Those who believe in hell-doctrine doctrine excuses, believe they in it?
Anyone who believes in a doctrine, should boldly and without blaming others for the heresy uphold whatever even believes and teaches. It is the Catholic Church as "introduced" this as a "Christian" teachings through the dark ages of related learning as purgatory, but all this is and remains doctrine has its origins in seducing spirits (1 Tim. 4.1.). Photo Illustration by Peter Church without passing by me as the person or persons who "introduced" this as a "Christian" doctrine contrary to God's word, what the saints taught in both the Old and the New Covenant. Who then "blame" for this doctrine? Also held up by bad and misleading translations and by threatening and not expect believers who think differently as "full" Christians. Here are all set on the head.
Introduction: from Wikipedia: purgatory or purgatory, purification place, according to Catholic doctrine, a purification that saved souls must undergo before the resurrection. Pin can be shortened through their own or others' good deeds or by Requiems.
In place of purification are the souls that surely has eternity in paradise that final goal, but not yet sufficiently refined to be able to enter, cf. Revelation. 21.27 and Hebrews. 12.23. All souls pass purgatory, get to Heaven, it is therefore not some milder form of Hell.
The doctrine of purgatory has its origin in the ancient Jewish faith, and is reflected in the 2nd Maccabees, which the Catholics counted as part of the Old Testament. In 2 Maccabean Box 12 chapter we find historical evidence that Jews prayed for their dead. It's all about the heroic Judas Maccabee, who leads his men to war against Israel's enemies. Few Jews fall into Maccabees army. It turns out later that they carry pagan amulets under clothes. This was a pity that the law forbade. Judas gathers when the 2000 silver drachmas and send them to Jerusalem, for the priests of the temple shall bring a sin offering for the slain, that they may be redeemed from their sins. This practice - to pray and sacrifice for the dead - are referred to herein as a pious act (end of quote).
1) I am happy, strong and confident in my belief, as opposed to those who believe in Hælvete doctrine that seems to be excited and aggressive than if have different opinions than them! (This is my subjective experience of the great and all).
It seems to me very strange doctrine and the way one presents this doctrine, but it has neither a biblical coverage. Those who believe in this doctrine quickly classify others to be heretics and worse, but I live well with. For me, it should have been for everyone else, what scripture says is what is crucial, not less or more.
2) Scripture gives a total testament to that man without God will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomarra.
Scripture gathers testimony in Jude the fire would hit all the evil that it struck Sodom and Gomarra and all and everything will be burned up and destroyed.
3) The judgment by the white throne speaks of the lake of fire will be more where all the wicked and unbelieving will have their end. It is absurd, without meaning and purpose of God to keep Satan and man forever in an eternal torture chamber where it is impossible to escape.
God the Father, the day he creates a new earth and new heavens have wiped and removed for good all those who will be involved in the world.
5) God is not a dictator or a monster.
This is an article from our website:
Thoughts on Hell doctrine!
The other day I was talking with some friends about the traditional doctrine of Hell. Here are 5 of my argument.
1. As you probably know, is not the word "hell" in the basic text. The basic text is the "Gehenna" which also was a landfill outside Jerusalem. It was burned trash and the bodies of dead animals and criminals who were not worthy of any funeral. When Jesus talked about that we should "burn in Gehenna" Jews understood that he meant that sort of garbage and dead bodies were burned and destroyed, so God will burn up and destroy the people who refuse to repent to God. No Jews envisioned torment when they thought of Gehenna. Neither the trash or the dead bodies "screamed for mercy" or tortured.
2. Now that we know what is Gehenna, namely a junkyard where one burns up trash and dead bodies, it becomes easier to understand the truth about Hell. For what happens in Hell? Yes, Matt. 10:28 says: "Do not fear those who kill the body but can not kill the soul. Rather fear Him (God) who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Here we see that the Hell are body and soul destroyed or brought to nothing. As an ant pulverized if you put it between your palms and rub. It is gone. Or to use the example of Jesus, if anything thrown into Gehenna burned it simply her up.
3. The traditional doctrine of hell is that God will throw people in Hell (Lake of Fire). It is right that he should do so according to the Bible, but that the traditional doctrine says is that God will torment when these people forever. What is not true is that this crash with God's moral views on justice. Let me explain: In the Bible, God says that he wants "an eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth: This was a law that was fair. If you took a cow of mine had to give a cow back if you were made for the assault. If I damaged your eye, then you could damage my etc. So this was a law based on justice. then one must then ask ourselves: Is it fair that a loving and just God punishes a 3 year old baby with Afghan torture an eternity? Is it right that a 20 year old bush-man will be punished by God for years on into the endlessly because he did not know anything about Jesus, is it right to give eternal torture that judgment when the offense was to go against God will? No. Judgment and sentencing must be in proportion to each other. Moreover, a loving God be involved in an "Eternal Auschwitz"? Healthy sense says that we should confine torturers! God is not so. The Word of God says is that "the wages of sin is: Death" (Rom.6: 23). If someone dies in his sins he will therefore not be tortured, but he will die (Jemfør Gehenna and be destroyed forever - Matt.10: 28). For How can a loving God who asks us to love our enemies while PINE his enemies forever????????
