søndag 10. september 2017

No. 1594: It is allowed to have multiple thoughts simultaneously concerning remarriage, when God's word speaks differently to different people!

No. 1594:
It is allowed to have multiple thoughts simultaneously concerning remarriage, when God's word speaks differently to different people!


Picture from a baptismal act, when the believer in Jesus gets rid of the old and burys the old one in the grave of the baptism. And start over afterwards!
Has he had one or two marriages as heathen? Or lived a reviving sinful life, everything buryes with Jesus in the grave of the baptism.
Standing up to live the new life with Jesus, then he is free from the old and can start all over again, all glory to God and the Lamb!
But after he / she has received salvation, he is responsible for his life and it's only a marriage - life out!

It is amazing to hear that I have a very special and own view of remarriage when exactly the question I have really enjoyed all my life as a believer.

I have changed my mind only two things after I was 20 years of age as a believer. It is in the case of the Deity, where I do not believe that the Holy Spirit should be defined as a personal person. But part of God Father and Jesus.
As we have a Spirit, Satan has an Spirit, God and Christ have it, making the Spirit of a person becomes both grammatically wrong, biblical error.
As well, we will never experience any own person the Holy Spirit, since the Spirit lives permanently in us, the scriptures say!

Regarding destruction and how it will go with the non-believers. Am I convinced that what the Adventists believe and teach is right. That all unbelievers will be lost in annihilation with the evil spirit army!

When, for example, Kjell Sverre Andersen and Søgelys write this is the blank lie:
"Unlike blogs Christensen who has a theology that endorses remarriage if one is not pastors or church leaders, there are Christians who have a consistent view of remarriage issue. »

This is so lying it can remain. I am against rebel of all believers, but only public people I will discuss and draw with names. That I have a separate standard for publishers is completely wrong, if they are required, the more of it!

Then mentioning the names of the names is something other than non-public figures and publishers!

As I said, when I was saved in the winter 80/81.
Or more specifically on January 25, 1981, I had to consider three different views on marriages - divorce and reunification.
I was not so aware of that as now. But it was these 3 views that I have mentioned.

1.)    Egil Solheim and Arne Gundersen his views as I have then as now. I do not like everything they believe and preach, but so I understood their teaching with regard to marriage. So it was that one did as no believer was buried at the grave of the baptism. Then one of the olds left and began again. Just what the scripture says.

Room. 6. 3 Know ye not that all we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 So we were buried with him by the baptism of death, that as Christ was risen from the dead by the glory of the Father, so shall we also walk in a new remnant.

Here it is right that we bury the old to wander in a whole new life! Yes, Egil and Arne had evidence that through faith and baptism then start a whole new life together with Jesus and God the Father!

2.)    So had in past the vision Evangelist and Bible teacher Finn Arne Lauvås had the so-called innocent party could remarry. In other words, freely!

3.)    Ivar Helmersen which served as a Bible teacher in past the Free friends went even further than most. He claimed that one did as unresolved, it also applied to the new life. This seems to have Kjell Sverre Andersen and Searchlight, which I think is both illogical and unbiblical.

We can never expect not believers to be able to, will and ability to live according to the word of God and the commandments of Jesus. What they are dealing with is a life of darkness and disgrace. That it will apply beyond God is for me in illogical and unbiblical terms.

In today's Christianity, it's probably a lot different than when I was saved, when everyone just does and lives for what suits them and falls into them. They are not much of God's word that neither lasts nor guides the life and teachings. Therefore, the sad fruits and the results of today's Christianity!

But following the word of God, I mean the view and the attitudes that Egil and Arne stood for regarding marriage, they are the right and biblical.

Here's an article I've written for a while back!

No. 709:
Are we as believers set us against the sins in the same way when Christians sin ? What scripture says about this ? !

Kjell Andersen, who runs the website Sokelys.com ( Spotlight) : Jan Kåre . I note disagreement with you about exactly this. I read the Scriptures to mean that everyone who sins should be warned , whether they are born again or not. Sin is sin and remain no matter who commits it. The Christian Church's mission in the world is to tell people the truth that involves warn against specific sin and wickedness.

Photo by Sveinung Espeland Ramstad with his new wife Monica from Ploiesti in Romania. Had he not been a Christian preacher as I had in no way bothered with that he has failed his life to the point . But it is that he is a preacher and pastor in Rogaland Apostolic Church. He should be a role model for others, but live according to God's word in adultery ( sin ) to be re-married to a Christian .

Should believers take special attention to when they are so weak in faith? And frail etc. ?

