Singer Glenn Gulli re-married as believers and continues in the "Service", this is biblical and by Jesus and Paul teach?
Should we today follow the humanistic mindset that basically is dangerous, seductive and controlled by demons? Or should we follow Jesus and Paul's teaching that God's own words?
For my part, I think only one thing to follow moral and ethical questions, it is to follow the Bible and above all the New Testament Paul, Peter, Judas, James, John, Luke and above all Jesus' teaching and what they learned .
Efes. 2. 20 And are built on the apostles and prophets foundation with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. 21 He holds the whole building together, so it grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 and in him you also are being built up into a dwelling place for God in the Spirit.

Glenn Gulli about themselves:
Raised on Lambertseter in Oslo with mother, father, sister and brother. Should be football
player but a football injury was 17 years old did he let off football for the benefit of the guitar. Glenn got music interest through his father who played jazz music for breakfast, dinner and supper. Therefore also liked Glenn just jazz music until he discovered The Beatles as 12-13 years old.
Thus, interest in pop music started. When Glenn was 17, he began attending church in Salem Oslo. There he band Pistevo together with good friends. They were all around and played and used music as a vehicle to convey the glad tidings. The band U2 was at this time become a big idol.
In 1989 started the band Glenn What About with Peter Haltorp, Svein Skulstad, Asbjørn Boyesen and Morten Slåen. In 1990 came the cassette "Keep looking two Jesus."
Glenn Gulli CD debuted with the band What About in 1994 with the album "A Time For Every Purpose Under Heaven" in 1996 he released his first solo single "there`sa Way" published by Sony Music. The song immediately became a big radio hit. It won including Ti in the shot three weeks in a row and were eleven consecutive weeks in the top ten most played songs on Norwegian radio. In 1997 came the solo album "The Only Thing" published by Norwegian Gram. On the song "When I Needed You" he sings a duet with Carola. The album received good reviews from newspapers VG and Dagbladet. In 1999 he published "Songs from the Book of Books" also published in Norwegian Gram. Here texts in Norwegian with biblical words in focus. This album was followed up in 2003 with the album "Teach me to count" which was made to the same, namely self-created melodies on biblical texts and own lyrics inspired from the book of books.
In 2009 came a new album with What About, "Learn to live" released on their own label. Alongside this, Glenn had songwriter contract with Warner / Chappell Scandinavia and Emi music publishing. Glenn has also been involved in children / teen releases by Norwegian facts publishing and children plates "camel Klara" and "Pelle police."
(end of quote).
Who is this Glenn Gulli?
He has a past in Pentecostalism and religious movement as a singer and preacher, something he's doing today too. First married to Iselin but when that marriage cracked. Then it was into a new relationship with a new marriage. Janne Alvilde Arntzen was "hijacked" and a new marriage was entered into. Is this okay?
What word of God says about someone who is a Christian, and that will have a public service?
Let us consider this topic and see what scripture says.
After a breakup, what then? Scripture says again and again in the New Testament that after a break for any reason. So one should either be reconciled, or live single. We can take many scriptures on this, but let us take two.
Matt. 19. 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has held together, let man not separate.
1 Cor. 7. 10 To the married I have this rule, not from myself but from the Lord: A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.
In other words, Glenn Gulli the case is clear. and for all others who are divorced, remarriage is against God's own words.
What about his "new" wife? What scripture says here?
Luke 16 18 Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. And whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Indeed after God's own words she becomes 100% involved in his sin. Here scripture says that they both are adulterers and live in sin. But are there any consequences for them of this? After word of God they will be expelled by the church and not counted as believers, it is what Scripture says.
What a singer, preacher and public figure.
James says in his letter chapter 3: 1: "My brothers! Not many of you become teachers! For we know that we will have the stricter judgment. "
Responsibility is very large to be a preacher. There is a big difference to be a regular church member and to be a preacher. But it is not thus act that one is more loved by God, but it has to be true over the responsibility God has given. I believe that God will forgive all every sin. But here there are other things that must be considered, as preacher holds any special responsibility. Would someone in a secular context allowed a pedophile to work with children? No. Equally clear is the Scripture that we should not allow a re-married preacher to preach to other people with a Pastoral and teaches responsibility. That one is Evangelist as eg Frank Mang was after he was separated, we can permissible. But do not be appointed as Pastor, Shepherd or elders. One should not be the leader of the herd and flock, but be yourself under a form of supervision.
But when one holds an office as minister, so a lot is demanded. Therefore James says that not many to be preachers. Therefore, not a preacher taking liberties only at his own expense, he has a special responsibility upon God and his fellowmen.
When it comes to marriage, then it is not permissible for a minister to marry again under any circumstances (nor any believer), then disqualifies himself for the office he has received. It's like an athlete whale legs himself, he is no longer fit to be an athlete, if he wants to. A preacher should be a woman's man, we see Paul teaches about time after time. (1 Tim. 3.2 and Titus 1: 6).
Should anything be unclear here, so I recommend to submit a question to our blog or write something yourself there. This should and should have been a common Christian understanding where not gjengiftede got and be able to take land and sea. There are spirits, demonic such as follows in the footsteps of loose sexual and moral life.
