotamia led the business to Peter all the apostles in the East (Parthia). Philip worked in Scythia and Upper Asia (ie Asia Minor). (See Cave: Antiquitates Apostolicae, p 168) Scythia was the name of the great steppe north of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. It was this area that a large colony of Israelites migrated after the Persian Empire fell in 331 BC From Scythia migrated the Scots. The word "Scot" is derived from the word "skyth." That means an inhabitant of Scythia. The Scots are part of the house of Israel. It is interesting that the Celtic name of Scythia have the same meaning as the Hebrew name has Semitic languages: a migrant or immigrant! Where did Matthew? Metaphrastes says Matthew ". . . First went to Parthia, and having succeeded in planting Christianity in these areas, he went to Ethiopia, ie the Asian Ethiopia which is close to India. " For several centuries, this area of the Hindu Kush, bordering on Scythia and Parthia, known as "White India." It is located just east of the area where the Assyrians settled the Israelite captives. A natural population growth led Israel to these sparsely populated areas. From there they walked on to the north-west Europe in the sixth century AD, long after the apostles. Dorotheus says that Matthew was buried in Hierapolis in Parthia. The Parthian kingdom was actually a loose union of the ten lost tribes who lived in Central Asia at this time. The Persians drove them finally out. There Parthia flourished, prospered other nations. Where the party suffered defeat, suffered other nations. Do not forget what it says in Scripture: "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse" (1 Gen. 12:3). Ethiopian and Greek sources claim that Dacia (modern Romania) and Macedonia, the area north of Greece, was part of the Apostle Matthias' scope. Dacia was the part of Scythia as lay to the west. From Dacia came the Normans who ultimately settled in France and England. The French tradition is that Mary, Jesus' mother, went to Gaul (modern France) suggests that John did in Gaul in his earlier years. Jesus entrusted Mary to John's care. She may have been with him where he worked. Paul knew Gaul was an area that was inhabited by the house of Israel. He therefore went beyond Gaul during his journey from Italy to Spain (Rom 15,24.28). One of the twelve must have been in Gaul. How clearly is not all that. How can someone get me wrong these things? We can find historical evidence to definitely confirm the identity of "Israel" and their location. From secular sources is Israel's identity, an independent and absolute proof of where the twelve apostles carried out God's work.
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