It is Israel and the Jewish people are the center of everything what God is doing!
But expenses for wrong choices is therefore a great!
But it is
so, then there are also the people, the people and what is happening in Israel
that both God and Satan "giants" and contrary to affect.
Photo by
John Hagee as an errant champion of Israel, but the tragic with him is that he
is re-married as believers. Then with a lady from the church who were much
younger than his first wife and correct. He is under God's judgment and wrath
with his life, he is no defender of Israel when he is not entitled Jew as the
apostle Paul spoke of.
Room. 2. 28
For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision which is
outward in flesh; 29 but is a Jew, he is a Jew, and circumcision is
circumcision of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; one whose praise is not of
men, but of God.
![]() | |
Pastor John Hagee with his second wife, Diana.
Jesus spoke in Matthew 24 disciples who were exclusively Jews, that what should characterize the period before his coming was delusion characters.
Who and how
will Israel deceived?
This is much
to say about. But in the spirit realm so takes a lot now in Israel, and far more
to come.
Not least
this with hauge load of deluded Pentecostal-charismatics who goes down, inter
alia, to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. Only where we have a strong
delusion that is with opening up even worse things will get, which is about to
Israel does
not ask anymore for truth, but who will stand up with them! Here there is a
huge deception, deception and besnæring.
requires basically no "friends". They need the Lord, and no other.
The fact
that Israel constantly wants allies, people who should "bless" them
and be a resource for them, basically this, they do not.
They need
people who believe in GOD, and follow what he has said, they need truth, not
Pentecostal-charismatic false prophets like John Hagee, Benny Hinn, Jan Hanvold
and other no blessing for Israel.
Israel is
afraid and defends itself from missiles from terrorists in the Gaza Strip that
aims to wipe out Israel, both as a people and nation. It is fully understandable.
But they are not aware of other dangers and things that build up in and around
their openness against the so-called Pentecostal-charismatic preaching that
spreads down there. The delusion it represents is fundamentally worse than
bombings by Hamas since these people and spiritual directions before spiritual
darkness and error with it!
The unclean
spirits toad prophet says the book of Revelation.
From my
commentaries Revelation 16 13 Then I saw that from the dragon gap and from the
animal's mouth and from the false prophet came out three
spirits like frogs.
Now frogs
afoot. We know what frogs do, they croak to each other. And just what do the
different nations. They will all remove Israel once and for all and be allowed
to believe, think and live as one wants.
There are
those who use this word to get it to be a satanic trinity therefore there is a
Divine Trinity.
To lie one
for themselves and others.
Here tales
about a Satanic quartets.
1.) The
dragon is Satan
2.) The
Beast is the Antichrist
3.) the
False Prophet as pope in Rome typifies
4.) The
frogs are an image of the Satanic and Anti Christian spirit that is at work
even today!
Hope you do
not build the Trinity on an Sataniskkvartet but it is possible that it is he
who is behind the Trinity which is an ancient Egyptian and Hellenistic
Here comes
really Trinity in from:
universal goddess.
sovereignty of the universal goddess of the Hellenistic World can not just
illustrated by the Greek Demeter and the Egyptian Isis, but also by Thurs the
2nd goddesses; the Syrian goddess Atargatis and the Phrygian goddess Cybele.
identified grekarane mostly with Zeus say consort Hera, but she lasted
attributed traits from other goddesses as well as TD Athena, Aphrodite,
lasted identified by grekarane with god-mother Rea and with Demeter, but as a
goddess in the close Austen lasted ho most associated with Atargatis.
goddesses visar how important feminisation Inga in pantheon was in Hellenism
(by Luther H. Martin), both as universal mother goddesses and goddesses for
those many women who participated in many different mysteries and cults. This
feminization should interactively comet to change.
To believe
in the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity which unfortunately most Protestant
churches and congregations have adopted is avgudsdyrkeri and violations against
God's word.
14 They are
spirits of demons performing miraculous signs and they go out to the kings of
the whole world, to gather them to the battle of God Almighty big day. -
everything will build up against this battle. Satan has for 6,000 years been
trying to destroy, infiltrate and muddle everything is God and what he stands
to work through.
But have not
succeeded and now he takes the spoon into her own hands and get everyone to
attack Israel. What Hitler and Germany failed. What many others have tried and
not succeeded, he settles everything on a card to make bay with the people!
"Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and who guards his
clothes, so he did not have to go naked and show their shame. "-
Now tales
Jesus into him coming like a thief. He is not a thief but he comes just when
Father says he will come.
1. Tess. 5.
1. But of the times and we do not need to write to you, brethren. 2 for you
know very well that the day comes as a thief in the night. 3 When they say,
"Peace and safety," then sudden destruction comes upon them suddenly,
as labor pains on a pregnant woman will give birth. And they shall not escape.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overwhelm you as
a thief. 5 For you are all sons of light and sons of day; we are not of night,
nor of darkness. 6 So let us not sleep, as do others, but watch and be sober. 7
For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, do it at night. 8
But we belong to the day, let us be awake, having faith and love; and for the
hope of salvation as a helmet. 9 For God did not destine us for wrath, but to
obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that,
whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. 11 Therefore
encourage and edify one another, as also ye do.
16 And they
gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
And then
everything will be decided here. The world's fate and on the way. Actually it
may to some extent to say that it was Waterloo for Napoleon will be for Satan
and Antichrist. It will stop them greater influence and sealed their demise.
Although to
the above location is the only one where the name Armageddon verbatim occurs,
then the Bible is still rich in facts that point to this place.
is composed of Do = roller Megiddo. Megiddo was a kananitisk city, situated on
a ridge in Issachar land (Joshua. 12: 21), but was still awarded the tribe of
Manasseh (Joshua. 17: 11).
It is
located in the valley that spreads himself at Carmel foot and called Jezreel
delete. This delete is like a triangle between the Gilboa mountain, Carmel and
mountains in the north. Both because of its considerable extent - approximately
four mil from east to west and two and a half mil from north to south - as well
as because of its location, it was eminently suitable for battle field. But
then also where most nations under the sun fought for supremacy in Western Asia
and watered Jezreel beds with their blood.
Two hærveier
from Damascus to Egypt gjennemskar plain. One came from Tabor, went below sea
Merom over Jordan and continued over the plain of Megiddo.
When Megiddo
lies at a tributary to the brook Kishon, so was this little stream called
"Megiddo water". Also all the plain called after this city
"Megiddo delete" (2 Chron. 35: 22). All this shows how important the
city was. "Do" means rock, height, and therefore Armageddon Megiddo
height. The word "Megiddo" s root meaning "nedhugge",
"clearing", "kill". The composition of "Have"
must therefore lead us to the conjecture that the word Armageddon is nothing
more than a place. Without doubt this is one badges to what has happened and
will continue to happen in this place, namely a nedhugning, cutting off and
destruction from the heights of heaven, or even perhaps: What is exalted shall
be thrown down (SMLG. Es. 2: 12 f.).
This double
meaning of the name is also in harmony with the nature of the events that will
take place at Armageddon in conjunction with the world's people finally crisis.
For, not only will all that is proud and exalted here be humble, but this
should happen precisely through an intervention from heaven. After someone's
opinion means Armageddon "Slaughter". The famous commentator Vitringa
says: Armageddon means "destruction berg".
Megiddo delete
must therefore yet again become the meeting place for the earth hosts, and
these will the Lord destroy "of the feast." Therefore Megiddo in
Hebrew is called Armageddon Megiddo not delete, but Megiddo height. The
composition of "Do" points thus both the strategically important high
ground on Jezreel delete and on the nature of the final slaughter to take place
there. Therefore Megiddo in the literal double meaning Armageddon.
Megiddo has
been the scene of many clashes. Dr. Clarke says Derom: "This delete has
equally from Pharaoh Nekos and Nebuchadnezzar time and as down to Napoleon's
campaign to Syria always been subject to war camp and combat fields. Jews,
saracena, crusaders, Egyptians, Persians, Druse, Turks and many other people
have set up their war tents and left their banners wetted by dew from Tabor and
Little Hermon ".
This is
easily understandable, for Megiddo is the meeting point for the great military
roads that connect Mesopotamien and Egypt with one another. The place is thus
the strategic point that constituted the key to Palestine. Also in the Egyptian
annals described Megiddo as a city of great strategic importance, and it is
said there, that its conquest was worth as much as a thousand other places'.
Wherefore also Solomon Megiddo specially fortified (1 Ki. 9: 15).
