From Fridtjov Søiland Birkeli to Jan Kåre Hanvold!
The newspaper Our Country had a very interesting article, or articles about Bishop Fridtjov Søiland Birkeli who lived in adultery for 10 years with his teen girlfriend. And finally step down as Bishop. The time now is obviously changed, but the basic features are the same. God's church is at its resting place, the sin be hushed up, hidden and no one will know. "The Show Must Go On".
Picture of a whore buck that will go "free" in God's church today. He has "succeeded" and "The Show Must Go On", Pastor Jan Hanvold.
From left: David Ostby, Jan Hanvold and Emanuel Minos.

We read about Fridtjov Søiland Birkeli with excerpts from Our Country:
Double Life felled king's bishop
Fridtjov Birkeli was bispekollegiets center and media favorite. Here is the true story of how he suddenly disappeared from the public eye.
4th September 1972 went Fridtjov Birkeli the day as Oslo-bishop. "Fridtjov Birkeli have applied and been honorably discharged, of health reasons," was the explanation. Since it was silent and empty around him who had been the mission and the church 'wunderkind', and one of postwar most significant Norwegian church leaders.
In Our Country on 21 April 2001 told the actors and other open sources what was the real reason for the sudden departure.
In the coming weeks Tomm Kristiansen book bishop secret that complete the picture of the backdrop for a dramatic and successful professional life that ended tragically.
many questions
- Why rip into this now, 42 years after Fridtjov Birkelis retirement, 31 years after his death?
- Because many questions are still not answered: How could the church's most trusted man living a double life documented in ten years? How could the other bishops depose him by a lie? Why did the Norwegian press bishop scandal away slots? Which game and the power struggle was what led to his departure? reply Tomm Kristiansen. He summarizes, "Birkeli case" as follows:
- This is a long story about dysfunctional families, dramatic childhood, unresolved erotica, revenge and lies. It's not about the bishop's escapade, but about faith, betrayal and a deep, tragic love story. If a conflictshy church and a bishop Senate who lied and deposed Birkeli with a maximum of foul play directed by Hamar Bishop Alex Johnson. And a servile press that protected a man they liked, church supreme leader - a bishop with a character flaw that challenged the ethics he was asked to manage.
ALSO READ: Hull lift the festering scab, the suppression and Our Country-editor's meeting with Birkelis sister.
The short version
What was the Birkeli case was about?
Here's the short version:
He was born in 1906 in Madagascar, where his parents were missionaries.
From the age of six to 13 years, he lived at the Norwegian Mission Society orphanage, Solbakken, in Stavanger, while mom and dad were in mission service on the other side of the world.
In the academic year he met Astri Toft. They were engaged for six years and planned wedding. But first said no to marriage mission missionary candidate Birkeli, and then put her mother cabinet in place: The engagement was broken.
As a 28-year-old traveled the talented and energetic missionary priest to his native land, as a missionary. In Madagascar, he was the boyfriend of one of the other missionaries, Borghild SandbÃ|k. They married in 1942 and lived together for life.
The years from 1940 to 1947 for Fridtjov Birkeli characterized by life-threatening illness, severe pain and lack of courage.
But he regained the courage and labor, and he went with zeal and enthusiasm into demanding leadership challenges in the NMS and the Lutheran World Federation. In 1957 he became Secretary General of the NMS, and four years later a bishop in Stavanger. In 1968, he was "promoted" to the Oslo-bishop and bispekollegiets natural sparkling focal point and leader.
hidden pages
But Birkelis life had other, hidden pages.
The bomb sprang Saturday 2 September, when members of the college of bishops - minus Fridtjov Birkeli - received a letter. The letter writer is half brother to the letter he refers to as the bishop's mistress. The woman's fiance Birkelis from college.
The letter triggers dismay. Bishop Alex Johnson at Hamar takes command, contact other bishops and confronts Birkeli with the letter claims.
He immediately put the cards on the table and confirms that he has had a long sexual relationship with her former fiance.
It began in the early 60th century. Birkeli was on a month-long lecture tour in the United States and the former fiancée, who was married to an American ambassador, watched the entire journey.
