Jesus women are loose and silly, it shows that they have with the living God! They are in many respects worse than the people of the world, why are divorce and remarriage rate formidable been among the Christians here in Norway and elsewhere throughout the western world!
By Randi Ingwersen
The author argues that Jesus women do not help the needy, but spending money on expensive clothes, jewelry, ornaments and precious events in both women auspices Jesus and the way of living and interacting with each other. Even believers are easier to socialize when they speak in codes such to invite the company that the individual must pay even without speaking to you in advance. For my part, I thought the first time I saw Anne Christiansen that here is a former porn actress and she is even to talk freely and openly about their sex lives as super and as "heavenly." It is so vulgar and carnal that it's just disgusting and hurts the whole thing around and with these so-called "Jesus-women" who are so far away from him as it is hardly possible to be. We know that Carola in Sweden also want to go on stage more like a porn star one as a Christian singer, where should this end? Here are Carola pictured as she wanted to go dressed, but it was fortunately stopped by Swedish TV. Image is censored for it was for just over cost, nor has inserted a picture of the old pig Pastor Jan Hanvold which represents more than any other with gazillion marriage as Pastor and believers! Or is he a wolf in sheep's clothing that Jesus Women? Think enough that, unfortunately!

Today is "JESUS WOMEN 'up in my mind .... Anne Christiansen who started it and Pernille Strand responsible in Aust-Agder Jesus Women.
This is not slander ..... as soon as many believers can say it or judging, no, it is a plain warning and completely perceived, unfortunately. Quite honestly so that meant me quite the contrary. It is not always that you can put your finger on what it is. Why? I saw how easy the deception and lies did develop there, in peace and quiet. I could not imagine being in that group and I is not bitter nor jealous, but I'm so glad I never let myself be tempted to join there. Annually they have their meeting in Oslo and the traveling bus load of women and young girls to this collection. Sometime in May. Well, you soon will be invited to be with ..... but if you are in financial difficulty, then you have nothing to set up there. For the cost ... and there is accommodation in hotels that cost, as well as the tour, food certainly do ..... but they looked fine puts it: "It costs nothing to get into." All right, but if you do not have the extra money, then you have not. And you do not dispensing their lives for fun .... not to get sympathy .... but to be honest, tell it like it is.
Besides, it would be a great course to not take entrance fees Assembly of God! Today it has become almost a rarity in this country and probably many other countries!
I remember, that only others said that they love Jesus, some of the motto of "JESUS WOMEN" basically, the only other states, they are in the "club" and is considered "real men"! And they take no position on what other pursuits with the wickedness and sin (lies and slander) .. it keeps giving the impression that they love Jesus, dress neatly, too, is the "inside", here are several good actors. And they are very professional if I can put it that way. One said to me, "They should have just shown?" Yes, what? For a few are only concerned with giving others the impression that everything is in care. In my life everything is ok .... I've done it ... Look at me ..... I've done things properly. And it is well not to conceal that some women want to realize themselves, also in Christian congregations, inc. Jesus Women. Christians who do not live as they preach or want others to believe that they live a true life to the Lord. Who can not say they love Jesus? and how is it possible to say they love Jesus and do not care about his sister in the Lord or other sisters for that matter? Yes, they say they care .... but works show the opposite. The actions you show total opposite. Our alarm should really call.
Another, called a good friend, "jesus woman," said to me: "How stupid you are unable to attend, for we sleep on and I just can not wait, but you will certainly occasion another time" .. ... and only that sentence makes me absolutely sick. Only the attitude and say like this. For I think that, that there had been one I knew about, a good friend who was in the thing that was hard, so I had really offered me to set up. I'd never had a problem with showing up for others, not economic! Why are Christians so hard to provide and be doers? As soon as they realize that it is in trouble, at least in economic, so they pull away ... and continue to pray.
In my despair I opened my Hjelte more "JESUS WOMEN" .... and got much the same answer .... We pray for you, we've got you in prayer, do not worry, we ask for a solution .... . Yeah, great to be asked for, so do not get me wrong, but if people are so busy praying that they forget everything else, specific actions, what then? or that they are basically hoping that there will be someone else in the meantime and "helps out", so they do not even? So clearly does not say it straight out ..... but you see the fort where people want to go. I heard a preacher who said it looked super, "Do not imagine that you would give others more, just your own situation gets better .... can not you give some of what you already have, you manage it at least not if you had more either.
