No. 871:
God has given us humans a lifetime, to show whether we
are worthy he and shall live in the world!
I've gotten heard many times that I speak the
contrary, it goes so well for them! Then not my warnings be true and from God?
For this, I really just an answer, it is that we all
have to relate to the word of God and the teachings we find in the New
Testament with Jesus and Paul's teaching as the most important for what is
Biblical and New Testament teachings and beliefs.
Photo of Pastor and Bible teacher Derek Prince who
lived in sin when he married a lady who was divorced. But luckily for him, she
died before him. Maybe he was saved Nevertheless it? God was gracious, but with
her he remarried with, she lived in sin when she died. What about her? To live
in sin will separate us from God, and we will perish and not worthy of the
world! They shall not inherit the kingdom of God. This is what God's word
teaches and speaks about.
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Ruth and Derek Prince, his second wife who was
divorced. After word of God as living one in sin if one marries a divorced
Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. And whoever marries a divorced woman
commits adultery.
Scripture speaks that we ALL PEOPLE HAVE A LIMITED TIME
Psalm 90. 10 our years are threescore years and, when
there is reason of strength eighty years, its glory is labor and sorrow; hasty
had we run forward, and we fly away.
This is very important, God has given all people a
lifetime, and he makes his sun (read goodness and mercy) go over good and evil,
Therefore, we can be sure, that seeming wealth. And
inward wealth are two different things. We must never measure a single person
up against how "successful" or not he may seem to be. We simply can
not know when it will be like comparing bananas and apples, it does not go!
This is from my commentaries Hebrews 6. 1. Therefore
we shall now put behind us what we first learned about Christ and seek to reach
maturity. We will not re-lay the foundation and speak of repentance from dead
works and of faith toward God,
The church here was actually total wrong way. Instead
of going ahead with Christ they were about to return to Judaism. The foundation
of their Christian life was laid. Repentance from dead works really Gal. 2
Gal.2. 20 I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me
and gave himself for me. Dead works are obliged deeds, not out of an inner
2 or teach renselsesbad and laying on of hands, of the
resurrection and eternal judgment.
Renselsesbad belonged to the old covenant and the
shall not be practiced in the new covenant. It is the blood and the word which
currently has a purifying force for us. The Resurrection speaks of what awaits
us and of course that without Jesus was resurrected no salvation. The eternal
judgment speaks about life two outputs. Whether eternal life or eternal
destruction, it decides this is how one stands above Jesus Christ.
3 How will we proceed, if God will.
Now there are many things that suggest that Paul just
sent this letter and never got even come to Jerusalem and visit the church.
Yet, for a letter he wrote.
4 When someone has once again received the light, have
tasted the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit,
Here both he points glory of the new covenant and
simultaneously warns not to leave it. Light is to see that only Jesus saves.
The heavenly gift is Christ and the Holy Spirit are to
share in God Himself.
Joh. e. 14 23 Jesus answered: Whoever loves me will
keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our
home with him.
5 have tasted the good word and the powers of the
We are born and are preserved by God's word. God's
word is good and it unites us as believers. We as believers are the most
privileged people when we have tasted the powers of the world.
6 And they shall fall away, then it is impossible to
renew them so they left turns. They crucify himself Son of God afresh, and put
him to shame.
I mean this word and blasphemy against the Spirit is
in the same street. More here in the church had or was about to return to
Judaism. At the leaves one outside Christ. As long as a disengagement from
Christ, about a return to Judaism, one denies him or revile him. So is a no
past salvation and will be heading to perdition. But facing than away from
Judaism in from denying and empty blaspheme Christ, God takes accept a man and
be forgiven and become partakers of grace. Deliver one without passing Christ
is a unforsaken. Deliver one in Christ is a forgiven.
7 The earth that drinks in the rain that often falls
on it, and bear fruit for the benefit of those who cultivate it, receiveth
blessing from God.
Although a not penalized once so is the judgment to
wait. God is generous and lets his blessing also "frame" all!
8 But the soil bearing thorns and thistles, it is to
no avail. The curse is not far away, and it ends with it being singed off.
Here conjures author not to be unfruitful. Sooner or
later their choices have consequences. Christ is the fulfillment of all the Old
Testament and Judaism pointed forward to. It will never get any better than
9 But when it comes to you, dear friends, we are
convinced that there are better, and that you are on the way of salvation,
though we speak as we do.
They get no final judgment. But just as a youth who
must choose whether he \ she will follow parental way or her own way. How they
must make the choice again as Christians. Even after many years as a believer
must make choices.
10 For God is not unrighteous forget what you have
done, and the love you have shown his name by giving aid to the Christians, now
as before.