The two maintained contact and were compared on several trips both at home and abroad. Shortly after Birkeli had acceded to Oslo-bishop and moved into the dwelling-house in the Old Town, moved the woman, who was now a widow, an apartment in a building on Enerhaugen.
When Birkeli told his wife that he was on one of his countless church meetings, or when the wife thought he went evening walk with the dog, he was often visiting his girlfriend a few blocks away.
Alex Johnson was in a hurry. He saw no other way than that Birkeli soon had to resign. He also thought it was only a matter of time before the bomb was detonated in the press.
But the writer and newspaper tipseren that would damage both the bishop and his half sister, did not even Dagbladet on the hook.
- I got contempt for the man. We agreed that we should not write about this. Dagbladet was from the beginning of Birkelis party, told Dagbladet journalist Knut Eidem for Our Country in 2001.
The book documents the Tomm Kristiansen now that his half-brother, who disliked both his half sister and Birkeli, also got Oslo-bishop to sign a letter in which a sin registry of twenty lines were described in detail, and where the last line was worded as follows:
"I recognize in all these visits have sinned against the 6th commandment. Fridtjov Birkeli Oslo 04.10 1970 »
Pressed for money
This used half brother as leverage to get money from the bishop.
He called again to remind Birkeli the promise, that he should resign. If he did not go off, should the signed document end up in the newspapers. There was only one way he could buy up the. He could pay to let the matter rest.
It was an offer Birkeli could not say no to. In total, over two years, he paid 10,000 dollars. This corresponds to almost 80,000 million in current value. The bishop paid, time after time. It sapped the economy, and when the last requirement came, he was unable to pay.
When the money did not come, put half brother down at the typewriter and wrote the letter to Birkelis episcopal colleagues.
How was the longtime duplicity revealed - and Birkelis church leader career came to an abrupt end.
- Let her go like that, with the resignation of the bishop's chair, Tomm Kristiansen?
- Yes. That Birkeli had to go off, obviously. He had a character flaw a leader can not have. He betrayed and lied to his wife every day, at least ten years.
Psychological drama
- Weakening he church of which he was a prominent leader of?
- Yes. But the betrayal is not primarily that it was sex. Betrayal is that he lived a double play over time, responding NRK journalist who now presents "Birkeli case" full width.
- Why did you write the book The bishop's secret?
- Because I understood that this was not a dainty, small utroskapssak the bishop's escapade, but a deep, tragic love story. I sensed that there was a depth to this that I could find more of. It is in many ways a psychological drama based on two dysfunctional families. When I learned about Fridtjov Birkelis childhood - he was allowed to stand by the parents of NMS home missionary, in Stavanger, while they were missionaries in Madagascar - I understood more. I think a lot of explanation of what happened, is located in this tragic childhood. His childhood sweetheart, Astri, came from an intriguing family with strong personalities, family secrets and non-disclosure of infidelity and paternity.
Known not mother and father
Fridtjov Birkeli stayed at the orphanage Solbakken he was six years old. When he got there he spoke Malagasy better than Norwegian. When he was 13 years old and the mother and father came home to his son, he knew them not again.
- How important do you think Fridtjov Birkelis stay at the orphanage Solbakken was his personality development?
- It is inconceivable that the great pillar of Norwegian missionary, father Emil Birkeli, let your child be here. Everyone can imagine what happened when you were six years until you came voice was changing. Living in a place where you have to even imagine you and lie to avoid physical punishment, put some tracks and give some character traits. Fridtjov sister Margaretha said it was Solbakken she learned to lie. You do not need more than amateur psychology to understand that such must characterize a human. If you grew up in an orphanage where it's a lie to survive, is it weird that you're lying to the church and his wife for ten years?
admired Birkeli
Tomm Kristiansen known Fridtjov Birkeli.
- It shines through clearly in the book that you also liked him?
- I admired Birkeli. First and foremost, I was charmed by his enthusiasm, creativity and innovation. He was a new kind of church leader, he brought something new to Norway and the church. He took the new social ethical thinking into the Norwegian church, he moved the faith in God from Sunday to Monday and he brought everyday language in preaching. He established contact with many groups outside the church, and the media's favorite. He had an ever growing ego. And the bishop was marked by great admiration for the Anglican tradition.
- What impact did it?
