We have been treated really manipulative, harassed and overlooked by actually "the whole" of the public Norway in these cases we have been through, but to threaten and seek out these people privately is totally reprehensible and shameful!
I have clear opinions and views on what I write and speak. But to seek out individuals privately and even worse. It is to threaten and use physical violence. But I think it may be right and ask for a meeting and chat together to, if possible, solve a situation, but never threaten or use physical power!
A waffle and a cup of coffee, and chat is a good starting point for clarity on what is what.

Genesis 50. 15 When Joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, "Now Joseph will not hate us, and will repay us all the evil we have done to him." 16 And they sent messengers unto Joseph, saying, Before thy death, thy father hath given us this commandment: 17 And ye shall say unto Joseph, Forgive, dear, the iniquity of thy brethren, and their sin, that they have done wickedly against thee. Then forgive us, who also serve your father's God, our iniquity! And Joseph wept as they spoke to him. 18 And his brethren also came and fell down before him, saying, Behold, we will be thy servants. 19 And Joseph said unto them, Be not afraid; is I well in God's place? 20 You thought evil against me; But God thought it good to do what he has done now, and keep alot of people alive. 21 So be not afraid, I will provide for you and your children. And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them. 22 And Joseph dwelt in Egypt, both he and his father's house; and Joseph was a hundred and ten years old. 23 And Joseph saw the children of Ephraim in the third paragraph; Also the children of Makir the son of Manasseh were born on Joseph's knees. / 24 And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die; but God shall surely see you, and bring you up out of this land unto the land which he sware unto Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. 25 And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God shall surely see you, and ye shall bring up my bones from hence. 26 And Joseph died, a hundred and ten years old; and they embalmed him, and put him in a coffin in Egypt.
It is always bad and unpleasant to suffer injustice, get frozen and badly treated.
We read about Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Patriarch Jacob, the man whom Jacob's father favored on a special and really too clearly favored, and set Joseph above his other brothers.
This made Joseph only more bitter and envious.
Genesis 37. 3 Israel loved Joseph more than all the other sons, for he had received him in his old age. He made him an elaborate robe. 4 But when the brethren saw that his father loved him more than all the others, they laid him up for hatred, and could not say a kind word to him.
In order not to extract this story, we know what happened. Includes this in short form.
Genesis 39. Joseph was brought down to Egypt. Potiphar, an Egyptian who was the court officer of Pharaoh and chief of the bodyguard, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there.
After Joseph's brothers sold him to some Midianite slave traders for twenty shekel silver. Which again led him to Egypt where he became a simple slave.
So what happened in Egypt? He was sold again to Potiphar, where his wife lied to him and all the false charges that were directed against Joseph actually led and he was thrown into jail. We read about him in prison.
Genesis 40. Some time later, the King's wife and the baker of Egypt insulted their lord, the Egyptian king. 2 Pharaoh was angry with his two courtiers, the great-grandmother and the master. 3 He put them in prison with the leader of the bodyguard, in the prison where Joseph was captive. 4 The leader of the guard put Joseph in charge of them and serve them. They were sitting a while in custody.
5 While the Egyptian king's baker and baker sat chained in the prison, the two of them had their own dream with a different meaning on one and the same night. 6 When Joseph came in to them in the morning, he saw that they were depressed. 7 He asked Pharaoh's courtiers who were in custody with him in his master's house, "Why are you so sad today?" 8 They replied, "We have both had a dream, but there is no one here to interpret them. "Then Joseph said to them," Does not the interpretation of God belong to it? Tell! "
9 Then the great-grandmother told his dream to Joseph. He said, "Look, in my dream stood a vine in front of me. 10 There were three branches on it. As soon as it began to shoot buds, the flowers sprang out and the clusters became mature grapes. 11 I had pharaoh's cup in my hand. I took the grapes, pushed them out into the cup and handed it to Pharaoh. "12 Then Joseph said," This is the interpretation: The three branches are three days. 13 In three days Pharaoh will exalt you and give you your position back. You must row his pharaoh cup in the same way as before, when you were his mouthpiece. 14 Only you would remember me when you do well! Show me goodness, mention me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house. 15 For I am stolen from the land of the Hebrews, and here I have done nothing which deserves me the dungeon. "
16 Then bakers n saw that Joseph had given a good explanation, he said to him: "I was also in my dream. And behold, I had three baskets of wheat bread on my head. 17 In the upper basket there were all kinds of pastries to Pharaoh, but the birds ate the pastry from the basket on my head. "18 Joseph answered," This is the interpretation: The three baskets are three days. 19 In three days Pharaoh shall exalt thee, and hang thee in a tree, and the fowls shall eat of thee.
20 The third day - that was Pharaoh's birthday - Pharaoh held a feast for all his servants. Then he raised the upper man and the master in the middle between the servants. 21 He gave back the position of the great-grandmother, so that he received a lot of Pharaoh's cup, 22 but the master of the baker he hung. It went as Joseph had pointed out to them the dreams. 23 But the great-grandmother did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.
Although Joseph had made clear his ability to declare his dreams, he was forgotten even though he was promised to be helped. But at the next crossroads Joseph was pulled back, we read.