For me, the church in Jerusalem and the church in
Ephesus many commonalities. Both started the in a wonderful way and continued
as they began. But sooner or later must also elect new way forward. But God
does not look away from the good things we have done, but we can not live on it
today (Ezekiel 33).
(end of quote).
There are those who believe that if I am a true
prophet, accident befall the I speak against!
This is more Old Testament prophet service. The new
Testament prophet service may in some cases have this with him, but it's really
more the exception one rule. Scripture speaks of the righteous shall suffer
evil in this world.
While the wicked and false prophets, they should
really have a more and more! Not least on the material, where the false
prophets shall be trained to get into the most money and worldly goods and
This of course was simplified, but scripture speaks of
actually several places that the wicked and unsaved have an
"advantage" in this world.
Psalm 73. 2 But I nearly stumble,
kept slipping out.
3 For I
was envious of the arrogant,
I saw
that it was unjust well.
4 They are
without bothering to his death,
stomach is good and hearty.
5 They
suffer not like other people,
are not plagued like other people.
Therefore has the arrogance that chain around his neck,
are dressed in a costume of violence.
7 Sin
their coming of prosperity,
thoughts flooded.
8 They
scoff, they speak with malice,
they threaten violence.
9 The
promises mouth to the sky,
tongue dangers surrounding the earth.
Therefore facing people with them
sucks in their words.
11 They
say, "How could God know?
the highest knowledge of something? "
12 Such are
the unjust,
are always safe and increase their wealth.
13 In vain
have I kept clean heart
washed his hands in innocence.
14 For I
was plagued all day
rebuked every morning.
15 Had I
said: "How will I speak"
I had betrayed your children.
(end of quote).
Life here on this earth, it tells us things that goes
on "wrong for them" by what our faith would indicate. Here
experiencing Asaph, King David's most trusted songs compromising those living
away from God well not only good but very good. And in many respects they have
it better than those who believe and do with God, note; in this world.
The "success" in all areas, apparently. But
the one that goes with God, "fail." Now we will not go into depth
here, but for Asaf was this big problem. For his life of faith and relationship
with God. I do not answer and do not try to answer why it many times is such.
But what was "solution" for Asaf? There were two things. To enter
past God put everything before God in prayer and see what their end was. When
was the "problem" solved, and he was set free. We read further in
Psalm 73. 16 I thought after this I would understand.
was painful to watch,
17 until I
went into the sanctuary of God;
understood what future they get.
18 Yes, you
lead them on slippery roads,
get them to fall and be crushed.
19 Suddenly
they perish,
it is
the end, they end in horror.
20 They are
like a dream when one awakes.
despise the sight of them
traveling you, Lord.
21 As long
as I was bitter at heart
it stuck in the kidneys,
22 I was
stupid and did not know anything,
as a
fairy, I was against you.
23 But I am
always with you,
hold me by my right hand.
24 You
guide me with your counsel,
since you accept me into glory.
25 Whom
have I in heaven?
I'm with you, I do not delight in anything on earth.
26 About
body and heart perishes,
is forever my heart and my portion.
27 Those
who stay away from you perish,
will destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
28 But for
me it is good to be near God.
have taken my refuge in the Lord God.
will tell about all your deeds.
(end of quote).
Asaf did see that these front verdict, which we all
people to meet, after death. So it was out with them all that had taken refuge
in God and lived their lives for him. Scripture says:
Heb. 9. 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to
die, and after this the judgment.
This teaches Scripture that we all will die, then
judgment. How we "succeed" or "fail" in this world play a
subordinate importance, but how we have related to God's word. It is what
determines it all!
Joh.e. 12. 48 Whoever rejects me, and receiveth not my
words, hath nevertheless a judge: The word that I have spoken will judge him in
the last day.
Then judgment!
What when we stand within its God? How is it to? Will
our material wealth, education, excellence, appearance, friends or anything
else help? No, only our relationship to God and Christ, that is what is and
remains the decisive!
Final Comment:
I started this article by talking about we are worthy
of the world? We've got a lifetime on this earth if we are good or evil. To be
tried, and God will see how and who we are. From what we will all be held
I receive many questions. One of the exit if eg. those
who are re-married as Christians, that they will be saved? To that I can only
say what God's word says, they will perish if they are re-married and they die.
Why? For those living in sin, and no sinners reaches there. But God is not
merciful? Yes, he has given us all the opportunity to be saved through Jesus
Christ, but not out of the way of salvation which is ordained in God's own
But God is also merciful. I know that Bible teacher
Derek Prince married with a separated and thus lived in sin. But there she died
before him, maybe God saw mercy on him so that he lost his life's work, but was
Nevertheless it saved? I think we all have to try ourselves within its God
keeps our life goals, or does not it?
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