- He wanted more stately, color and life into the church. Although he became more and more a "peacock", with a great sense of Anglican high church, episcopal purple shirts, large cross and pomposity.
The great hero of Kristiansen's new book is Borghild Birkeli - the bishop's wife who stood by her husband through good and bad days.
"The greatest grace was with Borghild that he cheated. She stood in the middle of shame and did not depart, "the author writes in the final chapter.
- Yes, Borghild is my hero in this story. Because she will not be beaten. She displays a grandeur that few others would. And in a way, she got a new start in life after Fridtjov had to go. For then no longer took him all the space. Then there was also space for her.
And in his alenehet and loneliness were Fridtjov totally dependent on her.
not gracious
Tomm Kristiansen is merciless in his description of the bishops 'cover-up' to get executed Fridtjov Birkelis immediate dismissal.
The late Alex Johnson was, according to Kristiansen "driver in this dirty ecclesiastical power game."
- He seduced the other bishops with half-truths about who Astri Toft was. Colleagues had chosen to shed Birkeli by saying that he was sick. It was a lie. He was not allowed to go with respect. My sources say that Birkeli really wanted to stand up in church to confess his sin and then resign as bishop.
The book says Per Lonning, who was part of the bishops then Birkeli resigned, he believes it was obvious that Birkeli had to leave, but he disagreed with the way and speed as Alex Johnson was responsible for.
Kristiansen writes that Payday was one of the few who took personal contact and spoke with Birkeli after the abrupt dismissal.
Did not
- Church leaders and conservative friends did not show up at the home of Birkelis after he resigned as bishop. The two that stood farthest from him in the Bishops' Conference, Monrad Norderval and Per Payday, went home to Borghild and Fridtjov Birkeli. The others failed to come. Strangely enough was an agnostic one Dagblad journalist, Knut Eidem, Birkeli-couple's closest friend and counselor.
- What do you think about that so get contacted and nursed it with Birkeli after he had to leave the diocese?
- Then I think they know that they are always right, are those that last doing what they should be when things get hard and when to tell if you have grace or not. This was a brilliant opportunity for the church to prove that the acceptable place, but it was not shown any mercy towards Fridtjov. He found more grace outside than inside the church. I think of how he was received in academia and among journalists.
Cold shoulder
Kristiansen believes Fridtjov Birkeli after the abrupt resignation in 1972 "was met with a cold shoulder in church."
- Neither the Church Council, the bishops or the Bible Society, he was thanked by.
- You mean Fridtjov Birkeli could have come back?
- Not as bishop. But some of the players ever asked: What would have happened if he came back and was used by the church as a preacher? A great preacher, one forgiven sinner, a bishop with life experience ...
- Could a "Birkeli-case" have happened today?
- No, it's unthinkable. An SMS or digital tracks would have gone astray. Borghild would have discovered that it was not true when Fridtjov said he was going to attend the Diakonhjemmet or Theology. And to go with the mistress of a month's lecture tour in the United States, or the trip to England to visit the Archbishop of Canterbury, would have been impossible in our time.
- Is Birkeli case unprecedented in modern Norwegian church life?
- The answer is yes. I know many cases where things have not gone by the book for both bishops and priests. But such a comprehensive double life at as high management level, I know of, responding Tomm Kristiansen.
(end of quote).
Jan Hanvold from Wikipedia:
Jan Hanvold (born 29 April 1951) is a Norwegian Christian preacher and media missionary. Among other things, he is the founder of the Christian TV channel Vision Norway, and he is involved in several other Christian media companies: Vision Bible Center, Euro Vision Network AS and Radio Vision. His message is evangelical Christian, and has an emphasis on Jesus Christ as Savior, the strong faith in God's miracles everyday. Hanvold also provides support for Israel and the Jewish people.
Hanvold ran 1980s stores that led to bankruptcies, bankruptcy and imprisonment. Figures from Norway Vision and Vision Bible Center show that they have taken in roughly 175 million through acquisitions in the period 1999-2007, of which over 48 million in fiscal year 2007 Hanvold has been criticized in the media for using aggressive methods in the collection of funds. Investigations of collections has shown that funds collected through Hanvold their various projects has scarcely been used for the purpose it was collected for. In 2010, accused Hanvold Norwegian Christians of embezzlement against God, and claimed that by giving less than a tenth of their income in tithes to Christian organizations underestimating eight billion per year. Hanvold in 2010 was described as among the Norwegian Christian leaders with the highest net income.
