søndag 22. oktober 2017

No. 1616: My main goal has always been to focus how unbiblical and Antkristelig it is permissible to have oppadgiftede preachers, priests and others with leadership positions in the church of God!

No. 1616:
My main goal has always been to focus how unbiblical and Antkristelig it is permissible to have oppadgiftede preachers, priests and others with leadership positions in the church of God!

All the noise around me and the Heavenly blog is of course Satan is behind, and the person who has been the main reason for this is the manipulator and mockery apostle Jan Aage Torp.
He is obviously not driven by God in what he is doing, but by his own flesh. He says that Anders Behring Breivik is demonized and I am his twin soul and supporter. In other words, demonized. But he himself lives in adultery and follows his own flesh. Who is then demonized by us? He calls me a demon, then I think he forgot to bring with themselves. For I can say goodbye to everyone and say that Torp is like Satan, full of lies. He does not prove this, and trust in such a person, because they are all wrong!

What has happened around me and the heavenly blog the last 4 years has its positive and negative sides.
There is a lot of noise as it has been, which is undoubtedly always Satan's goal to create noise. The scripture says:

Psalm 2 1 Why do the heathen rage peoples imagine vain things? 2 kings of the earth, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us! 4 He who thrones in heaven, laughs, the Lord spits them. 5 Then he speaks to them in his anger, and in his anger terrifies him them: 6 Yet have I set my king upon Zion, my holy mountain! 7 I will declare what is stated: The Lord said to me, You are my son, I have born you today. 8 wish of me! Then I will give you the heathen to inheritance and the ends of the earth to possess. 9 Thou shalt smite them with a rod of iron;Like a potter's pot, you'll wreck them. 10 And now, kings, go forth visibly! Warn you, judges of the earth! 11 Serving the Lord with fear and crying with the fox! 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way! For when his wrath is kindled. Blessed are all those who take refuge for him. /

I have only one goal in mind, that is to point out what God's word says about upbringed preachers, priests and shepherds. This has become incredibly noisy around.The positive thing about this is that the "noise" propagates throughout Norway and the world. Now, quite so many in Norway know that the word of God also has a message for upbringed believers, that is, it is not allowed to live with a spouse number 2 when the first spouse lives!

When there has been so much noise, lying and accusations against me and the heavenly blog. It's me and my family who have been exposed to the worst freaking, bullying, document falsification and so much else!

My motive has been solely to focus on how unbiblical it is with educated preachers, priests and shepherds!
Unfortunately, all the noise has shaded for this, but I believe and am convinced that in spite of all the noise and noise the message from God will come out.

Here's an article I wrote about this topic for some time back

Nr. 122:
Remarriage is a touchstone of whether it is a biblical or unbiblical church!

As the world will be tried and held accountable to how one has dealt with Israel and the Jews, the church will be held accountable to how one is treated and accepted remarriage and other ethical dilemmas. Remarriage is currently the largest and most serious sin in God's church when one of this opens up for adultery. Which opens up for demonic activity, and all that comes with.

What does the Bible on this subject?

Israel will be a lifting block for all Gentiles, so also this with remarriage for God's church. When one can not let the focus be on homosexuality and that we believers should be slightly better than the world, but what scripture says. It is our guideline, the writing alone.

Marrying a divorced or separated who marry

That someone is divorced are tragic and painful for all implicated and our sympathies and feelings are all here. But it is to marry again or to marry a divorcee who is sin and to commit adultery. Not to be separated first and foremost, but to initiate a new relationship, it is sin and adultery. They shall not inherit the kingdom of God and with such an action opposing a directly against God and his word and commit adultery.

Luke 16 18 Whoever separates himself from his wife and marries another woman, he commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband committeth adultery.

Sin unto death - what is it?

1. Joh. b. 5 16 If anyone sees his brother doing a sin not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life - I mean those who sin not unto death. There is sin unto death: it is not about it I tell him to pray.

What is the sin unto death? It is to live such as Pastor in January Hanvold who says he is guilty of two adultery and lives now with his "third" wife. This is a sin unto death, when Scripture says clearly that he was then living either alone or reconcile himself with his first wife. Living alone had to be clearly better for him when he says openly that his first wife, he was not fond of and he had bad sex with her but with his past as he is 20 years younger than him, he has good sex. That man also is sick of mind should have been obvious to most people in my opinion.

