torsdag 20. desember 2012

Nr. 419: The Old Testament and the New Testament prophet service is not equal to either the calling, mission, scope or procedure?

Nr. 419:

The Old Testament and the New Testament prophet service is not equal to either the calling, mission, scope or procedure?

Prophets service in the old and the new covenant is both different and there are similarities just as there is between the old and the new covenant. For me it was Rein Seehus a New Testament prophet. But today there's the preponderance of false prophets within its Christian churches in the Western world, it looks like. Therefore it is so important not to support and give money to the false prophets but the real, true and those whom God has anointed and called to work for him

Here we Jorunn and Rein Seehus who worked for God in a supernatural way

A review on Seehus.

Carl Rein Seehuus was a little kid when the Pentecostal movement started in Norway. He got a very strong calling for his life. - As early as the age of ten, he reacted to the fact that Jesus was beaten and crucified. He believed that this was highly unfair because he loved Jesus. Already at the age of ten, he was filled with God's power. Through Seehuus his life was clearly a prophet stood up, said Flaaten. - How he decided to travel to the United Nations? - Soon after he was saved, he was in a meeting and heard a man speak in tongues. It was Aage Samuelsen. Interpretation of what was said in tongues was that my father was going to the United Nations this fall. He traveled to the United Nations and met there as press husband because he worked in a Christian magazine. - What impact did your father on the people in the UN? - If he belonged to the press and therefore could go almost anywhere, he went among statesmen and preached. That which lay heavily on his heart was that Israel would become an independent state. He even got to present Israel's case to the UN. One time he was sitting with a representative from China. In May 1948, Israel an independent state, saying the fleet. - UN Secretary-General Trygve Lie, who also came from Norway, once having said the following: "Norway took no position on what the country should vote until they had talked to Carl Rein Seehuus." Seehuss had a big star in the UN. - In 1947 came two Norwegians who wanted to see the United Nations. It turned out that my father would turn them around. When they came to where the flags stood, there was a flagpole without a flag between the Iraqi flag and the Lebanese flag. The flagpole missing flag, flagpole was number 59 There was some talk about the bare flagpole, and my father told this was the flagpole as the Israeli flag would hang on. The two men responded only to laugh at it all. But years later, Israel was becoming a state - and a Member of the United Nations - with the Israeli flag on the flagpole number 59, said Flaaten. - When I think of this, I know that Norway has a special calling in relation to Israel - and to stand up for and bless Israel. It is interesting to see that God can use us humans for everything - even to the discoverer my father carried in UN, says Aida Marie Seehuus Flaaten. Establishment - How did the Pentecostal movement in Norway? - My grandfather lived in Skien in 1905 - already this year, things began to happen. Pastors and preachers had need for the country and come together every Monday to pray to God. After the prayer meeting continued for some meetings at the home of the individual pastor or preacher who had collection. After a while, broke out revival - and localities were still too small. The revival spread across the country, says Seehuus Flaaten. - When was the first church established? - The church was established on 18 May 1908. That said, it was a great revival in the area and need to form a church to take care of the new believers. My grandfather led this first Pentecostal church. - I have read some books about the revival 100 years ago. There is no doubt that the revival was powerful and touched the earth and all of Norway. In books about this time, the words "pleading on his knees" which recur as a foundation in this strong of revival that spread quickly, said Seehuus Flaaten. - What about the roads ahead? - It happened 100 years ago was strong. But I think that again, will soon experience a similarly strong revival, she said. End of quote.

There are many "rogue stories» op profeiseier which is false, be aware of it, I will mention two examples from Oslokirken but deceiver and manipulator Pastor Jan Aage Torp as some of the worst.

1) This is from Oslo church's own website: "Read this powerful portrayal of Dr. Emanuel Minos' prophecy Jan-Aage Torp in 2001. Dr. Emanuel Minos September 2001 the phone rang at the home of Pastor Jan-Aage Torp. It was Dr. Emanuel Minos, who went straight to the point: "Jan-Aage, you know how careful I am to convey prophecies, because I have seen so much abuse. But I am led by the Holy Spirit to speak to you you to build up an international church in Oslo by the grace of God will get the same effect and power of Kensington Temple in London. Thou shalt not fear, because the Lord will guide future work. This is the provision that the Lord has for you, Jan- Aage. The best lies ahead! " Yes, the "best" with a 20 year younger wife and everything else Rolpa and nonsense! This is what it is. Nothing mega church or else, just lie, control techniques and more is going to Pastor Torp's footsteps.

2) This story, I know when I know the person. It was around shekels replace a burning and wholehearted believers who joined the Oslo Church that was manipulated and misled through totally crazy and I would say manipulative pressure, prophecies and other misleading as religious promise and Caller Torp to sell his apartment and give it excess of 1.5 Million to Torp so he bought himself a Mercedes and invite the so called big apostles and prophets over to Norway. When Torp before he had sold the apartment had failed in two innings to get out by manipulation and so-called prophecies to get them to take out loans at 2 times a half a million before the apartment was sold, while sales gained by the remaining half million. Then we have a cynical and manipulative Christian who runs a cabal and engaged in manipulation with prophecy and another that is not nothing but false and deceitful from the beginning to the end. At Dr. and Evangelist Emanuel Minos is on this is alarming and frightening. And all who follow him and those so-called leaders of the Pentecostal charismatic branch of Christianity is in danger of being totally misled and end to end in the destruction and under the judgment of God when they open up for Satan and the father in his life at all. Jesus said that even if the blind lead the blind so they both fall into the ditch. At Minos Torp and spiritual blind is a fact, but all who believe in them and follow them will experience the same blindness, Jesus was his speech and preaching, the berries being beyond all doubt!

