fredag 28. august 2015

No. 1017: Why Evangelist Finn Arne Lauvås wished I was drowned! In other words was silenced!

No. 1017:
Why Evangelist Finn Arne Lauvås wished I was drowned! In other words was silenced!


Jesus was also hated by so many, so it's probably the lot in life also his followers should expect to get ?!

When also the authority begins to hate a person, as we all know ourselves, that's exactly what Jesus himself said in advance would and had to happen. But we as believers, we look forward to the upcoming world and the judgment in which God will judge all these wicked and hateful people.


2 Pet. 13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.


Can Christians be so against each other they ask me?

To that I can only say, unfortunately yes!

After I wrote this about Finn Arne joining as good as a believer and preacher, but today is a heretic who stands for something completely different than what he stood for before and what God's word teaches and teaches us about Israel.


Now they hated Jesus - they hate me - that's exactly what Jesus did, we could expect. They get the authority on this hatred, it is just the same as Jesus experienced. Here I go in Jesus' footsteps both from experience and based on what he learned.


Joh.e. 7. 7 The world can not hate you; but me it hates, because I testify about it that its works are evil.


World hated Jesus - and still does. But Jesus says something more:


Joh.e. 15. 19 were of the world, the world would love its own; but because ye are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.


I hated being so, it is only because I belong to God, not for any other reason. This hate to be so strong that they, inclusive think they are serving God with this hate.


Joh.e. 16. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, there comes a time when whoever kills you will think that he doeth God service. 3 And these things they will do because they have not known the Father nor me. 4 But these things have I spoken unto you, that when the time comes, ye may remember that I told you; these things I said not unto you from the beginning, because I was with you.


Imagine, they'll go as far as they can. And they think they serve God, but they serve and belong to Satan those who are doing such a thing!


I'll try to briefly explain this, how it all happened.


I and my family were on Reunion at Tromøya at Arendal in 2009 Sky and Sea with Evangelist and jester Jornstrand. When to unwind and listen to the preaching.

Where was Finn Arne and taught and preached in several meetings, but it had come something new and strange in there that was not there before in his preaching. But I was positive, still against him and what he taught and preached.


Photo of me Jan Kåre Christensen as unfortunately so many hate the so-called Christian when I both stand for and preach God's word clear, straight and clear!




After a meeting I was and Finn Arne out to eat Pizza in Arendal, where he began to publish the strangest views up and about Israel. I was still posetivt to him, after all it was he who led me through the baptism of the Holy Spirit in which I spoke in tongues and was filled with God's Spirit.


It was he who baptized me when I was 17 years old.


I was 17 years old when he baptized me. This was in April 1982 and I was 18 years on August 3, later in the year. Right before I started a Bible school in Smyrna.


After the meeting in Arendal so I bought ca. 10 CD of him where he teach about Israel. Then I realized that he was a replacement theologian full extent. This is nothing else than heresy from beginning to end!

We sent SMS to another, and this did not Lauvås, he began writing brusquely to me. There was something between us come that was not there before.

I was then on Facebook that I have not been in 5 years. Where during an exchange with other cooks it over for Lauvås. He writes something which I then reproduce freely. When I baptize you would I kept you so long under that you did not live up!

I confronted him about it afterward. And he believed that the flesh seemed so strong in me that if I did not change me, so he thought what he wrote. Since then we have had no well with each other to do?

It also testifies contrary Lauvås that he could not accept me as after all clung to the teaching and preaching as he once stood for himself and learned to like me one of his x disciple.

Thoralf Gilbrandt and Finn Arne Lauvås had discussed this on Israel a whole day together.

Want to bring a thing I remember, that think may be interesting for many. When I talked with Lauvås about his so-called new learning about Israel and the prophetic word. Then he said, inter alia, that he had shortly before Gilbrandt dead had to be with him an entire day when they "accidentally" stayed the same place when they had meetings a place here in Norway that I do not remember. Then said Lauvås that Gilbrandt stuck to the old delusions etc. he was now a man with a 'renewed' views on Israel as he ia had taken in Scotland. Talk about getting into delusion!

Final Comment:

Afterwards said Lauvås that he believed it so I was so in the flesh, that he would hold me down under the water so that my flesh had never been allowed to emerge. This shows how far he has fallen as desired with death because I contended with his unbiblical and Antichristian learn about Israel. But hate is stronger than love for many, when everything becomes then!

Here are some articles about Lauvås and topic about Israel and replacement theology.

Related links:

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