Paul taught that an overseer should be a one woman man

From Dagbladet, February 27 2010: He became the first bishop in the world who remarried. Bishop Per Oskar Kjølås (61) said yes to his Jill Sæterbø (40).

In 2007, Per Oskar Kjølås (61) the first bishop in Norway who took out divorce ever. Saturday, he married again, his beloved Jill Sæterbø (40). Three minutes later, after the ceremony, met the newlyweds Northern Lights on the church steps - with flowers in their hands and happy smile.
- Now we feel joy and love, says the couple.
Kjølås separated with his former wife in 2006, and became in 2007 the first bishop in the nation to file for divorce. Saturday, he was - for what is known - the first bishop in the world to marry a second time.
Although he feels that he has had support all the way - both from the family, and his bishop colleagues.
- I have held episcopal staff informed continuously. They have shared my grief during divorce, and they share my joy over what is happening now, says Kjølås after having moved into the church.
- Do you feel that this marriage is problematic in any way?
- Both. It's not difficult to marry Jill, but we have gone through a process before we have made a decision. I have also consulted me with my people.
After the divorce became known last year, the bishop met with surprisingly few reactions.
- I am happy. I feel that divorce and remarriage is not a taboo area today in the same way as before, says Kjølås.
Jill Sæterbø is even a deacon, and works as a catechist in the Green Hill community. Also she has children from a previous marriage.
- Divorce is always a grief to those involved, and there is NOK recognizable for most people. Some reactions have been, but they have been few. People know that life is as it is, says Sæterbø (end of quote).

Both of these are re-married and he is the Bishop, and there had been few negative reactions to their whoredoms, even among believers. I ask, "Watchman, how far into the night".

It accepts that a remarriage is the Jezebel spirit and learn

From my bible comments John. Obvious. 2. 19 I know your deeds, your love and your faith, your service and your perseverance. Yes, your past deeds have exceeded your first!

There was no shortage of works and activities; your past doings have been your first. And Jesus looked very much positive and good, your love and your faith, your service and your perseverance.

20 But I have this against you, that you let the woman Jezebel hold on, she calls herself a prophet, but as with his teaching lures my servants to commit fornication and eat idols.

Here is a very difficult passage to interpret. Here is a woman doing, who with his teaching lures my servants to commit fornication and eat idols. And she called and considered to be a Prophet. But this is a woman or a spiritual direction in the church? As I see it as the most spiritual direction in the church. But there are some who, of course, possible to be used to look like Jezebel and be filled with the same Satanic spirit as she was.

21 I have given her time to repent, but she will not repent of her fornication.

Here again we see that Jesus has had patience with his church, and he has always. But patience is not forever. Even after many opportunities will not these people repent of her fornication.

22 See, now I throw her on the sick bed, and they engaged in adultery with her, to come in great distress, unless they repent of her deeds;

Now, should the church get back to his adultery and fornication, your sin will find you say the law of Moses and it is also true in the NT. The ruling, in particular, frame them that opens up for this in his life.

23 and her children, I will let death scramble away. To all the churches have experienced that I am the one who searches the kidneys and hearts, and who will repay each of you for what he has done.

What is also tragic is that the ruling also will affect their children, her children, I will let death scramble away. Our lives are examples of those children that God has given us. We live not only for ourselves but also our environment.
Lord examines our motives and hearts. And we will get back to how we live.
Gal. 6. 7 Do not be deceived; God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, he shall also reap. 8 He that soweth to his flesh reap corruption of the flesh: but he that soweth to the Spirit reap eternal life of the Spirit. 9 Let us not grow weary while doing good. When the time comes, we shall reap, only we do not give up (end of quote).

Jezebel was a leader and she went ahead in idolatry and loved sin and idolatry. When even the leader and the shepherds of God's church is not careful either with their own life or doctrine, as is the church ready for trial. That is what will and must come to pass, that the church must and will be judged because it accepts sin and gjengiftede people, especially preachers and those with a lead responsibility. Watch before it is too late dear friend, it is my clear request and desire! May God bless you for taking the right or to settle with his sin so that you and everyone can and will come into God's will for your life!

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