The prophet in the Old Testament spoke of a people under God's rule

Therefore, it is also a stricter judgment for Israel than any other nation. Something that history shows us happened. Secondly, history also shows that no nation has been, is going to be so blessed as Israel.

Prophets in the New Testament does not speak for an entire people first and foremost, but to those who are called out of this world

Prophet of service in the New Testament is primarily directed against the church, secondly against the world. To compare the service completely prophet in the Old and New Testaments are and remain incorrect.

The prophet in the Old Testament was more of a "pure" prophet

Just as there are different units and similarities with the old and the new association. Such are the similarities and differences between service prophets of the Old Covenant - legal pact. And the new covenant of grace and faith covenant.

The prophets of the new union has very often prophesied the deed as part of his work, it's not all their work

This I wrote a few years ago and it is just as relevant today: The prophetic gift of works by the Spirit of God communes with a Spirit-filled person who is open and able to allow themselves to be used by God and who desires and longs to be used by the Lord. 1. Cor. 12. 4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but the same God, who worketh all in all. 7 At each Spirit gives to know to make it beneficial. 11 All of this is one and the same Spirit, who distributes his gifts to each one, so he will. Regarding the Prophetic service as we read in Ephesians. 4 that the prophetic ministry is one of the five ministry gifts given to the church. My view on this is that a person who is called to work for God who preaches is not necessarily a pure prophet but a part of the prophetic ministry as part of its fittings. Some very much second almost. I personally feel that I have all the five different gifts in my service as minister, but I'm no prophet distinctly. It's like it's 1 \ 5 of my gift. But for others they are both 2 \ 5 and 3 \ 5 Prophets. The Prophetic ministry is very often part of the equipment one has to preach, not the whole that we see in the Old Testament that some prophets had. I also have a part of the Evangelist, Teacher, Shepherd and Apostle in me. I feel that I have a little of all service offerings in me, but others such. much of the evangelist himself and little of the teacher himself. And some have a lot of teacher in them and little of the evangelist. It varies from preachers and in some situations as the need is there. We are all different but we need more of God and the gifts he has put in us, he will refine and further develop to our benefit and edification of the church and further guidance in the future. But it is also sad to see that when people come with false prophecies and leads the Christian way of siding is the common practice, especially in past the Pentecostal \ Charismatic churches that everything gets swept under the rug and ignore it all and go on as if nothing happened! So far one can get in delusion therefore warns Jesus and the apostles received this in the strongest delusion. But the positive side of this is that God reveals everything before it happens and leads us forward with his Spirit. This is something that God has always wanted to do with their beloved children. 1. Numbers 18 17 Then the Lord thought, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I want to do? 18 Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and in him shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Amos 3 7 For the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets (1930 translation). God will use the prophetic anointing and the prophetic ministry to perfecting and empower his church, also in this time! It is through the prophetic anointing of the church and we are aligned, adjusted and successfully hit the "nail" not only approximate but just the "head". The prophetic anointing creates: "Thus saith the Lord" in church. This will create the sanction of the church when it is genuine. That bastard of a spiritual congregation will be revealed and be put in place! It is with our slagkraftighet both internally and externally, we are so dependent that it is both people with the prophetic gift in the church and the prophetic ministry is up and running in the Body of Christ! We also compare the five (5) different service offerings with our hand. Thumb's Apostle. Pointing finger is Prophet. Langmann's evangelist. Ring finger is a teacher. And the little man's little finger ¸ shepherd, who does everything there the other fingers have done and done. And it comes to where the other four are not going to. How important is a home visit? It performs many times that the other services not performed and acts supplementary and complementary. The nine gifts of the Spirit, a comparison with a grape cluster where all the gifts complement each other and all stand in a mutual dependency relationship. And they complement each other to perfection and the divine. The church at Corinth had all nine (9) gifts in their midst, and it is God's will to have for each ward. The church in Antioch had all five (5) different service offerings in their midst, there is also a role model for us to have today. This is fine and good with gifts and prophet gifts and healing gifts, but we must not forget that even as perfect church may be, it is the love of the Lord in our hearts that is important. Think of the church in Ephesus, they had a lot of good, but they had left their first love and the Lord very seriously. They had to repent otherwise there was a danger that the candlestick would be moved. The difference of the prophets service in the Old and New Testament include that the prophet in the Old Testament prophets had a clean service. But in the NT it is very often a part of our spiritual equipment. A prophet in the New Testament and in the New Covenant and are usually also more than just a prophet. But he can and is and also some of the Evangelist, Apostle, Prophet and pastoral service. Example of Prophet services can be David Wilkerson, Hal Lindsay and Chuck Smith, but has also some of the other service offerings in their preaching. Example of False Prophets are: Benny Hinn, Jan Hanvold, Åge Åleskjær and others. They of course also have a lot of good, but they have one or more major flaws in his life and in his teachings that are so big and lascivious. That one should disqualify them as true ministers and make them false prophets. So we have also examples of Christians who are not prophets but the prophetic gift. We need preachers who are prophets and believers who are open to God and let the Lord use them to prophesy! End of quote.

