As believers in this world to shine a light in a dark place, we must expect that everything can and will happen, both positively and negatively. Although this impending police given by the false apostle and preacher in January Aage Torp are such things one does not want, and that is unfair. So this is unfortunately something that all of God's men and women have experienced since the beginning of it is someone who stands a contrary and confusing and will create difficulties for one.
Photo of Hans Nielsen Hauge which in my opinion is the "biggest" man who was totally committed Christ in one and all in their lives. What was the "salary" on this earth? This man was downright godly and done everything the best he could for Norway as a nation and the people he met on his way? Prison and judgment!

Hans Nielsen Hauge. Portrait of Johan Nordhagen. Gyldendal Norwegian publisher.
Prison, false accusations, and all that is negative.
From Stephen alliance of persecution in the beginning among the believers:
The alien Jews
The Greek-speaking Stephen was one of many Diaspora Jews who had moved to Jerusalem. The traditional answer to the question in the title, has been: As Diaspora Jew Stephen was more radical in his criticism of the temple and the law than the other disciples of Jesus in Jerusalem. But was he really?
An alternative theory is this: Stephen was killed for Diaspora Jews in Jerusalem were the most radical defenders of the temple and the law. It is not radikaliteten in Stephen's preaching explaining that he was a martyr, it is radikaliteten with them he preached.
In Acts 6.8 to 14 states be some who accuse Stephen of blasphemy against God: "We have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy the sanctuary and will change the customs that we have been handed down from Moses." But it is unlikely that this alone has meant that the Jews were so upset and angry. It was probably not the first time they were confronted with this statement about Jesus, and explains why hardly why Stephen was martyred.
When Stephen was stoned, lay witnesses from their coats at the feet of the young Saul, that Paul, who "agreed the murder of Stephen" (Acts 8.1). After killing tells: "Saul too hard with the congregation. He pushed himself into homes and dragged off men and women and committed them to prison. "Why was Paul so zealous in persecuting? Perhaps because he was a typical dispora-Jew, and thus a radical defender of the temple and the law.
In today's Jerusalem is the Old City Mea Shearim mainly populated by ultra-orthodox Jews. For example, there is a risk that it becomes threw stones at the car, if you drive into this area during the Sabbath. And who is it that lives in Mea Shearim? Yes, it is precisely the migrant diaspora Jews. It's the migrants that are the most ultra-Orthodox. Perhaps it was as well for Stephen and Paul's day?
Why was he a martyr?
The temple
From Acts, it may seem that it was the stranger who wanted synagogues, as they were accustomed to at home, even when they came to Jerusalem. The native Jews, who were raised in the city, "managed" with Temple. In Acts 1-5 teach the apostles built on the temple grounds, that Jesus has risen from the dead. Many listen, apostles also makes signs, and many come to faith.
It seems as if the temple among the people - ie especially the indigenous Jews - was a positive attitude towards Jesus successors. They were perceived as quite nice people. When the temple guard arrest them for the second time (Acts 5,17ff), and the high priest interrogating them, violates the Jewish Council member in Gamaliel. With his authority and wisdom, he gets to keep the apostles are "out of the way."
In the New Testament it is primarily Jewish groups who persecute Christians. Only later, and then only for short periods, initiated by the Roman magistrates large scale such persecution. We first hear of this, after the Great Fire of Rome in the year 64 It is the Emperor Nero himself started the fire, to clear space in the city for a new palace. But he needs someone to blame, and when he chooses the Christians. It is therefore not a religiously based persecution, but that Nero singling out one group of scapegoats who already had a pretty bad reputation in Rome.
Decius and Valerian
It was only under the Emperor Decius, in 250-251, it was initiated a persecution of Christians by the Roman central power. It was required that all citizens of the Roman Empire had to burn incense as an offering, before the image of the Roman emperor. Jews were exempt from this requirement. But for Christians, this was a claim that was unacceptable to fulfill, because it was seen as idolatry. When the Christians were also Jews, was not a problem. Jews were exempt from the requirement. But when it came to the non-Jewish Christians, as it became increasingly more so had they not been the exception. It was only then that this was a "problem" for the Romans.
But Decius' persecution was still initiated "from below", from local, popular demands. And then one of the magistrates. And a few years later, in 258, came the next wave of persecution under the Emperor Valerian, for the same reasons as under Decius.
By far the worst persecution of Christians occurred under Emperor Diocletian, from 303 to 304 years and beyond. Put simply, the worst persecution in the east, while largely were boycotted in the West. The harsh persecution can also be seen in the context that Diocletian would restore the Roman strength and stability - and including the emperor elevated position. It is not known how many were killed or tortured, but sources indicate that among other Christians in Egypt were especially hard hit.
(end of quote).
Here from some correspondence between me and the false Apostle Jan Åge Torp who are themselves divorced and re-married as a believer and live at. Bible definition of sin:
Rather rudely to change so much, that I was completely negligible and could do whatever I wanted.
