torsdag 3. mai 2012

Nr. 299: How often Jesus spoke of God as someone other than themselves?

Nr. 299:

How often Jesus spoke of God as someone other than themselves?

By Fred Vidar Hjortland

Trinity doctrine does not come directly from the Bible. Although Luther had to admit it. How came this doctrine come from? There is certainly no secret. In the book "Who's Who in Church history" we read in the church in Alexandria, Egypt, and through the Church Fathers alexandrinske was a fusion of Hellenistic philosophy and religion as they did in both Plato and Aristotle teaching. Both lived in pre-Christian times. The story of this is well documented. Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullian is considered treenighetslærens father and the first that God used the Latin word Trinitas. He lived from 160 to 230 years But he also believed that Jesus was the Father and that there was a time when the universe was created alone, and since then created a son. This Trinity's father would today be considered a P teacher of Trinity teachers. None of the apostles knew of the Trinity. It came more than a century after they were gone. Trinity doctrine was contradicted by four successive bishops of Rome, and the strange is that all these belong to the Catholic Church calls "the papal succession." It is Eleutherus, Victor, Zephyrinus and Calixtus. They believed that Jesus was God manifested in flesh. One of them said, "I know that there is one God, Jesus Christ, and I know no other. Another said: Son and Father are simply different manifestations of the one God. "A third said," God was His own Son. Jesus Christ was the incarnation of the one God. "Tertullian himself said that most believers in his time were shocked by his speech about three in one. Cf. "AntiNicene Church Fathers" 3.bind: "The winds that constantly against us that we preach two or three gods, while they consider themselves to be those who worship one God." This was 150 years after Paul, and still believed the majority of the believers in the Judeo \ Christian understanding of God that it was only the Father was the only true God, and he had a son who had come from himself and dhå was God's power and energy never own god-person. And they rejected the Trinity and attacks Tertullian. That's because this doctrine does not come from God's Word, but from Greek philosophy and mysticism. It is because of his own defenders called a mystery you can not understand. Through four Church councils, Nicaea in 325, Constantinople in 381, Ephesus in 431 and Chalcedon in 451 the church's men tried to find out who Jesus really is. And from these came the trinitarianske creed that is handed over to us. The entire profession is a theological, pagan, philosophical and grammatical stew. But this was associated with a curse, a Anatema clause, "Whosoever will be saved, must thus think of the Trinity." Soon after began the executions of those who did not think so. Illustration shows Martin Luther who recognized that the Trinity was not something that took the word of God!

Above we have seen how the four gospels have given us a number never answers. Jesus never preached a triune God, he never said about himself that he was God, etc. As we have come to our last question, we will examine the positive Jesus says about God is in line with these messages ever. What does Jesus when he speaks positively about and teach about God? He includes himself in the Godhead, or God is for him always someone other than himself? What kind of testimony conveys the four Gospels to us about Jesus' stated belief in God? It goes without saying that we do not have room for anything other than give some examples. Each reader must read the four Gospels in context and see if the examples I give are accurate and representative of Jesus' mention of God. We start with an interesting little verse that shows that Jesus clearly defines God as someone other than themselves: John 6.27: Labour not for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For in him the Father, God himself, set his seal. Jesus is so blessed easy and uncomplicated in its mention of God. Here we have one of numerous examples in which he simply identifies God with the Father. Identification is short and concise, and without complicated explanations Trinitarian! Father is not described as a mysterious "third" of the deity. No, for Jesus, he is the deity, he is God himself! When Jesus hung on the cross, he cried to God in his great distress and pain: Mark 15.34: And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" It means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" A person can not leave themselves! Jesus' cry is therefore obvious that someone else had left him. And that the other was the Father, we understand clearly the context in the text. But then we have here a clear example that Jesus confessed the Father as his God!

