fredag 18. november 2011

Nr. 133: Humbug among the believers!

Nr. 133:

Humbug among the believers!

1. Kor. 13. 3 Then they stand, these three: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Meeting with individuals

we read the word of God to take care of the doctrine, and we should heed the teachings. But I also believe that it is important to heed the people and hear what they have to say. I meet a Christian world that very often disappointed both of themselves and others, and it is possible with good reason.

There are things that should have been natural that we talked to each other, and did not worship before we had talked with each other and reconciled us to each other as we read about in the Sermon on the Mount.

Here is an example. about a lady in a Pentecostal church as the center of the church experienced getting broken relationship with his sister who was also in the same church, but when her sister because of jealousy would not be in contact and the same experienced their mother, which was also rejected because of unhealthy and bad conditions and the middle of a church context. Both her sister and mother are resource persons who are very generous of him and good people who have much to offer. Her mother had such made great costumes that would be gifts to grandchildren, but these were not accepted, on the contrary rejected. It is shameful that such is possible.

His sister and aunt of these children also had much to contribute when she was single and of course had extra time to his aunt children, she also had a lot of gifts to give these, but did not thanks for that, no, she was downright pushed away, that stuff is possible is beyond my understanding. But it does well, and within the ranks of believers. What is with people these days, and when I think of course the Christians.

The competent woman also had the blessing of God with him when it came to other things, like renovation of the church and what was needed for this, the strange way she got hold of lots of free paint and wallpaper and what was needed to detail in this process. But what she is experiencing, ingratitude and neglect of the leaders in the church.

Otherwise, I even thousands of examples of the merkeverdigste believers imaginable, even preachers and Pastorere of God congregations around, it's like not think it an experience! Why let so many funny in churches and then in leadership positions?

To name a few. I was on Facebook that I later have signed me out of. There, I hear from the person who baptized me as a believer that he would have drowned me because I did not agree further in his "new" preaching that Israel has taken over the church's place in prophecy. Or the preacher who would report me when he made up stories for me that I spread the personal information he had posted on Facebook and its own website which I quoted, this is of course a psychopath in my assessment.

Or when one knows that one has a score to settle with a brother or a misunderstanding, then take a telephone and try to square up, if not that is a not Jesus's teaching in the Sermon on the Mount.

What do people in today?

It is not always easy to know, but one thing is the way I am here to blog and website, where there is much teaching and preaching. Another thing is how in everyday life and in contact with me. Now this must go hand in hand, but there are so many misguided people who have suffered so many wounds and blows, that it is not always easy to reach! This has unfortunately this amputees proclamation made, and that we as believers do not migrate and live in the light of our lives. I imagine that people of faith must and should begin to settle among themselves and talk together, that one has an open channel both to God and each other! Maybe there should be more structured dialogue in the church, it is too much monologue? Why not add up to being able to converse with each other and getting all the interpersonal problems and difficulties on the table to create openness and trust and forgiveness spirit in the church.

Love is to love truth

1. Kor. 13. 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.

I know there are many who misunderstand a lot, especially this with love and truth that are like two feet, both of which must be in place that will have an effective Christian life. I would say that believers are "educated" and nurtured to be immature, puppets and passive people who always do not even think about but let others think for themselves, this is of course to put it on the tip but I must do to the point.

Spiritual maturity, short supply and required

We will grow up into Christ in all areas. But what happens? The more that leaders and those who want and will face second leads the sheep a little less forward in the spiritual arena than they have come, and even press them down to keep them down. And if one goes ahead of them on the spiritual track, they'll do anything to stop you. Then hatred, envy and all things of the flesh, until, be you sure. Managers hate and dislike those who does not have control over when they lose self-control.

They really hate those who are touched by Jesus in a stronger way than themselves, and many leaders and so-called preachers are even so damaged in their own mental life that they are a danger to both themselves and others. Anyone who thinks that one is made into a good and safe environment when one becomes a Christian is just plain wrong if one wants to go the way of God 100% and abilities and can do it, for then the envy and hatred out, especially in those with power and position!

Matt. 23. 13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, ye that closes the kingdom of heaven before men! for themselves is in not in there, and those who are about to go in there, allows you not to enter.

The viable way

There are those e-mails, calls and other contact with me and want me to recommend both preachers and a church, just as I sit with a mantra answer. I have not at all, everyone must find the way of God with his life. And most have not seen and experienced what I write about when they are happy with the way things are and are not really looking to go the way of God 100% but keep things as they are already reasonable and has been.

Jesus is the solution!

I do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, but part of God the Father and Jesus, their "community" spirit. It taught the first Christians, but the Catholic church began with a new and strange doctrine here. Just to say this is more than NOK to be boycotted and frozen out, so little to it. Argues further that marriage is lifelong and should be shut out those who violate it, then becomes a self-excluded. How could I have continued, the church of today is in many ways livsfarilig for your spiritual welfare. You only have one chance, search your own heart to Jesus and ask him to lead you in the journey presented works, and you will find someone who preaches and goes the way of God, support them and keep isammen with them. Good luck in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Psalm 16 2 I said to the Lord, You are my Lord, I have no good beyond thee - 3, as I hold myself to the saints who are in the country, and the wonderful in whom I have all my delight.

