torsdag 3. desember 2015

No. 1082: Support the Heavenly blog and be blessed! Supports Jan Hanvold and Vision Norway, you support the "world" and not the work of God!

No. 1082:
Support the Heavenly blog and be blessed! Supports Jan Hanvold and Vision Norway,  you support the "world" and not the work of God!

Feedback on Jan Hanvold and Vision Norway!

Has now got more feedback there now finally there are several who understands what it's all about, and not about!

Vision Norway and Jan Hanvold make absolutely sure much good, as sending "Christian" television and help such disadvantaged people in Moldova?
But it is not here seduction lies, the lies in his unbiblical teachings (he's glory theologian), and that he lives contrary to God's word to be re-married.

Scripture says it so clearly: "And if I have prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."

Love of Hanvold does not go to God's word, but to his own flesh. He is even the prototype of a false prophet and a "modern" man that he lives so that the end-time people will live, "with then marry."
He lives in a perverse way by the words of Scripture with separate and marry that next second change shirts? He is re-married several times, but Scripture says that after a divorce, a live either single or return to their spouse. Hanvold and unfortunately thousands of others taking themselves to facilitate taking into true again and again!

1 Cor. 7. 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not divorce his husband; 11 but divorced him, then abiding she being unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and a husband should not divorce his wife.

Photo of a fire, it is exactly this that has started in the church of God to open up for, inter alia, gjengiftede preachers who live in open sin. They live in adultery by Scripture and adulterers. Opens than listed for "little" sin give Satan "little finger, so he takes very quickly the rest of the" hand "! This is what we see today in the church of God, than have first let up a bit for the world, the fire has begun to be ignited. It will only spread more and more like a first not take evil by rat and get out all those who are gjengiftede as believers, that makes sin a foothold in God's church.

1 Cor. 13. 1. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And though I have prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And if I give away to feed others all my goods, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

The believers have not understood whom to support and whom they should refrain from supporting. Is there anyone living in the obvious sins such. Jan Hanvold, Jan Aage Torp and many others who are re-married as believers, then it is to support them. It is the same as supporting the world, the Evil One and his kingdom!

But to support the Heavenly blog and me, it is to support the cause of God.
Why? Because I do not live in some obvious sins and every day I take up the cross and fight the fight.

I just heard a story about a pedophile or someone who lived entirely on the fringes.

Jo he described how he had become dependent on this. It started as "innocent" with a little porn, so he had to have that "stronger" and "stronger" as he said it, I would have said that he might have it more and more perverse and bad. It started as small and "innocent", and ended up being a huge fire in his life.
We face this dilemma always, we give Satan the little finger, so he takes soon the whole hand. We must see to whom and what we support as scripture says Hanvold and others are bad guy. While the Heavenly blog, I and others who live in accordance with God's good word, is good guy to honorable use.

2 Tim. 2. 20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honor, and another unto dishonor.

And keeps you away from Hanvold and Vision Norway and all others who live and practice sin. You shall also be and be a vessel unto honor. , supports you the Heavenly blog and all others who live in accordance with good word of God, you will be a great blessing and a vessel unto honor and good use.

2 Tim. 2. 21 Holder da man himself clean from these, he will be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.

It applies to remain pure in sin from people, but close to the God of people who go and walk with the Lord. Then you will also even be ready for every good deed. At the same time useful to the Lord!

Such it is with Jan Hanvold, Vision Norway and all others who live in sin.

This is from my commentaries Revelation 22. 11 Let the evildoers still do evil, and the unclean continue in their filth! Let the righteous still do what is right, and the holy continue in sanctification.

Now we return to what we otherwise find in God's word of truth and learning. We find the same in a prophet in the Old Testament that is often compared to John, the prophet Daniel. 12. 10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and refined. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand anything. But the wise shall understand.
The world is hopelessly lost, but what about the Christians? They go on and on with the Lord? Unfortunately it turns out that all too often becomes a left behind on the road. But for the one who goes to the Lord shall be glorious pilgrimage and glorious. As believers so similar we more and more on Jesus as we walk with him.

12 Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, to render to each according to his work.

We as humans will get slither with the Lord. It is important to collect treasures in heaven than on earth. It is more precious than anything. Bible prescribes also here.
Matt. 6. 33 Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and ye shall receive everything else as well.
(end of quote).

Leg noticed in v. 11: "Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong, and the unclean continue in their filth! Let the righteous still do what is right, and the holy continue in sanctification. "

Jan Hanvold unrighteous and anyone else who is re-married as believers. They live in blatant adultery, they are adulterers and belongs to the world. Are you to support this? Then you will really support everything else in the world, when sin always begins as "innocent," but will and always ends up in a disaster and fire!

It helps not matter how many children Hanvold helps in Moldova as long as he lives in sin.