Heard a story I want to render. There was a bus driver, a colleague of mine who stopped two girls at approx. 10 years in a crosswalk . From behind came a car at full speed that drove these girls who were both thankfully only beaten unconscious after they were thrown up in the air . The bus driver then asked the motorist what he was doing, and with good reason. But his wife came in consternation to said he had spoken harshly to when he had a pacemaker . Ends story here .

The guiding principle for a believer is only one thing: the word of God !

I know there are believers who are " led " by mere assumptions , sensing , prophecies and everything else. But it is essential and remains a thing, what scripture says !

God's Word is the congregation and the Christian 's sole and absolute guideline for faith , life and learning .

God's word is a guideline for life both in the church , family and community . We will seek the guidance of God's Word to live a life that in all things is God's will . The word of God is living and active, powerful (Hebrews 4:12) . It reminds us of our sin and pointed out that when we confess our sins , we get forgiveness from Jesus and the power of a new life . The word of God is a source of inspiration and strength in all walks of life . Jesus said that by being in his words , we remain in communion with him. The Bible is God's word , and we need the Holy Ghost to interpret and understand the Word. It is essential for growth and development that the word of God is preached right and made ​​relevant to our times and for different age groups. We all have a responsibility to bring to us by hearing, and try it in the light of God's word.

Are we as believers set us against the sins in the same way when Christians sin ?

1 Cor. 5 9 I wrote in the letter to you that you should not have anything to do with people living in adultery . 10 I did not mean everyone in this world immoral or greedy, or are robbers and idolaters . Then must ye needs go out of the world . 11 What I meant by what I wrote was that you are not to keep one called brother , and yet sexually immoral or greedy , or is an idolater , projectors , drunkard , or robber . These shall ye not eat with . 12 What have I to do with judging outsiders ? Is it not those inside , you should judge? 13 Those who are outside , God judges . Get when the evil away from you !

Here it is straight forward that we should not judge the world , but only within the church. Therefore, our main aim to set the standard in the church , not the world !

Here 's something I wrote several years ago : the Bible 's most misunderstood and misinterpreted scripture by believers ? !

Rom.7.1 . Judge not , that ye be not judged ! 2 Following judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged , and in the same measure that ye mete up , it will be measured back to you . 3 Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye , but the plank in your own eye you not notice? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ' Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is a plank in your own eye ? 5 You hypocrite ! First remove the plank from your own eye ! Then you will see clearly enough to take the speck out of your brother's eye .

I have heard countless times that one should not judge .

But is this what Jesus says ? No !

What Jesus is saying is that first should have nothing to hide itself. Only then has the right to judge , not before.

It also summarizes several other passages . Jesus says about who shall be called great in the kingdom of God . Matt.5 . 19 Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so , shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven . But whoever does them and teaches others to do the same, shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven .

Furthermore, in Matt.23.2 " in Moses' seat sits the scribes and Pharisees . 3 Whatever they say , you shall therefore make and keep . But what they do , you must not abide by . For they say one and do something else.

We first meet here that Jesus praises those people who learn that they preach contrary to the Pharisees . As preached right but who lived opposite.

All Scripture provides a unified witness that we are to judge , especially in the spiritual realm. We will even judge angels too.

But scripture , particularly Jesus points out that the prerequisite for this is to live and walk in the light itself . Then a law also point out other things. But the saying goes ; too much and too little scarring. So it is with everything , why should we weigh our words carefully. But to deny other judge is not biblical teaching. God's word says in 1 Kor.2.5 But the man who has the Spirit can judge everything, and although it can not be judged by anyone.

Whoever has the Spirit and walk even according to the word of God can and should judge what is of God and in accordance with Scripture and not . But it is also good to know in this context that we all see bits and pieces .

Final Comment:

It is quite obvious that we are not to judge the world , but within the church.

The cardinal sin of not believing is not what they do or do not do, but they do not believe in Jesus . Therefore , Jesus says :

John 9.16 " Sin is that they do not believe in me " ( NO78 )

( NB88 review " Jn 16:8 f 8 And when he (he = the Holy Spirit. Red.kom ) comes, he will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment : 9 Of sin, because they believe not on me. " )

But for believers , there are many sins that need to be taken into account. We will stadigvek take off the old man and put on the new man . This is sanctification , which lasts a lifetime .

Justification brings me in a right relationship with God as judge. The rebirth brings me in a right relationship with God as Father. Sanctification brings me in a right relationship with God as Lord . Justification speaks of Christ for me. The rebirth speaks of Christ in me. Sanctification speaks of Christ through me. Justification gives me a new position before God . The rebirth gives me a new nature from God. Sanctification gives me a new walk with God . Sanctification has its basis in justification , and its goal of glorification . Justification is therefore sanctification condition . First, life in God, life with God. Sanctification is about the believer's walk with God in this world. Sanctification is the ethical side to do by our practical Christian life.

