Pastor Jan Aage Torp bombard and will "legalize" the homosexual sin, but will report me to speak against remarriage. Torp appears to be ill, uncontrolled and pressed! This printer Torp on his own blog for homosexual "advantage":
I would never dream of criminalizing homosexuality. This meant I clearly already in televised debates in 1992 when I first explained my view. People are free to make their choice, and to crown given a good framework for life. In 1992 I thought that gays relationship could be well regulated through an extension of the then husstandsfellesskaps-law, and I still do.
(end of quote).
Photo of demos Torp being infiltrated and controlled by. He appears to be very strange to defend the homosexual's rights and the police in my speaking and writing against remarriage of believers, especially preachers and those with management responsibility, no one else!

Isaiah 3: 9 The shew of their countenance doth witness against them, and their sin they speak openly as the people of Sodom, they hide it not; woe to their souls, for they are causing themselves unhappy!
Torp has a new agenda, and why? There is no doubt that the demons have led him to fight for the gay and against his own sin and transgression ignore him. He's even re-married to a Christian and live by the word of God in adultery or sin. That he is now Home friendly is not so surprising, it is not "his" sin! But he is re-married to a believer.
In his fight and collusion as he mixes me into a party that I did not know excited. And he uses the word that we have close ties, ha-ha. Torp is and remains blinded and controlled by demons!
He also tries to attack Ingwersen family on the South Coast because they are defending me, here is also a rotten game from Torp's side, again!
Torp went out and wrote this here on his blog that it was Ingwersen which was a link between me and Tanem. Yes, my other Rolpa. And when confronted Randi Ingwersen him with his lies and made-up stories, they come here.
Randi Ingwersen writes first:
On 29 September 2014 at. 16.41 wrote johnny Ingwersen <>:
Your behavior is not consistent with being a pastor. I see it as directly evil. I have never written any thing about you,
I barely recognize who you are and what you do and do not do.
You react to my mail? I react why you mix us into your kverulering with Jan Kåre
Christensen? and Magnar Tanum and his party, which is not even a party.
For reference, I can inform you that both my husband and I have regretted that we helped to found this party and this is reported to Brønnøysund.
That much is surely there to see that Tanum want publicity about the party with their "words" and he gets exactly what
he wants, but it has to take up Tanum yourself. This is not something we've created.
Because if you have an "altercation" with Christensen, so you deal with him, for
this seems very disturbing one pastor to keep the way you do. Clearly something has hit you ... but
I would not speculate on anything that has to do with you. Do only strong turbulence.
Could be the deadline to make an article / opinion piece in one of the nation's newspapers now why you
so "rebellious" and that you actually have to endure being questioned.
Randi Ingwersen
So the false prophet Torp:
Jan-Aage Torp
Sent from my iPhone
On 29 September 2014 at. 16.58 wrote Jan-Aage Torp <>:
Run, Mrs. Ingwersen!
You are certainly good advice from JKC, Magnar Tanem and others of the same caliber and discernment.
I have noted your senseless supporting statements to JKC. That says it all. When I discovered this morning their central role in the last year of the foundation of The Christian, I realized that we are dealing with a small environment with extremely unbiblical attitudes and stances. Think it's okay to elucidate these relationships as we realize how pathetic they are. No doubt you belong with JKC and The Christian, on the basis of your own writings and fresh Foundation actions.
Jan-Aage Torp
Sent from my iPhone
Randi Ingwersen:
On 29 September 2014 at. 16.41 wrote johnny Ingwersen <>:
Your behavior is not consistent with being a pastor. I see it as directly evil. I have never written any thing about you,
I barely recognize who you are and what you do and do not do.
You react to my mail? I react why you mix us into your kverulering with Jan scores
Christensen? and Magnar Tanum and his party, which is not even a party.
For reference, I can inform you that both my husband and I have regretted that we helped to found this party and this is reported to Brønnøysund.
That much is surely there to see that Tanum want publicity about the party with their "words" and he gets exactly what
he wants, but it has to take up Tanum yourself. This is not something we've created.
Because if you have an "altercation" with Christensen, so you deal with him, for
this seems very disturbing one pastor to keep the way you do. Clearly something has hit you ... but I would not speculate on anything that has to do with you. Do only strong turbulence.
Could be the deadline to make an article / opinion piece in one of the nation's newspapers now why you
so "rebellious" and that you actually have to endure being questioned.
