Which models is the next generation of meetings? World empowers managers and skilled people, Christ is calling followers! Part 2
Paul wanted the believers would have him as a role model. Paul was truly a role model for other believers, not just for his generation but for all generations since. In many ways, we can say that Paul is the largest model in the New Testament that he brought the Gospel to us Gentiles. While Joseph is the largest model in the Old Testament because its purity. illustration picture of what lures and deceives today more than anything else for the vast majority of Christian leaders, it is what goes on sex and desire. Here bows many wonders for morale is the most important quality a good and true Christian leader must have, without it no leader or shepherd. Failing to maintain a moral standard that is required and should be expected to be a leader, including where one currently does gjengiftetde preachers and leaders who are a disgrace and demean God to be one with Satan. When the leaders and preachers show people who God is, therefore, they saw a big responsibility that not many become preachers and leaders and they will be judged the more stringent. James 3 1 "My brothers and sisters, not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment." Unfortunately, many fail in that they have a low moral standard by example. to be re-married as believers or to allow others to be as Christian. We know that God's word says that if a believer marries a divorced or are themselves divorced and married when driver than adultery. Luke 16 18 "Whosoever putteth away his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery."

Today's leaders lack what it takes to be great leaders of today and for the next generation. But a Christian leader is not necessarily a good leader for the world's standards. As for God, there are other criteria that is used. Want to mention the ten (10) pages by being a good Christian leader, but unfortunately. I do not think one can find many such Christian leaders in God's church today here in Norway, nor elsewhere in the Western world that the U.S. and other countries. But among the early Christians were many, and then I think it is possible even today to create the embryos and such. Portions of this article into two, therefore, five (5) points here, and five (5) points in the Forja article.
1) A good Christian leader redeems anything else. We find many examples in God's word.
1 Samuel 18 1. After his conversation with Saul, Jonathan's soul was drawn to David, and Jonathan loved him as his own life.
One of many examples of what a community creates between the two leaders is that they bring out the best in each other. Now it must not be understood as we can and look at things differently, but we know how to reach into the heart. Jonathan and David drew on each other, a good Christian leader draws on others, and it makes other better and himself better.
2) A good Christian leader has heart and room for people.
Luke 7 11 pass the day after, that he went to a town called Nain, and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. 12 When he came near the gate, behold, it was a death carried out, as was his mother's only son, and she was a widow, and a large crowd from the town was with her. 13 And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her: Weep not! 14 And he came and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still, and he said, Young man! I tell you, get up! 15 And the dead man sat up and began to speak: and he gave him to his mother. 16 Then fear came upon them all, and they glorified God, saying, A great prophet has risen up among us, and God has visited his people. 17 These words came out of him in all Judea and all the region round
We know the story of the widow of Nain where Jesus raised her only son from death. Jesus is the almighty love. That He is love - the good, meek love, it says every blade of his history of us.
When he saw the widow's pain and grief, as she wept over his only son, he says, - "He had compassion on her." He had compassion for her - he was not callous past misery, so that we might have done. It made an impression on His loving heart. His heart was when it moved to the deepest compassion. The widow's wail lit a jammer in the great human friend feeling full, pure heart. It took Him as the Good Samaritan, who also could not go past the insensitive unhappy. "He had compassion on her," - oh, how important is it not, that it is in the Scripture that the Son! How well does not arm sins! Such compassion He, too, when he saw and wept over Jerusalem and Israel, how perfectly it forgot to think about what earned her peace. Such compassion He also, when Adam and Eve by sin had plunged himself into misery. So Adam got the promise of Him who was crushed the serpent's head. Such compassion He Israel, as it sighed under the Egyptian bondage and under his bully kind. So He said to Moses: "I have heard their cry, and I will save them." How he had compassion when He saw the people walking in the wilderness - for he made it say: "I have taken your travels to the heart."
