I'm really amazed Christians who believe that only a professing the name of Jesus is a secured sky ticket. Imagine if it had been so easy? Then had certainly sky road has been as an auto trader on the road yours. But it does not say Scripture contrary! Narrow is the way which leads to life, where remarriage lock you out or marry a divorced. It teaches Jesus and Paul.
I have preached against remarriage in the spirit and power. Think there is not a man in this country that has managed to brought this theme on the pitch so clearly, with God's grace and help! Photo of my beautiful wife Berit who has been my constant companion for almost 30 years!

There are many dangers for the believer, it is not obvious to reach the sky!
Want to take out some "crutches" that professing Christians believe is acceptable and which is "better" than, for example. not to believe in anything. We see that from a human standpoint, it may be correct. But we see that the basis of God's word, then it will have fatal consequences and repercussions. There is no golden mean to heaven. Ei is the way your like a autobahn where everything runs like putting on cruise control and the car almost runs itself.
1.) Whether we are on the path to heaven, or so we are not. Are you for example. re-married as a Christian, then you are not going to heaven if the whole world says otherwise. Word of God is above all people, both you and me. Absolutely everyone!
2.) Humanism and Christianity are many times the slated contradiction. I often hear that you lack social skills and more in that direction. It is clear that I know that most people are pretty generous towards each other in many cases, and that good. But when it comes to faith, versus not believe. So there are two different things. Here, it's about an either believe and follow it. Or not think and do as a wish. Remarriage among the world's children are today as obligatory as eating. But what does the word of God for a believer? It is a pity and do it, then insert and you marry without past the grace of God!
3.) Are you re-married, what then? Of course this is a very difficult question, but Nevertheless it. I do not believe in mediating circumstances here, although there are huge consequences. I understand very well that this is not easy, it is an impossibility to do something about it especially if there are children involved, but Nevertheless it. What scripture says? Scripture says very clearly that you are living in sin or adultery.
1 Cor. 7. 10 To the married I have this rule, not from myself but from the Lord: A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.
Rom. 7. 2 A married woman is bound by the law to her husband so long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is loosed from the law of her husband. 3 Therefore applies she adulterer if she marries another man while alive. But if her husband dies, she is free from the law no adulteress if she marries another.
Luke 16 18 Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Matt. 19. 3 Some Pharisees came to test him, and asked: "Did a man allowed to divorce his wife by any reason?" 4 He answered, "Have you not read that from the beginning made them male and female 5 and said, 'Therefore shall a man leave father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they twain shall be one body.' 6 So they are no longer two; they are one body. And what God has joined together, let not man separate. "
When the font is so clear, so I can not in any way not say that there is only one option here. It is indeed to "distinguish" themselves to either live solitary or reconcile with its proper spouse. Here needed advice, guidance and support. But scripture is very clear, if there are children inside the image or not. An "invalid" marriage is a sin, period and finished work.
4.) What about the so-called "innocent", he / she can marry again? Here is also the font is very clear about what you look like Jesus spoke of an innocent party. It did not he, as it is both a bad translation here and Jesus spoke about trolovelstiden, where one could stand before had entered into a marriage. It was this Joseph would do with Mary but an angel, he said that he would not do it.
5.) True hood is that it never really is no "innocent" when it comes to a breakup ?! I am now old enough and have seen it all. It is here that two parties in a relationship where one usually has to blame both if the marriage fails. Therefore, the so-called "innocence rule" just a big nonsense and will lead everyone out u disability and away from God and God's word.
6.) To allow remarriage within its ranks the Christian stands and falls with really one thing, the so-called innocent free to marry after a breakup? Here is the font is very clear, no!
7.) The sum of God's word is truth scripture says. Therefore let's look at some scriptures, to find out about this with remarriage and the so called innocent party is biblical. We begin with Paul:
1 Cor. 7. 10 To the married I have this rule, not from myself but from the Lord: A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.
Here says the apostle of believers there are only two choices.
1.) Living solitary rest of your life, or as long as the others live.
2.) Reconciling with their spouse.
Everything else is to break the will of God and it is a pity it teaches God's word.
8.) What about Jesus' words about the so-called innocent party in Matthew?
Room 7: 3: Therefore she called an adulteress if she, while her husband is still alive, becomes another man's wife. But if her husband dies, she is free from the law, and no adulteress if she marries another man.
In God's eyes will remarriage without the spouse is dead, remain one problem, then you still have your first spouse's wife or husband. God's Word describes this as adultery.
Mark.10: 11-12: "He said to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, is guilty of adultery.
And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she runs adultery. That is what makes you live in persistent sin is your sexual life with your new spouse.
