torsdag 19. oktober 2017

No. 1614: Kjell Sverre Andersen attacking my lawyer Brynjar Meling's about writing about him as follows: "In my view stands lawyer Meling here to ironing!"

No. 1614:
Kjell Sverre Andersen attacking my lawyer Brynjar Meling's about writing about him as follows: "In my view stands lawyer Meling here to ironing!"

Picture of my good lawyer Brynjar Meling as Kjell Andersen writes about the following: "If Christensen wants to blame someone for not having been heard, he should rather blame their lawyer, Brynjar Meling -which clearly have not tried or wanted to dispute the figures which were presented in court. »
Yes, yes, Meling should have been psychic, and judges who would have asked me and Meling about this as I was convicted of. Tells me that Malin Strømberg Amble, Øystein Hermansen, Jan Aage Torp, police have "a pragmatic relationship to truth" and would distort the truth in order to adapt it to their purposes.
This is briefly lying! I really consider in this case everyone involved except me and Meling to be corrupt and full of lies in the way they have been. Tragically, such a thing should be possible in a state of law such as Norway.

As I said, Meling, in my opinion, has become the backlight of the judges in both Oslo District Court and Borgarting Court of Appeal. Meling affair was to point out that wrong law enforcement against me has been used.
Meling was not asked a single time h vorf or I had written such an amount.
I was not asked about it either, but clearly stated both in Oslo District Court and in Borgarting Court of Appeal. But for deaf ears!

We have then been "cheated" and seduced by the court. When Meling understood this, he wrote about this to Norway's Supreme Court. We rejected this without reason, in other words. As I see it, everyone in this case has been "bought and paid" and has been in "pocket" to Jan Aage Torp who in my eyes is a criminal when he has delivered a fictional review and got Max out of it!

We could not really have done so much differently, because I'm aiming for one thing.
In court we have discussed something completely different, law enforcement.
Then I'm judged to have written too much about what I'm aiming for! Yes, yes, I look at the police, Torp and the judges in this case as those who are criminal and dishonest!
While I and Meling are honest and so far from being criminal and breaking Norwegian law as it is possible to come!

Malin Strømberg Amble, Øystein Hermansen, Jan Aage Torp, police have "a pragmatic relationship to truth" and would distort the truth in order to adapt it to their purposes. This is briefly lying!

Had they been interested in the truth, what's what.

Then they had asked me why it was written so much about the narrator and hatred-pastor Jan Aage Torp.

Then they had clear answers. What is the truth then, as I see it?

1.)    I wrote about Jan Aage Torp who came forward rude and brash and told about the exorcism of their children, stand and remarries. Gives 1.5 Millions of a New Released which he calls afterwards to be sick.
Well, here you have the psychopath in business as the police, prosecutors and judges defend him. We can say that Malin Sprinkle mberg Amble, Øystein Hermansen, police have "a p ragmatisk relation to the truth."
O g would distort the truth in order to adapt it to their purposes. This is briefly lying!

2.)    We have discussed this back and forth for 4 years, where Torp and his friends have gone a lot longer than me in both the talk and the crowd. This is not emphasized by some, that just shows that everything is to get taken me.

3.)    Even document fakes, rubbish mailer to me and my family to threaten and create fear. Yes, so much that what I've written and spoken is like child food in relation to what Torp and that berman have been doing!

4.)    If the sentence against me and the heavenly blog is standing, then this time's justice word here in Norway.

Final Comment:

Kjell Sverre Andersen attacking my lawyer Brynjar Meling about writing about him as follows: "In my view stands lawyer Meling here to ironing," I write in the header.Yes, yes, this is turning everything on your head.
What I am against regarding this matter is that the trial itself has not been fair.
I have been charged for one thing, they let Meling argue the application of the law, judge me for something real LIG is not debated in court!
Experience the case like a big tragedy and father!
It's easy to be retrospective, but you must understand that we had lost no matter when even the judges and the police have solely overlooked everything in this case to take me.
It's a Christian prosecution, and the police, the courts and in my eyes in this case are the real guilty and criminal, not me and the heavenly blog!

I have done a lot, but in the name of the reverberation, I would have done much more.
When Brynjar Meling sent an enrollment to the Norwegian Supreme Court, he realized that he was partly deceived.
They allowed Meling to hold on, overlook and condemn something that has not been discussed in court, the amount of writings!

Kjell Andersen's criticism of Meling think I'm strong excessive, it is the police, judges and all others who are corrupt and evil here against me, they hate me obviously so they hold on me.
Narr Apostel Jan Aage Torp and others hate me, but in fact, it does many others too!

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