And now, the police, and of course, I have nothing to say to you, that to take into Mediation is just shit in your part.
I have not done anything but to convey what God's Word says, so get there come what will.
Norway's son Hans Nielsen Hauge that I can not reach to the knees even sat many years in prison, so when he could obtain a judgment on himself who was completely wrong. Then I may take it that comes to promoting God's word.
It would be an honor to go to jail or get a judgment because I argue that to remarry after a divorce is adultery!
Jan K
I work full time and I'm going to dedicate time to this there must be at least three specific claims, not so claptrap and just assumptions you're doing.
What are these three things, not two or four, but three things!
Was that Morgan Kornmo who cares for me in the 90's or other crap that you throw out? I do not know, let me first hear something concrete here by mail before the Mediation will be retracted. Has been in the Mediation before, do not look at it as the Great to speak. Where is all on a voluntary basis etc.
Jan K
From: [mailto:]
Posted: 25th September 2014 7:52
To: Jan Kåre
Subject: Re: Mediation
Good morning, Jan Kåre!
Your (deleted) words about Bjørn Olav Hansen joins a long line of personal harassment, defamation and online sake of your blogs. If you delete one blog post now, there are mile-long similar things on your blogs. You simply have to face the consequences of your conscious handlnger. What better than (initially) a substantive mediation Mediation?
I'll meet you in Mediation due Penal Code § 135a ("discrimination or proportionality based on religion and belief"), § 247 ("Defamation"), and § 390 ("Personal Harassment"). Three reasons you've already given: - )
If you make a total reworking your blogs to eradicate all your offense, it's great, and then it's obviously not much left on your blogs because you've built them up in person harassment, libel and web defamation.
You are free to have a different view on divorce and remarriage than me. It's not the crux. However apply my police Penal Code § 135a ("discrimination or proportionality based on religion and belief"), § 247 ("Defamation"), and § 390 ("Personal Harassment")
I hope to meet you in Mediation a konsekvensrik and honest conversation - under expert supervision - the Criminal Code provisions and how you need to deal with them.
25th September 2014 at. 7:41 wrote Jan Kåre <>:
Hi Jan Aage Torp!
All Bjørn Olav Hansen is deleted, what is then left?
And mention three reasons for di want me conflicting advice that I obviously never going to meet up with I know your reason!
But that said, you do not live by the words of Scripture to be re-married to a Christian, here is the core issue as I see it.
Jan Kåre Christensen
From: [mailto:]
Posted: 24th September 2014 9:34 p.m.
To: Jan Kåre
Subject: Re: Mediation
By the way; I do not agree that you publish my emails to you personally, so I expect them to be taken down immediately. It's simple web standards, which also implies that others do not disclose email address on the web. I assume that this can be arranged now.
24th September 2014 at. 9:29 p.m. wrote
Hello again, Jan Kåre!
I saw that you have published some of my emails to you tonight.
I recall that my correspondence was to you personally, and not for publication. But suppose you have only one goal with your writing, and that is to increase the number of "hits" on your blogs, which occurs through conflict and public dispute.
El such plays, I'm not involved. I therefore wrote directly to you personally today, to get a confidential conversation in Mediation under expert mediation.
I await your reply that said the Conflict Council inquiry.
24th September 2014 at. 9:00 p.m. wrote Jan-Aage Torp <>:
You engaging in public sake of the people of God like no other, Jan Kåre. I stretched out a hand in April 2012, but you get worse and worse.
I have chosen today to take a significant step, offering you a proper chat supervised. If you reject this, I will take the next serious step.
Let's meet in Mediation. There we can not hide behind anything, and it will get much good and healthy out of it.
We get letters from Mediation. I await your handling of this. It takes probably a few weeks, I guess. We heard once this is done.
Jan-Aage Torp
Sent from my iPhone
On 24 September 2014 at. 20.50 wrote Jan Kåre <>:
I am appalled by such communications. I always hear after others. But when someone turns about 180 degrees without notice, and the police in me, I shall be displeased.
What injustice is what I have done to you? Are you sure I'm wrong, that you need to be, so ignore it?
Last you wrote was: All good wishes to you and yours!
And what does God's word?
1 Cor. 6 1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2 Or do you not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much less in temporal things! 4 If then ye have judgments of things, set them to judge who are counted for nothing in the church! 5 For shame I speak it. Then there when no one wise man among you, not a single one, which can distinguish thirteen of his brother? 6 But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before unbelievers! 7 It's already at a loss for you, that you have lawsuits against each other. Why suffer ye not rather injustice? why stand ye not rather hurt? 8 Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren! 9a Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived!
Jan K
From: [mailto:]
Posted: 24th September 2014 8:08 p.m.
To: Jan Kåre
Subject: Re: Mediation
Hello again, Jan Kåre!