To stand will be able to receive forgiveness. To marry again you will be forgiven for if you repent and go out of it. But living sexually with what basically is your rightful spouse will lead you in persistent sin against God and your own body. Hor is no sin that is outside the body, but it is sin against your own body.
1Cor 6:18 Flee fornication! All sin that a man doeth is without the body. But he that committeth fornication sins against his own body.
Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, and that you have received from God? You are not your own. For ye are bought! Let then the body be for God's glory!
In the New Testament describes adultery with two different meanings. On Norwegian Bible says that sin that could dissolve the marriage is fornication. In Norwegian, this word still perceived as sexual activity by a married person. In Greek, the Bible tells us something completely different. The word Jesus used for adultery is Porneia, which translates fornication, sexual activity of an unmarried person. This applies to a person who had never been married. A person who married a divorced woman commits not Porneia but Moicheia, which translates to infidelity, sexual activity by a married person.
About an unmarried man and a married woman has intercourse makes man guilty Porneia and woman in Moicheia. Porneia and Moicheia are two completely different actions.
Porneia used as the common word for fornication and promiscuity, a person who is not married and has never been married. Moicheia used about adultery. Mark.10: 11-12: He says to them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, is guilty of adultery. (Moicheia) And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she runs adultery. (Moicheia) Luke 16: 18: "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery (Moicheia)
Matt.5: 32: "But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason other than adultery (Porneia), is the cause of her adultery (Moicheia). And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery (Moicheia).
Matt.19: 9: But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife for any reason other than adultery (Porneia), and marries another commits adultery (Moicheia). And whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery (Moicheia).
9.) How then understand Jesus' words in Matthew? It is spoken to Jews, not Gentiles. For those aiming exclusively to the time that it was "possible" to make a change, under trolovelstiden. Not when you were married. This was something that Joseph wanted to do but did not after the angel's command.
Matt. 1. 18 birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph. But before they came together, it turned out that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. 19 Joseph, her husband, who was righteous and did not want to bring shame on her, would then divorce her quietly. 20 But when he had decided this showed an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David! Do not be afraid to take Mary home to you as your wife. For the child who is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. 21 She will bear a son, and shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. "22 All this happened that the word might be fulfilled which the Lord has spoken through the prophet:
23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child and bear a son,
and they shall call his name Immanuel
- It means, God with us.
24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of Yahweh had commanded him and took her to his home as his wife 25 and had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
10.) What about those who are re-married but will not repent?
They shall be brought out of the church, and we should not even eat with them. This is what Scripture says and teaches!
We read about church discipline in several places in the New Testament, here are some scriptures:
2 Thes. 3:14: "But if some do not obey our word in the letter, as you note him; have no dealings with him, that he must go in itself. Keep him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. "Differentiating itself from, but not in enmity.
Matt. 18. 15 If your brother sins against you, go and tell him privately! If he listens to you, you have won your brother; 16 but he will not listen, then take yet one or two with you, that every word may be established by two or three witnesses. 17 But he is not on them, tell it to the church! but he hears not the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.
It is important that one goes forward with wisdom and understanding here. Jesus speaks to first proceed in private. This does not apply to ministers who publicly teaches error or liver indecent, but "regular" church members.
In youth I was rather naive and naive. I sent letters and called to talk with people who taught and lived errors. It was really throwing pearls to swine. Never was there anyone who bothered and would hear of public preachers, they dared always forward as they always had done.
But in the congregation should we take care of each other, exclusion is the last resort after all other methods and opportunities are used.
In a sense, one can say that at the level a person lives, so one should treat him \ her. In nyfrelst brother and tanned Pastor will of course be treated different but actually. All are in need of our love and care that believers. That is what Paul mentions as "punishment" for not living decently, that is separated from the Christian community. But there are unfortunately very little practice then empty preachers can be re-married umpteen times and learn a lot heresy without being deposited and boycotted. But whoever stands unabridged word of God in the life and teachings, will receive and have problems. We need revival and not weakening!
We also need to have more table fellowship in the church to speak out with each other and not about each other. We do not always say that God says, but it is possible to mention f. Ex competent that I feel an uneasiness in my spirit or I've heard I've known etc. We must and should not be too quick to judge scripture says !
But actually expulsion of the Christian community is something that should be practiced but today we must unfortunately turn this on its head. It is becoming so everything is permitted with respect to the life and teachings. That is why God has raised Smyrna here in Oslo city to be like a tab and guideline for everyone else in the life and teachings. Big words? But in fact, it needed someone who prevail in this apostasy time before it will be too late and when no man can work says Jesus!