Jesus always put equal sign between God and the God of Israel. For him there is no other God than the God we read about in the Old Testament, who, among other things called Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But this one God is Jesus clearly a "he", ie a person other than himself: Matthew 22: 29-33: And Jesus answered them, "You err, because ye know not the scriptures nor the power of God. For after the resurrection they neither marry or are married, no, they are like angels in heaven. But if the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read what God has said to you when he says: 'I am the God of Abraham and Isaac, the God of Jacob!' He is not a God of the dead, but alive. "The crowd heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine. Jesus' way of talking here shows clearly that for him God is other than himself. One moment he says in fact that it was God who spoke, and the next moment he said that it was "he" who spoke. Jesus talking about God in the third person, as we do when we talk about other people than ourselves. Jn 8.54: Jesus answered, "If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing worth. But it is my Father who gives me the honor, whom you call your God. Here Jesus makes it clear that the Jewish people, God is other than himself. "Their God .... My Father." Such is his faith, and so is his voice! For Jesus it was obviously God gave the Ten Commandments, and not himself: Matt from 15.1 to 3: Then some Pharisees and scribes from Jerusalem to Jesus and said, "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the old? They do not wash their hands before they eat. "He said," And you, why do you break God's commandments for the sake of your tradition? For God said, 'Honor your father and mother "and" He who curses father or mother shall die. " But you say .... What if God, the Father of Jesus Christ, gave the Ten Commandments, it's interesting to think what the first commandment says. Here is God says: I am the Lord your God ..... Thou shalt have no other gods before me! The one God of the Ten Commandments enjoins us to believe, is thus, according to a person other than Jesus himself! For Jesus is the God who created the world, someone other than himself: Mark 13:18-19: And pray that there be not in the winter! For in those days there will come a time of trouble such as never before has been, from the beginning God created the world to the present day, and never will be. Unless the Lord shortened the days, no flesh would be saved. But for their sake that he has chosen, he has shortened the days. A few comments: In the New Testament is not the Son, or Jesus Christ, known as the creator. This title is only given to the Father. (Emil Brunner, The Christian Doctrine of God. Dogmatics: Vol 1, Philadelphia: Westminster, 1949, p.232) It would be wrong to reproduce Joh.1: 3 with "He created everything in the whole of creation", because in Scripture it is God who is called the Creator. Creation was done "through the Word." If you need to rephrase Joh.1: 3, it should be possible to say something like, "he was involved in everything that was created" or "he took part in the creation of all things." (Louw / Nida, Greek-English Lexicon, Vol.1, p.793) The God who "clothes the grass of the field", ie the sustainer of creation, Jesus is clearly different from himself. Jesus reviews him, namely, in the third person, as a "he": Matthew 6:30: When God clothes the grass of the field as well, which grows today and thrown into the oven tomorrow, how much more will he clothe you - you of little faith! Jesus describes the God who has his residence in Jerusalem's temple and his throne in heaven, that someone other than themselves: Matthew 23:21-22: And he who swears by the temple swears by it and by him who dwells in it. And whoever swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by him who sits on it.

Jesus distinguishes between himself and God:

Mark 10.17-18: When Jesus was going on, a man came running, knelt before him and asked, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" But Jesus said to him: "Why do you call thou me good? No one is good but one - it's God! These words only makes sense if God and Jesus are seen as two separate and different people! Luke tells us that Jesus once spent an entire night in prayer to God: Luke 6.12: At this time he went up the mountain to pray, and spent the night there in prayer to God. Simple and straightforward: Jesus prayed to God! Nothing mystical nonsense about one person in the trinity prayed to another person in the Trinity, or that an omnipotent deity person praying to another god almighty person! Jesus bathroom simply to God, that is the one true God who was bigger and stronger than himself and who could answer his prayers. Jesus did not ask the like, he asked genuinely and truly because he needed it! And he prayed not for his inner divine self, but to his Father in heaven! Jesus describes the God that the faithful pray that someone other than themselves: Luke 18.7: If not then God help his chosen ones, who cry to him day and night? Is he slow to help them? The term "God" .... says it pretty much! Everything that comes after such a "and" must necessarily be something other than God: John 14.1: Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God and faith in me!