And I and we the Heavenly blog, we live with the Lord, that will work and the service always spread more and more of the good fruits. This is a spiritual law.
This Jesus says: "the righteous still do what is right, and the holy continue in sanctification."

Yes, this applies to the Heavenly blog and everyone else that goes way of the Lord and live in accordance with God's good word.
But this says the Lord of Vision Norway, Hanvold and all others who do not live in accordance with good word of God: "Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong, and the unclean continue in their filth!"
Yes, this is consistent with what the apostle Paul said and taught, "give away to feed others all my goods, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing."

It does not matter how much "good" one does, if one does not have victory over his own flesh. But a victory over his flesh, then we must all help to support these publishers!

The important thing is not 'where' much we do, or "small" we do, but that we live a straight life.

This course does not understand the world, but unfortunately, the faithful do not understand it either. It is clear that such as Vision Norway and Hanvold unable to do much when the fleas believers for 100 Million now been years. And what we get and the Heavenly blog in? It is unfortunately not the large amount. But why? Vision Norway and Hanvold are of this world, belong to the world and serve Satan!
The Heavenly blog and me, we are of God, serve God and belong to Christ!

Then we must understand that it does not depend on volume, but on quality. Is the quality bad, everything becomes bad. The quality is good, everything is good, we read about this several places in the word of God. This is from my commentaries Galatians 5.
9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump!
That's when it gets to change that completely, in one direction or the other context, that it happens that Paul here describes.
It is sometimes to an infested limb must be cut off to save the rest of the body. One must be "hard on himself" here, in other words Scripture speaks to take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ, and tear down imaginations, and every high thing rising up against the knowledge of God.
And so the apostle writes here about this that had come into the Galatian:
"This persuasion did not come from Him who called you." V 8. It is not like you have learned God's salvation to know!
I've learned a God to know, that was like a fire for me. And you also, if you live with God today. You know him by law. Could you live with him? He was you life? No, you went depressed, upset and outlaw. He was so wrong. One came somehow not on speaking terms with Him. He met you only with questions:
"Have you prayed today? Have you read? Did you witness to someone? Are you living as a Christian? Do you love me, really? Is your heart right with God? "Etc. You on your side would like to be a Christian, as far as you knew, but he was not happy with it. You should practice! Not only would! You should be obedient!
He was you life? Was it that you ever rejoiced in the Lord? Sure, you could well feel a certain joy and satisfaction, the times you thought it had succeeded to some extent, but looked you ever in the Lord? That's the believer's strength! Neh. 8.10. No, you went there so heavy and groaning under all the requirements that were laid inwards you. And the same requirements you lived under, you let your Soul Friend.
No, He became you certainly not for life, but he was up to the death! And wherever you meet this God who presents to you an unfulfilled law, He takes pleasure from you, providing you with death and grief and despair instead! You are under the law! Under the curse! And you who were once seen in freedom, what will you do with this God? What do you expect? Is not it rather so that every time you meet him, so you'll fly over to the God who has revealed Himself in the Gospel? Some seek God as He reveals Himself in the law, and the state of turmoil and inner judgment of their sin that it entails. For this will be for them to confirm that they live with the Lord, that they so "mourn" their sins. What they fail to understand is that they only have the wrath of God to do! They have only calm the time they are away from God. They live with the wrath of God as revealed under law, this as the believers knows well, and that causes them to fly into the gospel.
The truth is the fact that, that this God of law, which the also is the true God, is unable to save you.
(end of quote).

It is exactly this, supports up a so-called Christian activities that make "much" good, but still allow sin and the world. When you support not God's work. But a so-called "small" service where one lives and teaches according to God's word, even if it is small and call. When support than up on the work of God, and the Lord will bless you mighty!

Final Comment:
You will not support me and the Heavenly blog? Okay, so do not worry!
But will you support me and the Heavenly blog? Then you have the opportunity. We really need it.

The ministers of the gospel should live of the gospel. So demanding it is to go in the workplace today, then it would be very good for me got so much income that I had not had to work and could have served the Lord full time.
To support me and the Heavenly blog, it's the most widely used money some believers can make to the cause of God here in Norwegian land!

Then we can upgrade Webpage, create audio files, video teaching and writing commentaries, publish article and everything else. Everything costs time and money, and support the Heavenly blog, I am convinced is the most widely used money it is possible to give!
At the same time, and you will be blessed by giving to others, and above all to the Lord's work.
I am boldly here to ask for gifts from ONLY THOSE WHO WANT TO GIVE! DO YOU WANT NOT TO GIVE, forget it, REST arrange LORD!

Need your prayers and support for further work and service, you'll be doing?
Here is the account number in DNB: 0535 06 05 845
Be blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ!
The possibilities are many, but we must stand together and help each other forward in the service!

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