Jude And some shall rebuking because they doubt, 23 others save, snatching them out of the fire; have mercy with fear, having hate even the flesh of infected robe. 24 Now to him who is able to guard you from stumbling, and to set you unblemished presence of his glory with exceeding joy.
There is no doubt that we shall both go gentle forward and sometimes we'll take authority and put people also in place. But as far as possible, always in a discreet and private basis. We have real people to do. But when it comes public preachers who live and learn right. Eg as Pastor Jan Hanvold, Bishop Per Oskar Kjølaas and others.
ward Discipline
I regret that I occasionally during discussions, consultations have not separated enough between case and person. Then comes a very lightly over from a good conversation \ dialogue to attack the person when not agree. At the same time the aggrieved could also stand upright with that we have to do with people. Where we are all trying to defend and "enforce" what we think is right and biblical. The best after any discrepancy is pray quietly together and happily read a prayer to end. It has cost me a lot to get your I am today.
One of the reasons it was that I also had large hopes for believers. They are actually many times more erring one the world's children, which is why they have realized that they need Jesus and the gospel.
This with church discipline has been very abused, not least for those who lived with God, and went his way. To before and so today. But we highlight this topic based on the word of God, so speak scripture that we should not accept those who do not live and learn right, then in particular those who will preach and teach others.
Jacob 3. 1. My brothers! not many of you become teachers, seeing ye know that we shall receive heavier judgment.
There are preachers who have the main blame for the deterioration we see today, there is no doubt.
2 Tim. 2. 20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, and some to honor, and another unto dishonor. 21 Holder da man himself clean from these, he will be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, useful to the householder, ready for every good deed.
Keeps some to the "good" and "right" preaching, then a stay and be a vessel of honor. Keeps some to the "bad" and "unbiblical" preaching, I will also be competent and be a little fruit-bearing and partly a lifeless believers. Preaching is to foster, develop and enable us to be able to do every good work.
2 Tim 2 2 and what you have heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also!
It is about how to create and foster spiritual and Christ as people who in turn will influence and teach others in the same direction and the same way.
I believe in church discipline, but above all. We can and must learn to talk to each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. In fact, the piece must also be in place. When we walked out of the church we belonged before we started Smyrna Oslo so behaved our former Board as a freak. I would have call at least five times, but the person would not even talk. We see here and many other cases, unfortunately the poor and unspiritual Constitution church and the believers are in!
We were on tour with some of Israel g I asked about what church they went in. They had gone out of one and more, then they would go in a church that had love. They had both divorced and remarried and lived then in sin. But they would find a church that accepted their sins. So it has become today, and it is not difficult to find a church that accepts this and other sins today. How far into the night we arrived I wonder? It just looks more and more, we need a Word and Spirit people in this time!
It is of course not easy to exercise church discipline today when more and more "just" choose to do as they themselves have determined.
My former Bible school teacher from Smyrna Bible Institute from Valer \ Tønsberg was very radical on divorce and remarriage. Today he is probably one of the most liberal in the area today when he is both divorced and remarried. Had contact with one here would be to write commentaries here on our website, but he tolerated nor word of God when he was re-married as believers! Sad that it's been that way, but I still think the word of God as it is written, about the time people should be fairly corrupt and broken. The believers, it looks like out in the word of God and what I experience will be just as bad with everyone. There should be no difference when everyone, both believers and non-believers must be so perverted and corrupted that God has "given" them up and left them to themselves and destruction of the flesh that the apostle Paul wrote about.
1 Cor. 5.5 Hand over to Satan for destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the Lord Jesus.
That is what is about to happen, that God leaves the rebellion, to not call them super-stubborn. In Satan's custody so he can get to have their way and will with them and not himself. One is simply left here in time for the evil one, then apostasy come long when one is no longer subject to the very good effect!
This with church discipline Throughout church history been very abused when it has been and is a pretext to remove the true Bible-believing Christians and of the church and the public.
Christian Norway called it church discipline when a lady who was singing that was ugjenfødte and cohabiting. Also positive homosexual when did sing. We can not run church discipline against anyone until they have been born again and have accepted Jesus. From the day so one should hear also where the cabinet would stand! Not before, but when.
Why did not function church discipline today as God wants? Because we live in today that we find in the book Judge 21. 25 In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.
It is here that God's church in Norway stands, therefore is also biblical church discipline so difficult to implement. And preachers go ahead as a bad example.
Final Comment:
I've tried to explained using the word of God and the teaching of Jesus and Paul that remarriage for a believer after divorce as a believer is a sin, adultery or fornication.
This again leads to one of two choices. Whether exclusion of the church and the Christian community, or repentance where those implicated should be safeguarded in the Christian community.
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