Prophet of the New Testament speaks milder than those in the old connected when sin is atoned and debt paid

From my commentaries Hebrews 9 18 Therefore, neither the first covenant was inaugurated without blood. Here Paul refers to what Moses did. 2. Numbers 24 3 And Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, All the words which the Lord hath spoken, we will stick by. 4 And Moses wrote all the words of the Lord, and he rose up early in the morning and built an altar under the hill, and twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of Israel. 5 And he sent young men of the children of Israel there, and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen to sacrifice to the Lord. 6 And Moses took half of the blood and put it in bowls, and half of the blood he sprinkled on the altar. 7 Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read in the audience of the people: and they said, All that the Lord has spoken we will do and obey. 8 And Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people, and said, See, this is the blood of the covenant, the covenant of the Lord unto you create with all these words. 19 When Moses had proclaimed to all the people all the words contained in the law, he took the blood of calves and goats together with water, scarlet wool and hyssop, sprinkled with the blood both the book and the entire people This was right after the law on Sinai and after the bids were announced as none of them could and managed to follow it had Divine grace to create equilibrium and balance. If that blood was shed signify someone is guilty and must die. So it was always an animal that was sacrificed in the other's place. 20 and said, "This is the blood of the covenant that God has set for you." A covenant is a conclusion for two or more people agree on something. That blood is included here indicate that the Sinai covenant is imperfect in contrast to Calvary Pact is perfect. 21 Just one blood he sprinkled the tabernacle and all the vessels that were used during the service. Now there will be excessive if we are to go into details. But I draws the reader's attention to either read even in the Pentateuch, or even Bible study commentary on the Pentateuch. 22 After the law is almost all things are cleansed with blood, and sins are not forgiven without blood being spilled. Blood was essentially all the time because the blood is life and life is in the blood. When there was always a blood covenant between God and man as he carried the children of Israel even when they had sinned. But the condition for this was that one lived and practiced this. 23 The underground images of the heavenly things must therefore be cleaned this way. But the heavenly sanctuary must be cleansed by the sacrifices that are better than these. When we talk about Moses and the old covenant, it is modeled on what Jesus did and what he represents within its the living God in the heavenly sanctuary. Jesus is our great High Priest and Priestess. 24 For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made by human hands and just a picture of the true sanctuary. He went into heaven itself, now would he appear in the presence of God. The high priest did foreshadow the Day of Atonement did Jesus really and actually after the resurrection. Then he carried out his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption and salvation. All this was for our sake. 25 He did not go in to offer himself repeatedly, as the high priest enters year after year into the sanctuary with blood that is not his own. We see all the time that our idols are halting and incomplete. But they are there and tell us about what happened and they said that God the Father demanded perfection that only Christ alone. 26 In that case he must have suffered many times since the world was founded. But now he has revealed himself once for all at the end of time to destroy sin by his sacrifice. We understand that the High Priest's sacrifice was not good enough for God the Father why God had to have a new victim every year due to the fragility of the human beings. But Jesus' sacrifice was so perfect and the blood was no trace of sin in itself! 27 Likewise, certain that it is appointed unto men once to die, and the judgment, It is a fact that every man must admit, death catches person before or since. But then it's a judgment if one does not accept Jesus and be saved and born again! 28 so also Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many, and since he is the second time to appear, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who wait for him. Jesus took away sin by the sacrifice of Calvary and after the resurrection he carried the blood within its Father in heaven, and there was, and he found an eternal redemption and salvation for us all. Just as sure that he came into the world it is that he will come back in two departments. 1) but to save those who are waiting for him. 2.) 2. Tess. 1. 7 but you needed, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8 in flaming fire, when he takes vengeance on them that know not God, and on those who do not obey our Lord Jesus gospel, 9 who shall suffer punishment, eternal damnation away from the Lord and from the glory of His power, 10 when he comes on that day to show himself wonderful in his saints, and in full of all the faithful - for thought was our witness to you. End of quote.

It is in and through Jesus' death and resurrection that God keeps his hand back. Had it not been for Jesus Christ, Son of God had been out with us. Therefore, delays and waiting and waiting on God that men should repent and believe the gospel. But when the grace period has passed judgment, sentence and people will regain the life they have lived. Then there will be a gap. An either or. Where the redeemed will of God and our New Jerusalem where God the Father creates a new earth and new heavens. But they are not believers will meet the same demise as Sodom and Gomorrah and will be totally wiped out forever! Therefore being a prophet service today also pointing the way out of the waiting as much as pointing out what awaits those who will believe the gospel!

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