How ice melted here Nord, when God heard the Prophet praying for 2700 years ago!
I have a good brother down in Southern has very many strong and clear views on many things. Something I'm very disagree, but mostly I agree. Here comes the head of brotherly Anders Helge cleanup
Image of Earth before and after Hezekiah's prayer. We can clearly see that it was milder. God makes it natural supernatural. And it supernaturally natural.
Large parts of Europe were uninhabited wilderness at the time in the year 720 b. Kr. Cold and inhospitable climate may have been one of the reasons why this part of the world was not particularly alluring for emigrants from the east. It was just gone a little over a thousand years ago Flood and "Ice Age" was still noticeable. The Greek historian Herodotus (484-ca. 425 BC) tells example. that areas north of Scythia, ie west Siberia, was uninhabitable because of extreme cold.
Romans considered year 753 BC as the basis for its calendar. This was the year when Rome claimed. Tradition was founded by Romulus and Remus. Before this time there was probably little or no population in Northern Europe because of glaciers and cold, inhospitable climate.
In 700s BC happened however climate change on Earth that led to Europe was warmer. Glaciers, which had branches down on the continent disappeared gradually, and the foundation was laid for a population of the continent. Meanwhile, the Middle East ("The fertile crescent of the new moon") drier, warmer and unproductive.
Hezekiah (Hezekiah)
In 2 Kings ch. 20 we find this strange and momentous story, which few people have thought deeply about. Hezekiah king of Judah (Hezekiah) had been terminally ill. He prayed to the Lord, who answered him and let fifteen years to his life. Hezekiah asked for a sign, and God gave him the sign he wanted:
Nebuchadnezzar world metropolis Babylon even in a fertile area "And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, What shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me, so I can go up into the house of tomorrow? Isaiah answered, This Lord gives you signs that the Lord will keep what he has promised: Shall the shadow go forward ten steps, or shall it go back ten steps? Hezekiah said, It is a light thing for the shadow to extend ten steps ahead. No, let the shadow go back ten steps back! Cried the prophet Isaiah to the Lord, and he brought the shadow back the steps it had gone down on Ahaz staircase - ten steps "(2 Kings 20.8 to 11).
This happened about year 732 BC Interest astronomically it is not possible to explain this incident other than that the earth's axis changed - inclination angle relative to the plane of its orbit was changed.
Obviously, God do things that seemingly conflicts with the laws of nature, but I do not think God operates that way. God could naturally let earth axis remain unchanged, let the sun in the same place in the sky (relatively naturally, as it is waterwheels which creates the illusion that the sun moves across the sky from east to west) nor move the shade, which would be contrary with all of physics and the laws of nature. It would then be only an illusion that was outside of reality world. I do not think God chose to do something. Instead, he chose a solution that was a sign to Hezekiah the king, while it was of permanent duration and served several purposes. God's hand was behind all this. He wanted to lay the foundation for the fulfillment of his promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He wanted to populate one then uninhabited part of the world with the descendants of Jacob. They should become a multitude of kingdoms, and from them were all people of the earth be blessed. A change of earth's axis would create a climate change on Earth and pave the way for the migrations westward.
OUTER catastrophic INFLUENCE
There are many historical narratives that tell about an unusual celestial phenomenon in the 8th century BC The Babylonians, who were brilliant astronomers, sent to King Hezekiah to ask about the strange characters that had happened:
Today is the ancient metropolis Babylon under warm and dry ørkensandene when the messengers came from Babylon princes, who sent unto him to inquire of the wonder that was done in the country, God left him to test him and to know what was in his heart "(2 Chron 32.31).
The Chinese "bamboo books" recalls eg. that "the stars fell like rain, and the earth trembled." Also Hindus, Mayans, Egyptians and several other noted an unusual celestial phenomenon in the 8th century BC Ancient texts can tell this. It is highly unfair to discard all these old stories that just superstition and legend. It is quite obvious that something unusual celestial phenomenon happened at the time, and this was recorded by contemporary sages. It is said also about a powerful earthquake in Assyria around 750 BC
In his remarkable book Worlds in Collision from 1950, says Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky that the orbits of some of the solar system planets, for example. Venus and mars has changed several times during Earth's history, the last time in the 8th century BC Dr. Velikovsky believes that the earth's axis due to a catastrophic, external influence, perhaps a close passage of Mars or Venus, changed abruptly at this time. Soil axis moved away from Europe / North America, with the result that the Arctic Circle moved into more temperate zones.
The change of the earth's axis led to areas that had previously lain in cold areas got warmer climate. These include large parts of northern Europe and North America. "Ice Age" was brought to an end, and the ice cap over Northern Europe / North America began to melt, a process that happened over the centuries.
Also science agrees that a climate change on Earth brought "Ice Age" terminated, although the basis of his evolutionist worldview operates with quite different eras - tens of thousands of years - than the Bible chronology gives room for.
Before climate change began in the 8th century BC was the Middle East very fertile. It was known as "the fertile crescent of the new moon," with countries that "flowing with milk and honey." There were large cedar forests and fertile soil. Cool winds from the European continent in the north brought moist air and rain to these areas. Also North Africa and the Sahara, which today is as fortørkete areas and deserts, had fertile vegetation and large lakes once in the past. "Cave Paintings" on cliffs middle of the Sahara shows pictures of hippos, waders, people, horses and cattle, ie life forms that require plenty of water.
(end of quote).
Final Comment:
There has been a sub in the same way before. It was during the Prophet Joshua. We read this here at the end:
Joshua 10 8 And the Lord said to Joshua, Fear them not! I have given them into your hands; Not one of them will stand before thee. 9 So Joshua came upon them suddenly; went up from Gilgal all night. 10 And the Lord struck them before Israel, and Joshua smote them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way going up to Beth Horon and cut them down as far as Azekah and Makkedah. 11 As they fled from before Israel and were on the descent of Beth Horon, and the LORD brought great stones falling down from heaven upon them until Azekah, and they died; it killed several with hailstones than the children of Israel slew with the sword. 12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites children of Israel, and he said so all Israel: Stand still, sunny, Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon 13 And the sun stood still and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is it not written in the book upright ones - the sun stood still in the middle of the sky and delayed almost a full day before it went down. / 14 And there was no day like that before or since, when the Lord heard voice of a man; for the LORD fought for Israel.
This happened about 1400 b. kr. See especially verse 12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites children of Israel, and he said so all Israel: Stand still, sunny, Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon 13 And the sun stood still and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is it not written in the book upright ones - the sun stood still in the middle of the sky and delayed almost a full day before it went down.
We talk about that God intervenes in history, and this is going to also happen during the 1000 year kingdom when climate also will change for the better ?! Then one including Israel experience the following: Amos. 9. 13 See, the days are coming, says the Lord,
the plowman, overtakes the reaper
and the treader of grapes, overtakes the sower.
Grape juice will drip from the mountains
and flow from all heights.
14 Then I will turn the fate of my people Israel.
They will rebuild ruined cities and live in them.
They shall plant vineyards and drink wine.
They shall make gardens and eat their fruit.
15 I plant them in their own land,
and they shall never more be plucked up
of the earth I have given them,
saith the Lord your God.
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