The God of the Samaritan woman is taught to worship, was a different person than Jesus: John 4.21-24: "Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that Jerusalem is the place to worship." Jesus said to her: "Believe me, woman, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not, but we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour cometh, yea, it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth . For such worshipers the Father have. God is spirit and His worshipers must worship in spirit and truth. " Here Jesus teaches us not only simple and clear who the true worshipers will worship. He also tells us that he belongs to the adoring crowd! "We worship what we know, he says: The true God is thus a Jesus bends down in worship. This shows clearly that Jesus is other than God! One time, Jesus had a very interesting conversation with a Jewish scribe whom men should believe and worship as the one true God: Mark 12.28-34: One of the scribes, who had listened to this debate and noticed how well Jesus answered, walked over to him and asked, "Which commandment is first of all?" Jesus answered, "The first commandment is this: 'Hear, O Israel! Lord our God is one Lord. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all thy mind and with all your strength. ' The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment greater than these. "The scribe said to him:" You answer well, perfect! It's true what you say, the Lord is one, and there is no other than he. To love him with all his heart and with all his mind and with all his power, and to love his neighbor as himself, it is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices. "When Jesus heard how wisely he answered, he said to the scribe, "You're not far from the kingdom of God." And no one dared to ask him more. This is a very interesting passages, because here it is precisely the faith in God that is in focus. And what do we hear? Yes, Jesus in very clear terms profess faith in God as someone other than himself! Jesus says that God is the God of the Jews over the years have confessed in their traditional Shema-confession (5.Mos.6: 4). Rather than confront or correct the Jewish Shema in any way, stop Jesus himself wholeheartedly to this confession! The Jewish scribes that Jesus calls, of course, agree completely with Jesus. He calls Israel's one God quite clearly that someone other than Jesus, and Jesus praises the man for what he says (V.34). It means that Jesus recognizes the faith scribes and description. When you read this text in context, it is clear that Jesus and the scribes the same kind of religious beliefs. They both speak of God as another! Both confess Shema! Both acknowledge the God of Israel, the Old Testament God, your God! For me personally, it seems incredible that someone can read this interview in Mark 12 and still claim that Jesus was a Trinity! Here are a couple of interesting comments: But Jesus' relationship to the synagogue characterized completely positive. ... In the synagogue piety and skriftfromhet there was one passage that stood in a unique position. This is the text called Shema, after beginning the word Hear, Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is one Lord (5 Genesis 6:4-9). .... This synagogue piety, with scripture reading and prayer as the pillars, Jesus grew up in and used as a base for their operations. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this is the text that is mentioned only when Jesus is the question of which bid is the largest in the Law. He is fully in line with the core of the synagogue piety when he mentions here first Shema: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart .... (His Kvalbein, Jesus - What did he want? Who was he? An introduction to the first three Gospel message, Luther Publishers, 2008, s.72-73) Jesus and his first disciples, not only accepted Jewish monotheism without asking any questions about this - he was also there and confirmed this doctrine quite clearly (Mark 12:29 ff) (R.J.W. Bevan, Steps to Christian Understanding, Oxford University Press, 1958, 140167) The story of Mary Magdalene encounter with the Risen is gripping reading: Jn 20.11-18: But Mary stood outside the tomb crying. Weeping she leaned forward and looked into the grave. Then she saw two angels dressed in white sitting where Jesus' body had lain, one at the head and the feet. "Why are you crying, woman?" They asked. She replied: "They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him." At that moment she turned around and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know it was him. "Why are you crying, woman?" Asks Jesus. "Who are you looking for?" She thought it was the gardener and said to him: "Lord, if you have taken him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I'll take him with me." "Mary, "Jesus said. Then she turned and said to him in Hebrew, "Rabboni" - which means master. Jesus said to her: "Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brethren and say to them that I ascend to Him who is my Father and the Father for you, my God and your God. "Then came Mary Magdalene and said to his disciples:" I have seen the Lord, "and she told me what he had said to her. Here in verse 17, Jesus says clearly two things. He says who the disciples God, and he says, who is his own God! In both cases it is the Father in question. So Jesus and his disciples have actually - according to Jesus himself - the same God! It can be clearer? Who dares after reading something like that to say that the disciples had two other divine persons in addition to the Father as his God? Would not argue with Jesus to your face if you said something? And who dares deny that Jesus is a God above him when he says that he has it? Listen to these powerful words in John 8:17 p.m. again: "I am ascending to him who is my Father and the Father for you, my God and your God." These words of Jesus had clearly made a strong impression on the famous French philosopher Pascal. After his death in 1662 found a pergamentark sewn into the lining of his clothes. It had the following wording: FIRE Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not philosophers and scholars. Knowing, knowing, feeling, joy, peace. Jesus Christ God. My God and your God. Your God shall be my God. Forget the world and everything except God. He's just ad the way as the Gospel teaches. Another clear and strong testimony of Jesus' belief in God is found in the scripture passage we commonly call the "high priest Jesus prayer": John 17.3: And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and him you have sent, Jesus Christ. Here Jesus appeals to his heavenly Father that one or the one true God. This shows clearly that Jesus was not a Trinity! He does not say: "This is life eternal, that they know me, the Father and the Spirit as the one true God." Jesus does not speak like that! For him there is only one which is the true God, and it is the Father! He and no other God! Jesus does not incorporate itself in the definition of God, and reviews on the other hand himself as an emissary of the one true God. Jesus speaks crystal clear about who God is and who he is! We stop here. Although many more passages could have been mentioned, I hope the examples above have been many and clear enough that readers have noticed the clear pattern of Jesus' way of talking about God. Above all, he describes God as someone other than themselves. Forever! Very consistent! God is for him the Father, and no other. When Jesus describes himself, it is always the servant, the son of man, Son of man, the Messiah, the envoy or the like, ie a person other than God, one who stands in a special relationship with God. The answer to the question of how often Jesus name God as someone other than themselves, therefore, as far as I can understand, simply be: Always!

