No. 926:
No. 815:
There are double standards being against gay, transgender etc., but at the same time accept remarriage among Christians!
I have to laugh at the Christian hypocrisy. "We must love the gays, but they must not go into any relationship, for it is the Bible that it is sin" When it comes to divorce and remarriage among Christians sounds "Christians are the most people and there are the forgiveness, do not be so judgmental .. "yes yes :)
Photo of Hans Inge Fagervik

My message is really simple and clear, according to the word of God to the letter in all areas. Do not overdo any place or overlook something. But who comes to God's word? All, but it's shepherds and those with leadership responsibilities we must ensure that they live accordingly.
I have no problems with that someone sits on the "last" unit and drugged, re-married, gay, transgender or whatever they are. But when they start to sit on the podium and to have management responsibilities, as it twists me.
I started with a statement I obtained from the web. It says the following:
I have to laugh at the Christian hypocrisy. "We must love the gays, but they must not go into any relationship, for it is the Bible that it is sin" When it comes to divorce and remarriage among Christians sounds "Christians are the most people and there are the forgiveness, do not be so judgmental .. "yes yes :) written by Judith Bjørsvik.
What words describe God who separates and remarries?
1) Marriage Breakers.
2.) adulterer or whore goats in good Norwegian.
3.) adulteress or hussy in well-Norwegian
4.) Sinners
5.) Switch marriage.
And he who has not been married before but marries a divorced fall under the same judgment as the one who remarries after a divorce.
What does the word of God on those who choose to live with a person of the same sex?
1) Hor.
2.) Sins against nature.
3) the natural use of the unnatural.
4.) Driver skjenselsverk.
5.) In GT referred to homosexuality as an abomination.
This is just to show the basis of the word of God as it is basically adultery and sin no matter what "form" one chooses to live outside of marriage. We can not "accept" a form of sin, but oppose one another, there are double standards and hypocrisy!
But who will prevail and be good examples? World? God's church?
Yes, God's church, but there are preachers and those with management responsibility to be good examples and role models. This teaches and speaks writing about.
Kyrre Vidar Simonsen We know what the Bible says about divorce! If one is to follow God's words or his own flesh? Pastors and leaders engaged to marry to stand has a lot to answer for, when those are helping to lead such children at the same rate, ie that it should in a way be approved and accepted divorce to marry several times, it is totally against God's word, God hates divorce, and there are not many reasons the Bible mentions as a reason for divorce! Christians, especially leaders have a huge responsibility in terms of signals emit them with their lifestyle. People stand the slightest cause for them, and be honest why? Æ has zero respect for Christian leaders who did not choose to follow God's word. By choosing to follow their own carnal desires and roads.
(end of quote).
1 Pet. 5. 2 Be shepherds of the flock of God which ye have with you! Have oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly, as God would, and not for lucre, but of the heart. 3 Do you not masters of those whom God has given you the responsibility, but set an example for the flock.
1930 translation, but so that I will be the pattern for the flock.
I will ask a simple question, is a pattern to the flock if one is divorced and marry again? No, I mean. That many believe differently than me gets to be their choice. But it comes very often that one does not stand preachers from "ordinary" people. God's word adds something completely different at Shepherds than other "Christian".
1 Tim. 5. 17 elders that leaders in the church, deserves double reward, especially those dealing with preaching and teaching.
Final comment:
This speaks well for itself? It is sin that creates separation between us and God, and minor and major sins are not of God. There are all sins "big" for it is sin that creates separation, but we make up our sin. Repent, leave the instance. spouse if one is re-married, or if one is homosexual then must leave their man or woman. Living with a person of the same sex is a sin, just as remarriage is. We can not accept sin and warns against another, such is the hypocrisy and double standards!
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The homosexuals should refrain from his love, while
the remarriage should not, although the same Bible says that both remarriage
and homosexual practice is a sin!
Hypocrisy what is it?
It is eg. that homosexuals should refrain from his
love, while the remarriage should not, although the same Bible says that both
remarriage and homosexual practice is a sin! We can not be against the
homosexuals, that they should get practicing what the Bible says is sin. That
they have sexual intercourse and possibly initiate a relationship. While those
who are re-married, they are allowed, this is hypocrisy and double standards.
What scripture says?