"Jesus Women" have no time for you / me or your / my difficulties, at least not economical. Perhaps not so surprising, when their mindset is, "that here in Norway are all so good, no suffering financially, we have welfare (NAV)." Several said exactly that.
When this becomes a terrible nasty way of being, and when I warn others not to be included in this collection. For such thoughts or behaviors toward other people, not from God!
The Lord blesses never evil. This is far from being brothers and sisters in the Lord. "We're sisters, you know" says often .... Until you need the most in your life .... then they are gone. Many have just learned some phrases from Scripture. And they pull out something here and something there .... and many remember splendidly certain passages over others, but some have "forgotten" to read what is written just before and after ..... sum of God's word is truth , not abstract.
But a Bible verse I have pondered during this time, and I confronted one of these women with this: 1 John letter chapter 3 verses 16-18: "In this we have learned to know the love of God, that He gave His life for us (let down his life for us). Also we ought to lay down our lives for bread clean. Everyone who has this world's goods and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love with words or tongue, but in deed and in truth ".... and yes , the reaction was expected ... one was angry and annoyed, because I tried to correct her. Some felt accused and claimed they had behaved cynically to my situation. Did someone said the word cynical? Just ... something has probably touched up the interior.
It was clear for me that does not give a Bible to someone who needs a milk ..... one can give when both, and they are allowed to think for themselves and God has given us reason to use it.
But let me say it like that, with a few questions: "Why refuse to recognize that others need a helping hand Why is not the will there to help others Why shop at all secret and all to himself Why an increasingly" competitive "having the finest and's best in everything, or to be the Why so focused on all the outer Why so focused on all the materialistic? And it's never good enough, and how we should treat our friends and brethren in the Lord? ". It is a dangerous round dance .... and a dangerous way to go, not the narrow way. I was also asked in a company with more women, "JESUS WOMEN '... one would celebrate a round number. When someone gets a round number, it's pretty common to give a little more expensive gift than otherwise? I certainly did that. Would do not stab me in for all the others. The invitation saying that we should meet at a restaurant to eat. Nice that .... but quite frankly I thought that this would be the expensive or that it might not come so many? ... But I have nothing to do with it or they have certainly good advice? Actually, it was a great bunch there .... all Jesus Women. But when all was consumed should it turn out that we were going in the pools and pay separately. Not dangerous to ask the company then, let your guests pay :) and glad I took the money, certainly not taking anything for granted ....... And got an insipid aftertaste .... smiles :))
In fact, I experienced other Christian women in this collection so, several actually said to me that one has to thank himself for the situation one were in. So many people say to escape to help others. So much evil is. If nothing else, I've certainly learned how NOT to treat other people. In fact, time has shown me that the Lord is using more than the unsaved saved, for they shut themselves do not like to help others. More thankfully has heart in the right place.
Even if I opened my heart and told what we were in, so just shut "JESUS WOMEN" for my situation. They are hoping all the time that you get another opportunity to be with .... Maybe next year? Or the year after there again? and that they fall not into setting up, if others do not have opportunities to participate in such animals "conference" or other things that cost for that matter. They make it sound like everyone has problems with the economy ..... and there is always someone they point out who has it worse ....
And there are some things in today's Christian Norway that does not cost money? Understand that all costs, do not get me wrong either, but why think so few of those who have not? especially when they know about? that it actually is possible in Norway, welfare country Norway?
Has a somewhat different impression of all the women in this group. They are fond of shopping and fashion and new clothes I associate those with. And it was so that I could actually see who was there with ... for clothes and jewelry they recognized. Several were dressed as the "party" every time .... They adorned themselves for the Lord expressed more.
A dress code began to develop clear! and I thought that's scary, the trend is alarming. One could quickly come to an even greater financial difficulties along with those here, no doubt. Then you reading this .... take it seriously ... you held it for a reason, I wish with all my heart that no ports off this way I have experienced. Many have probably experienced yourself, but it is often costly experience .... too few dare warns today .... many are afraid of just that .... for they will not slander or judge as they quickly say it is. But the advice is, learn what slander is, what scoring is, what words mean, too much is mixed today.
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