And how much we could not yet add? This is all of this sympathy, - of His mercy, His medlidenhets infinite depth. Such compassion He - therefore He became man, took on a slave and becoming like men. Who can fathom this mercy drift? Who can understand the long and wide, high and deep is the love of Christ which surpasses all understanding? Such compassion He still upon us all at this moment, when he sees how His love is so completely forgotten, - how we seek that which is our misery, where he is unknown to us. He relenting, such as a shepherd relenting when his will get lost. He will have compassion, as a mother compassion his only son's illness. "He had compassion" - to which key words! But the most important thing about it is, that he has such a loving heart - a heart that is not foreign to any human feeling. God so loved the world, that He has given it a high priest, just like the one in misery needed Him. A high priest, who is flesh of our flesh and blood of our blood, and are not ashamed to call us his brothers. A high priest, who felt like us and thought like us, yet without sin. A high priest, who was a human like us, who had a human, very compassionate heart, yet without sin. What would it help us if Jesus had not felt like a human being? If He had scarcely helped the sufferer, but had only done this according to his eternal and necessary will decision? Alas, we could then not have any confidence in him. We could not imagine trusting, not complain our need for Him, do not reveal our misery to Him, confess our sins to Him. But God be praised! Father gave us Jesus, a high priest with a human feeling heart. A high priest, that compassion when He sees our misery. "Do not cry!" He said to the unhappy widow in the Gospel. But this was not just said so, that when we comfort each other, often without copying, - at least without help. No, His words: "Do not cry!" was active and alive. .
3) A good Christian leader and others so that they get more and more freedom that as they mature and grow, "cut" the umbilical cord to their leader.
Joh 3:30 He must increase, I must decrease.
John the Baptist's ministry was replaced by Jesus service. Service at the Baptist was "minor" while the ministry of Jesus "grew." Have one a true servant so love than to see others grow, develop and mature. My "strong" service is for others to share in the same, albeit more! So it was for John the Baptist, so will it be for anyone else today too. Enjoy that others will take over the baton, and partake of the same service, and make up things better and more glorious than the "predecessor".
4) A good Christian leader sees in others not only who they are but what potential there is in others.
John 1:42-43 And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, You are Simon son of John: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is interpreted Peter.
We know that Jesus called Peter not for who he was, but what and who he would become. Jesus saw something in Peter that no other then, Jesus was the perfect leader. He showed what potential everyone had, so he could say what he said. Simon does two things: meaning "He (God) is heard." In Greek, the name Simon was also formed from the word Simoes, meaning "upwards". While Cephas means Πέτρος from Greek "Petros" through Latin Petrus, an Aramaic phrase of Kefa, meaning "stone" or "rock," "crag." In other words, Simon Peter would be something different than what he was in himself, he should be one that everyone could count on a rock. While his character was the opposite. The Roman Catholic skjøgekirken have made something out of this that is the opposite of the meaning and content than what Jesus himself said that we should build on Peter. We should never be based on anything other than what Jesus did for us on Calvary and when he carried his own blood within its Father, having obtained eternal redemption. Therefore, the false prophets speak it as the Roman Catholic Church stands for and teaching when they make Peter bigger than Jesus. While the scripture says that no one can be compared to Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary.
1 Corinthians 3:11 For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
5) A Good Christian leader lays a foundation and fosters up the people to serve God after he is gone.
2 Tim. 2. 2 and what you have heard from me in many martyrs presence, surrender it to the faithful people who are duel to also teach others!
To even be a leader and shepherd is that one should nurture others, to be equally devoted and Jesus focused. Than to be "good" for yourself to make others even "better". Having studied many of revival history's great men and women, and almost all have left this here. They have not brought up the heirs to take over 'legacy' on, therefore it has often been that it's gone. Notice what Paul says to Timothy, "what you have heard from me in many martyrs presence, surrender it to the faithful people who are duel to also teach others." Paul had taught Timothy, now going to have to do the same. He had to find the ones he could trust and who was willing to learn. They would he take the time and give out of their experience and what God had shown him. And they would again do the same so that the "revival" could go in the "inheritance"?
Final Comment: We read in Ezekiel 10:30 p.m. "I searched among them for a man who would brick up a wall and set down in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." I hope and believe that so badly made it is not with the Norwegian Christianity but lacking in real good, spiritual leaders, and that is a true and good role model, that's it!
Related links: http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2011/10/nr-99-laziness.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2013/03/nr-472-which-models-is-next-generation.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/10/nr-387.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2013/02/nr-460-pastor-and-apostle-jan-aage-torp.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2011/10/nr-108-lovely-church-of-ephesus.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/11/nr-402-if-jesus-apostles-or-any-one-of.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/11/nr-411-we-live-in-time-period-of.html http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2012/12/nr-419-old-testament-and-new-testament.html
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