James 2 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet
stumbles in one of the commandments, has been guilty of breaking them all. 11
For he that said, Thou shalt not commit adultery, said also, Thou shalt not
kill. If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a
Here we see, like so many other places in the word of
God. That killing a human being, living as re-married, or steal. Everything is
sin. Marriage Switches, drunkards, murderers, none that doeth sin, shall
inherit the kingdom of God. Here are time after time all who live in sin ban
from the kingdom of God if they are not there from the church
1 Cor. 6. 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not
inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Neither the sexually immoral,
those who worship idols or adulterers, nor men who lie with men or who allow
themselves to be with, 10 neither thieves, greedy, drunkards, revilers, nor
robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 Such were some of you before. But
now you are washed, you are made holy, you're done righteous in the Lord Jesus
Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
No one makes the watch shall inherit the kingdom of
God, this is the Bible clear and concise learning!
Here is an article I wrote a while back, which is more
relevant than ever:
There are double standards being against gay, transgender etc., but at the same time accept remarriage among Christians!
I have to laugh at the Christian hypocrisy. "We must love the gays, but they must not go into any relationship, for it is the Bible that it is sin" When it comes to divorce and remarriage among Christians sounds "Christians are the most people and there are the forgiveness, do not be so judgmental .. "yes yes :)
Photo of Hans Inge Fagervik
My message is really simple and clear, according to the word of God to the letter in all areas. Do not overdo any place or overlook something. But who comes to God's word? All, but it's shepherds and those with leadership responsibilities we must ensure that they live accordingly.
I have no problems with that someone sits on the "last" unit and drugged, re-married, gay, transgender or whatever they are. But when they start to sit on the podium and to have management responsibilities, as it twists me.
I started with a statement I obtained from the web. It says the following:
I have to laugh at the Christian hypocrisy. "We must love the gays, but they must not go into any relationship, for it is the Bible that it is sin" When it comes to divorce and remarriage among Christians sounds "Christians are the most people and there are the forgiveness, do not be so judgmental .. "yes yes :) written by Judith Bjørsvik.
What words describe God who separates and remarries?
1) Marriage Breakers.
2.) adulterer or whore goats in good Norwegian.
3.) adulteress or hussy in well-Norwegian
4.) Sinners
5.) Switch marriage.
And he who has not been married before but marries a divorced fall under the same judgment as the one who remarries after a divorce.
What does the word of God on those who choose to live with a person of the same sex?
1) Hor.
2.) Sins against nature.
3) the natural use of the unnatural.
4.) Driver skjenselsverk.
5.) In GT referred to homosexuality as an abomination.
This is just to show the basis of the word of God as it is basically adultery and sin no matter what "form" one chooses to live outside of marriage. We can not "accept" a form of sin, but oppose one another, there are double standards and hypocrisy!
But who will prevail and be good examples? World? God's church?
Yes, God's church, but there are preachers and those with management responsibility to be good examples and role models. This teaches and speaks writing about.
Kyrre Vidar Simonsen We know what the Bible says about divorce! If one is to follow God's words or his own flesh? Pastors and leaders engaged to marry to stand has a lot to answer for, when those are helping to lead such children at the same rate, ie that it should in a way be approved and accepted divorce to marry several times, it is totally against God's word, God hates divorce, and there are not many reasons the Bible mentions as a reason for divorce! Christians, especially leaders have a huge responsibility in terms of signals emit them with their lifestyle. People stand the slightest cause for them, and be honest why? Æ has zero respect for Christian leaders who did not choose to follow God's word. By choosing to follow their own carnal desires and roads.
(end of quote).
1 Pet. 5. 2 Be shepherds of the flock of God which ye have with you! Have oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly, as God would, and not for lucre, but of the heart. 3 Do you not masters of those whom God has given you the responsibility, but set an example for the flock.
1930 translation, but so that I will be the pattern for the flock.
I will ask a simple question, is a pattern to the flock if one is divorced and marry again? No, I mean. That many believe differently than me gets to be their choice. But it comes very often that one does not stand preachers from "ordinary" people. God's word adds something completely different at Shepherds than other "Christian".
1 Tim. 5. 17 elders that leaders in the church, deserves double reward, especially those dealing with preaching and teaching.
Final comment:
This speaks well for itself? It is sin that creates separation between us and God, and minor and major sins are not of God. There are all sins "big" for it is sin that creates separation, but we make up our sin. Repent, leave the instance. spouse if one is re-married, or if one is homosexual then must leave their man or woman. Living with a person of the same sex is a sin, just as remarriage is. We can not accept sin and warns against another, such is the hypocrisy and double standards!
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