Genesis 41. 8 But in the morning he was troubled. He sent for all the prophets and sages of Egypt. Pharaoh told them his dreams, but there was no one who could declare them to him. 9 Then the great-grandmother said to Pharaoh, "Today I came to think of my sins. 10 Once, Pharaoh was angry with his servants and put me in custody with the commander of the bodyguard with the master. 11 In one night, each of us had our dream, I and he, each with their own meaning. 12 There was a young Hebrew with us there, a slave with the chief of the bodyguard. We told him our dreams, and he gave his dreams a different meaning. 13 And as he told them to us, so it went. Pharaoh gave me the position back, but the master hung him. "
14 Then Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and they hurried to get him out of the dungeon. He shaved and changed clothes and then went in to Pharaoh. 15 Pharaoh said to Joseph, "I have had a dream, and there is no one here to interpret it. But I have heard of you that when you hear a dream, you can declare it. ”16 Joseph answered Pharaoh,“ It is not up to me, but God can give an answer that is good for Pharaoh. ”17 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph: "Look, in the dream I was standing by the river bank. 18 From the river came seven cows, fat and fine, and they began to graze in the reeds. 19 After them came seven other cows, thin, lean and ugly. I have never seen such ugly cows in all of Egypt. 20 And the lean, ugly cows ate up the first seven, the fat cows. 21 But when they had put them to death, they could not be noticed; they were as ugly as before. Then I woke up.
25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, "Pharaoh has had one dream. God has let Pharaoh know what he wants to do. 26 The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good axes are seven years. It's one and the same dream. 27 The seven lean and ugly cows that come after them are seven years. And the seven grain axes, thin and scorched by the east wind, are seven years of famine. 28 That's what I meant when I said to Pharaoh: God has shown Pharaoh what he wants to do. 29 Behold, there shall be seven years of abundance in all Egypt. 30 After them seven years of famine will come, so that all the abundance will be forgotten in Egypt. Hunger will devour the country. 31 No one shall remember the abundance of the land, for the hunger that follows shall be hard. 32 When Pharaoh had the same dream twice, it is because this is set by God. He will hurry to do so. 33 Now Pharaoh must look out a wise and prudent man and set him over Egypt. 34 Pharaoh must intervene. He must point out overseers over the land and charge a fifth of the crop from Egypt for the seven years of abundance. 35 They will gather all the food from the good years to come, and store the carved grain under Pharaoh's protection in the cities and take care of it. 36 The food shall be the store of the land for the seven years of famine that is coming upon Egypt. Then the land shall not perish by famine. "
What happened next? Yes, Joseph's brothers came to Egypt and there they bowed to him as it had been said and prophesied of what would happen.
After Jacob died, the father of all the brothers became anxious and afraid. What did Joseph do then? He forgave them and here we read what he said:
"You thought evil against me; but God thought it good to do what he has done now. "
That's exactly what my family and I have been exposed to and how to deal with it?
It is forgiving and this will serve both me and everyone else for the good.
Final Comment:
Genesis 50. 15 When Joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, "Now Joseph will not hate us, and will repay us all the evil we have done to him." 16 And they sent messengers unto Joseph, saying, Before thy death, thy father hath given us this commandment: 17 And ye shall say unto Joseph, Forgive, dear, the iniquity of thy brethren, and their sin, that they have done wickedly against thee. Then forgive us, who also serve your father's God, our iniquity! And Joseph wept as they spoke to him. 18 And his brethren also came and fell down before him, saying, Behold, we will be thy servants. 19 And Joseph said unto them, Be not afraid; is I well in God's place?
20 You thought evil against me; But God thought it good to do what he has done now, and keep alot of people alive. 21 So be not afraid, I will provide for you and your children. And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.
What happens to our lives as believers - positive or negative!
Everything is part of God's plan and will, when God also uses "negative" circumstances to try, test, and shape us believers. But above all, through this which is many times negative, God shows silence the way and will and who he is. At the same time, through such things, the true nature of Satan has come to the surface. Just imagine here what we have experienced. There are so many events I can mention that show that we are faced with a dark staged by Satan's clear conviction.
1.) When a neighbor right above us builds at the same time with us and then allowed to exploit its plot infinitely many times more than us (57). Then we know who is behind such a huge and enormous injustice.
2.) We were told that it was not unique to us regarding demolition. Then we got examples presented. I investigated these examples and quickly found that comparing this with us was nothing but lies and manipulation. Here were our fire and other agencies inside and warned against this wall. Our wall has meant that the road has become larger and it is dry now that it does not become sad and disgusting as before. PBE appears to be directly manipulative. We know who is doing this.
As a headline, I had the following:
"We've been treated really manipulative, harassed and overlooked by actually" the whole of the public Norway in these cases we've been through, but threatening and seeking out these people privately is totally reprehensible and shameful! "
Although we have been treated so poorly as it is almost possible and remain. Then it is totally wrong and totally against the word of God and Jesus' teachings to avenge and seek such people to threaten them.
Yes, it may be good to visit some people sometimes to be able to chat if necessary in a cafe or office. Or where it is perceived as best to do so. But seeking out people to threaten and otherwise hurt people also with physical violence is totally unacceptable. Scripture says the following:
Room. 12. 19 Do not take revenge, my loved ones, but leave the wrath to God. For it is written, The vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.
We see this with Joseph, he left everything in God's hands. And when the time came, he didn't just get redress. But everyone around him also got it when both his family and indeed the entire "world-center" of the time were salvaged for disaster and famine. Yes, everything is in God's hands. There we can rest assured that God looks at our cause and above all. He looks to us!
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