tirsdag 7. februar 2012


Nr. 236:


It is Satan who is behind the divorce and that no doubt rejoice when he succeeds!

"Who is wise and he understands this, judicious, and he notes that?
For the Lord's ways are straight. The righteous walk in them, but transgressors stumble in which "
Hosea 14.10
Do you wish you could learn everything about it to stand in faith for marriage God's way just a few minutes? The best I can do is to share some facts with you about what to stand in faith. You want
may not need to hear all this, but this is what you need to know if you really want a serious restoration of the marriage.
"My people are destroyed because they have no knowledge"
Hosea 4.6
1. Do not expect that people understand you or support you!
God has given this burden and this mission to stand with him and pray for your spouse,
to you, not to others. Therefore, you must first seek your support of God and not in humans.

2. From the day you choose to stand in faith for your spouse, you are bombarded with attacks from
enemy. Expect temptation you had not thought of. Expect that the circumstances are worse.
Know that now you and your family a target for Satan and all evil forces in order to tempt you in different ways to give up.
If you are bombarded with Satan's attacks as Christ is your cut.
Only He can protect you from any attack.
"The one who forgives, I also forgive. Yes, if I at all have something to forgive, I have for Christ
face forgiven for their sake, so do not Satan will be deceiving ourselves. We know what he has
anger. "
2 Kor.2, 10 and 11

3. Always remember that this is a spiritual battle and that the spiritual battles can be won only with spiritual weapons.
Following a secular marriage program is like going to war in Iraq with a water pistol.

4. Your beloved is taken captive by Satan that he will do his will. The wounded words and actions come from the enemy and not from your spouse. Remember Satan is the father of all lies, do not expect to hear the truth from your prodigal spouse.

5. One day your spouse to hear that you've changed since you began to seek God alone for the restoration of your marriage. Your spouse will be attracted by the peace you have in spite of circumstances. Search this peace through a close and loving relationship with Jesus Christ. The peace that attracts comes from God alone and not from any secular designed marriage program.

6. Remember that this is not to persuade or manipulate your faithless spouse to come home for you to be happy! This is a fight to the death to save your spouse's soul. The end result is either heaven or hell depending on how your spouse
stands for Jesus.

7. The fact that you stand in faith is about much more than you and your spouse. It's also about your family, your circle of friends, it's about the generations after me, and it's about people you do not know, but notice how you live and take example of your life.

8. In most cases it is better for your spouse to stay home than to stay outside the home.
Pushed out of the home, pushed the right into Satan's territory. As long as they live at home can follow their spiritual condition and ask into it.

9. Expect that your spouse changed in that they seek relief from the pain Satan inflicts them. Do not tilt if they change jobs, move to a new location, get new hobbies or that they included a non-covenant marriage with another. If you are stuck, God will make sure you get married again with your spouse.

10. Regardless of the reason why they move out and no matter what they say, most spouses enter into a new relationship during the time they are away from home. Do not be eliminated if it happens.

11. Sin is the reason why all spouses move from home no matter what the counselors or family therapists say. Your spouse may have a sex, self-Authentication or selfishness problem.
They may have received a diagnosis perhaps by an expert who has never met them. They may hear the
They have mid-life crisis, chemical imbalance or bi - polar disorder. No matter what the experts say it is sin problem. The marriage will be restored when spouses stop finding excuses for human sin. (Is not it strange that someone can give your spouse diagnosis without having met him / her?)

12. No human being can say exactly when your spouse comes home. We know of too many faithful spouses who have almost broken because different prophets have prophesied a specific day or time for the reunion. The day has come and nothing has happened. Day and time for the reunion know God alone! You just have to live as if every day were the day your spouse comes home.

13. Let God be God and let him bring his wife home and to you. Be careful not to assume the day without seeking God and His will. Be wary of any man who will determine your spouse's return.

14. To stand in faith is not to recite a special prayer, go to special meetings or talk a certain way. There must be a way of life. We must live as Jesus lived.
If you stand in faith you have to see how far from sin you can live and not experiment with how close the world's way of life, God will allow you to go. You shall be like Jesus and the world's way of life, more and more let go of your life. For example, you should play music that helps you, gives you answers and support you instead of playing secular music.