We will also round off this last chapter with some interesting theological statements. This time it's not what is never said or thought that is the focus, but rather what Jesus and his disciples generally continues as his own religious beliefs. What do they say about God when they are talking positively about God? Jesus shared the belief that Israel's God was the one true God. (N.T. Wright, The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions, Harper Collins, 2000, p.31) The God whom Jesus called Father was none other than the Old Testament God. (Pannenberg, Jesus, God and Man, p.32) Christ came to preach the faith in another God? He or his disciples a new name for God? No. Christ came not to destroy but to fulfill, and the God he preached was the God of Abraham. (Professor Max Muller, Semitic monotheism, "The Times", 14 and 15 April, 1860) In this era (the first century after Christ) congregations were still regarded as synagogues and their members .... professed monotheism in exactly the same way as the Jews did it. (W. H. C. Frende, The Rise of Christianity, Fortress Press, 1985, pp.121-122) We are not bound to anyone but the same God who revealed himself to Moses in the bush. (James R. White, The Forgotten Trinity - Recovering the Heart of Christian Belief, Bethany House Publishers, 1998, p.45) This is exactly the same God who reveals Himself in so many different ways on every page of Scripture. Abraham, Moses and David, God, Jesus is also God. (The New American Bible in a section discussing biblical revelation) This is what (God) come, Jesus has forkyndt. ..... The fact that Jesus did not thus ophæver research ellen between himself and God, according to a word like "No one is good, except one, namely God" (Mark 10:18 par.) Along with his constant cold and their own practice af a life of unconditional tilid to and obedience against God. Jesus' whole fremtræden are worn by the very clear "to" in relation to God. Jesus is his attentive and obedient servant. (Asger Højlund Christian, but he gave afkald - Contribution to Christology, Colon, 2007, Menighedsfakultetets scientific Series No. 11, Denmark, s.241) The New Testament gives us no new doctrine of God, but simply proclaim that the Old Testament God now has acted in a decisive way. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are now Christ's God and Father. (Reginald H. Fuller, "Biblical Theology, New Testament, The Doctrine of God (Theology)" in The Oxford Companion to the Bible, Oxford, 1996) One of the first comprehensive formulations of the Christian faith found in the so-called Apostles' Creed. It was used in connection with baptism, and is in its original form back to 100's. It is held both the belief in Jesus as Savior and faith in God as creator of heaven and earth. This means that Christians, leading through faith in the Old Testament God, who created the world. ('s Norwegian Encyclopedia, article: Christianity) The Old Testament God is also the New Testament God. Christ and the apostles accepted what Moses and the prophets had taught about God. (Encyclopedia Britannica, art. "Theism") When the New Testament writers speak of God, they believe Jesus Christ, God and Father. When they talk about Jesus Christ, neither do they speak about him or think of him as God. (JM Creed, The Divinity of Jesus Christ, pp. 122-123) The New Testament God is .... the same God as the Old Testament testify. (Larry W. Hurtado, God in New Testament Theology, Library of Biblical Theology, Abingdon Press, 2010, p.70) It is a natural consequence of the first Christians who have experienced this new output, a new story about God's deeds are used to describe his identity. Just as Israel identified God as the God who brought Israel out of Egypt ... to identify the New Testament God of Jesus Christ, God ... (Richard Bauckham, God Crusified - monotheism and Christology in the New Testament, Eerdmans, 1998, p.71) At least in the earliest time was not Christian worship of such a nature that they refrained from Jewish worship. The obvious reason for this is that the first Christians, God was seen as the Old Testament God and the God of Israel, the God who was worshiped in the synagogue and in the Jerusalem temple. (Larry W. Hurtado, At the Origins of Christian Worship - The Context and Character of Earliest Christian Devotion, Eerdmans Publ., 1999, p.39-40) The doctrine of one God, Father and Creator, constituted the background and the indisputable foundation for the church's faith. This belief was inherited from Judaism and it was her strong defense against pagan polytheism, Gnostic teachings and set the nation markionittisk dualism. (Jmfr. J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines, Prince Press, 2003 (1960), p.87) It is evident also by the preceding words, that the words Father and God does the same. For there to be taught by God and to learn of the Father are one and the same thing (John 6:45). (Dr. Daniel Whitby, The Last Thoughts of Dr. Whitby, London, 1841, p.75-76)

