fredag 30. august 2019

No. 1450: According to a lawyer who has expertise in real estate, believes that we have good opportunities to win against the City of Oslo by suing them for torture and burning in connection that they have given us verbal commitment to build the wall!

No. 1450:
According to a lawyer who has expertise in real estate, believes that we have good opportunities to win against the City of Oslo by suing them for torture and burning in connection that they have given us verbal commitment to build the wall!

Picture of Erna Solberg who said the following: "Trust - it's typically Norwegian, that.
A raw society, where we see each other and stand up for each other.
This is the kind of Norway I want. "

Had a longer conversation with a lawyer that I will not name as he has not received any assignment from us. Which meant that we have good opportunities to win against the City of Oslo by suing them for torture and sting in connection that they have given us verbal commitment to build the wall!

That means they have to pay us to have the wall set up and apply to keep it. As well as tearing it down and the trial they have to pay if we win.

The conditions for damages for tort and stealing, that is, redress are provided in Section 3-5, Paragraph 1 of the Injury Compensation Act.

§ 3-5 (Compensation (redress) for non-financial damage).

Well I should not go too far with this since I am not a lawyer.
But since we have been given oral permission to build on an old wall, no application is required. Since the consequences are so great that we have to tear everything down to PBE's demand. Then I / we have the right to receive so-called "cheapness compensation" because we have been brought to light by the planning and building authorities here in Oslo.
(quote at the end.)

Now I hope, pray and proclaim victory, that everything will be fine. But it was interesting to hear this lawyer who believed that suing the County Assembly is very difficult to win.


We live in a society based on trust. Say that I / we should have known better when we were given verbal commitment to build the wall on top of the old wall. It also bears witness

According to this lawyer, I had several good points. that we in Norway live in a society based on trust.
The fact that PBE chooses to completely disregard this makes my reasoning stronger.

Final Comment:

Erna Solberg said the following: "Trust - it's typically Norwegian, that.
A raw society, where we see each other and stand up for each other. This is the kind of Norway I want. "

In other words - just the opposite of the City of Oslo and the Planning and Building Agency here in Oslo.
Which does not live up to this, in fact the opposite!
Here I have trusted a municipal employee - blindly - it has really been punished!

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