Holiness belongs to God's nature . He is the thrice holy God. " Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel " ( Ps. 22.4) . He is exalted above everything and everyone, and separate from everything sin and uncleanness to do. He is sinless and perfect . Absolutely clean and good. Alone through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus he may have fellowship with the children . Isa. 57.15 .

Holiness is also part of God's child's character . God's holiness is to be reflected in his people . 1 Pet. 1:14-16 . The term " holiness " reminds us of two things : A. Separate from sin and impurity. B. consecrated to God. Set aside for God's use. To live holy does not mean living in isolation , but to live differently.

Sanctification two sides

A. Position . B. Condition . The objective and the subjective . The imputed and the dedicated . What we are and what we are . All believers are saints in Christ Jesus. " By this will we have been sanctified through the body of Jesus Christ was sacrificed once for all" ( Hebrews 10:10 ) . Sanctification is no achievement. We should not try to live holy to be holy. As saved people , we are holy to God in virtue of Christ's unique and perfect sacrifice . God has even made ​​sure his people , on the basis of Christ's finished work , is absolutely sacred. 1 Cor. 1,2. We are holy by virtue of Christ's holiness for us. Joh . 17.19 . When it comes to our position in Christ , we are continuously in possession of a holiness that satisfies God. "... Who for us has become wisdom from God , righteousness and sanctification and redemption" ( 1 Cor. 1.30 ) .

All believers are called to live a holy life. " For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness " ( 1 Thess. 4.7) . To the same degree that we recognize that our high equivalent position in Christ , we realize the practical sanctification , and comply with the exhortation to pursue holiness . That is to dedicate our lives to Him .

In sanctification is the degree and development. Sanctification is a progressive work in the believer. It is a life process , as the life-long process , as long as we live as Christians in this world. No achieve moral perfection until the day of redemption . It is a transformation process , which includes our personality and character . Broadly , feeling and will be brought under the dominion of the Spirit . Yes , even the body shall be sanctified by earning newness of life in us. Be an instrument in the Master's hand to perform his good will for us . Sanctification is a Christ Action in us by the Holy Spirit. To increasingly like the Son of God . The old man's works are dead , and the new man shall be revealed . Rooms . 6.19 to 22 . " A Christian is sanctified not by effort, not through work . The Christian sanctified through life. Not through his own life , but the life of Christ " (Sounds Engh ) . Sanctification big secret is therefore to be in Jesus. "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch can not bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine , so neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me . I am the vine , ye are the branches . Whoever remains in me and I in him, bears much fruit. For without me ye can do nothing "(John 15.4 to 5 ) .

Sanctification is the Lord's cause . It is He who sanctifies . Indulge return is our cause . It is our responsibility to let us sanctify . Setting us pledged to the Lord who has saved us. Rooms . 12.1-2 . In sanctification takes a deeper growth in grace and knowledge of Christ. We carry the fruit and do good works. In sanctification we will see the Lord in the Word mirrors. 2 Cor . 3.18 . Sanctification happens through daily discipleship of Christ. It also turns outward in the service of love for our fellow man .

We are sanctified by God's Word and his Spirit.

"Sanctify them in the truth ! Your word is truth " (John 17:17 ) . "... To sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water in the Word" ( Eph. 5:26 ) . Cf . also 2 Thess. 2.13 ; Tit . 3.5 ; 1 Pet. 1,2. When the Spirit will use the Word in our souls , purified and holy we are in our walk . By faith and obedience to the Lord do His work deep in our souls. Let us place ourselves at the disposal of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us . Let Him through the Word cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit , so we finisher of our sanctification in the fear of God ( 2 Cor . 7.1) . Of great importance is also to " keep probably steadfastly in the apostles ' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread , and in prayers " (Acts 2,42 ) .

Sanctification heartbeat is to be apprehended of Christ . Fil . 3.12 to 14 . When our eyes are turned towards the Lord , we see all things in the right light. The Christ and Christ Embossed grip man is a holy man who seeks to live his life to the glory of God .

"May he , the God of peace sanctify you wholly , and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete come , blameless when our Lord Jesus Christ ! He is faithful who hath called you , who also will do it "( 1 Thess. 5.23 to 24 ) .

Related links:
http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/2014/03/no-693-10-reasons-because-i-do-not.html http://janchristensen.net/index2.php?side=video http://the-heavenly-blog.janchristensen.net/

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