15. To stand in faith is not learned or done in an instant. One must take a step (or wrong) time. God allows mistakes while learning. A person who is serious in faith to the Lord can tell us that he / she really has stepped in the salad and destroyed the relationship with the Lord or to the spouse. No it has not! God permits that we make mistakes and forgive them if we repent. The only way you can ruin the whole thing is to give up on God or your spouse. Even after it allows God that we begin again. Lord covers all the mistakes that the waves washed away the tracks in the sand. Any traces of errors will be washed away.

16. If it is "too difficult" or "you can not bear more" (whatever that means) and you give up, so there is nothing that changes your life. Your spouse will be the same, it will also be your circumstances. The only difference is that you confess out "some cases are too difficult for God." It is a confession that is not true.
If you limit God in relation to the reunion of your spouse will also have to
limit God in any occasion you need him in the future.
Nothing is impossible with God!

17. Another important thing in it to stand in faith is that you should stay away from advice from "those". How often
We hear that "They feel that God has something better for me" or they say "I need to get
me on with my life. " When "they" say that my marriage is hopeless, then we will answer them:
It's not about what they say, but about what God says. We can not listen to God and DEM
"The wise acquire knowledge, the wise, be careful to listen and learn"
Prov. 18.15

18. You may have heard someone say that if we had had the internet 20 years ago when we were divorced and Carilyn stood in faith for our marriage, I am not sure that I had been back home. If I like the prodigal had read about just what is the best writing about us apostates on the net, I would have fled even further away. It seems that those who stand in faith today think they can write totally private online and review their spouse in the most degrading manner and openly reveal their weaknesses and their many mistakes.
There is access on the Internet for everything mess served many lost reading these chat pages and this is making even more difficult marriages locked and difficult.
If each of those who are in faith God would give half the time they spend online in a half months, many more husbands come home. It probably will not happen for many of you who are of faith are addicted to these chat sites. Instead, they will probably just
continue to post about: "you will not believe what my husband has done now ...." and the bad and questionable advice given from friends online, from people they never met and does not necessarily who they give up out to be. This is usually advice that is not from God. Our standing in faith will put beans on the Internet and call it andaktstid, time with God. They should rather go before God and spend time understand before him and shout out his soul to him.
You say: "Nothing happens in my situation." To those who say I will say
"What happens in your prayer?"

19. It's true that God is on your side. His words have guide for any situation you come up in. People can say to you: It's over, but God never says that!

20. Do not allow others hurtful people meddle in your situation to help you when they have not organized their own lives and their own situation.
Why allow them to escape to in your life?
This is God's job and not a job for people.

21. The road home for the lost is filled with difficult beginnings. Be prepared for this.
Many people who are in faith has been knocked out of this because, "He / she came home yesterday, but were
they are gone again today "
This is part of the process for the lost. You must be alert to this and the
spiritual battle that rages in your spouse and ask to help him / her in this.
(Most of the lost are doing the best they can in this process, but they are not aware of the spiritual struggle and do not use the spiritual weapons.)
That's why your prayers are so important.

22. Lost comes home!
We came home not to the people who take it easy with it to stand in faith, but to those who have a living relationship with Jesus Christ and who take seriously the task of asking your spouse away from hell. We come home to spouses who are not eliminated by the different circumstances. We come home to spouses who have not set deadlines for God or for us. We come home to spouses who are keen to protect the spouse from the maligned and to reveal spouse's many weaknesses and faults. We come home to spouses who go all the way. Do you have to start today to be such a spouse as the lost come back to.
Now, you have 22 points that you can use to build a bridge between your prodigal spouse and

"And this I pray that your love may be more and more rich in insight and judgment, so that
you can understand and decide what is important, and be clean and without errors on the day of Christ,
filled with the fruit of righteousness that emerges through Jesus Christ, to the praise and glory of God "
Philippians 1.9 to 11

Related link: http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2011/11/nr-128-marrying-divorced-is-mortal-sin.html

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