Never trust a few people, church or orginasjon

We need all these things, and there are channels of God. But very often these channels so tilgrisete, dangerous and they are like a maze one goes astray, and the opportunities to get out safely and with the spiritual life intact is unfortunately small. So be cautious and sober and be aware that there are people who very often seek positions and power and that is only interested in having power, nothing else! Scripture warns too, that for me, Paul said there will be wolves dressed in sheep's clothing that is not sparing the flock in among you, etc.

Pioneers needed

Those who would sacrifice everything for God and their fellow man, as were the old pioneers, and such is the "new". But priorities are always first yourself and your family, if not then you will sooner or later even be "eaten" up by others!

1. Tim. 5. 8 But if any provide not for his own, and most of his household, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.

Church hierarchy

One must be aware that there is both a free church and a church hierarchy, where one goes up the ranks to adapt and have the "right" contacts. Consider for example the Evangelisenteret where Ludvik Karlsen's daughter is divorced and re married Holger Johansen but sitting in the lead because she is carnal daughter even though she lives in adultery. Espen Ottesen screaming and submit articles here and there, but he goes into the Vision Norway and the intervjuvet Jan Hanvold which is the prototype of a false prophet and even live in adultery. Of course, never had the early Christians accepted such a thing, which was the spiritual qualifications and the spiritual equipment that was in contrast to today's Christian world where kamaderi, carnal ties and to remain intact with any and all leading men and women. There is a gap between the early Christians and today's Norwegian Christianity not only in teaching but in hodning, integrity and otherwise in every respect.

Smyrna Oslo

I do not know everything, but that Smyrna Oslo is a fantastic opportunity to be a tool in the future, I am convinced. Support our business, came to meetings, support us in prayer and financially, we need to dennne spiritual darkness drop time over Norway, it is in many ways as dark as it was in the middle ages with all humbug going on and is allowed within its Christianity in Norway and elllers in the western world. there are at least as bad in the U.S. and other Western countries to do so, then it is because we have adapted ourselves so well the world that the world has become a part of us and we are part of the world, just like Israel.

The complaints 1 10 The enemy laid hands on all her precious things, for she saw pagan nations enter her sanctuary, those you had forbidden to enter in your church.

Related link: among the believers!

1. Kor. 13. 3 Then they stand, these three: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Meeting with individuals

we read the word of God to take care of the doctrine, and we should heed the teachings. But I also believe that it is important to heed the people and hear what they have to say. I meet a Christian world that very often disappointed both of themselves and others, and it is possible with good reason.

There are things that should have been natural that we talked to each other, and did not worship before we had talked with each other and reconciled us to each other as we read about in the Sermon on the Mount.

Here is an example. about a lady in a Pentecostal church as the center of the church experienced getting broken relationship with his sister who was also in the same church, but when her sister because of jealousy would not be in contact and the same experienced their mother, which was also rejected because of unhealthy and bad conditions and the middle of a church context. Both her sister and mother are resource persons who are very generous of him and good people who have much to offer. Her mother had such made great costumes that would be gifts to grandchildren, but these were not accepted, on the contrary rejected. It is shameful that such is possible.

His sister and aunt of these children also had much to contribute when she was single and of course had extra time to his aunt children, she also had a lot of gifts to give these, but did not thanks for that, no, she was downright pushed away, that stuff is possible is beyond my understanding. But it does well, and within the ranks of believers. What is with people these days, and when I think of course the Christians.

The competent woman also had the blessing of God with him when it came to other things, like renovation of the church and what was needed for this, the strange way she got hold of lots of free paint and wallpaper and what was needed to detail in this process. But what she is experiencing, ingratitude and neglect of the leaders in the church.

Otherwise, I even thousands of examples of the merkeverdigste believers imaginable, even preachers and Pastorere of God congregations around, it's like not think it an experience! Why let so many funny in churches and then in leadership positions?

To name a few. I was on Facebook that I later have signed me out of. There, I hear from the person who baptized me as a believer that he would have drowned me because I did not agree further in his "new" preaching that Israel has taken over the church's place in prophecy. Or the preacher who would report me when he made up stories for me that I spread the personal information he had posted on Facebook and its own website which I quoted, this is of course a psychopath in my assessment.

Or when one knows that one has a score to settle with a brother or a misunderstanding, then take a telephone and try to square up, if not that is a not Jesus's teaching in the Sermon on the Mount.

What do people in today?