Hanvold engaged in relief work in Eastern Europe with the money collected through the TV channel. These are distributed through Christian churches and partners in different countries. In recent years, efforts have been focused on Moldova; here it built up a children village, a Christian elementary school and an older home.
Jan Hanvold is with his wife, Inger, also pastor of the local church Vision Church in Drammen.
(end of quote).
Which criteria put God because in his words for a preacher of the Word?
Actually, to live and learn exactly opposite on January 1 Hanvold fornicators by what God says about him.
What did they Birkeli? They tried to tie it all in full and have him removed. What does a with Hanvold? An attempt to tie it in full that he lives in sin. How far has the church of God come in 40 years?
Not a milligram on until gone back!
Final Comment:
All this is just sad, sad and umodenent. Why not at least debate this? What is it that makes a must tie sin to death in the church of God? I think really when I read about Birkeli, that history repeats itself. God's church standing still and moving more back than forward.
Here an article I wrote that is more relevant than ever.
What Jarle Haugland CEO of Family & Media has not said when he congratulated Jan Hanvold 10-year mark for Vision Norway. A half truth is a lie, even one mega lie!
Former Board of including Filadelfia Oslo David Ostby said Vision Norway and "Pastor" Jan Hanvold talked where others fell silent. It can sure be true in some areas. But not when it comes to what's really important, that Hanvold is re-married to a Christian and has thus set itself without passing Christ and having a task to teach and preach to others.
Here is a very interesting article or a small book about the false prophet January Hanvold:
Jarle Haugland, CEO of Family & Media congratulates Vision Norway and Hanvold 10-year mark. This was the day on Monday 13 May 2013.
But he fails to mention the most part, not least what is the core anchor points towards Vision Norway.
Hanvold are divorced and re-married as a believer, as he lives in adultery by what Scripture says. He is glory, theologian, and believe it all the heresy there with seeding and money begging that is also tampering.
Why not take up those things where the shoe pinches? Or it costs too much, as it is usually always best to be unnfallende and cowardly!
Want to take up ten points regarding this. Does it point by point when it becomes most clear and it is easier to follow a thread of it all.
1) Jan Hanvold fornicators after what the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul taught and taught.
Jesus when he tightened the law of Moses by saying that the standard was a man and a woman, who God created us in the beginning. Remarriage or marrying a divorced is adultery. As for Jesus-believing people. That Hanvold violated Jesus' commandments testify a large and prominent ego!
2) Hanvold's Glory-theologian.
This should not be unfamiliar to anyone. This is from Wikipedia about Hanvold: Hanvold ran 1980s stores that led to bankruptcies, bankruptcy and imprisonment. Figures from Norway Vision and Vision Bible Center show that they have taken in roughly 175 million through acquisitions in the period 1999-2007, of which over 48 million in fiscal year 2007 Hanvold has been criticized in the media for using aggressive methods in the collection of funds. Investigations of collections has shown that funds collected through Hanvold their various projects has scarcely been used for the purpose it was collected for. In 2010, accused Hanvold Norwegian Christians of embezzlement against God, and claimed that by giving less than a tenth of their income in tithes to Christian organizations underestimating eight billion per year. Hanvold in 2010 was described as among the Norwegian Christian leaders with the highest net income. Despite much criticism has Hanvold many supporters who praises his openness about past mistakes, and his ability to get up. (end of quote).
3) The principle of sowing and harvesting Vision based are totally unbiblical and abhorrent.
Hanvold teacher that gives you money, so God gives up tenfold return. This could have been written about, but it is so completely unbiblical that those who encounter him often do not believe in it themselves, but they hope.
4) It is fanaticism talking about 1 million souls saved here.
When Hanvold fornicators and theologian of glory, then it is beside the point to talk about the salvation of souls. First make sense of their lives. Hanvold is a devil child, how can he win people for God? Of course not, it oozes from the whole man a big ego, and those who follow him will be like.