Megiddo is
significant in strategic respects, but still more significant is the place of
the Bible's point of view, as the place where God will judge the people world.
Here was God
in a wonderful way saved his people from midjaniterne (Dom. 7), and here also
found it remarkable meeting between Barak and Sisera place (Dom. 5).
It was at
the river Kishon as the prophet Elijah before making the great slaughter of the
priests of Baal (1 Ki. 18: 40). Here at Megiddo fell king Josiah Pharaoh Nekos
hand. After this defeat poem prophet Jeremiah a lamentation that should serve
as an example on the complaint again be heard in Jerusalem (Zech. 12).
"And he
gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue
Armageddon" (Rev.. 16: 16).
therefore the great judgment of nations take place. But we must not
substantially attach our attention by location name, but more thinking about
the events to be played out here.
is clearly the meeting place for the troops to be opbydes to controversy on the
Almighty dreadful day of judgment, but not even the expansive Megiddo delete
shall suffice for millionhærene. Just as Megiddo is extended to include the
entire Jezreel delete, so shall also Armageddon stretch himself equally over to
Israel berg. There will Gog's army encamp, and there shall they fall (Ezekiel
39: 2-4). And precisely thereby Megiddo to Armageddon.
The final
and decisive struggles will be fought outside the walls of Jerusalem (Zech. 12:
9 and 14: 2) in the Valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3: 12). Jehoshaphat means
namely Lord judge, ie providing right. In Joel 3: 14 called valley also for
Judgment Valley.
Scripture is very diligent in the use of names. They do not say too much, but
also not too small, and they are of unusually significant by exposition of
Scripture, where they occur.
Upon closer
examination of Jehoshaphat battle against Moab and Ammon (2 Chron. 20) should
find that this conflict in a significant manner similar battle of Armageddon.
All martial arts utilized nothing in this fight, the enemy army destroyed
himself in that one turned his sword against the other. "And the children of
Ammon and Moab stood up against the people of victories berg (edomiterne) to
destroy them and destroy them, and when they had done with the inhabitants of
Seir, they helped one against the other, to destroy each other" ( 2.
Chron. 20: 23). It was a gudsdom, Lord violation of the feast.
We must
notice this assembly when in the following tales about the battle of
Armageddon, and we must be clear eye that controversy will race around
Jerusalem, which in reality is the people's major storm centrum. Otherwise must
"battle of the feast" get to race on a continuous stretch from south
to north, from Bozrah among victories rock country of Edom to the rock in the
north who garlanded Megiddo. Isaiah pointed this out in Sec. 63, when he says:
"Who is
this that cometh from Edom, dyed garments from Bosra, this which is so glorious
in his garment, towering in the fullness of his power? Mig it, I who speak in
righteousness, mighty to save. - Why is your garment then red, and thy garments
as its where tread the winepress?
- Pers Karras
I have trodden alone, and of the people there was none with me, I will tread
them in mine anger, and brake trampled them in my fury, then sprøitet their
juices (blood) on my clothes, and my entire cladding got tarnished.
For the day
of vengeance was in my heart, and my gjenløsningsår had come. "
scripture with Es. 34: 1- 6 and Rev. 14: 19-20 also get the indication of the
length - 1600 stages, more than 25 mil - its distinctive meaning. We measure up
the distance from Bosra to Megiddo, we shall find that it precisely is 1600
stages. God's word will be fulfilled on time!
It is not
impossible that in a very near future will come to a special light on
Armageddon past. Prof. JH Bread Location and others have namely already from
year 1925 been employed with plans excavations of its ruins. These excavations
have now been going on for a long time, and it is hoped there to find new
sources for the study of the history of Israel.
(End of
All that is
about to happen is going to happen - both posetivt and negative - does not
happen randomly and haphazardly. There is a build-up to the whole.
Of course it
is not solely that Jan Hanvold, Benny Hinn or another Pentecostal-charismatic
preacher who will trigger this will happen down in Israel and the Middle East.
But there is no blessing, but rather a kind of curse it as the International
Christian Embassy and all other so-called Pentecostal-charismatic Christians
lead by "toad-spirits" over Israel. This is a form of structure that
both Popes, the Catholic Church, the false Pentecostal-charismatic preachers
and all other false believers go down to Israel to "bless" Israel
just like Balaam is this, if not worse than.
Not bless
Israel but curse!
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