1 Tim. 4. 1. The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith. They should stick to seducing spirits, and doctrines stemming from evil powers. 2 They are deceived by lying hypocrites who are seared in their own conscience. 3 These people refuse to marry and requires that one should stay away from certain kinds food, even God has created this so that those who believe and know the truth, to receive it with thanks. 4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is reprehensible when it is received with thanksgiving. 5 It is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
It is not talking about A and B Christians. Marriage is an God-given scheme which also shows the relationship between Christ and the church. Therefore it lies in the nature here, it is set so high demands. God stands behind his word, therefore this is an example of something even bigger and richer. Our relationship with Jesus and his relationship to us. So be careful with both you marry and you are not staining your life here. By that you live in accordance with God's word here, is the best predicted no that you grow as believers.
1 Thess. 4. 1. Finally, brethren, pray and beseech you in the Lord Jesus: You have received and learned from us how you ought to live and to please God, and so do you live already. But you must make even greater progress in this! 2 For you know what injunctions we gave you from the Lord Jesus. 3 For this is the will of God - your sanctification: Ye shall keep away from fornication; 4 every one should know to win his own wife in holiness and honor, 5 not in lustful passion as the heathen; they do not even know God. 6 And no need to make his brother wrongs or deceive him in these things. Lord punishes all such, we have previously said and added you on anger. 7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but in holiness. 8 Therefore, whoever rejects this, rejects not man, but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.
We read that Scripture provides a clear testimony of the priest in the Old Covenant how he should live, who stood in the same responsibility before God and their fellow man as the preacher and overseer is in the new covenant. 3. Genesis 9:14 p.m.: "A widow or a divorced woman or profane a prostitute - something like he must not marry. A virgin of his people shall he take to wife. "
We read that God gives the same testimony and require the same of the priest during the upcoming 1000 årsriket to serve the people of Jerusalem in Israel, where law will go out from. Ezekiel 44:22: "A widow or a woman as her husband has divorced from, they shall not take a wife, but only virgins of Israel. But they can take a widow who is the widow of a priest. "
When Scripture is so clear when it comes priest in the Old Covenant and the 1000 årsriket, it is no less clear when it comes under church dispensation, we who live under the loveliest and greatest privilege of all; "One woman man."
In the same way that Scripture says that it is demonic and seductive to refuse a preacher and overseer to marry (1 Tim. 4: 1), it is to come under the same negative conditions to accept and permissible that preachers marry again while the spouse lives. It is only by death that it may be appropriate for an overseer to marry again, and then with a non-divorced!
Including Derek Prince who was a great Bible teacher married a divorced, this course was never God's will. Hopefully he was saved he did against God's will. The "positive" here was that she died before he, perhaps because God would only "deprive" him salary but retain salvation ?!
Final Comment:
There is something that amazes me really, it is that believers are very careful with certain things. But can the degrees ignore other things. It may be that they are very much against homosexuals that they will live out their love, but gjengifede ignores. But what scripture says?
James 2 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one of the commandments, has been guilty of breaking them all.
Here it does not help over something, allowable something else and be against the rest which unfortunately most believers have attitudes and views, opinions and understanding of God's word. We must take the whole "package" and all God's word to include it in our lives, theology and attitudes. The same God says in his own words on the Epistle of James.
Jacob. 2. 11 For he that said, Thou shalt not commit adultery, said also, Thou shalt not kill. If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a transgressor.
We are offenders if we accept remarried among us Christians. When standing preachers, singers and anyone else who has a public office and office in a unique position when they are ward face rather than someone else. Meanwhile they are examples and pattern for the rest of the congregation. And the world's children think that it is quite allright to live as one desires and connoisseur, while being a Christian. But this is not true and biblical. We are not allowed under any circumstances to compromise with God's own words and let the humanist and easiest way to guide either for life or teachings. But always let God's own words be crucial, nothing else.
At Glenn Gulli and unfortunately so many others choose to ignore what God's word says, it tells me that they live in a self-deception. Meanwhile, it is so weak and poor standard now among the believers. That we no longer see any difference between the so-called Christians and Gentiles. It's been like it was in the days of Noah and Lot days. Anyone doing after their own lusts. And for both of them, then came the judgment. So it is here in Norway, and elsewhere where a condones sin in the church. The verdict comes. It allows not push away if we do not repent before it is too late. Judgment comes first over God skin and the church of God, then the world and the world's children.
1 Pet. 4. 17 For now the time has come for judgment to begin, and it must begin with God. But coming judgment over us first, how is it then finally with those who disobey the gospel of God? 18 And it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will be going the ungodly and the sinner? 19 Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator and do good.
We shall suffer scripture says? Why? To follow God's own words, partakers of God's blessing and protection. And to avoid the Lord judgmental and chastening hand. Of course it pains to say no to his own flesh and its bed needs. But scripture says still the same, that the Lord will give us strength. The power to live by God's own words, the power to overcome. Kraft to live solitary if needed. Power to wait for their spouse, so that there will be reconciliation. The power to have a good and well-functioning marriage. Power it takes to do the will of God and follow the Bible's own words!
Leste VG following: Train up willpower! Those who have strong willpower when their targets more often, live longer, have fewer problems, succeed in the workplace, have fewer economic problems and improve health, research shows.
This is what it's about. To show courage and determination, then the Lord will give us the power we need to in order to do God's will and his own!
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