5) Thurman Scrivners is when some of the best that has been on Vision Norway.
Jarle Haugland attack Thurman Scrivner. This is so totally wrong, distracting and says there is something fishy, but what? Talk about being chalk strokes, he goes over all this like a rabbit's foot!
6) That Hanvold is vulgar and a rebel mean nothing up against living in sin.
A talk about Hanvold lack of education. But the apostle Peter and many others were also unprocessed, but they did not live in sin. If one has the formation or not, for God means very little, he sees the heart. When Hanvold lives to God's word, this is where the focus should and must be.
7) Why mention than ever it cost?
Christianity in Norway are as babes in Christ. They are resistant and will not have solid food. They hold on to the surface of Christianity, they are as described in Ezekiel 47 who will always have control over their own situation. But on the spiritual plane function is not. It is when Christ is in control of us, that we have no control. Here they turn everything on the head and have been deceived. It's like the apostle Peter says in his two letters.
3 16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in them there is something that is very understand, and that the unlearned and unstable suggests interfered, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
Understand than not that someone is married for the third time that believers can not be a Christian leader and shepherd. When is one that the Apostle Peter says, "the unlearned and unstable suggests interfered, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction." Yes, it will be their downfall to allow to have a re-married leader, teacher and shepherd.
8) God's kingdom laws, rules and commandments apply to all believers, without exception.
9) Jarle Haugland, CEO of Family & Media congratulates Vision Norway and Hanvold 10-year mark. But Vision Norway and Hanvold stand before God's judgment.
I do not know everything, luckily for it. But Vision Norway doing wrong information, there is nothing more important than anything. It is having "pure flour in its own bag." Hanvold do not, therefore I know that they stand before God's judgment.
10) Vision Norway are allowed raised by Satan to test the believers in Norway.
Even then Vision Norway sent test transmissions with old Hans Bratterud program before they began their own programs, I knew that this was not of God. This channel is allowed by God with the intent to see which of the believers who give in to Satan, the flesh and the world. Scripture is clear here.
2 Jn. b. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house, neither bid him God! 11 for the one who bid him welcome, the accomplice of his evil deeds.
Those who go with Hanvold is to support his evil deed. And will also experience God's judgment. They are complicit with Hanvold in his sin and whoring.
Final Comment:
Psalm 32: 9 Be not like horse and mule, which have no sense! Their jewelery is empty and bridle to force them; they will not come near thee.
I must unfortunately say that I do not think much of what I have written have much impact on those who wear Vision Norway. There is only one thing that can stop these people, it is that God intervenes in one or more ways. Those who go with Hanvold is like horse and frenzy that has not sense.
Have written, spoken and talked about Vision Norway. Have warned and admonished. Seeing that it is time that everyone must decide if it will allow itself to warn or go with Hanvold in a world of lies, deception and seduction. This is a form of Christianity that will never keep it all Vision Norway and Pastor Jan Hanvold have a business that is built on truth and not on the Word rocky terrain.
Luke 6 43 For there is no good tree bears bad fruit, nor anything bad tree bear good fruit. 44 For every tree is known by its fruit; one men do not gather figs from thorns, and pick grapes from thorn bushes. 45 A good man brings forth good out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings forth evil out of the evil treasure; for the abundance of the heart of, his mouth speaks. 46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? 47 Whoever comes to me and hears my words and does them - whom he is like, I will show you. 48 He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on rock; and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it, because it was well built. 49 But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man which built an house upon the earth without a foundation; the stream broke against it, and immediately it fell, and there was a huge drop when the house fell.
To open up the "Pastor" Jan Hanvold and Vision Norway is the same as opening up to Satan!
1 Corinthians 6: 15-18 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I take the members of Christ and make them a prostitute? Far from that! Know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body with her? For it is said: The two shall become one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit with him. Flee fornication! All sin that a man can do otherwise is outside the body. But he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
Scripture says, "Know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body with her?". As Hanvold living is just the way Satan wants. Anyone who adhere to such a person opens up completely to him. Satan does not come in person, but those who live to God's word opens up for him, especially those who profess the name of Jesus. This is actually not too difficult, should be? One thing is certain, Vision Norway and Hanvold is Satan's extended arm into Norwegian Christianity!
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