It is not always easy to know, but one thing is the way I am here to blog and website, where there is much teaching and preaching. Another thing is how in everyday life and in contact with me. Now this must go hand in hand, but there are so many misguided people who have suffered so many wounds and blows, that it is not always easy to reach! This has unfortunately this amputees proclamation made, and that we as believers do not migrate and live in the light of our lives. I imagine that people of faith must and should begin to settle among themselves and talk together, that one has an open channel both to God and each other! Maybe there should be more structured dialogue in the church, it is too much monologue? Why not add up to being able to converse with each other and getting all the interpersonal problems and difficulties on the table to create openness and trust and forgiveness spirit in the church.

Love is to love truth

1. Kor. 13. 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.

I know there are many who misunderstand a lot, especially this with love and truth that are like two feet, both of which must be in place that will have an effective Christian life. I would say that believers are "educated" and nurtured to be immature, puppets and passive people who always do not even think about but let others think for themselves, this is of course to put it on the tip but I must do to the point.

Spiritual maturity, short supply and required

We will grow up into Christ in all areas. But what happens? The more that leaders and those who want and will face second leads the sheep a little less forward in the spiritual arena than they have come, and even press them down to keep them down. And if one goes ahead of them on the spiritual track, they'll do anything to stop you. Then hatred, envy and all things of the flesh, until, be you sure. Managers hate and dislike those who does not have control over when they lose self-control.

They really hate those who are touched by Jesus in a stronger way than themselves, and many leaders and so-called preachers are even so damaged in their own mental life that they are a danger to both themselves and others. Anyone who thinks that one is made into a good and safe environment when one becomes a Christian is just plain wrong if one wants to go the way of God 100% and abilities and can do it, for then the envy and hatred out, especially in those with power and position!

Matt. 23. 13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, ye that closes the kingdom of heaven before men! for themselves is in not in there, and those who are about to go in there, allows you not to enter.

The viable way

There are those e-mails, calls and other contact with me and want me to recommend both preachers and a church, just as I sit with a mantra answer. I have not at all, everyone must find the way of God with his life. And most have not seen and experienced what I write about when they are happy with the way things are and are not really looking to go the way of God 100% but keep things as they are already reasonable and has been.

Jesus is the solution!

I do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, but part of God the Father and Jesus, their "community" spirit. It taught the first Christians, but the Catholic church began with a new and strange doctrine here. Just to say this is more than NOK to be boycotted and frozen out, so little to it. Argues further that marriage is lifelong and should be shut out those who violate it, then becomes a self-excluded. How could I have continued, the church of today is in many ways livsfarilig for your spiritual welfare. You only have one chance, search your own heart to Jesus and ask him to lead you in the journey presented works, and you will find someone who preaches and goes the way of God, support them and keep isammen with them. Good luck in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Psalm 16 2 I said to the Lord, You are my Lord, I have no good beyond thee - 3, as I hold myself to the saints who are in the country, and the wonderful in whom I have all my delight.

Never trust a few people, church or orginasjon

We need all these things, and there are channels of God. But very often these channels so tilgrisete, dangerous and they are like a maze one goes astray, and the opportunities to get out safely and with the spiritual life intact is unfortunately small. So be cautious and sober and be aware that there are people who very often seek positions and power and that is only interested in having power, nothing else! Scripture warns too, that for me, Paul said there will be wolves dressed in sheep's clothing that is not sparing the flock in among you, etc.

Pioneers needed

Those who would sacrifice everything for God and their fellow man, as were the old pioneers, and such is the "new". But priorities are always first yourself and your family, if not then you will sooner or later even be "eaten" up by others!

1. Tim. 5. 8 But if any provide not for his own, and most of his household, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.

Church hierarchy

One must be aware that there is both a free church and a church hierarchy, where one goes up the ranks to adapt and have the "right" contacts. Consider for example the Evangelisenteret where Ludvik Karlsen's daughter is divorced and re married Holger Johansen but sitting in the lead because she is carnal daughter even though she lives in adultery. Espen Ottesen screaming and submit articles here and there, but he goes into the Vision Norway and the intervjuvet Jan Hanvold which is the prototype of a false prophet and even live in adultery. Of course, never had the early Christians accepted such a thing, which was the spiritual qualifications and the spiritual equipment that was in contrast to today's Christian world where kamaderi, carnal ties and to remain intact with any and all leading men and women. There is a gap between the early Christians and today's Norwegian Christianity not only in teaching but in hodning, integrity and otherwise in every respect.

Smyrna Oslo

I do not know everything, but that Smyrna Oslo is a fantastic opportunity to be a tool in the future, I am convinced. Support our business, came to meetings, support us in prayer and financially, we need to dennne spiritual darkness drop time over Norway, it is in many ways as dark as it was in the middle ages with all humbug going on and is allowed within its Christianity in Norway and elllers in the western world. there are at least as bad in the U.S. and other Western countries to do so, then it is because we have adapted ourselves so well the world that the world has become a part of us and we are part of the world, just like Israel.

The complaints 1 10 The enemy laid hands on all her precious things, for she saw pagan nations enter her sanctuary, those you had forbidden to enter in your church.

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