Thanks for the quick response!
I think you misunderstand the concepts I have never given you "carte blanche" to do anything, and certainly not to the relationship I have today police. To say that I "have shut you out of my life" is nonsensical, because you have never had any relationship with me.
I do not want to have any public opinion on you, Jan Kåre. But I have I chosen to the police you.
I hope that you meet in Mediation, which is a professional forum with trained conflict mediators. Where none of us can hide behind a keyboard and talk under supervision as men. It is the best framework for constructive development.
However, if you do not meet the Mediation, the case will proceed to the next step.
24th September 2014 at. 7:52 p.m. wrote Jan Kåre <>:
Hi again Jan Åge.
Consider me to be done with you for what you write:
We have no opinion on Smyrna Oslo and Jan Kåre Christensen. My helping hand to you in the spring of 2012 proved to be fruitless, and I do not intend to resume communication. (this has even written).
You have, in other words shut me out of your life and provided me with unlimited authority, and I deal!
Have a nice evening!
Jan K Christensen
From: [mailto:]
Posted: 24th September 2014 2:20 p.m.
Subject: Mediation
Hi Jan Kåre!
I filed a police report today by you and made simultaneously an agreement with Oslo Police that I would like to first try to meet you in Mediation under the supervision of skilled brokers. This is a meglingsråd where we meet face to face, and everything happens in confidentiality, and the purpose is that we should be able to sign a mutually binding agreement, so I have to go ahead with the police, with all that it can cause. Theme is naturally limited to politianmeldelsens content, and not all topics and concerns we had to agree or disagree.
I have argued Penal Code § 135a ("discrimination or proportionality based on religion and belief"), § 247 ("Defamation"), and § 390 ("Personal Harassment") in my police report.
My hope is that we will reach an agreement in Mediation so you no longer violate the cited sections of the Norwegian Penal Code.
I also hope that such a binding agreement could set a precedent in your relationship with the many that you reviews on your blogs.
Jan-Aage Torp
I work full time and I'm going to dedicate time to this there must be at least three specific claims, not so claptrap and just assumptions you're doing.
What are these three things, not two or four, but three things!
Was that Morgan Kornmo who cares for me in the 90's or other crap that you throw out? I do not know, let me first hear something concrete here by mail before the Mediation will be retracted. Has been in the Mediation before, do not look at it as the Great to speak. Where is all on a voluntary basis etc.
Jan K
From: [mailto:]
Posted: 25th September 2014 7:52
To: Jan Kåre
Subject: Re: Mediation
Good morning, Jan Kåre!
Your (deleted) words about Bjørn Olav Hansen joins a long line of personal harassment, defamation and online sake of your blogs. If you delete one blog post now, there are mile-long similar things on your blogs. You simply have to face the consequences of your conscious handlnger. What better than (initially) a substantive mediation Mediation?
I'll meet you in Mediation due Penal Code § 135a ("discrimination or proportionality based on religion and belief"), § 247 ("Defamation"), and § 390 ("Personal Harassment"). Three reasons you've already given: - )
If you make a total reworking your blogs to eradicate all your offense, it's great, and then it's obviously not much left on your blogs because you've built them up in person harassment, libel and web defamation.
You are free to have a different view on divorce and remarriage than me. It's not the crux. However apply my police Penal Code § 135a ("discrimination or proportionality based on religion and belief"), § 247 ("Defamation"), and § 390 ("Personal Harassment")
I hope to meet you in Mediation a konsekvensrik and honest conversation - under expert supervision - the Criminal Code provisions and how you need to deal with them.
Good morning January Aage!
Yes it's rationale and that I wrote about BOH which appears to be a hypochondriac, but I deleted everything and with him on the blog when he assert repeatedly that he was chronically ill. And according to others who said let grace go right!
But you are deep defamed you obviously were so unhappy with there marriage that you both got married again as a believer in defiance of God's word. Why was not alone as scripture says?
1 Cor. 7 10 The married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, that a wife should not separate herself from her husband; 11 but divorced him when she abide, being unmarried or be reconciled herself with her husband - and that a man should not put away his wife.
But okay, now I know the reason, thanks and have a nice day still!
Jan K
From: [mailto:]
Posted: 25th September 2014 8:02
To: Jan Kåre
Subject: Re: Mediation
Your coach will probably reach whether you encounter in Mediation or courts, Jan Kåre.
You get a request from Mediation with official justification. If we meet there, that's fine. If not, we will meet in the next forums.
Ad Morgan Kornmo: I assume you have read my comment on There, I wrote exactly: "I have known Jan Kåre Christensen on distance since the 1980s when Morgan Kornmo, which was my matron in Filadelfia Oslo, told me told about this man's tendencies back then."
Final Comment:
The reason for this is of course my teaching, preaching and teaching that it is a sin to remarry as a believer and one who will be teaching and shepherding others!
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