4. When it says Eternal torment in our Bibles, it could just as easily have been eternal punishment. The important thing to understand with this word is that it can mean both torment and punishment (plus some meanings to). It is not torture is Eternal, it's punishment. Let's look at the ant again. It will not be tortured forever, but the punishment is eternal because it will never come back as ants. It's gone. It is destroyed. See, for example, Jude chapter 1 verse 7 It says that "Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of our eyes and suffer the punishment of eternal fire." However, fire is there now? No. Should there be an eternal flame? Yes. What voices? Jo: The punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah got was an "eternal ilds punishment" - which means that these cities were burned up, but when they were burned up, of course, joined the fire to burn (we regard no fire or smoke where Sodom and Gomorrah is today - not true, besides, no one is calling to beg for mercy in these cities today - they are gone - all men ...).
5. One last quick argument: If the Lake of Fire / Hell was a place you were tortured by God, why Revelation says that "Death and Hades" are thrown down there? One can not PINE PINE Death or Hades!! No, this scripture tells us instead that "Death and Hades" should be destroyed - obliterated. It should therefore not death or fatal rich in paradise! Jemfør Revelation 21.
The result of such teaching clears Jehovah God from the charge that he might be evil, unfair and insensitive. It shows how loving, just and merciful He is. Moreover, this doctrine lead to the unsaved do not get offended God, but might easily see His justice. They do definitely not with the traditional doctrine of hell ...
Well, here were some of my argument. It is worth noting that there were Catholics who invented this doctrine and that the apostate Christian churches have preached them with flourish and bram. Possible that it should ring some bells with us.
6) Who will torment man in eternity?
This I have never received a reply to either of those who believe in this doctrine or any other. Is it God? Satan? Or is it? The whole doctrine is unbiblical therefore have no answers either!
Here is an article written by I. Larsen
Lost - Eternal torment?
Not a few of those struggling with mental health problems, has ended up in such a deplorable state, because of the doctrine of a burning pine place.
The idea of a God who demonstrates such strong physical traits that he simply finds pleasure in inflicting those he claims to love, maximum pain and suffering is an insane idea.
Sometimes we are accused of not believing in hell. The claim comes often from fellow Christians who have come to believe that the wicked will ultimately be continue to be proved for all eternity, while the pines. We absolutely believe in hell, but can not find the Bible's teaching is coherent with the Catholic purgatory - dogma, which is why the doctrine of one God, which shall be tormenting people.
We can not and dare build our faith and learning on random translations, which have chosen interpretations that are consistent with pagan, Catholic traditions. (The Bible was translated by Catholic monks.) No, we prefer to consult the original texts, only where we find the Bible's original meaning. 'The word "torture" in most Norwegian translations comes from the Greek "Kolasin." Sa'nt enough, this word is used to describe pain, but the word's primary meaning is "punishment."
With two possible interpretations, we obtain information from other biblical texts, we will be sure to find the right understanding. The Bible teaches that the wicked will be destroyed. This means that they no longer exist. See Mal.4: 1 "The day that cometh shall burn them up .... Not a root or a branch will be left." Sal. 9:10 p.m.. Heb. 10:27. and Revelation. 20:9 The wicked will be "Consumed," Sal. 145:20 says "cut," Isa. 41:11,12 says that they will "perish and be lost."
Other scriptures teach that the lost will become ash (Jes.47: 14, Esek.28: 18) and that the dead know not anything, think, feel or perform deeds. The following is a picture of a complete annihilation of those who were being saved. The result ev this annihilation / destruction, is without doubt forever and no one will get a second chance. Yes, we absolutely believe in an eternal damnation, but this means an everlasting impact hit, the extinction / destruction, not eternal torment in the conscious state.
Eternal flame
The word "hell" comes from the Greek "Gehenna" a junkyard outside Jerusalem, where the fire burned forever (all the time), at least as long as there was nothing to burn. But when everything that could burn was gone, extinguished the fire. Then it was just ashes. Note the following biblical text: Jude, verse 7 says that Sodom and Gomorrah, "is given as an example, and is under the punishment of eternal fire." fire lasted as long as there was nothing to burn, but the implication was eternal. Where these cities once was, you can now just ashes. At the same time we are told that what happened to these cities, will be an example of the fate of the wicked go ahead. And then we can deduce that the wicked, just as the residents of the two cities will burn and turn into ashes, and the complete destruction is perpetual. Then the consequence is eternal, and not fire.
The term "unquenchable" used in Matt. 3:12 and Lk. 3:17, says, therefore, that no one could extinguish the fire, it was "insatiable", before it had done what it was intended, namely to burn everything to ashes. Jeremiah tells us that God would kindle a fire in the gates of Jerusalem who could not go out. The prophecy was fulfilled when the city was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. The fire burned so long as there was nothing to burn. When we see how the Greek word eternity "aionios" is used in connection with the fire at the end of the world, we see that it is perpetual fire devastating effect, as emphasized, not its duration.
