mandag 3. juni 2019

No. 1530: Is it right of us believers to "catch up", or should we always be a "doormat" for the children of the world who belong and do not serve the living God as we do?

No. 1530:
Is it right of us believers to "catch up", or should we always be a "doormat" for the children of the world who belong and do not serve the living God as we do?

Prime Minister Erna Solberg points out that we in Norway live in a trust community.
Yes, I trusted the public agency and trusted what they told me.
Now they use this against me / us for everything it is worth and want what we agreed to build to be demolished.
It's so bad, only criminals and mafia are doing the way PBE here in Oslo is doing. Our trust in public Norway is greatly weakened and as long as such people must never be responsible for their misdeeds, it is free!

What we have experienced by the City of Oslo over the past five years is nothing but government bullying, abuse of authority, discrimination and harassment.
What does the scripture say? What does the word of God say? How to deal with this, since the script says, among other things. this:

Room. 13. Every soul is obedient to the guardian authorities! for there is no authority except of God, but those who are, they are ordained of God, 2 so that whoever opposes the government opposes God's order; But those who oppose will get their judgment.

Whoever opposes the authority opposes God's order says the scripture. But the writing does not stop here, we read on.

Room. 13. 3 For the rulers are not afraid of the good work, but of the evil one. But will you not have to fear the government? Do what is good, and praise it; 4 For it is the servant of God, good for you. But do what evil is, then fear! for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is the servant of God, a vengeance of punishment upon him that doeth evil.

Scripture says: "But do what evil is, then fear!"

But here's the opposite, it's the authorities that do evil, and we the good.
What we have experienced by the City of Oslo over the past five years is nothing but government bullying, abuse of authority, discrimination and harassment.

Should we be obedient to the authorities that run the opposite than they are set for?

As I see this situation, it is just as much a spiritual conflict as it is against the authorities. Let me try to explain.

Here are the authorities that act and have "mafia methods" against us. They put out a "bait" by allowing us to build our wall on top of the old wall.
We do as they say, and then this is suddenly illegal, these are known "mafia methods". Let me give one of many examples.

Susanne Klatten maybe Germany's richest lady and who was co-owner of BMW.

What did she do? Well, she was tricked around. And later pushed for staggering sums. Blue. she apparently paid to the group and the man who seduced her.

Here from the newspaper VG about the said case, the discussion is from 2008.

At first, the married wooden grandmother was seduced, then filmed - and then pushed for millions. Gigolo Helg Sgarbi (41) and sect guru Ernano Barretta (63) had full control until the BMW heiress Susanne Klatten (46) went to police report of the piquant case.
The wealthy woman, who earns almost nine million a day, sought warmth and tenderness when she met Sgarbi in the hotel bar at Holiday Inn in Munich in late summer last year.
The trip went up on the sixth floor, where the two-span ended in the bed of the Swiss. What Klatten did not know, however, was that Barretta was sitting at the next room, number 629, and filmed the love oven.

The couple met several times for hot nights together, without Klatten understanding that she was dealing with criminals. They had regular rallies in luxury hotels in Monte Carlo, in her hometown of Munich and in other European cities.
Even when Sgarbi asked for a million loan to get out of financial trouble, she understood the madness.
It was only when the Swiss asked for an even higher amount, which Klatten would not give him, that things began to change. To push her for the huge sum, the man picked up the erotic images of the Holiday Inn and showed them to her.
The billionaire gave in and climbed into a parking garage in Munich, where she handed him $ 65 million in 200-euro banknotes. Gigoloen first stated that there were strife with the mafia that made him need so much money.
He probably didn't give up on this, because later in the fall he began to threaten to publish also the films from the couple's shared nights. Now he wanted $ 45 million and sent Klatten a DVD to force her to pay. If she didn't, pictures and movies would be given to the press.
(quote end.)

What does PBE here in Oslo accept? We call down, agree to build a wall on ala 1.5 - 2 meters with 1 meter fence.

We build and our wall is no higher than the neighbor's other side.
It is being built as agreed.
Then we get the counter note well in 2015 after PBE has been on a hidden inspection after neighbor Roar Telje has gossiped and written hateful mail to PBE.
What happens next?
As law-abiding citizens, we want to bring this to an end.
We are stupid enough and think that this should be arranged and we order and pay well Ferdigattest AS approx. 50.000, - kr to apply and that this should come in legal "forms".
What does PBE do? They sit on their hind legs and will not even comment that we had an appointment. They do not want to come to the inspection even if we ask them to come. They have been on hidden inspections and we get a lot of case officers who just say no, no and no again. After first saying yes, yes and again yes.

In many ways we are fooled by PBE as Germany's richest woman Susanne Klatten gets it from her "gigolo" Weekend Sgarbi. Later, she was also tried extortionate as we also concede that they demanded that we demolish a wall which they have given us permission to set up. Talk about being crooks and acting like "mafia!"

What really happened between me and PBE? Read about this:

This is typically Satan's method, to find something to accuse us believers for. This also experienced Jesus several times.
Here from my Bible commentaries Markus 3.1. He went back into the synagogue. There was a man with a hand who was withered.