Randi Ingwersen
The false prophet and apostle Jan Aage Torp:
Subject: Re: Randi Ingwersen
Date: Mon, September 29, 2014 5:20:49 p.m. 0200
To establish a political party is not a private, hidden cause. Politics is public. A party, registered in Brønnøysund is public. Especially strange that you have not thought this. Are you as superficial in everything else too?
That you as the main staples of a party platform calls for the criminalization of divorce, while being the only open supporter of JKCs selected bullying of divorced / gjengiftede - it is extremely interesting. And you're a public figure, Mrs. Ingwersen, without JKC points out your divorce and remarriage. Interesting .... It oozes out of double standards ....
Jan-Aage Torp
Sent from my iPhone
On 29 September 2014 at. 16.58 wrote Jan-Aage Torp <>:
Run, Mrs. Ingwersen!
You are certainly good advice from JKC, Magnar Tanem and others of the same caliber and discernment.
I have noted your senseless supporting statements to JKC. That says it all. When I discovered this morning their central role in the last year of the foundation of The Christian, I realized that we are dealing with a small environment with extremely unbiblical attitudes and stances. Think it's okay to elucidate these relationships as we realize how pathetic they are. No doubt you belong with JKC and The Christian, on the basis of your own writings and fresh Foundation actions.
Randi Ingwersen writing to me, and I respond when bylaws are changed totally after she wrote her name and where she and her husband have been trying to get in touch with Tanum without success. Then the party really is not existing:
Randi Ingwersen writing to me:
From: johnny Ingwersen [mailto:]
Posted: 30th September 2014 8:10
To: Jan Kåre Christensen
Subject: Randi Ingwersen
Torp is desperate he is revealed ..... yes, it's a sick man .... really sick ...
Not long after his post about this political party, so it was also posted on the
spotlight !!
I cried all yesterday .... Johnny bounce it right off ... felt completely powerless and shattered ... that people
that will only harm us because we preach the truth ......
Thanks Jan Kåre you for making me aware.
Pretty soon I realized that Johnny and party "of Norway Christian" only used strong words about the particular divorce
precisely to create publicity. and clearly he is.
Magnar Tanem see us as apostasies today and we asked to have deleted his bar used our address.
We have no contact with the man! We know he does not ..... but we helped with the paperwork
and bylaws that time was quite straightforward, what Tanem have written in after the fact, we know nothing about.
Torp ought called Tanem .... this is absolutely absurd !!
I Jan Kåre Christensen Evangelist and Bible teacher responds back:
Subject: RE: Randi Ingwersen
Date: Tue, September 30, 2014 8:22:43 +0200
Hey Randi!
Understand very well everything you're going through, why? You have the very strong demonic spiritual powers!
They will knock you out and they go with me on my stomach and head. Before I had it like you, when I had this for the first time. Now I have learned more biting pain in me, but I know it's very intense. Your reaction is perfectly normal for a Witness of Jesus Christ!
And is there anything I can use, as you say from.
Have a nice day and meet Johnny!
Spoken and shall meet from Berit to you both!
Jan K
From: johnny Ingwersen [mailto:]
Posted: 30th September 2014 8:36
To: Jan Kåre Christensen
Subject: RE: RE: Randi Ingwersen
Yes, you're absolutely right, Jan Kåre !! and yes, I use the parts if you can. I
open and honest in all things. Thank you for being who you are! love both of you two :)
Yes, most of the forces we try to stop us ..... I feel better today, Berit from Bergen called last night.
She would like to have phone Kjell Spotlight on ... but I did not find anything ...
She would give him a few home truths, I read something from the blog and then she said that the forces would not she call yet
.... she called me at the right time ... I cried and she comforted ...
she did not know how my day was yesterday .... but she was led by the Spirit to call me
at. 23 last night.
Yes, we'll talk.
That you feel it is eliminated completely "normal"!
There are strong spiritual forces involved, and they can put even the strongest out!
Have a nice day!
Jan K
Final Comment:
Torp is now sunk to the pit!
He lagger a collusion with a non existing party that I have zero knowledge of. Homosexuals will he defend and lifting up. While me and others who point out his sin and transgression, he does everything to stop and smear! And to have the Conciliation Board and will report! Scripture is very clear about such false prophets and apostles:
2 Tim. 3 13 But evil men and impostors will go from to worse; deceiving and being deceived.
This is probably the spiritual point of view that Torp and many believers have adopted and remain. But what of us who follow Jesus and the word of God, what about us?
2 Tim. 3 14 But be you in what you have learned and hast been assured of, knowing from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
Yes, for us who will and who follow Christ Jesus and the word of God, we live and we preach in accordance with the word of God, and unfortunately, the leading and err will always stand against us here in time!
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