A parable
It is argued by some that the story of Lazarus gives rise to the damnation that respects torment. This story is a parable, which means that it is a fictitious and false history, intended to communicate an idea. About parable of detail should be construed as real, we would be left with an absurd theology, which does not match the rest of the Bible.
The parable of Lazarus builds on elements of contemporary folklore, and intend to show that our choice for eternity must be taken while we live. Afterwards it is too late. Jesus used frequently by both proverbs and oral stories when he would get his listeners to make a spiritual principle.
The idea that a man has an immortal soul, came into the Hebrew thinking, from pagan philosophers, in the mid-Testament period, but has no roots in the Old Testament writings. If other parables in the Bible would relent objective truth points, we should have problems with that Jesus is both a bread and a lamb, that heaven is a coin, that God's children are salt, that God's Word is corn.
We must not make the biblical parables to real events to satisfy the Catholic dogma of purgatory. Somehow it went in late to scare people into buying indulgences (forgiveness of sins).
If I were to believe that God takes pleasure in torment for all eternity, the people he loved so much that He gave His life to save them, then I had to rethink all biblical statements about God's love. If a man when he is deeply and sincerely loves a woman, and his love is not reciprocated, seeking to inflict her maximum pain and suffering, any expert psychiatric diagnosis, "permanently impaired mental faculties with strong psychopathic traits."
God does not deserve a better description than that?
If I believe that God is so, would heaven and Christianity soon lose much of its attraction for me. Then I would probably fill my mind with all the reasons why it probably was not a God after all. Or I would be a Christian of sheer panic for fear of being tortured for all eternity. All we know how bad it is and burn. The idea that the body would burn forever, while all pain sensations are intact, can make anyone crazy.
With this faith, I would probably seek out Christian communities who told that salvation, to avoid talked destiny, is simple and easy to accomplish. This is probably the reason why congregations with an easy, superficial and unbiblical preaching salvation, eg. "Once saved, always saved" often attracts people who believe in and are afraid of eternal punishment, which for many is the main motive for being a Christian.
But then also this doctrine of a pagan foreign element in Christianity, and should probably be given much of the credit for the atheism progress and for the unprecedented growth Humanist Association can enjoy. But if this understanding of the Bible is recognized as pagan, I'm the one set free to love and appreciate God and Jesus, not from fear of pines, but of admiration for his character and love. When he appears not as a malicious psychopath who delights in tormenting others, but as a loving father who did not want to force or manipulate someone. Yes, he respects and even those who say no to his offer.
All sin and must be eradicated. No one who has not been possible to distinguish from their sin, like it can survive in the presence of God and find joy in living in the new earth when all sin is gone. So he lets those who choose not to be saved, be as though they had never lived. (End of quote).
7) Related doctrine of purgatory.
The great robber church that the Catholic church is, the more learning that builds on their heresies such as purgatory and hell-doctrine as "hanging" in together! It is and remains unbiblical to believe in both the doctrine of purgatory, eternal hell and a triad of God that all is Catholic heresy!
8) The lake of fire will eventually be destroyed, together with all who have been his end there.
Joh. Obvious. 20. 11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and sky fled away, and it was not found for them. 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And if anyone does not exist written in the book of life, when he was cast into the lake of fire.
But what happens in the end with the lake of fire, and those who are in the lake of fire? Scripture answers:
Joh. Obvious. 21. 4 and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither sorrow or crying and no torment shall be no more, for the former things are passed away. 5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he saith unto me, Write: for these words are trustworthy and true.
Scripture says, "for the former things are passed away." Lake of Fire and those that are there, are gone forever! God does "Behold, I make all things new." Everything is as new, the lake of fire is gone, and God the Father creates and makes everything new. Then there is no space and room for some wicked and unbelieving. Satan, the fallen angels, demons and all the people who had their names written in the book of life is gone forever!
2 Pet. 3. 11 Now when all this solubility, where have ye seek after holy conversation and godliness, 12 as I await and hasten God's day come, whereby the heavens shall solubility fire and celestial bodies melt in your brand! 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
Everything will dissolve and disappear, and only the God Father himself is behind, will pass and be forever! In the King James translation reads: "destroyed" which means to be destroyed. Lake of Fire shall then in other words, be destroyed, it icludes all that is there. Word solubility basic text is lyomenōn. It means: to have something like a give up or lose something. In other words, the Lake of Fire will be gone as something that once had but a loser!
Final Comment: Could Still on this subject much, much longer. But I urge you to study this topic in this article and the related articles. And another both on the blog and our website. Have more questions? Send them by e-mail or SMS to us at:
Questions may be sent by email to me or SMS. Jk.chris @ SMS: 99598070. Good luck and afterwards you can blog and make comments and new questions. God bless you and yours in the Lord Jesus Christ! Also, go to our website Smyrna Oslo:
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