Jesus worked under Jewish conditions as a Jewish Rabbi. He also went to the synagogue of custom. Here he meets a man who has a wise hand.

2 And they watched Jesus to see if he would heal the man on the sabbath, that they might accuse him.

We meet the bad shepherds in Ezekiel 34, so were those who had control of the synagogue. They would not accuse Jesus of healing, but of breaking the Sabbath. They had rules and ordinances in the center, not God and people!

3 But he said to the man with the withered hand, "Get up and come!"

It must be a very great inner self-control to act the way Jesus did. Having someone around you who just wants to hurt and find fault with one but at the same time be able to serve the sick and needy around them. The focus is easy to become the difficult person instead of the needs.

4 Then he asked them, "What is permitted on the Sabbath? Doing good or doing evil, saving life or taking life? ”But they were talking.

Jesus was never guilty of any answer. It says that the law is good, holy and just.

God has never given men bad and evil ordinances, but good ones.

Here Jesus asked straight out and straightforward, what is from God and not!

5 Then he looked at those who stood around, angry and saddened that they had such hard hearts, and said to the man, "Get out your hand!" The man did, and his hand was restored.

Jesus received no answer and he continued what he came for. Jesus' mission is clear. 1. John 3.8b. And it was to end the devil's deeds that the Son of God revealed.

Sin, sickness, and curse are from Satan. But salvation, life, and blessing are from God. It was this that Jesus brought with them into the world.

6 But the Pharisees went out, and together with the Herodians, they immediately began to make plans against Jesus to kill him.

Even here we see it hate and how strongly the dislike Jesus. How strange they are to the God of Israel, they do not know Him. It is deliberately they are planning on Jesus to get him killed. He who is just lovely and good.
(Quote end.)

We read here that those who wanted to take Jesus had not gone into anger. It says about them the following:
"They watched Jesus to see if he would heal the man on the Sabbath so that they could accuse him." of him. "

Here we see the same thing as the "mafia" does, as PBE does here in Oslo, they try to find something wrong. Use it against the person for all it's worth. This is so dirty it can remain.

Final Comment:

Can't see that we as Jesus believers are obliged to obey the statutes even by the authorities who are pissed off. On the contrary, as believers, we should and should be the first to oppose all injustice. Scripture says that the authority should be servants of the good, here they are obviously the opposite of this!
Then the scripture says that we should obey God and our conscience, rather than bow to the government. Now there are several ways to bow to the government, and more ways to oppose them. Then we also need wisdom, to meet wicked and evil people with power. Then also need wisdom, for here are people who abuse their power against us. We have tried them for the court, but here everyone protects and lies and other crap they are doing.
Therefore, my clear call is dear believing Jesus friends and servants, pray for and with us. Support us in every way, we think the scripture says. That justice will prevail, finally, Amen Hallelujah!

Includes a small comment on Salem 21 by Nils Dybdal-Holthe.

Psalm 21

This hymn is written by David and is about the king, and ultimately it is Jesus the Messiah.

Here Israel thank God for the king, vv. 2-8. He is richly blessed and always puts his trust in his God. It is the right mind we should all have. And for the one who has looked into the gospel and tasted some of its benefits, the thanks are born in the heart.

David knows that the King will overcome the enemy by God's help, v. 9-13. The world's evil plans must not succeed.The kingdom of God will ultimately prevail, though many times it has looked difficult. And it can blame the faith when we see how the world powers win victory in the land by country and the kingdom of God can call so lose ground. But our certainty is that in the end Jesus will prevail. He is the King of kings forever.

God's people have always faced opposition, sometimes there were great persecutions. Jesus also experienced it. And there will always be evil people who find out new and cruel methods of harassing people. But the Lord is a protection for anyone who takes refuge in Him. "Whoever works for a good cause and fights with blank weapons will win" (Fr. Wisløff).

Then comes a prayer and praise. It fits in with God's people at all times. And there is a powerful force in the worship. It lifts the soul from the earthly into the eternal.

Here also the people of Israel ask God to intervene and use his great power. It is the need for the unsaved and the Gentiles as we see here. God's people have some of it, when it's right with us. The world and dullness must not take away from us what God has given.

Psalm 21. To the Magistrate; a hymn of David. 2 Lord! The king rejoices in your power, and in how high he rejoices in your salvation! 3 Whatever his heart desires, you have given him, and whatever his lips have asked you have not denied him. Sela. 4 Because you came to meet him with blessing and happiness, you put a crown of gold on his head. 5 He asked you for life; You gave it to him, a long life forever and ever. 6 Great is his glory in thy salvation; highness and glory lay upon him. 7 For you have blessed him forever; 8 For the king trusteth in the LORD, and he shall not be shaken by the mercy of the Most High. 9 Thy hand shall find all thine enemies; thy right hand shall find thine enemies. 10 Thou shalt make them an oven, when thou shalt see thy face; The Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath, and fire shall devour them. 11 You shall destroy their fruit from the earth, and their offspring among the children of men. 12 For they have dealt wickedly against you; they have devised evil counsel; they must not do anything. 13 For you shall cause them to turn their backs; with your bow strings you aim at their faces. 14 Rise, O Lord, in your power. We will sing and praise your great work.

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