God is the God of Israel, He is God, GT and he is Christ's father. He is the same from eternity to eternity. (Egil Sjaastad, Real Basic, no.6, 2005, s.351) The New Testament writers are actually very accurate and careful when it comes to this. Jesus is not God of Israel. He is not the Father. He is not Jehovah. (James DG Dunn, Did the First Christian Worship Jesus? The New Evidence Testament, Westminster John Knox Press, 2010, p.142) When the New Testament thinks of God, it is the concrete, individual person that there is no way to be confused with someone else one thinks about, who is the Father, and she called theos. (Karl Rahn, Theological Investigations, tr. Cornelius Ernst, 20 vols. (Baltimore: Helicon, 1961), 1:146) It is quite obvious that the term "God" is used with an overwhelming rate of Him whom Jesus called Father, that is about the God who has revealed himself to Israel's Holy Scriptures. (Raymond E. Brown, An Itroduction to New Testament Christology, Paulist Press, 1994, p.174) The New Testament writers could not have said that Jesus Christ was God, God meant namely, the Father. What they say and what they said was that Jesus was God's son. (McKenzie, JL, Light on the Gospels, Chicago: Thomas More, 1976, p.188) Jesus Christ, God and the Father is Father of the universe, he is the creator, the Lord of all that is created - the Old Testament Pantokrator. (Oskar Rating Aune, Faith words - the three early church confessions, Luther Publisher, 1997, s.80-81) God the Father meant for Christians in the first century. (McKenzie, JL, Light on the Gospels, Chicago: Thomas More, 1976) There is only one God, and it is the Father. Whenever the Bible speaks of the true God, then it is the Father and the Father who is in focus. (Robert Carden, One God - The Unfinished Reformation, 2. oath., Grace Christian Press, 2002, p.102) The clear summary of this chapter must therefore be that Jesus always spoke of God as someone other than themselves! God was for him the Father - and no other! And his disciples followed faithfully in his footsteps. Also they admitted only the Father as their God. Conclusion We have in this study asked seven key questions and come up with seven key answers. The overall result of our study can now be presented clearly in a table: QUESTION: ANSWER: 1 - How often Jesus taught a triune God? Never 2 - How often referred to Jesus himself as God? Never 3 - How often spoke of Jesus, God's Spirit as a separate divine person? Never 4 - How often Jesus taught that prayer and worship should be directed the Trinity, the Spirit of God, or himself? Never 5 - How often confessed Jesus' friends and disciples of the Triune God? Never 6 - How often criticized opponents Jesus to preach the Triune God? Never 7 - How often spoke of God as Jesus someone other than themselves? Forever If it is admitted that these answers are correct - which I for my part, believe they are - then I can not understand except that our belief in God must take the form of something other than a treenighetstro. Based on the stunning clear and strong responses we have here arrived at, I can not understand other than that we make Jesus and his disciples great injustice if we say that they were trinitarer! To me it seems as if Jesus actually connects the eternal life - that of salvation and eternal bliss - up to knowing the Father as the one true God! Please read for yourself what Jesus said in John 17:3! If this is what is the truth about God - and I think it is - then necessarily much else is said and believed about God be true!

The question is whether Jesus' own testimony of faith, as expressed both in this verse and elsewhere in the four Gospels, really gets to shape and influence our perceptions of who God is. Only those willing to listen, learn and accept Jesus, is known as disciples and followers of the man from Nazareth! May God help us to be such successors! Trinitarer say that the Trinity is the one true God. Jesus says that the Father is the one true God. Who we choose to believe? Those who assume a Trinitarian faith in God, believe in a God who was never taught by Jesus or the apostles! If it is obvious that Jesus was not a Trinity, then why should his followers be? (Sidney A. Hatch) Trinity doctrine was not part of the apostolic preaching, as we find this stated in the New Testament. (Encyclopedia International, Vol.18, University of Glasgow, 1982, Ian Henderson "Trinity", p.226) That this doctrine (ie the Trinity) is not present in the Bible, is now acknowledged by most theologians. (Prof. Dr. theol. Johan B. Hygen, Norwegian Journal of Theology, 1967, No.1, p.1) The Bible teaches of no trinity doctrine. (Shirley C. Guthrie, Christian Doctrine: Teachings of the Christian Church, Marshall C. Dendy, 1968, p.92) The vast majority of the Trinitarian Bible scholars admit that the Trinity is a biblical doctrine that existed while the apostles lived, but a doctrine that was developed over a period of 295 years. (Cohen G. Reckart, The Trinity Doctrine Is Pagan, 1995) It is worth noting that proponents of Jesus' divinity was not in Jerusalem 3 years after Jesus, but in Alexandria 300 years after Jesus! The Holy Scripture contains everything necessary to salvation, so that whatever it may be, if it is not in Scripture or may be proved from this, it may not be required of any man that such things should be recognized as an article of faith, or conceivably required or necessary to salvation. (The Anglican Church's 39 Articles, Article 6) There is no virtue to continue to stick to such a difficult doctrine, the Trinity if it turns out not to be taught in the Bible. (Millard J. Erickson, Making Sense of the Trinity, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2000, p.18) The same is the case these days with the most different opinions about the person of Jesus. These opinions can only be recognized for it to be true - at least within the church - which is demonstrably an accurate expression of the consciousness of Jesus about himself. (F. Godet, Dr. Theol. And professor of Neufchatel, All Christchurch Defense Speeches, Copenhagen, 1879, s.188) Trinity doctrine was not a doctrine among the first Christians, those who either had been with Jesus himself, or had been trained directly by any of the surviving apostles. This explains why we find this doctrine in the Bible. If it had constituted a fundamental core of truth, it would have been beaten clearly and unequivocally in Scripture. The fact that the vast majority of professing Christians and the vast majority of religious confessions cling to the Trinity faith does not prove that it is true. It proves rather that the distortion of the truths of Christian teaching is deep and widespread. (Gordon Coulson, Is Jesus God Almighty? Is the Trinity Scriptural?) Christianity's doctrine of a "holy trinity" is simply NOT true. There is nothing in Scripture that so much as suggest such a theory, except for those that have already been trained to see it there. Trinity is a pagan philosophical penetration into the faith of Jesus. (John David Clark, Sr., The Influence of Trinitarian Doctrine Wed Translations of the Bible, 1983, chap.12) The truth about our one God was once delivered unto the saints, but has unfortunately been lost. It is now time to win back the faith! (Robert Carden, One God - The Unfinished Reformation, 2nd ed., Grace Christian Press, 2002, p.4) Faith is God's only true if it is directed against the one true God ... (Ole Modalsli and Leif Gunnar Engdahl, Evangelical faith, Luther Publishing, 1980, p.4)

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